Topic: Easy Lover - 18+ (AU)

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-08-08 08:20 EST
((Contains situations of an adult nature. Please do not read if this offends.)) _______________

Dean and Nim had kept the midnight oil burning for hours, well into the night. Ellen had checked in on them from time to time, making sure they were fed and had enough coffee to keep them going, but after a while, she'd excused herself and gone to bed, along with Bobby and Bill, who seemed reluctant to interrupt the pair for some reason. They'd taken turns reading passages to each other from the journal, pausing to discuss one thing or another, or for Dean to explain further about something he knew about the future.

By the time they were through, Nim would know as much about the future as Dean would, but it wasn't going to happen in one night. After a long while, Nim drifted off to sleep on Bobby's couch. Though Dean tried to fight it, his eyelids eventually grew heavy and he laid his head down on the desk to rest for a few minutes, falling into a dead sleep, both of them more exhausted than they had realized.

As night rolled into dawn, a car rumbled into the yard outside, the handbrake squeaking as the engine was cut. Bare feet moved quietly down the stairs and across to the back door, opening it as Ellen gestured for Brian to come inside, laying a finger against her lips to signal him silent. The owner of Morgan's Landing in Chicago looked exhausted, but he didn't argue with Bobby's wife, simply taking his belongings out of the car and stepping into the house as quietly as she wanted him to. Words of greeting were whispered to one another, Ellen gesturing toward the study as she slipped into the kitchen to grab their friend a drink and something to eat.

Brian paused in the hallway, stretching his back as he looked into the study. A fond smile creased his face at the sight of the little woman who was like a daughter to him curled up on the couch, the expression deepening in amusement at the sight of Dean crashed out leaning on Bobby's desk. It didn't take a genius to work out what had been going on here all night.

With a glance to Ellen, he set his bag down by the stairs and made his way quietly across the study, bearing with him the battered hard case that held Nim's guitar. He wasn't going to wake her, not when she seemed so peaceful. Instead, he set the guitar very gently to rest against the table near her head, where she would see it when she woke up, and retreated from the study just as quietly, meeting Ellen at the bottom of the stairs. A few minutes later, and the lights were out once again, the newly arrived hunter settled into the first guest room to hand upstairs to sleep off his long drive.

As the dawning twilight lightened the sky outside, Nim stirred, stretching out even before her eyes opened, responding belatedly to the sound of movement nearby. Her sleep this time had been undisturbed, restful, leaving her settled in the wake of yesterday's confessions. Oh, the study. Bobby's house. She remembered staying up into the darkness of the night, reading the journal with Dean, but figured she must have fallen asleep not too long before he did.

Blinking, she lifted her head, momentarily at a loss as to where he was ....and her eyes fell on the guitar case settled beside her. Brian. Very carefully, she drew the case to the floor in front of her, easing the locks open, wary of making too sharp a noise in case she disturbed Dean's slumber. In the delicate stillness of the rising dawn, Nim drew her guitar onto her knee, tuning it softly by ear until it sounded right. Her fingers smoothed over the strings, picking out chords as the gentle, peaceful cadence of Greensleeves played out through the silent study.

Dean had fallen into such a deep sleep that he hadn't heard the car pull up outside the house; he hadn't heard Brian and Ellen whispering as they poked their heads into the study; he hadn't heard Brian drop Nim's guitar off before sneaking off to bed himself. What finally broke through the silence and summoned him back from sleep was the sound of a familiar tune he couldn't quite place. The song seemed to stir some memory long buried deep inside of a snow-laden Christmas morning many years ago when he was a boy, before Sam was born, before Mary's death had devastated the small family. It wasn't a very substantial memory, just bits and pieces, flashes of this and that that drifted through his mind. As hard as he tried to latch onto a bit of memory, it would float away from him, like a butterfly trying to avoid capture.

Rising up through the layers of sleep, Dean tried to hold onto that scrap of memory, insubstantial as it was, distinctly hearing his mother's voice singing the words of an old Christmas ballad to the tune Nim was playing on her guitar. It was a memory that had been lost amidst the clutter of his mind for many long years. But it wasn't Christmas, and his mother was dead. Dean's eyelids fluttered as he started to waken, stirring slightly as he rose up from sleep.

Very quietly, a feminine voice joined the delicate ring of the guitar's strings ....sadly not Mary Winchester, but Nim, humming a harmony to the melody her fingers picked out on the instrument. It had been a long time since she'd even held her guitar, much less played, so long that she'd almost forgotten the simple pleasure it gave her. Absorbed in the music, she closed her eyes, her hair fallen about her face as she just played for playing's sake, humming that gentle counter-melody with each breath.

Dean lifted his head finally, disoriented for a moment before remembering where he was and what he'd been doing when he'd dozed off. He looked over at Nim, realizing it wasn't his mother who'd been singing, except in his dreams, but Nimue. He watched quietly while she strummed the guitar, not wanting to disturb her or disrupt the quiet of the moment. Maybe there was something about music soothing the savage beast, as Dean felt the music relaxing him, almost as soothing as a woman's embrace. He envied her a little, not because she could play and he couldn't, but because he could tell from the look on her face how much she loved doing it, how deeply the music was ingrained in her soul, as if it were a part of her, and he wondered if he ever felt that deeply about anything.

Slowly, the classical tune drew to a close, the last note ringing out in the suddenly renewed stillness of the quiet house. Nim breathed slow and deep, raising her head, opening her eyes as her hands folded on the body of the guitar. Her gaze found Dean watching her, and his smile blossomed on her face, the smile that only he ever saw, the smile that shone from her eyes far more than it touched her face. "Good morning, princess."

He mirrored that smile, one that he also bestowed only on her, warm and full of adoration. "Morning," he echoed, feeling strangely at peace with the world as the golden glow of morning lit the room, promising another new day. "That was beautiful," he told her softly, reluctant to shatter the peace and tranquility of the moment, remarking not only on her playing and singing, but on her lovely face being the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes.

Her smile deepened, curving her lips now as she basked in his adoring gaze. She would never quite work out how he did that; how he could make her feel as though she was the only person in the world, the center of his universe, with just that smile. "I'd forgotten how much I enjoy it," she answered him, just as soft, just as reluctant to crack the gentle glow that seemed to have settled around them. "Did I wake you?"

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-08-08 08:22 EST
He shrugged lightly. "Doesn't matter. I could wake up to this every morning and never get tired of it." The old familiar Dean Winchester signature smirk touched his face for a moment, as he was unable to withhold just a small bit of teasing. "Prefer a bed though," he said as he pushed away from the desk, stretching his arms over his head to crack his back. "I've spent one too many nights on Bobby's desk."

She laughed very softly, her fingertips tracing chords against the fretboard as she watched him stretch. "I guess we should have gone up when Ellen did, huh?" she asked with a grin, her mind going to an interestingly embarrassing place involving Bobby's desk and Dean. Her cheeks flushed lightly as she glanced down at the instrument on her knee, biting down on her smile before it could grow too big. "Any requests?"

Thankfully, his talents didn't include telepathy, or he might have taken her up on that. He would have teased her about it, at the very least. "It's okay. We'll make up for it later," he promised with a smile, moving to his feet, so he could stretch properly. "Requests?" he repeated, unsure what songs she had in her repertoire or might enjoy playing. He'd never been big on acoustic music, though he sometimes listened to soft rock when Sam wasn't around to catch him at it. "What do you know?"

He didn't need to be big on acoustic, not where she was concerned. She'd never learned to play electric, but it was amazing how some of the great rock songs came out with a little adjusting for chords and picking. "Oh, I know a few," she smiled back at him. "Or do you wanna come here and learn something yourself?"

"Learn something?" he asked, glancing at the guitar, chuckling doubtfully. "Me" I play a pretty mean air guitar, but..." He shook his head, looking almost afraid to try, defeating himself before he'd even started. "I don't think I can," he said with a small frown, reluctantly admitting a little self-doubt.

"Yes, you can." Nim shifted along on the couch, one hand moving to pat the seat beside her. "I'll play with you." Swinging the guitar from her knees for a moment, she reached up for his hand, encouraging him to try something new, something she thought he probably had an aptitude for. "I bet you we can play through something right here and now, with just a little bit of teaching."

He looked almost terrified to even try, but it wasn't so much the guitar lesson that bothered him as the fear of failure. Despite his fears, he let her take his hand and pull him toward the couch. "I'm gonna suck." Some skills had come easy to him - shooting, driving, fixing things. He was a born hunter; it was in his blood, but doing something as simple as learning to play a guitar scared him somehow.

"Later, maybe." She turned his former tease around on him easily, drawing him down onto the couch beside her. "Don't you trust me?" Nim had complete faith that he was going to take to this like a duck to water, certain that Dean had a hell of a lot more hidden away in him than just ninety-nine different ways to kill monsters. She waited until he was sat down, lifting the guitar to lay it over his knee. "You are going to pick out the tune. I'll change chords. Think you can handle that, princess?"

Too worried he was going to fail, he either ignored the teasing or didn't notice it. "Uh..." he muttered uncertainly as she laid the guitar on his knee, feeling as awkward as a boy who found himself in bed for the first time with a girl and had no clue what to do with her. "What's a chord?" he asked, having absolutely no knowledge of music, other than for what he heard played on the radio and in bars.

She smiled, tucking herself in close to his side, looping his left arm behind her back. "A chord's your basic structure, it holds the foundation for what you're playing," she explained. "Look ..." Her left hand found a place on the neck of the guitar, fingers automatically pressing down on specific strings in specific places. "That right there" That's a C. Strum your fingers down the strings, you'll hear it ring out."

"Strum," he repeated, not really understanding what she meant exactly, pretending the guitar was a woman. How would he touch Nim if she were a guitar" He let his fingers move over the strings, not really sure what he was doing, letting her lead the way.

The sound he produced was clear, if a little staggered. "Almost." Nim smiled again, reaching across his chest to take hold of his right hand with her own, guiding him into a more confident caress of the guitar's strings, down and up again, over and over in a steady rhythmic brush. "You change the chord, you change the sound," she told him. "Keep strumming." She let go of his hand, letting him take control of that end, and shifted her left hand on the fretboard. "C turns to G," she explained as her fingers slipped from one set place to another, altering the collection of notes from the guitar strings that came together to make that chord, "and the notes under your fingers change. See?"

He watched while she guided his hand, nodding his head. Despite his own self-doubts, he was a pretty quick study with most things and his love of music gave him an innate sense of rhythm. He stroked his fingers over the strings, gaze shifting to the fretboard to watch as she switched chords. "Yeah, kinda," he replied, easily understanding the mechanics of it, but that didn't teach him how to make a song out of it all.

"Okay, stop." She grinned at him. "I'm not going to make you learn everything all at once, okay' We're just gonna play a song. With Am, G, and F." As she named each chord, she showed him the fingering against the fret board. "And you are going to pick the melody. Like this." Again, her right hand reached across, guiding his fingertips to pluck at single strings one after the other in a regular rhythm with little alteration. "You know this one, I know you do." As he picked at the strings, she changed the chords under her fingers, and as Dean found the rhythm she'd shown him, the tune became recognisible. "Keep going," she encouraged him softly, proud of him for getting this far so fast. "You'll know when you hit the right speed."

Dean listened closely as his fingers moved over the strings, unsure at first, but smiling as the tune finally came to him, instinctively knowing it. It didn't sound like a difficult song to play on the guitar, the melody repeating itself over and over, until it broke into full song. He knew the words by heart, had learned them long ago from an old Blue Oyster Cult album his dad had on cassette. He'd play it over and over in the Impala, until Sam begged him to stop.

Slowly but surely, he found the right dynamic, and Nim's smile warmed all over again. It was probably a little disconcerting for him that she wasn't even glancing at her fingers' swift changing on the fretboard, but practise would, eventually, make perfect. Once they got him his own guitar, it'd go faster for him, too. But for now, this would have to do. Her voice melted into his, lighter, more sure, no less confident of the words than he was, still following his lead through the tune. She deliberately skipped them past the middle eight - it didn't translate onto acoustic anyway - guiding him into the last verse and chorus with just a little nudge.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-08-08 08:24 EST
After a while, he relaxed, becoming one with the music, letting it flow through him, his fingers moving easily against the strings, the music coming to him easier than expected. He followed her lead once again, moving into the last verse and chorus, turning his head away from the guitar to glance at her while he played, their voices harmonizing in an unexpected but pleasant way.

As the last chord rang out, fading into the stillness that still wrapped about them, her eyes met his, proud and pleased for him. It might have seemed a small thing, but for someone who'd been so reluctant to even try, it was the first step on a road he'd enjoy following, she was sure of it. "I said you could do it, didn't I?" she challenged him with a grin, slipping her hand up to touch his cheek fondly.

He smiled back at her, feeling a rare sense of pride in his accomplishment, however small. "Yeah, you did," he admitted, surprising himself, untangling himself from the guitar and turning his body to face her. "Play me something," he suggested, finished with the lesson for now, wanting to hear her play something on her own, something just for him.

"Just something?" she asked, feeling oddly shy about actually playing for him now she knew he was conscious and attentive. "There isn't anything in particular you want to hear?" She drew the guitar onto her own knee, one arm laid over the top to drum her fingers against the hollow body as she held his gaze curiously.

He tucked one leg beneath the other as he shifted on the couch to watch, an audience of one. "Surprise me," he said with a smile of encouragement, stretching an arm out across the back of the couch as he settled himself.

Twisting to face him, Nim realized she was blushing a little, shy of showing off even as something simple came to mind. Something he'd probably never even heard before, though it had been one of the first songs she had learned. "All right," she conceded, hoping like hell no one was an early riser in this house as she found the rhythm in mind, her fingers moving smoothly over the neck of the guitar as her foot tapped to keep time. "I don't like to be alone in the night ....and I don't like to hear I'm wrong when I'm right ....and I don't like to have the rain on my shoes, but I do love you ..."

He wasn't too familiar with the song, but he'd heard it played more than once, mostly in bars where people were hooking up and slow-dancing while he drowned his sorrows in a pitcher of beer or shots of Jack Daniels. But that was then, and this was now, and the beauty of the song struck him, perhaps for the first time, the lyrics touching his soul. He got the message, whether she was trying to tell him something or not, the smile on his face changing, turning serious as the song touched his heart and soul.

"Love everything about the way you're loving me ..." She couldn't quite bring herself to look at him as she sang, as she played, acutely aware of his eyes on her, that he was watching her more attentively than anyone she could recall. The flush on her face deepened as she followed her fingers' shift easily over the strings, her focus torn between the music and how present Dean was, so close and so focused on her. The song seemed too short and yet too long all at once, over before she was ready but lasting too long for her sense of confidence under his gaze. "....I do love you ..." As her palm came to rest, stilling the vibration of the strings, Nim dared to raise her eyes to Dean's, half-afraid of what she might find there.

There was no applause at the end of the song, not because he was afraid of waking anyone, but because the moment just didn't call for it. What Nim saw when she lifted her eyes to him was a look on his face that was both serious and wistful, tears shining in his eyes of green, not due to sadness, but because her playing of the song had touched him so deeply, it had moved him to tears. He could think of nothing to say that would adequately express his feelings, so in lieu of words, he slid close, leaning in to brush a fervid kiss against her lips, his fingers gently brushing her cheek.

With any musician's automatic care for their instrument, Nim somehow managed to put the guitar back into the case on the floor as Dean's lips touched hers, letting the lid fall closed as she leaned into him. The kiss took her breath aware, reassuring her without words that she'd stumbled onto the perfect tune for that moment in time. Gently, her lips drew from his, dark eyes opening to track lovingly over his face as her hand stroked down over his heart. "I didn't have you pegged as a LeAnn Rimes fan," she murmured through an impish little smile, at a loss for anything to say that wouldn't ruin the moment.

His fingers found their way to her hair and tucked a strand behind an ear, smiling in response to her remark. "I'm not. I'm a Nimue Morgan fan." LeAnn who' Sure, he'd heard of her, but he wasn't exactly what you'd call a fan. "I think I like your version better."

The blush returned, surprised and beautifully shy of that particular compliment. Her smile widened to a grin as she looked down at her hand against his chest. "Well, you know," she said softly, lifting her smiling eyes to his once again, "Nimue Morgan's not going to be in business much longer. Think you'll still be a fan when she's working under Winchester?"

He was trying to be good, but he just couldn't help himself, a smirk crossing his face at her question as he it took it completely the wrong way. "What kind of work are we talking about?" he teased, the tears subsiding, giving way to a glint of amusement, the corners of his eyes crinkling when he smiled.

She laughed softly, easing her hands up to cradle his jaw as her legs lifted to rest over his knees comfortably - she'd missed the opening she'd left for him, but it had smoothed him gently away from his tears. "I guess that depends on how hard you plan on riding my a$$, doesn't it?" she grinned back at him, deliberately picking herself a comment that could only be innuendo.

His gaze drifted from her face to appreciate the rest of her. If they weren't careful, they were going to end up going at it on Bobby's sofa and chance having someone walk in on them - not that he cared really, but depending on who it was, it could prove awkward. Despite that, he laid his hands against her hips, fingers curling into her jeans. "I prefer face to face confrontations. What about you?" he asked, with a smirk, picking up on her innuendo and parrying with one of his own.

He earned another quiet giggle with that one, the laughter sounding lighter, coming more easily than it had in days. It was still early enough that they might just get away with this, provided the other hunters in the house weren't disturbed by any noise from down here, and to be honest, the chance of getting caught was as exciting as it promised to be embarrassing. "Oh, you know me," she grinned back, unable to keep herself from arching closer even if she'd wanted to. "I like to see what?s nailin' me most times."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-08-08 08:26 EST
She might think otherwise if it was Ellen who caught them, rather than one of the men, but who was he to argue" He slid out from beneath her legs, turning to move over her and guide her back onto the sofa. "What about the rest of the time?" he asked, as he slid his hands beneath her shirt, eyes meeting hers to see how she'd react.

There was just a hint of concern in her expression as she felt his hands against her skin - just a hint, and nowhere near enough to overwhelm the loving desire rising in her gaze to deepen the darkness of her eyes. Her arms curled around his neck as she lay back beneath him, one brow tweaking upward as she offered him a wry smile. "Get me in the right mood, I might even let you tie me down," was her teasing response.

He mirrored her expression, one brow twitching upwards in surprise at her remark. "I thought you were always in the right mood," he countered, wondering if she was just teasing him or if she was really into that sort of thing. There was only one way to find out really. His hands slid higher, his palms sliding over the flat plane of her stomach before moving to cup the swell of her breasts that were hidden beneath the confines of her bra. "You shouldn't make promises you can't keep, Nim." In his mind, he was imagining her bound half-naked to a bed, teasing her relentlessly until she begged him for release.

Her fingertips rippled to clench into his hair as the soft fabric of her tank rose under his guidance, her breath catching in her throat at the possessive cup of his hands only to release a quiet moan that was all pleasure, dusting his lips with the taste of her breath. "When have I ever broken a promise to you?" she whispered tenderly to him, the same thoughts running through her mind. To be so completely helpless at his mercy, knowing it was him and not some demon getting his kicks ....that was a pretty enticing thought.

Movement across the landing on the floor above made the floorboards creak, and Ellen's voice drifted down to them, louder than it perhaps would normally have been. "I'm tellin' you, Bobby, that don't sound like any kind of unnatural you want to be walking in on."

The voice that drifted down from upstairs brought a frown to Dean's face, brows knitting as he seemed to momentarily debate whether or not to continue, even as his lips found her neck and his hands were getting ready to do a little more wandering. "The hell....No privacy around here," he grumbled, glad that Ellen had at least given them a heads up. He sighed and withdrew his hands from her shirt, still straddling her but shifting back onto his heels, face flushed with frustration. Another part of his anatomy was obviously frustrated, as well. "If I wasn't worried about Hades and his henchmen, I'd get a hotel room."

Nim slumped with a disappointed whimper as the voice cut in on them, letting her hands drop down to her sides as Dean sat up. "I thought you said he drank too much to be an early riser?" she asked softly, her head cocked to listen to the pair at the top of the stairs even as one hand rose to stroke her fingertips up beneath his shirt.

Bobby's voice was a low growl in answer to Ellen, but his wife was apparently not having any of it. "All right, you old idjit, you get back into bed. I ain't cookin' you breakfast at this hour just 'cause you're a nosy old coot."

"Maybe we should go back upstairs and make enough noise to wake the dead," he grumbled, glaring in the direction of the stairs and the voices above their heads, tempted to shout up the stairs at Bobby to go back to bed and let them have some privacy. Not even managing a smirk at Ellen's remark, he climbed off Nimue and flopped back onto the couch, crossing his arms and looking sullen, like a boy who had just been scolded after being caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Nim watched him thump back against the couch, rolling her eyes at his petulant reaction to their not quite being interrupted. "So that's it, huh' Warm me up and then sit back, just 'cause we nearly got caught?" She sighed, pushing herself to sit up, frustration written large on her features as upstairs a door closed with a pointedly loud click.

He glanced at her, narrowing his eyes a moment in a sudden flare of anger, but it quickly passed as an idea came to mind. He uncrossed his arms and moved to his feet, reaching for her hand to pull her up with him. "Come on. I've got an idea."

The anger didn't really surprise her, whoever it was aimed at - a frustrated Dean was never a happy bunny. Being tugged to her feet in a sudden burst of energy, now that was a surprise. She'd been expecting him to sulk a while longer. "Where are we going?" she asked, wondering if she was going to need to put her boots on.

The dark mood passed quickly as an idea came to mind, and he smiled playfully over at her. "It's a surprise," he told her, wrapping one hand around hers and leading her from the story. He was in his stockinged feet and though he knew he should probably put his boots on, he didn't want to climb the stairs to get them. If he went up there now, they wouldn't be coming back down and in the mood he was in, they just might end up making good on his threat and waking the whole house. He led her away from the study, through the kitchen, to the back of the house, where a stairway led down into the basement.

Warily amused suspicion made for an interesting twist to her expression as he went from sullen to playful in a heartbeat. "A surprise?" Nim countered through a smile of her own, padding barefoot behind him through the house. The morning chill in the air brushed her bare arms, her shirt having ended up being used to mop up spilt coffee sometime after midnight and before she fell asleep in the first place. Drawn to a stairway leading down, she felt her smile growing a little more knowing. He had, after all, told her about Bobby's little iron-lined bolt-hole.

He may have told her about it, but she hadn't seen it yet, and it was a pretty awesome sight to see, as far as Dean was concerned. He'd never a million years have predicted he'd be using it for the purpose he had in mind right now though. He pulled open the door and flicked on a light before carefully leading her down the stairway that would take them to the basement and Bobby's panic room. "Watch your step," he warned, knowing she wasn't wearing shoes anymore than he was, which was a rarity in itself. "We're gonna put one of these in our own house someday." He said it matter-of-factly without doubt. He'd seen it and knew it for fact.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-08-08 08:28 EST
One hand in his, the other on the rail of the stairs he led her down, Nim's eyes stayed fixed to her own toes on each step, aware that a splinter in a house crammed with occult everything could put her down for months. "All mod cons, huh?" she laughed softly, squeezing her fingers in his as they approached the bottom of the staircase, her eyes drawn easily to what looked like the hatchway of a submarine, very out of place in what seemed like a standard basement.

"All what?" he asked, not quite catching her meaning as they arrived at the bottom, and he let go of her hand so he could slide the bolt back and pull the door open.

Inside was a cylindrical shaped room, lined in iron and coated in salt. A devil's trap was painted on the floor just outside the door, as well as inside the room, taking up nearly all of the floor. Above their heads was a fan behind a grill that was also shaped like a devil's trap. Enochian sigils filled the walls to keep angels from intruding, but as yet, no Greek markings could be seen there. Inside the room was a bed, a cot, a few desks and chairs, books, a mirror, and everything else one might need if they had to hold up down there for a few days, including food, water, and medical supplies.

"All modern conveniences, baby, it's what realtors say," she was laughing as he drew the door open, her voice trailing as her mouth fell open. Awe was probably the best word to describe the look on her face as she peered inside, tearing her eyes away to look up at Dean. "This is the panic room?" she asked, deeply impressed. "Dude, there needs to be a whole new word for how awesome this is."

He chuckled as she explained herself further. "I don't think we need a realtor, Nim. We built it ourselves." Once the door was open, he snagged her hand again and pulled her inside, smiling at her reaction. "It is pretty awesome, isn't it?" Except when you were locked inside, that is. Then it kind of sucked, but he wasn't planning on staying down here that long.

Her eyes had returned to every last detail as he pulled her into the circular space, tracing over the unfamiliar Enochian, noting the bookcase, the desk, all the little things that declared this to be Bobby's brainchild. And they were apparently going to have something like this in their own house. "Built it ourselves?" she heard herself ask incredulously. "What're we gonna do, rob a bank?"

"Hell if I know. You never told me." He wasn't too worried about it, assuming the details would all be laid out in the journal. "Maybe we win the lottery," he smirked, breaking away from her to pull out the folding bed from against the wall.

Feeling him move away, she dragged her gaze away from every last detail on the sigils painted all around them, turning to watch as he pulled a bed into view. A grin cracked across her face. "Aw, baby, it's so sweet when you get traditional about sex." Her hand patted his cheek teasingly.

He arched a brow at her, thinking there was nothing traditional about having sex in a panic room surrounded by devil's traps and enochian sigils to ward off demons and angels, respectively. "Would you prefer the back seat again?" he asked, though he had a feeling they should probably stay safely indoors for now. "It can be arranged."

Laughing, she stepped up close to him, smoothing her fingers against his cheeks, drawing him down to her. "Dean, you take me way too seriously sometimes," she told him with a warm grin, looping one arm around his neck as her lips teased against his.

"I have handcuffs, if you prefer non..." He was cut off by her kiss, his eyes drooping closed, hands tugging her shirt upwards, wasting no time. He was fairly confident no one would bother them down here, and if they did, they could just wait til they were done. He wasn't getting interrupted a second time.

A moment broken from that kiss, and her tank was easily whipped up and over her head, playful laughter mingling with a soft moan of his name as her lips found his once again. If he was confident in their privacy, that was good enough for her, proved by the trail of her fingertips down his chest, beneath the hang of his t-shirt, smoothing her palms over the firm heat of his skin, tucking her thumbs teasingly under the waistband of his jeans. The interruption earlier had just made her impatient; it was near impossible for her to cool off irreversibly when it came to Dean.

He flinched slightly when he felt her tug at his jeans, more out of frustration than anything else, groaning against her lips as she moaned his name, deepening the kiss and muffling any further sound she might make. Frustrated by his failed attempt in the study, he was in no mood for slow and easy, fumbling with her jeans as his mouth captured hers, and his body pushed her toward the makeshift bed.

No matter how often they came to this point together in a given day, it never seemed to be too much. Nim was putty in his hands and he knew it, so easy to guide to just the right level to match his need, his desire. The back of her knees hit the bed hard as he pushed her backward, the unexpected hit knocking her off-balance with a low yelp as her lips tore from his, arms flailing in a hopeless attempt to keep herself from falling. At least she'd managed to get his jeans undone before that point, though.

He caught her in his arms before she fell backwards, pulling her against him, his heart thumping fiercely inside his chest. "I want you," he whispered close to her ear, breath ragged with longing, stating the obvious once again. She was close enough to feel the growning desire that was hidden beneath his jeans, the flush of desire in his face, his eyes dark with longing. All he needed was her permission, and she was his once again.

Caught close, the breath knocked from her enough to bring her breathless against him once again, she couldn't stop another moan from touching against his ear. Her knee slid with playfully eager teasing between his thighs, rising to rub against the swelling evidence of his wanting her even as her hands resumed their gentle trail beneath his jeans, smoothing the thick denim from his hips. "So take me," she breathed back to him, intoxicated with his closeness all over again, her skin flushing to the familiarly delicate shade of pink that burned with arousal at his touch.

Maybe it was youth or the newness of love; maybe it was Aphrodite's influence; maybe it was the fact that they both knew life was too short and that every second counted - whatever it was, Dean couldn't seem to get enough. Every touch, every caress, every kiss left him wanting more, like an addiction he wanted no cure from. He groaned again as he felt her knee teasing the swell of his desire, and he could wait no more. He pushed her down onto the bed, his mouth smothering hers as his hands worked at her jeans, tugging them down past her hips, reluctantly pulling away long enough to get them off her. He did the same to his own, hurriedly discarding his clothes, before moving back over her to kiss her again, feverish with desire.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-08-08 08:30 EST
Feverish was a good word. It chimed well with the scorching sensation that rippled through her as Dean stripped her jeans from her legs; it matched the frantic sense of frustration as he drew away to strip himself, too fast for her to raise hands to what was left of her own clothing and join him before he was on her again and she was drowning in his kisses. One arm looped about his neck, the other twisting to her back, fumbling with the clasp of her bra even as she traded burning, hungry kisses with the single driving force in her life, the deep coil of need he always wound so tight inside her threatening to snap before she was ready.

He pressed his body against hers, radiating with heat, barely able to contain the hunger that burned inside him, thrumming like a drumbeat, strong and deep. He waited for her to finish disposing of the cloth that was the final barrier between them, his hands moving to take hold of hers and pull them up over her head, grasping hold of her wrists to keep them in place. He had spent ten years torturing souls in Hell, but this was a different kind of torment. This was the kind of torment that ended in ecstasy, not agony. His lips grazed her neck, teasing her flesh with the tip of his tongue as he pressed himself against her, letting her feel the heat of his desire that was waiting to bury itself deep inside her.

The sound that passed from her lips to his as he pinned her down could almost have been a protest, but for the sheer force of throbbing desire that colored the stifled incoherence escaping her tongue. Her hands flexed as she moved beneath him, not so much tugging at the fingers imprisoning her as expressing the coiling, shifting need as she undulated with increasing desperation. "Baby, please," she moaned against his ear, hearing the sound echo back to her from the metal that encased the room, her breath hot against his skin as he teased and toyed with that sweet spot on her neck, the one place guaranteed to make her melt no matter where they were or what they were doing.

But there were other places he knew of that would make her melt just as easily or cry out in desperate pleas for release, just as she was doing now. He could, if he wanted to, take her quickly, quench her desire and his own and bask in the waning warmth of their union, or he could take his time, draw things out, tease her until she was wound as tight as a wire and could stand no more. She was his to do with as he pleased, but it in the end, he gave in to her, choosing to be merciful and quick, not only for her sake but his own.

Or maybe it was fear, afraid of what he could become if he let himself, afraid he might take it too far and hurt her, instead of taking her to the pinnacle of pleasure. He heard her plea, reaching deep into his soul, and he hesitated just a moment as he debated with himself, before capturing her lips once again, arching his hips and letting go of her wrists so that he could guide himself to that sweetest of places between her thighs, moaning against her lips as he buried himself in her sweet warmth, holding himself back so that he didn't lose all control.

He could have done anything with her in those moments, anything at all, and she wouldn't have raised any true objection. Indeed, it was a surprise that he gave in so easily to just a single please, a momentary surge of concern for him flickering through her as she tasted a hint of some unknown fear holding him back. But that flicker was overwhelmed as he pressed deep into her, her moans mingling with his, muffled between them as her hands rose to grasp and caress, curling to his hips as much to guide as to cling onto him with each rock and thrust until she lost herself in the eager flash of completion at the peak of their love-making.

Indeed, he could have done anything he wanted to her down there in that room where no one would hear them and no one would know, but he feared that side of him, the darker side, the side that he'd held in check for so long. He knew there was a fine line between pleasure and pain, and he didn't want to hurt her. Though she trusted him implicitly, he didn't yet trust himself. He gentled in those moments, his hips rocking slowly and steadily against hers until they were both cresting the summit of their climax, pleasure like white hot fire exploding deep inside. He moaned her name against her lips as that heat flooded him, flowing from his body to hers, filling her with that which would one day create a life inside her born of their love.

She shuddered in the wake of that gentle release, sharing breath and heat with him as her lips softened beneath his, breaking the tenderness of their kiss only to press another to his mouth, and another, each softer than the ones that went before. The delicious tension of her body wrapped about his slowly ebbed away, leaving her bonelessly relaxed beneath him, dragging her fingers through his hair. If he'd looked dishevelled on waking up, he looked even more so now. "I should serenade you more often," she murmured teasingly, releasing a moan that was just barely audible as her body arched to his once again.

He let out a long, heavy sigh all the tension going out of him as he rolled to his side, pulling her along with him so that he wouldn't crush her beneath his weight. If he was relaxed before, he was even more so now, kissing her again, a soft kiss that was warm and tender, passion ebbing away to be replaced with adoration. "I think I'm addicted to you," he told her quietly, drowsily.

"Fair's fair," was her soft murmur in answer, her body molding easily to his as he drew her onto her side, nestling close to his heat in the clinging chill of the panic room. "I've been hooked since day one." Her lips nuzzled tenderly to his, fingers trailing in lovingly random patterns down over his arm. "Won't Bobby notice we're in here?"

"Eventually," he replied, running a hand along her bare arm, admiring the view, lost in her eyes. He thought about getting up and fetching a blanket to cover them with, but he was feeling too relaxed and too lazy, and he wasn't ready to move away from her yet. "I don't think he has any cameras installed in here." At least, he hoped he didn't. He hadn't back home.

The thought of cameras brought a flicker of alarm into Nim's dark eyes. Bobby was intimidating enough, but there was something very wrong about the thought of him and his wife sifting through footage and finding this moment. But it was impossible to do anything other than laugh at that thought under Dean's gaze, her hand smoothing over his side as she shifted still closer. "You had to mention cameras, didn't you?"

"Why' You want to take my picture?" He smirked. "Should I strike a pose?" He propped himself up onto an elbow to strike a pose, flexing a bicep and flashing a cheesy grin. He could tell from the light streaming in through the grill in the roof that it was morning and that meant the house would begin stirring with life before long and their privacy would be shattered.

With a low laugh that rippled up from deep inside, Nim dropped onto her back at the sight of him posing for her, her body shaking gently with each giggle. "You're Voguing on me now?" she asked with incredulous amusement, reaching up to squeeze that flexed bicep with a teasing moan. "Oooh, baby, you're so firm."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-08-08 08:32 EST
He moved to lean over her, the grin widening, unable to let that comment slide past without a reply. "That's not the only thing that's firm," he teased, eyes flashing playfully as he leaned in to press another kiss to her lips, seemingly ready for Round Two.

Another giggle was caught between them, swallowed up by the playful kiss he pressed to her mouth even as she rose to meet him. Her hand slipped from his arm to his side, and decided to test a theory she'd been working on for a while. He insisted he wasn't ticklish, and yet she wasn't allowed to poke or linger on certain places, so ....Her fingers rippled against his side, just light enough, just firm enough, to test his insistence while he was distracted.

He flinched as she attempted to tickle him, tensing as he tried to resist and retain his composure. He broke away from her kiss, reaching for her hand to snatch it away from his side. "Don't start something you can't finish, Morgan," he warned, with narrowed eyes.

The warning did absolutely nothing to dampen the suddenly mischievous smile lighting up her eyes as her lips curved into a knowing, teasing grin. "Ahh," she breathed impishly, the fingers of her caught hand wriggling in a cheeky little wave as he drew her hands away from his side. "So you are ticklish. Good to know." And oh look ....she had another hand in prime position just to make sure of her discovery.

"I am not ticklish," he told her, emphasizing the not, as he reached for both hands, rolling on top of her to pin her to the bed, intent on lifting her hands above her head once again. "Don't even think about it, unless you want some of your own medicine," he warned, straddling her hips to hold her in a compromising position.

"Oh, come on, like I'm going to complain about you having your hands all over me," Nim laughed up at him, at least putting up some kind of token resistence this time before conceding to his superior strength, pinned down beneath him in a startlingly sweet display of not-quite submission. "You know, for someone who isn't ticklish, you're awfully keen to keep my hands off."

"I'm telling you, I'm not ticklish," he insisted, letting go of her hands and rolling onto his back close beside her on the small bed, just barely squeezing his tall self in beside her without falling off. "I'll even prove it." He laid his hands against his sides. "Go ahead. Give it your best shot."

Snickering, she shifted to the side, twisting to lean over him. Honeyed gold hair swept over her shoulder to trail against his chest as she grinned down at him, bopping the end of his nose with one fingertip. "Ah, but it won't work now because you're all prepared and braced for it," she informed him, apparently knowing a little more about this kind of playful than he might have guessed. "But then again ..." She shifted again, moving to straddle his body, leaning down to nip at his jaw. "You do kinda present a tempting view down there."

He furrowed his brows up at her, not quite trusting her. "Is this a trick" Are you trying to make me relax so you can tickle me again?" he asked as he eyed her suspiciously, tensing beneath her, just in case she was getting ready to assault him with a form of torture he had never really learned how to defend himself against, despite his claims to the contrary.

"Would I do something like that?" The question was so sweetly, so innocently put that it was like lighting up a neon sign declaring 'Do Not Trust This Woman'. Which was, of course, the point. He knew she'd never hurt him, which only left teasing and mischief, neither of which he ever seemed fully prepared for. Leaning low over him, she flashed a single grin before taking his lips in a languorous kiss, the motion of her hands over his skin about as far from tickling as she could get. After all, it wasn't often he put himself under her; she was going to make the most of it.

He hadn't really been the one to choose this position - that had been her doing - but he wasn't complaining. His fingers trailed through her fall of honey gold hair, pushing it back from her face, as she took his lips, cutting off any chance of a reply. He sighed against her lips, relaxing a little, but not yet surrendering himself to her ministrations, not quite trusting her. His body was betraying him, rising once again to attention, an aching need burning deep inside, torture of a different kind.

She was doing what he hadn't, taking her time to tease and torment him in the best possible way, with open-mouthed kisses to follow the trailing caress of her palms down from his lips and over his skin. Not, perhaps, the best place to be experimenting, but needs must when the devil drives. As her tongue dipped in and out of the defined planes of his chest, her body bending tighter to send her caresses lower over his flesh, she made no attempt to hold him down, not even hinting at restraining him. Another theory to be tested, one that had risen when she tasted his fear of pushing himself too far. It was entirely up to Dean how far she was allowed to go.

He made no attempt to stop her, eyes rolling back into his head as she teased and plied his body. His lips parted, his expression changing, pleasure written all over his face, seemingly enjoying this form of torture. His hands moved to her hips, fingers curling against her flesh as he arched his back, groaning in unabashed pleasure. "Nim, please..." It was his turn to beg, it seemed, trembling with desire, his voice quiet as his eyes slowly opened, unable to hide the pleading from his eyes.

"Shhh." She lifted her head, crawling back to lean over him, the tenderness in her dark eyes a stark contrast to the plea in his as her fingers stroked a line down his jaw. "All about you, baby," she promised him in a soft whisper, brushing her lips to his with each word. "You decide when." Strange, to hand over control when logic dictated that he should be at her mercy, but it seemed like a good way to illustrate the point she had yet to made and might never. He could trust himself with her, exactly as she trusted him. He just had to believe that.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-08-08 08:35 EST
"I can't..." He started, trailing off, unsure what it was exactly that he was protesting against. He trusted her implicitely, more then he trusted anyone else. It was a rare thing for him to place himself at the hands of another, at her mercy, to let her do whatever it was she wanted to with him. He looked up at her, fear mingling with desire, but there was nothing to fear from her. He groaned against her lips as she kissed him, desire flaring again like an ember catching flame. "Please..." he pleaded between languid kisses, brushing her hair back from her face once again, looking into her eyes so that she could see the instensity of his desire.

And there was the fear again, absent until that moment. Lesson ended, for now, at least - where Dean was concerned, Nim was prepared to stretch her limited patience as far as it would go. Next time, it would go further. "Love you, baby," was whispered against his lips as she gave him his wish, the tender sound escaping her as she speared his heat deep into her own as much a promise as anything said or done before. As instinct took over teasing with rolling, grinding, rocking assurity, she drew back from him, upright in loving display, her hands dragging over his skin still in loving caress even as her head fell back, teeth biting back a loud moan that would certainly have announced their whereabouts to the early risers above.

He watched her from his place beneath her, a position he found himself in, allowed himself to be in, so rarely. It was different not being in control, a certain excitement inherent in allowing her complete control over him, surrendering himself to her, completely submissive. He watched intently as she undulated against him, devouring her with his eyes as his hands reached upwards to cup and knead her breasts, teasing the soft pink tips with his fingers, even as she moaned aloud announcing their whereabouts.

Her hand rose to cover her own mouth a little too late, the possessive grasp of his hands over her breasts pushing her further, faster than she had expected. The instinct driving her reacted accordingly, urging on with ever increasing need, tempo and intensity rising with each moment that passed. It was her turn to whisper a plea as her head fell forward, dark eyes snapping open to lock with his, burning into his gaze with stormy desire. "I can't ..." she echoed his protest without even realizing the parallel. "Baby, please ....with me ..."

More concerned with her pleasure than his own, even as he laid beneath her, letting her use him as she would, he felt something break inside him as she pleaded with him to relax, to let himself go, to lose all control and let her take him to the pinnacle of desire. "Nim..." he whispered, her name a prayer against his lips, his hands sliding around her back to pull her down against his chest, his body burning with fever against hers. He lifted his head to ravage her lips, holding nothing back, feeling himself starting to go, heat slowly spiraling outward from deep inside. He held her tightly in his embrace, groaning against her lips, as his climax took him, shuddering violently with the intensity of it. He had to break from her lips to gasp for breath, throat closing with unexpected emotion.

She tumbled to him without a moment's hesitation, feeling that last part of his reluctance just melt away as he drew her down to him, wrapped up in his arms to reach that intoxicating crest of pleasure almost in the same moment. His shudders rippled through her, her arms come to rest against the bed by his head, fingers clenching in and out of his hair as he drank all he needed from her. Her breath was gone, stolen away by his kisses, the rushing sound of her moaning delight stifled into almost nothing as he tore his mouth from hers. She, too, gasped for breath, trembling as she lay over him, her face pressed lovingly into the smooth curve of his shoulder. How did you put into words how wonderful that moment of total surrender truly was"

He'd fantasized about this moment for so long, about what it would be like to make love to her, to kiss her, to become one with her - mind, body, and soul - never expecting that dream to become a reality, never expecting her to ever fall in love with him. A flood of emotions rushed over him as she fell against him, hearts beating together, and he wrapped her in his embrace, too overcome with emotion to find any words for what he was feeling, wondering what would happen if he were to surrender himself to her completely. His fingers trailed through her hair as she pressed herself against him, lifting a hand to wipe an errant tear or two from his face before she noticed.

As though she hadn't already noticed. Pressed so close together, she could feel every tension that rippled through his deeply relaxed body, able to recognize that specific tightness that came with tears, good or bad. But she gave him his moment, knowing that there were some times when privacy was all she could give him, slow to raise her head in the wake of that deeper connection. Her eyes tracked fondly over his face, lips touching a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth as her fingers released that tight grasp on his hair. "Not so bad, was it?" she whispered almost imperceptibly, needing to know he didn't resent her for taking control from him just this once.

"No," he whispered back, almost unable to find his voice for a moment. "No, it was..." He trailed off again, at a loss for words to describe what he was feeling. "Nim, I..." He frowned, sighing softly, wanting to explain and yet not sure if he was ready. He didn't want her pity, only her understanding, her patience. He rarely spoke of his time in Hell, not wanting anyone's pity, not wanting to be accused of feeling sorry for himself. It was over and he was thankful he'd survived, but those long years spent in Hell had changed him, made him fearful of things he'd never feared before.

His smile came to her face, warm and secret, her lips parting to blow her hair out of her eyes as she rose onto her forearms, one hand curling to his cheek. She could sense there was a lot beneath the surface, words and memories and old torments he might never be able to share with her, but it didn't matter. "When you're ready," she told him, quiet but firm. "Don't push."

He wasn't sure what he'd done to deserve such an angel as her, but he was grateful to whatever Gods had given her to him - Apollo, Aphrodite, Zeus, all of them or none of them. As much as he detested being a puppet on a string, he was indebted to the Olympians for saving both their lives and bringing them together. "I love you," he told her quietly, eyes suspiciously wet, as his fingers traced her cheek.

She held his gaze for a long moment, in awe of the glistening moisture that filled his eyes, deeply touched that he could show her even a glimpse of this broken side of him without pushing her away. "I know," was her own whispered answer, feeling her heart swell in the wake of that quiet confession.

She would never tire of hearing him tell her that, knowing as she did how hard won the words were from his lips. There weren't words enough to express how thankful she was to gods or angels or demons or whoever was truly responsible for bringing her to this point. What mattered now was what they did with the time given to them, already moving with confidence into a future they would fix for the better, together.

((It was so tempting to call this one Don't Panic! but I resisted. :grin: Always and forever big thank yous go out to Dean's player. Maybe we'll let the characters get dressed for a while now.))