Topic: The Shadow Queen. (Part one.)

Phoenix Black

Date: 2014-05-31 19:19 EST
Addie peered up from the crib as the creature hovered over her tiny form. She chewed on her crib rail and made a few noises. The hooded statue of evil made no attempt to grab her. It simply stood there, in what could have been admiration of the small child. Silently, and slowly, it sat there with one covered hand resting over the other. A portal of shadows seemed to be open in the far side of the child's room. If Addie had the ability of the brain development, even she would have wondered what he'd been waiting on.

The child made a few squeaking noises as she tried to get his attention. Then, after moments of being stared at, she began to cry out. Tears, the forced kind, streamed down the baby's face as her tiny hands began to beat against the crib in the most frustrated of ways.

Myles, who sat off in the far corner of the room and ultimately remained unnoticed with her bright green eyes, shook her head . "Shut her up! Grab her and let's go before—"

A limb rose to silence her, and she lowered her eyes. Still, he had done nothing. It was beginning to look like he wanted everyone in the house to storm the room. She didn't understand....Didn't they come here for the baby' Myles flipped a lock of blonde hair from her face as she stood at the creeping shadows by the door. Was he blood thirsty' A soft sigh escaped her lips and she rested her hands upon her knees and simply sat there.

Moments later, the door opened gently. "Addie....Don't cry!"

Myles watched as that dainty, bare foot, sprung the trap. Shadows engulfed the woman, snaking around that feminine neck, holding her hands and legs in place. Jerks and bucks were deemed futile, as there wasn't yet a display of power that could get the woman out of this....Then Myles recognized her. She was the scary, loud one. The one that had come out of Martyr—the one that had broken Myles' hold. Her fragile little face became red as the shadows strangled the very life from her face.

The child began screaming her head off, "Maw mee!" The distorted name came out from the child's quivering lips, and Phoenix fought just a little harder. Her face began to chip and crack away as Phoenix found an alternate route to get out of the trap that had apparently been laid for her. Gasps and groans escaped her lips, and then a fist came. It punched her so hard, that blood had splattered against the floor, and it ceased her unorthodox methods of escape. Phoenix was limp, and had given into the shadows that bound her.

Shadow shackles that put Minoko's to shame, stayed around her wrists but the rest dissipated, leaving Phoenix falling into the figure's arms. He began to head off to the portal. And Myles looked back at the kid. Apparently, giving her a soul made her as passionate as obedient. "...Really' We're just going to leave the kid? Come on....You made it seem like she was what we were here for..."

As Myles looked at the sobbing child, the portal began to close behind the figure who had disappeared into it. Myles bit into her lip and sighed, following after. "Sorry, kid..."

Phoenix Black

Date: 2014-06-03 22:09 EST
Myles looked at Phoenix's sleeping form, remorse showing in those soulful green eyes. That was the thing about gaining the very thing that was craved for years and years. It's not always what you'd expect. She surely hadn't been prepared for the fit of emotions, desires, and regret that flooded her. Sometimes she wished she could erase her own memory—but she didn't have that gift.

A soft groan left her lips, and she clenched her fists and turned to stare hard at the faceless figure. "You can't just...You're making me break a promise!" Immediately, her mind went to Emlen. But why' Of all the messed up things that she'd done—Emlen was her biggest regret. "...You said we were going after the kid....You said nothing about the girl..." Myles whispered weakly, and turned her eyes away. She knew that she couldn't manipulate him the way that she had everyone else. "We can't hurt her.." Remembering the conversation with Aviana, she knew Phoenix was one of the many that were off limits.

"My dear Myles," the whisper hissed out of its face sounding no less horrifying than nails on a chalk board. "Please do not forget that everything I've done for you, can and will be reversed. It will be best of you not to question me."

Myles winced lightly, and turned her eyes away. A soft sigh left her lips, and she felt her fists, once again going into tight, white knuckled balls. "What do you want me to do?"

"Do not worry, Myles....I do not want to see her harmed," it whispered almost softer this time. "I want her as my bride. You will make her love me," it whispered and pointed at the girl, the phoenix, who had looked so peaceful. Phoenix had forever beauty, no amount of violence would change that. It would be impossible to believe she had been knocked in the face just moments ago. Now, she was healed, and would be up rather quickly, so time was certainly not on their side.

"I can't do that....I have memory control, and mind control....I can't actually make someone feel emotions, it's not how it works." Myles said, and she didn't like this idea in the slightest. Out of all the strange things that came from having a soul—fear was the worst of them all. The silence that followed was more agonizing than ever for her.

After a few moments, that hissing shriek of a voice rang back out. "Then make her think she loves me. Wipe her mind, change her memories...I want to be married to her by the end of the week....It is your job to make that happen."

Myles winced lightly and nodded her head. "Fine....I can do that..."

And she would...The second Phoenix woke up, she'd grab hold of her mind. Then she would wipe it—but not before storing every single memory on the backup disk that was her own mind. Then she would do the deed. Make Phoenix think she had loved this...thing all her life. It would be especially painful given the fact that she had seen all of Phoenix's memories. She knew that the creature was undeserving—she knew Phoenix would be confused for the rest of her life. She also knew that she herself was in danger, and the second she accepted that soul, there was no going back.