Topic: How Fragile Is A Moment (AU)

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-07-16 13:04 EST
Sunset had been and gone, and in that shifting time, Dean and Nim had left the road to hole up in another nameless, faceless motel. As true darkness fell outside and the stars came out of play, Nim rolled onto her side, propping her head on her hand as she looked down at Dean with a slow, lazy smile. The sheets lay rumpled around them, tucked about in some belated display of modesty as though that could make a denial of the spirited affirmation that had passed between the lovers almost from the moment they had stepped through the now locked door to their hired room. Her palm rested against his chest, golden hair pooling against the pillow by his shoulder. "Hey," she murmured tenderly, drawing her fingertip against his cheek as she gazed down at his faraway expression. "Where'd you go?"

Dean blinked out of the thoughts that had been haunting him all day, ghostly memories he was having trouble putting to rest. The tiniest difference here in this world, however innocent, almost seemed to cause a domino effect - a chain reaction of events that was significantly different from the life he'd known back home - and he couldn't help but wonder what other differences there were here that he didn't know about yet. He'd turned quiet after their latest tryst, almost too quiet, and though he was weary with exhaustion, his body sated, it wasn't the kind of quiet that signalled contentment. He turned his head toward her, eyes looking very green in the dim lighting of the motel room. "Just thinking," he admitted, drawn out of those thoughts by the gentle touch of her hand.

"Anything I can help with?" She settled lower against his side, the gentle caress of her fingertip turning to a smooth glide of her palm down the line of his throat to resume that rest against the heat of his chest, feeling the steady thump of his heartbeat there. "You don't have to hold everything inside."

He reached over to tuck a lock of blond hair behind her ear, fingers brushing her cheek. It was at times like this when he looked on her in awe, wondering when he was going to wake up and find out he was only dreaming. A faint smile curled his lips, touched by her desire to share whatever burdens and secrets he held close. Where should he start' Hadn't she said that all of that was no longer important, and yet, somehow it was. It was what made him who he was, and now that his life was tangled with hers, she had a right to know all of it. "I was just thinking about the first time we met," he admitted. Though that hadn't been what was weighing most heavily on his mind, it wasn't too far from the mark. "You're the only girl..." He paused to correct himself. "....woman who ever came close to understanding me."

Oh, Lisa had tried, but Lisa had never lived The Life. Not really. She'd lived a normal life until she'd met him, and though she'd tried to be understanding and sympathetic, she could never really understand.

Her first thought was to question which first time he meant' Did he mean the first time he met Jo, or Nim' And yet, somehow she knew he meant Jo, the girl she'd been and would never be again, still struggling to reconcile that jealousy of someone who was herself with his memories of a lifetime she had lost. "The only one?" she asked softly, catching and understanding the implication that there had been others, maybe many others. She didn't want to know about his long list of conquests, but if he wanted to tell her, she would listen. Nim would do anything for Dean, whether he knew that or not.

"The only one," he reiterated, going over the long list of women in his head. Though the list of women he'd spent time with was lengthy, there were only a handful who'd really made a lasting impression. Cassie, Lisa, Jo. Jo who was now Nim. He didn't really make a distinction between the two; there was no need. No matter what she called herself, she was still his Jo, and now his Nimue. He chuckled a little to himself. "I thought your mom was gonna kill me, but I won her over in the end."

His chuckle brought a soft snicker to her lips, imagining what her mother must have been like to be able to intimdate so much that even in a memory he felt it. "You were scared of my mom?" she asked with quiet incredulity, feeling a strange sense of d"j" vu as she spoke.

"Hell, yeah," he smiled, not missing the fact that she'd asked him that once before, what seemed like a long time ago. "If I'd asked you out, I'm pretty sure she'd have kicked my a$$." His fingers trailed a soft caress against her cheek before pulling away, the smile on his face fading a little at the bittersweet memories that were flooding his mind. "I think she was afraid you'd follow me into becoming a hunter, and for a long time, I blamed myself for that, but the truth was you didn't do it because of me. You did it because of your father."

She snorted with laughter softly, her head turning to catch his fingertips with kisses before his hand retreated from her reach. "You'd have taken that a$$-kicking, too," she murmured softly, her gaze lowering once again to watch as a single finger traced the smooth lines of the charm that marked his chest. "He must really have been something, to inspire so much without being there to see it."

His gaze remained fixed on her face, even as her own gaze drifted to the inked pentagram on his chest, her touch strangely calming, soothing. It would be so easy to take her in his arms right now and make love to her again. He knew she wouldn't protest; she'd embrace every kiss, every precious moment spent alone with him as if it was their last. But there were things that needed to be said, that she needed to know. "I never met him, but you told me about him. He was a hero. He was your hero." That much had been clear in her telling about him to Dean. There was no more perfect word to describe him to her but that.

Her eyes lifted to meet his as he watched her, the expression in those familiar dark depths gentle and unjudging. "I was just a kid when he died," she said quietly, drawing from what he had told her in the past, on what little he knew about her childhood. "He could have been the worst kind of man imaginable, and I would have idolised him. Because he was my dad, and I knew what he died doing. It doesn't take much to make a hero in a kid's eyes, Dean."

He couldn't really disagree with that. There'd been a time when he'd put his own father on a pedestal and thought him a hero. He still did in some ways, but the bubble had burst a long time. The fantasy had given way to reality, and he'd learned that his father was just a man who was trying to do his best in an impossible situation. "I used to think that about my dad, too, but sometimes I wished he'd have been more father and less hunter."

She knew a little about John Winchester. A very little. Just enough from Brian's knowledge to understand that the man had been consumed by revenge, that he had given his sons little or no choice in following him down that road. Nim's gaze turned gently compassionate as Dean spoke, her palm flattening over his heart once again. "Everyone has regrets, baby. That's just how it goes."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-07-16 13:12 EST
"If we ever have kids..." He broke off, feeling almost as if he was betraying his father with his own confession, hardly noticing the term of endearment right off, as if it was nothing unusual. "I don't want to be like him."

"You won't be." And this she knew for certain, as certain as she could be at that moment in time. "Please, Dean, you have to trust me. You're going to be a great dad." There really was nothing more to say. She refused to vocalise the main thing that would keep him from being like his own father, knowing it would bring up those old demons once again. But their children would never have to suffer the way Dean and his brother had ....because they would have both father and mother right there with them, through thick and thin. When that time came, history would not repeat itself.

He smiled as she reassured him, as though she was already with child, but it was a wistful smile, at best. It wasn't impossible that she wasn't already pregnant, but he found it unlikely. After all his years of carousing, only one woman he knew of had ever become pregnant with a child of his, but he didn't want to think about that now, about the monster daughter that had almost killed him. She might have shared his DNA, but she wasn't his, not really. He'd never had a chance to be a real father to her, though he'd offered, and in the end, it had been Sam who'd killed her for him. He'd been like a father to Ben, had wished more than once that Ben was his, but that hadn't gone well either. It never did. He closed his eyes briefly to dispel the memory of the past. Dean trusted Nim with his life, but if there was one thing he knew, it was that there were no certainties in life.

"You know, all my life all I've ever wanted was to be part of a family. A real family. To have a family of my own. I just never thought it was possible," he told her as his eyes slid open again. He still wasn't sure it was possible, but she seemed to think it was and he didn't want to burst that bubble.

"It's more than possible," Nim insisted. She hadn't thought it all through, and yes, there were plenty of ways this hoped for future could fall on its face, but the fact remained that she was sure. She just didn't know if he was on board with her, yet. "I know I probably sound like a little kid living on dreams, but I really think we can do it. Some day in the not so distant future."

"Things normal people take for granted. I can't remember the last time I celebrated....anything. Birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, the Fourth of July. None of it matters. You know why?" he asked as he turned his head to face her again. "Because we keep the world safe so that other people can celebrate those things. So that they can have normal lives and not know about the things that go bump in the night. That's why we do what we do, Nim. Not for the glory or the thrill of the hunt. It's to make the world a safer place, a better place. So people can tuck their kids in at night and know they'll still be safe in the morning."

He had heard what she'd said, but he was a roll now, needing her to understand what made him tick, why he did what he did. It wasn't just because he'd been born to it or because it was the only real life he'd ever known. It was because he knew someone had to do it, and it might as well be him.

She fell silent, still following his own line of thought, his own reasoning. Of course she understood his reasons, why he did what they did. It was close to why she followed that same path. But at the same time, she didn't see just why he was trying to talk himself out of having the family he so obviously wanted. Did he really believe it was such an impossibility"

"Do I want a family' Hell, yes. I want it more than anything. I want to teach my kids how to play catch and ride a bike and go fishing. I want to spend lazy summer days watching the clouds go by. I want to stay up late on Christmas Eve putting toys together and get woken at the crack of dawn to open presents. I want to see my kids blow out the candles on their birthday cake and watch them grow up right before my eyes. I want to be a soccer dad and a little league coach. I want to get married and grow old together. I want the house with the white picket fence and two point four kids in the backyard. I want it so much it hurts, but..." There was always a but. What was that but exactly' He sighed, turning his head away and closing his eyes against the flood of emotions that were threatening again. How long had he denied himself what he really wanted"

"I was with this girl once..." He started, his thoughts turning back to the year he'd spent with Lisa and Ben. "She had a son and....It was good for a while, but it didn't last. The demons found out. They always do. They used her and Ben to get to me. I tried to stop them, but it was too late. They killed her, and if it wasn't for Cas..." He broke off, the memory too painful to continue, squeezing his eyes closed to try and contain the anguish.

Nim's frown deepened, not angry or hurt, but saddened by the fear and pain she could feel radiating from her lover, wishing there was some way she could relieve that horror of memory for him. "Was she a hunter?" she asked very softly, already knowing the answer purely from the circumstances he had given her. "Dean, we wouldn't be alone. We have friends, safe places. And it wouldn't be you protecting your wife and children alone. It would be you and me, protecting our children, with the help of our friends."

He didn't need to answer that question, knowing she probably already knew the answer. No, Lisa hadn't been a hunter. She hadn't known anything about his life as a hunter, until he'd dragged her into it. He'd blamed himself for that, too, for her death, for everything that had happened. Asking Cas to wipe her memory of him from her mind was the best thing he could have done for her. He blew out a shaky breath, fraught with emotion and shoved a hand through his hair as he opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. Friends, what friends" Bobby, Brian, Bill" Apollo and Aphrodite" How had his grandparents done it, he wondered. How had they made it work for so long"

"I know," he admitted finally, though there was still so much uncertainty, so much fear. He'd never forgive himself if something happened to her or to any children they might have together, and in that moment, he understood why his father been so consumed with the desire for revenge.

"Are you second-guessing what hasn't happened yet?" she asked him quietly, her brows rising in a clear indication of how ridiculous that was. He knew the future couldn't be accurately predicted, was using that argument to talk himself out of what he wanted, and yet hadn't considered the other side of it. "All the bad you're worried might happen" Just as equally, it might not. You can't know, and if you don't do something just in case something else happens, you're never going to live your life, baby. It's just gonna pass you by."

He turned his head to face her again, tears glittering in eyes of hazel green. He felt exhausted again, worn out, but there she was - his saving grace - loving him through it all, despite all his doubts and worries and faults. And all of it boiled down to one thing, one fear he couldn't quite get past just yet, one thing that was eating away at him, threatening to defeat him before he'd even begun. "I don't want to lose you," he told her, his voice whisper quiet with emotion.

"I know." It was a whisper to match his own as she leaned in close to him, resting her forehead to his, holding his gaze. And that was it. There was no promise never to leave, no insistence that he wasn't going to lose her. They both knew it would be impossible for her to keep that promise if whatever was in charge of their destiny had already decided she was going first. "I don't want to lose you, either."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-07-16 13:18 EST
His arms closed around her drawing her down into his embrace, his fingers gently grasping at her bare flesh as if to make sure she was real and to hold onto her as tightly as he could. "You really think we can do it," he said quietly, not for the first time. It was no question, but a simple restating of what she'd already professed.

"I really think we can," she promised him, certain at least of her own feelings on this subject. Drawn close into his embrace, she rolled onto him, fully into his arms, body to body in a very physical reminder that she was as real as he was and going nowhere. Her eyes stared into his, as though trying to bolster his uncertainty with her determination. "Our kids are gonna be so proud of their dad."

He arched a brow at her statement, surprised at the confidence in him, which he so obviously lacked. He brushed an errant tear from his cheek as his eyes brimmed over, looking up at her with the same wonder he always felt when she touched him so deeply, yearning to make that dream a reality with her and for her. There were no words to describe what he was feeling, no words that would suffice to describe how very much he loved her. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you," he told her finally, summoning the courage to put into words what his heart was feeling.

Her expression softened, seeing that he had finally absorbed what it was she was saying. "Didn't we already decide to do that?" she asked, brushing her fingertips through his hairline as she leaned down to kiss him.

A strange flicker of something flashed over them, a static, staccato sound of some being making itself known, and a familiar voice suddenly shouted in the silence.

"Nim, get away!"

The voice was Apollo's, his tall vessel fading into view in the illumination from the parking lot outside, one hand outstretched to release a glowing ball to flood the room with bright light. A shadow was forming beside the bed, looming over the two hunters where they lay in one another's embrace. Features became distinctive in a moment - crimson red eyes, bared teeth, spiralling tattoos dark on olive skin. And an arm raised above them, plunging what looked like a sharpened bone toward Nim's unprotected back.

Everything was happening too fast, giving neither hunter much time to react. Dean's eyes widened as a horrific form began to take shape beside the bed, unthinking reflexes taking over as he saw an arm rise over them, a bone not unlike the kind he had driven into Dick Roman's neck ready to strike. "No!" he shouted, rolling Nimue to her back to shield her from the attack, putting his own back between her and their attacker whoever or whatever it might be.

The bone struck Dean's back and shattered, bathing him in coiling black light that wrapped about every part of his body, concealing him from sight. And just like that, he was gone, vanished without rhyme or reason right in front of Nim's shocked eyes.


Fury flashed through Nim like a forest fire, all of it turned in instant hatred onto the being that had attacked them in the first place. Apollo was of little use, staring dumbly at the spot on the bed where Dean had been, leaving the mortal hunter to do what was necessary. As the shadowed thing howled its incoherent frustration to the ceiling, Nim rolled from the bed, snatching up Dean's Beretta as she went. Down on one knee, sheltered in the lee of the furniture from the spitting, snarling rage emanating from their attacker, she raised the gun and fired.

Abruptly, all sound ceased. Crimson eyes that had been glaring at her changed suddenly to rheumy blue; the dark tattoos that covered the olive skin faded away entirely. She stared as the attacker collapsed to the floor, a bullet wedged neatly between his eyes, and felt a wave of nausea rush up as the smell hit her. "Oh ....gods, what is that?" she demanded, rising to her feet to edge around the bed, her eyes watering from the sheer force of the stink.

The body was just that, a body. A human body. It could have been any body, but for the obvious signs of decay. This one had been in the ground a long time before whatever it was had decided to make use of it. Automatically, Nim reached for the salt, heedless of her nudity. If she was going to have to heave this thing to the car, she was going to make damn certain it wasn't getting up again while she did so.

Apollo, still controlling that tiny sun of his, had approached the bed itself, his eyes narrowing as he looked down at the strange grey residue left behind by the shadows that had stolen Dean from sight and perception. He reached out a hand, his palm hovering above the sheets, and for a moment, there was utter, deathly calm. Then he straightened abruptly. "You have to leave here," he told Nim firmly, snatching the salt from her hand. "Now."

"Wait, what?" Nim turned incredulous eyes onto the friend she had thought to be a man and now knew to be a god. "I'm not going anywhere until Dean gets back from ....wherever that thing sent him." She made a grab for the salt, her hand still ready on the trigger of Dean's gun.

"No." Apollo's long fingers wrapped tight around her wrist, dragging her about until she was forced to look into the earnest eyes of a god. "This attack was meant for you, Nim. Our enemies have made their first move, and it was on you. Dean is more than capable of looking after himself where he has gone. You are the one in danger." Those blue eyes turned silver for a moment, searching the distance of thought. "You have an ally, Robert Singer, close by. You will go to him."

Nim stared, feeling the full shock of what had just happened come crashing in on her. From contentment to danger in nought to ten seconds - she'd seen Dean do what Dean always did, sacrifice himself for someone he loved without even considering the consequences; she'd killed a dead body, which stank to high heaven; and now a god was telling her to abandon the place Dean had disappeared from to protect herself. What the hell was she supposed to think"

"N-no," she shook her head, denying the sense in Apollo's words. "I have to stay. Dean'll be so vulnerable when he gets back." When, not if. She refused to believe this wasn't reversible.

Impatient, Apollo shook her, hard. "You must listen to me," he said harshly, willing her to absorb what he was about to tell her through the roiling wildness of her tumultuous human emotions. "Our enemy has decided that you are the weak link. So long as you remain here, they know where you are, and without Dean, you are the vulnerable one, Nimue Morgan. I must investigate this matter, but I will find you. I will tell you what I know. But you must find safety, and fast!"

He was right. She hated it, but he was right. There was nothing she could do for Dean right at this moment, and he would never forgive her if she got herself hurt or worse trying to hold a vigil in a place they knew now to be compromised. She whirled away, reaching to snatch at clothes, weapons, personal effects. Bobby Singer might intimidate her, but at least he was a face she knew. William Harvelle, wherever he was and whatever he might be, was just going to have to wait a while longer.

((Dun, dun, DUUUNNN! :grin: Where is Dean' Who is this mysterious enemy' Why is it after Nim' Stay tuned to find out! Oh, and ....thanks, princess!))