Topic: New Baby, Old Feeling

Becky Winchester

Date: 2015-08-23 08:09 EST
March 31st 2013

The first breath after visiting someone - anyone - in hospital always seems refreshing. It certainly seemed that way to Becky, who was definitely on the quiet side as she and Sam exited the hospital after their visit with his parents and his newborn mini-me. She wasn't entirely sure what was wrong, but she was feeling unsettled - a sensation she was not at all accustomed to. Still, she made an attempt to rally, squeezing Sam's hand as they headed toward the parking lot. "So how do you feel about it all now?" she asked him. "Better" It was kind of touch and go last night."

Sam was still feeling a little unsettled, like there was something that needed to be sorted between them, though he wasn't quite sure what it was. He knew it had something to do with his father's concern about him, but that concern had nothing to do with Becky. If there was anyone in his life that made him happy, it was her. "Yeah, it's just kinda weird. It's gonna take a little getting used to, I guess. It would be easier if I could think of ....of the baby as a little brother or something," he said as he linked his fingers with hers.

"Maybe after you've babysat a couple of times, it'll be easier," she suggested, although she wasn't exactly an expert on the subject. She hadn't been anywhere near any babies in her lifetime, bar one - the newborn that had been foisted into her arms half an hour ago. "They seem tired, but happy, in there. That's a good thing, right' And they both know the difference between you and him. I know, I can't imagine what it's like, but ....if I can help, I'd like to."

"Maybe," Sam admitted. Like he'd said, it would probably just take some time and spending more time with his Mini-Me would probably help. They couldn't be exactly the same, could they' There had to be differences. "You do help, Becky. You help a lot. I'm-I'm sorry I'm not dealing with this as well as I thought I would. I just keep wondering if he'll be like me, if I was like him. How am I supposed to feel about him' I know it sounds horrible, but I'm not sure I feel anything. I mean, everyone is all oohing and aahing over him, and I don't know what I'm supposed to feel."

"Sweetheart, you don't have to deal with it smoothly," she pointed out, trying to help as best she could. "But you know what? You're getting way too caught up on the he is me thing here. Because he isn't you, and you aren't him. He isn't going to grow up to go back in time, because there won't be any need for it. And I sure as hell am not going to switch you out for him. Youth is great and all, but I'm kinda into my older man here, in case you hadn't noticed."

"If I hadn't gone back in time, we would have never met, and even if we had, you'd be eighteen years older than me. You realize I'm old enough to be his dad. Gods, maybe I should have him call me uncle," he said with a sigh. Or maybe he should just stop worrying about it for a while.

"Or maybe you just need to chill out about it," Becky suggested gently. "Seriously, you're going to give yourself a stroke if you keep going around in circles. Don't make me seduce you right here and now, you know I'll do it. On the hood, in the parking lot, under the surveillance cameras. Don't forget, I'm wearing a skirt. It's very doable." She winked at him, feeling a little of her equilibrium returning.

He couldn't help but chuckle at her threat. "And get us arrested. I'd rather not have to explain that to your father if I can help it," he told her with a grin as they reached his car - a car that was likely the envy of anyone who was a classic car buff - the cherry red convertible Ayden had given Sam when she'd gone off with Ares to Greece, figuring she didn't need it anymore.

"Hey, it got a smile, I'm not complaining," she grinned back at him, pausing to catch his collar and pull him close for a soft kiss. "I love you, Sam. You. Not some kid in diapers who screams the place down when he gets a shock. Okay?"

He was a little taken aback by the unexpected kiss, but pleasantly so, relieved that she didn't seem mad at him, after all. He kissed her back, smiling a little at the mild scolding. "Like I said, you're a little old for him anyway, but not for me." He tipped her chin up to kiss her again, soft lips against soft lips, her kisses doing more to reassure him than anything she might have said.

He swallowed the soft cadence of her laughter with another kiss, her hands sneaking beneath his jacket to smooth against his sides as they lingered together, just another young couple wasting time before getting into their car. "So where are we going, sexy?" she asked in a low murmur. "Park up some place out of the way, or an actual bed this time?"

"Depends on if you think you can make it to a bed," he replied with a smirk as he touched his forehead to hers, his arms going around her waist to hold her close. Now that the visit to the hospital was over, they had the rest of the day ahead of them and nothing much to do but enjoy it. "You think you can wait until we get home or do I have to find some place to park?"

She giggled, leaning into him easily as her nose circled his. "I think home has a nice ring to it," she conceded. "I do solemnly swear not to feel you up while you're driving this time, too. That was a little too close for comfort." Her grin, however, did not back up the promise not to make him swerve violently in the middle of the road again.

"Uh huh," he replied, doubtfully. "Maybe I should make you sit in the back seat and keep your hands to yourself," he teased back. He'd much rather have her up front with him, but he didn't really want to risk getting in an accident either just because she couldn't keep her hands off him. "Thanks for calling me Sex on Legs in front of my mom, by the way. Nothing embarrassing about that," he scolded mildly, not really seeming very angry about it - more amused than anything else really.

Becky snorted with laughter, gently squeezing his ass just because she could before letting him go. "Like they don't know what we're up to," she pointed out, but her smile faded as she considered his parents again. Not so much his mom, who seemed prepared to accept just about anything so long as her family was safe and happy; but his dad, who'd expressed doubts about Sam's happiness. "C'mon, sugar, take me home."

"As you wish, princess," he told her, touching another kiss to her lips, mistaking the fading smile for a simple desire to be alone with him. If he'd known she was hurt by his father's doubts, he would have explained it all away, but he hadn't quite figured that out yet. He let go of her long enough to get the door open, holding it for her so she could climb in.

"Princess, huh?" She bit her lip, refraining from pointing out that was what his mom called his dad, and slid into the front seat, making a show of arranging her skirt modestly before sitting still like a demure young lady. He knew better, of course, but at least she was making an effort.

"If the shoe fits," he replied, well aware of his mother's nickname for his father. He'd always wondered why she called him that, but had never ventured to ask. He closed the door when she was settled and went around to the other side to let himself in, sliding into the driver's seat and putting the key in the ignition. He might have asked if she wanted the top down if it wasn't only March.

"Is that a hint that you want me to start hunting out metal bikinis or something?" she asked him in amusement, settling herself more comfortably on the seat. As always, she was twisted in his direction, preferring to watch him drive than admire the familiar scenery.

"Only if you want me to start hauling around a blaster pistol and get a pet named Chewie," he countered with a grin. "Seat belt," he reminded her, before turning the engine over. "So, Star Wars or Star Trek?" he asked, making conversation.

Becky Winchester

Date: 2015-08-23 08:12 EST
"Yes, mother," she sighed, tugging the belt about herself to ward off another discussion about road safety. His question made her laugh, though. "Really' We're going to go in-depth on sci-fi now?" Grinning, she considered the question for a moment. "Star Wars is superior, if we're talking just the original trilogy. Star Trek a more complex question."

"I'm not even sure Star Wars would be considered true sci-fi. I mean, it's not hard core. More of an adventure story than anything else. At least the originals. I'm not even sure they compare, but fans compare them all the time. So, favorite characters?" he continued, looking over his shoulder to back out of the parking spot.

"Well, Star Wars is a fantasy, it just happens to be set in space," Becky pointed out. She could be passionately obsessive about any subject, given time to study the relevant material. "Favorite characters from what? Wars or Trek?"

"I thought we were talking Wars, princess," he replied with a smirk. After all, she'd been the one to bring up the metal bikini, and that was a mental image most red-blooded males couldn't help but fantasize about.

She laughed, pushing her hand through her hair as she thought about this one. "That's a tough question," she admitted. "I mean, everyone always says Han, or R2-D2, or 3-PO. They're the obvious ones. I really liked Grand Moff Tarkin, but that was more because he was played by Peter Cushing, and that man was a legend." She laughed. "Oh, wait, I know! Salacious Crumb!"

"Who?" Sam asked with a chuckle, never having heard of anyone by that name before. "That sounds like a cartoon name. Did you just make that up?" he asked, glancing over at her a moment before pulling onto the road.

"I didn't, it's a real character," she defended herself in the midst of her giggles. "You know, the little monkey thing that sits on Jabba's tail in Jedi and has a really dirty laugh' He picks out 3-PO's eye before R2 zaps him onto the ceiling" That's Salacious Crumb!"

"Oh, yeah ....I remember that guy," he said with a chuckle. "I didn't know his name, though," he added with a thoughtful frown. He was usually the one who was full of useless information, but it looked like he might have met his match.

"I ....have no idea how I know his name," she confessed with a quiet snicker. "It's an awesome name, though. What about you, anyway' Who's your favorite character, sexy' And if you say Leia, I will have to seriously rethink my opinion of your visual stimuli."

"Are you kidding" Han Solo is the man, but he always reminded me of my dad somehow," he said, with that thoughtful frown on his face again. He wondered what that said about his relationship with his father. "I mean, if I could be Luke or Han, I'd totally pick Han. A, he gets the girl. B, he's got an awesome ship. C, he's badass, and D, he's secretly Indiana Jones."

"Who is, of course, way cooler than Han will ever be," Becky interjected happily. She'd never quite lost her enthusiasm for Indiana Jones, even after being thoroughly disappointed in the fourth outing. "I wanted to be Indiana Jones when I was a kid. I think I still do, to be honest."

"So, why didn't you major in archaeology then?" he asked curiously as he started toward home, which was a small house Ares and Ayden had bought him not far from the salvage yard. He just hadn't worked out a repayment plan yet.

She shrugged. "Because I'm a legacy," she admitted with a faint sigh. "I didn't want to let my grandpa down, and pretty much all the Men of Letters will ever let me do is research and filing. I mean, they are the Men of Letters still, after all. So I figured I'd study something that'd teach me how to research and follow a fact through to its source, no matter how fanciful it originally presents as. I think I've got that down pat by now."

"Okay, let me put it this way ....If you could do anything you want to do, what would you do?" he asked further. It didn't seem fair that she was relegated to mundane tasks just because she was female, though he understood her grandfather's desire to keep her safe. He hadn't been giving much to do yet either, but he was only an initiate, after all.

"I don't know." Becky chewed her lip for a long moment. "I know what I don't want to be, but ....what I really want to do' Is so out there and preposterous, not even my grandpa will take me seriously. He says it's a silly pipe dream and I shouldn't waste my time thinking about it."

"I'm not your grandfather, Becky. Lay it on me," he said, not just curious but interested in what really interested her. If they were going to be together, it seemed these were things they should know about each other.

Unusually for her, she seemed nervous as she tugged on a hank of her hair, too used to having this particular wish of hers put down or dismissed. "I want to find find Atlantis," she admitted finally, with a quiet laugh added on in case he laughed at her. "The real Atlantis, or what?s left of it. I want to know just why it was destroyed; what did they find or build there that got them not just ended, but annihilated" I mean, Poseidon leveled the place, and if I'm right about it being Santorini, then he exploded it as well, and destroyed the civilization on Crete in the process. What if the Minoans knew what the Therans were doing" What if the reason the island was blasted into almost nothingness was to make sure that both civilizations ceased to be?"

"Whoa, slow down, speedy. I'm not a history major. Crete, Therans" I'm just a computer geek, remember?" And a good one at that, but computers were his specialty, not ancient history. They had brushed on this once before, but hadn't discussed it since.

"Oh." She dissolved into giggles, aware that her somewhat obsessive interest in this particular area of classical history had come bubbling out enthusiastically once again. "Okay, well ....Thera is what Santorini was known as when the Minoans were in charge on Crete," she explained. "Which was toward the end of the Micenean period on the Greek mainland, which is the era that came after the Age of Heroes."

"Right," he said, following as much as he could. He'd studied up on Ancient Greece, but he was nowhere near the expert that she was. "Why do you think Poseidon destroyed them' What did they do to invoke his anger?" he asked further, still curious. He'd read all sorts of theories about Atlantis, but he had no idea which - if any of them - was right. He wasn't even sure if Atlantis had ever really existed. "Maybe we should ask Ares. He should know, shouldn't he?" Or Apollo, for that matter, though he thought Apollo was more likely to rat on them to his father.

"See, that's the thing. Not even the myth is very clear. Plato doesn't give much of a reason for the destruction of an entire island." Becky shrugged once again, tilting her head curiously as he offered a suggestion of his own. "You think he would tell us?" she asked. "I mean, there's so little evidence to follow through on, but do you really think Ares would point us in the right direction, if we asked him to?"

"Why wouldn't he?" Sam countered, with a brief glance her way. "I mean, I don't see why he wouldn't. It has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't seem to have much love for his uncles."

"That would be so cool!" She actually squealed that, thoroughly excited by the idea of being pointed in the right direction by someone who might actually know what she was after. She was rather easily pleased, despite her reputation as a minor genius. "I mean, obviously the whole Hades thing has to come first, because that's gotta be dealt with, but, that would be so awesome. You'd come with me, right?"

There was only one problem, and that was his father. If Dean found out that Sam and Becky were poking their noses around in Poseidon's business, he might not be too happy about it, especially since Poseidon was supposed to be neutral, but could swing either way. It was no secret that both Hades and Poseidon were jealous of Zeus' position as King of the Gods. "Come with you?" he echoed, brows arching upwards. "To Atlantis?" he asked, a little incredulously.

Becky Winchester

Date: 2015-08-23 08:13 EST
"Well, yeah," she nodded, smiling. "I'm not dumb enough to go on my own. I'm kind of a liability if I needed to fight anything. Not that I think I would, but ....I'd want to share that with you, if I actually found Atlantis." But her own reminder of how little she actually knew about existing in the supernatural world they were both so aware of was enough to dull her smile. "I mean ....if your dad wouldn't mind you having to babysit me."

"If my dad knew, I'm not sure he'd let us go," he told her - us, not me. He was clearly including her in the equation. "Not while this war with Hades is going on, anyway." And yet, he found himself intrigued with the idea. What would she do if she did find Atlantis" If she could prove it, she'd be as famous as Indiana Jones, but maybe it wasn't about a scholarly pursuit - maybe it was just about the adventure.

She subsided into quietness, her burst of enthusiasm ebbing away as she leaned against the door. "He doesn't trust me, does he?" she asked softly. "Your dad. He thinks I'm going to get you killed or something, because I don't know how to protect myself."

"Is that what you think?" he asked, glancing over at her a moment before returning his attention to the road again, a frown on his face. "There's something you should know about my dad ....There's nothing more important to him than his family. Family is everything, and you're part of that family now, Becky. He's lost too many people. There's nothing he won't do to protect us." That wasn't entirely true. Dean had made a promise to Jo never to sacrifice himself for their safety, and it was a promise he intended to keep, but Sam didn't really know all the details about that.

"I don't know," she said, still in that soft tone. "There's something there. We get on fine, or at least I thought we did. And then this morning ..." She shook her head, fighting down the surge of hurt feelings that came with remembering what had been implied. "It doesn't matter, I guess. I suppose I just have to prove myself, that's all."

"This morning?" Sam asked, a puzzled expression on his face. "You mean that stuff about me being happy' That wasn't about you, Bec. That was about the baby." He'd thought she understood that, but maybe he was wrong.

"That wasn't how it seemed," she admitted reluctantly. "We were talking about our relationship, and then all of a sudden your dad asked you if you were happy. And it's not that I don't trust you, Sam, I do. I just hurts, that maybe your dad doesn't think I'm good enough for you, or whatever it might be."

"Becky, I'm telling you, it has nothing to do with you. He adores you. Okay, maybe not adores. He has to get to know you a little better before I can say adore. But he likes you. Trust me, I can tell. If he didn't, you'd know it. Let me ask you this ....What did you two talk about over breakfast?" he asked further.

"Well, mostly," she told him. "He wanted to know how you are, how you're handling everything as it happens. If I thought you were settling in okay. He did spend about ten minutes talking about the way your mom wuffles in her sleep when she's really tired, though, too."

"If my dad didn't like you, he wouldn't have gone to breakfast with you. He wouldn't have given you the time of day. And I've had heard about it, believe me. You remember how he insisted you hold the baby' How he said it's good practice for our own kids someday' Do you really think he'd say that if he didn't like you?" he pointed out.

"It's not that he doesn't like me," she tried to explain her perception of things a little more clearly. "It's more that ....well, it felt like he maybe thinks that if you're unhappy, then I'm the reason, for whatever reason that might be. Like I'm distracting you from what could make you happy."

Sam sighed, debating whether or not to tell her the truth, but if they were going to be together, there should be no secrets between them. "It's not you, Becky. It's the baby." But how was he going to explain that"

"I'm not sure I understand," she told him, brutally honest when she wasn't quite following his train of thought. "I understand that the baby arriving makes things maybe a little awkward for a while, but why would it make you unhappy?"

"Because, Becky ....He's me." There. He'd said it. Now that he'd said it out loud, he knew how crazy it sounded. Why that should bother him was a little hard to explain. "It's just weird, you know" Knowing he's me and I'm him ....but not really. How am I supposed to feel" He's not my little brother or my nephew or my cousin. He's me. He's who I was twenty-one years ago. That's what me and Mom were talking about while you and Dad were having breakfast. I'm just not sure how I'm supposed to feel about it."

Sam paused a moment before continuing. "Am I happy about it' Hell if I know. It's confusing. What if something happens to him' Do I cease to be? Or if something happens to me" We have the same genes, the same DNA. We're like twins, but we're not twins. We're ....we're carbon copies of each other. I don't understand it, but I have no regrets. I know I did the right thing. I'm just trying to figure out where I fit in. That's all. It's not you, Becky. It's me. I just need to get it all straight in my head."

She listened, letting him talk it out before even attempting to try and offer some form of comfort or consolation. She couldn't even begin to truly understand, after all. "I guess it's all just a matter of time," she said quietly. "I know that doesn't help, baby. It's gonna be harder while he's still small and dependent on everyone for everything, but maybe it'll get easier when he starts showing his personality off. There will be differences, because when it comes right down to it, he's not you. He's himself. But I can see why it's bothering you, honestly I can."

He was still frowning, though he was relieved she was at least trying to understand. "I don't know why it's bothering me so much. I made this choice, knowing this was going to happen." But knowing about it and actually going through it were two very different things. He fell silent for a few minutes as they neared home, pulling the car into the driveway and parking, but making no move to get out yet. "I don't regret my decision to stay, Becky. If I hadn't stayed, I wouldn't have met you, but I have no idea what?s going to happen now, and kind of scares me a little." More than a little, but he had yet to admit that to anyone but her.

"That's not entirely true, you know," she told him quietly. Yes, she knew all the circumstances; he'd told her everything on their first date. "All right, so you don't know every little detail. No one does. But you came back to change something that wouldn't have happened here for another, what, eight or ten years" So all the big events that you know took place while you were under ten - they're still going to happen. You still have a script, Sam. And your value doesn't lie in how much forewarning you can give your family about what?s coming. They love you, for who you are."

"They hardly know me, Becky," Sam pointed out, though that was only partly true. He'd been part of the family for a few months now, and they'd all welcomed him with open arms. He wasn't so sure about Becky's father or grandfather, but that was another matter entirely. He was just starting to find his place in this time and this family, and it was really too soon to think that he'd failed.

"Well, that's a load of bullcrap." Never let it be said that Becky was not a blunt little soul when she had a point to make. "Put like that, you hardly know them. So why are you here, again?" She pinned him with a very pointed look, daring him to take offense rather than pay attention to the point being made there.

"What do you mean?" he asked, jerking his head toward her, brows lifting in confusion. "I've known them all my life. They've only known me ..." He trailed off, wondering if his father's visit to the future counted. That hadn't been him either. It had been a future that they were fighting to prevent. It was all so very confusing. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm being stupid."

"No, you're not being stupid." She undid her seat belt, sliding over to curl her arm about his shoulders as they sat on the driveway. "But I think you're holding on too tightly to a perception that will do more harm than good. I know it's gotta be hard, but that baby' He's not you. He will never be you. You need to let that go, or you will never be comfortable with him."

Becky Winchester

Date: 2015-08-23 08:14 EST
"They want to name him Sam, after my uncle. So, who will I be? Big Sam' Older Sam' Uncle Sam' Sam and Sammy' Gods, those are horrible. You don't name both your sons Sam." Despite his worries, he drew comfort from her touch. His mother had tried to reassure him, to assure him that he was still loved just as much as the baby Sam, even if he was a grown man, but it was Becky who was really getting through to him.

"Which must have occurred to them," she pointed out with a gentle smile. "Your parents aren't idiots, Sam. I would be very surprised if they don't switch his name around. I don't think he's going to be Sam for very long. And I know you will have talked to your mom about this, so the idea's been planted already."

"Yeah, well, I'm kind of screwing up their plans by being here, so who am I to make demands?" he stubbornly pointed out with a sigh. He wasn't sure he wanted to talk about this anymore. It was just something he was going to have to get used to. "I just hope he likes me. I didn't come here to take his place or anything."

Becky eyed him for a long moment, considering as many angles as she could in what was becoming a very circular discussion. "Sam, what?s the real issue here?" she asked him eventually. "It's not that you're having second thoughts, it's not about the fact that you share DNA with a two-day-old baby, it's not even that you're worried about the future. There's something very deeply personal bothering you here, and you need to look at it."

"What do you mean?" he asked again, narrowing his eyes at her, not quite sure what she was trying to get at. Hadn't he explained himself already? What more was there to say' "How am I supposed to feel" They're all ga-ga over a baby that's me when I was little. It's me, Bec. Do you know how weird it is to hold yourself" Am I supposed to get all attached to a kid I know is me" I know I shouldn't think of him like that. I should think of him as a kid brother or something, but I have a kid brother, and it's not him." He sighed again, knowing how foolish and selfish he was sounding. "I don't want to feel this way. I just ....I just want them to ..." To what"

"To love you as much as they love him," she supplied, glad he was finally moving in the right direction. "You're jealous, Sam. You've been the only child for eight months, and now they have a newborn baby who is naturally going to need more of their time and energy for a while, and you're jealous of that attention going to him. But it's not like they're going to suddenly stop loving you, just because they have a dependent little human being to handle. Hell, they'll probably appreciate you even more than they do already, especially if you man up and take on baby duty for them sometimes."

"I know they love me. Or at least, like me. I mean, Hope and I took a big chance in coming here. And God, I miss her, and I miss Johnny, but I made my decision, and I'm not going back. The thing is, that Sam is going to be their big brother. Not me. I'm - I don't know what I am," he blurted, before pausing a moment to actually listen to what she'd said. He turned his head away for a moment, feeling the sting of tears in his eyes. "I know," he said quietly, more to himself than to her, acknowledging his feelings for what they were. "I don't want to be jealous. I just want to be part of the family. That's all."

"Sam've already been through this, twice," she reminded him gently, her fingers combing through his hair as she pressed close. "It's what happens in every family when there's a new baby. You went through it when Hope came along, although you probably don't remember that, and you dealt with it when John was born, too. This isn't any different, and anyone who says adults don't get jealous over new babies is lying through their teeth. What matters is that these are your feelings. You know your parents, better than they know themselves really. Did they ever let you feel unloved when the new baby was new?"

He had to think about that a minute. It had been a few years since Johnny had been born and even more years since Hope's birth. The logic he'd expressed when he'd first made his decision to stay seemed somehow flawed now - that the beauty of his decision was that he'd still be their big brother no matter whether he stayed or left. The same was still true, but he had to admit that he'd have a very different relationship with them now than he'd had before. He wouldn't be growing up with them, like he had before - it would be the two-day-old Sam who would have that role - and yet, he would have the opportunity to fill another role in their lives and one that could be just as important, especially considering his knowledge of the future. "No, of course not. In fact ..." He laughed a little at the memory of it. "Mom used to tell Dad he was going to spoil me."

She smiled, relieved to hear him laugh, even a little bit. "Any reason that should change now?" she asked gently. "Because, you know are in the perfect position. You can volunteer for babysitting and insist that they do something other than sleep - you can take your dad to a bar and make him vent so he doesn't get ass-whipped by your mom for opening his mouth; you can take your mom out for coffee, or whatever, and do the same with her. It's a little adjustment that'll take practice, but there's no way you are ever going to be left out of your family, Sam. You're the one who said your dad is all about family, after all."

"Well, I don't think Dad is gonna take me out for a jumbo ice cream sundae with extra whipped cream anymore," Sam said, with another chuckle, wiping the tears from his eyes as his mood brightened a little. She was right - he was in a perfect position to show them just how valuable he was, how important he was, and how much he loved them. He chuckled again at something she'd said. "I'm not old enough to take Dad out for a beer yet, but I will be soon." Not legally, anyway.

"I know," she teased fondly. "In a couple of weeks, I'm gonna be dating an adult. It's shocking." She grinned, brushing a kiss against his cheek. "I'm supposed to be such a good girl and all, but I kinda wanna do naughty things to you right now. Think you can handle that, big boy?"

He laughed again at the threat that wasn't much of a threat. "I thought you wanted to wait until we were in bed," he pointed out with a smirk, though, like his father, he wouldn't deny her or complain if she wanted to christen the back seat - again.

"Hmm, driveway, or house, there's a conundrum," she laughed with him, brushing another kiss to his lips before making a move to untangle herself from him. "Okay, sex-on-legs, get me into privacy before I embarrass our neighbors with a debauched display."

He grinned back at her, knowing he'd met his match, no matter what anyone else might think. Let Dean and Jo think they might be a flash in the pan, but Sam knew better. This was the girl he was going to marry. He'd known it in his gut almost from the first moment he'd laid eyes on her. Okay, it may have taken a little longer than that, but there was no denying that he loved her. "Embarrass the neighbors or embarrass ourselves?" he said with a laugh, before kissing her again.

"Definitely the neighbors," she giggled, stroking her fingers against his cheek. "When I'm with you, I have nothing to be embarrassed about. Not even my ass waving in the breeze." She winked at him, easing back to open the passenger door. "C'mon, hop to it!"

But there was one more thing he needed to say before he let her go. It was not something he said often, but when he did say it, he meant it with all his heart. Reaching over to stop her from going anywhere for just a moment, he smiled a smile that lit up his whole face. "I love you, Becky Hoffman."

Caught from leaving the car, she turned back int time to see that beautiful smile on his face, and knew she'd managed to say and do the right things for once. Her smile softened, the dazzling brilliance fading to something very gentle and very touched, and all for him. "I love you back, Sam Winchester," she promised him fervently.

Just maybe he'd helped her, too, to realize that Sam wasn't unhappy because of Becky - far from it, in fact. Though she wasn't the reason he'd chosen to stay in this time, she was definitely icing on the cake. She had given him something more to live for than just protecting his family and keeping the world safe. She had given him her heart, and that was something not even his family could compete with.

((Hopefully, the waves will settle down for the Winchesters now. We'll just have to see! Huge thanks to Sam's player!))