Topic: Exes And Other Interruptions (AU)

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 09:47 EST
((Scene contains situations of an adult nature. If this offends, please don't read.)) _________________________

Dean was getting restless. Anyone with eyes to see could recognise that, and it wasn't exactly made any better by the fact that every hunter who had passed through Morgan's Landing in the last four days had taken with them the news that one of the Winchesters was alive and well. It wouldn't be long before the supernatural community at large got hold of that information. Nim could tell that Dean was about a hair's breadth from pacing the floor like a caged animal, but wasn't quite ready to move on yet. If she was the reason he was holding himself back, he didn't need to - she already had a bag packed, ready to be grabbed at a moment's notice if he were to announce his intent to leave.

Still, even prepared, it left a lot of time to fill, and as much as she wanted a repeat of their early morning together, she was trying to behave herself. Brian had looked vaguely sickened by the goofy grin on her face when they'd met outside the bathroom after dawn, and for his sake, she was attempting not to light up in a glow every time Dean so much as looked at her. But the Landing was too quiet, there was hardly anyone there, and she needed some way to fill the time.

Leaning far over the edge of the pool table, she squinted down the length of the cue stick, taking careful aim. "You are so going down, princess," she informed her opponent with a flicker of a grin, taking her eyes off the cue as she hit, confident that the striped ball would thump into the intended pocket without a fuss. Which it did. Nim straightened, leaning on her cue stick as she looked over the table. "Regretting laying a bet on this yet?"

Dean huffed at her remark, watching the striped ball drop into a pocket, thinking the shot was an easy one. He was as confident of his skills with a pool cue as he was with a .45. Over-confident maybe, but he wasn't really worried about winning or losing. He figured he'd come out on top either way. "No regrets. That's my motto." Yeah, right. And if you believe that one, he's got some swamp land to sell you in Florida.

He wasn't regretting anything so far since his arrival here, and he sure as hell wasn't regretting making love to her earlier that morning. Bobby had issued a warning to be careful, but had said nothing more on the subject, shaking his head and muttering something about fool ijits with overactive hormones. He and Dean had found a little time to talk, while Brian and Nim were getting the bar open and ready for the day, and Dean had told him what he'd been thinking, but Bobby had no thoughts on the matter just yet. He'd told Dean he needed a little more to go on than that, but Dean had no other clues to offer just yet, and the subject had been dropped. Bobby knew Dean well enough to know he was getting antsy and needed some answers, and he was worried what would happen when Dean finally decided it was time to go find them out for himself.

Nim flashed him a laughing smile, amused by the way he was still insisting she was going to lose despite the fact that she'd sunk two with the break, and hadn't missed yet. But then, that was part of the fun, right' Walking around the table, she laid a hand against his chest to give him a gentle shove back, turning to bend over the table once again. "Out of the way, you," was offered in a voice perhaps a little too intimate for the public bar, but then, there were more buttons undone on her shirt than were exactly appropriate for the public bar, too. She had to win somehow.

He couldn't help but smirk as she shoved him out of the way, stumbling back a step, eyes following her as she moved past him, admiring her form and figure, feeling just a little bit smug that she belonged to him. At least, that's how he figured it, especially after what had happened between them earlier in the day. He was still enjoying the afterglow of their romantic interlude, in good spirits, despite the worries on his mind, determined not to let anything ruin their evening. He reached for the beer he'd left standing on the edge of the table, smirking as he watched her line up the next shot. "Let me know when you're finished, princess," he said, stealing her pet name for him and turning it around on her. He took a swig of the beer, the cue stick resting backwards against his shoulder.

Over by the bar, Brian was watching them with half-an-eye, still engrossed in a conversation with Bobby that seemed to have taken the last three days just to get to the juicy part. It wasn't that he didn't trust Dean, but Nim was the closest thing he had to family. If she got hurt, Brian would hurt Dean. Simple as that.

Bobby couldn't very well promise that Dean wouldn't hurt Nim. The guy didn't exactly have the best track record with relationships, but he could tell by the way he looked at her that there was something different this time, something special going on between them, and Bobby had gone ahead and shared with Brian what Dean had already shared with him - that Dean suspected he and Nim's lives were linked somehow and that whoever had brought her here had done the same to him.

Fully aware of Dean's eyes on her - and loving it - Nim made sure her spine curved just that little bit deeper as she bent to take the next shot, her shirt riding up a little way to offer a glimpse of pale skin. Having the nickname hijacked, however, made her laugh, and with that laugh, she missed, straightening up with an indignant pout. "Decided whether you're gonna use will-power or handcuffs?" she asked him sweetly.

"If you're trying to distract me, you're doing a pretty good job," Dean told her, lowering the beer to admire the view. He couldn't help but let his mind wander to what it would be like to take her right there on the pool table, late at night when no one was around, and he had to stifle a shudder at the thought. If his mind continued along that track, she'd already won. His eyes moved over her, lingering longer than necessary on the hint of pale flesh that lay beneath her partially unbuttoned shirt. "I'm not particularly fond of handcuffs myself, but if you're into that sort of thing, I might make an exception."

"All depends on whether you can keep your hands to yourself when I win, doesn't it?" she teased through a knowing grin. He wasn't the only one entertaining thoughts of what other games could be played on this table, after all. Her fingers wrapped about his beer bottle as she stepped close. "In case you hadn't noticed, it's your shot."

He smirked again and tweaked her nose playfully. "Nice try, sweetheart, but I was talking about using the cuffs on you." He let her take the beer from his hand, eyes tracking her as she got closer. "I noticed." He slung the cue stick off his shoulder, rolling it in his hands before stepping away from her toward the table.

"Watch and learn from the master," he quipped, pausing a moment to look the table over. She was good, better than he'd expected, but he was confident he was better. His expression changed, turning serious as he rounded the table, looking for the number one ball and his best chance of knocking it into a pocket.

Nim watched, amused and impressed by the way he could switch the flirtation off to concentrate on the game. She wasn't above admiring the view, either, aware of Brian's gaze occasionally flickering over to them and ignoring it. It was none of his business what was going on so long as it didn't interfere too much. Besides, it was fun to tease Dean when they both knew he didn't dare come onto her too overtly. Not in front of both gossiping old men at the bar.

"Oh, master, I'll bet you have lots to teach me," she moaned for his ears only, setting the beer back on the corner of the table as she leaned on her cue stick once more.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 09:50 EST
Usually unflappable once he turned serious, he did manage to flash a grin over at her. "Are you going Jeannie on me" Because I wouldn't mind seeing you in that outfit." Okay, that was pretty overtly flirtatious and even had Bobby rolling his eyes, but Dean didn't really care. "If I rub your lamp, will you give me three wishes?"

"Wouldn't you rather it was me rubbing your lamp?" Nim countered through a wickedly suggestive grin of her own, leaning one hip against the table as she watched him. At the bar, Brian groaned loudly, muttering something about not wanting to hear this from the innocent little girl he'd been looking after for more than two years.

Dean knew first hand what djinn were really like and wanted nothing to do with one, but the blonde TV genie he'd watched on late night reruns was both harmless and adorable. Who wouldn't want a piece of that' He snickered at her remark and leaned over the table, deciding on his first shot. "Touche. You can rub my lamp later and make all my wishes come true."

And without so much as another moment's hesitation, he tapped the cue ball with his stick sending both ball one and two richocheting into two different pockets. He straighted, smiling proudly at the results. "And that, Padawan, is how it is done."

"Show off." She was a little rattled that he was good enough to back up his cocky insistence that he was going to win their bet, and boy, did it show. A moment of dismay showed itself in her dark eyes as the balls pocketed themselves, her teeth finding purchase on her lower lip, because Nim knew he'd just love to keep her hanging for hours at a time if he could. "Don't you go all Star Wars on me. Pulling an Obi-Wan isn't gonna get you a free ride, princess."

"Obi-Wan' If anything, I'm Han, and if I'm Han, that makes you Leia." He smirked, pointing at her with the pool cue. "Unless you'd like to be Chewy. Do you growl when you're cranky, princess?" he countered, stepping back up to the table to line up his third shot, debating whether or not he should let her win.

"You gonna start accusing me of being a committee?" Nim laughed, proving that despite lacking most of her lifetime of memories, she had one hell of a memory for movie quotes and trivia. "Anyway, you know what happens when I growl. Can't see Han ever surviving that from Chewy." Her eyes twinkled mischievously as she watched him, enjoying the verbal sparring more than the game of pool.

"But you can't be Chewy because Bobby is Chewy, which means Brian is....Hmm..." He considered a minute, his mouth still blabbing even as he lined up the shot. "Brian can be Obi-Wan." Though he might not say a lot when it came to talking about his feelings, when it came to verbal sparring, he had a big mouth. He paused a moment to take aim and smacked the cue ball again, sending the third ball skittering into a pocket. C*cky as ever, he straightened, blowing invisible smoke off the end of the pool cue, like it was a smoking gun.

"Brian's 3PO," she argued laughingly, fingers itching to catch the ball before it thumped out of sight, but knowing that would just be asking for trouble. Not that trouble was a bad thing, exactly ....Clearing her throat in an attempt to push that mental image aside, she failed completely as Dean's mouth formed that kissable pout to blow over the end of the cue. She shook her head, cheeks flushing lightly. "I don't believe this," she muttered. "I'm not even shooting, and you're playing dirty."

He chuckled, glancing over at Bobby and Brian and wondering how much they could hear being discussed. "Did you hear that, Brian' She says you're an English butler robot." He snickered, feeling mischievous and c*cky, and why not' He had just got laid by the most beautiful girl in the world. He ignored her comment, smirking to himself. They were all caught up now, and he had to decide whether to go ahead or purposely flub the next shot.

"Better'n being a c*cky son of a b*tch with more balls than brains," was Brian's rather grumpy response, earning himself a warning look from Nim before he subsided.

She was smirking when Dean looked back, however, considering how she might be able to distract him from sinking the number four. Ah, well, a glimpse of pink satin might do it. She put herself opposite him, discreetly undoing the third button on her shirt, and leaned forward onto the table, offering him a view she had a feeling he wouldn't be able to ignore. As to whether it worked or not, well, that remained to be seen. "You're thinking hard over there, Winchester."

Dean thought nothing of Brian's insult, taking it with a grain of salt, assuming he was just joining the fray, never realizing the man might be p*ssed that Dean had slept with the girl he thought of as his daughter. He leaned over the table again, lifting his gaze to find a bit of pink satin peeking out from beneath her shirt. "Trying to distract me, Har..." He broke off, realizing he'd almost slipped. That thought was more distracting than the hint of pink satin, which he was confident he'd be seeing more of later.

"Sorry," he muttered, turning serious again, as he flicked his gaze away from her toward the shot he had been lining up in his sights before she'd distracted him. He drew his arm back before whacking the little white ball, which rolled across the table and tapped the fourth ball but didn't sink it. "Damn it," he muttered, straightening and shoving a hand through his short cropped hair.

Her eyes narrowed a little at the almost-slip, but she didn't draw attention to it. Dean's difficulty with her identity wasn't an argument she wanted to have in front of anyone else, not seeing that it was anyone's business but theirs. Watching him fail to sink the ball, however, made her snort with laughter. "Oh, come on," she teased, rolling her eyes. "Now you're not even trying." Straightening again, she flashed him a wink and moved to study the table herself, locating the 12 and triangulating from there.

Behind her, the main door to the bar opened up, allowing entry for a pair of newcomers, both hunters like everyone else. At the bar, Brian stiffened, his eyes flashing between one of the men who had come in and Nim where she was bent over the pool table, scowling down the length of her cue stick. "Uh, Rob ..." But the warning came a little too late.

Rob, the hunter who'd taken advantage of Nim's loneliness on a couple of occasions and decided she was his girl because of them, stepped right up to her back, clasping his hands possessively at her hips with a grin. "Missed me, babe?"

Nim grimaced, her face paling abruptly as she felt the familiar and unwelcome hands on her. She straightened swiftly, reaching to try and pull those hands off her. "Get off, Rob."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 09:59 EST
Annoyed with himself, not for missing the shot, but for almost flubbing her name, Dean turned his back on her to retrieve his beer, not noticing the two hunters come in. They were just hunters, like everyone else, no one special. He picked up his beer and took a long swallow, only taking notice of the two newcomers when he realized one of them was hitting on his girl. Dean lowered the bottle, turning to watch Rob with narrowed eyes, clearing his throat loudly to let the man know he was an unwelcome intruder. "Excuse me, but how can I put this nicely' Buzz off."

Rob only grinned, stronger than Nim as was evidenced by how easily he shrugged off her attempts to get him to let go. His arms wrapped about hers as he moved to press a kiss to her neck, somewhat thwarted when she leaned as far away as she could. "Hey, what?s the deal, babe?" he laughed, ignoring Dean completely as the interloper in his story. "Didn't even miss me a little?" One hand moved to skim over her curves, but blatantly rose away to avoid feeling the scars under her shirt.

Nim flushed, embarrassed and humiliated, struggling to get free of a man who seemed to think two nights made a commitment. "I mean it, Rob, get your hands off," she insisted, her eyes lifting to meet Dean's with deep apology for the other hunter's behavior. "I'm not your babe, I never was."

Oh, it was going to be one of those nights, was it' Dean sighed, annoyed and starting to lose his patience. Despite that, he calmly finished off his beer. No sense in letting a good beer go to waste. He wagered the douchebag wasn't going to try anything too forward while Brian was in earshot and Dean had no intentions on letting the guy take Nim anywhere private if he had anything to say about it. He calmly set his beer down and leaned his cue stick against the table. To be fair, Dean thought one night did mean a committment here, but Nim had told him she loved him, and he was guessing from her reaction to this guy that her feelings were less than amorous.

Dean turned back to the pair, green eyes flashing a warning. "Are you deaf or just stupid" She said to get off, Rob." He emphasized the man's name just for good measure. If he ignored him a second time, he deserved what he got in return.

Nim winced at the flash in Dean's eyes. She might not recall having seen it before, but she knew what it meant. Before she could say anything, however, Rob's eyes had lifted to meet Dean's, just as cocky but with entirely misplaced confidence. "Who's the boy toy, babe?" he asked the young woman still slightly imprisoned in his arms, evidently not at all good at taking 'no' for an answer. "Don't tell me you spread your legs for someone else while I was out of town?"

"Boy toy?" Dean echoed, chuckling mirthlessly. "I was hunting when you were just a twinkle in your mama's eyes, so watch who you're calling boy." He slowly rounded the table until he was standing within arm's reach of the man and Nim. "She told you twice to let her go. If I have to ask, I won't be so polite."

"She's just playin' around," Rob informed Dean, his eyes cold despite the boyish smile playing at his lips. "She likes to play these little games, don't you, babe? Likes to pretend she's frigid until she gets all drunk and teary." There was a thump from near the bar - Brian had begun to advance on the little scene himself, his expression livid.

For Nim's part, she couldn't imagine this scene getting any worse. It was bad enough that Rob was behaving like a dick, but she could smell the alcohol on his breath, and knew that he wasn't going to do the wise thing and back off while he could. She stood, stiff and tense in the arms of a man she had been hoping wouldn't get back to Chicago until after she'd left with Dean, and hoped like hell she wasn't about to get caught in the middle of a fist fight.

Dean's eyes flashed, seething with anger. He would love nothing better than to beat the crap out of the man, but he wasn't going to risk hurting Nim in the process. He spied Brian advancing from the corner of an eye and knew Bobby probably wasn't far behind. Dean stepped as close as he possibly could without risking Nim getting hurt. "Last warning. I'm not gonna tell you again." He was just about in the younger man's face and knew he was probably going to have to play dirty in order to get Nim away from him. "You wanna fight about it, let's take it outside."

Caught between the two men as Dean stepped right up, Nim winced again, realizing it was probably up to her to at least get out of the way. As Rob laughed in Dean's face, stupidly not seeing the mess he'd put himself in, she twisted, ramming her bony elbow back into Rob's diaphragm. He grunted, the breath rushing from his lungs, and his arms loosened, giving her a chance to get free of him. "You insane b*tch, what was that for?"

With Nim's elbow to Rob's chest, Dean had his chance to clock the man, but before he could do that he had to make sure she was safe. Putting her safety first, he lunged forward to grab hold of her and get her out of the man's way, pushing her safely behind him where hopefully she would retreat toward Brian, who in turn would make sure she remained at a safe distance. "That was for not listening the first time," Dean answered Rob's question for her.

Pushing Nim out of the way effectively managed two things, one in Dean's favor, and one not so much. It kept Brian from getting involved, the older man lunging to catch the young woman as she stumbled and over-balanced, trying to reverse her course and stop the fight before it started. He held onto her himself - as much as Brian didn't like knowing that Nim had made her choice and it was Dean, he liked Rob even less for not really having given her that choice when it was him.

The second ....well, that showed itself in Rob's fist plunging toward Dean's jaw as the other hunter straightened up, his hand bunched loosely as he drew himself to his full height. "Get your hands off my girl, boy toy."

Dean had taken a chance in worrying about Nim first, allowing the younger man to get the first shot, which connected with Dean's jaw hard enough to knock him stumbling backwards, but not off his feet. Dean rubbed his jaw as he regained his balance, not bothering to waste any more time exchanging barbs with the man. He curled both hands into fists and came at Rob with a right hook to his jaw, followed quickly by an uppercut with his left to the man's middle. He was just a hunter, after all. Easy as pie. Unless the man came back at him with demonic black eyes, Dean wasn't really worried.

For all his noise, Rob was a hunter, too, and getting the first shot in gave him a chance to brace for the returning blows. All the same, he still found himself stumbling back with a bleeding lip and bruised ribs, even as he balled his fist again.

It was at this point that one of the other hunters in the bar, a man closer to Bobby's age than anyone else, drawled mildly, "You sure that's wise, son' That's Dean Winchester you're proposin' on fightin'."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 10:03 EST
Rob stiffened suddenly, his eyes widening as they flashed from the furious Dean to the other men and women in the bar. "You've got to be kidding me," he began, but was interrupted by another voice, softer, calmer.

"It's no joke," Nim said quietly, shaking free of Brian's restraining hands to step close to Dean herself. "And I'm not your girl."

Dean didn't look like he was ready to back down. In fact, he looked like he'd like nothing better than to lay into someone and it might as well be Rob. He had bottled up his anger long enough. He had a brother to grieve, for starters, and didn't mind taking it out on some dumbass' hide. "I can do this all night," he warned Rob, hands still curled into fists, waiting to see if he'd back down or want to go to round two. His jaw was starting to swell, but he hardly noticed, more concerned with defending Nim's honor than his own well-being.

Later, he'd wonder how many other hunters out there would like a piece of his hide, just to say they had. How many enemies he'd made who were just waiting for a little revenge. The list was probably lengthy, but he figured he had just as many allies as enemies. He wasn't in it for the competition; he was in it because he really had no choice. He just hoped he left Chicago with more allies than enemies.

Not your girl. The inflection was not lost on Rob, whose eyes narrowed angrily as he took in the oddly protective stance of both Nim and Dean in front of him, both protecting each other in their own way. It was a galling thing to see, made moreso by the fact that he had assumed she was a sure thing, his port of call in Chicago.

"Oh yeah?" was his snide response to Dean's warning, the shift of his feet giving away his mistake before he made it. "How drunk did she have to be to f*ck a dead man?" The next punch was aimed for Nim, petty revenge for being passed over.

Dean anticipated Rob's move almost before he knew it himself. Stepping between Rob and Nim, this time Dean took advantage of the other man's mistake. Distracted by his aim at the girl, Rob had left himself wide open to Dean, who wouldn't miss and would make sure the man went down for the count this time. One fist and then the other, just as before, but this time both punches were aimed for the man's head, and if that didn't take him down, Dean was prepared for more.

Down for the count was one way of putting it. Not only did Rob miss and take two solid hits in return, but he hit the floor of the bar with a thump that shook the glasses on tables nearby. Dazed, the obnoxious hunter blinked with unfocused vision, scowling up at Dean as his eye began to swell.

Dean leaned over the man, grabbing him by the scruff of his jacket and pulling, lowering his voice for Rob's ears only. "Touch her again, come anywhere near her, and I'll kill you. Got me?"

"Dean." As the fallen hunter coughed, nodding in response to the warning he hadn't really heard too clearly, Nim's hand curled about Dean's upper arm, offering a gentle tug to convince him to let go. "He's not worth this," she told him softly, acutely aware of every eye in the place on them, and just as acutely shy of how sexy Dean being dominant on her behalf had turned out to be. Never mind the man bleeding on the floor, she was distracted. Again. "You're better than this."

Dean paused a moment, as if frozen in time, silently debating, tempted to beat the man to a pulp just for daring to glare stupidly up at him, but then he heard her voice, pulling him back to the present. The red haze of rage faded, and he visibly relaxed, letting go of the man's jacket and straightening, a little afraid of how far he might have gone if she hadn't stopped him.

He looked around, seeing the eyes on them, on him, and wondered if he had crossed the line. His gaze drifted over the crowd, seeing not a single familiar face other than Bobby's and Nim's and Brian's. Not one person that he knew or cared about there, but them. He wondered what they thought of him now. Was he a hero or a bully' He clenched his jaw, which was now throbbing painfully and turning an ugly shade of purple, as he stepped over the prone body of the man and started toward the bar.

There was silence for a moment, broken by the whirr and clack of the jukebox switching songs and the wheeze as Rob tried to catch his breath. Then Brian moved to take charge. His bar, his rules, after all. One hand landed on Nim's shoulder, turning her about and pushing her to follow Dean toward the bar, as the other pointed to the prone hunter on his floor. His sharp eyes met those of Rob's companion. "Get him up and out of my bar," he said firmly. "I'm not servin' him tonight, or any night he makes trouble."

A quiet murmur rose from the men and women around them, agreement without openly stating it. A way-point was a place of safety for most, somewhere you could just be who and what you were without encountering the ugly side of human or demonic nature. And making a move on a woman who was obviously with someone else, whether that someone was Dean Winchester or not, was just asking for trouble.

Ignoring the stumbling sound of Rob being pulled out of the Landing by his friend as the normal sound of voices and music washed over them once again, Nim dared to touch Dean's back, wondering if he was going to blame her for what had just happened. She knew she should have told him about Rob, but when had she had time" Between shock, grief, tenderness, and passion, there had never seemed to be an appropriate moment to warn Dean about her two-night-stand. "You okay?"

The crowd parted before Dean like the Red Sea before Moses, but he hardly noticed. As if able to read Dean's mind, Bobby handed the younger hunter a glass and a bottle of JD, glance darting to Nim before he retreated to have a chat with Brian. Dean thought the two men were like old washerwomen when it came to himself and Nim, worrywarts both of them, but he couldn't really blame them. Dean tossed back the contents of the glass in its entirety, wincing a little as the bourbon burned its way past his throat. "Yeah," he replied, tensing as he felt Nim's hand on his back. "You?" he asked, tilting a glance toward her as he reached for the bottle to refill his glass.

She nodded slowly, regret and apology filling her eyes when he glanced at her. Ignoring the glances sent their way by both Bobby and Brian, she stepped close to Dean, sliding her arms about his waist from behind, pressing a kiss against his shoulderblade through his shirt. "I'm sorry," she murmured. "I should have warned you about Rob. I didn't think he'd be such an a$$."

Once his glass was refilled, Dean set the bottle back on the bar, turning his head once again to regard her. Everything had been going well until that a$$ had walked into the bar, setting his mood off. He felt conflicted again, as part of him told him he should let her down easy, walk away now, before things got more serious, before she got hurt, but he couldn't. When he looked down into her sweet, trusting face, something twisted inside him, a dull ache, like a knife twisting inside his chest.

She had told him she loved him, and he knew the feeling was mutual, but it wasn't that easy. He thought he'd come to grips with his feelings, but for some reason, his fight with Rob had thrown him completely off balance, and now he wasn't so sure of anything anymore. He turned to her, dropping his chin to press a protective kiss against the top of her head. "It's not your fault. He had it coming."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 10:08 EST
"It ain't your fault, either." It wasn't Nim who spoke, but Brian, rising out of his resumed conversation with Bobby to involve himself in something that wasn't really his business. He eyed Dean pointedly, daring the younger man to hold onto a bad mood that was not of his making. "Find some privacy and ask her how he got to thinkin' she was his," he suggested, ignoring Nim's quiet protest against this suggestion, continuing over the top of her glare. "And keep in your head that he hunts because of the power rush, mostly. I'm not sayin' Rob's a bad man, 'cos he's not. But he's got twists that ain't worth worryin' yourself over beatin' out of him."

Dean looked over at Brian when the man piped in, worrying he thought less of him now that he had taken Nim to bed, but he wasn't Rob. He didn't want a one-night stand. They hadn't slept together just for the sex. Or so he tried to tell himself. It was just as well Brian was suggesting they find someplace to talk. He seemed suddenly all too aware of the eyes that were staring, not just Bobby's and Brian's, but other hunters in the bar, faces he didn't know, but who seemed to know him, if only by name and reputation, and he suddenly felt like he was suffocating.

"You wanna get outta here for a while?" he asked Nim, taking Brian's suggestion one step further. He didn't really care where they went, even if it was just out to the car to sit for a while. He had to get out of there and soon.

Tearing her impotent glare from Brian, knowing he'd just managed to back her into sharing details she didn't want Dean to know, Nim looked up at her lover, squeezing her arms about his waist once more as she nodded. "Yeah," she agreed, equally aware of the eyes on them, on him. She couldn't imagine what it must be like to be known by so many people he didn't even have names for. Her arms slid from about him, one hand insinuating into his palm as the other claimed the bottle of JD from the counter. "Let's go."

He sure as hell didn't feel like a hero; in fact, he felt like the exact opposite. He didn't want people looking up to him or putting him on some pedestal. He wasn't a hero; he was just a guy trying to survive and do the right thing. When would they understand that' Batman was a hero; Superman was a hero. He was just a hunter, that was all he was and all he'd ever be.

He turned back to Brian as Nim took his hand, knowing the man was probably not very happy with him right now. He was taking his little girl away from him, and Dean knew how that must hurt. "I'll have her home soon," he promised the man, glance darting to Bobby, who he knew was going to give him a long, hard talk come morning.

"Just keep her safe." That was it. No parting words of warning, no injunction to have her back before midnight. Brian knew when he'd lost, and he was gracious in defeat. He nodded to Dean, his gaze flickering to Nim, and turned back to Bobby, ostensibly dismissing the young pair from his mind.

Biting her lower lip hard, Nim rolled her eyes, gently pulling on Dean's hand to draw him out through the door and into the cool night air.

Dean had a feeling he knew how Brian felt. He knew Nim was like a daughter to him, and he felt guilty as hell to take her away, but in the end, it was Nim's decision to make, not his or Brian's. Unless Dean made it for her. He made no reply to the other man, a promise to keep her safe silently shared between them, and out he went, tugged along by Nim into the cool night breeze, which, though refreshing, stung at the swelling bruise on his cheek.

Pausing outside the door, Nim hesitated, looking up at him in concern. "I should have grabbed an ice pack," she said ruefully, releasing his hand for a moment to very gently trace the edge of the bruise on his jaw. "I can run and get one now, wouldn't be a minute." It was a strangely evasive offer; as much as she enjoyed privacy with Dean, she had a feeling he might well ask about Brian's allusion to Rob's methods, and she didn't want him any angrier this evening.

He wrapped his fingers around the hand that was tracing his jawline. It wasn't a big deal; he'd had far worse. The swelling and the bruises be gone soon enough. He was just glad the douchebag hadn't been stupid enough to draw a weapon. Things could have been a lot worse for everyone. "I'm fine, Nim. Don't worry so much." She, of all people, should know how much worse it could have been. If she was serious about going with him, hunting with him, she was going to have to get used to this and so, he realized, was he.

Her lips twisted into rueful smile as he caught her hand, knowing she was making a fuss over nothing. "All right," she agreed softly. "So where to' If you're drinking, I'm driving." And there was an odd inflection in her voice as she said it - if he wanted to argue the point, he could, but she would still ultimately be the one in the driving seat. If he decided they were going somewhere.

He frowned moodily down at her, but knew she was right. "I don't care," he replied, honestly. "I just need some air." He glanced up at the sky, almost as if seeing it for the first time. "The sky's the same here. Same stars, same moon." This seemed to surprise him for some reason. Wherever here was, it didn't seem much different from home, at least in appearance. He paused a moment to search the sky for a familiar constellation or two, but the city lights were too bright to make them out. "Me and Sam used to sit on the hood of the Impala for hours and just look at the stars." He wasn't sure why he was telling her that, but it somehow it seemed important. He felt that dull ache in his chest again, a heaviness at the thought of Sam.

Her eyes narrowed at the petulance in his tone, the heaviness he was expressing with moody indifference. "You don't care," she repeated after him in a dull voice of her own. "I call bullsh*t." Her hand twisted in his to take a firm hold, and she pulled him along with her, around the corner to the parking lot. The Impala was there, shining sleek and liquid beautiful even in the shadows beyond the artificial light.

With a strength she wasn't sure she should be using on Dean, Nim pulled him around until he was pressed back against his beloved car, pushing the bottle into his hand as she crowded up to him, all but glaring at him for being so recalcitrant with his problems. Her hand opened up between them, palm bare. "Keys or issues, your choice."

He furrowed his brows as he turned his head her way again, opening his mouth to argue with her, but then she was tugging him toward the parking lot and his baby with such vehemence that he didn't dare argue. "Getting a little bossy now that we started sleeping together, aren't you?" he asked, though there was no accusation in his voice, no inflection whatsoever. He sounded tired, emotionally drained. He'd bounce back eventually; he always did. He wasn't ready to toss in the towel just yet.

Glaring down at her from his height as she practically cornered him against his own car, he shoved a hand into his jeans pocket to yank out his keys and drop them in her hand, scowling at her. "Not one scratch," he warned, trading the keys for the bottle. In the last few days since he'd been there, it seemed he'd been riding an emotional roller coaster, and this was one of a few dips along the way.

Closing her fingers around the keyring as it was traded, Nim nodded, relieved he wasn't arguing with her. "I was bossy before, you just weren't paying attention," she informed him, unlocking the passenger door. "Get in." Lengthening her stride, she moved around to unlock the driver's door and slide in herself, closing up behind her as she inserted the key. She looked over at him, trying to be patient with his abrupt mood change and very aware that she was failing. A drive would do both of them a little good, hopefully. "Anywhere in particular?"

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 10:13 EST
"Second star to the right and straight on til morning," he told her after climbing in and settling himself in the passenger seat. Little did she know that even this reminded him of Sam. No one ever drove the Impala but him or Sam. Ever. Except Bobby, but that had only been since he'd died. God, that was confusing. There was only one place he wanted to go right now that was close enough to get her home before Brian would start worrying.

"The beach," he said. "Never thought I'd see you behind the wheel of my baby." He balanced the bottle of JD against his knee, watching to see if she knew what she was doing. "Put your seatbelt on."

She could feel his gaze on her, vaguely irritated by the way he seemed to be waiting for her to show any sign of uncertainty. "Don't you trust me with her?" she asked curiously, deciding not to argue about the seatbelt. Pinning herself in place, she turned her eyes to the dash in front of her. As she'd been hoping, something stirred in the blank part of her memory. She didn't think she'd ever actually driven a car like this before, but she'd apparently paid close attention to watching someone drive ....probably Dean. As the Impala purred to life, she flashed him a pleased smile. "You put your seatbelt on."

He chuffed. "That confident about your driving skills?" he asked, sarcastically, but relented, tugging the seatbelt across his chest and clicking it closed. "You know how many times I've crashed her and rebuilt her?" he continued, for some reason feeling the need to talk, even if it wasn't about Rob or what had gone down between him and Nimue.

"I'm guessing it's more than once," she mused, easing herself forward on the bench seat to let her feet find the pedals confidently. Perhaps this was why he was surprised to see her behind the wheel of his baby - she was too short to be entirely safe there. Still, it wasn't going to stop her from pulling out of the lot and onto the streets, more confident with the route than he had been a couple of nights before. "You really mean rebuilt?"

Jo would have known some of his history - mostly secondhand from Ellen or Bobby - but Nimue seemed to know very little. But then, he wasn't sure how much of his own history was the same here. So far, it seemed everything was the same up until he and Sam had said yes to Michael and Lucifer, but he didn't know for sure. He wondered if she realized that allowing her to drive his car demonstrated how much faith and trust he had in her. "Yeah. I'm not sure about this one, but back home, I rebuilt her a few times after she got totalled."

For some reason, this made her smile, pleased to discover that he had skills beyond the stock in trade of a hunter, just as she did. "You must be pretty good." Despite the fact that the Impala was too big for her, Nim turned out to be pretty competant behind the wheel, though she concentrated more upon driving than conversation, wrapping them both in silence until she drew to a halt in the darkness of the beach's parking lot, away from the bright lights of the street. Killing the engine, she released her seat belt, leaning back with a soft sigh. Now what"

"I'm better than good. I'm awesome." There was that hint of the c*ckiness he'd shown back at the bar, playing pool and having a good time. Had that really only been an hour or so ago' He followed her lead, quieting, allowing her to focus on her driving while he stared out the window, his thoughts his own. He was starting to think of the beach as their place, even though this was only the second time they'd been there. He remembered the fun they'd had here, for one night and one night only. Could they really make a life together" Was that what he was here for"

"I'm sorry about Rob," he found himself apologizing for some reason. "I kind of lost my cool back there." He glanced at the bottle of JD he still had clutching in his hand, debating whether or not to drink any of it.

She shook her head, her face darkening in a shamed blush. One hand hesitated for a moment, reaching over to gently curl to his thigh. "I should have put him down the first time," she told him quietly. "You only gave him what he was asking for. I'm just ....I'm so sorry I didn't warn you about him. I guess I was -" She paused, glancing toward him warily. "I was kinda hoping we'd be gone before he came back through."

He turned to her when he felt her hand against his thigh in what seemed like a gesture of peace or acquiesance. "I know what Brian said, but you don't really owe me any explanations. I mean....Whatever happened before I got here is none of my business. I just..." He clenched his jaw adding injury to insult, anger and jealousy flaring hotly again when he thought about how the guy had tried to manhandle her. "I didn't like how he was touching you."

Her fingers curled tighter against the denim that covered his legs for a moment as a mirthless little laugh escaped her lips. "I don't like the way he touches me. I've never liked it." Encouraged by the jealousy that radiated from him, she slid closer, half-turning to meet his eyes. "I know what Brian said, but he's right. You just gotta promise me you're not gonna kill Rob when I'm done. He's an a$$, but he does a good job."

A thought crossed his mind suddenly and not a pleasant one. His expression darkened, hinting at that same rage he'd felt when he'd decked the man. "Did he force himself on you?" he asked her flat out, no beating around the bush, no excuses. Though Dean had certainly slept with his share of women, they had all gone willingly. And even when the one he'd wanted more than all the others had said no, he'd hadn't pressed the matter, respecting her enough to allow her to make her own decision. That woman was the one sitting right beside him.

She shook her head again, her hands rising to touch his arms, as though she had any hope of restraining him if he decided to go on a revenge mission of his own. "No, he didn't force me," she assured him, wriggling closer until she was almost in his lap. And even that close, she couldn't quite bring herself to meet his eyes as she offered up her explanation, ashamed of herself for being so weak.

"He just ....he waited until I was really down, and he got me drunk. I don't even find him attractive; he was there, and he said all the right things, and if I'd been sober, I would have said no." She shrugged, shaking her head again. "It's my fault, Dean, and I should have told you."

Dean looked as confused as he felt. She was apologizing to him because in a moment of weakness, she had slept with a guy she didn't really love" Was that it' "I don't..." He shook his head, clearly confused. "Why are you apologizing to me for something that happened before I even got here?" It wasn't like he was going to hold her accountable for every guy she'd ever slept with or crushed on. If that was the case, he had a lot more to answer for than she did.

"Because it's made you feel bad." She inched nearer, touching her fingertips to his unbruised cheek. "And it got you punched, which p*sses me off." Nim rolled her eyes, sighing softly. Her gaze lifted, close enough now to very gently touch her lips to his. "Although ..." She bit her lip momentarily, unable to keep the little glimmer from her eyes as her lips curved into a playful smile. "It was kinda sexy the way you jumped straight in to defend me. All alpha male and growly."

"It's not that..." He frowned, countering what she said. Sure, he felt bad, but it wasn't because of Rob. Not really. That was only a small part of it. He leaned forward a little to let the bottle of JD come to a rest at his feet, as her lips met his, all too briefly. Even that all too brief kiss set off a flare of emotion deep inside his chest. There was healing in that kiss, in her embrace, if he'd just surrender to it.

He grunted at her remark, not finding anything sexy about kicking another guy's a$$. "He deserved it. He ever so much as comes near you again and I'll..." He trailed off, leaving the rest unsaid. He'd made himself clear to the man with his warning, and he meant it.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 10:17 EST
"I know." Her fingertips came to rest against his lips, unneeded as he stilled his own warning. It should have been frightening, this darker side of him that thought nothing of killing another hunter for something so inconsequential when compared with the actions of demons and beasts the world over. But Nim wasn't scared, convinced she could never been scared of Dean. "And he knows it, too."

She pressed a second kiss to his lips, longer than the first, but just as soft. "C'mon." She inched backward, reluctant to loose herself from that close lean even as she reached to open the door behind her.

There was something about her kiss that seemed to still his troubled heart, and he lingered for a moment against her lips, lost in her spell. He'd only been here a few days and already he couldn't imagine his life without her. Just thinking about it left an aching hole in his chest already heartsore with the death of his brother. He wasn't sure what she had in mind, but he followed her lead, grabbing the bottle of JD before pushing open the passenger door and climbing out.

With the keys stowed safely in her own pocket, Nim reached out to take his hand again as she moved out onto the dry, soft sand of the beach. She didn't know what to do, how to soothe him when he was obviously aching. She knew no words could possibly make his troubles any easier, which only left actions. He didn't seem quite ready to talk about the pain that was creasing his heart, which left her only one real course of action ....distraction.

Toeing out of her boots and socks, she turned to face him, backing slowly over the sand, one hand in his, the other rising to slowly undo the remaining buttons of her red shirt. Her lips flickered into a faintly challenging smile, daring him to stop her or join her.

He had no idea what she had in mind until she halted on the beach, her fingers moving to undo her shirt and it became obvious. He smiled a little and leaned down to kiss her, slightly amused by her obvious attempt to distract him and turn his mood around. He kissed her softly but briefly before pulling gently away. "Wait," he instructed, reaching into the pocket where she'd stowed his car keys. "I've got an idea."

His smile and kiss softened her own smile, calming her slight worry that his mood might be irretrievable. "What kind of idea?" she asked in a low grinning murmur, her fingers stilling before the last button fell open, swaying toward him as he drew his keys from her pocket.

"An awesome idea," he told her as he turned back toward the car, pulling open the passenger side door and sliding in. He set the bottle of JD, unopened, on the seat, and reached over to flick the radio on, searching for a station that was playing something suitable for the moment.

Finding a station that was playing oldies, he left it there, smiling a little to himself at his own cleverness. He turned the sound up loud enough that they'd be able to hear it on the beach - their own private party - and climbed back out, leaving the door open before returning to her. He wasn't much of a dancer - he'd never really had the opportunity to learn - but the moment seemed to call for it. He opened his arms to her as Frankie Valli started to croon across the beach. You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you. You're like heaven to touch, I want to hold you so much....Dean wrapped her in his embrace, while he sang along with the song.

Left alone on the sand, Nim's smile deepened as he presented her with a perfect view of his rear, unashamedly ogling him as she swayed herself from side to side. As the radio crackled to life, the volume raised until she could hear the tune, her eyes widened, an incredulous laugh escaping her lips.

"Are you asking me to dance, Dean Winchester?" she asked in amazement, her expression bright and fond as he enfolded her in his arms, wrapping herself to him without a second thought as her bare toes skimmed in the sand. As they moved together, she realized she could hear a second voice, tipping her head back to look up at him with a tender smile. He was singing to her. "You're incredible, you know that?"

He'd sung to her once before, sort of, but she hadn't been there. Sam had thought he was ridiculous, but that had been how it had all started. She'd played him a song on the jukebox, long ago and far away, and now, here they were. Even if he couldn't quite find the right words, the song told her everything she needed to know. Was it just a stroke of luck that that particular song had come on the radio at that moment, or was someone or something to blame"

He just smiled at her question and continued to sing, swaying slowly in time to the music with her under the moonlight. At long last, love has arrived, and I thank God I'm alive. You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you. The song all those years ago had been by REO Speedwagon, but tonight it seemed the Gods had picked the tune.

Tempting though it was, Nim made the bright decision not to destroy the mood by singing along to the instrumental break, though the temptation turned her tender smile more than a little bit impish as she nestled close. Her fingers crept high into his shirt, pulling him down to her as her lips closed over his. Whoever, whatever was watching over them, guiding them through the highs and lows of their mysteries, didn't seem to matter at that moment. Who cared if they were being watched" Entranced, intoxicated by this unexpectedly romantic side of Dean Winchester, Nim drew herself close, closer than close, caught up in the warm sway and taste and scent of him.

He stopped singing as the song reached the instrumental interlude, unable to continue if he wanted to as her lips were suddenly pressed against his. Lost in the sweet rapture of her kiss, the swaying came to a slow stop, and he pulled her up against him. Whatever had been eating at him just a short time ago had been forgotten again under the spell of her embrace. The song continued with the chorus, which seemed to echo what Dean was feeling, whether he wanted to put a name to it or not, but he was too lost in that heartfelt kiss to sing along.

I need you, baby, and if it's quite alright; I need you, baby, to warm the lonely nights. I love you, baby, trust in me when I say it's okay...

She didn't need him to sing along to know what he was saying to her. She felt it every time he looked at her with that certain expression in his green eyes, each time he teased her or laughed with her or cried with her. The words didn't really matter, not for her. She knew. Her hand crept higher to curl possessively at his neck as her lips parted, slowly deepening their kiss from sweet and loving to something fiercer, though no less gentle, the shift of her body against his pulling that last button open to allow her shirt to slide free, baring one shoulder to the contrasting heat of him in her arms and the cool breeze that brushed against them.

Actions speak louder than words, and he didn't need her to tell him what she wanted. His hands crept up her back beneath the blouse that was now hanging hanging off a shoulder, as their lips met, following her lead to deepen the kiss, savoring the sweetness of her mouth and lips. He kissed her until they were both out of breath, pulling away briefly to slide his hands against her shoulders and slip the blouse from her. "I thought you were worried about the sand," he reminded her, as he leaned in to trail a line of soft kisses against her neck, the blouse just barely hanging off one hand.

She swayed against him, warm and lit up from the inside as though it were Christmas just from the barest brush of his hands over her skin. Should she have been embarrassed, shy of standing on the beach with her shirt stripped from her" There was no room in her fizzing desires for any of that. Her breath ghosted over his ear as he trailed kisses against her skin, rising onto her toes with restless eagerness as she found purchase for kisses of her own. "There's always the back seat," she murmured playfully against his ear, very gently catching the lobe between her teeth and offering him up the growl she'd teased him with earlier.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 10:29 EST
He smirked when she suggested the back seat. What was with girls always wanting to make out in the Impala" "My baby wants to make out in my baby?" he asked, an amused grin on his face.Yes, he had just called her baby - his other baby. "Girl after my own heart."

An arm snaked around her waist as she nibbled at his ear, and then he was sweeping her up in his arms and carrying her toward the waiting Impala. He accidentally dropped her blouse, making a mental note to retrieve it later, as it fluttered away onto the sand. Marching back up the beach to the car, the radio still blarring loudly.

As if the Gods were playing DJ, the next song on the oldies but goodies playlist was "I Think We're Alone Now" by Tommy James and the Shondells. I think we're alone now, there doesn't seem to be anyone around. I think we're alone now, the beating of our hearts is the only sound...

She gasped softly, surprised when he called her baby, even more when he hooked her up into his arms. Her own wrapped about his neck, a quiet giggle muffled against his bruised jaw as she softly traced her lips over his little injury, utterly forgetting that her shirt and boots were left behind. To be fair, she didn't actually care, anyway. The music just barely made an impression, earning another low laugh as her lips touched his again. "Well," she purred playfully, "there's something very sexy about a man who'll let me drive his pride and joy."

"Are we talking about my car or something else?" he smirked, setting her back on her feet as they arrived carside, so he could get the back door open. It had been years since he'd parked with a girl and made out in the back seat, something reminiscent of his high school years, when he actually attended school anyway. Once the door was open, he reached for her hand, pulling her close to kiss her again, feeling as naughty as a hormonal teenager.

She was giggling again as her bare feet touched the tarmac, the shock and upset of earlier dismissed by her simple enjoyment of Dean. They didn't need to be touching one another for her to revel in him, but this was still new, still fresh, a single kiss still wickedly arousing. "You mean you can't work it out?" was her grinning answer to his question as he pulled her close again. She didn't recall being a teenager, but this felt silly and wonderful and ....what was the word ....oh yes ....hawt. Not that she was ever going to admit to that one, of course. Not without extensive and prolonged torture of the sensual kind, anyway.

"I'm thinking you like something with a stick." He pulled her hard against him so that she could feel for herself exactly what he meant. Even through his jeans, his arousal was obvious. He walked his fingers up her back, resting his forehead against hers as his much-practiced fingers deftly unhooked the back of her bra. "I want you," he whispered, echoing the next song to come on the radio. Cheap Trick's "I Want You to Want Me", the original version. I want you to want me, I love you to love, I'd love you to love me, I'm begging you to beg me...

Her lips broke from his with a low moan as she felt him drag her so snug to him, her fingers curling tight into the sleeves of his shirt, shivering with heated anticipation as she felt her bra come loose. A deep flush darkened her skin, part desire, part shyness as she realised how close she was to being topless in full view of anyone who happened to walk by.

Unconsciously, her upper arms clamped to her sides even as she nibbled on his lower lip. "I want you," she whispered back in a soft husky tone. "But lose the bra as well as the shirt, and I'm throwing your jeans and boxers into the lake."

He chuckled, pulling the bra away from her and holding it up like a trophy, hanging from one hand and twirling it around, just out of her reach. But he didn't waste much time teasing her, not wanting to ruin the mood. Instead, he tossed her bra into the car and reached for her hand to pull her into the car with him, pulling her onto his lap.

"Dean!" That blush was definitely shy embarrassment now, her hands snapping from him to cover herself as she glared at him indignantly. One arm curled around her breasts as she jumped to try and grab the bra back, her fierce glare somewhat spoiled by the way she was laughing. She loved it when he teased her, after all, but it was a relief when he pulled her out of casual sight into the car.

Grinning as she straddled him, settling close enough to grind herself down onto his obvious arousal in clear revenge for his teasing, she nipped at his lips, refusing to give him the kiss she ghosted to his mouth. "You're such an a$$."

He slid his hands up her hips, which were still jean-clad, while he devoured the soft curve of her breasts with his eyes. "Part of my charm," he grinned at her in response to her insult, as his hands rose to cover her breasts, one in each hand. "You're so beautiful," he told her softly, not for the first or probably the last time, lost in her spell. Her felt her flesh yield beneath his touch, so soft and pliable beneath his hand. She was slim, her perfectly round breasts just enough to fill each hand. He gave each a gentle squeeze, his fingers playing over her flesh, a nudge of his thumbs against the taut pink centers, watching her face to gauge her reaction.

"Mmm, and you're so charming." Her grin softened to a tender smile at his soft compliment, words she'd heard from him before but would never apply to herself. She thought herself too skinny, her smile too wide ....but it wasn't her opinion that mattered. As his hands closed over her breasts, her own fell from his arms in a shocking spike of lust, lifting to press her palms against the ceiling of the Impala as her back arched, her body rocking to rub intimately to his as she moaned once again. Dark eyes darkened further with stormy desire as his name left her lips in a gasping rush, fluttering closed as her head fell back.

Her grind against his lap was almost enough to drive him crazy, his heated arousal felt through the fabric of the jeans that separated them, but now that they were alone, he was in no hurry. He watched as she arched her back, and desire lanced through him, a physical ache felt deep in his groin. He leaned forward, supporting her back with a hand, while his lips locked on one breast, suckling gently, drawing her deeper into his mouth, while his tongue darted and teased. He heard her gasp his name, which only deepened his arousal, studying her body's reaction to his every touch, memorizing every soft curve as he memorized what made her purr and sigh and groan in delight.

Her mouth fell open, releasing hot, gasping breaths over his hair as she bent forward once more, one hand falling from its press against the roof over her head to comb her fingers into his hair. "Oh God, Dean," she moaned eagerly for him, her salacious shudder as much for the press of his hand against the sensitive, barely-touched skin at her back as for the play of his lips at her breast. Her chest heaved as she gasped for breath, so easily knocked beyond coherent thought and into instinctive feeling by his touch.

"You're driving me crazy," she purred against his lips, too caught up in him to notice the warning of a flashlight sweeping over the parking lot, illuminating them briefly through the back window.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 10:34 EST
It was right about then that the radio gods switched songs yet again. Another Cheap Trick song, but this one was the Dream Police. The Dream Police, they live inside of my head; the dream police, they come to me in bed; the dream police, they're coming to arrest me. A warning, perhaps"

Dean echoed her moan as she pulled away from him, nudging his chin toward her, to taste her lips once again. He thought he saw something out the corner of one eye, a sweeping light flashing from somewhere behind him, and his spidey senses kicked in.

"Crap," he muttered, pulling suddenly away from her kiss and glancing out the back window to find someone sweeping the area with a flashlight. Without further thought, he yanked his t-shirt up over his head and handed it to her. "Put this on," he told her as he made a lunge for the bra that was dangling over the driver's seat and shoved it quickly out sight beneath the cushions of the seat.

They couldn't arrest him for indecent exposure if he wasn't wearing a shirt, but she was another matter. He winced when he remembered the bottle of JD in the front seat, but thankfully they hadn't been drinking it, and it was too late to hide it now.

The sudden shift from lust to hurried cover up brought her abruptly out of her moaning frenzy, though there was nothing that could calm the heavy beat of her heart. Catching his shirt in her hands, Nim toppled to one side as she flailed to get into the garment, unable to keep herself from laughing at the sight of him hiding her bra out of sight. The shirt dropped over her head, covering her up just as the owner of said flashlight came close, tapping on the window beside Dean.

Blushing furiously, Nim leaned over the front seat to turn the radio down, her slender frame swamped by her lover's shirt, conveniently hiding the flail of her other hand as the forgotten bottle was pushed off the seat and out of sight itself.

Dean shot a quick glance around the car, relieved that Nim was quick enough to shove the bottle out of sight. He was smart enough to realize it was probably a beat cop patroling the area who stumbled across them parked on the beach after hours. With any luck, they'd get off with a warning. Dean shot Nim a warning look before turning to roll the window down.

Seeing his instincts were spot on, he flashed a polite smile for the patrolman. "Good evening, officer. Is there something wrong?" Playing dumb was sometimes a good plan. Polite was the way to go. Dean knew if the man searched the trunk, he'd be in deep doo-doo.

The warning look was enough to help Nim wipe the grin from her face as she lowered herself back to the seat beside Dean, the music from the radio now at a more reasonable level.

The patrolman bent down to look into the car as the window rolled down, presented with the sight of a young couple who were obviously guilty of getting carried away but quick enough not to get caught at it. His brow rose as he turned the flashlight onto them, noting the man's shirt on the woman and just about managing to hide his smirk. "Having a good night, sir?" he asked in amusement.

"Very good, sir," Dean replied, almost a little too enthusiastically, but with a completely straight face. "I'm sorry. Is there something wrong" Can we help you with something?" He feigned the most innocent look he could muster, which probably wasn't very convincing. He knew it was perfectly obvious what had been going on in the car, but he hoped the guy wouldn't be a prick about it. Young love and all that. "We were just going to go for a midnight swim."

"Just as well I caught you in time, then," the patrolman nodded knowingly, glancing between the pair of them once again. "Local city bylaws prohibit skinny-dipping, even after midnight. If you're after a swim, I'd suggest you go home and share a bath." Perhaps a younger man would have wanted to prolong this, but this cop had been on the beat for a good few years, and he'd seen enough young couples to last him a lifetime. "Is this your vehicle, sir?"

Dean frowned, further feigning innocence. "Oh, I'm sorry. We didn't see anything posted. My apologies, officer." Sharing a bath wasn't really all that bad an idea, if they didn't have to worry about Bobby or Brian overhearing them. Of course, there were motels aplenty, but Dean lacked one significant thing and that was cash. A couple more games in some bar where no one knew him should take care of that problem for a while. "Yes, sir. She's mine. She belonged to my dad." If he was lucky, the man liked classic cars as much as he did. Dean reached for Nim's hand to give her a reassuring squeeze.

The patrolman nodded, finally breaking his accustomed stern expression to smile in appreciation of the beautiful car. "What year is she" '69?" The beam of the flashlight swept the length of the Impala's side as he studied her.

Inside, Nim bit the inside of her cheek, incredibly close to bursting out laughing all over again as the warning from a policeman turned into two men admiring a car. Her fingers curled into Dean's as she drew her knees up to her chest, touching her cheek to his shoulder.

Her movement attracted the patrolman's attention, drawing him back from his admiration for the Impala. "Oh yes," he added, lifting his other hand into view to show off something he had found on the beach. "I take it these are your boots, miss?"

Her eyes flickered to Dean as she bit harder into her lip, somehow managing to answer the cop without laughing. "Uh, yes. Yes, they are, thank you."

"'67," Dean corrected, giving Nim's hand another squeeze when he noticed the look on face, tossing her a warning look and a quick shake of his head. She had no idea what was in trunk and hence didn't know if the patrolman got curious enough to ask for Dean to open it, they'd be in big trouble. Or at least, he would. Dean reached for the pair of boots, unsure if the officer wanted him to take them or not. "Thanks, officer. We forgot about those!" He forced another smile, trying not to look nervous.

"'67," the cop repeated, handing over the boots without a second thought. He assumed that the giggly response from the young woman was in direct correlation to having been caught, far from Dean's worry that it might rouse his suspicions. His gaze turned back to Dean. "Well, you two have a safe journey home, then," he said, offering that as much in warning as advice. "Try not to leave any more personal items in public places." With a nod to Dean, he stepped back, waiting patiently to see them off before resuming his beat.

Nim swallowed her laugh once again, squeezing Dean's hand in hers before releasing him. "You drive," she murmured, offering a shy smile to the cop as she took her boots back from her lover.

"Thank you, officer," Dean remarked, flashing another smile. "Have a good evening!" He rolled up the window and breathed a sigh of relief, shoving a hand through his hair as he leaned back against the seat. "That was close."

He turned his gaze to her. "You almost gave us away!" he exclaimed, though the remark was unfounded. It could have been a lot worse. All the man would have had to do is ask a few questions Dean couldn't answer and look around a little harder. "What about your shirt?" he asked, peering out the window into the darkness.

"Me?" She let the giggle out quietly, leaning against him to peer onto the beach herself. "I guess it must've blown away," she murmured, glancing at the figure of the cop lingering nearby. "We should get going before he decides to take a closer look at the car." It never occurred to her that her giggles might have seemed suspicious; most women caught in a compromising position would turn giggly rather than sullen.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 10:37 EST
Her giggles probably weren't suspicious a bit; he was just nervous about policemen - or anyone for that matter - poking around at his car. He frowned when she seemed to determine the fate of her blouse. It was a nice blouse, and it was his fault it was gone. It was still a bit chilly to be walking around at night without a shirt, but it didn't seem to bother him. "Yeah, we should," Dean agreed, still frowning. "Sorry." He wasn't sure what he was apologizing for. It wasn't for the shirt. He climbed over into the driver's seat, reaching over to push open the passenger side door for her.

Leaving her boots on the back seat, she slid out, flashing the cop another smile as he nodded to her once again, and clambered onto the front seat with Dean, leaning back to lock the back door. "What are you apologizing for?" she asked with a curious smile, leaning over to catch his lips with her own in a playful kiss. "It's just a shirt."

He furrowed his brows, unsure why exactly he was apologizing. It wasn't his fault they'd been interrupted by a cop, but he had been the one to pick the place. He returned her kiss, still frowning. "I don't know. Christ, I need a cold shower now." The chill in the air and the cop were obviously not enough to put a damper on his libido.

Her lips parted from his with a warm smile. "Could just ..." She pressed another kiss to his lips, the heat radiating from her proof that even being caught and chilled wasn't enough to cool her off, either. "....stay warm ..." Another slow kiss melted against his mouth as she smoothed her hand against his chest. "....continue at the Landing."

He leaned into her kiss, warming back up to her, but knowing they couldn't tarry too long or Curious George would be back to ask more questions. "Mm, we could, but I think Brian wants my nuts on a silver platter for tarnishing your virtue."

She sighed, pouting against his lips playfully as she drew back, as aware of Curious George as he was. "Just gonna leave me hanging, are you?" she smiled teasingly, settling onto the seat beside him. "You know, the parking lot at the Landing is private property," she mused playfully, stroking her fingertips against his thigh. "Or we could find somewhere a little less open to park up."

"Determined to christen my car, aren't you?" He couldn't help but smile. Making out in the car had been a pretty awesome idea. The keys were already in the ignition. All he had to do was turn the engine on, much like Nim, whose engine seemed to already be running. "Where to?" he asked, reaching to turn the key in the ignition and start her up. He didn't care where they went really, but he wasn't ready to go back to the Landing just yet. "Some place where we won't get interrupted."

"Wanna make my mark," she laughed huskily against his ear, sensible caution asserting itself to make her draw back just a little, to try not to distract him too much while he was driving. She was humming, though, simmering on a slow burn that was entirely his doing and his responsibility. "Go north along the Lake Shore Drive, turn right into Lincoln Park," she instructed with a faint smile, appreciating his reluctance to continue where they'd left off within earshot of Brian. "There's a parking lot behind the open-air theater no one goes to after midnight. And no patrols."

He put the car in drive and turned his head to back out of the parking lot. The directions were easy enough, but for some reason he was frowning. "How do you know?" he asked, wondering if that was one of the places Douchebag Rob had taken advantage of her, dismissing the thought then as he realized she wouldn't want to go anywhere where she was reminded of Rob. He pulled the car onto the road, heading north. "You know, I've been meaning to talk to you about something." He reached over to flick the radio off, though she had already turned it down so low they could hardly hear it anymore.

She drew in a slow breath, forcing herself not to touch him as she eased comfortably onto the seat. Her knees came up to her chest, disguising the lack of anything underneath his shirt as her bare feet came to rest on the dashboard, her arms wrapped about her legs. "Had to stake out the theater for a few nights about eight months ago," she shrugged, tipping her head back onto the edge of the seat to stare up at the roof, attempting to ignore the eager thrum of her libido. "Had a nest of vampires starting to build up." She blinked as he turned the radio off, her head turning to let her look at him. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Vampires?" He echoed, as she knocked him off track with talk of a hunt. "Vampires here" How many' Did you get them all?" Talking shop was like opening a can of worms, distracting him from what he was about to tell her. He suddenly had a dozen questions, realizing he didn't really know much about this Earth, other than what Bobby had told him. It didn't seem much different from his own, other than for the differences in those who were still alive and those who were not.

"We got seven in the end, but the sire and his mate gave us the slip," Nim admitted reluctantly. "Hunters in the area check out the theater regularly, but there's no sign they've come back yet. Brian keeps a stock of Dead Man's Blood for when we do track them down. No one thinks for a second they've left the city." She glanced at him, her brow furrowing a little as she considered him. "You distract that easy?"

He looked thoughtful a moment, brows furrowing deeper. "No, I just don't like vampires." He hated demons most of all, but he had a special hatred for vampires. Both were for personal reasons. He'd taken out an entire nest all on his own once, but that was an incident was better left forgotten. "Sorry, I just..." He chewed at his lower lip. He hadn't meant to get sidetracked with work talk, but he wondered what he had to look forward to down the road, assuming he continued on as a hunter. "I don't know why they all think I'm a hero. I said no to Michael back home. I can't figure out why I would have said yes here."

She watched him as he spoke, sensing some personal reason for his special dislike but leaving the questions for another time. Her cheek lowered to his bare shoulder, to rest against the hand-print that marred his skin, as he spoke about a past she didn't remember.

"I wish I could help," she murmured quietly. "I only know what Brian told me, and he doesn't know details." Her lips touched his skin lightly as she leaned into him. "It's not that you're a superhero. Hunters remember your name, they remember your brother. It's almost like your family is a legend here. But no one expects you to live up to some exaggerated myth, Dean."

His arm went around her protectively as she leaned into him and he pulled her closer, leaving his left hand free to do the steering. He turned quietly thoughtful, not moody or morose, just thoughtful. "I used to think I'd give anything to have a normal life, but I was wrong."

He'd had a normal life for about a year before he'd realized it was impossible. Even if he could have a normal life, he knew he'd get bored with it before long. She'd said it herself - a white picket fence and 2.4 kids in the yard just wasn't in the cards for people like them. Well, not him anyway. He thought she could still have that if it was what she really wanted.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 10:40 EST
She slid easily over the seat to mould against his side, her feet falling from the dash as her hand took up a quietly possessive rest on his thigh. "I think I know what you mean," she said softly. "Brian tried for a year to keep me away from hunting, but I felt the call. It's what I'm meant to do, and if I'm meant to do it, then you've gotta be. But living the Life doesn't mean you can't have a little normal to balance it out."

"Like dancing on the beach and making out in the Impala?" he asked, flashing an ironic smile at her before looking back to the road. "I learned a long time ago that you have to live for today, in case there is no tomorrow." There was apparently no tomorrow for Sam, but Dean had the rest of his life in front of him, however long that might be. "Nim....I've been thinking..."

Nim laughed softly, nestling close into his side as she glanced up at him. "Exactly," she agreed warmly. "I might not have learned that so very long ago, but I came close enough to not having any more tomorrows to know that a lot better than I could ever have wanted to." She soothed the reminder of her apparent death in his memory with a kiss to his jaw. Her voice lowered to an intimate murmur as she smiled fondly. "And you've given me a lot to live for." She lifted her head as she heard her name, looking up at him with lovingly curious eyes. "Yeah?"

They had come to the crux of the matter in his mind, and even though they'd discussed the future before, he needed to lay it all out and get it straight in both their heads. He frowned a little, but not out of sadness. His mood had turned serious, and her words touched him deeply. Even though he couldn't express his feelings the way she could, he still felt that same tug at his heartstrings when he thought of her. The kiss to his jaw gave him the encouragement he needed to plunge onward.

"I need to go to Lawrence." Lawrence, Kansas, that is. The place of his birth, the place where it all began, and apparently, where his life here had ended.

She didn't need a moment to think it over, not even to ask him why. This decision had been made the moment she had realized just what it was she felt for him, the preparation already done in the days since. She had even begun her goodbyes to Brian, who accepted her choice, even if he didn't openly approve of it. "Then that's where we're going," she told him simply, nodding her agreement.

He wasn't sure why he was bringing it up now, in the car on the way to a parking lot to make out, but the sooner the better. He wanted to be as open and honest with her as possible, learning from the mistakes of his past, perhaps. "I wanted to ask you to come with me, but..." He paused, hearing her insist she was coming whether he asked her to or not, it seemed. "I don't know what I'm going to find there, but..." He broke off again, unsure how to explain why he felt the need to go there. Maybe it was just to pay his respects and say goodbye to Sam; maybe it was something more.

Her fingers stroked against his thigh gently as she looked up at him, aware that this conversation would determine whether or not she was going to Lawrence in the Impala, or hitch-hiking along behind him. "Do you really think I'm going to let you go anywhere alone?" she asked softly. "Unless you specifically need to be alone, I'm sticking to you like glue, Dean Winchester."

"Sound like a stalker," he replied, tilting a glance at her with a small smirk. He knew if he wanted to he could probably sneak away without much trouble, though she'd most likely hunt him down and tear him a new one when she found him. "It's not a pleasure trip," he continued, pulling his arm away from her temporarily so he could turn right on Lincoln Park.

She rolled her eyes, vaguely offended that he felt the need to tell her that. "Really?" she drawled with deep sarcasm. "I thought maybe we were going to have a picnic." She turned warm eyes onto him with a faint smirk. "I know it's not a pleasure trip, Dean, okay' And I'm still coming along, stalker or not."

He pulled into the parking lot finally and into a spot, choosing one that wasn't out in the open, but toward the back where hopefully no one would find or bother them. "It's just....I need to say goodbye to Sam. I need to..." He sighed, not sure he wanted to talk about this now and darken the mood. He turned off the engine, but left the keys where they were, wishing they were back at the beach. It had been so pretty there, with the moonlight shining off the water, so calm and peaceful.

"Shh ..." She twisted, rising onto one knee on the seat to comb her fingers through his hair. Her forehead came to rest against his, the tip of her nose circling his fondly. "You don't need to explain this to me," she promised in a soft voice. "I'm not asking you to tell me anything you're not ready to." Her other hand rose to smooth her palm against his cheek, gazing into his eyes tenderly.

He felt his heart ache with grief, turning his body to face her, closing his eyes as he felt her hand touch his cheek, her touch soothing his troubled heart, even as heavy as it felt at Sam's death. "I promised Dad I'd take care of him," he said quietly, unsure why he was telling her this now, needing to tell someone and there was no one he trusted more than her.

The pain in his eyes, his voice, cut deep into her as she gathered him close, letting him say what he needed to say even as she caressed her fingers tenderly through his hair and over his cheek. "You didn't break that promise," she murmured softly, though there was no real way she could know that. All she knew was that in this world, he had not failed to take care of his little brother. "It wasn't you who said yes to Michael, and you don't know the circumstances of that. Some things just happen, no matter what we want to change."

She was wrong - or he thought she was wrong - he had failed Sam and his father more than once, but he didn't want to argue about it now, especially since she had no way of knowing the truth except for what he told her. This Jo didn't know Sam from Adam. He drew comfort from her, curling into her embrace, his bare skin chilled by the night, though he made no complaints. "I want you to come with me," he admitted, shocking himself with the honesty of that statement. He slid his arms around her slender waist, resting his chin against her shoulder, breathing in the scent of her mingled with his own that lingered on the t-shirt.

Drawn closer into his arms, she wrapped her own about him, fingertips tender in a soft caress over his chilled skin as she returned his embrace, breathing the scent of him in with the same breath as he did her. "I'll be here," she promised fiercely, her voice barely more than a whisper. "As long as you need me."

Forever, he whispered silently in his head. But how long was forever" Was forever made up of days, weeks, months, years" Forever hadn't been very long for his parents, but he swore he wasn't going to make the same mistakes they had. No deals with demons, no matter what. They were lying, cheating bastards who never kept their bargains, and angels weren't much better. If she was going to follow him, he was going to have to have that conversation with her sometime soon, but not now.

He drew a breath as he lifted his head, his fingers in caress of her cheek. "Brian's going to hate me for taking you from him."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 10:46 EST
She smiled gently, touching her lips to his in a subtle caress of her own. "No, he won't," she promised him quietly. "He knew I was gonna move on sometime. He's not gonna hate you for taking me on." She smoothed her fingers up over his back, returning to their place at his neck and jaw as her smile deepened teasingly. "He's not that stupid."

Dean frowned back at her, feeling a little conflicted. He was feeling the need to leave, to find some answers, and he wanted to take her with him, but he didn't want her to get hurt in the process. He knew she was a big girl and capable of making her own decisions. She had already told him as much and that she was going whether he wanted her to or not, but he felt the need to remind her of the risks. "I don't know what I'm going to find when I get there."

Nim sighed softly, drawing back from the intimate lean of bodies to kneel beside him on the seat, her dark eyes studying his with a gentle frown of her own. "Dean, I get that you want to warn me and keep me safe and everything, but it's beginning to sound like you're making excuses to leave me behind," she told him quietly. "I'm really not going to let you do that."

"I'm not making excuses," he interjected quickly, sounding a little too defensive. Okay, maybe he was. He frowned, reaching for her hand, linking his fingers with hers. It didn't seem like it had only been a few days since he'd arrived here and found her here, alive and well. It almost seemed as if his entire life had led to this very moment, this very decision. He was being given a choice by someone, an alternate path, and he could accept it or live forever with regret. He smiled a little at her stubborn response. "Just like the old Jo I once knew and..." He bit off the end of that statement before he was finished.

He didn't bite it off fast enough. Nim stiffened, her body physically swaying back as though he had slapped her. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate how difficult he found it to reconcile the Jo he'd known and the Nim he knew. But she didn't know that Jo, she didn't have those memories. Nim wasn't Jo, and each time he mentioned that name, it was a reminder that he wasn't really here with her. She looked away awkwardly, cheeks flushing in hurt embarrassment for a brief moment. "She's not here, Dean," she said very quietly. "I'm not her."

Dean noticed the hurt in her, but he didn't completely understand it. To him, she was Jo, or what Jo had become. Somewhere deep inside her, Jo still existed and and remembered him, or part of her did. If only she'd understand that. To him, she was both Jo and Nim, and though he'd had a schoolboy crush on Jo, it was Nim he was falling in love with. But he wasn't that good with words and wasn't sure how to explain all this to her. Maybe he should have gone slower, but life was short enough.

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet," he told her quietly. He had said it once before, but she hadn't heard him. He could only hope that maybe she'd understand what he was trying to say.

Her gaze returned to his, longing writ large in her eyes for the ability to remember, to be the Jo he remembered if she'd meant so much to him. Nim didn't understand how he saw her, how he'd married the two parts of her in his heart and mind. But that quiet quote ... that brought a faint smile to her lips. "Is that romantic speak for 'shut up and get over it'?" she asked, her tone a sardonic drawl as she poked fun at her own discomfort and pain.

"Maybe..." He mirrored her smile with one of his own, strangely shy and awkward, like a teenager in the throes of first love. His fingers still tangled with hers, he lifted her hand to his lips for a kiss. "Would it help to know that I love you?"

Yes, he'd said it. That one little word. He'd let it slip past his lips, as it seemed important to her that she heard it. It wasn't just a word, but a word that encompassed a world of feeling. There were different kinds of love - love for one's mother, one's father, and yes, one's brother - but the love he was feeling for this girl who was part Jo and part Nim transcended all that. It was a feeling that came from his soul.

The words ran like a shock through her, paling the flush on her cheeks as her eyes widened, dark and fathomless as she stared into his. She barely felt the caress of his lips against her skin, caught up in the erratic thump of her own heartbeat at the sound of the one word she had never thought she would ever hear from him. And she had no words to answer it with. He had shocked her speechless, left only with the flare of heat and tenderness in her gaze as her fingers tightened about his, the sudden gasp of her breath as her lips fell open, to show him how very deeply he had touched her.

He suddenly didn't want to be there - in the Impala in that parking lot, with the prospect of a cramped back seat. He wanted to take her somewhere nice and to romance her properly and bed her somewhere in private. Some place where there were no prying eyes, no cops on the prowl, no surrogate fathers to overhear and drop hints and concerns. He wanted to be properly alone with her and it seemed no place he could think of would do. Not the Impala, not the Landing, not a cheap motel room. She deserved so much more than that; she deserved a better life than the only one he could offer. "My life is a load of crap, Nim, but you....You are the one light that shines in the darkness."

Finally, she moved, loosing her hands from his to lunge close, her body impacting hard to his as her arms wrapped tight about his shoulders, her face pressed lovingly against the smooth line of his neck. She still couldn't think of anything to say; nothing could possibly express the shuddering devotion he'd ignited with his unexpected revelation. She didn't care about being romanced, about being somewhere nice, about what he thought she deserved ....Nim didn't care about any of it, so long as she could stay with Dean. But how to make him understand that?

He was surprised by the intensity of her reaction, but not displeased. Still, he had to try and make himself clear, make her understand that it didn't matter to him what she called herself. Jo or Nim, it was all the same to him. His arms went around her to fold her in his embrace, dropping his head to press his face against the sun-kissed golden softness of her hair. "I don't know what?s going to happen, Nim. I don't want anything to happen to you, but I can't bear the thought of being without you either." It was as honest and blunt a confession as he was likely to make.

It took a long moment for her to respond, opening her eyes as she drew her lips from his neck, stroking her palm over the short-crop of hair at his nape. "Then look after me," she told him softly, her breath a hot promise against his ear. "And I'll look after you. I'm not letting go, Dean, not ever."

He drew back from her to study her face, to look into her soft brown eyes, jolted by the sincerity in her voice. Twice before he'd thought he'd found the girl of his dreams, the one he was going to spend the rest of his life with and both times, the complications of his own life had interfered. But neither Cassie or Lisa had been hunters; neither understand what it was to live that kind of life, no matter how hard he might try to explain. Nim was different - she understood firsthand what his life was like because hers was the same. "Forever is a long time, Nim, but I'll take whatever I can get."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 10:51 EST
"Well, you've got me." Fervent, fierce, fiery in her determination to make sure he knew that fact, not merely at an academic level but right down to his toes. Her hands curled softly to his jaw, thumbs stroking over his skin with possessive tenderness as she leaned in to touch her forehead to his, wrapping intimate silence all around them in the darkness of the shadow-covered Impala. Her lips curved in a playful smirk, unable to resist the tease that rose to the tip of her tongue. "Gonna take me now or later?"

A lopsided smile curled the corners of his lips at her question. "You mean like to consummate the relationship, or just because you can't wait any longer?" he teased, leaning forward to press his forehead against hers, unable to withhold the amusement from his voice. He had to admit she looked adorable in his t-shirt, even if she was only wearing it because he'd been stupid enough to leave her shirt on the beach. He'd make it up to her later, buy her a new one or something.

She giggled softly, the teasing between them smoothing the intensity of their renewed promises to one another. As loose as his shirt was on her, there was nothing beneath it, and that was blatantly obvious with the curl of his arms holding the fabric tight to her body. With the press of his forehead to hers, she tipped her chin forward a little, threatening to touch her lips to his but never quite making contact as she grinned to him. "You did say you'd take whatever you could get. You've got me, so ....when does the taking start?"

He chuckled at her response. Once again, the dark mood seemed to have passed, at least temporarily. It was hard to stay gloomy when she was around. Despite everything, her vibrant personality and sunny optimism always seemed to shine through, even when he was in the darkest of moods. "I thought maybe you'd prefer somewhere a little more....private." He brushed a strand of hair from her face, fingers grazing her cheek, forehead to forehead.

She eyed him with a wry smile, the expression matching the sweetly resigned drawl of her voice as she answered him. "You're going to make me wait, aren't you?" she accused him in a wry tone, rolling her eyes as she laughed quietly, drawing the pad of her thumb over his lips. "You're gonna leave me hanging for days until you work out just what is private enough for your peace of mind." It was a fond accusation, but an accusation nonetheless, however wide her grin as she spoke it.

"Peace of mind?" he repeated, laughing, the touch of her thumb tracing his lips strangely seductive, intoxicating, arousing even - a intimate and yet chaste touch all at the same time. "I'm not sure there is such a thing." She was right though. He suddenly found himself wanting to wait until they could be truly alone, which was unusual for him, a sign of maturity, perhaps. Maybe there was hope for him yet. But then, if she wanted to make out in the Impala, who was he to dissuade her" And teasing her was all too much fun.

"I think there is," she murmured, almost unaware of how her voice lowered to this tone, this soft for-his-ears-only, whenever he looked at her like that. "Even if it's only a few minutes at a time, I think everyone knows peace, even us." Again, her thumb stroked over his lips, her other hand turning to echo that gentle caress with the backs of her fingers. She wasn't pushing for anything. Was it really her fault that she couldn't keep her hands off him"

He felt that slow familiar coil of heating rippling outward from somewhere at the center of his being, joined by the flicker of flame she was kindling inside his chest. His eyes drifted closed once again as he savored her touch, unable to stifle a shudder of desire. He had a feeling they weren't going to make it back to the Landing.

Dark eyes watched as he shuddered under her touch, the tip of her nose gently circling his as she drew in a slow breath, feeling the coiling tendrils of her own desire stretching through her with the knowledge that he was responding to her. As her breath took over the gentle caress against his lips, the hand against his cheek trailed her fingers back along his jaw and into his hair as the other began a gradual creep downward over the warmth of his bare chest, savouring each smooth dip and line of his deliciously defined body. And yet she didn't kiss him, just watching to see how far he would let her go before he had to get involved.

He drew a slow intake of breath as her fingers trailed over his flesh. She was slowly re-igniting the fire that had burned itself out when the beat cop had so rudely interrupted their romantic interlude. It most likely wouldn't take long before he gave in and renewed the amorous attentions that had been only temporarily forgotten. "We should go somewhere..." he said, exhaling a soft sigh, her touch stirring both his desire, as well as a strange sense of contentment.

"Where?" was breathed back against his lips, still denying him that kiss as her eyes studied every nuance of his expression. Fingertips rippled in a tender caress through the hair at the back of his head, mimicking the gentle touch of her palm as her hand smoothed down over his abdomen. She inched her touch along the waistband of his jeans for an interminable moment before the tentative boldness of her hand dared to stroke the length of his zipper, cupping, squeezing tenderly. And then ....she sat back, a truly wicked grin on her lips as she looked him over.

"But you're probably right," she said, her voice dripping with husky laughter, denying herself the pleasure of him a while longer just to be able to tease this way. "I mean, we can hold on a while longer, can't we?" Her eyes sparkled playfully; they both knew the answer to that question.

His pulse quickened, and he tensed at her touch, not because he didn't want her, just the opposite. Because her touch was stirring that feeling of desire inside him once again and he wasn't sure how long he'd be able to resist or if he even wanted to. He bit his lip to stifle the groan that was threatening when she dared entice him further. No matter what his good sense might tell him, his body had a mind of its own. "Back home, you told me no. Something about self-respect."

He recognized the look on her face and knew she was teasing him, seducing him really. Tit for tat. This part of her was something he hadn't experienced or expected from her, something new, something tantalizingly irresistable.

She laughed again, walking her fingertips up over his thigh as she leaned her side against the seat comfortably, her other hand in the golden spill of her hair. "What did you do, give me the last night of the world speech?" she accused him, a faint flicker in her expression suggesting that, again, this had come from the blankness of her memory she could not access on whim. "Every night could be the last night." Her lips curved into that warm, wicked smile once again as she straightened a little, drawing her hands to the hem of his shirt, so voluminous on her slender form. "There are better ways to spend a night than sleeping, after all."

For some reason, he frowned as she reminded him of that fateful night - the night before he'd lost her. And he hadn't been mistaken. It had been someone's last night on Earth, just not his. Or at least, that's the way it had seemed, until he came here. "Yeah, I did. I guess it was a stupid thing to do." She didn't remember that night, not consciously anyway, and he wasn't sure it would do any good to remind her or explain how they really had thought it might be their last.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 10:56 EST
Oh, no. She wasn't going to let him wander into frowning memories, not again. "Self-respect is overrated," Nim murmured softly, her hands very slowly drawing the hem of his shirt upward, unafraid now to reveal the scars he'd touched and kissed. "And it doesn't apply when love is involved." Her arms rubbed against the roof of the car as she stripped the shirt off entirely, letting it fall to the seat behind her, daring him to ignore the warm, willing reality of her in favor of cold memory.

His eyes drifted over her, admiring the soft curves she was once again revealing to him, giving him unspoken permission to admire, to touch, to caress, to take, to claim as his. "Do you know many times I've thought about this moment?" Yes, this very moment, or one very like it, with her in his car. He traced a finger against the soft curve of her right breast, so young, so beautiful, so alluring. "You grew up," he said quietly, sounding almost amazed at this little revelation. It seemed she had just been a girl with a schoolgirl crush on him when they'd first met, but this was no girl beside him. She had become a woman.

Even that soft, barely there touch was enough to draw her into the grip of burning need, reigniting the scorching desire he had already urged her to once this evening. She could have been offended by his amazed revelation, but there was such tenderness in his voice, in his eyes, that she didn't even consider it. The slow breath she drew in pressed the curve he caressed into his touch, renewing that unspoken permission in no uncertain terms. "It would have been a little odd if I hadn't," she mused, a little at a loss as to how to answer him as her left hand clenched against the seat, forcing herself to let him look and touch, if only for a moment.

"I want you," he told her, not for the first time that night, but perhaps with an even deeper sense of need than before now that he had opened his heart to her, revealed the feelings he had kept safely hidden away for so long. It was no longer a case of when, as they both wanted each other now. It was more a case of where. The car" A motel" The Landing" He had been uncertain before, but no more. If he didn't have her soon, he felt like he'd die of desperation and desire, like a man dying of starvation, needing her to keep him alive with her kiss, her touch, her very existence. And he realized it wasn't just about want; what he was feeling went so much deeper than that, and he corrected himself. "I need you."

"I'm right here." The words were a whispered rush as she breathed out that shuddering sigh, still for the space of a handful of heartbeats as her gaze burned into his, intense with shared desire, the shared need that rose between them. Yes, she teased him, and he teased her, but there came a time when teasing just wasn't enough.

And yet ....she couldn't quite make that first move, feeling the shyness of her brazen half-nudity creeping over her. Every time before, she had initiated every intimate act between them, and yet now, with his need spoken openly in a plea for her to do just that, she couldn't move, transfixed by him in the darkness that enveloped them.

It seemed as if something hung between them - some deeper destiny that neither could quite fathom or have ever expected - as if they stood once again on the bring of something, the point of no return. One step forward and there was no turning back. She seemed to be waiting for him to take that first step, while he simply admired and was awed by the beauty of the woman in front of him, if only for a moment, before he finally took that step, sealing their fate and tangling their destinies.

All it took was one fatal kiss. One hand slid around her waist, leaning in even as he drew her close, letting his kiss tell her what words could not.

One kiss. That was all it took, and she was putty in his hands, lost in the impassioned coil of fervid desire all over again. Drawn close, her arms wrapped in a possessive curl about his shoulders, the loop of his arm about her waist bringing her sliding into a sensual straddle of his thighs, resuming their intimacy as though there had been no interruption at all. Her lips parted with his, tasting, touching, teasing him with tenderness even as she offered up that moan only he had ever heard, thrilling to the press of bare skin to her own. Breathless already, she gasped into his kisses, murmuring incoherent words of amorous eagerness from which his name could often be picked out. She might not have said it, but the message could not have been clearer - she needed him as much as he needed her.

With no one around but the two of them to witness this long-awaited coupling, he indulged in a lingering groan as the heat rose between them, his hands sliding around to her back to pull her tightly against him. He moaned her name, and to his credit, it was the name she preferred, whispered from his lips like a prayer, "Nimue..." Pleasure spiralled outwards like hot fire, exploding from him to fill her with his heat, and he cried out with the intensity of it.

Her reaction to hearing that name on his lips in that moment was all he could ever have wished for. She melted for him, shuddering still in the flowing grasp of her climax, the sensation extended beyond anything she'd imagined simply by the heat that washed into her from him. Gasping for breath, she turned her lips to his once again, trembling with each aftershock of pleasure that rippled up and down her spine, sagging trustingly into his embrace as she purred for him. "God, Dean," she moaned very softly. "So good ..."

He relaxed a little as she sagged against him, holding her in his embrace, heartbeat to heartbeat, his climax ebbing slowly away, the last ripples still echoing warmly throughout his body, relaxing him, flooding him with a warmth and contentment. "Mm," he murmured in reply, almost wishing they were back at the Landing in her bed so they could curl up and fall sleep in each other's arms. His fingers slid against her back in a loving caress.

And unwittingly revealed a sensitive spot that she was never going to be able to hide. As his fingers brushed over the hollow of her back, she shivered lightly, loosing another, softer moan into his mouth before drawing back. It took another moment for her eyes to open, her lips nuzzling to his as her fingertips curled to his jaw, her thoughts wandering along the same lines as his. "Don't suppose you've got a blanket in here somewhere, do you?"

He looked up at her, unable to hide the bit of wonder at the little unexpected surprises that were unfolding between them. The tiniest things that one might take for granted - none of it going unnoticed, unappreciated, unforgotten. "You're amazing, you know that?" he asked, in honest wonder and awe of this slip of girl who'd become the woman he'd fallen in love with. He smiled into her kiss, warm and content, if not for the chill of the evening on their bare flesh.

"I didn't, until you mentioned it," was laughed softly back to him as she nibbled at his lips, revelling in the warmth passed between them. "Don't think I'm as amazing as you." It was chilly, though, and even Dean would become uncomfortable after a while in that permeating cool. A soft thwump of sound caught her attention, a flicker of movement in the corner of her eye, and she stiffened, blinking in surprise at the sight of a large blanket settling onto the back seat. "Uh there such a thing as a sex-and-blanket demon?"

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-06-04 11:02 EST
For someone who was usually on his toes and prided himself on not letting anyone get the jump on him, Dean was so lost in the afterglow of their love-making that he didn't even notice when that blanket appeared out of nowhere, until he heard the telltale whump behind them. He arched a single brow as he peered over his shoulder, looking as puzzled as she was. "Uh....not that I'm aware."

Eyeing the blanket warily, Nim felt her lips tightening into an amused smirk. "Well, if there is, it's not very good at what it does," she mused. "Providing a blanket for after sex snuggling doesn't really strike me as a demonic thing, though. Are angels into watching hunters?" Her smile deepened as her eyes turned back to him, the tip of her nose bumping to his teasingly.

He furrowed his brows, unsure how he felt about anyone watching them - for good or bad. He noticed the blanket on the seat behind them and became even more puzzled and concerned. Bobby had told him Cas was dead in this world, as far as he knew, and Dean could think of no one else of supernatural nature who might be inclined to help them. "The hell....Not that I'm aware of, and I'm not too thrilled about supernatural voyeurs," he said, raising his voice at the last part, for the sake of whoever might be watching.

Nim was purposely keeping her mind away from the thought of anyone watching them, until Dean raised his voice to address them. She strained her ears, not entirely sure what she was listening for, and very glad when there was no answer. "You know ....that would probably be more intimidating if you weren't naked and up to your nuts in me," she commented mildly, trying not to let the idea of being watched freak her out.

He swung his gaze toward her, narrowing his eyes, but then burst out in laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation and the way she phrased her reply. "I don't hear you complaining." He purposely wiggled a little so she could feel him still inside her, smirking mischievously, and waggling his brows. "You know what they say....Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

She moaned all over again as he wriggled, very aware of him still sheathed deep inside her as her arms smoothed into a tender loop about his shoulders, her lips finding a giggling smile in answer to his laughter. "That's a very strange place for me to be keeping my mouth, princess."

"I think I can find better places for your mouth." He was still smirking and looking a little smug despite the bruise that was turning an ugly shade of black and blue on his cheek. "So, what do you propose?" he asked, looking to eye the blanket again. He wasn't really uncomfortable or cold yet, but he couldn't say the same for her.

She eyed the blanket with him, not entirely sure whether she trusted it to stay put if they decided to make use of it. "There's always round two," she teased softly, rolling her eyes at the smug look on his face. "We could head back to the Landing and curl up in bed. Or, uh ..." She nodded toward the suspicious blanket. "We could use that." Dark eyes met his with fond enquiry. "What do you think?"

He was debating the same things, not really feeling like driving back to the Landing, but it would probably be the wise thing to do. Still, there was that blanket and the thought of being alone with her a while longer was appealing, not to mention a possible "round two". "Will Brian worry if you don't come home for a while?"

His question brought a wider smile to her face, the gentle brown of her eyes warm and twinkling with suggestive laughter. "I'm with you," she reminded him, the backs of her fingers finding a loving caress against his bruised jaw. "He won't worry unless you go back without me."

"Like hell. That's not going to happen." He answered her seriously. "You're stuck with me now, like it or not." He smiled as he turned back to her, green eyes shining in the darkness. "So, how should we do this" Can you reach it from here?"

"Depends if you wanna fall asleep in the front or the back, doesn't it?" she pointed out, momentarily entranced by the handsome smile he turned in her direction. There was something breathtakingly boyish about that expression on his face. "I think I can reach from here, unless you want me to get off you completely."

"No!" he protested, perhaps a little too quickly or vehemently. He didn't want to budge an inch, not ready to withdraw from her just yet, though he knew he'd have to eventually before she put his legs to sleep. "See if you can reach it from here." He straightened his back in an attempt to give her a slight boost without her leaving his lap completely.

She giggled at his vehement denial at the prospect of being left open to the chill air entirely, pressing a soft kiss to his lips in some sort of reassurance against her doing just that. "Yes, sir," she teased playfully, bracing one hand against the seat behind him as she rose up, swallowing a trembling groan at the flickering stimulation of that motion. Leaning over the back of the seat, she stretched her hand toward the blanket, not realizing until it was too late just how close in alignment this position put his face and her breasts.

His smile widened as she arched over him, his hands sliding slowly up her sides, unable or unwilling to resist the temptation that was right there in front of his face - like dangling candy in front of a child or a carrot in front of a horse - he leaned forward, his hands sliding up her back again as his mouth found one breast, flicking his tongue against one pink tip, tasting and teasing.

A rush of breath left her chest as his tongue flicked against the suddenly aching bud of her breast, that flicker of wet heat combining with the stroke of his hands over the shiveringly sensitive dip of her spine to draw a husky laugh from her as her fingertips clenched in the blanket. "Dean," she whined quietly to him, but it was hardly a protest, as evidenced by the roll of her pelvis as she settled against him once again, dragging the warm wool onto the seat beside them. "You're doing it again."

He smiled at her reaction, both at the laugh and the warning sound of his name on her lips. He knew precisely what he was doing; that was the problem. He sighed as he withdrew his lips and she settled herself against him again, that small movement sending a wave of desire spiking through him again, like a jolt of electricity. "If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up," he murmured, almost sleepily.

"Neither do I." It was an unthinking agreement, murmured back to him in the same lazy tone as her arms resumed their wrap about his shoulders, a gentle undulation of her spine testing his sleepiness even as she smirked playfully against his lips. She was at a point where she could go either way, to sleep or on to higher things. "I could stay here, like this, forever."

He reached for the blanket before he either drifted off to sleep or they went on to round two, as she'd put it, shaking it out and tossing it over her shoulders, effectively covering them both. "No, you couldn't. Your legs would fall asleep eventually, and you'd have to pee." He smirked, thinking himself rather clever with his remark.

Her eyes rolled as she snorted with laughter. "Oh, yeah, 'cos that's real romantic," she drawled back to him, nipping at his smirking lips as he wrapped them both in the blanket. "Speaking of, though ....I should move before you lose all feeling in your legs."

He frowned at little when she suggested moving. He was enjoying being joined with her. One couldn't get any closer than that really, but he didn't argue with her practicality. "Just don't go far," he warned, too sleepy and content to argue or really have a fair go at round two just yet.

"Where do you think I'm going, to find a tree to sleep in?" she asked with impish sarcasm, utterly failing to stifle her soft groan as she rose from him once again, this time pouting a little as their joining came to an end.

As promised, she didn't go far, simply settling her bare rear against the seat before curling her legs over his lap once again, nestling close. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she draped the blanket over them both, brushing her lips to his shoulder in gentle contentment. Perhaps whoever was watching over them tonight would keep beat cops and park rangers from discovering the lovers before they woke and dressed.

He settled himself close against her, an arm going around her as she nestled against him, lacking the energy to move much more than that. It seemed between her and the fight earlier, he was spent. "I never felt like this before," he told her quietly, leaning his head against hers, feeling utterly peaceful and content.

A slow, if sleepy, smile touched her face at his words, her eyes gradually falling closed as she relaxed into him. It seemed as though, despite his protests, he'd found the peace of mind she'd promised him, if only for one night.

((Ah, young love. :grin: And again, someone taking a direct hand ....but who?! Thanks to Dean's player again, awesome fun scene!))