Topic: Laid Low in Love


Date: 2014-07-04 07:26 EST
November 21st, 2012 - Greece

It was early afternoon in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, when Ares and Ayden blinked out of the Singer kitchen and arrived back at Ares' villa in Porto Heli, Greece, where it was early evening, sunlight kissing the sea and casting a warm glow over the gardens and greenery that surrounded the villa. If there was such a thing as Paradise on Earth, this place came close.

It was certainly a magical place for Ayden. She relaxed the moment they appeared in the villa, the tension she had been carrying disappearing from her frame as she stepped away, quick to shuck out of her woolen sweater and thick boots, leaving herself barefoot on the warm terracotta tile. "I didn't mean to drop you in the middle of a family reunion," she said softly, turning apologetic eyes to her companion. "But thank you, for healing Dean. I know it's not really one of your skills, but I do appreciate it."

He shrugged as if it wasn't such a big deal, which to him, it really wasn't. "He would have healed in time, but he wouldn't be of much use wounded as he was. It's a skill I learned from my mother. It's helpful in battle." He drew a deep breath of the salt-sea air, filling his immortal lungs with it. It smelled different here - cleaner, fresher - untainted by Hades and his minions.

Ayden smiled at him, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "Word to the wise, baby," she said softly, stroking her fingertips against his cheek as she rose up on her toes to kiss him. "I just thanked you for something you didn't have to do. Accept the gratitude without telling me why I don't have to be thankful, okay?"

"Why wouldn't I have healed him?" Ares countered, arching a brow at her, even as she kissed him. Even if she hadn't asked him to heal her brother, he more than likely would have done it on his own eventually.

"Because he wouldn't have let you," she pointed out, shaking her hair back off her neck. Though it was winter in Greece, like everywhere else in the Northern Hemisphere, it was significantly warmer here than in Sioux Falls. "Do you always take everything so very literally?"

"Literally?" he echoed curiously, unsure what she meant by that exactly. "Have I misunderstood your meaning?" he asked, wondering what he'd done wrong. He'd found her brother's way of speaking difficult to understand, at times, but he'd never had too much trouble understanding Ayden.

"No, not really," she assured him. "I think I'm stalling, to be honest." She drew in a deep breath, stepping back from him to look out across the beautiful mountainous vista, knowing certain parts of it only too intimately now. "You know, he and I had quite an important conversation, before I called for you."

He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist as she looked out across the mountains, now that they were alone again, just happy to be near her. He misunderstood her again, presuming she thought he knew what they'd talked about. "I was not listening while you were speaking with your brother. I do not know what the two of you discussed."

She laughed softly, leaning back into his arms with easy comfort. "That wasn't what I meant," she assured him. "It's a manner of speaking, a way of highlighting that I want you to know what was said. Like a verbal warning that I'm going to share something important with you. Does that make sense?"

He considered that a moment before replying, enjoying the feel of her in his arms, the soft feminine scent of her filling his senses. She was a distraction, to be sure, of the very best kind. "Yes, I suppose it does," he admitted, looking out at the view he knew and loved so well. "What was your important conversation about?"

It took a moment for her to answer, wondering if he was going to misconstrue this, as well. "Us," she said eventually, her head turning to let her eyes find his. "You and me. He gave me some good advice, that I intend to take. Would you like to hear it?"

He arched a single brow as she turned to meet his gaze. The answer to her question seemed obvious, but he answered just the same. "If it concerns us both, then I believe I should hear it, yes."

"Well boils down to grab life by the balls," Ayden mused softly. "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today, because you never know what might happen." She twisted in his arms, stroking her fingertips against his chest as she looked up at him, her skin coloring as she drew her courage together. "I love you, Ares. I don't want to wait."

He gave her that infuriatingly confused look again, as he tried to sort out the slang she was using that he assumed had come from her brother. "Balls?" he asked, wondering just what she meant by that, but then she was sort of explaining. He looked down at her as she turned to face him, his arms loosely circling her waist. "You....don't want to wait?" he repeated, puzzled, before he realized the enormity of what she was telling him. It might only be three little words, but they were three little words with a lot of meaning. "You love me?" he asked, blond brows arching upwards, as if he was unsure whether or not he'd heard her right.

"Yeah." She nodded, her expression soft but worried, uncertain whether his reaction was a good one or not. "I love you. And I don't want to be without you. There's no reason to wait, not when I feel this way. I know my own heart, Ares. It's yours."

He found his immortal heart was beating a little bit faster at the realization that she loved him, at the thought of her becoming his wife and belonging to him and only him. He cupped her cheek in the palm of his hand, his gaze softening on her. In all the many years of his existence, no one had quite touched his heart the way this mortal woman had. "And I love you," he echoed her sentiment. "You will be my wife then?" he asked, almost afraid to hear her answer. She had asked him for a year, until all this nonsense with Hades was over, but it seemed she had changed her mind.

Gazing up at him, Ayden marveled at the thought that she'd ever considered making him wait for her to be ready. But then, she hadn't known she was ready until Dean had pointed it out to her. He was absolutely right - she would regret making Ares wait even a month for the answer that was already rock solid in her heart and mind. "Yes," she whispered shyly, the tiniest hint of a sweet smile on her lips. "If you'll have me."


Date: 2014-07-04 07:27 EST
"Of course I'll have you, silly woman! I asked you to be my wife, did I not?" He laughed at the ridiculousness of her statement, sweeping her up in his arms and twirling her about in a circle, laughing with happiness. "We shall have to celebrate!" he said excitedly once he'd set her on her feet. He called for his servants with a clap of his hands.

Ayden squeaked as he swept her up off her feet, throwing her arms around his neck as he spun her about. Goodness knew what his servants thought, given that their master and his guest had disappeared around dawn and had apparently snuck back in while they weren't looking. Giggling, she touched a kiss to his neck as he lowered her down once more. "Celebrate" Oh goodness, Ares, you're not going to throw a party or anything silly like that, are you?"

"No, nothing like that. A private celebration," he explained, eyes shining with excited happiness. "I think it's time you meet my mother," he told her.

One of Ares' servants appeared in the doorway - the man Ayden had met once before and who went by the name of Dareios. "K"rios," he said, greeting his master with a short bow. "What do you desire?"

"Your mother"" Before Ayden could articulate just how terrifying a prospect that was, they were interrupted by the arrival of Dareios. She managed a small smile for the man, gently easing her hand from Ares' grip and edging toward the closet that had been stocked with clothing for her over the past two days. Meeting your prospective mother-in-law was a nerve-wracking business as it was, but this one was the queen of the gods!

"A feast, my friend," Ares replied with a warm smile. "One fit for a queen!" But whether the queen he was referring to was Hera or Ayden was unclear. Dareios bowed again before casting a brief glance at Ayden, and doing his best to hide the small smirk forming on his face at the woman's reaction.

"It shall be so, k"ri" mou," the man replied, backing from the room before turning his back and leaving. It wouldn't be long before the entire household was rushing about in a frenzy to prepare for whatever awaited them at their lord's behest.

Ayden waited until they were alone again, turning to look at her lover warily. "Uh ....your mother" Really' Now"" she asked uncertainly, looking down at her black tank and pink jeans. "This isn't a great impression to make on a woman who could, you know, squish me with a finger."

"Nonsense, little heart, your clothes do not make you the person you are," an unfamiliar voice interrupted, and Ayden almost leapt out of her skin as an elegant woman seemed to step out of thin air, not even trying to fight the urge to hide behind Ares. Hera smirked at the startled reaction to her appearance. "I apologize for startling your mate, my son, but your joy is rather deafening."

"Mitera!" Ares exclaimed, laughing again, even as Ayden took refuge behind him, a little surprised by his mother's sudden appearance, but pleasantly so. "Love," he called to Ayden, gently drawing her out from behind him to present her to his mother. "Meet my mother, Hera."

"Do I have to?" a small voice asked from behind him, before Ayden conceded his greater strength and inched out from her hiding place, shy and awkward, and slightly afraid of this elegant woman who radiated power. Hera was nothing like Hebe, the only other Olympian female she had met thus far. Clearing her throat under Hera's amused gaze, she held tight to Ares' hand and felt herself curtsey. "It's an honor to meet you, uh'am?"

The Queen of Olympus laughed a rich, warm laugh, moving over to raise Ayden's chin and look the girl over. "Never hide your face, little one," she told the mortal, examining her closely. "She is a beauty, Ares. And such power! A fine addition to our family."

Ares beamed with obvious pride and joy at his mother's praise. "I have chosen well, have I not?" he asked, though he was not really looking for an answer. He'd had lovers before, but none of them had ever seemed as worthy or as right for him as Ayden. He let go of his hold on Ayden so that his mother could look her over and greet her properly without his interference. "Do you think Father will approve?"

Of course, Ares had a certain amount of trouble letting go of Ayden, since she really didn't want him to, but Hera pretended not to notice the little scuffle of fingers as she smiled at the girl. "Your father, Ares, will approve or keep his peace," she told him confidently. "You are entering under my jurisdiction now you have found a match, and I approve. Yes, I believe she will make you very happy. And he will please you greatly, little one," she added, addressing Ayden directly. The girl gulped, green eyes wide, and just nodded, genuinely afraid of Hera.

He finally pried his fingers away from hers with an amused chuckle, though he didn't go far. In fact, he stepped forward to greet his mother properly, with a kiss to her cheek. "I have ordered my servants to prepare a feast. I hope you will honor us by staying for dinner."

Hera chuckled softly, kissing her son's cheek as he greeted her properly, releasing Ayden's chin in the process. "Oh, my dear boy," she smiled fondly at him. "You did not truly listen the last time we spoke, did you?" She stroked her son's cheek affectionately. "I came here now, because your delight is echoing around Olympus and I managed to catch Hebe before she skipped off to startle you herself. But if that joy is caused by what I believe it has been caused by, then now is not the time to be inviting your mother to share a meal with yourself and your little lover."

"Not just lover, Mother," Ares interjected, smiling affectionately back at her. Yes, Hera could be as unpredictable as a hurricane, but she was still his mother, and he was still her first-born son, and as far as sons went, it was no secret that he had always been her favorite. "She has accepted my offer of marriage."


Date: 2014-07-04 07:28 EST
"Truly?" Hera actually had the grace to look surprised, glancing down at Ayden where the girl lingered uncertainly nearby. "So little restraint in one so young," she mused thoughtfully. "Or is it confidence of purpose you lack, little one?"

Ayden blushed deeply, wondering just how much this Olympian knew about her, but far too leery to actually speak up in defense of her choice. All she would say was, "I love your son very much."

"She loves me!" Ares echoed loudly and excitedly enough for all those on Mount Olympus to hear his declaration. Let just one of them challenge his choice or try to take her from him and they would regret the day they were born. Ares reached for Ayden, to draw her closer into his possessive embrace.

Tucked close into his arms once again, Ayden visibly relaxed, and Hera's smile deepened as she stepped back from them. She could see clear as day the tenderness of feeling shared by her son and his chosen mortal, no matter how soon it seemed to have come about. "Then you must enjoy that love, both of you," she told them. "And I will leave you to do that. Oh, and ....Ares" Do let her change for dinner. Women like to dress up when they have an excuse for it, don't they, little one?"

Another blush answered her from Ayden, but this time the young woman giggled, surprised by this understanding of humanity from a being who was painted in myths as vindictive and nasty-minded.

"Of course," Ares replied, smiling as he looked down on his beloved. "We do not wish to wait long, Mother. You will talk to Father for me?" Though there was still the matter of the Fates to be dealt with. He did not think he would regain his father's approval until that little matter was taken care of. He knew it wouldn't be long before all of Olympus was aware of the news, if they weren't already. He only hoped they would be happy for him. Olympians tended to be a jealous lot.

"I will tend the garden and plant the seed," Hera nodded, smiling at the sight of her fierce son so humbled and gentled by a true love. "You must come for the harvest yourself, when you have the tools to command." It was an odd bit of code between the Olympians, but Ayden was oblivious, smiling up at Ares with adoring eyes.

"I shall," Ares replied, sobering as he understood what his mother was trying to tell him. "Soon." Very soon. It needed to be done soon before the last of the Fates contrived to some vengeance on the Winchesters or himself. He got the feeling his mother was readying to take her leave of them and he frowned sadly. "We will see you again soon."

"Yes, you shall," his mother promised them warmly. "And very soon. But this celebration is yours alone. Play well, children." She faded from view, leaving the pair standing alone in the bedroom.

Ayden felt herself blush yet again, fairly sure that Ares' mother had just told them to get naked with each other, though not in so many words. "She is ....Well, intimidating, but nice."

As soon as his mother disappeared from view, Ares turned to Ayden, a soft smile on his face just for her. "She is the Queen of the Gods," Ares replied, matter-of-factly, as if that explained the intimidation factor. "But she is also my mother, and she loves me." And though she had never said so much in words, he often got the feeling he was her favorite.

"Who couldn't love you?" she answered softly, gently teasing a fingertip along his jaw as she smiled sweetly up at him. "I do." That smile widened to a grin as she winked up at him. "So, Mr. God of War, do you think we have time to work up an appetite before your team of culinary geniuses downstairs expect us to appear and eat this feast you've ordered for us?"

His smile faded momentarily at her question. He had plenty of enemies, and some of them lived on Mount Olympus, but he didn't want to think about that right now. "What did you have in mind, Miss Milligan?" he asked, that smile forming again as his arms circled her waist.

"Well, I ..." She blushed, still innocent enough to be embarrassed by the fact that she was trying to ask him to take her to bed without actually saying the words. "If we're going to do your servants justice, we should probably wash up a bit. Shouldn't we?"

"A bath, then," he proclaimed in agreement. "Shall we?" he asked, unwinding his arms from around her waist and offer her a hand to lead her toward the master bathroom, where there was a bathtub fit for a king and large enough to easily accommodate both of them, as it had on a previous occasion.

Ayden's hand slid into his as she giggled softly to herself, remembering the differences between that previous occasion and this. A previous occasion when they had not yet been lovers, when he had been injured, and when she had been navigating the uncertain waters of accepting that he had already seen her naked too often for it to be such a problem for her any longer. This time promised to be quite different.

He did not call on a servant to start the bath for them this time, preferring the privacy afforded them while the rest of the household made ready for a feast. While the bathtub filled with water, he took his time disrobing her, peeling away the layers of cloth that covered her from his eyes.

Though she was newly a woman - and by his hand - there was still a sense of naive innocence about her as she raised her arms for him, feeling her skin flush with unhindered desire as each layer fell away to leave her naked before the man she loved. Her fingers skimmed over his hips as she gazed into his eyes, trying hard not to feel embarrassed by her nudity as she turned her attention to gently easing the fabric from his body, brushing soft kisses to his chest to distract them both as clothing hit the floor at their feet.


Date: 2014-07-04 07:28 EST
Though he was the God of War and known for his bravery and ferocity in battle, he was paradoxically a gentle, caring lover as proven by the soft kisses and tender embraces he bestowed on her. He took his time, unhurried as if they had all the time in the world, slowly building the fire that burned between them - a blaze of heat that burned deep inside.

Quite when they entered the bath was beyond Ayden to hazard a guess, wrapped up as she was in everything that was Ares, knowing that this was a side of him few could say they had ever truly seen. But somehow she found herself embraced, not just by his strong arms, but by the warmth of the water around them, teasing kisses to his lips as she dared to put a little of what he had taught her into practice.

Practice was one thing he didn't need, at least, not in this regard, and yet, he reveled in pleasing her, in teaching her, in showing her what it was to make love. It wasn't just about physical love, but it was about opening up to another and sharing the secrets of your heart and soul with the one person you loved more than any other. He savored her kisses, offering kisses of his own in return, lips drifting elsewhere to dare a little exploration of his own.

If his servants had been in any doubt as to the nature of the relationship between their often absent master and his female companion, the sounds that issued from that bathroom would soon put them right. Ayden didn't know how to quiet herself, lifting her voice with unabashed delight at each caress and kiss, giggling as the water splashed over the edge of the bathtub to soak the floor. Upright in his arms, she found herself taking the lead, fitted so closely together that not even a hair could slip between them as she began to move with more confidence, actively seeking the treasure he had shown her not so very long ago.

Perhaps that was what made her different from all the others and why he'd fallen so deeply in love with her- she, more than any other, made him laugh and showed him what it was to live again, not just to merely exist. She gave him a reason to live again; she gave him hope. What could he possibly give her in return that was as precious as the gift she'd given him' All he could give her was his love and devotion and eventually, when she was ready, the gift of immortality - a gift he'd never given anyone ever before. "I love you," he whispered again and again, the words seeming insufficient to express the depth of his feelings for this mortal woman. He sighed with pleasure as she touched him, returning the favor again and again.

Those words, so powerful and yet so small, flowed back to him from the lips of the woman he had chosen for his own, repeated over and again as she sighed and moaned, his name cried out with delicious abandon in the last moments of that passionate embrace. And even in the gentle lull that followed, still she kissed and touched, murmuring to him once more that she loved him. It seemed that Ares might have to buy his future brother-in-law a fruit basket to thank him for giving out some very good advice.

Dean would more than likely prefer a six-pack of beer to a fruit basket, but it was unlikely he'd receive either. Though he was known to mortals as the God of War, it seemed Ares had a softer, gentler side, as evidenced by the tenderness he shared with Ayden. Even as their passion slowly cooled, there was warmth in his embrace, in the lazy kisses and caresses they shared back and forth. Whatever he owed Dean for convincing Ayden to accept his proposal, he had earned her love all on his own.

Held close in the still warm water, Ayden found herself giggling softly as she raised her head to look into his eyes, drawing her fingertips through his hair. "Why is it I'm never shy when I'm in your arms, but even just a few steps away, I blush like a tomato at the thought of taking my clothes off?"

"Perhaps it is because you know I am watching," he replied, his gaze moving over her, as if to prove the point. "You are a lovely woman, Ayden. You will be even more beautiful when you are a goddess." He didn't dare compare her beauty to Aphrodite or even Hera, though he believed her more beautiful than both. Such comparisons could too easily arouse jealousy in the other goddesses and chance getting her killed. He could not afford to take that chance, not until she, too, was immortal.

As if to prove his point, she blushed as his gaze raked over her, shy enough still to curl her arms about herself as she looked away. "You did that on purpose," she accused him with an awkward chuckle. A thought occurred to her, one that she didn't consider the consequences of before opening her mouth. "Ares ....if I drink the nectar and I'm already pregnant, won't that hurt the baby?"

"Pregnant?" Ares echoed, blond brows arching in surprise. As far as he was concerned, it was inevitable that she'd become pregnant eventually. He'd had numerous lovers and most of them had born his children, but only those born to Aphrodite had been immortal. Most of the others were long since deceased. "Do you think you might be with child?" he asked, trying not to look too hopeful or excited at the prospect. Unlike some of the other Olympians, he had always tried to be a good father to his children and had loved each and every one of them as best he could.

Green eyes met his with amused resignation. "That wasn't the point of the question, but, okay ..." She chuckled, shaking her head. "If I am, I don't know it yet. I mean, three days ago I was a virgin, remember" But I don't wanna do any damage. I mean, if I am pregnant, what would turning into an Olympian do to the baby?"

He frowned a little, as if he was disappointed. Of course, it was too soon for her to know if she was with child, but if she was with child, wouldn't Hera have mentioned it' Perhaps not. "I am uncertain. Perhaps you would then both be immortal. It is a question better put to my mother, I'm afraid." He'd never taken a wife before and none of his previous lovers had been invited to drink the nectar of the Gods. In fact, as far as he knew, no one had ever done so while with child, and he was unsure what effect it might have on an unborn baby.

"Are you telling me to talk to your mother?" she asked, one brow raised above a smile that Dean would have been proud of. It somehow managed to convey uncertain wariness without losing any of its sweet attraction. "About our sex life?"

His frown deepened, thinking it was more a woman's place to speak of such things, but perhaps in this case, he would make an exception. He almost suggested that she ask his sister Hebe instead, but he wasn't sure she would know either, despite the fact that she'd been married to a man who'd refused the immortal gift, and borne his children. "I shall speak with her on your behalf," he suggested, as awkward as that conversation might be.


Date: 2014-07-04 07:29 EST
"I would appreciate that," Ayden admitted, unafraid to let her wariness of his mother shine through. It was an understandable wariness, born of the legends that were not entirely untrue. She kissed him softly, nuzzling close. "We should get dressed before we disappoint your staff."

"Oh, I do not think we will disappoint them," he replied with a smile, happily letting her turn the conversation away from the subject of children. "They have been looking forward to this for some time." There had never been a lady of the house in all these many years, and they were looking forward to having a mistress to spoil and one who would lend a woman's touch to matters of running the household.

She giggled softly. "Even though I don't speak a word of Greek?" she pointed out, knowing that she didn't really have a hope of integrating with the household when she was the only person there who couldn't speak the local language. Cradling his jaw, she kissed him once again, and made to rise, navigating the task of getting untangled with some difficulty.

"I will teach you!" he declared just before he got kissed, his gaze following her as she tried to untangle herself from around him, an amused smirk upon his face. He smoothed a hand against her leg as she moved away from him, knowing his touch would likely only make her want to stay.

His knowledge of her was certainly proved right. As his hand touched her leg, she paused, biting her lip, closing her eyes, suddenly aware of the conflict inside. Should she stay where she was, or should she move" Green eyes opened to pin him with a glare she couldn't possibly have known would look so seductive. "You're doing that on purpose," she accused him again. "We'll be late to our own celebration."

He couldn't very well hide the effect that look was having on his body, his desire for her blossoming once again. "They will wait," he assured her, moving through the water to his knees, as if he was about to worship at her feet. Instead of letting her go, he very gently parted her legs before pulling her toward him and touching his lips against her bare flesh, starting at her navel and working his way downward to the sacred place between her legs, intending to make her tremble and moan.

He had her exactly where he wanted her, trapped in his grasp, unable to move away even if she had wanted to. For all her innocence, she didn't resist, slender fingers clutching at his hair as she did exactly as he wished, easily brought to the brink, sensitive to his every touch. Few men had the honor of knowing that they were the only lover their woman was ever going to know, and Ares seemed to glory in that fact, teaching her things about herself she might never have discovered had they never met.

An experienced lover, Ares knew what a woman wanted from a man. He knew how to be gentle and tender, and when the occasion called for it, he knew how to be forceful and aggressive. He knew how to please a woman and please her he did, setting his own needs and desires aside so that he could focus on her. He did not stop until he could tell from her trembling and moaning that he had brought her to the brink, relishing the knowledge that he had given of himself in order to please her, show her just how much he loved and adored her.

She sank back into the water, limp in his arms, peppering his shoulder and neck with soft kisses as she tried desperately to make herself even vaguely coherent in the aftermath of that unexpected, but deeply delightful, attack. "God, I think I've forgotten my own name," she groaned quietly, raising her head to kiss him as she pressed close. His servants were definitely getting an earful this evening.

"Then I will help you remember," he whispered back against her lips, arms going around her, ready to take her again, but demanding nothing but her kisses. If his servants were listening, so be it. Let them know how much he loved and worshiped this woman. Let everyone know - those in Olympus and those here on Earth, and yes, even those in Hades. Let them dare try to harm one hair on her head, and he would bring such vengeance upon them that they would rue the day they were born.

She giggled once again, finding it so easy to laugh when she was with him. After five years of being alone, of having nothing to laugh about, it was almost inconceivable to note that she had her family back, and even less probable was the god-like being in her arms who loved her. "I love you," she whispered to him, needing him to hear it once again as she nuzzled affectionately against his lips.

"I shall never tire of hearing you say it," he told her with a smile before kissing her lips again. Of all the lovers he'd ever known, the only one he'd ever truly loved had been Aphrodite, and even his love for her was nothing compared to what he felt for Ayden. "Being with me will not be easy," he warned her with a sigh as he held her close. "I have many enemies, some of whom will hate you just because I love you," he continued, knowing some of those enemies could very well be family, but he could not speak freely of it here, not where the walls had ears.

Nose to nose, she stroked his cheek, smiling her gentle smile that was just for him. "Baby, I'm a Winchester," she reminded him softly. "Even if I don't use the name, it attracts trouble. I can handle it, because no one on our side will dare hurt me because of you and Dean, and no one on the other side is stupid enough to hurt me, because of you and Dean. I'm better protected than anyone has any right to be, because of the men that I love."

"I hope you are right, but I will feel better once you are one of us." Being immortal didn't mean she couldn't be killed - Persephone's death was proof of that - but she would be immune to illness and disease and could not be harmed by mortal weapons. "Immortality can be both a gift and a curse, Ayden. I hope you will not find it the latter."

"I'll be with you," she pointed out. "And you seem to think I'll be able to handle it. I trust you, Ares. You wouldn't have asked me if you didn't think I would be able to cope with it. I mean, it'll be hard, watching my family grow old and die, but I won't ever have to say goodbye to you in that way."

"It is not so hard to watch them die a natural death, so long as they have led a full life," he told her, speaking from experience. He'd watched nearly all his lovers and children pass on at one point or another, some by natural causes and some not so natural. It was always the ones who had died prematurely that were the hardest to grieve.

"I'll just have to make sure they do, then, won't I?" she smiled gently, not as concerned about the longevity in her near future as she had been just a day ago. But then, a day ago, her big brother hadn't told her to make the most of what she had. Her lips brushed against Ares' nose, fingers sliding down his hands to take them and press his fingers to the side of the bath. "Keep your hands there," she told him with a grin, and tried again to get herself up.


Date: 2014-07-04 07:30 EST
He arched his brows at her curiously, wondering what it was she was up to, as she guided his hands to the sides of the bath. Smirking a little when she kissed his nose, he realized she was going to try to get out of the tub again, this time without his hands to stop her. "We should stay the night," he suggested out of the blue. As far as he knew, there was nothing going on in Sioux Falls that couldn't wait. "I would like to enjoy the sunrise with you in my arms. We can still be back by morning."

"As long as I'm back to say goodbye to Hope and Sam," she told him softly, just a hint of sadness touching her expression as she thought of that goodbye. It would be strange to say goodbye and then welcome baby Sam into the world in five months' time. "But I'd like to see the sun rise over the mountains with you."

"I promise, agapitos, we will be. I would not deny you that." He lifted a hand from where she's placed it on the side to touch her face, his fingers gently caressing her cheek as he smiled softly back at her. "They will be safe in their own time, and we will make sure they remain safe."

Her brow rose above her smile. "A gappy toes?" she asked with an impish light in her eyes. "Is that your way of telling me I need to get a pedicure?"

He laughed at her question, drawing her back down into the water with him. "No, silly woman. It is the Greek word for beloved." He repeated the word again, slower this time, carefully enunciating each syllable so that she could repeat it after him.

Her own laugh was a little helpless as he thwarted her second attempt to get out of the bath by actively pulling her back into his lap once again. "Agga-pee-toes," she tried again, proving that for all her high intelligence and ability in academia, languages were not her strong suit.

He laughed again at her inability to quite grasp the correct pronunciation of the word. If the servants hadn't heard them by now, they would most likely not miss the sound of laughter coming from the master's quarters. "Perhaps I should teach the servants English instead," he said, tapping her nose playfully with a fingertip.

She narrowed her eyes and bit his finger gently for his tease. "I'm not the best with sounds and stuff," she admitted freely. "I could learn, though. You know, with about a hundred years and lots of tutoring."

"I'm sure you will," he replied, smiling in amusement. There was plenty of time to teach her the language of the Gods and his homeland. Time was the one thing they had plenty of, or at least, they would have once she had tasted the Nectar of the Gods.

She chuckled softly, teasing her fingers through his golden hair. "Are you gonna let me up anytime soon, or are you planning on debauching me in the bath again? Because there's any number of other places you could do that in this suite, you know."

"It is tempting to keep you here, but I suppose I should let you up before you shrivel like a prune," he teased back at her, before pulling her in for a toe-curling kiss that didn't seem likely to encourage her to leave him.

She moaned softly into that kiss, all thought of leaving the tub flying from her mind as she wound her arms about him once more. It was only when the kiss ended that she spotted the tactic for what it was, and deliberately splashed him in the face for it. "You are incorrigible," she informed her God of War, and this time, nothing was going to stop her getting out of the bath and grabbing a towel to cover herself with.

He only laughed as he was splashed, amused by her reaction and by the ease with which he was able to distract her once again. "Is it any wonder my son is the God of Love?" he asked, wondering if he should have taken that title for himself now that he was so smitten with Ayden, but then, his talents and abilities had nothing to do with helping people fall in love with each other. He was a strategist and tactician - a warrior, not a lover - and yet he did not seem to be having much trouble showing his proficiency as the latter. "You would have me no other way, beloved," he teased back as he rose to his feet, unashamed of his nudity, and reached for a towel.

"God of Passion," she corrected him, giving away the bit of research she had done the moment he had left her that morning. She'd been curious enough to want to know just how many step-children she might end up having. "You're lucky you're so cute," she said, attempting to appear stern and failing dreadfully when her gaze fell to his rear end before he managed to cover up.

"Are they not the same thing?" he asked as he quickly dried himself off before wrapping the towel around his waist and tucking it tight. "Cute?" he echoed, lifting a doubtful blond brow in her direction. "I have not heard that since I was a boy."

"God, no," she chuckled, wiping herself dry before tucking the towel securely about her breasts. "Love and passion are intertwined, but war and passion are as well. Which, I guess, sort of makes sense." That was as close as she was going to come to admitting that she knew Aphrodite was Eros' mother, anyway. She reached up and patted his cheek playfully. "But you are cute."

He frowned a little, unsure if that was a good or a bad thing. He was the God of War, after all. How was he going to instill courage and valor if he did not look the part of a warrior himself" "Do I look too young" Would you prefer I wore a beard" Or perhaps if I looked older, more like my father." He'd been over this himself many times over the years, though he preferred the appearance of a young man.

Ayden paused, letting him see her full grin for a long moment before she spoke. "You really to learn when I'm teasing you," she told him affectionately. "And frankly, if you looked like your father, that might be grounds for divorce." She winked up at him, patted his rear, and slipped past to investigate the closet that had been set aside for her.

"How do you know what he looks like?" Ares countered, following her with his eyes as he stepped out of the bathtub. He guessed she had most likely seen some artist's rendering of his father's appearance, but he had learned over the years that there were very few who had rendered a sufficient likeness of any of the Olympians.


Date: 2014-07-04 07:30 EST
"Well, obviously I don't know exactly what he looks like, but he's the kind of guy that favors the silver fox look, isn't he?" she asked, dropping the towel outside the door of the walk in closet before disappearing inside. "I love you the way you are, baby, stop worrying about it."

"The silver fox?" Ares echoed, suddenly wondering what she'd look like in a Greek robe, dressed like the goddess she would become. He felt a stirring of desire at the very thought of it and had to force the thought from his mind. "I do not believe my father ever wore the form of a fox," he said, looking puzzled.

"Oh ..." He could hear her laughing from inside the closet. "No, it's a label people have given to the older man who likes to look well turned out," she tried to explain. "A handsome man, usually with grey hair, tends to be called a silver fox."

"How do you know he is handsome?" Ares continued his questioning, merely curious, though there was always the chance that his father might look with favor on Ayden and desire her for himself. All the more reason to make her his wife as soon as possible.

"I don't," she chuckled softly. "I've never seen the man. But doesn't it make sense" I mean, why wouldn't he choose to be handsome" Especially since he seems to have as much concept of marital fidelity as I have of astrophysics."

Her statement did nothing to comfort or reassure him. He didn't want to speak badly of his father now that they were so close to reconciling their differences, and yet, he feared his father's extramarital interests could extend to that of Ayden. He could only hope his mother would make sure that didn't happen. He made no reply, unsure who might be watching or listening at any moment. He had never felt so ill at ease in his own home than he did at that moment. He would have to do something to resolve that.

The silence was long enough for Ayden to twig what was going through his mind. After all the reading she'd done that morning, it didn't take a genius to guess why her lover had suddenly gone quiet. She paused in the act of smoothing her dress over her hips, and smiled to herself. "Ares," she called to him from inside the closet. "It's rape if I don't agree, and I'll never agree. And I don't think he's a rapist, is he?"

He had sat down on the bed while he tried to sort it out in his head. Her voice drawing him back out of his thoughts, he turned his head toward her, frowning worriedly, though she couldn't see his face from where she stood. "I cannot speak of this here," he admitted at last. It was a subject of discussion that would have to wait until they were someplace where he knew the Olympians could not eavesdrop. "Let us not talk of my father any more."

"All right." She gave in easily enough, not needing to see his face to understand that this subject might cause him some pain. "Turn your mind to this, then I going to disgrace you in front of your staff in this?" She stepped out of the closet to show off the dress she had chosen - royal blue, overlaid with lace, and generous in showing off her legs, which she was justifiably proud of.

He glanced over from where he sat on the bed still clad in just a bath towel and seemed to perk up a little at the sight of her. "Disgrace me" No," he replied, wondering why she would ask such a thing. "They might get jealous, though," he added with a faint smile.

She blushed, shaking her head as she laughed softly at the thought of that. "Before I met you, I didn't think anyone would look at me the way you do," she admitted shyly. "I don't think I'd notice if anyone got jealous over me."

"I'm sure plenty of men noticed you. You said you had a..." He had to search his memory for the right word. "...a boyfriend, did you?" Had meaning past tense - she belonged to him now.

Ayden couldn't help laughing again at that, moving to sit at the vanity and examine her hair for any hope of making it vaguely presentable. "Cole and I were dating purely so people would stop setting us both up on blind dates," she assured Ares. "We never even kissed. We just ....hid behind each other."

"A relationship of convenience," he remarked in understanding, following her as she moved about the room, seemingly in no hurry to get dressed, content to watch her as she fussed. He wondered if he should tell her anything of his past relationships, especially his affair with Aphrodite, or maybe it was better left unsaid.

"Yeah, pretty much," she agreed, attacking her long brunette tresses with a brush as they talked. "Cole's gay, you see, but he can't really tell his parents until he's supporting himself because they'd cut him off. I've met them a couple of times; they're scarier than your mom."

Gay, he thought to himself. This was a modern concept. "In ancient times, men and women loved each other equally," he remarked, though he'd never taken any male lovers for himself. He had always preferred women. His father was another matter, however. "The world is a different place these days."

"It's a lot more conservative in some ways, a lot more liberal in others." Ayden twisted in her seat to look over at him with a small smile. "I'm glad you've embraced the Spartan way of dealing with women, rather than the Athenian way. I'm not the sort of girl who'd cope well with being hidden away from everyone just because I'm yours."

He shrugged a bare shoulder as if it wasn't a big deal. "You are to be my wife, not my servant or a piece of property. It is my duty to protect you and care for you, but you are not a captive bride. You are free to go about your life as you wish." It seemed his mother had been a good influence on him, as far as that was concerned.

"Well, if you don't put some clothes on soon, you might find yourself in the position of a captive husband," she informed him playfully. "I'm not in the habit of sharing the things I treasure most, and that includes everything you have, especially what is under that towel."

He chuckled, belatedly remembering that he was still in his towel. "This form pleases you, then?" he asked, though the answer seemed obvious. And how would being a captive husband be such a bad thing, he wondered to himself as he moved to his feet.

"Not as much as the man inside it, but I like the wrapping, too," she told him impishly, one long-lashed eyelid flicking a wink in his direction as she giggled and turned her attention back to teasing her hair into some kind of order.


Date: 2014-07-04 07:31 EST
"Why are you fussing so with it?" he asked of her hair as he tilted a curious glace at her before moving close to run his fingers through her long silken mane of soft brown hair, loving the feel of it between his fingers. He almost wished he'd told his servants to bring dinner to their room, but she deserved a celebration, and he was looking forward to showing her off.

"Because it's a mess," she giggled, pausing as she felt his fingers run through her hair. Her eye met his in the reflection of the mirror, darkening with unmistakeable enjoyment of his touch. "What would you like me to do with it?"

"Hmm," he mused thoughtfully as he wound his fingers around a lock of hair, standing behind her and gazing into the mirror at the reflection that looked back at him. He reached for the brush and pushed it very gently through her hair. "Long and loose, I think," he said as he brushed the damp tangles out of her hair.

As the brush swept through her hair, Ayden felt her expression softening, deep tenderness written plain on her features as she held his gaze. "No one's brushed my hair since my mom died," she told him very softly. "I'd forgotten how good it feels."

He frowned at the mention of her mother, feeling her pain. "I'm sorry about your mother. I wish I'd been able to save her." It wasn't until after Lucifer and Michael had had their little battle that the Olympians were able to reassert their power once again. Until then, he'd been unable to do much more than watch.

"If she hadn't died, then I wouldn't have known my brothers," Ayden said quietly, sadness in her voice, but a sadness she had slowly begun to come to terms with. "I would never have gone to Stanford. Ellen wouldn't have called me when Dean came back. I wouldn't have met you. She died because of me, because I wouldn't say yes to something I had no understanding of, but even if I could go back, I still wouldn't say yes. She would still die. At least I was with her; she wasn't alone."

"I have known loss, Ayden. Even if I am not mortal, I understand what it is like to lose someone you love. I am sorry for your loss, but I am glad you did not share her fate," he said as he continued to pull the brush through her hair, smoothing out the silken strands beneath a gentle hand.

"Thank you." She twisted where she sat, catching his hand in hers as she looked up at him. "For not telling me that I'll get over it, or that I'm very young to have been through so much. You're always honest with me. That means more than I can say."

He arched a curious brow at her as he met her gaze, the brushing of her hair coming to a halt. "Why would I tell you that' It would be a lie. You will never truly get over it. The loss will stay with you forever, but it does get easier with time." He saw no point in lying to her or in offering false hopes. "You are young in years," he pointed out, but then most mortals seemed young to one as ancient as he was. "But you are possessed of an old soul."

She smiled, gently pressing a kiss to his palm. "Get dressed," she told him in a tender tone. "I want to show off to your people that the master of the house is well and truly taken."

Touched by the gentle kiss to his hand, he smiled softly back at her, feeling oddly content, as if he could stay here with her forever and be perfectly happy. "Mmm, I think they already know," he admitted, but turned to find himself something to wear.

"They should be given a chance to enjoy it," she told him. "After all, if we're going to raise children here, I should know them by more than just "your staff", shouldn't I?" And there it was, the agreement implicit that this would be their home, despite it being far from her own home country. She had fallen in love with the villa, as much as she had fallen in love with its master, finding it only too easy to imagine a life lived within its confines.

"Here?" he echoed, turning to her once again as he looked for something suitable to wear, finally choosing a silk shirt and trousers in as closely matching a shade as he could find to her dress. It was odd but the shade almost made his hazel-green eyes look blue.

His query made her hesitate, uncertain if that was what he really wanted now. She glanced up at him, her hands falling from where she had been settling her earrings. "Isn't that what you want?" she asked him tentatively. "You can't make me live on Olympus, I'm too grounded to Earth to do that. And as much as I love my family, being too close to them is entirely possible."

"Yes!" he exclaimed, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. "I thought you'd want to live near your family, but we can visit whenever you wish." And so long as she was with him, they could be there practically in an instant. There'd never be any need to worry about transportation or the time it took to travel half-way across the globe. "I have no desire to live on Olympus. I have been away too long, and..." He paused a moment as if just realizing something. "I am content here. This place is my home."

Her concern relaxed from her face in the moment of his enthusiastic agreement, warming into a smile at his words. "You don't know how glad I am to hear you say that," she giggled softly. "I know I kind of stick out here, but I do love it. It's such a beautiful place."

"You do not..." he paused momentarily to consider her meaning, "...stick out. My people will come to know you and love you, just as I love you." He said this matter-of-factly, certain it would happen given time.

She giggled softly, turning herself about on her seat to bend and fasten the shoes she had found in the closet about her ankles. "You're so sure of that," she mused. "I can't really be that loveable, can I?"


Date: 2014-07-04 07:32 EST
"You are a beautiful, amazing woman, Ayden. You do not give yourself enough credit. My mother would not approve of just anyone," he pointed out as he drew a blue shirt on over his shoulders and worked the buttons closed. He was still not particularly fond of modern clothing but wore it out of necessity. He couldn't very well walk through town wearing only a robe or a tunic and sandals.

Rising to her feet, she moved to help him with his buttons, recognizing the fumble of fingers unfamiliar with the modern convenience. "You love her very much, don't you?" she asked with a smile, smoothing his collar as she looked up at him. "She's obviously very fond of you."

"Yes," he replied, matter-of-factly again, as if it went without saying, though he knew not all mothers loved their children or vice versa. He was unsure how to explain his relationship with his mother. He loved her certainly, but it went deeper than that.

"I'll try not upset her, then," she promised softly. Despite her smile, it was an honest promise. Hera frightened Ayden more than she liked to admit, and despite the obvious approval from the Queen of the Gods, she was genuinely afraid of making any mistake that might earn her Hera's enmity.

"She wished me to fight against the Trojans, but that was a long time ago," he said, not really wanting to talk about that. So much of his history was lost in myth and legend, it was hard to separate the fact from the fiction. "It was our only disagreement."

"Troy sounds like it was one big mess from start to finish," Ayden mused, easing her arms about his waist as she leaned into him. "But it was so long ago, Ares. Surely moving on from hurts like that is the only way you can go?"

"I have moved on," Ares assured her, frowning. "I only wish my father had, as well." He pulled himself away from her gently so that he could don his trousers, though that was only an excuse really so she wouldn't see the pained look on his face. Hera seemed to think Zeus was softening toward his estranged son, but until the day came when his father actually accepted and welcomed his son back to Mount Olympus, the pain of his father's disapproval would always trouble his heart.

But that, too, was something Ayden could relate to, in her own way. John Winchester had done his damnedest to keep her a secret, and yet he had told her proudly about his sons - her brothers - when she had asked. She had always felt that she was the biggest burden to him, when he had finally made himself known to her, knowing she couldn't possibly compare in his eyes to her capable brothers. So that was why she let Ares turn away, her eyes gentle and understanding, retreating to step out onto the balcony and watch the moon rising over the mountains.

Ares knew he was Zeus' least favorite son and possibly least favorite child. It seemed no matter what he did he could not gain his favor, but perhaps this latest adventure with the Fates would gain his father's acceptance and respect. If it didn't, Ares thought nothing ever would. He finished dressing alone and in silence, alarmed to find Ayden was no longer there, but spying her on the balcony, he wondered if he'd said something wrong. "Beloved?" he asked, when he found her watching the moon rise in the night sky. "Is something wrong?"

She glanced over her shoulder with a reassuring smile. "No, I'm fine," she promised him, raising her eyes to the moon once again. "Just ruminating on the parallels between you and me, that's all. We're more alike than most people would think of, first hand. It's a little mind-boggling."

"How so?" he asked as he came forward, winding his arms around her waist as he took a stance behind her and rested his chin on her shoulder. He had stood in this very place countless times watching as the moon rose in the sky and joined the stars.

She leaned back into his arms, already absolutely at home in this place with him, her eyes trained on the sky above them. "I guess it's not such a big thing but ....I loved my mom," she said softly. "Anyone did anything wrong to her, I would have come down in her corner, every time. And my dad ....I wanted to hate him, but I couldn't. He was an amazing man. I just wasn't good enough for him, and he didn't make any secret of it. He was proud of his sons, but having a daughter around was just a pain. And I never got to resolve that with him."

He frowned, unsure how to offer any comfort there, though he knew what it was like to be the least favored child. "Perhaps he only didn't know what to do with a daughter." He'd had a few daughters himself, but unlike Zeus, he'd loved all his children, even the one who seemed most troubled. He'd tried to be a good father, but was unsure whether or not he'd succeeded. He knew his anger had gotten the best of him a number of times in defense of those children.

"I don't know," Ayden sighed softly. "Just would have been nice if he could have been proud of me, too. Who knows" Maybe I was the first girl born into his family in a hundred generations, and that's what made me so impossible to even like."

"You don't know that, Ayden," Ares pointed out, though he couldn't say for sure how John Winchester felt about his daughter. He knew the man by reputation, but had taken more interest in the man's children than the man himself.

"I'll never know for certain," she nodded, her voice quiet as she tilted her head toward his. "But it's a little similar to what you've been going through with your family, that's the point I was making. We've got more in common than I thought."

"My father has never approved of me," he replied, lowering his voice, almost as if he was afraid someone would overhear. "There was a time when I wondered if he was really my father or if he thought I wasn't his son."

"Bobby always says family don't end in blood," Ayden said softly. She smiled as she spoke, fond of the gruff man who had let her cry all over him without saying a word the first time they had met. "He's more like my dad than John ever was. And I love Ellen like a mom. I think my mom would have liked them."

"It's true, I suppose. It doesn't really matter if they are blood, so long as you are loved," he told her, leaning close to brush a kiss against her cheek, hoping he could give her some sort of comfort.

"I know I'm loved," she smiled, turning in his arms to look up at him tenderly. "I love you."

He smiled back at her as she turned to face him, his arms around her waist, the pair of them silhouetted in the moonlight. "And I love you," he told her in return, lifting her chin to meet his lips in a warm, soft kiss that underscored his feelings.

His kiss found a smile that belonged entirely to him, warm and tender as her arms wound about his neck once more. "Then that's all I really need," she promised him in a low whisper, teasing a second kiss from his lips with fond affection.

The truth was that despite their common background and familial history, the problems with their fathers and the loss of loved ones, in the end, all they really wanted or needed was each other. If Ares never gained his father's favor again, he would still be happy living a simple life here in his beloved Greece with Ayden, raising children of their own who would never feel the way they had toward their fathers. They would know what it was to be loved and cherished. The God of War, indeed. Perhaps once this war with Hades was over, they would both have their wish.

And yet the only person who would know that for certain in the near future was Hope, the single child from the future who would be returning there when the morning came. Perhaps she would find a peaceful home, with multitudes of cousins, and a family to be proud of. That future was their responsibility to make for her, and for all the children who shared her generation. And together, they would do it, Hades be damned.

((Yet another simple little scene that got away from us! Fun, though. Many thanks to Ares!))