Topic: Throw Off The Shackles!!


Date: 2008-01-09 15:17 EST
Rumors had begun to circulate down at the docks that yet another Kidd was campaigning for governor. While it was indeed true that Stephen was campaigning, the basis of his campaigning was off. Standing on a large wooden crate Stephen gestured emphatically as he spoke to a horde of people gathered around.

"Me friends I stand before ye today implorin' ye tae consider yer future within this city! There is currently in this city several people campaignin' wha' tae be yer Governor. Is there but one o' them tha' could be pointed out as a 'onorable man, or woman' The answer me friends be NAE!! They do nae come humbly before ye tae serve, but proudly seekin' 'onors fer themself."

Stephen pauses pointing to a large barrel chested man.

"Ye mister Adler...Do ye need me tae tell ye 'ow tae conduct yer business, tae set policy in yer own life?"

The answer came back a solid no as the big man shook his head.

"Do any o' ye need someone wha' doe's nae even know ye tae tell ye 'ow best ye migh' live?"

This time the answer thundered back at Stephen as the people shouted no in one voice.

"There be a essay tha' I 'ave been readin' titled Civil Disobedience written by a man named Thoreau. 'E says an I be inclined tae agree. ?"That government is best which governs least.; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out it fairly amounts to this which also I believe- That government is best which governs not at all."

"Soon the elections shall be upon us an' the people in power will ask us tae blindly line up a' the pollin' places an' cast our ballots fer someone wha' be nae fit tae pour piss from a boot wit' the instructions printed on the heel. I say NAE!!! We do nae show up..we do nae vote, an' we send a message tae these 'onorable men that we dun need nor consent EVER!!! tae any rule but our own!!!!"

The crowd roared loudly with their cheers as Stephen finished and stepped down from the crate.

Karen Wilder

Date: 2008-01-10 13:12 EST
Shortly after the Captain stepped down and began to leave....a tall, gray-haired man in a red cloak stepped out of the crowd into the small clearing and began to speak.

"When the press-gangs come to take your sons....who stands against them?"

There was some uneasy muttering from the crowd and the man pointed out at them. "Who patrols the streets at night, doing everything they can to keep the thieves and arsonists in check?"

A young man in the crowd spoke up. "The Watch does that."

"And without a Governor to oversee things, how will the Watch continue" Without taxes to pay them, do you think the Watch will keep working?"

Another man yelled out. "The Templars patrol, and they don't ask for taxes."

"The Templars do good works, but are few in number....imagine what they could do if one of their own were Governor!"

A few cheers broke out.

"Elect Commander Wilder as Governor! She has always looked out for you, and will continue to serve your interests!"

The cheers grew louder and Andre, the gray-haired man, smiled.

Anastas Iskandorj

Date: 2008-01-10 22:08 EST
"No! Wait!" A young man shouts out. He's a bit dirty and disheveled, and on his arm is a red armband with the golden seal of the SUPR.

"Is that really what you want' They're a militia! What guarantee do we have that they'll serve the city!" This seems to quiet people down.

"The Watch works for us, and our taxes feed their families. But who feeds the Templars" Who do they work for" They only answer to Wilder. But who does she answer to' Where does the money come from that feeds them?"

"If one of the Templars was governor, then who would watch them' It's always the same! Who watches the watchmen?"

"If you elect somebody because they have an army, how do you know that this army will end up protecting you? Maybe they'll just protect you out of everything you own."

Somebody shouts from the audience. "But the Governor's got her own army. That's the Watch! So what?s the difference?" "The difference is that the Watch works for us, not for the Governor. If the Governor asks them to do something wrong, then they won't do it - and if we don't like what the Governor does, we can vote the Governor out. But the Templars are loyal to their leader - how can we make sure they'll do the right thing for us?"

"They wouldn't be the first bunch to lull the people into a false sense of security. They're not loyal to us, they're loyal to each other and to their leader. But the loyalty of the army should be to the people! Otherwise, it's just a king who rules by decree!"

"Is that what we want' No! We need a government by the people, somebody who represents us! We need Iskandorj! He's not in the pocket of an army or a corporation or anything else! He represents us, and only us!"

The Power of Grayskull

Date: 2008-01-10 22:36 EST
"No, wait!" a new, entirely different man cries out. This one is definitely pretty odd looking, as he's got straw sticking out of his clothes. Indeed, he appears to be a man made entirely of straw. A strawman.

"My friends, is this really what we want' To be manipulated by planted protestors with a clear agenda"

Another man spoke up. "Wait, aren't you a planted protestor with a clear agenda?"

The man, made entirely out of straw as he was, fell over onto the ground.

"Huzzah!" the second man exclaimed. "I sure did talk circles around that guy. Vote for me!"

"Hold on," a third man said. "All you did was knock down a strawman. You probably paid him to say that in the first place. Just cause you made a big show about arguing his inconsistent premise hardly means you scored an actual victory. All you did was set yourself up to sound meaningful by arguing against people who were secretly on your side to begin with."

"Nuh-uh," the second man retorted.

"Yeah," the strawman said from the ground. "Bill didn't pay me nothing so I'd make him look good. He's a pal, so I did it for free."

"Damn it, Jack!" the second man sputtered.

"Oops," the strawman said. "Did I just give away the trade secret?"

"You sure did," said the third man. "Nobody's falling for it. We all know you propped up that strawman just so you could knock him down and sound important."

"Well what about you?" someone from the crowd called out. "Aren't you doing the same thing?"

"Oh no," the third man said. "I'm using parody to make a political point. That's entirely different."

Then the third man bowed to the crowd and raced off into the night, leaving many wondering what the heck had just happened.

And maybe some of them decided to vote for Wolvinator. It's possible, right"


This obviously fabricated bit of theater was paid for by the Power of Grayskull committee to elect Wolvinator for Governor, in association with the Rhy'Din Citizens for Truth, and the Society for the Promotion of Literal Interpretations of Logical Fallacies and Poor Debating Tactics.


Date: 2008-01-11 06:52 EST

One woman with flaming red hair stepped forward. Turquoise eyes regarded all the ringers and plants in the crowd.

"There is a point to not voting at this point. We have had two candidates result to strawmen and plants in the crowd in order to sway the people to vote for them."

She turned those eyes onto the man in the red cloak. "You, tell me why we should believe in a Templar that sets themselves as the moral candidate and yet practices such unhanded, deceitful tactics in order to garner votes. It seems the lesson of the first election were not learned....Or learned far too well."

She then turned to the young man with the red arm band. "You! Why should the people vote for yet another deceitful candidate that would rely on smoke and mirrors to puff up his own support and prominence. He did not even focus his views on the people that did show because there was not as many as they expected...

"Then let us not forget that this candidate choses to base his platform on the taxation of Imports. He won't be hurting the merchants that bring them in, as they have other ports to bring things into. His plan will only hurt the people in the long run! It will inflate prices on items we do not have the capabilities to produce....It will not stimulate the local economy!"

She turned to the crowd...

"Vote or Not! You alone have the power to determine who takes office. DO not be swayed by Smoke and Mirrors. DO not be swayed by unhanded tactics. You have the power with your voices and Votes! Exercise it how you see fit and make your voices heard.

Make YOUR Choice based on who you think is the best choice!"

She smiled to herself and awaited the results. She had no problems stepping to the fore and speaking out with the truth.

After all, the truth is a very powerful weapon.


Date: 2008-01-11 10:34 EST
The chill grew in the air, as a single black uniformed figure stepped forward into the chaos of the rally. "My fellow citizens..." The dark form began. "The speeches given today are full of remarks regarding a few of the candidates running for the honerable office of Governor." The auburn eyes of the man shot a wink to the red headed woman.

He turned back to the crowd, with whom he was eye level. "However, each remark, each statement is meant to sway you to their side of the arguement." He moved through the crowd, his arms folded behind him. "We have one that says do not vote, one that states a vote for the Templars will protect you. One that calls for revolution."

"One that points out that everyone has an agenda." He stopped amongst the crowd. It was strangely quiet, and few responded to him. "But..." He smirks darkly. "I am here to say, of those running for office, none of them are going to do as they promise. None of them can."

There were mutterings and murmers around him. "They say they will not raise taxes" Interesting...How will the government employed by the governor get paid" How will the Watch build their numbers to protect and clear the streets?"

He moved towards the front of the crowd. "The Knights offer protection and safety. Wonderful. But at what cost will that protection come" When they cannot do as they say, what cost will you surrender to allow them to protect you?"

He continued to move through the crowd. "Those that want a revolution, who want the city to embrace truth and freedom above all else. They see corruption and deception in every thing they touch. How long before they begin to peer into your life to make sure you are not corrupt?"

He moved towards the center of the crowd once more. "My fellow citizens, there is no point to this. They make promises, but they will not be able to keep them. They will only cause further harm to the city, cause additional pain and suffering where there is none." He shook his head slowly, catching the eyes of those around him. "Many of you see the truth of what I am saying. You know that if we listen to these people, we will vote in a fool. Who is the more foolish, I ask you? The fool we elect, or the foolish citizen that follows him."

He turned again to sweep his gaze over the crowd. "I have listend to speeches, I have listened to rallys. Those that speak the loudest, are only singing the praises, so they can get elected." He shook his head once more. "You wish for a noble leader to guide this city' I say 'why"' For the city is already great! These last few months, has the city not been raided and smashed. And yet, we still thrive! Our current governor has done nothing to protect us!" There was fire now in his words.

A few others in the crowd began to watch him more carefully. "The Watch, the City Guard do nothing to keep us safe. The Knights Templar watch on the sidelines, keeping to their own grounds, to their own agenda. Leaving the city to burn!" He shook his head once more. "Why now, do they offer their 'protection'...So they can get their leader into office. And we will suffer."

"The city has been scared, but it heals. It has been burned, but it thrives. The fools who wish to be elected will do nothing, can do nothing for they do not have the power. The Watch and the Guard will continue to be ineffective. The Templar will only protect if you elect their leader. The revolutionaries will only bring the Watch and the Guard into their fold, so they may Watch their own interests - not yours, not mine."

He began walking to the back fo the crowd. "My fellow citizens, those that speak the loudest, that say the prettiest words - they can do nothing they say. When the time comes for them to answer for their ineffectiveness, will any of us be alive to see it?" And the dark form moved away from the crowd, his arms remaining folded, as the crowd was in stunned silence.

Karen Wilder

Date: 2008-01-11 12:54 EST
Andre smirked at the red-haired woman's words. "Make no mistake....I am in fact a friend of Commander Wilder's. But a plant in the crowd" Hardly. A long-time resident of Dockside who saw a crowd gathering and came to listen....and then to add my own point of view."

He waved his hand dismissively. "You talk as if anyone who speaks out is on the payroll of a candidate, never thinking that someone might speak out simply for that which they believe in."

When the dark-clad figure stepped forth, Andre listened politely to his words....frowning at times, smirking at others.

"How quickly they forget....or are you so new to the city that you do not remember the attacks by the Myr'Kul cult?" He gestured out to the crowd. "How many more might have died if, when so many were content to stay in their beds, the Templars did the same?"

"The Templars suffered grave losses during that time....I know, I was there. And during the time Shakira was Overlord....who shored up the Watch' Who pursued the muggers and chased off the press-gangs?"

Andre looked directly at the dark-clad figure now. "You claim the Templars keep to their own grounds....yet their patrols cover the whole of the city. You say they only now offer their protection....yet they have aided in the defence of the people since the day they arrived! You say our current governor has done nothing to protect us....yet she fought the zombie invasion head on! You say the Templars will only protect if we elect Commander Wilder....yet she herself has said otherwise, and called upon the other candidates to do the same."

"I know your kind, Doom-sayer....You thrive best where laws are weak. You would like nothing better than to have the Watch return to the pale shadow of what it could be....ineffectually struggling to protect the common people while slavers shout of their 'freedom' to take whomever they wish and vampires kill indiscriminately with no regard to the law."

He looked back to the crowd again. "I ask you to vote for Commander Wilder because I know her....because I have fought alongside her. If you believe that some other candidate is better suited, then vote for them. But whatever you Make your voices heard. If you are uncertain, seek out the candidates themselves and bring them your concerns. Vote....because to do nothing when you could do something....that is the greatest mistake of all."