Topic: Parting The Ways (AU Backstory)


Date: 2012-09-02 08:21 EST
The cabin the Winchesters and Milligan had eventually holed up in overnight had not been the scene of any particularly lively conversation. With both Dean and Ayden quiet and clammed up, Sam had been well and truly stuck in the middle, failing at getting either of his siblings to do more than grunt and offer one word answers to anything. He'd finally given up, and though the mood had been a little better in the morning, it still wasn't great. He was just going to have to wheedle the reason for all this out of Ayden during the three hour trip back to Sioux Falls. After all, she had to pick up her Impala, and that meant Sam was riding with her, rather than Dean. A perfect opportunity to find out exactly what had happened when he was passed out the day before.

The meeting with the Milligans' lawyer had gone pretty much as anyone could have expected it to. Sam was a little surprised that Ayden had authorised the sale of her mother's entire estate, but again, he could ask her about it later. He held his place close beside his little sister as the brothers walked her to her car, turning to face Dean. "No angels," Sam said thoughtfully. "Can't decide if that's a good or a bad thing."

"Good thing," Dean replied, without much thought or many words. He hadn't said much of anything since Zachariah's latest attempt at coercing him or Ayden into saying yes to Michael, not even to Sam. His thoughts were well and truly his own, and he had no intentions of letting either of them know what they might be. As if Dean didn't feel guilty enough, Ayden had poured salt in the wounds the day before, and though he knew no one would like him volunteering to become the sacrifical lamb, he didn't think he had much choice. He walked just behind the two of them, keeping his distance not just emotionally, but physically. It was better that way. Easier for them, easier for him.

There was a thump as the car door closed behind Ayden, shutting her into the familiar confines of her own Impala. Sam could see her holding onto the wheel, just staring into space. He looked back at Dean. "Back to Sioux Falls, then," he said, nodding. His eyes narrowed a little as he considered his older brother. "Dean, whatever she said, you gotta know she doesn't mean it. She's a mess, worse than us."

"No, she meant it," Dean disagreed, glancing at Ayden behind the wheel, knowing she was upset, feeling mostly to blame for it. Hell, upset was putting it mildly. "See, Sam..." he started, looking back at his brother as he reached into his jacket pocket for his own car keys. "When people are upset, they tell you what they really think deep down."

That stung. Sam drew in an awkward breath, looking away for a moment as his shoulders rose in a defensive, protective posture. Dean wasn't just talking about Ayden, even if he tried to insist that's all it was. But then, Dean wasn't really Dean these days. Turning his eyes back to his brother, Sam shrugged a little helplessly. "I thought we weren't putting this under a microscope," he commented mildly. "You are still on the same page here, right' You're not thinking of doing anything stupid?"

"What should we put it under, Sam' It's my fault her..." Dean broke off, not finishing that thought, darting a look at his sister in the front seat again, his heart sinking, aching with sadness,wishing he could make things better somehow, but not knowing how. "There's something I gotta do. I'll meet you back at Bobby's in a couple days," he said, turning back to Sam. No tearful farewells. It was better this way.

"No, Dean, it is not your fault." And Sam believed it, one hundred percent. But all the faith in every person in the world couldn't make Dean believe it, and his brother knew it. He swallowed the stubborn argument before it could happen. "All right," Sam agreed quietly, not pushing for an explanation. "Just ....don't do anything we'll regret, okay' You come back as you are. No archangel hitching a ride."

Whose fault is it, then" Dean thought. There's no we in this. This is on me. These thoughts remained unsaid. He wasn't planning on saying yes, just yet. There were a few things he had to do first. "No hitchhikers. Promise. I'll be back in a few days." He glanced to Ayden again. "Tell her I'm sorry," Dean said with a frown. "Take care of her, okay' Don't let anything happen to her."

Sam nodded again, eyeing his brother warily for a moment longer. "I will," he agreed to both requests. "What do you want me to tell Ellen?" Because they both knew that while Bobby would accept a couple of days' absence, his wife would be on her way to tracking Dean down if she wasn't given a good enough excuse.

Dean shrugged his leather-clad shoulders. He knew Ellen would have his head if she knew what he was up to, but he felt he didn't really have much choice. He needed a few days to figure some things out and to set a few things straight. "Tell her I need a few days to get my head on straight." That wasn't about as close to the truth as he could get without telling Sam straight out what he was going to do. "If I'm not back in three days, you can send Cas after me, okay?" Not that Cas would be able to find him, not with the Enochian sigils engraved on his ribs.

Sam snorted, rolling his eyes a little, envisioning one hell of an argument with the Singers when they got back to Sioux Falls. But for Dean' He'd weather more than one irate woman in a wheelchair. "Okay, it's a deal," he nodded, speaking through his half-smile. "Take care of yourself. Three days." He bent to open the passenger-side door of Ayden's car, startling her out of her thoughts. She leaned down, making eye contact with Dean for the first time since the day before. She didn't say anything, but there was an apology in her gaze, if he looked for it.

Dean's gaze darted to Ayden's as the passenger door opened, unsure what the look on her face was for, if it was an apology or something else. He hadn't wanted to push her away, to keep his distance, but she'd wounded him, whether she'd meant to or not, and he'd blamed himself for what had happened. "I gotta go," he told them both, needing to put some distance between them, to get his head back on straight and sort things out. "I'll see you in a few days."

"A few days?" Ayden protested, startled out of her silence by the unexpected prospect of Dean heading off somewhere on his own. Sam, on the other hand, just nodded once more and bent to fold his tall frame into the car next to his sister. "Wait, he's not coming back with us?" she objected, turning an accusatory look onto the middle sibling. "Is he okay?"

Sam drew in a breath, sending her a reassuring glance. "Yeah. He'll be fine."

Dean knew his siblings would have time to talk on the way back to Sioux Falls and maybe Sam would have time to make her understand. He was better at this big brother thing than Dean was. Dean was raised to be a soldier, that was all. Or so he believed. Dean didn't wait for a tearful goodbye. "Take care of each other," he told them both, before turning and heading back toward the Impala.


Date: 2012-09-02 08:25 EST
"Three days, Dean," Sam called after him as Ayden revved her engine, both of them wincing at how very unwell her poor '71 Impala sounded. And yes, it rattled as they pulled away, out of sight long before they were out of earshot. Now there was a reason for Dean to come back safely - who else was going to rescue Ayden's car from becoming salvage before its time"

Dean didn't wait for them to pull away. He had the engine started almost immediately and was pulling out onto the road, screeching the tires as he headed back in the direction of the hunting cabin they'd "borrowed" for a few days. Three days had been a guess. He knew as well as Sam did that if he didn't want to be found, he wouldn't be, but he figured he wouldn't need much more time than that. He shook his head a little as he heard Ayden's engine rattle behind him, hoping the two of them got back safely and wondering if he'd have time to get a peek under the hood, like he'd promised. Time would tell, but time was the one thing they were running out of.

But at least he wasn't stuck having that conversation in Ayden's bright red Impala as it screeched its way along the roads back toward Sioux Falls and the relative safety of B&E's Salvage Yard. There wasn't so very much to say, really, but the silence inside the little car was painfully heavy for the first half hour of the journey. Sam didn't know how to break it, and to be honest, he was more than a little lost in his own thoughts, worrying over Dean's sudden decision to head out on his own. That, of course, was only the uppermost level of worry that pervaded his being - Lucifer's oft-repeated assurance that Sam was going to give in was beginning to wear badly.

And then there was Ayden. She'd settled into silence once again, but Sam had noticed a distinct difference between the silences of his siblings - Dean clammed up and dared you to even consider making him talk; Ayden seemed to exude an invitation to draw her out of herself, if you could find the right words. As it turned out, he didn't need to find those words. She broke the silence herself.

"Did he mean it?" she asked suddenly, startling her brother with even that quiet cadence of sound. "Zachariah. He asked me if I wanted my mom back. Did he mean it, is that something he can do?" She turned her worried eyes onto Sam for a moment, needing an honest answer, however painful it was to hear.

"Uh ..." Sam hesitated, not entirely sure this was something he wanted to go into. He agreed with Ellen that no one should drop everything on Ayden at once, but if he was brutally honest, he had to admit that he didn't really want his sister to know anything at all. If she knew the whole truth, she'd stop looking up to him, he was certain of it. After all, how many people would look up to someone who had apparently been born to be the Devil on Earth at the end of days"

"He can do it," he said finally, shaking his head. "I've seen angels raise people. I just don't think he will, even if you do what he wants. Seems more like something Cas would do."

Ayden nodded slowly, gently easing her car into a higher gear as they settled onto two-lane asphalt heading westward. She'd given that suggestion a lot of thought overnight, in between bouts of guilt for being so brutally open with Dean when all he'd been trying to do was reassure her. She hadn't really thought Zachariah would do anything he seemed to promise, and to be honest, she had no reason to trust the being that had killed her mother. She trusted Sam over an angel, any day. "That's what I thought," she assured her brother. "And what he keeps trying to get me to do, that's all to do with the big something that you and Ellen don't want me to know about, right?"

He winced, looking out through the window at the landscape passing by at speed. "It's ....complicated," he admitted awkwardly. "I don't want you to know at all. You shouldn't have to know this stuff, you've got a normal life. Dean's right about Dad - he wanted you out of this life, and I agree with him. But Ellen and Bobby are right, too. You need to know, I just ....I don't wanna be the one to tell you." His eyes turned to study her as he spoke. "I guess I'm enjoying being a big brother too much to want to spoil it."

For the first time since they'd arrived in Windom the day before last, a small smile lit up Ayden's face, touched by the admission. "Dean's kinda got the big brother thing down pat, doesn't he?" she asked with no small amount of amusement. "Must be hard, still being the little one in the family."

Sam snorted with laughter, shaking his head. "Dean's difficult to describe," he told her. "He's my - our - brother, he's always gonna look out for us. I mean, he's been looking after me pretty much my whole life. Dad dragged us all around the country on hunts, but it was Dean who was always there for me. He's ....he just can't turn it off, I guess."

There was a lot more to the eldest Winchester than just that, but Sam was at a bit of a loss. How did he describe their big brother to the little sister who seemed absolutely certain she'd burned her bridges with one outburst' "You know," he tried again, drumming his fingertips on the dash, "we've been through some serious stuff the last few years. I'm not even going to start explaining it all, but don't need to worry about one little fight. I've done worse - far worse - and we're still talking."

"But I didn't even mean most of what I said," Ayden protested quietly, and for a moment she found herself wondering how Sam had managed to turn the conversation away from Dean and onto her so skillfully. "I just got angry and upset and I blurted out the first thing that came into my head. I blamed him for the fact that I'm a complete mess, and then he told me to blame him for mom's death. Like it was his fault! And now ....he's just taken off, and, and you don't know where he's going, right?"

"I can make a guess," Sam assured her. "Trust me, Ayden, Dean's just taking a few days. There's been a lot happening the last couple of months, and you're just a small part of it. Maybe the fight tipped him into making that decision a little sooner than he might have done, but it's not your fault. None of this is your fault."

"But me being around doesn't make it any easier on you guys," she said sadly. Sam felt a surge of compassion for her. She was lost and confused, and she'd taken what little comfort they'd offered with an open heart. He just wasn't sure that they were the best people for her to be relying on in the wake of her mother's death. Chaos and unhappiness followed the Winchesters wherever they went, like a family curse. But there were good parts to being a Winchester too the family bond that kept them together, no matter how far they strayed.

"Trust me," he heard himself say, reaching over to squeeze his little sister's shoulder gently, "you being around has made things a whole lot clearer. For both of us."

Because no matter how many arguments Dean and Sam got into, no matter how little they trusted one another to do the right thing, no matter how bad things were going to get, the brothers were both very clear on one point. The whole world might be going down the pan, but Ayden had reminded them of what they were really fighting for. Family. Not just theirs, but every family the world over. If they had to sacrifice themselves to keep just one heart still beating, one life still living, then that's what they would do. For their little sister, their friends, for the world their parents had died to preserve. They could do no less.

But they were sure as Heaven and Hell going to take Michael and Lucifer down with them.

((Thanks to Dean's player for helping me out with the beginning of this scene!))