Topic: The Case of the Bon Bon Ghost

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-07-09 12:40 EST
(Continued from Dark Secrets.)

"Why are we doing this again?" Dean asked as he unloaded his gear on the basement floor of Katt's Bon Bon Boutique.

"To help a friend?" Sam ventured, unsure what his brother was trying to get at. They'd agreed to help Katt get rid of the ghost. It was, after all, what they did for a living.

Dean seemed to be struggling with issues of his own that he wasn't sharing with his brother. "No, I mean....Why are we still in Rhydin, Sam' We haven't even tried to go home."

Sam shrugged, furrowing his brows at his brother and wondering where this line of questioning was coming from. He thought Dean was perfectly happy to be in Rhydin. Why the questions of all of a sudden" "You like it here, Dean."

"I never said that," Dean contradicted, clicking a flashlight on to take a better look around. The place seemed ordinary enough in the daylight, no sign of ghosts or any other unusual activity, but he knew better. He knew it was only a matter of time before the ghost tried to stop them.

"Why don't you just admit it' You're happy here. You have friends here. You don't have to hunt. You can do whatever you want without worrying about demons or angels breathing down your neck. It's like a vacation for you, Dean."

Dean narrowed his eyes at his brother. "A vacation' Does it look to you like we're having a vacation?"

"You know what I mean."

"No, Sam, I don't. You know why' Because no matter where we go, no matter what we do....Rhydin, Earth, Timbuktu....This..." He waved the flashlight around, to indicate their present situation. "This is our lives, this is what we do. You know what happened the first time I was here" You think I was just yukking it up, having a good old time playing house with Quinn" Did you forget about the demons" Did you forget about Abaddon' That son of a bitch is still out there somewhere, and my name is probably at the top of his hit list."

"Dean, I know, but..."

"No buts, Sammy. You always stay on your toes, no matter what. Rhydin or not. Got me?"

Sam nodded his head, but his brother hadn't really denied his original accusation or answered his own question. "The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can go home."

Dean frowned, but didn't argue. His brother was right. He was getting used to life on Rhydin and wasn't in any real hurry to get home. He didn't see much point in hurrying anyway, since as far as he knew, time was at a standstill where they were concerned.

Dean pushed his brother's questions aside to focus on the situation at hand, shoving the chains that hung from the ceiling out of his way and swinging the flashlight down into the hole in the floor that held the ghost's bones. He wasn't looking forward to going down there, but someone had to do it, and he knew that someone should be him.

It looked like about a fifteen foot drop, but fortunately, there was a ladder hanging over the edge that led the way down. He wondered if anyone had ever been down there before, other than the murderer. There was only one way to find out.

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-07-09 13:54 EST
"Rock, paper, scissors," Sam suggested, almost reading his brother's thoughts.

Dean frowned. What was the point of that' He'd pick scissors, like always, and Sam would pick rock, unless Sam decided to change things and pick paper, in which case, Dean should pick rock. In any case, it was too confusing trying to figure out what was going on inside Sam's head, so he gave up. He turned back toward his brother, noticing the look of concern on Sam's face, which said he didn't want Dean to go down there. It didn't matter. Someone had to do it.

Dean curled his hand into a fist, watching as his brother did the same. He silently counted to three in his head and stuck out his fingers in the shape of a pair of scissors, smirking a little when he saw Sam predictably pick rock, as always. Did he really think he'd pick paper"

"You win, I lose," Dean told his brother, patting him on the chest and turning back toward the hole.

"Why do I get the feeling I just lost then?" Sam complained.

"I'm the one doing the dirty work, Sam, remember?"

"You're always the one doing the dirty work, Dean. You always pick scissors. Why do you do that?"

"Why do you always pick rock?"

"Rock smashes scissors."

"My point exactly."

Sam looked confused for a moment, not quite following his brother's logic, if there even was any logic to Dean's thinking.

"You just keep that gun loaded and ready. I'm not getting stuck in a hole without food and water again." Dean was referring to the New Jersey Devil hunt, where he'd been trapped in a crypt for a few days with nothing but a flask of whiskey and a candy bar. Thankfully, it had rained and provided some much needed water. He couldn't count on that happening here and after all his years of hunting, he didn't plan on dying of dehydration, of all things.

"You do your job and I'll do mine," Sam replied, checking to make sure the shotgun was locked and loaded with plenty of rock salt.

"I'm counting on you, Sam," Dean told his brother as he shoved the flashlight in his pack and climbed into the hole, one leg at a time, feet finding the ladder's rungs and slowly descending. There was enough daylight streaming through the basement windows that Dean could vaguely make out his surroundings. The room appeared to be about eight feet in diameter, the walls made of stone.

About halfway down, Dean felt the cold grip of fear around his heart, and glanced sharply back toward the opening above his head. He saw his breath like vapor on a cold winter day and felt a shiver run the length of his spine.

"Sam!" he shouted. "We've got company!"

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-07-10 15:09 EST
No sooner had Dean yelled his warning to Sam than he was unexpectedly yanked away from the ladder and thrown across the room by an unseen, incorporeal force he knew had to be the ghost, colliding against the stone wall and falling unconscious to the floor, blood dripping from his mouth.

Up above, Sam heard Dean's warning and then what sounded like another shout from his brother, followed by a thud, and he instinctively knew Dean was in trouble.

"Dean?" he called, lifting the shotgun to his shoulder, stepping closer to cautiously peer into the hole. It was dark, but not so dark that he couldn't make out the unmistakable outline of his brother's body lying motionless on the stone floor below.

"Crap," Sam muttered, debating whether to go down after him or wait for the ghost to make another appearance. Time was of the essence, and he didn't know how badly Dean was hurt. He almost wished they were hunting demons or at least something made of flesh and blood. Ghosts were always such a pain in the ass. First you had to find their bones, then you had to salt and burn them, all the while hoping they didn't kill you first.

Before Sam had a chance to react either way, he felt a cold chill up his spine and was shoved forward from behind, stumbling and getting tangled in the chains that still hung above the hole, dropping the shotgun and watching with horror as it fell down the hole to clatter to the floor beside the motionless body of his older brother.

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-07-10 17:04 EST
Sam felt another chill, as if a cold breeze had blown past him and then he was being dragged from the chains, fingers scraping against the floor as he tried to claw his way out of the ghost's grasp. There was no point in pulling a pistol or a knife. The only thing that would have any effect was salt, and the only salt he had with him was loaded in the shotgun and laying at the bottom of the hole beside an unconscious Dean.

He tried to think, ideas flashing quickly through his brain, but there wasn't enough time. The next thing Sam knew, there were cold, invisible fingers wrapped around his neck, a heavy weight on his chest, like someone was sitting on him and slowly closing off the air to his windpipe.

He gasped for breath, trying unsuccessfully to call for help, grasping helplessly at the invisible fingers that were clutching his throat. Slowly, a form came into view, wispy like smoke swirling into his field of vision - that of an old, unkempt man, with long, bedraggled hair and a tangled beard, dressed in ragged clothes, eyes wild with rage and madness, straddling Sam's chest and slowly choking him to death.

"You're going to die like all the others," the ghost promised, sneering down at Sam, "and then your meddlesome brother is next."

Sam blinked, the edges of his vision starting to blacken, sparks of light like fireflies dancing in front of his eyes. As hard as he tried to break free, it was no use, and he knew he was running out of time. If he couldn't fight the ghost, he was a goner, and Dean would be next.

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-07-10 17:19 EST
"Like hell he is!"

Sam heard a familiar but seemingly distant voice behind him and somehow recognized it as Dean's. He watched blearily as the ghost lifted his head and turned toward the speaker, exhaling an angry hiss and letting go of Sam's throat. Sam rolled away to his side and gasped for breath, clutching his throat which was throbbing with pain, his lungs burning for air.

Somewhere behind him, he heard the crack of a shotgun and an agonized scream, and he knew Dean had hit his mark. The ghost was gone, for now, but he'd most likely be back.

Dean was suddenly crouched over his brother, feeling like he'd just gone ten rounds with a prize fighter, but he didn't have time to think about that now and neither did Sam. There would be time to lick their wounds later. Now was the time for action, before it was too late.

"Sam!" Dean's voice broke through the haze in his brother's brain, and he felt himself being shaken before Dean was breaking away and hurrying back toward the hole.

"Get your ass down here and help me gather up that bastard's bones. We don't have much time!"

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-07-10 17:46 EST
Sam climbed dizzily to his feet and followed his brother toward the hole, nothing but sheer will power moving him forward. He watched while Dean scrambled back down the ladder, unable to see the look of pain etched on his brother's face.

"Dean, how'd you..."

"Later, Sam. Just get down here and help me find the bones. I don't wanna have to do this again."

Sam glanced nervously over his shoulder, as if to make sure there was no chance of being ambushed from behind again. There was no telling how much time they had before the ghost returned, and the idea of them both being trapped down there was not a pleasant one.

"Sam!" Dean called, getting that tone of voice their father used to get when he meant business. There was no arguing with Dean when he used that tone of voice, any more than there had been with John Winchester.

Sam heaved a painful sigh and tossed a leg over the side to climb down the ladder and join his brother in what he hoped wouldn't become their final resting place. Dean had laid a flashlight on the ground to shed a little light on their surroundings and was hurriedly shoving as many bones as he could gather into a Glad Bag. Don't get mad, get Glad, Sam thought idly to himself, privately thinking he probably watched too much TV.

"Dean, if we miss anything..." Both brothers knew that if they missed even a single speck of bone, it wouldn't matter how hot the fire burned.

"You telling me something I don't know, genius?" Dean snapped, glancing up at his brother and seeing the pain and confusion on Sam's face. He wished, not for the first time in his life, that he'd left Sam at Stanford to get married, have kids, and do whatever else lawyers did. Something other than chase ghosts and monsters and other things that went bump in the night.

Dean pushed the feelings of guilt and sadness away for the time being, hardening his heart and forcing himself to focus on the task at hand. "Are you just gonna stand there with your thumb up your ass, 'cause I could use a little help here."

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-07-24 15:09 EST
"Dean..." Sam started, looking up at the small opening above their heads, their only known means of escape. Memories flashed suddenly through his mind, like a movie on fast forward, and he winced in pain. Memories of falling endlessly into a deep chasm and then fire, scorching heat and flame that seemed to melt his flesh away. Indescribable pain, unspeakable horror. Memories of Hell. "I don't?" Sam's voice hitched. "I don't wanna get trapped down here."

Dean looked up at his brother, alarmed by the fear he heard in his voice. He could see the haunted look in Sam's eyes, his features pale and strained even in the dim light. He could only guess what torment Sam might have suffered in Hell, but whatever it was, he needed his brother to focus on the task at hand or they might both end up sharing a grave with the corpse of a murderer. Dean shuddered briefly at the thought. It wasn't the way he planned on dying. Gonna go out like Butch and Sundance in a blaze of glory, he thought to himself. Not buried alive beneath a candy shop with some son of a bitch's ghost for company.

"Sam!" he called to his brother, taking the tone of voice he'd learned from their father, the one that snapped you back to attention, wherever your mind may have wandered. "We're not getting trapped down here, I promise. I need you to focus. We need to finish before we run out of time. Now, are you gonna help me or what?"

Dean's words seemed to penetrate Sam's brain, pulling him back to the present, and he turned back to his brother and the task at hand.

Sam thought it would have been so much easier to burn the body where it was, but the room was too small and the heat needed would turn it into an oven. If they got trapped down there in that kind of heat and smoke, it would be a death trap. The irony didn't escape Sam that it would be just like being trapped in the fiery pit all over again. He and Dean had discussed the plan beforehand and had agreed it would be better to move the body and burn it elsewhere, but if they missed even so much as a tooth, their efforts would be in vain.

"Yeah," Sam replied. "I'm good," he reassured his brother, though he felt a bit shaky and his head was pounding painfully.

Dean studied his brother skeptically a moment and then thrust the partially full trash bag at him. "Hold the bag," he instructed as he took up another armful of bones and debris. "The first thing I'm doing when we're done is taking a long, hot shower." And the second is getting laid, he thought to himself. Or drunk. Or both. "Where's the goddamned shovel?" he asked, irritated.

"It's..." Sam grabbed hold of the trash bag and glanced upwards again, getting that look on his face he always had when he'd been worried he was going to catch hell for pissing his father off. "I left it up there," he admitted, guiltily.

Dean glanced at his brother, scrutinizing him in the dim light. It wasn't like Sam to make a mistake and it sure as hell wasn't like him to be scared. It worried Dean, but he had no time to think on it right now. If they lived, he'd have plenty of time to think about it later.

"Don't worry about it," Dean reassured his brother. "Bastard's been down here a while. Mostly just a bag of bones. I just don't wanna miss anything." Thank God, he thought. Nothing worse than a rotting corpse to ruin a nice breakfast.

Sam watched while Dean shoved what remained of the dead man's body into the bag. When his brother was done, he straightened and wiped a grimy hand across his brow to staunch the sweat. "Time to take out the trash, Sammy. You ready?"

Sam nodded his head at his brother, a reply dying on his lips as he felt a cold chill warning him they weren't alone.

"Sh*t..." Dean muttered, feeling that same chill, grabbing the shotgun he'd left leaning against the wall in a corner of the small space and checking to make sure it was still loaded. "Grab the bag and get outta here! I've got your back."

Sam frowned at his brother, looking sad suddenly. "Dean..." he called to get his attention and nodded his head to indicate there was someone or something behind his brother's back.

Dean spun around, lifting the shotgun to his shoulder, his finger ready to squeeze the trigger, but instead of facing a haggard-looking man bent on murder, he found a little girl. The same girl who'd helped him and Katt escape a few days earlier, the same set of curly pigtails, the same cherubic face, and Dean felt something tear at his heart, knowing she had once been one of the killer's victims and was now a ghost herself.

He lowered the shotgun and watched as she held out her tiny hand and uncurled chubby fingers to reveal what looked like a small bone. "He's coming," she warned, her eyes meeting Dean's with a look of infinite sadness.

Even without the warning, Dean knew they didn't have much time. There was no time for questions, no time to ask how she'd died, where she was buried, if she wanted peace. No time to tell her how sorry he was that he couldn't have helped her, but maybe in a way, he was helping her now. Dean opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out, just a puff of vaporous breath, like on a cold winter's day.

"Dean..." Sam's voice broke the silence, sounding urgent. "We need to get out of here now."

Dean leaned forward to pluck the bone from the little girl's hand. She looked no more than maybe five or six years old. He wasn't sure if she could help them or not, but it was worth a try. She'd helped him once before. "We need some time. Can you give us some time?" he asked as he plucked the fragment from the girl's hand. If not for her, they would have left it behind and all their efforts would have been in vain.

She said nothing but only smiled at Dean, disappearing into a wisp of smoky mist, like she'd never been there at all.

"What kind of monster kills a little girl?" Dean mused quietly, his chest aching with sadness. It wasn't the first time he'd asked that question and probably wouldn't be the last. He had no answer and he knew Sam didn't either. They'd saved dozens of kids in their lives, but it was always the ones they couldn't save that stayed with Dean most.

Dean shoved the thoughts away for now - there would be time enough for them later - and shoved the small fragment into his jeans pocket, bent over to pick up the flashlight, and nodded to Sam, who shouldered the bag of bones and started back on up the ladder.

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-07-30 20:56 EST
It made perfect sense to Dean that Sam lug the body. He was taller, broader, and stronger than Dean, and Dean was the better shot with a gun, a natural since the age of six when his father had put a gun in his hands for the very first time. Dean followed his brother up the ladder, worrying the ghost was waiting for them, knowing they were running out of time. Salt rounds would disperse a ghost, making them dematerialize for a while, but it wouldn't last long. What should have been a simple salt and burn had turned into a can of worms, but Dean had promised Katt he'd help and he prided himself on keeping his promises.

Clambering up the ladder behind his brother, Dean had only ventured a few steps into the cellar when he felt a cold chill up his spine. There was an unnatural chill in the air, and the hair on the back of his neck was standing on end, the air heavy with an ominous presence. He didn't need a little girl or an EMF meter to warn him that the ghost had returned.

Dean hoisted the shotgun to his shoulder, finger on the trigger, but before he could find a target, he found himself unexpectedly flung backwards, a shot going off blindly, spewing rock salt at an unseen enemy.

"Damn it!" Dean exclaimed, as he found himself caught in the chains that hung from the ceiling above the hole in the floor, like a fly in a spider's web, reminding him once again of Hell. He glanced up and saw the shotgun was tangled above his head, just barely out of reach.

"Sam!" Dean shouted to his brother, rattling the chains as he tried to break free. "Burn the son of a..." His voice, along with his breath, was suddenly cut off as invisible hands wound a link of chain around throat, effectively closing off his windpipe.

"Dean!" Sam exclaimed, turning to find his brother at the mercy of the Bon Bon ghost.

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-08-09 23:00 EST
"Drop the bag," the ghost warned, materializing behind Dean, ethereal hands on the chains around his throat.

Sam set the bag containing the ghost's bodily remains on the floor and spread his hands in supplication, darting a glance at Dean, knowing they were running out of time. "Just let him go, and we'll be on our way. We'll have Katt close the shop and leave you here to rest in peace."

Sam's entreaty was met with laughter. "You misunderstand me, boy. I could care less about the shop. What I want is the girl."

Dean's lips moved, silently forming the word no, his face strained, as he rattled the chains in a last futile attempt to break free.

"Fine," Sam agreed, ready to promise the ghost anything to free Dean. They could come back another day and finish him off. It didn't have to be today. "Just let my brother go."

The ghost laughed again and tightened his grip on the chains, and Sam realized no matter what he said or did, the ghost had no intentions of letting Dean go. He watched as Dean's eyes closed and his face slackened, his body going limp, no longer struggling. And that was when all hell broke loose.

Sam shuddered as he felt a chill, and he realized they were no longer alone. Shadowy forms were slowly materializing and forming a circle around Dean and the ghost. Sam felt a ghostly presence at his side, a small hand reaching for his, and he looked down to find a little girl standing beside him, the same little girl who'd helped them find the last fragment of the killer's remains.

"Noooo!" a voice shrieked, and Sam turned back to find several ethereal figures pulling the ghost away from his brother.

Sam rushed forward to untangle Dean from the chains, lying his brother down on the cold, stone floor, memories flooding his mind of losing Dean one too many times before. "Dean!" he called, pressing his fingers against his brother's neck to make sure he was still alive.

"Go," the little girl told him, pointing a finger at the stairs. Without hesitation, Sam hoisted his brother over his shoulder and carried him from the cellar, leaving the ghosts behind to deal with one of their own.

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-08-12 18:45 EST
Sam laid his brother down on the grass outside the Bon Bon Shop as gently as he could, the grunt from Dean letting him know it wasn't gently enough. He felt torn between the need to make sure Dean was all right and the desire to rid Katt's shop of the ghost. The thing was really starting to piss him off now, especially since it had tried to kill his brother.

"Dean," Sam started, clutching his brother's jacket as Dean coughed and gasped for air. "You gonna be all right' I gotta go get the body."

Dean coughed again and pulled away from Sam, rolling onto his side to try and catch his breath.

"Dean!" Sam exclaimed, fearfully.

Dean waved his brother off, and turning to him, silently formed a single word: "Go!" Nothing would make Dean happier than to get rid of the son of a bitch that had attacked him once and for all.

Sam gave his brother's back an affectionate pat and moved to his feet. "I'll be right back. Promise." You better be, Dean thought to himself, knowing he was in no shape to go back in there after his brother if anything else went wrong.

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-08-21 13:05 EST
As it happened, Sam didn't have to go far. The killer's remains, as well as the rest of their gear, had been deposited near the front door. All he had to do was grab it and run. It was almost too easy, but it hadn't been easy so far. If not for the help of the victims' ghosts, they both might have been killed.

Sam slung the man's remains over one shoulder, Dean's duffel over the other, the shotgun in one hand. He paused for a moment near the door, peering into the shop, wondering what was going on in some ethereal place that he couldn't see or hear. It was quiet, almost too quiet. He felt he should say something, let them know how grateful he was for their help.

The irony of the situation wasn't lost on him. He and Dean had hunted things all their lives. Saving people, hunting things, the family business... Dean's words. It was a rare thing when someone helped them in return and even rarer when that someone was something they normally hunted.

"Thanks," Sam said quietly to whoever or whatever might be listening before turning on a heel and exiting the building to rejoin his brother outside and finish what they came there to do - burn the bastard's bones and put an end to the Bon Bon Ghost once and for all.

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-08-21 14:05 EST
"Sam?" Dean asked, his voice hoarse, throat aching, counting his blessings they'd gotten out of there alive with only minor cuts and scrapes. It was probably nothing short of a miracle his larynx hadn't been crushed. He studied his brother, the flames from the fire licking hungrily at the pile of tattered clothing and bones, casting an eerie light on Sam's face. His brother looked troubled, worried, more so than normal, and Dean had a feeling he knew why.

Ever since coming to Rhydin, the wall Death had put up in Sam's mind to protect him from memories of Hell had stayed in place, but there was something about those flames, something that was poking at the back of Sam's mind, and Dean knew it.

"Don't scratch the wall, Sammy," Dean had told him a thousand times. Dean knew more than anyone what might happen if Sam remembered Hell, and he didn't want that for his little brother.

"Sam..." Dean called again, a little more forcefully, tossing his brother a paperback book he'd been meaning to show him for a while. "Take a look at that."

Sam blinked out of his thoughts, caught the book, and glanced at the cover, which showed a photograph of himself and Dean, or their lookalikes, along with a title and blurb that seemed to allude to the year Dean had spent with Lisa and Sam had hunted with the Campbells.

"What's this?" Sam asked, looking the book over curiously.

"It's crap," Dean answered. "Supposed to be about something that happened while I was playing house with Lisa and you were getting acquainted with Grampa."

"Chuck is writing under a different pen now?" Sam asked, noticing that the author's name was not Carver Edlund.

"Chuck didn't write that," Dean explained. "Someone else did."

"I don't understand," Sam said, opening the book randomly, squinting in the firelight to read the words. "Wait..." He flipped a few pages and skimmed a little more. "This never happened."

"That's what I'm trying to tell you," Dean said, a little exasperated. "None of it happened. Someone just....made it up."

"Someone published this?" Sam asked, incredulously. It was one thing to publish stories that were actually based on their adventures, quite another to publish what amounted to lies.

"I can't believe people actually read this stuff." Dean snatched the book out of his brother's hands and glanced at the cover, scowling. "Why do they always make me look so....grumpy?"

Sam smirked in amusement. "Because that's how you look most of the time, Dean."

"I'm not grumpy!" Dean argued, glaring at his brother, the look on his face almost proving Sam's point.

"You kinda are, Dean." Sam glanced at the book in his brother's hands, turning serious. "You miss her, don't you?" If nothing else, Sam knew Dean had been happy with Lisa, as happy as a hunter could be. The author had at least gotten that much right.

Dean stared into the flames, like Sam, momentarily reminded of the time he'd spent in Hell. "I'm fine. Quit worrying."

"Dean..." Sam sighed. "We don't belong here. We need to find a way home."

"Doesn't matter, Sam," Dean replied. "We could stay here fifty years and it wouldn't make a damned bit of difference."

"It does matter, Dean. The longer we stay, the harder it will be to leave."

Dean frowned again, giving the book a final glance before tossing it into the fire. He watched while the flames licked at the pages, the cover curling and melting, his own likeness disappearing into the flames. He knew his brother was right, but he wasn't sure he cared. His life back home with Lisa was as good as over. There was nothing left for him there now but memories.

"Chuck was no Hemingway, but at least he got his facts straight," Dean remarked, redirecting the conversation. "At least, it doesn't have know....doing things we wouldn't."

"They call it Wincest, Dean."

Dean swung a glance at his brother, scowling in disgust. "Dude, that's just wrong. We're brothers, not lovers."

"Yeah, well....They refer to you and Cas as Destiel."

"What, you mean like Brangelina?"

"Something like that."

"Cas and I are....I don't even know what we are....but we're not a couple. The dude doesn't even know what to do with it!" Dean exclaimed in obvious repulsion.

Sam chuckled at his brother's reaction, the first time he'd laughed in days. He laid a hand against his brother's shoulder and squeezed lightly. "Don't worry about it, Dean. It's not important."

"Like hell, it's not important. I've got a reputation to uphold."

"I don't think you have to worry about fan fiction tarnishing your sterling reputation. At least, not here."

"Sterling reputation," Dean repeated with a smile. "I like the sound of that. I do have a sterling reputation, don't I?"

Sam smirked. "On Rhydin, maybe, but only because they don't know any better."

Dean attempted to glare at his brother, but failed. "What do you say we go get some beers and see if we can rustle up some fun in this town?"

Sam's smile faded and he shook his head. "If you don't mind, I'm gonna go back to the loft and get some sleep."

"Yeah, okay," Dean replied, trying to hide his disappointment. "I'll drop you off and go check on Katt. Let her know the shop is clean."

"Sounds like a plan," Sam agreed and glanced back at the fire, which was starting to die down. Just another hunt, just another day's work, he thought glumly.

Sam didn't want to bring it up again, but he'd found a way home and had already decided to leave, whether Dean wanted to or not. He didn't belong in Rhydin and he thought it was high time to go home. He only hoped Dean would be there when he got back.

(Author's Note: Story continued in Edge of Seventeen.)