Topic: Fight the Good Fight

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-06-07 21:53 EST
Teas N Tomes June 4th... After his conversation with Sam the night before, Dean had spent the better portion of the day scouring the Rhydin Library for information on the Nexus and portals and was currently seated at a table with a pile of books spread out in front of him, a cup of coffee in his hand, and a half-eaten donut on a plate.

His hand was wrapped around the mug, his attention riveted by whatever it was he was reading. You can be sure it wasn't a Harlequin romance. His jacket was draped over the back of his chair and he was wearing a black Led Zeppelin t-shirt and jeans.

It was late on Saturday, a prime party night. And yet Quinn was shouldering her way into the tea shop wearing a pair of worn jean shorts, a blue shirt which read "LOVE" across the front, and pink converse. Those weren't her usual club clothes. But she craved a quiet night. She needed it according to the left side of her face which looked bruised and scratched. As did her arms and legs.

She moved over to the counter, just grabbing a bottle of orange juice on display and paying the girl before she glanced around for a table. Her brows furrowed, spotting Dean. He looked busy, buuuut....she couldn't resist bothering him, even just a little. She moved over to his table, craning her head down to peer at him. "De ja vue."

As deeply involved in his reading as he was, the sound of a voice broke his concentration. It was a voice he'd recognize anywhere and she was speaking French. He smiled and lifted his head to greet her, the smile quickly fading when he saw her face. "What happened?" He didn't mean it to come out sounding rude, but he was unpleasantly surprised and more than a little concerned.

Scoffs. "What sort of greeting is that' Not a hello, Quinn" No would you like to sit with me, Quinn?" She was trying to lighten the mood. She didn't want him to worry. "Would it make you feel better if I said that one line" How does it go' You should have seen the other guy."

"Not really, but you can say it if you want." He pushed away from the table and pulled a chair out for her. "Care to join me?"

She obliged. "You should have seen the other guy!" She grinned when he pulled out the seat and she plopped down in it, though the wince that shot across her face instantly showed she regretted that. She had to remember to move more gingerly. "Thank you." She reached out, nosily flipping a few of the books here and there so she could read the spines and covers. "This reminds me of when I used to come home and you would be at the kitchen table. Which looked just like this."

He noticed the wince and knew she must be in pain, but didn't mention it just yet. She'd explain eventually or he'd pry it out of her. "Would you like something" Coffee" Donut' My treat."

"I'm good on coffee, but you know I can't resist a donut." She had flipped one book open, thumbing through it even if she wasn't actually reading it. Possibly just looking for pictures. She flashed him a smile. "Thank you."

He made no attempt to take the books away from her or try to hide what he was reading about, though he hesitated a moment to see what her reaction might be to the subject matter. "Nothing exciting, Quinn. Just research." He shoved a hand in his pants pocket and pulled out some coins. "What kind of donut?" Thankfully, there were no girlie magazines among the pile of books.

She looked back to the books. Once she really took in each of the different titles and the random words she was catching while flipping through, she pieced it together. Her smile faded, but she did her best to appear neutral. "Research is never fun." The book was closed and she looked back up to him, leaning back in her chair. "A honey cruller, please."

He smiled a little. "I should have known." He turned and started toward the counter to fetch her donut. He'd seen the look on her face and knew she probably wasn't pleased about him leaving again, but felt he had no choice. There were things he'd read about he knew he shouldn't tell her, just as he shouldn't have told her about the Crossroads Demon, once upon a time.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened?" He exchanged coins for the cruller at the counter.

"I'm really an easy girl to figure out, Dean." She took another sip of her orange juice, but stopped in the middle of it at his follow up question. She put the bottle back down and gave a low whistle. "Look at how you just slipped that in there. That was smooth." Oh, what she could say without actually saying anything at all. They had done these dances so much that they were both professionals.

"You want me to guess?" After a moment, he returned to the table with two honey crullers on a plate, his and hers. He retook his seat and held out the plate, letting her choose.

She leaned over, wiggling her fingers before picking up one of the donuts. She slid back down into her seat looking absolutely content. A quiet place, a familiar face, comfortable clothing, and a donut. It felt like bliss right now. She ripped off a piece of donut, popping it in her mouth and speaking after she swallowed. "Are you at least going to try to make your guesses funny, like asking if I got into a fight with a dolphin?"

"My first guess was going to be vampires, but if you want me to hold off on that until my third guess or so, I can do that." Once she made her choice, he set the plate on the table and reached for his cup of coffee, leaving the donut for later.

She scoffed, still trying to not let onto the severity of the situation. "Those leeches wish they could get a single scratch on me, let alone this." She put another piece of donut in her mouth. "I'm okay you know. Nothing is broken. Just need to go a little heavier on the make-up for a while and I'm kind of sore. It's not a big deal."

He frowned at her, looking over the bruises and scratches, knowing she was trying to minimize the situation, let him think everything was fine when it probably wasn't. "Do you need my help?" He hadn't planned on asking that question, but it just sort of fell out of his mouth. It was what he did after people who needed his help.

She shook her head. "It's already done, Dean." She set the remainder of her donut on the plate and brushed her hands together. "I know you want to help, Dean. It's what you do. And you should. You're good at it. But you have to focus on the people who can't help themselves." Shrugs. "I'm not one of those people anymore."

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-06-07 21:54 EST
The frown remained in place and he leaned forward in hopes of making his point clear, one hand wrapped around his coffee cup, the other resting against an opened book. "If I can't help the people I care about, what the hell is the point of helping anyone?"

She returned the frown, her gaze dropping. Now she felt horrible. After all the times he's offered since he had come back and all the times she shot him down, that was the question that made her realize what he was trying to do. "I understand, Dean. I'm sorry. I just..." Her fingers played nervously with the hem of her shirt she was staring at. "I know you're just trying to help keep me safe. And I appreciate it. Please don't think I don't."

He was watching her, studying her body language, noting her nervousness. He didn't want to make her nervous. "Everyone needs help sometimes, Quinn. Even me. There's nothing wrong with accepting it when it's freely offered. You want to know a secret' Some of us need to be needed."

"I know that." She lifted her gaze back up to him. "And I mean it every time I say it, if I need your help I will ask." The way she said it wasn't rude, it was a sincere promise. Her hands were folded on the table in front of her to keep them from fussing. "You're always needed, Dean." She leaned forward, nudging at some of the books with her knuckles. "You're needed back home. Trying to figure that out?"

"I'm not so sure about that. I just make a mess of things wherever I go. Sam doesn't like it here. He wants to go home. I'm not sure I belong here. I mean....what am I supposed to do here" I'm a hunter, Quinn. It's in my blood."

"You don't make a mess." She gave him a serious look. "Don't even say that. Not even joking." Her brows rose then. "I've barely even seen Sam around to be honest. Interesting that he's not enjoying it." She leaned back into her chair again. "I don't know, Dean. You find a way. Whatever you want to do, you find a way. But you have to figure out your path first." She looked aside to him. "What do you want, Dean?"

He paused a moment, pulling his coffee cup closer and looking into it as he contemplated her question. "I used to think I wanted a normal life. It's what I wanted when I was with you. But I realized that even if I wanted it, I can't have it. It's not who I am."

She smiled lightly. "Well, we've figured out that wasn't in the cards. But looking back, it was nice. It showed we felt so invincible together that we thought we could have anything we wanted. Even that." She lifted her gaze thoughtfully. "I think it's all overrated."

He lifted his head and met her gaze, his turn to look a little nervous, shifting a little in his seat and fiddling with the coffee cup. "There's something you don't know..."

Her brows knit, looking him over. He wasn't one to really get nervous, let alone let it show. "I..." How much it made him fidget made her worried. Did she really want to know" Geez, of course. She wouldn't be able to function otherwise. "What is it?"

"There was this girl back home....Lisa. I gave up hunting and spent the last year or so with her living a normal life. I thought it was what I wanted, and it was okay for a while. She's a great girl. Patient, understanding. She's got a kid, Ben. He's a great kid." He looked back into the cup, turning it between his hands. "But..." There was always a but. "It wasn't gonna work. I don't know why I thought it would."

She blinked, once again sinking back into her chair. The wind was briefly knocked out of until she could force it back into her head that she had as much right to worry over who he was seeing now as he did over her. She gulped air back into her lungs and looked over to him. She was silent. Listening about this great woman and her kid and the picket fence with Dean. It wasn't what she wanted now, but she did before and she would be lying to say it didn't sting. She frowned at the end of the story. Now she just felt like an ass. He was so close. He had it. At least one of them did. She wanted to be happy for him. "I don't know what to say, Dean." She was being honest. "I'm....sorry it didn't work out. I really, truly am. Believe that."

He nodded his head, accepting her sympathy wordlessly. "The point asked what I want. I know who I am now, what I'm supposed to do. I'm a hunter, Quinn. It's what I'm good at. I can help people, I can make a difference. And that's all I wanna do."

She nodded, throwing herself back into that part of the conversation and forcing the most recent part out of her mind for the moment. She leaned forward, picking up one of the books and looking it over. "And you've said you can't properly hunt here because it's a free for all. So you go back home. What happened to your friend who was going to pull you out of here at some point?" She was speaking of Castiel, but forgot the name. It was still on a napkin though, tucked in the top drawer of her dresser back at The Dollhouse.

He looked up and there was that frown again, worry lines creasing his forehead. "I dunno. He's AWOL or something. He hasn't been answering my calls."

"An AWOL angel." The word felt so awkward on her tongue. She went from barely believing in heaven to being ankle deep in angel talk in more ways than one. It made her silently shake her head. "Alright. So you're trying to find your own ticket back." She set the book back down. "Any luck so far" The nexus didn't treat you so well the last time you tried to use it on your own."

"Yeah, I don't really wanna play that card if I don't have to, but I might not have any choice. I don't know what?s going on with Cas. It's not like him not to answer, but....a lot has happened since I was here last. Going home is complicated. There's more than one Earth. If I get it wrong, we could end up God knows where."

"A lot happens in a week alone for you. I can just imagine what has occurred in a whole year's worth of time." She twisted a single lock of blonde around her finger, looking to contemplate the issue. "I have a suggestion, but you're going to hate it." And yet she smiled around the words.

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-06-07 21:54 EST
He mirrored the smile. "You know me that well, huh?"

Her smile turned cocky. "I would like to think so." She tilted her head at him. "Have you thought of going to see the ever lovely Emily' I'm sure she's just dying to see you again."

He scowled at her suggestion, obviously not liking it. Yup, she knew him pretty well. "I'm sure. She'd probably love Sam." And hate him.

She was much too excited to still have him pegged to sympathize. She bounced in her seat with a clap then instantly groaned. Slow movements, Quinn. Once the dull ache of her outburst was gone she was back to smiling. "It's just an idea. I have to be honest; I haven't seen her for a while. After you left she helped take good care of me, but once I got back on my feet she just slowly faded out." Shrugs. "Who can predict what the hell Emily is going to do?"

"Probably try and ruffie me again," he mumbled under his breath before taking a sip of his coffee, scowling again as it had turned cold. He set the mug down. "Tell you what....I'll go see her on one condition..."

"I think that's how she says hello." Snickers. Then she squinted at him. "What's the condition?"

He flashed a smirk at her. "If you go with me. And you still have to tell me what happened."

She returned the smirk. "You're just hoping to use me as a shield against Emily's weirdness. Though, I did get more used to it while you were gone. I have to admit. She would come over to the loft. Like a real person and stuff. We weren't even doing an exorcism." Then her expression soured at the second condition. "You're going to fit."

He shrugged. "I already had a fit when I found out you were hunting vampires. How much worse can it be than that?" Pause, brows furrowing as a thought occurred to him. "Please tell me it wasn't demons."

Her entire face scrunched at his last statement, bracing herself. "It wasn't demons." She let that sink in for a moment. "It was only one demon." She used the heels of her shoes to slide her chair away from him a little bit. Not sure if he was going to flail or what.

He breathed a sigh of relief but it was short-lived. Nah, he wasn't a flailer. He was a curser and he let loose a long string of curses that would make a trucker blush. "Demons" Are you out of your mind" What did I tell you about them' Why are you getting involved with demons?" He paused to take a short breath, frowning at her, anger turning to concern. "Did they hurt you?" Well, of course they did! Eyes narrowed as he suddenly realized he might have inadvertently put her in danger....again. "This wasn't about me, was it?"

She leaned back into her seat, keeping a calm expression while she let him get out his initial anger before she even tried to explain. "I am not out of my mind, thank you! I didn't seek it out, Dean. I was out-" Don't say on a date. That was the last thing this conversation needed. "'-and it came out of nowhere. It was different then what I saw before. Not a meatsuit and not smoke, different. But it wasn't about you. And I would have been fine except it was going to go after someone so I-" She bit her tongue too late. If he knew what she did he would think it was stupid and he probably would have made even more truckers blush.

More eye narrowing, jaw clenching and other signs that he was trying to keep his anger in control. "You what? You love" You care about' Daigh or Mack?" He didn't care one whit about either of them, but he did care about Quinn.

"What?" She pointed at him. "I was going to say so I jumped on its back and I stabbed it in the goddamn neck with a heel! That pissed it off, obviously, and all this-" Gesturing at herself. "Was from my less than stellar landing on the ground after it chucked me. Don't twist this." But her expression soured at the question, she looked aside when she answered. "Daigh."

He blinked, having heard her wrong and not having even realized it. "Well, at least those heels came in handy for something. Did you kill it?"

"I told you!" She folded her arms over her chest. She turned her gaze back on him. "I didn't. Daigh finished it."

Another blink and a swell of male pride and ego mixed with unexpected jealousy. "Well, good for him. I guess you don't need me after all."

Rolls her eyes. "Really' You're going to make it like that?" She shoved her fingers through her hair. "I shouldn't have told you. Next time, I'm saying I fell down the stairs."

He stared at her silently a moment, forcing his own feelings aside, which took an enormous amount of effort. There were more important things to worry about than his feelings. "What did it want?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. It was a weird situation." She was full blown frowning now. "We didn't really get a chance to discuss it all, Daigh and I. I've just been laying low for the day. So I don't know all the details. He said he was going to be looking into it."

"He was going to be looking into it' Don't tell me he's a hunter, too." There was that look on his face again that said he was not only jealous but a little bit hurt.

She winced. "In a sense, but it's different. But it's not my place to explain it." She really wasn't expecting to have this conversation tonight. She peered up at him, trying to diffuse the tension somewhat. "I said it right off the bat. I need to go on a damn game show. I picked you. I picked Mack. Now hanging out with Daigh. Apparently I have a sixth sense for picking out hunters." Smirks.

"There are no accidents, Quinn," he told her solemnly. "And you didn't pick me. You just needed a place to flop and ended up with..."

She looked absolutely crushed by that. "That hurt, Dean."

He looked apologetic, regretting his words or at least, the way they came out. "That's not what I meant."

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-06-07 21:57 EST
She waved off his words before her hand was being placed over her eyes. Her shoulders rose and sank with steady breaths. She had gone so long without crying, especially over him, she wasn't planning on starting up again tonight. It took her a while to find her voice, speaking even though she kept her face covered. "Think whatever you want."

He wondered why they were always arguing all the time. They never really had before. He blamed himself mostly. Him and his big mouth. He had a pretty good idea why demons might be after her. "I was supposed to protect you, Quinn. That's what I thought I was here for, and then....Cas sent me home and I....Don't think I didn't miss you because I did. I thought about you every day."

She dropped her hand back down. Her eyes were somewhat glassy, but that was it. "I don't want protection, Dean. I know you want to make sure nothing bad happens to me, but guess what? You're too late. So just drop it. I'm going down and I have been for a while. I'm going to enjoy. I'll go out in a blaze of glory instead of a quiet safe fizzle." She folded her arms back over her chest, turning her head aside. She was so hurt that she couldn't even stand hearing what he had to say about missing her at the moment. It seemed to be falling on deaf ears.

"You sound just like me," he said quietly, watching her carefully, all the anger going out of him. "You know, all the time I was with Lisa I never once told her I loved her." He wasn't sure why he was telling her that, but he hoped she understood. Somehow it seemed important to him that she knew that, that he'd never told anyone else those same words and quite possibly never would. Not that it mattered. What was done was done and couldn't be undone. "If you're not too pissed at me....I'd still like you to go with me to see Emily."

She wasn't sure if he was saying that as a compliment or not, but he explanation about Lisa caused her to swing her gaze back on him. She understood what he was saying, but she didn't know how to reply. Maybe it was just one of those things they both needed to know and be aware of without talking about. Finally, she nodded. "I'll go with you to Emily's. She'll be in a better and more helpful mood if I'm there. You'll probably just sour her if you see her on your own." The faintest trace of a teasing smile could be picked out on her lips as well as in her tone.

He smiled back at her, though his heart was feeling heavy. "You can shield me so she doesn't hurt me."

"She wouldn't so much try to hurt you. Probably just attempt to turn you into a toad or something." Her chest probably felt as heavy as his. Maybe trying to stay friends with your ex wasn't the best idea. It always ended with them fighting and being emotional. But what was the other option' No Dean' That seemed even worse to her.

He chuckled. "Yeah, that's so much better. If she turns me into a toad, will you kiss me and turn me back?"

"Green looks good on you." Then she smirked. "I hear you have to be kissed by a princess to get turned back. And I don't know if you're noticed lately, but I'm no princess, Dean."

"No, you're not a princess, Quinn, but you're still pretty damned special."

Her smile softened and she reached out to nudge his knee with her hand. "Get turned into a toad. Then we'll talk." She glanced about. "I should probably go home. Leave tonight on a good note between us before one of us says something stupid." She looked back to him grinning playfully. "Because it's bound to happen."

He started gathering up the books, leaving the half-eaten donut and cold coffee on the table. Snagging his jacket from the chair, he pulled it over his shoulders. "Want a lift' I promise not to drive like Speed Racer."

She crinkled her nose. "Promise you'll drive sane." She held out her hand, pinky extended. "Pinky promise even, Dean' I'm serious."

He smiled and extended a hand, crooking his pinky and linking it with hers. "I'll even turn the radio up and not say a word."

They shook pinkies on it and she released him. She made her way to the door and held it open for him. "You've got yourself a deal!"

He gathered up the pile of books and followed her to the door, feeling a little better at having made peace with her, but still worried as all hell for her safety.