Topic: Words From Behind Bars

Robert Kidd

Date: 2008-02-08 10:57 EST
"Friends, Friends please allow me tae speak!"

Robert held his hands up trying to quiet the growing mob.

"Listen tae me, fer these be the words o' Stephen Kidd. 'E writ these down shortly afore 'e were arrestted fer jus' this occassion."

The crowd calmed a bit, then began to crowd towards the barrel Robert was standing on so they could better hear him. Reaching into his coat pocket, Robert pulled out a folded piece of paper. Looking over the crowd Robert unfolded the paper, cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Now is nae the time fer rash actions. Now be the time fer ye all tae open yer eyes, an' tae see, tae open yer ears, an' tae hear. My friends a' this time I will be away from ye all, under lock an' key fer the worst possible crime, a thought. This be exactly the reason I started such a campaign fer a vote o' nae confidence. We are subject tae the worst sort o' tryany, nae the tryany o' a absolute sovergien, but the tryany o' the abomonation know as bureaucracy. Fat men wha' sit on thier 'ands while the city goes tae 'ell in a 'andbasket. Fer a year now we 'ave seen 'ow many murders" 'Ow many o' the children go tae bed a' nigh' wit' thier belly stuck tae thier spine" Wha' good 'as 'avin' a governor done fer any o' us? Still murders go on, our women raped, our city weak an' coruptable. We mus' nae look fer someone else tae 'elp us in our plight, we mus' look to ourselves tae look after our own affairs. No confidence is not a easy choice friends, it requires work, ye must be willing tae nae turn yer back an' tae leave thin's fer someone else tae worry about. Nae jus' the opposite. Ye mus' see wha' is wrong an' be willin' tae fix it yerself. 'Ave faith friends tha' still yet may the powers tha' be see fit to place our choice on the ballot."

Robert finished reading the letter, then looked around to the crowd.

"I'd li'e tae add a few words o' me own as well. Ye all 'ave undoubtedly 'eard the gossip o' one o' the canidates speeches where 'e clearly attacks me brother. First o' all Stephen is the one behind this cause, 'e started it by 'imself, other 'ave jus' rallied tae the cause. Stephen 'as nae e'er touched a member o' the watch, nor committed any criminal act." There was a murmor of laughter from the crowd. Even Robert had to grin.

"Fine nae criminal acts concerning the vote o' nae confidence. Stephen 'as nae motive save fer one. 'E will nae stand tae bein' the slave o' a government tha' consistantly fails it's people. I could go on fer longer about the lies tha' some would say about Stephen tae further thier political career, but ye all know the truth o' Stephen. Remember friends...NO CONFIDENCE!!!!" Robert thrust his fist into the air as the crowd errupted in cheers.