Topic: Angelic Intervention (AU Backstory)

Dean Winchester

Date: 2012-09-02 10:01 EST
Now that Dean had Sam and Ayden out of his hair, he could focus on what he felt needed to be done, without anyone thinking for him, telling him what to do, or making him feel guilty. He'd decided that the first order of business was answers, and though he trusted angels about as far as he could throw them, there was one he thought might give him the information he needed without dicking him around, and it wasn't Castiel. Summoning an angel wasn't quite the same thing as summoning a demon. All he really needed was the angel's name in order to call him and hope the angel was listening. He also had to hope he only got that one angel on the receiving end, but even if Zachariah was to show up, Dean was confident the angel couldn't do dick without Michael's say so. It was a risk, but a calculated one.

Before calling on the angel in question, Dean had taken precautions, spray-painting Enochian sigils on the doors and windows and pouring out a circle of Holy Oil on the floor, just in case he needed to contain his guest. He had drawn a banishing sigil in blood in an inconspicuous place, just in case he needed it. Once that was done, next came the awkward task of summoning the angel in question. Dean cleared his throat and gathered his courage. He wasn't big on praying, and this summoning business always felt like praying to him.

"Um....Gabriel, if you're listening, uh....I'd like a word." He waited, shuffling his feet awkwardly as he waited for something, anything that would tell him the angel had heard his summons.

Perhaps surprisingly, he got a prompt response. One moment the cabin was empty but for Dean and his preparations; the next, Gabriel, Archangel of the Lord and sometime Trickster, was standing beside him. "Would you mind keeping it down?" he demanded, flicking a finger toward Dean's throat to essentially shut off the hunter's vocal chords. "What part of "I'm in witness protection" didn't you understand the last time around, muttonhead?"

Finding himself suddenly unable to speak, Dean only glared at the angel, eyes narrowed in annoyance, wondering if he was even a little bit curious why Dean had called him in the first place, or if he was too busy worrying about his own safety.

Apparently quite pleased with himself, Gabriel turned his back on his summoner, moving through the 'borrowed' cabin. "Dean, Dean, Dean ..." he sighed mockingly, looking up at what seemed to be a bear's head mounted on the wall. He turned back to the hunter. "Nice digs." The sarcasm was palpable. "If you're looking for a way to end it all and save that sweet little sister of yours, you called the wrong angel." His fingers flicked in Dean's direction again, ending the spell. "Please, try to keep announcing my presence to the cosmos to a minimum."

Dean gasped as he found the use of his vocal chords restored, looking relieved for about half a second before his face darkened again. "I should have known better than to call you. You've got your head too far up your own *ss worrying about your own skin to be any use to me. Is there anything else you care about deep down, other than your own family squabbles?"

For a moment, there was a flicker of anger in the archangel's eyes. "You don't know jack about my family." It was a warning in itself. The world might be ending, but to Gabriel" His family was on the verge of tearing itself apart. How many youngest siblings could cope with that with any kind of dignity' Yet a moment later, he was back to his usual smart*ss self. "But seriously' You wished for me" Want another round of Nut-a-Cracker?"

"I know a lot more than you think. I know you're the baby of the family who ran away from home when your siblings wouldn't stop fighting. Well, boo f*cking hoo. What gives them the right to pull us into their squabble" But then, your whole family is dysfunctional, starting with Dad, isn't it' You know what you should have done" You should have gotten them some family counseling sessions. Works wonders, I'm told."

"Shoe's on the other foot now, isn't it?" Gabriel snapped back at the angry hunter. "Where's Gigantor, Dean' Or your other little friends and so-called family' Nowhere to be found. Now who's the one running away, from your family, from your responsibilities?" His arms spread wide as he glared back at Dean. "You and your brother are the only ones who can stop this from turning into the annihilation of the human race, and you're too busy weeping into your soda, like a couple of geeks at the prom."

Dean didn't let Gabriel's insults bother him; he'd heard them all before. He didn't so much as flinch, his only reaction a slight narrowing of his eyes as he moved a step closer. "Let's cut the crap and get down to business, shall we" I called you here because I have a proposal."

"Sorry, I'm not into dudes." The reaction was automatic, but Dean should have expected it. "Unless you're proposing I take innocent little Ayden somewhere and ....protect her from all this nasty end of the world business." It was a low blow, and Gabriel knew it. There was just enough hesitation in the pause to declare his wariness, too. "But enough of this foreplay. Like I said, you're talking to the wrong angel."

"Maybe it's time you grow a set of balls and take a little of your own advice. Oh, that's right. I forgot. You're an angel. Not just any angel. An archangel. Biggest bad*ss in heaven, and you've got no balls. You want me to talk to someone else? The buck stops with you, Gabriel, just like it stops with me."

The archangel had no come-back for that, quieting into silence. All he could muster was a dull-eyed stare, as much invitation as Dean was going to get to offer up a reason for his summoning.

"You already know what I think of your big brothers' squabbles, but as I see it we're both stuck between a rock and a hard place. You don't really want your brothers to go through with this anymore than we do. You think this is destiny' That's a load of crap, and you know it. Who decided it was our destiny' Michael" Lucifer" God?" Dean stepped closer, coming to a halt just outside the circle of Holy Oil.

"You were born for this, Dean, you and your brother," the rebellious archangel pointed out for the thousandth time. "Dad set it up millenia ago, you think I know why' I've got big brothers trying to kill each other over Dad's new baby, that he doesn't even play with anymore! And you know the worst part' Lucifer wanting to kill you guys I get, but Michael and the God-Squad don't even care how many of you get iced. How is that a rational response to sibling rivalry?"

Dean Winchester

Date: 2012-09-02 10:02 EST
Dean arched a brow, a small hint of surprise at Gabriel's response. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you actually give a sh*t," he remarked, almost taunting Gabriel into admitting it. "The truth is I'm tired. I'm sick of the whole thing, and I don't want anyone else getting killed because of me. Michael wants to wear me to battle, fine, but I have a few conditions before I say yes. And I'm not saying yes to that dick in a business suit who needs to learn you catch more bees with honey than with vinegar."

Gabriel actually looked surprised. "What, Zachariah?" He burst out laughing. "They set that over-achiever on you? Oh, I'd pay to see some of that. I'll bet he's going down like turducken at a vegan convention."

"You can laugh all you want, but he killed someone because of me. Because I didn't say yes fast enough for him. That son of a bitch has it coming, and that's my first condition. I want him dead, and I want to be the one to do it. No rezzing either. I mean dead dead. I don't know where angels go when they die, and I don't care. If I'm giving up the ghost, so is he. Once and for all."

"Wait, you're running your conditions past me" Who died and made me the voice of Heaven?" The archangel snorted with laughter, amused more by that thought than the reality of what was happening. "Sure, kill Zach. Mike'll be on board with that. He's been jonesin' to wear his pretty Dean-suit for months, he'll do pretty much anything to get you. Once he gets that yes" Zach's expendable."

"You think I'm gonna run it past dickhead?" Dean asked, obvious loathing coloring his words when he so much as mentioned Zachariah. "I don't think so," he continued, setting his jaw. "You're his superior, aren't you?"

"Was," Gabriel stressed, one brow ticking upward as he levelled his sardonic gaze onto Dean with more confidence than was entirely settling. "I told you, I'm in witness protection. The longer they go thinking I'm not around anymore, the better for me." He frowned, his curiosity piqued by the turn of the conversation. "Why aren't you talking to Castiel about this, anyway?"

The mere mention of Cas' name caused an anxious frown to appear on Dean's already somber face. "That's between me and Cas," he replied, with more than a hint of defiance. "So, what are you on Heaven's Most Wanted" Michael throwing a temper tantrum because you aren't following the rules?"

"Listen, bucko, you don't get to know the ins and outs. Just man up and play your role, or did you forget that little lesson in objectivity already?" Gabriel wasn't playing the game this time around. He'd had his name announced to the Heavens, and that was enough to put the archangel on edge. "You want Zach dead, that's cool. I can name you a couple of hundred angels who'd happily do that for you. What else are you planning on making Mikey agree to before he gets to slip you on over his PJs?"

"No, you listen to me, bucko," Dean interjected, green eyes flashing fearlessly. "You want to redeem yourself in big brother's eyes and get off his sh*t list, then I'll call the shots. My first condition is Zachariah, but I want to do it myself. I want to see the look on the bastard's face when he realizes the party is over. Second condition is Ellen's legs. She walks again or Michael can find someone else to wear to the prom."

The archangel in hiding gave Dean a look that could only be called old-fashioned. "Look, my brother might be Daddy's Best Boy and hell-bent on ripping my family to shreds, but do you really think he's going to say no to that' Ellen Singer's on a one-way trip to Heaven, gratis and for nothing. Making her stay down here better is a bonus."

"Fine," Dean replied, mentally checking off Provision Numero Dos. He had a feeling the rest of his list might not go over so well. "Third, I want Michael's assurance that no harm comes to my sister, and I mean no harm. Not so much as a hang nail. It's not her fault she got dragged into this. She deserves better. She deserves a normal life. Tell his posse to back off. Anyone that so much as smells like an angel gets close to her, and the deal's off."

Again, Gabriel's eyes rolled. "You put it to him like that, you can kiss goodbye to your sweet patootie," he assured Dean. "Only way an archangel is going to be able to set protection like that down on a mortal is by raising her to prophet status, and we all know how that goes, don't we, precious" You really want to turn the one normal member of your family into Chuck Shurley?"

"Maybe you should listen with your ears. Or whoever's ears those belong to. I want Michael's assurance that Zachariah and whoever else works for him backs off on Ayden. There's no reason to harrass her if I'm saying yes. Is that easier for your borrowed brain to grasp?"

"Enough with the attitude, Elmer. You're not talking to a demon." And just to prove that point, a perfect carbon copy of the archangel shimmered into view beside Dean and delivered a healthy whack to the back of his head before grinning and shimmering into nothingness once again. "How about a little respect for the Trickster?"

Taken by surprise by Gabriel's tricks, Dean rubbed a hand against the back of his head and glared back at the angel, simmering with annoyance. "You know, I'm doing you a favor here. I'm giving you a Get out of Jail Free card and you think it's a joke. I could have called any number of angels, but I picked you because I thought maybe, just maybe, you'd have the most to gain from this."

"I've heard nothing that's to my benefit yet," Gabriel pointed out, spreading his hands peaceably. "You want me to take you seriously' I'd suggest not treating me like your own angelic vending machine. Although I do love it when you push my buttons." There was the devil-may-care grin once again, but all joking aside" The archangel could have left at any time. Dean had his attention.

"Isn't this what you want' Aren't you on the outs with Michael" I'd think this would put you back in his good graces, or did I miss something" What did you get put in Time Out for exactly?" Dean asked, covertly trying to find out what exactly it was that Gabriel wanted, other than for his family to quit squabbling. Why he was willing to stand by and let his brothers kill each other he didn't understand and probably never would. "I'm curious. If I say yes to Michael, why does Sam have to say yes to Lucifer" Wouldn't it be easier for Michael to smite his brother in the meatsuit he's wearing right now?"

"Aw, man, you are in deep, aren't you? Do you mind if I -" Gabriel gestured toward the nearest chair, already moving to sit himself down comfortably before he continued. "No way in Heaven or Hell would Michael let that happen. It's not his destiny as laid down by his Father. Dad screwed us all over when he settled that little condition on us." He shook his head, and in a rare display of absolutely solemnity, met Dean's gaze. "I don't want this fight anymore than you do. But if it has to happen - and believe me, it does - I want it over quick. Before your planet and everything about humanity that makes it what it is gets toasted."

Dean Winchester

Date: 2012-09-02 10:03 EST
Dean arched a brow, feeling slightly perplexed by the abrupt change in Gabriel's demeanor. Not only was he finally being serious, but forthright about the pending conflict. "Your destiny, not mine. I wasn't around thousands of years ago, and please don't give me that Cain and Abel bullsh*t about it being part of our bloodline. I didn't buy it from Michael, and I'm not buying it from you." Dean took a lean against the wall, crossing his arms against his chest as he looked over at his guest, deciding to repay Gabriel's honesty with some of his own. "To be honest, I'm tired of all this. I just want it to be over."

Gabriel held his gaze for a long moment before speaking, sounding just as tired as Dean felt. "Look, Dean, whether you buy into destiny or not, Michael does. Michael's gonna do this the way it was written because he thinks that's what Dad wants. He's the Good Son. Lucifer's the Bad Son, and me" I'm the kid brother who just wants it all to stop." He shrugged, letting out a world-weary sigh. "Michael won't fight Lucifer until both you and Sam are involved. It's just not a part of the destiny he thinks he was created for. As far as he's concerned, he's going to use his Sword to kill Lucifer and then Dad comes home and cleans up the mess. Only I don't think there is a mess to clean up. I'm not the one who had a holy temper tantrum when Dad brought the new baby home in the first place."

Dean visibly winced when Gabriel put it the way he did. The Good Son. That had always been Dean. He'd been the one who'd always been there to pick up the pieces, even before Mom had died. He'd been the obedient son, the good little soldier. He'd been the one who'd tried to hold the family together against everything that was trying to tear them apart. He'd been the one who'd sacrificed his soul for his brother, and now he was being asked to sacrifice his life so the world wouldn't burn. What did he ever get out of it, other than knowing those he loved were safe for another day' Where was the reward in it' Where was the thank you? There was none. It was as simple as that. His obedience, like Michael's, was simply expected of him. "What if he's wrong" What if Lucifer kills him' What then" What if God doesn't step in to clean the mess up" What if God just doesn't give a sh*t anymore?"

For the first time, the prodigal archangel actively made an effort to avoid meeting the hunter's gaze, but Dean didn't need to see Gabriel's eyes to feel the deep, deep sorrow that emanated from the seated angel. He didn't have an answer for that; he didn't want to answer that question. How many children want to admit, even superficially, that their father has just walked out on them' "You wanted to know where I come down on this," he said solemnly, his voice so quiet it was an effort to hear. "Michael's Heaven. Lucifer's Hell. Raphael protects the Living Word. There's no one standing up for the weakest and most vulnerable of our Father's creations. My Father made you, and He loved you best. My brothers reacted the way He always said they would. And then he left. What did you do, when your father left you, Dean?" Eyes that truly weren't human deep in their depths lifted to the hunter. "You protected his youngest son. You went straight to Sam. What did I do?"

"You ran away from home," Dean replied, guessing at the blanks in Gabriel's story, though he realized that was a simplistic view from an outsider who didn't really know what had happened when the sh*t had hit the fan in Heaven. "You came here. You don't want to world to burn anymore than I do," Dean said, realizing perhaps for the first time that, in a strange, ironic way, he and Gabriel wanted the same things. "How can Michael be so sure he's going to win" What happens to me and Sam when it's all over" Do we just disappear into the Twilight Zone or do all dogs go to heaven?"

"You get your eternal reward. What, you were expecting a puppy, too?" Gabriel rolled his eyes, pushing to stand up, uncomfortable with how much soul-bearing he was doing, especially given the fact that he didn't actually have a soul. "Remind me again why you're asking me about all this," he said pointedly. "You could get Ayden to invite Michael down into her so you can have this chat. He wouldn't lie to you."

"I just don't wanna go to Hell again," Dean said quietly, stifling a shudder at the memory of having his skin flayed and his body cut into pieces day after day after endless day. Gabriel might know what Hell was, but he'd never experienced it the way Dean had. Dean's gaze darted back to Gabriel. "I don't entirely trust Michael," he admitted, pushing off his lean against the wall. "And I don't want him anywhere near Ayden." He unfolded his arms and pushed off the wall, sensing their little heart to heart was nearing an end, but he had one last item of business before they parted ways. "I've got one final condition. I want Ayden's mother rezzed."

"Hold it." Gabriel held up a disbelieving hand. "You trust me over Michael" Should I remind you of all the times I've killed you, or are we just skipping past that?" He snorted with laughter, shaking his head. "Michael might bring her back. But it's on him. If he thinks it's too late to bring Kate Milligan back to Earth from her own personal paradise, then nothing you do is gonna change that. Seriously, Dean you want to drive your cutesy kid sister completely around the bend?"

"You forget I know what Michael is capable of. He could wipe her memory of all this and give her her life back. A normal life without angels and demons and hunters and ghouls. But that's probably asking too much, isn't it' Because Michael's just as much of a dick as Lucifer and Zachariah. All he really cares about is following Daddy's orders, even if it means killing his own brother to do it. You, on the other hand, you don't wanna see the world burn, but you're too scared to do anything about it, other than try and force me and Sam into saying yes to something that's none of our business or concern, but you know what? If I say yes, it won't be because of you or because of Michael or because of some greater sense of destiny. It will be because the world - no matter how much of a mess it is and I know it's a mess - doesn't deserve to burn. There's still some good in the world, Gabriel. And Ayden is part of that good. So, if I say yes, and it's still a big if, it will be because of that. Because I won't sit back and have a beer while Michael and Lucifer destroy the world."

Gabriel spread his hands, taking the criticism on the chin as always. He didn't truly care what Dean thought of him; he had done more to protect humanity from the fall-out than the Winchesters would ever know. Dean had singled out one thing that he wanted protected above all. Whether Michael worked his magic or not, Ayden Milligan had an archangel on her shoulder now, though none of them would ever know it. "So why are we still talkin', big boy?"

Dean Winchester

Date: 2012-09-02 10:04 EST
Dean might have thought more of Gabriel, might have given him the respect he seemed to crave, if Gabriel returned the favor, but he, like his brothers, always seemed to insist on treating him like an inferior being, no matter how much they needed him. "Tell Michael what I said. If he agrees to my terms, he might have a date for the prom."

The archangel's jaw dropped. "Excuse me" You want me to walk back into Heaven and pass on your message to a brother I haven't seen or spoken to in centuries" Pass it on yourself; you know he always listens to you."

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Dean countered, having hoped Gabriel would pass his message along. "Can't you send him a telegram or something if you're too chicken to talk to him face to face" You are The Messenger, aren't you? Or did The Bible get that wrong, too?"

"Oh, please. That drivel's got me blowing a horn to bring on the Apocalypse, did you see me doing that?" Gabriel shook his head, his expression caught between wry resignation, outright defiance, and a hint of fear. He was caught, and he knew it. "Fine, I'll pass it on. If I get crowbarred in on Michael's side, I'm blaming you." There was a feathered sound, something thunderous and quiet, and he was gone, leaving Dean all alone in his 'borrowed' cabin.

Dean opened his mouth to speak, but it was too late. The angel was already gone, disappearing into thin air as suddenly as he'd appeared. If he was expecting to feel better after his little chat with Gabriel, he was wrong. If anything, he felt worse, but at least, maybe now he'd get some answers. He still felt as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders, but at least, now he'd decided to actually do something about it. Part one of his three-day plan was finished. It was time to clean up the mess he'd left in the cabin and be on his way to start part two.

((Many thanks to Ayden's player for assuming the role of Gabriel for this scene. Awesome job, as always!))