Topic: Sam I Am

Jo Winchester

Date: 2015-08-20 11:37 EST
March 31st, 2013

Sleep was going to be in very short supply for a while, Jo could tell. Thankfully, however, Dean had been there and more than happy to take over caring for the baby when he'd woken demanding a feed less than an hour after they'd initially fallen asleep, waving her back to her dreams while he hummed Metallica to soothe their firstborn and dealt with everything that needed doing. In the chilly light of the spring morning, however, she was up, and thus far, she had already managed to give Sammy the hiccups, put his diaper on backwards, and his onesie on upside down. She had also, however, managed to have a shower and get dressed, tasks she considered accomplishments given how battered she felt.

Dean had managed to get a couple of hours of broken sleep in between feedings, diapering, and cuddling. He already knew from experience that babies were a lot of work, which left him a little more prepared to deal with it than Jo, whom he knew was exhausted from giving birth. It would take a few weeks, but he was confident they'd work it all out. After all, the grown Sam was proof that they'd done something right, and they'd have plenty of help along the way. He had not yet managed a shower or even a shave, but he had gulped down a couple of cups of coffee to keep himself going, along with a few donuts he'd snagged from a snack cart that had rolled down the hall earlier. At the moment, however, that coffee seemed to be failing him as he was dozing off in his chair.

As the nurses left them alone after an endless array of checks on mommy and baby, Jo finally got her quiet time with her son, keeping quiet so as not to disturb Dean while he dozed. She, at least, had had the luxury of a few hours of barely disturbed sleep, but he needed to recharge, to the point where she was considering sending him home tonight just so he was fully recharged and ready to catch the ball when she dropped it coming home. But for now, she was happily lying on the bed, Sammy swaddled beside her, tracing her fingertip over his little button nose and just generally allowing herself to be in awe of the fact that this was their son. This little person had been inside her, and would be a central figure in their lives for decades to come. It was an amazing, and slightly terrifying, thought. And on top of that, the grown up version was due to visit this morning to get his first look at his infant doppleganger.

Though Dean claimed not to snore, he was making a decidedly unpleasant noise while he dozed on that chair, arms crossed against his chest, legs crossed at the ankles, his expression peaceful, despite the racket he was making. An unfinished cup of coffee sat on a table nearby, only half drained before Dean had succumbed to the Sandman. He wasn't a stranger to sleepless nights by any means. The mistake he'd made was letting himself relax - as soon as that had happened, he'd lost the battle.

Of course, it wasn't as though they weren't protected. A bubbly personality who had introduced herself as Hebe had popped in at the crack of dawn, and apparently Artemis and Apollo were somewhere in the hospital, keeping an eye on things. Anyone would think that Zeus' faction on Olympus wanted to keep the Winchesters safe while they were vulnerable. Jo couldn't help laughing a little at the sounds Dean was making, murmuring silly nonsense to their son about how his daddy was obviously half-bear to pass the time. Sammy just looked up at her with unblinking eyes, obviously just as fascinated with putting a face to the voice he knew so well as she was.

It wasn't until a soft knock was heard at the door that Dean stirred from his sleep, some part of him registering the noise, while some other part of him wanted to go on sleeping. "Go away," he murmured, his brain half-numb with exhaustion, forgetting in his sleep where he was and why he was there.

"Hello?" queried a male voice as the door was pushed open a crack. "It's Sam and Becky. Can we come in or is this a bad time?"

Dean's sleepy response to the knock on the door made Jo chuckle as she raised her head, calling out softly to the pair hiding on the other side of it. "Of course you can come in," she assured her son - her other firstborn son from another timeline - and his girlfriend. "I'm awake."

Jo's sleepy response was followed by a loud snore from the man slouching in the chair. "Um ..." Sam muttered uncertainly as he stepped into the room behind Becky. It might be a good time for his mother, but not apparently for his father. "Should we come back later?" he asked, in a hushed tone of voice.

"I don't think you're gonna get a better time," Jo smiled, not quite as sleepy as she first seemed. "One or both of us will be asleep next time you try, you can guarantee it." She eased herself up onto one elbow, careful not to jog the dozing baby beside her. "C'mon in, Sam, no one's gonna bite you. Hi, Becky."

Unusually for her, Becky seemed almost shy as she inched into the room in front of Sam, clutching a small bag emblazoned with the hospital's logo. "Hi," she greeted Jo in answer, glancing briefly at Dean before going on. "Um ....I ....we didn't know if you needed anything, so ....we kind of bought out all the chocolate and chips in the shop downstairs."

One would think the words chocolate and chips said in succession would wake the sleeping giant, but he was still sound asleep, which at least gave Sam and Becky a few moments to visit with Jo before he awoke. Sam wasn't sure why he was feeling so bashful, but it was a bit odd to be visiting his mother - who wasn't much older than him at this point in time - at the hospital where she'd just given birth to himself. But this was the decision he'd made, and one of the consequences he needed to face. "Brought some fresh coffee, too," Sam said, holding up a paper cup in each hand.

At the sight and smell of the coffee, Jo perked up considerably, pushing herself to sit up. "You're a saint," she informed him warmly. "Gimme. I need caffeine."

Becky giggled softly, putting the overflowing bag down on the end of the bed as she moved to find a chair to sit in.

Sam wasn't quite sure if she was allowed to have coffee or not. "A saint is better than an angel," he remarked with a smile, as he stepped closer to hand her the cup. "Careful, it's hot," he warned, not wanting her to spill any on the baby in her arms. He was trying hard to avoid even looking at the small bundle, focusing all his attention on his mother instead, but he knew he wasn't going to be able to avoid it forever.

Chuckling, Jo left Sammy in the center of the bed as she swung her feet around to the floor, claiming her cup of coffee with poorly disguised delight. She wasn't breastfeeding, she didn't need to be too careful with her intake. "You guys look like you got marginally more sleep than I did," she commented on the pair of them. "Good you didn't come in last night, though. Ares showed up at random with Ayden and Brian in tow."

Sam cast a quick glance around the room, trying to imagine all of them squeezed in there at the same time. "While Bobby and Ellen were here?" he asked. "And there wasn't any arguing?" he added with the barest hint of a smirk. It wasn't that they didn't like each other, but that was definitely a lot of testosterone to have squeezed into one small hospital room.

"Not a peep," Jo grinned, brushing her hair back out of her face. "Although I wish I'd taken pictures. Bobby just about melted." She snickered softly, glancing at the baby boy on the bed with her. "Sam, are you gonna sit down, or are you just gonna stand there looking awkward all day?"

He didn't have to ask if she was talking to him - at least, not yet. He wondered what it would be like down the road when she was addressing one and the other chimed in. They were both her children, but Jo didn't share the same memories that Sam did of his childhood, and he wasn't even sure if those events would happen the same way again, now that things had changed by his decision to stay. "I, uh ..." he stammered, shifting from foot to foot awkwardly, but before he could say anything further, the sleeping giant stirred, groaning and yawning and stretching in the chair.

"What time is it?" Dean asked half-yawning as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2015-08-20 11:39 EST
Becky looked between the three of them - her stammering boyfriend who really needed some undisturbed time with his mother and the other him; the mother who was calmly waiting; and Dean, just starting to wake up. "Time you had breakfast," she answered Dean confidently, moving to pull him out of his seat. "On me. You need a break."

"What?" Dean exclaimed as he was half-dragged out of the chair, still blinking sleep out of his eyes. "I had a donut!" he protested. Two, actually, but who was counting, and did donuts actually count as breakfast' "I just had a break," he protested further, looking to Jo and then Sam, oblivious to the fact that the two might need a moment of privacy between mother and son.

"Not a sleep, a break from this room," Becky insisted, her expression caught between amusement and stern insistence. "Seriously, don't make me drag you. It won't be pretty."

Jo snorted with laughter at the threat, such as it was. "She's right, baby," she pointed out to Dean. "You haven't even stepped out long enough to shave and shower today. You need a break from being in here. Sam'll look after us while you're gone."

"Is she always this bossy?" Dean asked, directing the question to Sam, though there was a smirk on his face now, even if he wasn't quite awake yet. "I like a woman who knows how to take charge," he told Becky, not quite flirting, just teasing. "Be careful, Sam. She'll have you barefoot and pregnant if you're not careful."

Sam snorted laughter. "Go get some breakfast, Dad. You're delirious."

"Find me a heavy enough book, and I'll take charge you straight back to sleep again," Becky informed Dean with grin. "Seriously, I'm offering you a free breakfast here. One time only deal from a poor waitress."

"I'd take that offer if I could," Jo pointed out with a grin. "Go and eat something not in a paper cup."

"Yeah, okay ....I know when you're trying to get rid of me. I can take the hint. Come on, Becky. I'll let you buy me breakfast while I tell you embarrassing stories about Jo." He couldn't really tell her embarrassing stories about Sam, because he didn't have any yet. He tossed a wink at Sam, letting him know he was kidding before letting Becky lead him from the room.

"I have worse stories about you, I know about Tampa," Jo called after him with a low laugh, waiting until the door fell closed before looking over at Sam. "First thing first owe me a hug." Setting her cup aside, she opened her arms, demanding that hug now rather than later.

"Tampa!" Dean exclaimed as he stepped out the door. "You can't blame me for that. I was drunk!" Dean's laughter could be heard echoing down the hall at his wife's remark. He was probably going to have to explain that reference to Becky now, but hopefully, she wouldn't be able to tell when he was fibbing a little. And hopefully, the nurses wouldn't scold him for being too loud.

Sam set the other cup of coffee aside that had been meant for his dad and leaned over to wrap Jo in a warm, gentle hug. "You okay' I know it wasn't an easy birth."

She wrapped him up in her arms, a part of her glad to know that her son would always want his mother's hugs, even when he was grown. "I'm sore, and tired," she told him, refusing to lie. "But I'm okay. Wasn't so much that it was hard, more that it took a long time to get there." She smiled at him, flicking his hair off his brow. "How about you? Are you okay?"

Once they had finished hugging, he settled himself in a chair beside her and took one of her hands between his. He'd had enough time to get used to the idea that his mother wasn't all that much older than him in this time, but he hadn't expected the confusion he felt at the birth of the child that was supposed to be him. He shrugged in reply to her question. "I'm okay. Just gonna take some time to get used to it, I guess."

"Time is what we've got, little man," she reminded him, letting him hold onto her as he finally sat down. The baby was fine where he was, hemmed in by blankets and dozing in his own little world. It didn't even register with Jo that she'd called a man barely seven years her junior "little man", exactly what she had called little Dean and what she was calling Sammy now. It seemed as though that was her go-to address for the little boys she loved. "So talk to me."

"Not so little anymore," he reminded her, giving her hand an affectionate squeeze. "What do you want me to say?" he asked, not really surprised by her attempt to get him to talk. He'd always been close to his mother and had never been afraid to tell her anything, but things were different now. He wasn't her son in this world, not really. The little boy dozing on the bed - that was her son. Not him. His mother existed more than twenty years in the future.

"First thing that comes into your mind," she suggested. "Or you could start with why you won't even look at the baby." She sighed softly, her fingers stroking over his knuckles. "I know it's confusing as all hell, Sam, but it's something we all need to accept. He isn't you. You are your own person, and he will be his own person. But that doesn't mean that you're not my son. You're always gonna be my son, no matter how weird it seems."

"It's just weird," he said, echoing her thoughts. "I mean ..." He sighed, frowning a little. He glanced at the door, though it was unlikely his father or Becky would return just yet. "I don't know if I did the right thing," he admitted, feeling torn and confused. She had warned him this might happen, but he'd been so sure, so adamant that he was needed more here than back home he hadn't listened to her warning.

"Oh, sweetie ..." Jo sighed softly, raising her other hand to touch his cheek fondly. "Does it still feel right, in your gut' You can always ask Apollo to take you forward, that door isn't closed. But you have to be sure, because it'll close behind you. I'd miss you, if you made that decision, but I'd support you, too. But no matter what I say, it's your decision to make."

"Yes and no," he replied, drawing comfort from her touch, no matter how his heart was aching. "I miss Hope and Johnny, but ....I love Becky, Mom. I can't leave her, and I still feel like I'm needed here. It's just ..." He paused a moment again as he tried to gather his thoughts and share them in a way she could understand and that wouldn't hurt her feelings.

"How can I be your son when you don't remember raising me" The Jo that was my mother is ....she's twenty years in the future. That's not me," he said, nodding his head at the sleeping newborn that shared his name. "He's not going to be me anymore than that kid was Dad. I'm not his brother or his uncle. We share the same genes, but we won't share the same experiences. I remember when Dad taught me to ride a bike and hit a baseball. I remember our first dog. I remember you baking cookies at Christmas and tucking notes in my lunch box, even when the world was crazy. Those are things I remember, but you and Dad don't. They're things you will share with ....with him, not me." He turned his head away so that she wouldn't see the tears in his eyes. It wasn't jealousy exactly, but just him trying to find his place in a world that didn't know him. She watched him for a long moment, wondering if he knew just how much she understood what he was saying to her. She'd lived three years of her life with no memory of who she was or where she had been; she had experience to put on the table here. "Sam ....when you were younger, did I ever tell you about being Nimue?" she asked him quietly, wondering if he would guess where she was going with this before she got there. "About what it was like to meet your father in Chicago?"

He wiped a hand across his face in hopes she wouldn't see his tears, as futile as it was. "A little," he admitted. "You said you loved him even before you remembered who you really were." He wasn't entirely sure how that was relevant to his own predicament, though the family seemed to have more than their fair share of these sorts of stories.

She nodded, smiling gently. "Now think about that," she told him. "I didn't remember a damn thing, about anything, but I knew I'd loved your dad for a long time. I didn't share anything with him, but I knew I loved him. Sweetie, you say that you and I don't share anything, but we do. You saved my life, we've hunted together, we've burned a Christmas turkey as a team effort. You've looked after me, and I've tried to look after you. Without you here, I would have panicked yesterday. Over the months, you've taught me how to be a mom, not to be afraid of being a mom, because if Sammy turns out even half as well as you have, then I'm not going to make a mess of it. No one else could have taught me that. No one but you. And no, I don't remember the life you've lived, and that makes me sad sometimes, to know that I've missed a lot and that I left you too soon. But that doesn't mean I don't love you, and it isn't shared between you and Sammy. The love I have for you is all yours, because of who you are and what you mean to me." She paused, her expression worried as she looked into his eyes. "But I can't make up your mind for you, little man."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2015-08-20 11:40 EST
No matter whether it was the past or the present or the future, there would always be a little weirdness in the life of the Winchesters. That's just the way it was and they way it always would be, and if truth be told, it was likely none of them would have wanted normal even if they'd had that choice. Given all that Jo had told him, Sam couldn't help but tear up. "I love you, Mom," he told her, wrapping his arms around her, bridging the gap between them that was mostly self-imposed.

She leaned into his embrace, glad that he wasn't pulling away as he had done during the early months of her pregnancy, when he really hadn't been able to find his place to settle. Becky seemed to be the reason he had found his balance, and for that, Jo would always be grateful to the bold-mannered genius Ayden had essentially set him up with. "I love you, too," she whispered into his ear. "I always will, and you will always be my little boy, even if I didn't get to change your diaper or teach you how to aim. Okay' You're my son; don't matter how old you are, or how little I know of your childhood. Blood is blood, and in this case, blood is family."

He laughed a little, remembering things she hadn't experienced yet. "Dad taught me how to aim, but I get your point," he corrected her, sniffling a little as he pulled away. "So, what do we do now?" he asked, finally giving more than a cursory glance to the tiny bundle on the bed. "Am I his brother or his uncle?" It was going to get a little confusing if they were both calling her Mom, and she was calling both of them Sam.

The little bundle on the bed cooed to himself, wriggling his hands in front of his face as though he knew he was being observed, and sneezed abruptly. Jo laughed at the startled expression on the baby's face, reaching over to gently stroke his cheek before he cried. "Silly man," she said softly, turning her attention back to Sam. "All I've got right now is that you're Sam and he's Sammy," she admitted with a faint shrug. "It's up to you. Do you want to be a big brother, or an uncle?"

"I don't know," he told her, not entirely sure. Though he thought it would make more sense if he was a big brother, the gap in their ages might be awkward. "What're we gonna tell him when he asks why we have the same name?" he asked, though that was the smallest of their problems.

"The truth." It was simply said, but it would be a difficult conversation, and definitely one that would have to be repeated over the years. "I won't lie to him, just like I won't lie to you. It's going to be confusing, and awkward, but when are our lives ever anything but?" She smiled gently, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "We'll work it out."

Sam smiled, her kiss banishing the ache from his heart, just like it always had his entire life, whether she knew it or not. "Can-can I hold him?" he asked, still feeling a little weird about it, knowing the infant was more a part of himself than any brother or nephew could ever be, but somehow he needed to get past this, accept and embrace the weirdness that was always going to be a part of his life.

"Sure, knock yourself out." As she turned to lift the baby boy from the bed, Jo paused, a comically pained expression on her face. "Yeah, that really didn't sound right," she laughed, rolling her eyes at herself as she turned to ease the wriggling bundle into Sam's arms.

He echoed her laughter with a quiet chuckle of his own as he awkwardly cradled his arms to accept the small bundle that was but wasn't himself. "He's so small. I don't remember Hope or Johnny being that small," he said, though that had been a very long time ago and the memories might be a little skewed by time.

"Well, he's a little early, so he's gonna be scrawny for a while," she told him, relieved that somehow they had navigated the troubled waters to reach a point where he was prepared to hold the baby who shared his name. "And you were pretty small yourself when Hope and Johnny were born. I bet Hope's gonna be a monster, isn't she" She's gonna pop out fully armed, weighing about thirteen pounds."

He laughed again, the laughter coming easier this time, starting to feel a little more relaxed, despite his continued awkwardness. It wasn't the first time he'd ever held a baby in his arms, after all, but it had been quite a few years since the youngest of the Winchester children had been born. "You really wanna know" That's kind of cheating, isn't it?" he asked, with a slight smirk.

"Can't blame me for trying," she grinned, tucking her feet up on the edge of the bed as he started to relax a little. Sammy was freshly fed and changed, there was no real risk of a scream fest anytime soon. "So ....this is where you give me all the details about you and Becky, you know. I'm allowed to pretend to be a girl, I just proved that technically I am one."

"I'm not giving you the details," he told her, with a chuckle, half his attention on the baby in his arms and half his attention on the door, afraid as soon as he started talking about Becky, she'd come waltzing through the door. "Not much to tell, really. She's amazing, and I think I'm in love with her."

"Oh, come on, there's gotta be more to it than that," Jo laughed, though she was grateful for even that much. "You really love her?" Her smile had softened, but somehow grown deeper, obviously pleased to her bones for him that he had found something so wonderful for himself. "You're happy?"

"Yeah, I really am," he replied, a smile on his face that hinted at the happiness he felt when he was with Becky. "We're, uh ....we're thinking about moving in together," he told her, hoping she wouldn't have a problem with that. Neither of them was ready for marriage or family yet, but living together was the first step toward that.

"Oh yeah?" Jo's brows rose, but she didn't question the logic or the desire there. She did remember thinking that the apartment Ares had bought for Sam's use was a little big for just one person, though, and that had been three months ago. "She gonna move into your place when she gets done in a coupla weeks, then?"

"That's the plan," he told her, offering a finger to the little boy in his arms who immediately wrapped his own fingers around it in strong grip for one so small. "If that's okay," he added, though he was certainly old enough and independent enough that he didn't need her or Dean's permission.

"If it makes you happy, then you go right ahead," she told him warmly, in that special tone of voice that seemed to be reserved purely for him. "I know, I know ....I'm the parent, I'm supposed to say things like no, you're too young, and she's only eighteen, but you know" Life is short. Grab it by the boobs and enjoy it while it lasts."

"I think you mean by the balls," he corrected, with a grin. Of course, she didn't have any balls and he didn't have any boobs, but that went without saying. "Thanks, Mom," he told her, grateful not only for her blessing but for making him feel better. He looked back at the bundle in his arms again, wondering what they'd mean to each other in the future. Would they learn to love each other as brothers" Would the younger Sam look up to the older Sam, like the man he'd been named for had to Dean' Would they be close or would they hate each other" "You know, I never had a big brother growing up. I think maybe I'd like to be that for him."

Newborn blue eyes blinked up at him, little lips wrapped around the tip of his finger as little Sammy clutched at it, strangely unfocused as he looked up at the man holding him. Jo felt her smile widen once more. "I think that's a great idea," she nodded to Sam. "Just, you know keggers until he's sixteen."

"Eighteen," Sam corrected, though the legal drinking age was twenty-one in Sioux Falls, already showing a protective streak for the boy that was going to become his kid brother. "You know, it might have been easier if you'd reversed his name," he suggested with a gleam of amusement in his eyes.

"Well, we haven't filled out the birth certificate yet," she pointed out with a low chuckle. "Maybe you should suggest it to your dad when he comes back smelling of bacon to taunt me." Oh, what she wouldn't give for a bacon sandwich right now - the nurses had made her eat watery oatmeal for breakfast.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2015-08-20 11:41 EST
"Mom," he started, chuckling again, "He's not eating bacon to taunt you. He said he had a donut, but you and I both know that's not breakfast. That's just ....carbs. And you know what he says about oatmeal." Sam mimicked his father's voice and mannerisms, which wasn't hard to do considering they were practically identical. "I'll eat oatmeal when I can't chew anymore and not before."

She snorted with laughter, rolling her eyes. "You two are unnervingly alike sometimes," she teased him fondly. "But I had to eat oatmeal this morning. I swear, the nurse was gonna spoon feed me if I didn't finish it!"

"Like father, like son," Sam quipped with a smile. He didn't mind one bit when he was compared to his father, proud of the man who had raised him and taught him that family was the most important thing. Those were lessons he'd never forget and tried to emulate in his life everyday. This, Sam realized - the baby boy right there in his arms - was family, and nothing was more important than that. "Maybe we should call him Rob or ..." He grinned as a thought came to mind. "Bertie. You used to call me that sometimes when I was a kid."

"Bertie, huh?" Jo smiled with him, remembering hearing Hope call him that on a number of occasions. "Sure you don't want us to call you Bertie" Or are you just really attached to Sam by now?" She twisted about carefully on the bed, crossing her legs more comfortably. "Would it help you feel more comfortable if we switched his name around or called him by a different name?"

"I'm a little old for Bertie, don't you think?" he asked, not missing the irony if they chose to call their new son Bertie, instead of Sam, just as they'd done with him when he'd been a boy. "I think you should do what you want. It's just gonna get a little confusing if we're both named Sam." He knew how much the name meant to his father, and he wouldn't deny him that. It was a decision his parents had to make on their own.

"I'll talk to your dad about it," she promised him gently, her smile far from fading as she looked at him holding the littlest Winchester in the world in his arms. It didn't matter that they were genetically identical; they were family, and that was what really mattered. "Should be allowed home tomorrow, too. Nothing's wrong with either of us that a little TLC won't cure."

"He's got a different birthday than me," Sam pointed out, though if anyone had already realized that, it was his mother. It was the first of what was likely to be many differences to come. "Maybe he'll get to grow up in a more peaceful world," he mused aloud, his heart going out to the small boy, though he and Hope had already ensured that this boy's parents would not suffer the same fate that theirs had.

"All three of us still very close, though," she pointed out with a smile - her own birthday fell in April, after all. "Something tells me you and me are going to have a lot of shared birthday celebrations in the years coming." She chuckled warmly, but his hope for the little boy softened her expression. "He will," she promised him. "We'll make sure of it."

"I had a happy childhood, Mom," he pointed out quickly, not wanting her to get the wrong impression. While the world had been screwed up, their family had not. "You and Dad made sure we never doubted that we were loved. That's why Hope and I came back here. Because you and Dad taught us that there's nothing more important than family. Nothing."

"I'm glad we got something right," she said quietly. There were times when she felt guilty for how quickly he'd had to grow up, even though the event that had settled that for him would now never happen. "I'm glad you have Becky."

And speaking of the devil ....the door opened to admit Becky herself, blushing bright red and giggling like mad, no doubt because of something Dean had said just before they got there.

"You got a lot right," Sam assured his mother before their private moment was interrupted by his father and girlfriend, both of them laughing. "Shhh, you'll wake the baby," Sam said, shushing them both with a gentle scolding.

Clapping a hand over her mouth, Becky snorted into her palm, moving to crouch down and take a look at the new Sammy for herself. "Sorry, mother," she teased Sam affectionately, looking the baby over upside down. "He's so little. Seriously, did you ever fit into diapers that small?"

On the bed, Jo let out a bark of laughter that did startle the baby, jolting him awake in a sudden blast of noisy cries. "Crap ....sorry!"

Sam glared at Becky a moment, more for waking his "little brother" than anything else. "For your information, Miss Smarty Pants, I wasn't a premmie. He is."

Dean winced at the racket, a paper cup of coffee held in his hand. "New rule ....Whoever wakes him gets to put him back to sleep again. That would be you, Rebecca," he teased, hiding a smirk behind the cup as he took a sip. Technically it had been Jo who had woken the baby, but Becky who'd incited her laughter.

"What?" Becky lurched backward before anyone could hand her the baby, palms held out in an attempt to ward off any attempt to make her soothe the screaming infant. "I didn't wake him up, she did!"

"Hey, you made me laugh, you can make him shut up," Jo chuckled, more than happy to join in on that rule.

Dean winked over at Jo, before claiming a chair. "Might as well get used to him. Who do you think is gonna be babysitting?"

Sam moved to his feet with the screaming bundle in his arms, looking far more competent with a newborn than his parents might have guessed. "Come on, Bec. He won't bite. I promise."

"And after I bought you breakfast, too," Becky complained to Dean, grimacing reluctantly as Sam advanced on her with the baby. She waved her hands in a useless fashion. "Aw, come on ....I'll read him a book or something, do I have to hold him' 'Cos, you know, I'm in a room with three people who will kill me with their little fingers if I drop the kid."

"You're not gonna drop him!" Sam reassured her with a smile. "Sit down," he instructed, now that the chair he'd been sitting in was vacant. All of this was new, of course. None of it had happened before, so Sam couldn't be sure, but he trusted Becky and knew she was far more capable than she gave herself credit for.

"No killing. Promise," Dean said, raising a hand to indicate he had no weapons.

"Or maiming," Jo added with a chuckle, pleased to know that she wasn't the only person in this family with a deathly fear of dropping the baby.

Pouting worriedly, Becky thumped down into the seat Sam had vacated, trying to ignore the wails coming from the baby boy she'd indirectly woken up. "Now what? Are you going to sit on my lap, baby?"

"First is the worst," Dean quipped, meaning the first time holding a baby. He'd had a trial by fire himself a few years back during a hunt with his brother involving the baby of a shapeshifter. It was a long story, and one he had not yet told.

"Fold your arms like this ..." Sam instructed, as he jiggled the bundle in his arms to get him to calm down.

"What, you mean I should have been changing Sam's pants and feeding him from a bottle for the last eight months or so?" Jo asked Dean sweetly from where she was comfortable on the bed. Her trust in Sam was absolute, as evidenced by the way she allowed him to manhandle the baby into Becky's stiff arms without interference. If he trusted Becky, then so did she.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2015-08-20 11:41 EST
"No," Dean replied, snorting in amusement. "I mean, the first is the worst. First baby syndrome. I've got news for you, Mrs. Winchester. This ain't my first day at the rodeo." No, he didn't have any other children floating around out there - at least, not that he was aware - but he'd been taking care of one kid or another since he was four, the first being his little brother. "Try to relax," he told Becky. "Babies sense tension."

"Oh, isn't it?" Jo asked, brows raised above a curious smile. "Who is she, and where can I find her so I can make sure she never thinks twice about letting you go?"

Becky laughed at that, trying to do as she was told and relax. She liked Sam's parents, however odd the situation might be. They were just normal people who did incredible things almost on a weekly basis. She breathed in slowly, grimacing back down at the baby now in her arms before looking up at Sam. "He's not stopping."

"No she," Dean replied. "Who do you think changed Sam's diapers when my dad was ..." He broke off suddenly, as if he'd said something wrong, almost revealed more than he thought wise. Dean turned his attention back to his coffee, if only momentarily. He didn't want to talk about his brother, not here, not now with his brother's namesake in the room.

As for Sam, he was a little too distracted with the baby's crying to notice his father's momentary faux pas. "He will. Just try to relax. Make sure you support his head, like this," he said, as he very gently settled the newborn in Becky's arms, careful to make sure her arms were in the proper position so that she wouldn't drop him.

The look Becky gave Sam was laced with good-natured poison, but she let herself be rearranged as she grew accustomed to the feeling of the tiny baby boy in her arms. "Dude, you really need to shut up," she informed Baby Sammy, though her tone was gentle as she spoke. "Yelling like that doesn't get you anything in the big wide world, you know."

"Yelling?" Sam echoed, with a confused look on his face. "I'm not ..." He dropped his tone considerably, though he'd been nowhere near loud. "....yelling," he whispered. "Maybe you don't need my help," he teased back, easing his arms away from hers to let her take charge.

She snorted with laughter, rolling her eyes at her own Sam as she grinned. "Like I was talking to you, sex-on-legs," was his girlfriend's response to his teasing. "Which, by the way, you owe me for last night." Not that this was an appropriate thing to mention in front of his parents, but at least Becky was relaxing with the baby now she was teasing Sam.

"Last night?" Sam echoed again, realizing too late that she'd been scolding the newborn Sam, not him. The confusion was already starting, and she hadn't even said his name. "What about last night?" he asked, unsure what he'd done wrong. "You wanted to sleep!"

Dean cleared his throat to remind the two lovebirds that they weren't alone.

Jo was trying very hard not to laugh as Becky snickered to herself, silently reworking her assessment of that young lady to include perceptive as well as everything else. That girl had just turned what could have been an awkward moment for Dean into an embarrassing one for Sam, and no one could possibly accuse her of having done it on purpose. "Healthy relationship, huh?" she teased the both of them through her grin.

"Yeah, like I'm gonna talk about it in front of my parents," Sam replied with an awkward frown and an embarrassed flush to his cheeks.

"Like father, like son," Dean said with a grin, echoing something that had been said earlier.

"Can we not discuss my sex life in public?" Sam added, looking a little annoyed.

"All right, all right," Becky smiled at him, knowing he wasn't going to hold it against her anyway. In her arms, the baby had started to settle again, relaxing as she relaxed - enough, in fact, to start rooting against her chest with an open mouth. She looked down at the infant with something close to horror. "Uh ....yeah, that's not going to work. Help, somebody?"

Dean only smirked, making no attempt to help whatsoever, too amused by Becky's reaction to the newborn's instinctive searching. "I think you're doing just fine," he remarked, not budging an inch, except to sip his coffee.

Sam glared at his father. "You're a lot of help." He looked over at his mother, "Pacifier?"

"That's just mean, princess," Jo informed her husband with a smile, chuckling as Sam looked to her. "Shelf under the bassinet," she told him, though she had an excuse not to get up and help. "He's probably getting sleepy now - new people seem to take a lot out of him."

"Why's it mean?" Dean wanted to know. "It's good practice if they're gonna have one of their own someday."

Sam crouched down to rummage around in the bassinet drawer for something to keep little Sammy's mouth busy. He swung another glare at his father, visibly scowling. "Rushing things a bit, aren't you, Dad?"

"Wow, you wanna be grandparents that badly?" Becky asked, now holding the baby boy a little way out from her in the hope that he wouldn't leave a wet patch on her boob. "Sounds like you're the one who wants Sam barefoot and pregnant, not me."

Jo laughed quietly, sipping her coffee. "I'm pretty happy not to be a gramma just yet," she agreed. "Let me get used to being mom to a baby first, okay?"

"I'm not in any hurry," Dean replied, grinning from ear to ear. If he was a betting man, he'd bet that Sam and Becky would end up married with kids someday, but it was a little too soon to make that bet. "I just wanna see him happy. That's all," Dean added, turning serious.

Sam sighed as he leaned over to offer the plastic plug to the newborn's searching mouth. "I am happy, Dad. What makes you think I'm not?"

Searching lips were only too happy to latch onto the plug offered to the little mouth, and Becky was able to cuddle little Sammy back against her chest as he blinked sleepily around at the company. She was trying not to look worried, though - she knew if Dean or Jo said they didn't approve of her, or trust her, then Sam would be in an awful position.

"Just a feeling." Dean shrugged, not wanting to embarrass his son in front of his mother and girlfriend. He knew Sam almost as well as he knew himself, and he could tell the boy - no, young man - had been crying. He also knew from what little Becky had told him over breakfast that Sam was feeling a little out of sorts over the birth of his younger counterpart.

"I'm fine," Sam insisted, looking from one parent to the other. "Really."

Sensing the potential for a row, Jo twisted to eye Dean with a teasing look in her eye. "Are you saying I don't give good pep talks now, princess?" she asked him with a smile. "Want me to practice on you some more?"

Despite Dean's wish not to embarrass his son, however, the answer he gave was not the most comforting to the girlfriend in question. They'd been talking about Sam's relationship with her, which had morphed into whether or not he was happy, and now his father apparently had a feeling that Sam wasn't happy. Becky didn't know what to make of that, keeping her mouth shut as she closed up, flushed with hurt.

Whatever it was Dean was sensing from Sam had nothing to do with Becky. He liked Becky - a lot - and he hoped he'd made that clear, but Dean wasn't always the best at communicating his feeling clearly. He looked to Jo, realizing from her question that his worries were unfounded. Whatever she had discussed with Sam while he'd been having breakfast with Becky seemed to have smoothed things over, at least for now. "I stand corrected," he said, adding, "Sorry."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2015-08-20 11:42 EST
"Oh, look, you learned a new word," Jo teased her husband, leaning over to kiss him gently. She generally didn't give an inch when they were in company, and their grown up son definitely counted as company. She'd make it up to him when they were alone, and he knew it. "You know, I think lack of sleep may be making me a little loopy."

Sam glanced at his mother, wondering if that was their cue to leave, but he didn't want to leave without making his feelings clear to both his parents and maybe even to Becky. "Look, I know this is all a little weird and awkward for everyone, but I stand by my choice. You might not realize it yet, but you need me. No one is the loser here. Little Sam here gets a big brother out of the deal, and we'll both be here for Hope when she's born. You get an extra pair of hands in this war we're fighting, and I get to be with Becky."

Well, that got awkward fast, at least for the only non-Winchester in the room. As much as Becky understood and appreciated Sam's implication that she was worth staying in this time for, she didn't think this was a conversation she was supposed to be hearing. And she couldn't escape, or the nurses would accuse her of trying to steal a baby.

As for Jo, she smiled gently as Sam spoke, deeply glad that he seemed to have at least arranged matters in his mind so that he could work toward becoming comfortable with them. "Never said we didn't need you, little man," she reminded him softly. "Can't say I'm not happy you're staying, either."

Just a short while ago Sam had been wondering if he was doing the right thing and now, here he was trying to convince his parents that he had no regrets - or was he really just trying to convince himself. He looked over at Becky with the baby in her arms and frowned, knowing he failed to explain his feelings, at least where she was concerned. "I didn't decide to stay because of Becky ..." he started, having made the decision before he'd met her. "....but now I can't imagine my life without her."

Dean arched a single brow as he glanced at Jo, wondering if the young couple didn't need a few moments alone.

Strange, that it wasn't Sam's feelings Becky wasn't sure of. She was absolutely certain of him, trusting that he loved her the way she loved him. But she was uncertain if his parents - his dad - really approved of her, or at least, of the way Sam made room for her in his life. She wasn't a hunter, after all; as far as they knew, she was just a top-grade student who'd skipped a few years to be graduating from university in a few months' time. In that light, she was more of a liability than anything.

Jo caught Dean's glance, and came to a decision herself, not even trying to stifle her quiet yawn. "Sorry," she apologized for the rude gesture, despite the out it gave Sam and Becky. "Busy day yesterday, you know?"

Sam seemed to get the hint, and they had been there a while already. "Yeah, we know," Sam replied. "How long are they keeping you?" he asked, catching his mother's hint that it was time to say goodbye.

Dean only frowned over at Jo, wondering what she was thinking, but like most women, she always seemed to be a little more insightful than him, especially when it came to their son.

Jo smiled, watching as Becky gingerly got out of the chair to try and hand off the baby to Dean without looking him in the eye too much. "They'll probably let me out tomorrow," she told Sam. "We'll call, let you know what?s going on. So no worrying, all right' We've got twin gods roaming around here to keep us safe."

Sam leaned in to give his mother a hug and a whispered, "Love you," while Becky handed the baby off to his father.

Dean noted how Becky wouldn't meet his gaze as she came over to hand him the baby. "Bec, we good?" he asked, arching both brows at her curiously. The girl had gotten a little too quiet over the last few minutes, and he had a feeling it was because of him.

The girl looked almost startled as Dean spoke to her, catching his eye as she released her grip on his son. "Yeah," she said quietly, hoping her flush didn't give her away. "Yeah, we're good. Uh ....don't forget the goodie bag, okay?"

Behind her, Jo was kissing Sam's cheek, stroking the back of his head as though he were still a baby himself as she hugged him back. "Love you too, little man," she promised him. "Don't worry so much, okay' Misunderstandings happen all the time."

"We won't," Dean replied, smiling warmly. He might not have told her yet, but he liked her and he and Jo both approved. "Thanks for breakfast." He didn't wait for a hug or ask for one, not wanting to make her feel even more awkward than she already did. They'd had a good chat over breakfast, and he hoped that, in time, she'd come to feel like one of the family.

"Try not to," Sam replied, not bothering to remind her again that he wasn't so little anymore. "Get some rest, okay' We'll check in with you tomorrow."

"You needed the break," Becky nodded to Dean, her usual smile absent from her expression as she backed up, offering a wave to Jo on her way past the bed. The smile that spasmed into view was not the cheerful cheekiness they'd grown accustomed to.

Releasing Sam, Jo sat back with a low chuckle. "Scout's honor, I will rest as much as Sammy lets me," she promised. "Take care, guys, okay?"

Dean frowned at the lack of smile from Becky, wondering what he'd done wrong. Everything seemed to have been going well, until when" Until he'd said something about Sam not being happy. That had to be it. His frown deepened, wanting to kick himself in the ass, but the damage was done, and he wasn't sure he could undo it. "Hey," he said, hoping to stop the pair before they could escape. "Take care of each other, okay?" It wasn't exactly an apology, but he hoped it at least told them that he cared about them both.

Sam reached for Becky's hand as he followed her to to door. "We will, Dad. Don't worry. See you tomorrow, okay?"

"Absolutely," Jo agreed, just about managing to hide her wince as she saw the penny drop with Dean. She'd been hoping he wouldn't realize what had been implied until at least after Sam and Becky had made their escape, but there was nothing for it now. "We'll keep in touch."

Dean watched the pair exit, looking back at the boy in his arms with a sigh. "Well, I sure made a mess of that. Hope you forgive me someday," he told the baby, though that Sam would not grow up to be the young man who had just stepped out of the room. It wasn't really Sam's forgiveness he needed so much though as it was Becky's, but he really wasn't sure how to make it right.

"Oh, it isn't that big a mess," Jo assured him, making herself comfortable on her side to watch him with their newborn. "But, you know ....she doesn't know you well enough to be able to follow your train of thought, not the way Sam does. So in her mind, it seemed as though you might have been suggesting that Sam isn't happy with her. She'll get over it, and so will you. She's still just eighteen, Dean, and she doesn't have our background. It's a learning curve, that's all."

"No, it's not," Dean replied, feeling bad for unintentionally hurting Becky's feelings. "I like her. I do. I think she's good for him. They're good for each other. Maybe I should have just told her that," he said. He didn't want to make a mountain out of a molehill, but he didn't want to let the wound fester either.

"So when you next get a chance, tell her that," Jo suggested with a gentle smile. "You know, they're planning on moving her into Sam's apartment when she finishes officially at Stanford in a couple of weeks. We should probably be able to hear her dad yelling about it from across town when she tells him."

"It's that serious?" he asked, brows arching upwards. He had heard what Sam had said, but they were young. Becky was only eighteen and Sam was just into his twenties. As far as Dean was concerned, they were just babies.

"They seem to think so," she nodded, rubbing a hand through her hair. "He loves her, Dean, and it's pretty obvious that she feels the same way about him. Even if it doesn't last, it's an experience they need to have. And you know what? It's a normal experience. Meeting someone, wanting to live with them, learning to live with them - it's that experience that normal people go through to find out whether they're going to grow together or apart."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2015-08-20 11:43 EST
"Yeah, but there's nothing normal about the life we live," Dean pointed out, though he got her point. Neither of them had ever had much normal. The child in his arms was about as normal as things got for them. The least they could do is give their eldest a little normal. "I can hardly remember what it's like to be twenty-one, can you?" He paused a moment in quiet contemplation, letting the tiny boy in his arms curl a tiny hand around his father's finger. Sam had memories of a childhood he and Jo knew nothing about, memories they hadn't made yet with this boy who'd just been born. Whether they were the same person or not was a mystery, but one thing was for sure; whether he'd raised the elder Sam or not, he loved him as much as he loved this little one in his arms and he wanted - no, needed - him to know it. "Sam's got a birthday coming in a few weeks. I think we should make it a memorable one."

"So maybe we take normal where we can find it," Jo mused thoughtfully, but it was Dean's comment on Sam's birthday that made her smile. "You know, I think that's a great idea," she nodded. "And, uh ....okay, so he's not a kid, but maybe we should make it a day out, you know" Maybe to the zoo?" She felt silly suggesting it, but she'd never been to a zoo that she could recall, and she had a feeling neither had Dean. In fact, Sam might have been to one before, but it was still a way to make a day stand out, wasn't it"

"Think you'll be up to it by then?" he asked, moving off the chair to join her on the bed, baby and all. Was there a chance the little one was going to get spoiled from all the attention' Maybe, though if the older version was anything to go by, Dean thought he'd turn out okay. "I mean a proper birthday with cake and everything. And Becky has to be there."

"Baby, if I'm still feeling crap in a couple of days, I'm gonna guilt one of our tame Olympians into working their mojo on me," she assured him with a low chuckle. "Even with as safe as our home is, we can't afford for me to be out of action for long. I'm still high on Hades' list. But yes, a proper birthday, with cake and presents that aren't exclusively weapons ....I think that's a great idea." She grinned, making room for him on the bed as he settled down with her.

"Sounds like a plan. We can sort out the details later." He kicked off his shoes with a thump of each to the floor as he settled himself beside her to enjoy what little quiet they could before they were inundated with the next round of visitors. "Think it would be in poor taste to buy him some condoms?" he asked with a teasing smirk.

She laughed, tucking herself close to her boys as they settled in beside her. "I think you might get yourself punched," she warned her husband in amusement. "And I think that ship has sailed a long time ago, to be honest. And no, we are not making a guess at Becky's size and buying something lacy for her to wear to bed for him, either."

Dean didn't want to make a guess at how long ago. He'd lost his own virginity while still a teenager. It was something of a medal of honor, he'd thought at the time. Any boy past the age of sixteen who was still a virgin was considered a loser, or so he'd thought at the time. Having children of his own might change his mind on that though. "Spoil sport. What am I supposed to get him for his birthday' A new machete?" he teased.

Jo rolled her eyes, poking his shoulder gently. "How about restocking his music collection?" she suggested. "He's got pretty much the same taste you have, and nothing to play, much less to play it on." And, in her opinion, that made for a better birthday present than a brand new stock of weapons, most of which Sam already had. She looked down at Sammy, dozing fitfully in his daddy's arms, and smiled faintly. "He made a suggestion about how to differentiate between him and Sammy, though," she added. "You know how Hope called him Bertie sometimes" Maybe we should call our Sammy Rob, or Bertie, for a while. He'll still be Samuel Robert, but no one's gonna get confused when one of us yells for Sam."

"Hmm, Led Zeppelin Two. The staple of any classic rock collection," Dean remarked thoughtfully, before he realized it might not be as easy as all that. "Wait ....Are we talking I-Pod or CD Player?" Dean had only just discovered CDs recently, but still had a reference for vinyl and cassette tapes. He arched a brow at her suggestion, letting the subject of birthday presents go for now. "Hope called him Bertie?"

"Yeah." Jo looked surprised; she'd thought he knew about the various names their daughter had been in the habit of using on her brother. "Seemed like a pet name, you know" She only really used it when they were having a moment, but I definitely heard her calling him Bertie from time to time. You didn't?"

"I guess I did," he replied with an uncertain frown. Maybe he just hadn't noticed. "You realize that if Hope called him that, it might have been because we called him that when he was little," he said, which meant they were doing exactly what Sam remembered them doing in his childhood. "What do you think, kiddo?" Dean asked, holding the baby up to ask his opinion, though all he did was blink sleepily at his father and blow a few bubbles.

"I dunno, maybe we found it kind of weird to be yelling for a Sam that was only two feet tall," Jo shrugged. "Bottom line is, he wants to be more of a big brother than an uncle, and I think he's right, I think this is the way to ease the confusion a little, at least while Sammy's small. I told him I'd talk to you about it."

Dean frowned thoughtfully. He'd had it in his head to name his son Sam in honor of his brother, but it seemed he already had. How many Sams did they need before it was too many' It had all started with Samuel Campbell, his maternal grandfather, but that wasn't the man Dean wanted to honor. "George Foreman has five sons all named George," he mused aloud as he settled the little one back in his arms.

"Baby, I love you, but we just sent one Dean Junior home," she pointed out with a smile. "That was confusing enough for two days." She kissed his cheek. "I was thinking ....maybe we could just switch the names around. Robert Samuel. It's still honoring your Sam, which is the whole point."

"Honoring both Sam and Bobby. Two birds with one stone, but it'll be just as confusing if we have two Bobbys," Dean pointed out. "And you know what?ll happen if we send him to school with a name like Bertie." He didn't want his firstborn son growing up hating him because they'd given him a name the other kids would poke fun at.

Jo laughed. "Well, if he's Robert, then he can be Bertie to us when he's small and Rob later on," she suggested warmly. "Rob isn't so bad, is it?" She knew what he meant about school, though her problems had begun when she was a teen - the freak with a knife collection, if she recalled right.

He'd had his own problems in school - when he'd actually attended anyway. By the time he was sixteen, he'd figured high school wasn't going to help teach him how to be a hunter and by seventeen, he'd dropped out. "Rob isn't bad, so long as Bobby doesn't mind. So, Sam wants to be a big brother, huh' What do you think of that, Bertie" You have a big brother that's twenty-one years older than you, and I'm only thirty-four."

The baby gurgled back at him, spitting out the pacifier to smack his lips up at his father. "You really think Bobby's gonna mind?" Jo asked in amusement. "After he all but cried on us last night' If he's that choked up about our son having his name in the middle, imagine how girly he'll get when he finds out we made a switch."

"Oh, God ..." Dean chuckled at the thought of Bobby getting emotional. "I'm not sure I wanna see that." He watched while the pacifier dropped onto the bed somewhere, reaching behind him to find it. "I think Junior here is getting hungry. What do you say we top him off and see if we can catch a few winks while his tummy is full?"

Jo Winchester

Date: 2015-08-20 11:44 EST
"I think that's minor genius," Jo agreed with a chuckle, lazily swinging her legs off the bed to go and hunt for one of the little bottles the hospital had provided for their use while they were there. No need to heat it, although the newly re-christened Bertie seemed to prefer it warm. "No spit up in the bed this time, though."

"I know, I know ....A couple of ounces and then burp him," Dean recited with a roll of his eyes. Despite the little experience he'd had with babies, he'd had to learn that one the hard way. "You want the bottle or the diaper?" he asked, giving her a choice as they took turns with baby duties.

"I'll diaper," she volunteered, a far cry from the reluctance she'd shown when they'd been babysitting their borrowed newborn this time last year. "Need to get used to that damned cord sooner rather than later." She flashed him a faint smile. "You're pretty good at this dad business, you know."

He shrugged at her compliment, not thinking much of it. "I've had a little practice," he said, unsure if he should expand on that explanation. He chuckled to himself a little at a particular memory. "Did I ever tell you about the time me and Sam had to babysit a shapeshifter kid" Cute kid. Sam said I had the touch, whatever that is."

"You looked after a shifter baby?" Jo laughed as she handed him a cloth and the little bottle, hands open to take their charming little bundle of bubble blowing baby off him to get the diaper changed before he started complaining too much. "You've definitely got something, baby, that's for sure. Kinda glad I've got you to make sure I don't make too many mistakes."

"Yeah," he replied, tossing the cloth over a shoulder before handing over the baby for a changing. "Well, we didn't know he was a shapeshifter at first. Named him Bobby John. Not sure what became of him." He turned quiet, hoping the kid didn't turn into a monster, even if it was already in his genes. He didn't like the idea of having to kill a kid. Lost in his own thoughts, it took him a minute before he registered what she was telling him. "Yeah, well, it's mostly just trial and error. I helped with Sam when he was little, but ..." He shrugged again, as if he didn't really want to talk about that.

In the midst of changing what was, thankfully, a not particularly smelly diaper this time, Jo looked over at him as he shrugged, her expression gently understanding. "We'll find out for sure," she told him in a soft tone, knowing he worried over the Sam he'd left behind near constantly. "One way or another, we'll find out. Until then, we've got a family to look after, a real family, and it's gonna get bigger. And you know what? We're gonna make damn sure they've got choices when they grow up."

He blinked over at Jo, unsure if she was referring to the shapeshifter kid or his brother Sam. He knew there was no going back - not anymore. This was his home now; this was where he belonged and he found himself terrified of the thought of risking losing everything he'd worked so hard for here, even if it meant never knowing what had happened to Sam. "No," he said quietly. "It's better left alone." It was the only explanation he gave her for now, but when she'd suggested it, his heart had gone cold with fear, like someone had walked over his grave.

"All right," she conceded, allowing him that fear for now as she buttoned up the onesie once again. "But the first time this little guy gets explosive diarrhea, he's all yours." She flashed Dean a cheeky grin, lifting Bertie onto her shoulder to bring him back to his daddy. "There you go, Poppa. Fill him up, and let's get some sleep."

"Are we even talking about the same thing?" he asked, looking a little confused. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, but he just wasn't following her train of thought. Or was she trying to distract him' "Takes more after his uncle than me. He eats like a moose," he said, opening his arms for his son, the bottle at the ready.

"I'm changing the subject," she assured him with a smile, easing the baby boy into his arms. "Quiet time for you, me, and baby before Ayden bounces in here loaded down with as many cuddly toys as she can possibly carry, knowing her." She chuckled. She loved his sister, but Ayden was way too excited about someone else giving birth.

"Won't be long before we can return the favor," he pointed out with a smile, the threat of a stormy mood temporarily averted. Maybe they'd talk about it more later, but for now, he didn't want to think about his brother or what he'd left behind. He had too much to live for here in this world - too many people who loved him and needed him and were counting on him. This was his life now, and he had no regrets.

This was his family; the good, the fun, and the beautiful, and right now, all of that was wrapped up in one very small, very precious little bundle in his arms. Who would have thought that Dean Winchester would ever become a dad? And yet here he was, holding his son in his arms as his wife watched them. Even without his Sam, life went on, and this little life had the whole world in at his feet, just waiting to see what happened. Now that would be a life worth watching.

((Seems to be our turn for minorly epic scenes! Fun, though. Huge thanks to my partner in crime for indulging me!))