Topic: You Say You Want a Revolution


Date: 2008-01-30 07:29 EST
Stephen sat at the back table of the Powder Keg working on his first Bleary Mary of the day while discussing aspects of the days planned demonstrations throughout the city with Robert.

"Aye a protest outside the governers office be fine, but 'ave them stay away from 'er house we mus' keep this all civilized if we wish tae be taken seriously."

Robert nodded at his brothers words.

Stephen leaned in speaking low so only Robert could hear.

"'ave a few men ta'e out the Fury an' yer Fiddlers Green intae the harbor away from the docks once they unload the "cargo". Send word tae Donnie tha' it migh' be wise fer 'im tae send out the Fallen Angel as well."

Looking to Stephen curiously Robert replied.

"Ye really thin' thin's migh' get outta 'and?"

Stephen took a drink of the ale and tomato juice mixture.

"Ye ne'er can be tae sure wha' will 'appen Robert."


Date: 2008-02-02 05:51 EST
Robert and Stephen entered the Inn by way of the front door, no singing, no swaggering...okay well a little swaggering but all in all they came on in just like any normal person would.

Alain's gaze lingerd on the Kidds, Robert in particular, but he said nothing. Moveing through the break in the bar, and glances at Maerissa and starts to speak to her.

"Damn ye would 'ave though' they would 'ave put all those fires out first an' then worried about roundin' up people tae arrest." Robert offered to Stephen as he headed behind the bar. "Yer usual big brother?"

Stephen nodded in response to Robert's question. "Aye tha' would be fine. Ne'er underestimate the ability o' government tae be completely an' utterly wit' out reason."

Robert slid a bottle of port across the bar to Stephen and then fixed himself a mixture of gun powder and rum in a large tankard. He gave a nod at Stephen's wisdom, then jerked his head towards Alain. "This be the kipper wha' threatened me fer defendin' the sanctity o' me laundry."

"You tried to murder a man in cold blood, and you're lucky Glenn wasn't killed," Alain replied flatly to Robert, attention tearing away from Mae at once. His hand, though, rested on his left side, in case the brothers had murdering in mind.

Removing the cork from the bottle with his teeth, Stephen looked over at Alain as he sit the cork upon the floor. "Ye dun say' I am only surprised 'e were the only one tae threaten ye Robbie." He smiled at Alain. "Now Alain if'en we did nae cause mayhem an' chaos one migh' ferget we be pirates. Jus' a lil harmless fun were all I am sure."

Robert took a drink of the odd concoction, which leaves a black powder mustache on him. "Aye it ain't li'e I tried tae kill anyone important."

Alain relaxed his hand, nodding to Stephen, trusting him more than Robert. "Just be careful," and there was even something of a smile. He opened the till for Maerissa, and sets the bottle in front of her. Mindful of the till snake, his hand darting out of the way of a little love bite.

"Li'e the ale or rum man," Robert added.

"Isn't killing a bartender in RhyDin punishable by death?" Eyebrows climbed at the pirates. Faint chuckle on his breath.

"Good point Robert good point indeed, though I would 'ave killed ye meself 'ad ye ruined any port in yer adventures."

Stephen looked at Robert as he takes a swig of his wine. "Ye know since evidently I am wanted or somethin' ye migh' wan' tae tone it down a bit tonigh' Robert..."

Speaking to Mae, Alain didn't miss what Stephen had said. Flicker-gaze to Stephen....and back. Not like he'd bring in the husband of a friend, but he's still got to look.

Unbeknownst to Robert or Stephen there was at that moment a member of the city watch peering through the window. When he was absolutely certain that it was Stephen sitting at the bar he ran off to go inform his captain.

"Aye Stephen I will tone it down jus' a bit. Though if tha' hot arsed Issy comes in ye know I am going tae flirt." Robert's face blossomed into a lecherous grin at that.

"Oh dear god ye really do 'ave a death wish dun ye' I dun know 'ow ye can find 'er sae sexy 'er feet stink li'e week old fish left out in the sun," his brother shuddered.

Stephen's words made Alain chuckle, and he prayed Issy was not around to hear them.

"It dun be 'er feet I be interested in. Her booty be tigh' enough tae bounce a shillin' all the way tae Budapest," Robert replied.

Stephen arched a brow at Robert as he takes a drink of wine. "An' wha' 'appened tae Teagan bein' sex on wheels?"

Robert was about to reply when suddenly the front door was kicked open and in poured eight of the city watch. Robert's eyes went wide as the men came rushing in, his hand dropping to one of the pistols braced in his belt.

Alain froze when the door got booted, eyes snapping to Stephen - then to Robert. "Easy..." he warned them. "Think that'll only make it worse..." He excused himself from Mae and moved through the break, angling around the oncoming guards, keeping clear of them, and moving towards their officers, hands well away from his weapon. Might be recognized by the man, with all the detective work he has done.

A door simply slamming open would not have been cause for alarm, not in the RDI anyway, but by the look on Roberts face, Stephen knew something was wrong. His own hand moving to his belt even as Alain spoke.

"Easy, Stephen..." And then Alain asked the highest-ranking guard, "What's going on here?"

The guards fanned out as the leader spoke up. "Stephen Kidd! You are under arrest; please do not resist and make this easy for everyone."

"What are the charges?" Alain raised his voice, still looking at the leader.

The leader of the guards addressed Alain and all in the room who cared to know. "The charges are treason, inciting a riot and entering in a confidence with the purpose of conspiracy."

Alain took two steps closer and lowers his voice. "You know this'll only make things worse....just get him to call off the rioters...?" Pleading. "They'll go out of control after this..."

Stephen turned on his stool to face the guards, his eyes narrowed. "Tha' is a pile o' bullshite. Will ye arrest e'eryone wha' signed their names on tha' petition?"

Alain glanced at Stephen, and back at the officer. Really praying he can defuse this situation somehow.

The guards were looking just a little nervous as their leader spoke to Alain. "I can do no such thing. We will arrest this man and then we will crush this little riot. All the more necks to join his in the stretching."

Robert's hand hung over his pistol at his belt his fingers wiggling just a bit as he waited.

"You hang those men, and you'll bring civil war!" Alain's voice rose again, heatedly. "You'll bring more death to this city than one pirate's..." He looked at the back door, then at the two men. As he's behind the guards, he mouths to Robert, Run.

Robert got the signal from Alain and moved to take off and cover the door for his brother. The motion though seemed to set off the very jumpy nerves of one of the guards who drew his own pistol and fired a shot at Robert, taking him clean through the shoulder.

Alain's gun came out. He did not point it at anyone, but he shouted at the officer, "Call your men off before they get someone killed!"

Stephen looked to the spot where Robert lay, he was tempted to move to him but given the odds it would not be wise. Instead, he looked back to the trigger-happy guard.

The guard seems shocked as everyone looks at him. "I thought he was going for a gun..."

"Ye fool!" Stephen stood from his stool and stepped towards the guard.

"You lay one finger on that man," Alain indicated Robert, "and Kitty will hear about this." He growled at the officer, "For the love of"

The leader of the guard nodded to his men. "Do it now ...quickly. You sir stand down!" He looked at Alain barking at him, as Robert struggled to sit up.

"Like hell I will!" He replied to the officer. "You'll tear this city apart!" Though the pistol does return to its holster, slowly.

Several of the guards grab Stephen, and surprisingly he does not resist as the clap him in irons. Then men begin leading him out Stephen speaks to Alain. "Alain jus' please see tae Jewell she will wan' tae know."

Robert was standing now with help from a chair and looking on at the scene. "Stephen?"

Looking over his shoulder to Robert he commented. "Stick tae the plan, yer in charge now."

"We'll get you out of this, Stephen," Alain said to him. "I'll let Jewell know." And as he moved towards Robert, he pointed at the officer. "This won't be the last you hear from me, you son of a bitch. I'll see you thrown out on the street."

Kitty smacked her way in the front door with a well placed palm.

Robert was already backing towards the back door watching the guards file out, the sorry son of a gun who shot him being stupid enough to go last. With his left hand, Robert reached for the door and opened it his right he hoisted his pistol and shot down the idiot who had shot him. No sooner had the smoke cleared then he was gone off into the night.

At least she didn't use her claws on it. Kitty glanced over her shoulder and smirked at Harris as he entered, only to blink as Robert went past.

Alain's gun came back out at the shot, instinctively....but Robert was gone, and the guard was dead. He swore in his odd broken French.

Kitty arched an eyebrow as she looked around, then she heard Alain muttering something. "What in blue blazes is going on around here?"

"Your Watch arrested Stephen," he explained to Kitty as he moved towards the bar, collecting his coat. "They plan to hang him and every protester they can find."

"Because he's protesting the elections?" She arched an eyebrow. "Under who's fricken order?"

"The officer who just walked out past you would be my guess. His rioting has gone too far - but not far enough to warrant a hangman, not by a long shot." He tugged his coat on.

Kitty's eyes narrowed. "Don't worry....that'll be fixed."

He nodded softly, hoping it'll be fixed. He asked Kitty, "Do you know where Jewell is?"


Date: 2008-02-03 19:00 EST
Jewell's usual perfect timing, often attributed to the Luck of the Fae, failed her the evening her husband was arrested. She arrived mere minutes after the crux of the event only to be informed of what happened by Alain. They spent a precious few minutes discussing what was to be done along with Anastas, Kitty, and Basalt before Jewell returned from whence she came, home.

She tore through her closet, throwing aside frilly dresses and expensive fabrics alike. With a triumphant cry, she found what she had been looking for: an old pair of well worn, black, leather pants covered in pockets, buckles, and straps along with its matching vest and arm braces. She discarded the velvet dress she had been wearing, having no use for it now, only too happy to pull on those pants; they had been made to fit her like a second skin, by Elvish leather smiths, without limiting movement. The vest she pulled on over a long sleeved, black shirt, buckling the arm braces on over that as well. A pair of Elven boots'styled after human combat boots only made lighter, warmer, and more durable"were dragged out from behind her collection of heels and added to the outfit. The finishing touches were her weapons: the pair of pistols from Alain sat low on her hips, her long sword went on her back, short sword at her waist, two knives fit in each arm brace while small daggers were for her boots, and an assortment of other little surprises"including a few grenades she had taken from Alain, additional bullets, lock picks, and her brass knuckles"fit into the many pockets. She jumped in place a few times to make sure the weight was evenly distributed, braided her hair and pinned it close to her head, and was ready to go.

She cut through the streets of the city in a hurry, anger fueling her energy. How dare Stephen get arrested again? And how dare anyone arrest her husband! She was going to figure out where he was being held, tear the place apart take every single person who was holding him down, free him, and then shake him a few times for good measure. It was a beautiful plan"Jewell Ravenlock Kidd". She knew some would criticize her for it, but she really was not going off as half-cocked as it may have seemed. Even as she took another short cut towards the docks, grey eyes always on the lookout for any Watchmen or even the rioters, her mind worked at a whirlwind pace; she had not been trained in basic military tactics, guerilla warfare, and terrorist actions for naught, although she doubted that this was exactly what her teacher had had in mind. She knew that as much as she wanted to raze the city until she found Stephen, that it very well might take some time until she even had a target to go after.

Finding the docks barricaded had not been factored into any of her planning and threw a wrench into the whole operation. She had known that Stephen and Robert were planning something, but this" Oh, she was really going to kill her husband if the Watch didn't already take care of that for her. As the barricades were still going up, she slipped through with ease. Once within the Dockside area, though, she halted. She had intended to go to the Pride & Fury as her first stop to see if she could find any information on who exactly was out to get Stephen, the Powder Keg being second on the list. She had also intended to check in on Robert, see that his injury had been cared for, and then maybe punch him in the face for good measure. The current situation in Dockside changed that, though, so what should she do now"

She stopped one man she recognized as a regular at the Keg, ?"ey you! Who the hell is in charge of this mess?"

The man hesitated but as Jewell did not have an entourage of Watchmen with her and few would fail to recognize the blue hair, he answered gruffly, "Robert Kidd, lady, who'd ye think?"

Of course, who else? Before he was able to walk away, carrying supplies somewhere, Jewell grabbed his arm, "And just where may I find Robert Kidd?"

He tried to shake her off but her nails pressed into his arm, "Away tha' way," he waved her off.

"Thank you," she shoved him away from her, stalking off to find her no good brother in law. She came upon him instructing a few other men on where to bring a set of newly arrived canons. "The left side needs strengthening," she spoke up, "and I need a good reason why I shouldn't beat the life outta you for letting your brother get arrested"again."

Robert Kidd

Date: 2008-02-08 10:10 EST
Robert looked to Jewell and sighed. "Ye know it be Stephen's way tae often go off wit' a plan an' nae inform others o' the said in an' outs of the plan." There was really no arguement for that, as Jewell would know Robert's word were true.

"I know this much though. Stephen wants tae stay where 'e be until the elections start." Robert shrugged, and then reached for Jewell's arm. "Come on ye still 'ave a purpose down 'ere. Ye can 'elp me write me speech."

Hustling her along the street Robert opened the door of the Powder Keg, and pushed Jewell inside.

Inside the pub was a hub of activity, there were no strangers in here now, and the trap doors that led to the secret tunnels under the city were wide open.

Robert looked around as he escorted Jewell to a booth. "My god but I's be 'opin' me brother knows wha' 'e be doin'"