Topic: The Inside Out

Sam Winchester

Date: 2010-06-28 18:17 EST
Sam stared out the window of the Impala, like he'd done for years now, in fact most, if not all of his memories were from the inside of the black machine.

He could remember traveling with his father, and he'd even learned to drive in the car, but one memory that haunted him was the night they were broadsided, and the car was totaled. It had been just a few days later that he'd found his father dead, and knew there were so many things left unsaid between them.

Dean had thrown himself into putting the car back together, piece by salvaged piece from Bobby's junk yard, and Sam dealt with things his own way, leaving his brother to keep the brave face, one that John would surely be proud of, a stiff upper lip and never shed a tear.

He was raised into the lifestyle of a hunter, and until he passed on, a hunter he would be. There were jobs that forced them to borrow one of Bobby's Junkers, but every chance that Dean had, he was back under the Impala, lovingly and painstakingly putting her back together, just the way she was.

Just the way she was when John drove her around and finally just the way that ultimately saved his brother's life.

He shook his head, realizing that again, he was staring from the inside outward.

"Bang your head!" Dean screamed as he sang to his only audience of his little brother, "Mental health will drive you mad! Bang your head!" He was wearing that same goofy grin that he always had, the one that helped him with the girls, and just about everyone else they'd ever met.

"Really' Quiet Riot?" Sam asked.

"Oh, give the boy a cigar, he knows something other than Bon Jovi," Dean teased.

"Bite me, Bitch."

"You first, Jerk."

The road to Chicago was long and boring. Same sights, same people that Sam had seen all his life. There was always a truck stop, next to a porn shop and C.B. Repair shops were starting to fade away. Seemed everything changed, but the view from the passenger side remained the same. "Wanna get something to eat?" Dean asked. "I'm starved."

"Another greasy spoon diner?" Sam asked, wishing for once for something more than a truck stop caf" or brown bag special.

"No," Dean said with a smile. "I saw a billboard back there while you were thinking, meditating, mentally masturbating, or doing whatever it is you do over there, Psychic Boy, for a Topless Steakhouse." Dean was smiling widely and nodding his head, as if trying to convince Sam.

"Topless Steakhouse?" Sam didn't know what to say, as for once that was something new on the road that he'd never seen, then he sighed. "Really Dean' Do you ever think with the big head?"

"Come on! Boobs and red meat, that screams Manly!"

Sam shook his head, not believing that he was going to agree to this, but it was a new adventure and a chance to stretch his long legs, as well as not a greasy spoon diner. "Okay, but if they look like the Denny's waitresses, I'm going to kick your ass."


Dean was excited as he whipped the Impala off of the interstate and to the side street heading for the place he'd seen advertised. It wasn't long before a new view was in front of Sam's face, a topless girl in neon lighting, riding a bull, carrying a beer. "Billie Jean's Boobs and Beef?" Sam stared at the sign, then looked at his brother, who was grinning like an idiot.

"Ernest Hemingway couldn't have come up with a better name!? Dean said excitedly as he pulled the handle on the door to hop out and nearly sprint for the door.

Sam sighed again, watching his older brother, and against his better judgment he opened the door of the car, and stepped out heading for the door, all the while wondering what Dean knew of Hemingway.