Topic: Sanctuary (AU)


Date: 2014-02-16 05:55 EST
((Immediately follows Wise Counsel.))

Perhaps she should have considered what it was she was asking him, that she had asked to be taken away for more than a few hours, and should have stopped to collect her bag, but in the gloom of the night, shaken and wanting to run away, little details like that did not occur to Ayden at all. And though she was becoming used to Ares' method of transportation, he hadn't thought to warn her that it was daylight in the place where they ended up. Half-blinded by brilliantly warm sunshine, she cried out quietly, shielding her eyes with one hand thrown up to cover her face as she winced, wondering where on Earth he had brought her.

The villa in the Peloponnese was especially lovely in the morning with the sunlight shining off the bay, a warm breeze gently stirring the trees that surrounded the villa and the surrounding hillside. It was a perfect day, even for autumn, warm but lacking the heat and humidity of summer. He had not been there for quite some time, but had plenty of servants to take care of the place in his absence. As far as they knew, he was a wealthy businessman who had been named for the Greek God of War and who they only saw on very rare occasions.

As her eyes adjusted to the brightness, Ayden took in the details of stone walls, clean modern lines, comfortable but obviously high-end furniture ....and the view. Her mouth fell open in awe at the view which presented itself at the wide doors close by, a sweeping vista of tree-covered foothills and rolling fields, dotted with distant villages. She'd seen places like this in pictures, her eyes widening as she glanced up at the Olympian who held her. "Did this Greece?"

"Yes," he replied, as if he was a little surprised at the question. Of course it was Greece. There was no other place like it in the entire world. "I thought you might find it more comfortable here than the Amazon." Though here, they would not be quite so secluded as in the rainforest, he thought she might find a villa with a proper bed and bath and dining room more to her tastes, and he was hoping to please her. "Do you like it' Would you rather go somewhere else?"

He was right about her preferring somewhere with facilities. Despite how shaken she was by a dream she had woken from only minutes before, Ayden couldn't help smiling, delighted to find herself halfway across the world, in such a beautiful place, entirely at his whim. "Oh, no, it's beautiful here," she rushed to assure him, her curiosity taking her over the cool tiles laid on the floor toward the doors that opened out onto that amazing view. The whole place felt different, special somehow; even the quality of the sunshine was different, more golden, more illuminating, warmer through her pajamas. "I never thought I'd ever come to Europe. And here I am. You just made a dream come true without even knowing about it."

"I can take you wherever you wish to go, Ayden," he reminded her again, wondering if she had realized yet the implications of that simple statement. He had to admit that over the centuries he'd grown bored of that fact. He'd been everywhere he could possibly go. There were few places that had escaped his attention, and yet, visiting places with her that he'd too long taken for granted was like seeing them anew through her eyes. "It is lovely, I will grant you that." She brought a renewed interest for this place, and he wondered how many of the places he'd once loved had changed over time and whether she'd like to explore them again with her. Someday, when war wasn't hanging over their heads.

"You're kidding, right' This is more than lovely, it's ..." She twisted to look at him, green eyes bright with interest, heedless of the tear tracks still staining her face. "Where are we?" she asked him, a hint of excitement in her tone as she spoke. "Are we near Athens, or is this in Sparta" We're not on Crete, that mountain range is too hilly, I know that much. I've seen pictures and documentaries and I've read books, and none of it compares to actually seeing it."

"We are in the Peloponnese. This place is called Porto Heli. It is....not near Athens," he replied, though it wasn't all that far from Sparta. He wasn't overly fond of Athens himself, but had always been made to feel welcome here, or at the very least, not unwelcome as he'd been in some other places. But all that was eons ago. No one knew him here anymore. The old Gods were nothing more than legend, tales to tell their children. "I....procured the land long ago, but I only had the villa built in recent years. I thought I might want to stay here now and then, but..." He shrugged.

"So ..." She half-turned once again, pointing toward the foothills that rose into a mountain range so very close to them. "So somewhere in there is Mount Taygetus" We're that close to Sparta?" The curiosity had grown into outright pleasure as she realised she was with someone who could not only tell her about the ruins she might see, but who had built them, what their purpose had been, how they were used. Her dream and its terrors forgotten, she threw her arms around Ares' neck, kissing his cheek as she giggled like a child. "Thank you for bringing me here! It's wonderful!"

He was about to answer her question, when he found her unexpectedly throwing her arms about his neck and thanking him with a kiss to the cheek. He couldn't help but laugh a little at the childlike wonder and pleasure that this simple thing had given her. "I am glad you like it. Very glad." He was, in fact, so glad his whole face lit up with a rare smile that made his hazel-green eyes sparkle like the sun against the water.

"Will you take me to see some of the places around here?" she asked him hopefully, dropping her arms from his neck to loop about his waist instead, extending the innocent intimacy even as she looked around once again. "It doesn't have to be anywhere famous or anything like that. Just places that mean something to you. Teach me about them."

"If you wish," he replied, circling her in his embrace. "I should probably tell someone we're here," he admitted, though he really didn't want to spoil the intimacy of this moment just yet. The caretaker and servants would realize he was there soon enough, and when they saw he had a guest, there would be no end to their fussing over the two of them. Though it was morning here, it had been the middle of the night when he'd heard her call him, and he wasn't sure if she was still sleepy. "What would you like to do?" he asked, putting himself at her service, at her beck and call.

Though it was the very first hour of the morning back at home, Ayden had managed to get almost four hours of sleep before needing to be woken from her dreamscape, the sense of weariness faded easily in the face of so much to do, so much to see and learn. She would, no doubt, have an early night, or perhaps nap later on in the Greek day, but for now, she felt as awake as she ever had. As his arms encircled her, she laid her head against his shoulder, her smile soft as she looked out over the sweeping panorama that surrounded his villa. "I should have stopped to get my bag," she realised belatedly. "You can't be seen with me in just my jammies."


Date: 2014-02-16 05:56 EST
He chuckled again, this time at the mention of inappropriate attire. He, himself, was only half dressed, having left his t-shirt with her after their encounter with the Fates and not having bothered to procure another. "Are you hungry' If you wish, I can send for some clothes while you have a bath and have breakfast." As for himself, he had plenty of clothes already there, but he had not thought to prepare for a guest of the female persuasion. It would be a simple enough thing to remedy, however. The town was only a short drive, and he was sure one of his servants would be more than happy to oblige.

The independent part of her opened her mouth to object and protest against his spending money on her, but for some reason, no such objection came out. For the first time in her life, Ayden realized she didn't feel awkward about being looked after, a thought that made her smile. "That'd be nice, thank you," she shared her smile with him warmly, suddenly pulling back to look down at the clean slice in his flesh, already healing but taking its own time about it. Her fingertip traced the reddened skin around the cut as she frowned faintly. "You haven't kept that clean."

"I will not die of a minor wound, Ayden," he reassured her with a warm smile, touched by her concern. It had been a very long time since anyone had shown him any kindness or concern the way that she did. A very long time indeed. At least a millenia or more. He wondered if she was brave enough to bathe with him, as she had in the Amazon, but a bath would be far more intimate and he didn't dare ask further. "Why don't you start a bath for yourself, while I let the caretaker know we're here and arrange for some breakfast?" he asked, tracing her cheek with a fingertip, wishing they were already married. Then he could love her the way he wished to and not worry what anyone else might say. His heart ached for it, but he heeded his mother's advice.

A faint flicker of unease touched her eyes, even as she leaned into the subtle touch of his finger against her cheek. "I won't be on my own for long, will I?" she asked him softly, only just coming around to the practicalities of being in an entirely different country, with no passport, no provable means of having arrived, and no concept of the local language whatsoever.

"No," he replied with a reassuring smile, slightly amused at her question. She need not worry about such things so long as she was with him, and he wasn't going far. "I will only be a few minutes. I promise." He leaned down to press a tender kiss against her forehead. "My house is your home, Ayden. Please, I want you to be comfortable here."

She couldn't help smiling in answer, as much reassured by his presence as by the spoken promise that she would not be alone for long. "I am comfortable here," she promised him in return, and it was true. Anywhere else, and she would have been mortified to be in her pajamas in the middle of the morning in a strange place. Here" Not so much. Stepping back, she bit her lip with a shy sparkle in her eyes, tempted to ask him to bathe with her, still fighting the societal sense of what was appropriate and what was not that had been bred into her over the years. "Bathroom is which way?"

"I will show you," he said, taking her by the hand to lead her back inside, across the wooden floor, past the sumptuous bed, to a half-open door that led to the bathroom. "There," he said, gesturing toward it with a hand that should have been callused from years of spear and sword, but was not. "They keep this place prepared for me. Everything you need should be there. I will only be a few minutes."

Led by the hand, Ayden couldn't help a brief reflection that she was a little like a child for the few seconds it took for him to show her where the bathroom was, hand in hand and trusting in the older caretaker who had chosen to bring her under his wing. Nodding, she stepped into the bathroom, reappearing barely a moment later to meet his gaze, soft and deeply grateful for this respite, however long it might last. "Ares ....thank you."

"You need not thank me, Ayden. I only wish to please you," he explained, turning back momentarily as she reappeared, wondering if she had any idea how much her presence here meant to him. "I will not be long," he promised again with a reassuring smile before turning again to make his way from the room to find the caretaker and servants and inform them of his and his guest's arrival.

Hopefully he was going to cheat and give her measurements to said staff, or the clothing that arrived later was going to be amusingly guess-timated. But this didn't occur to Ayden as she watched him turn away, admiring the lean muscle of his back absently as she reflected on the gentle nature of the so-called God of War. There was something very special about a man who dropped everything for her at the slightest hint of distress or danger, who was so prepared to share the places he considered entirely his own. She had nothing that could compare, really, to share with him in return, and that thought actually pained her. She had nothing she could give him in return for the time and effort he spent on her after such a short acquaintance, nothing but her own company, which she didn't think was quite so special in itself. But perhaps what she thought didn't matter. Perhaps it was his opinion that truly held weight there.

If she had asked him, he would have told her that all he wanted from her was her companionship, but that wasn't quite true. He wanted so much more than that, but he was hopeful that, in time, she would come to care for him the way he was starting to care for her. "Be patient," his mother had said, but while he might have forever to wait, Ayden did not. She was mortal, and so long as she was, Ares knew he risked losing her at any time. He didn't know much about women's clothing, but he knew Ayden, and with any luck, the clothing that arrived later would fit her well enough for a few days' stay in Greece.

The bathroom proved to be a veritable treasure trove for her to investigate as the water ran warm to fill a bath that was at least twice as big as any she had seen before, and possibly even twice as deep, partially sunk into the floor no doubt to make it easier to get in and out of. Despite her comfort here, Ayden was wise enough to realize that as soon as she was in the bath, she would be self-conscious of her nudity, as she had been in the Amazon, seeking out something to make bubbles to spare her blushes. What she found was a bottle of something that filled the room with the rich heady scent of papaya and mango, enveloping the rising water level in a lather she was pretty sure she could disappear underneath if she felt the need. It was more than just a few minutes later that she began to disrobe, folding her shirt, pants, and even her socks, into a neat little pile before twisting her hair up off her neck to step into the warm foam she had created.


Date: 2014-02-16 05:57 EST
As one might expect, the staff who were in charge of taking care of the villa, as well as his needs whenever he deigned to show up, were shocked to say the least to find the master of the house had arrived suddenly and unexpectedly and without prior warning, as he was wont to do. After a few minutes of nervous and excited chatter from the staff, he managed to explain that he'd brought a guest with him - a young lady who should be treated with the utmost respect and kindness. He went on to instruct them further, and to their credit, they listened intently and promised to do his bidding. And why shouldn't they' He was paying them well for their obedience and their silence, though behind his back, there would be whispered gossip a-plenty.

Of course, Ayden knew nothing of any of this, or that she was going to be the subject of some intense conversation over the next few days. She simply slipped into the deep bath, finding a comfortable ledge on which to rest her head as she floated in the warm water, feeling her tension begin to ebb. And as her mind emptied of the dream, thoughts began to emerge that she was not quite prepared for. Such as ....why would a nightmare in which a god she'd only met a few days ago was killed upset her quite so much' Why would his then appearance be such a comfort to her" And why, when her first duty and responsibility was to her family, had she jumped so eagerly at the chance to be alone with him' There had been no sense of lust, no surge of desire, no physical sense of need to urge her to that conclusion. Just a longing to be with him, near him, to be certain of his health and well being as much as she could be.

That wasn't to say that she didn't feel the lust or the desire, not at all. It just hadn't been as important as reassuring herself that he was well and safe. The softness of that feeling was powerful, too, no hesitation in putting his wishes above her own, and for a little while, she let herself believe that she really was his. It was a sweet, pleasant daydream, to imagine that he loved her as she was beginning to suspect she might be coming to love him, wiling away the long minutes until he came back to her side with a smile playing about her lips as she lolled in the luxurious bathtub.

It had been a very long time since he'd had any thought of a woman, since he'd made any effort to please one. Perhaps his mother was right. Perhaps none of them had ever really known him, after all. Not even Aphrodite, who had only seemed to love him in part because it was a way to hurt the man she'd been forced to marry, because it had been a way to rebel. Ayden seemed different in the way he felt when he was with her and the way she seemed to care for him, the way no one had before. It wasn't long before he found his way back to the set of rooms he was sharing with her, his instructions handed out and being taken care of. Soon enough, they'd have breakfast brought to the room, and later that day, someone would arrive from the town to take Ayden's measurements and supply her with a few outfits for her stay.

Lost in thought, Ayden didn't hear him return, closing her eyes as she relaxed in the bath, those thoughts turning with alarming clarity to the way he smiled, the way she'd felt when he'd held her, how pleased he had seemed with her delight at finding herself in Greece. He was so beautiful, so strong, so vulnerable, so fierce, so gentle ....he was a world of contradictions that she found herself wanting to unravel and understand with a passion she'd not thought herself capable of. "Helps he's got an *ss you can crack rocks on, too," she murmured to herself, and giggled her girlish laugh, filling the bathroom with the sound of her amusement.

Fortunately, he hadn't heard her remark and wasn't capable of reading her thoughts, though he did arrive back in time to hear her giggle, wondering what exactly it was she was giggling about. Whether the villa's staff had found it odd that their master had returned looking wounded, half-dressed, and more than a little bedraggled, apparently with a lady friend in tow, they had not questioned his instructions but had gotten straight to work in a flurry of excitement. As for Ares, he was feeling a little weary and he couldn't deny that the wound, as minor as he claimed, was still paining him. He hesitated outside the door, wondering if he should leave her be or let her know he'd returned, giving in to the latter at last, since he'd promised he wouldn't be gone long. "Ayden?" he queried from the other side of the door, sounding a little uncertain.

"Mmm?" There was no surprise at the sound of his voice, her smile warming as she opened her eyes to look over at the door. He was treated to the sound of the water splashing gently as she shifted, moving to the edge of the bath to repeat the words he'd spoken to her in the Amazon a couple of days before. "You can join me, you know," she called to him, mischief sparkling in her tone. "I don't bite."

Her invitation was met with silence a moment as he seemed to consider it. "Yes, but..." He trailed off, unsure if he could properly explain his hesitation. A bathtub was much more intimate than a river, though he was not shy about his body, and he could think of nothing more enticing than being close to her again.

Her eyes narrowed as he failed to even open the door and look in, a fair amount of stubborn determination making itself known on her face as she countered his but. "Either you come in here and let me clean that cut properly, or I'm going to get out and strip you myself. Ever heard of a tongue bath?"

"Yes," he replied without a moment's hesitation, though she had confused him yet again. "But I thought it was something for dogs and cats," he said, hesitantly pushing the door open a crack, a mixture of relief and disappointment to find her mostly hidden beneath a pile of foamy bubbles. Even so, he felt desire stirring inside him, achingly familiar.

"Well, apparently when men and women do it to each other, it's a lot of fun," Ayden informed him with a somewhat cheeky smile, the expression as much an invitation as her words. She was pretty modest beneath the layer of bubbles, not much visible below the line of her shoulders as she looked up at him. "I'm not the only one who needs looking after, you know," she told him gently, her own desire ruthlessly held at bay by her concern over his injury. "Get in here."

He wasn't sure why he was suddenly feeling so reluctant, shy even, when only a short time ago, the shoe had been on the other foot, so to speak. It had been her who'd been the shy one in the rainforest; now it seemed it was him, but like her, he finally gave in, pushing the door open to step further inside. "I am having some breakfast brought to the room," he explained, as if to change the subject.


Date: 2014-02-16 05:58 EST
"I hope my being here isn't going to be too awkward for your people," she responded, her natural inclination to apologize for herself a little too strong to resist, even when trying to make him get into the bath with her. "I really don't want to be any trouble."

"You're no trouble. They're excited to meet you. It's been..." He broke off as he realized he'd never brought a women here before. Had it been that long since he'd been with someone" Apparently, it had been longer than even he had realized. "I've never brought anyone here before," he explained, frowning a little as he watched her, realizing he was going to have to shed what clothes he was still wearing. "Is there enough room in there for two of us?" he asked, uncertainly.

Her brows rose, pleasantly surprised to find that she was the first person, the only person, he had brought here, to the closest thing that amounted to a home of his own. Of course, he then followed that explanation up with the foundless worry that there might not be enough room for him in a bath that was more like a mini-pool than anything, which earned him a warm laugh from the girl in the foamy water. "Ares, there is plenty of room. Weren't you the guy who was trying to get me naked in the Amazon?" One hand emerged from beneath the water, crooking a finger to beckon him into the bath with her. "I do solemnly swear not to feel you up unless you ask me to."

"Feel me up?" he echoed, not quite understanding what she meant by that remark. For a God who'd been around for over two thousand years, he hadn't done much to keep up with modern vernacular. Then again, he might surprise her with some of the modern technology and conveniences he had managed to embrace. "I could do with a bath," he admitted, looking at the bubbles with envy. After a moment where he seemed to inwardly debate with himself, he decided she had a point, though he remembered his mother's advice: Go slow, be patient, take your time. He turned his back toward her as he went about removing what remained of his clothing, acutely aware of her eyes upon him.

Of course, his mother had also told him to take his cues from the girl he was attempting to woo, though not in so many words. Ayden's smile softened as he turned his back, recognizing the shyness, and unlike him when faced with her own awkwardness, she took pity, pushing away from that near edge of the bath and turning her own back to spare his blushes. "I won't look," she promised him, feeling her cheeks just beginning to warm at the thought of what was being unveiled behind her.

He wasn't sure why he was feeling so strange. He had never been particularly shy before, but then, he'd never really wooed a woman quite like Ayden before, nor had it ever meant so much to him as it did with her. Once he had shed the last of his clothes, he glanced over his head to make sure she wasn't looking before climbing at last into the warm, soothing water filled with fragrant bubbles.

To her credit, she didn't give in to the temptation to even glance over her shoulder as she heard his clothing fall, nor even when the gentle splash of the water announced his entry into the bath, her gaze fixed on the tiles of the wall, presenting him with the view of her upper back, her shoulders and neck, and the delicate twist of her hair held up out of the water. Beneath the cling of bubbles to her skin was visible a clean scar, seemingly old unless you knew when it had been made and how it had been healed. Her first encounter with Hades' minions had left her with her second war wound, and one she was rather proud to bear.

Thankfully, he could not see that scar beneath the bubbles, or it would have reminded him of the pain of the wound that had been inflicted upon her. He had been watching her even then and regretted having stayed out of the battle, though he'd done what he could to intervene, without anyone knowing he was there. Gabriel had done little to help win that battle, despite his promise to protect Ayden, and that had not helped win him any favor with Ares. As he settled himself down in the bubbly water, he thought on his conversation with his mother and wondered how much he should tell Ayden, if anything. It didn't help that he was distracted by her nearness, by the heady scent of the bubbles, entranced by the soft line of her neck that he seemed to beg for his kisses.

It was her turn to feel the wave of shyness, acutely aware of him in the water behind her, so close she could have reached out to touch him if she dared. Unfortunately, however, she didn't quite dare - not yet, anyway. Hoping he would put the gentle pink flush of her skin down to the heat of the water, she turned her head a little toward him, displaying her profile to his eyes. "Is it safe to turn around now?"

"Yes, I'm covered now." He frowned a little, wondering again why he suddenly felt so shy with her. He hadn't been shy before. Why now" What had changed between them' Or was it just the fact that he was so acutely aware of her eyes upon him and the desire for her he knew he would not be able to keep hidden for long? "I am fine, Ayden," he reassured her again. "I will heal in a few days."

She turned to face him, shaking her head with a smile. "I can't help worrying," she told him. "I didn't think when I called you, I put you in danger." Her hand crept from the water to curl at his cheek, the courage he admired in her allowing her to dare this touch, even knowing how vulnerable they both were, each to the other's charms. "I will never forgive myself for getting you hurt. I'm so sorry."

He furrowed his brows as she apologized, unsure why she was doing so. He'd been more than happy to help. In fact, it had been part of their plan that she call him when he was needed. He was a warrior, a soldier, and getting wounded was a risk one took each time they went to battle. Her wounds were another matter, however, and he regretted her getting hurt far more than she might imagine. "You have nothing to apologize for, Ayden," he said, taking her hand from his cheek and pressing it to his lips.

He must have felt her hand tremble in his as a slow shudder made its way through her body, a cruel reminder of her nightmare returning to her mind. "You could so easily have died," she whispered, her green eyes haunted with the horror of that thought as she held his gaze. "In my dream ....Lachesis went for you instead. I couldn't stop her, I couldn't do anything. I-I had to watch you die, and I ....I couldn't bear it."


Date: 2014-02-16 05:58 EST
"But it was only a dream, Ayden," Ares reminded her, pressing her hand against his cheek again, just because he liked the feel of it there. It seemed they were doing a lot of apologizing for things that weren't their fault, and he thought he was far more to blame for things than she could ever be. He had not yet told her of his plans to hunt down Clotho, knowing she wouldn't like it, especially after the nightmare. "I'm fine, Ayden. It is your safety that worries me."

She couldn't help releasing a soft laugh at his insistence, her other hand slipping to gently brush the aching, healing cut at his torso. "Why won't you let me worry about you?" she asked him, stroking her thumb over his cheek as he pressed her hand into the gentle curl that linked them there. "You can't spend all your time being the strong one, Ares. Even a god has to let someone look after him sometimes, right?"

"No one has worried about me in a very long time, Ayden," he replied with a frown that spoke once again of his loneliness. He did not wish to wallow in self-pity or tell her the stories of his life. His father had thought him a hateful creature, and his mother had long ignored him, until only recently. Even in his time of need, he'd been ignored and forgotten, until he could be ignored no more. Had he really been that hateful a being that no one had loved or cared for him' "Does it make me weak to want someone to care for me, Ayden?" The question was not a rhetorical one, but an honest one. He really didn't know.

"I don't think it does," she told him softly, forgetting her shyness to slip closer in the water, just as she had done in the blissful isolation of the Amazon. "I think it shows how strong you are, that you're prepared to lay yourself bare to all the possibilities, good and bad. It's something a lot of people can't do."

"My father thinks me weak," he mused aloud with a frown, though it seemed his mother did not agree with that assessment. Of course, this was coming from a father who was a philanderer, master manipulator, and liar. Ares had often wondered how his mother put up with him. Despite all of Zeus' many faults, Ares still loved his father, but wasn't sure if the feeling was mutual.

"Then your father doesn't know you," Ayden murmured to him, drawing her fingertips down over the line of his jaw to rest at his shoulder. "You need to know yourself, before you can let yourself worry over what other people think. Take it from someone who knows."

"I have had two thousand years to think, Ayden," he told her solemnly. Two thousand years to reflect on the past, to get to know himself, and to sort out what he wanted. Not what Zeus or Hera wanted, but what he wanted. "They think I'm a warmonger. They think all I care about is creating strife, but they're wrong. Some things are worth fighting for, that is all." He did not name what those things were, but freedom, justice, fairness, and equality were among the chief reasons.

"If they can't see past that part of you, then it's on them," she told him firmly. "You're so much more than a man with a sword, and if they're wise about it, they'll see it. Zeus is probably just jealous because you know who and what you are, and you don't hide it."

"Perhaps. I have never been one of his favorites." Even though there was no question that Ares was Zeus' eldest son, he had never been particularly close to his father and had often wondered what he'd done to earn his father's vehemence. Perhaps it was the fact that Ares had always favored his mother, though he wasn't sure. Even when he'd been captured by giants and held against his will, his father had done nothing to look for him or save him, and Ares had never understood why.

Ayden sighed softly, twisting to reach for a cloth before turning back to him, daring her own courage, her own shyness, to begin gently cleaning his skin. That was the purpose of a bath, right' Nothing at all to do with having the leisure to touch without seeming to. "I can't answer those questions," she told him regretfully. "The only person who can is your father. All I can do is listen, if you need to talk about it."

"I was born to be Champion of Olympus. That is my birthright, as was promised to me. It is who I am. I will prove my worth, not only to my father, but to all the Olympians. I will not allow Hades to win this war. But I must finish what I started, Ayden. I cannot allow the Spinner to go free. She is the most dangerous of all. I have no choice. I have to finish it," he explained, needing her to understand that it wasn't because he was bloodthirsty, but because he had to finish what they'd started, not only for her sake and safety but for the good of all the world.

She stilled, the passage of the cloth over his shoulder arrested in shock as she raised her eyes to his abruptly, fear flaring in her gaze. Only an hour ago, she had dreamed of his death at the hands of a Fate already deceased, and now he was telling her that he intended to do ....what? To hunt the last of those beings" "The other two almost killed us," she pointed out, her voice shaking at the thought of him willingly walking into danger again. "You can't. You mustn't!"

"That is why I must do it alone," he told her as gently as he could. This wasn't how he wanted to tell her, but he wouldn't be like his father and lie to her or omit the truth. It wasn't about his pride or regaining his honor; it was simply a job that needed to be done. "She is the Spinner, Ayden. If she is allowed to go free, she will only continue to manipulate the lives of gods and men. I will be free to choose my own destiny, not have it be chosen for me."

"Alone?" Ayden was truly horrified by the thought of that. It had taken four of them only two days ago to end the Measurer and her sister, and none of them had come out of it unscathed. "Ares, no. Please, you can't. She'll kill you!" Why did the thought of that upset her so much' She didn't have an answer to that question, though reason offered the suspicion that somehow this Olympian had become very important to her over the days since she had first met him. More important, perhaps, than she should have allowed. "At least take someone with you, someone else who can fight."


Date: 2014-02-16 05:59 EST
There was that frown again, not so much because he feared for his own life, but because he knew he'd upset her. He was a warrior, a soldier - it was who he was and what he'd been born to do. He considered a moment, wondering if he should tell her what else he had planned, but if he was going to be honest with her, then he though he should tell her all of it. And yet, he didn't wish to spend the next two days - what could be their last two days together - arguing about it, but she deserved to know the truth of what he intended. "Do you think your archangel would be willing to help" He would be a formidable ally."

The query threw her for a moment. Her suggestion had been more inclined toward Apollo, perhaps, or some other Olympian, but she couldn't deny that Gabriel was a powerful being in his own right. "I-I ....I don't know," she admitted with a faint frown. "He might, if he has something to fight for. Neither of you made a good impression on each other, though. Convincing him could be difficult."

Ares deemed Apollo wouldn't be much good in a fight. Athena, perhaps, but he refused to ask her; he had his pride, after all. The Winchesters had their own problems, their own enemies, their own battles to fight. Who knew what they were doing at this very moment in time" No, this was his battle to fight, and Gabriel was the only one he wanted to accompany him. Together they would make an imposing pair, if he could convince Gabriel to join him. "We shall see," Ares replied with a small smile as he stroked her cheek and pushed a strand of hair away from her face. It seemed he had already decided. "I do not wish to waste time talking of battle."

A spiteful, petulant voice inside her mind echoed with an accusation she would not express aloud - Is that why I'm here" Do you only want details about an archangel from me" But Ayden knew it was uncharitable of her to think such thoughts; knew, too, that it was the furthest thing from the truth she could have ever suspected. She couldn't help softening as he caressed her cheek, closing her eyes for the briefest moment before meeting his gaze once again. "Don't die," she heard herself order him sternly. "I won't ever forgive you if you die."

"I won't," he promised with a soft smile, remembering a promise she'd made to him only a few days ago - a promise he had told her she need not keep, but secretly wished for with all of his heart. "I have not yet given you a child. There is that to look forward to," he told her, with a hint of amusement in his eyes, wondering what she might say to that. His smile softened as his fingers traced her cheek in a tender caress. "There is so much I want to tell you, so much I want to show you."

Had he known what she was thinking, those doubts would have wounded his heart, but he was not able to read her thoughts. Had he known, he would have denied it. It was her he was here for, not the archangel. Gabriel will just a means to an end, nothing more. If Ares was to choose his own destiny, he would choose Ayden.

"Then you'll have to stay alive," she told him, her voice firm with deliberate confidence, despite her misgivings. "Because I have no intention of being a single mother." It was odd, the way the amusement in his eyes softened her severity, when she would have taken offense had it been anyone else smiling at her like that. "I mean it, Ares. If this is what you really want, then you need to make an effort to be here for it. I don't want to be all alone for the rest of my life." And there it was - she hadn't said it openly, not nailing her colors to the mast with any great clarity, but in those words was that sense of finality she had been feeling, an understanding deep inside that if she lost him, she would never feel this way again.

He arched his brows in surprise at her statement, not really expecting her to be that vehement about a child she was not yet carrying, a child that would most likely not be conceived until after he had finished the last of the Fates. "Of course it is what I want. Do you doubt me, Ayden?"

She hesitated, that reluctance to lie to him warring with the wary side of her nature - one part telling her to conceal what she was feeling, the other telling her to show him everything. And in the end, it was that honesty that won out, despite her uncertainties. "I'm scared," she told him softly, the cloth twisting in her hands as she swayed in the warm water that enveloped them both, her gaze watching as the bubbles shifted and burst on her skin. "I'm scared of losing you."

He softened at her words, her honest admission touching his heart. No one - not even his mother - had ever told him such a thing before. Not until now. What was it about this sweet, gentle creature that touched his heart so' That made him ache in a way he had never ached before" It was such sweet torment, this lovely ache inside him. Was this what it felt like to love" He had never known such a feeling as this before. He caught her in his arms and drew her close, all too aware of the touch of soft flesh against his, despite the bubbles that covered her from his sight.

"You will not lose me, dear one. No matter what happens, I will always live on in your heart. When this is all over, if you will let me, I will make you my wife," he told her quietly, putting to rest the doubts and fears she might have about his intentions and his motivations. "I will take you to Mount Olympus and present you before the others, and you will become one of us." It was not a request, but a statement of fact. He had already decided to make her his for all time, and he already had his mother's approval.

She gasped softly as he drew her to him, caught up in his arms to experience for the first time what it felt like to be bare, heart to heart with someone who felt the same. Despite the flush that covered her skin at that closeness, she shyly let her arms loop about him in return, acutely aware of the warmth of his skin, the way her body fitted to his as his arms wrapped about her. She made no comment on his intention to marry her, not wanting to start an argument with her natural uncertainty in the face of a courtship that seemed to be progressing much faster than she'd always been taught to expect. "One of you?" she asked instead, blinking in quiet surprise. "You-you want me to be a ..." She couldn't even say it. Goddess was not a word Ayden Milligan had ever considered herself to be anywhere near.

Goddess was not the first word that entered his mind. What he wanted was for her to be his wife, his equal, his partner in every sense of the word. His mate and his consort and his lover forever and always, so long as the world existed. "I want you to be my wife," he reiterated again. Becoming immortal, a Goddess in her own right, was only part of it. "Five days or five hundred years will not change how I feel about you, Ayden." He leaned back a little so that he could tip her head back to meet his gaze with a thumb beneath her chin. "I love you," he told her quietly, knowing things were moving too quickly for a mortal to grasp, but he'd been alive for thousands of years, and he had never in all that time loved anyone the way he loved her.


Date: 2014-02-16 06:00 EST
She had no idea what to say, how to respond to such an earth-shattering confession as he had made to her. On the one hand, she wanted to answer him in kind, to tell him she loved him in return; but on the other hand, she knew it was too soon for her to be certain of that feeling. She didn't want to lie to him, or hurt him with the truth, caught in a conflict that would not easily be resolved. He was presenting her with a future very different from any that she had ever envisioned for herself, a future in which she became something more than she was, and it was just a little too big for her mind to grasp. But here and now, he needed her to answer him somehow, and she knew she couldn't lie, not even to spare him the pain of loving her alone for a while longer.

"I don't want to lie to you," she heard herself say softly, gazing into his eyes as she spoke, showing him every nuance of feeling that swept through her, from the conflict to the surprise, the fear and desire, and the softer affection that would grow, slowly, into love. "I need a little time. But that doesn't mean that what I'm feeling right now isn't going to grow into something deeper. I'm not saying no, I'm ....I'm saying not yet. Does that make any sense?"

Hera had already warned him of this, told him that it might be too soon for her to share his feelings, but it didn't matter. He knew how he felt, and he knew what he wanted. He already knew she was his future - that much had been foretold to them via Hope and Sam. She would come to love him in time; she had to or he would never be the same. Time was one thing he had plenty of, but the same could not be said for her. She was mortal, and he knew only too well how soon a mortal life could end, and yet, he would wait for her forever, if he must

"I can be patient. I will wait." But apparently breakfast could not, as a knock was heard at the door and movement was heard in the next room. He smiled again, hope shining brightly in his hazel-green eyes as he heard breakfast being delivered and knew they were no longer alone. He leaned close, his fingers touching her cheek again, hesitating for a moment as he gazed into her eyes before brushing a soft kiss against her lips, brief but warm and tender and full of promise.

His answer was a deep relief to her, glad to find that he didn't take offense at her inability to share his feelings right at that moment, her lips curving in a smile that matched his as the world outside intruded with the sound of someone in the room beyond. And the kiss he gave her was rewarded with the kind of reassurance she could never have put into words - her own softness, her own affection, poured into that touch of lip to lip as her arms tightened about him, sharing the promise of something more, if he only had the patience to wait for it.

Give her time, his mother had said. Though he was willing to wait for her forever, if that kiss was anything to gauge her feelings by, it wouldn't be long before she was his. He drew his fingers over her hair, kissing her again, softer this time, gentler, before pulling slowly away and offering her a hand to pull her to her feet. There was something in that kiss that seemed to dispel all his fears, no longer awkward or bashful before her, but becoming the true Olympian he was.

Shy though she was of her nudity - or rather, of him seeing her nudity - Ayden didn't hesitate to take Ares' hand as he reached down to help her up from the depths of the bathtub, fidgeting innocently as water and soap bubbles cascaded down to reveal the slender form no one else had seen so exposed. She swallowed, biting her lip hard as she looked up at him. "I don't have any clothes," she whispered, worried suddenly that whoever had disturbed the quiet of the room beyond might be waiting for them.

"You are lovely without them," he whispered back, smiling down at her as he swept the escaping strands of her hair over a bare shoulder, admiring and devouring her with his eyes. Watery soap bubbles slid down over the contours of his body, hard and muscled and perfect. He made no attempt to hide his desire from her, letting her see the effect she was having on him, his Olympian pride getting the best of him. He did not compare her beauty to Aphrodite or even Hera aloud, yet in his mind, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

Her eyes flickered down from his face, shyly admiring a view she'd not been this close to before. She'd seen naked men before, of course - medical textbooks were full of them - but there really was nothing to compare to the gorgeous specimen teasing her with his own beauty and trying to tell her that she held a candle to him. Her fingertips brushed his abdomen for a moment before she caught herself, her cheeks lighting up in a deep blush as she giggled quietly, looking away. "You're teasing me."

"I'm not. I am being honest," he countered, though a teasing smirk appeared on his face. "Are you accusing me of lying?" he asked, his fingers tracing her cheek, no malice in his eyes, only amusement. A knock came at the door and the sound of a woman's voice was heard on the other side, though it was unclear what she was saying unless one understood Greek. He replied in kind, though his gaze never wavered.

"I think you're looking at me through rose-tinted glasses," she accused him through her own smile, though she didn't have much time to enjoy the smirk on his face or the touch of his fingers at her cheek. The knock on the door startled her, the voice beyond her ability to understand ....and then Ares answered in the same language. Ayden's skin warmed as a spike of desire startled her under his gaze. Who would have thought a foreign language could sound that good"

"I don't wear glasses," he pointed out, slow to realize that she was teasing him in return. He reluctantly pulled away from her long enough to reach for a towel and wrap it around her shoulders. "Breakfast is ready. We should eat before it gets cold," he told her, though he was currently aching with another kind of hunger.

"Mmm?" She blinked, tearing her eyes from the lips that had produced a proficiency in Greek which had, in turn, had quite the effect on her at quite a basic level. "Oh" There was a moment as she wrestled her brain into paying attention, gripping the edges of the towel as he wrapped it about her. "Food's good. You are gonna put clothes on, right?"


Date: 2014-02-16 06:01 EST
"Unless you wish my servants to swoon, yes," he replied with that same amused smirk on his face that was becoming more and more frequent. He rubbed the soft, thick cloth against her shoulders and back before leaning in to deposit a protective and affectionate kiss against her forehead. "They do not know who I really am, and if I told them, they would think me mad." He reached for a towel of his own and wrapped it about his torso as he stepped out of the tub.

She smiled as he kissed her forehead, feeling the protection, the affection, in that gesture, and wishing she could return it without doubting herself. As he turned away, she shifted the towel to wrap about herself, leaving her shoulders bare, one foot pulling the plug out of the bath to let the water drain away. "So who do they think you are, then?" she asked him curiously, laying a hand against his shoulder to steady herself as she stepped down out of the bath herself.

He shrugged, as though the question was unimportant. There had been a few over the years whom he'd trusted with the truth, but he had discontinued that long ago after learning it was better - safer - to pretend to be someone he wasn't. And so, he was a rich man who often went away on business, but returned every now and then to ensure his home was being well cared for. And when the servants grew old, he would hire new ones, and reinvent himself all over again as the son of that same businessman and so on and so on. It was a lonely way to live his life, unable to tell anyone the truth or let anyone get close, but he had long ago deemed it better this way. Mortals who got too close to him only seemed to get hurt. He had made an exception in her case and only hoped he wouldn't regret it. "It doesn't matter. So long as they are treated well and are well paid, they remain loyal, no matter how curious they might be."

Ayden nodded, though she didn't entirely understand. It was an entirely different culture to the one she was accustomed to, after all, and part of her knew she was going to find it awkward being waited on, however normal those involved found it. "Do you have a different name, should I be careful what I call you around them?" she asked him then, rubbing the soft towel over her skin to dry herself. Her eyes fell on the neat pile of her pajamas, the only clothing she had ....but she had just bathed. It would feel uncomfortable to put them back on.

"No, you can call me Ares," he assured her. It was a Greek name, after all, if not a common one. He tugged open a door which hid a small closet and reached inside to pull out a soft, thick robe of rich, red cotton, presuming without asking that she would feel more comfortable in a robe than a towel. "I have arranged for a dressmaker to come later to measure you and fit you with some clothes. I hope you don't mind."

Surprised, she found herself smiling again as she let the towel drop, braving her own shyness to bare her now dry body as she reached out to take the robe from him. "No, I don't mind," she assured him quietly. "I can't run around naked, can I?" As though to emphasize that point, she drew the robe onto her shoulders, pushing her arms through the sleeves. It was huge on her, clearly made for him, her fingertips just peeking from the end of the sleeves as she drew the sash tight. With a flick of her hand, she let her hair tumble free, and presented Ares, God of War, with the sight of a young woman who looked almost as though she had spent the night engaged in amorous activities with him. His staff were going to be beside themselves with mischievous delight at the gossip they could get out of that little image.

"You are safe here, Ayden," he told her, as he helped her with the robe, drawing it over her shoulders, needing her to know that, to know she was safe so long as she was with him. He had not yet suggested dismissing the archangel, though so long as she was here with him, Gabriel's services were not needed. He still needed the angel and did not want to offend him, just yet. She looked tiny in the robe and very young, but just as lovely as always. With her dark hair tumbling over her shoulders, she could almost pass for Greek. "You are the loveliest woman I have ever known," he found himself saying, forgetting himself.

Her brow rose, that self-deprecating humor that ran in the family rising in an impish smirk that was softened by the almost tender glow in her eyes as she looked up at him. "You knew Helen of Troy," she pointed out in amusement. "I doubt I hold a candle to her - wasn't she supposed to be the most beautiful woman who ever lived?"

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Ayden. What is beautiful to one man is hideous to another. Do not compare yourself to someone who has not lived in centuries." He did not bother to point out how Helen had been his half-sister, or whether Helen had been actually abducted or whether she'd been a willing participant in the drama that surrounded her.

It felt almost like a scolding, enough so that Ayden flushed with embarrassment, lowering her eyes once again. She stopped herself from apologizing, however, not seeing why she should have to change the way she thought of herself just because he said so. Tucking her hands into the sleeves of the robe, she glanced toward the door of the bathroom, uncertain whether or not she was going to be faced with a stranger if she escaped that way.

He sighed, almost sensing her discomfort or annoyance at his statement. He was only being honest, and what did she know of Helen but had been passed down through legend and myth. He had been there; he knew the truth. "Helen was a selfish child who abandoned her family, turned her back on her own people, and started a war. She may have been lovely to look upon, but that was where her beauty ended," he tried to explain, offering her a hand to lead her from the bathroom before their breakfast turned cold.

"To be honest, I never really liked her," Ayden confessed as he took her hand. "I've always liked the actual, you know, history. Uh ....not that you're not real, or anything, I ....Wow, I really jumped into my own mouth with both feet there, didn't I?" Embarrassed again, but laughing at herself as she shook her head, she let him lead her out of the bathroom and into the bedroom beyond, rubbing her free hand through her hair. "I'm gonna have to rethink my whole understanding on history and myths, aren't I?"

He lifted a shoulder in a shrug, as if it no longer mattered. "It was a long time ago. Stories change over time with the telling. What was once part of history turns into legend and myth. There is some truth to the stories, but they have been told so many times, much of the history has been lost. I knew Helen. She was my sister." Fortunately, the two remaining servants who were waiting for them spoke no English and didn't understand a word he was saying. He exchanged a few words with them in Greek, before they replied and departed.


Date: 2014-02-16 06:03 EST
"Was there really a Xena, Warrior Princess?" Ayden asked him then, deliberately being cheeky, but almost instantly falling silent as she noticed the pair waiting for them. A new blush lit her cheeks as she smiled shyly, half-stepping behind Ares as he spoke to his staff in Greek. There was nothing she could do to stop stories from circulating among them, after all, and she knew what she would have thought in their place. She just had to hope that none of them knew English, or her stay here was going to be awkward, to say the least.

"I did not know Helen in the Biblical sense," he quickly added. No, Aphrodite was the only one of his sisters he had ever slept with and she had only been a half-sister. The list of his conquests had been greatly inflated over the years, he thought. "Xena?" he asked, searching his memory for such a person, not realizing she was teasing him. "No, I don't think so." He'd never heard of such a person, Amazon or otherwise.

She giggled softly, gently brushing her lips against his bare arm. "You know, you're going to be ridiculously easy to tease," she warned playfully, offering him a glimpse of green eyes twinkling with mischief. "You'll have to learn when I'm not being entirely serious."

"And how should I know that?" he asked, turning to face her as she touched her lips to his arm, realizing his answer even as he asked the question. There was a twinkle in her eyes that wasn't there before, a hint of amusement. "Who is this Warrior Princess" I have never read of her in your legends."

That cheeky smile rose to the fore once again, given the appearance of innocence before Ayden started to giggle quietly. "Oh, you have to let me be there when you watch some Xena," she told him. "I wanna see the look on your face. It's a show on T.V. about a warrior princess trying to change her ways and be a good girl."

"Oh, I see," he replied, though he didn't really. He'd heard of T.V., but he had never found it very interesting, and for the most part, he had not really kept up with modern technology, preferring a simpler way of life. Now, books were another matter, and if she was lucky, he might show her his rather extensive library during her stay there. "I am not sure what you mean. How does being a warrior make her bad?" he asked, as he led her toward a table on the veranda that was laden with various foodstuffs all traditional for the region.

"Oh, she's spent ages being corrupted by power and being selfish, apparently." Ayden was not going to mention that in the series she was referring to, her companion was made out to be the bad guy. "So she's turning over a new leaf. It's just a bit of fun, they never intended for it to be taken seriously."

"It is a comedy then?" he asked as he pulled out a chair for her at the table. The sun was high in the sky, and a warm breeze was stirring the trees. From the looks of it, it was going to remain a glorious day. There was coffee, though it was probably different from the coffee she was accustomed to back home, far richer stuff, with froth on top and a little milk.

"Mostly, I think so," she nodded, dropping down into the chair he held out for her, shading her eyes briefly to let them adjust to the brilliant sunshine. Her attention was caught by the view once again, admiration for the beautiful setting distracting her for a long moment before she returned her gaze to him, making the effort to roll the sleeves of the robe up to her elbows. "What do you do for fun, Ares?"

He was still clad only in a towel that was wrapped snugly around his torso, but it didn't seem to bother him. The sun and the warm breeze felt good against his bare shoulders. "For fun?" he asked as he took a seat across from her and reached for the cup of frothy coffee, a small smirk curling his lips. It was his turn to tease her now, apparently. "I seduce beautiful young woman into sharing my bed." He took a sip of the coffee to hide the growing smirk behind the cup.

As if on cue, Ayden blushed her deep, virginal blush, startled by the sudden switch to him teasing her, ducking her head to giggle over the offerings laid out for breakfast. It must have been a traditional spread, very simple but smelling delicious - fresh bread, butter, honey, some kind of pastry she'd never seen before that smelt of egg and cheese. And the coffee, of course; infinitely richer and more full-bodied than she'd ever tasted before, but delicious, too. Offered this as a distraction from the smirking god suggesting she was here to be seduced - not that he hadn't already managed to seduce her - she reached for a fresh roll, tearing it open to make the most of butter and honey, even as her eyes flickered up to offer him a shy, promising smile.

Ares smiled at the blush, finding it charming. In all his years, he'd never met anyone so worthy of Olympus than her, so pure and bereft of selfishness, arrogance, and evil. Her heart was as pure and good as a child's. It wasn't fair that she'd been dragged into all this through no fault of her own, and he renewed his determination to protect her at all costs at the thought of it. He leaned forward suddenly, reaching across the table for her hand, fingers lacing between hers and meeting her gaze with a very solemn gaze of his own.

"This could be your life, Ayden. Every day. We could make this our own, live here, raise our children here. I can teach you the language. The people here would come to love you as I love you. We could make a life here, Ayden, you and I." He wasn't trying to seduce her so much as show her what her life could be like if she accepted his offer, if she became his wife. He didn't want to live in Sioux Falls or on Mount Olympus, and as much as he loved the Amazon, it was no place to raise a family. No, this was home, had always been home, and it would be home again.

His sudden speech made her jump, her gaze returning to his as he made his impassioned pitch to her, describing a future that was deeply tempting. But even she, with her inexperience and innocence, knew that he wasn't trying to force the decision onto her. He just wanted her to know everything that he was offering her. She set the roll down, covering his hand with her own, a soft smile playing at her lips. "Maybe we will," she agreed gently, careful not to make any promises one way or the other. His hopes for her future still seemed enormous, too big and too nebulous to grasp just yet. "It is beautiful here. But I think it's you that makes it beautiful."

"No," he disagreed gently, his fingers linking with hers. "It is you. I swore I would never love again, but I fear I have lost my heart to you, Ayden." Though he was a God, immortal and impervious to mortal death and disease, it seemed he had a heart that was as open and yearning for love as any mortal man, craving it, needing it, alone for too long in his self-imposed solitude. "I am sorry I was not there in the church that day. I am sorry I could not help you," he told her with a solemn frown, his heart heavy with the knowledge that she could have been lost as Bill had, and there would have been nothing he could have done about it. He had seen her scar, the constant reminder of his failure to protect her.


Date: 2014-02-16 06:05 EST
"Ares ..." She twisted, the movement dislodging the shoulder of the robe that covered her, displaying her skin to the warm sunlight as she faced him. "You have to stop trying to blame yourself for things that you have no responsibility for. You can't keep saying sorry for what?s been and done and over. Once is enough." She fixed him with a stern gaze that was gentled by unconscious affection in her eyes. "Don't make me spank you."

"Spank me?" he echoed curiously, both brows arching. "As a sort of punishment?" he asked, unsure whether she was serious or teasing him again. Either way, the very idea of a mortal woman spanking the God of War was preposterous at best.

"Would it work?" she asked, but her expression was already crumbling into a teasing grin as she held his gaze, glad to see that he was so easy to distract from his self-recriminations over events that couldn't be changed. "Oh, wait, no ....I bet it only works on you if I use the flat of a sword I can't even lift, right?"

He straightened, looking a little insulted or hurt that she would even consider such a punishment for him, not quite understanding that she was only teasing him. Fifty Shades of Grey was not a book that he kept in his library or had ever read. "I have never been....spanked, as you so put it," he told her, a little indignantly.

Ayden grinned at his offended expression, wondering if the penny was going to drop any time soon. Realizing he probably had no idea what she was teasing him with - again - she laughed quietly, turning her attention back to her breakfast as she clarified things for him. "You do realize that this admittedly far-fetched scenario has me with my hands all over your bare *ss, right?" she pointed out with charming mischief, green eyes twinkling as she bit into her bread and honey.

"Now who is trying to seduce who?" he asked, the confusion on his face fading and settling into a smile as he realized that she was just teasing him. He pulled his hand away and reached for a pastry, taking a big enough mouthful to nearly gobble the entire thing down in one bite. It seemed Gods enjoyed eating as much as mortals did. There was very little difference between them as far as that went. They were very much like the mortals that had once worshiped them. Immortal or not, they still ate and slept and dreamed and fought and loved as any human, with one major difference - they didn't grow old or sick or die, though they could be wounded and killed.

"Oh, I'm far too sweet and innocent to be able to seduce anyone," she objected laughingly, belatedly tugging the edge of the robe back up over her shoulder before it gaped so wide there would be no point in wearing it. "I still can't believe I've been naked with you so much since we met. I'm practically a harlot." Hopefully he wasn't going to take that one seriously - Ayden was enjoying making him squirm with her silly sense of humor, but she didn't think having him misunderstand her on this score would be quite so enjoyable.

"A harlot?" he echoed, grunting in doubt. "If you wish to be a harlot, that can be easily arranged," he teased back. He wasn't very good at this sort of thing, but if she insisted on teasing him, he'd give as good as he got. He smirked over at her, rather pleased with himself as he picked up his cup of coffee.

"Oh, really?" She laughed louder at his teasing, her brows high in an odd sort of challenge - the only person she wanted to be a harlot for was him, after all. It must have been strange for his staff to hear her so obviously enjoying herself, not even attempting to moderate the sound of her giggles as they bonded over breakfast with silly words. Her toes poked at his knee, gripping his towel for a moment with a cheeky threat to pull it off before she released him. "Are you offering to pimp me out, oh Ares?"

"Pimp you?" He chuckled in amusement and shook his head. "I do not understand half of what you say, woman, but somehow I know it's not good." It was the modern vernacular that was confusing ot him, the slang. He was a classic Greek, after all, and one who'd spent much of the last few hundred years in self-imposed isolation.

"Fo'shizzle," she snickered back to him, knowing he didn't have a hope in hell of working out what she meant by it. She could feel herself relaxing, her own personal sense of fun emerging from wherever she had been keeping it for the last few years, leaving her giggly and agitated, wanting to run and jump and play like a child, but at the same time, wanting to impress him by behaving like an adult. She had no idea if she was ever going to strike a happy medium between those two extremes, but Ayden had a feeling that clothing would probably help.

He laughed again at the sound of the word, which sounded like nonsense to him. "Now you are just teasing me," he said, taking a long swallow of the coffee, which, though not as invigorating as ambrosia, he still found pleasing. "What shall we do today, oh silly one?" he asked as he set the cup down. Besides spend time with a dressmaker and give her a tour of the villa.

"Oh, I can probably think of a coupla things," she assured him with teasing solemnity, delighted to have gotten a laugh out of him. She drew her feet up onto the chair, the robe falling open but not quite enough to embarrass her overmuch. Wrapping her hands around her own coffee cup, she found herself looking out over the gorgeous view once again, almost in love with the sight of the place that surrounded them. "You said you own all this land around here?"

"Most of it, yes," he replied, following her gaze to the view that surrounded the villa. "Why do you ask?" Though the townspeople thought the estate had been in his family for generations, in truth, he had been the only one to have ever owned it. "This is not the only house on the property. There is a guesthouse, as well. The manager sometimes rents this place out when I am away. It helps pay for the upkeep. There is a vineyard, not far from here from which we make wine," he informed her, taking another sip of his coffee. "If you like, we can take a tour later."

"I'd love to." There was no mistaking the enthusiasm in her voice and expression as she said this, smiling hopefully over the rim of her cup even as she soaked in the warm of the sun. It was winter here, yes, but it was a warm winter, it seemed, nowhere near as chilly as the temperatures she was used to back home at this time of the year. It was glorious, and Ayden had a feeling she was going to fall as deeply in love with the owner of this wonderful place as she was beginning to with the place itself.

"Then we will," he replied, no mistaking the pleased expression on his face at her acceptance of his offer. Maybe she wasn't in love with him yet, but he was hopeful that in time, he could win her over and steal her heart just as she'd stolen him. So long as it didn't take too long. He had two more days to try.

((Yes, I know, we've gotten distracted with a love story when we're supposed to be flipping back to Dean and Nim on their deal with Crowley, but come on! How many times do you get to play with a GOD"! :grin: As always, fulsome prestigious thankidoodles to Ares' player!))