Topic: The Search

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-04-11 23:16 EST
The inn had grown quiet by the time Dean ventured out, most of the revelers going home for the night, but for those who'd passed out from too much drink or had found a companion and had decided to stay.

The streets were just as quiet, illuminated by twin moons that shed an eerie light on the wooden houses and cobblestone streets. Dean heeded Lilli's warning and knew the streets of Rhydin were dangerous at night, but he could wait no longer. Sam was alive and out there somewhere and needed Dean's help. Of that, he was certain.

At twenty-one years old, Dean had never hunted alone before and missed his father's guidance, even if it usually came in the form of a scolding or lecture. He knew that his father's gruff nature came from a fear of losing his boys the way he'd lost his wife. Dean understood, having taken on the role of protector at the tender age of four, from the moment his father had placed his baby brother in his arms and ordered him from the fire-engulfed home that had taken Mary Winchester's life.

Dean was several miles north of the inn when he found his first clue. He wasn't sure whether it had been sheer luck or a touch of Lilli's magic, but there was no mistaking it. He would have recognized the bag of marbles anywhere. It was red, made of velvet, and carefully embroidered with Sam's initials in gold thread - a birthday gift, not from father but brother. One of many Sam would receive through the years, as Dean tried to make up for John Winchester's frequent absences.

Dean had never understood Sam's interest in collecting such things. Baseball cards he understood, comic books he understood, but marbles" Why marbles" Sometimes Sam would ask Dean to play, shooting marbles across a board he'd drawn in chalk on a motel parking lot, but Dean always refused. Dean's job wasn't to entertain his little brother, but to protect him, and he took that job very seriously.

Dean crouched down to pick up the pouch, thoughtfully rubbing a thumb over the embroidered initials. He lifted his head and looked around, wondering how long it had been laying there in the rain-soaked, muddy streets. He was surprised no one had found it and picked it up by now, but there it was, hiding in plain sight, as if waiting for Dean to find it. Dean felt relieved there were no traces of blood on the pouch, but worried all the same. How had it gotten there" Had Sam dropped it' Where had he gone" Was he somewhere close by?

Dean didn't have much time to consider it further, as he was suddenly knocked to the ground from behind. He cried out in pain as he felt sharp claws rip into his shoulder, and he scrambled away, his jacket tearing in the thing's clawed grasp. He rolled onto his back and swung the shotgun around in front of him, squeezing off two shots, feral teeth flashing at him in the moonlight. The thing shrieked in pain and fury and then disappeared right before Dean's eyes.

Dean climbed painfully to his feet, looking around in bewilderment, before the ground came up to meet him and everything went black. He wasn't sure how long he laid there, but when he came to, he was another year older, rain-soaked, bloody, and in pain, but alive.


Date: 2011-04-12 17:30 EST
Twenty-two couldn't come soon enough for the witch, because twenty-two meant it was a new day. A new day meant so many things chances, old memories, and most importantly, another chance to watch the dawn break across the tired Rhydin sky. This was something Lilliana did with a hedonist's passion, as it was not only the moment she soaked up a surge of another year's memories and inspected the length of her body for signs of aging or injury. Basking in the early pink and yellow of what was surely to be another wondrous day was not to be however, for upon waking, the witch felt a sharp, surging pain across the span of her shoulders. Tears sprang to her eyes almost as instantly as the bewilderment did; a moment later and she was a sprawl of shaking limbs and a tangle of bed rumpled curls on the oriental plush of her caravan's floor.

"Wha'....what?s tha'?" What is this". As she pressed the tips of her nails down into the worn carpet threads beneath, a shuddering breath rushed in and out jaggedly. The pain had been immediate, but it was slow to fade. Once the sharpness turned to a dull ache, Lilli managed to pull herself up to some sort of rights. The clear, bright colors of confusion painted her quite the picture of hurt and wondering, but not for long.

Dean. She should have known.

The unvoiced answer had her up and scrambling; hedonism be damned. Images from the year-no, the night before flooded her violent and sudden as a summer downpour.

Oh my darling man, what have you done"

The candles, the blade, the blood, the desperation in his eyes, the taste of the day on his lips, the warmth of his wanting, the strain in his limbs, the sorrow and longing in his voice; not just for her, but for his kin. His brother. This sudden pain that wrenched her upon consciousness wasn't for her, but for his brother. Don't ask how she knew, but somehow she did. Whether it be a touch of the divine for the truly devout, or a bit of unintended magic that bonded them in that miniscule, but mutual moment of pain as their blood coated her ceremonial blade. No. Not that. She knew because she'd have done the same. In her heart of hearts, deep down in the depths of her soul, Lilliana knew why she knew what Dean had done, simply because she'd already done it so many years back.

Mama, I'd do it again. Sacrifice. Sacrifice in the name and in the spirit of unshakable love. Something all with a true soul knew how to do, even if they never yet have.

Goddess please let him be okay.

Thoughts of his worries from the night before hit her so hard it was almost too much; what if he'd been right to worry' What if he was meant to die young" What if she cost him the chance to be some sort of happy before his body was called back to the ground and the great skies beyond" Bursting out into the cold morning air, breath fogging, Lilliana broke into a run the moment her feet touched the ground. So many 'what if's danced wickedly behind the young woman's eyes that it was hard to tell if she truly saw where she was running to or no. Somehow though, somehow, she managed to pound the right pathway of pavement to lead her to him- she had to have. Why else would she be running in this direction' It just seemed right.

Why didn't you wait for me"

The intense pain in her shoulder was gone now; only worry remained. The young man's name was a mantra inside her head that beat as fast and furious as the lub-dub of her heart. Dean. Around the streets she skittered in too-swift turns. Dean. The scrape and sting of bricks biting at her palm as she hooked around from a dank gangway barely registered. Dean. Jarring her ankles during a short moment of leap and flight went unheeded as she jumped up the Red Dragon's front stair and crashed through the door shoulder first. Dean. Even the empty forest of chairs and tables cracking against her legs as she stumbled through to the back stairwell seemed little more than the passing glance of wind. Dean. All paltry by comparison.

It was seeing the blood that hurt her the most, because it was smeared on the tarnished knob of room 29. Pale and shaken as a sheet, Lilliana sucked in a brave breath and reached for the door. There was no knocking this time, nor checking and listening to see if he was in; she simply walked in, praying to the All-Mother that she wasn't going to be greeted with the body of someone she'd realized too late her heart had come to find quite precious.


Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-04-12 18:55 EST
Dean didn't have time to reflect on the flood of new memories that filled his mind upon waking. At twenty-two, not much had changed anyway. Sam and John were more at odds with each other than ever, with Dean caught in the middle. Sam had announced he was going to Stanford in the fall, and Dean felt his brother slipping farther and farther away from the family fold.

But none of that was important now, not here, not in Rhydin. Dean's body was screaming in pain, and it was only through sheer determination that he somehow managed to get himself back to Room 29 at the Red Dragon Inn.

Once there, he "borrowed" a bottle of whiskey from the commons and half-stumbled, half-dragged himself up to his room, somehow managing to peel his shirt off and douse his shoulder with a good portion of the whiskey. Half of it went down his gullet to prepare for the pain, the other half was used as an antiseptic. Gritting his teeth against the pain until his jaw ached, he awkwardly wound a towel around his shoulder and collapsed on the bed that Lilli had rested in only a few nights before, losing himself to blissful darkness again.

He wasn't sure how long he laid there, lost in dreams, pale and trembling, his shoulder on fire. He thought he heard a voice calling him, as if from very far away, and he weakly pried his eyes open, trying to focus on the face that wavered before him. "S-Sam?" he asked, uncertainly. No, it wasn't Sam. Sam didn't have red hair and eyes like molten gold.


Dean's heart leaped in his chest, even as he bit back a groan. What was she doing here" And then he remembered that she was to meet him in the morning. Was it morning already? He reached into his jeans pocket and tugged out a red velvet pouch, which he held out to her with a shaky hand. "It's S-Sam's," he explained, slurring his words a little, head whirling, either from the whiskey or the pain. He wasn't quite sure which.

His hand fell weakly against the bed and he closed his eyes, strangely relieved she was there. He didn't have to fight against the pain anymore. He surrendered himself to her more than capable care.

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-04-12 23:49 EST
Stupid. "Idiot!" She was furious, and although that fury stemmed from a deeply seeded worry, fury was so much easier to deal with than panic and worry. Fury could turn even the smallest of souls into an inferno to be reckoned with, it could fuel bodies with nothing left in them but heart, turn mothers into warriors, or in Lilliana's case, a desperately shocked and shaking young woman into a saver of lives. "I though' I t-t'old ya' t'wai' fer me!" She stuttered, that was how furious she was; Lilliana was letting her friend have it, conscious or no, if only to keep her focus on the tasks at hand. Her own were shaking, and as she quickly turned to give the door a jerk back closed and into place, she gave herself a quick slap to the thigh before turning around and striding across to the mess of Dean that awaited her half drunk and shirtless on the bed. Somewhere distantly, she thought, any other circumstance might find this a much more enjoyable scenario, but something about the blood on the sheets and still oozing from his back ruined it all. "If any o' wha' I do hurt's, I'm no' sorry!" Odd how firm her voice was when her hands moved oh so gently across him to inspect the ruined flesh of his shoulder. Dean mumbled Sam's name, only partly coherently, only partly realizing it was Lilli who was there and not Sam. He pried his eyes open again and looked up at her, blinking to clear his vision. He smiled when he saw her and heard what she said. "Are you gonna play nurse?" he asked, groggily. "I shouldn' do nothin' fer ya', ya' daf' fool, I t'old ya' t'wai' fer me an' ya' didn'." Lilliana grumped quietly as she reached out with one hand to give his head a tap whilst the other still busied itself with pulling him around enough to check out the damage he'd sustained. Seeing the nature of the wound made her pale anew, but she didn't flinch, nor did she recoil. Instead, she sighed and released him carefully backward. Once she let him settle, she was up off the bed again and moving with purpose across the room to where he'd set her things aside. "Jus' be glad tha' I brough' a few things tha' will act'ually help. Wasn' sure wha' we were goin' t'be gett'in' int'o....Now t'urn 'round fer me ont'o yer belly if ya' can." Just moving was painful and he bit his lip so hard to keep from groaning that he tasted his own blood. He watched while she moved about the room, feeling groggy and feverish. He sensed that she was angry with him for some reason, and he wasn't quite sure why. Was it because he'd gone after Sam alone or because he'd gotten hurt or both' "I'm fine, Lil. I took care of it." "Aye, fine mess ya' go' yerself lookin' like. I don' think it's very fair t'all the ladies ou' there ge' yerself all ugly an' munged up like ya' are." Focus, just be angry. Be angry or you'll cry. It reminded her so much of herself, of the love she knew she had for her own family she missed so dearly. She'd have done the same in a heartbeat, as would her mother were the shoes reversed and Lilli were in the bed with a grievous wound. Tears sprung to her eyes despite her best efforts, but she managed to keep them from falling during the trip back across the room to the bed. She'd pulled up a layer from the many that made up her skirts to keep take all she needed; the witch didn't intend to move very far away anytime soon. At least not until her task was finished. "Oh Dean....Are ya' sure those were Sam's marbles ya' found lyin' there, or yer own?" She whispered quietly, offering her friend a watery smile as she held up a damp cloth. It smelled strong; soporific almost. And yes, once it was run across his wounds, it stung like hell. He flinched when he felt the sting against his back and shoulder, muscles tensing and stiffening. He'd never really been wounded before. Oh, some bumps, bruises, broken bones, but never like this. Never gaping, bleeding wounds that were already starting to fester and hurt like his flesh was on fire. He said nothing for a moment, too busy trying to withstand the pain. When he finally spoke, his voice betrayed what he was feeling, sounding weary, weak, and humorless. "Are you trying to....make a joke" Saying I lost my marbles?" "Aye. It's called keepin' yer wounded w' ya'." Lilliana shook her head as she began to realize the extent of the damage. It was too much. All of it. And while she had had the foresight to bring extra supplies in case of accidents, there was no way the witch could have predicted such a mess. Worrying her bottom lip, Lilli set the cloth aside, watching the deep, deep gouges well back up to the brim and over with blood again. Trying not to make any sort of noise to give away the distress she was trying to hide, she pressed the softest of touches to the side of Dean's head as she leaned down very, very close. "D' ya' t'rus' me?" The words came out more as air than anything; things to be felt against the skin more than heard. He was starting to feel a little dizzy again, weak from loss of blood and lack of sleep, worry taking its toll. She was angry with him, that much was clear, because he'd been a stubborn ass and gone out on his own without her, maybe because he didn't want to chance her getting hurt. She'd done so much already. He squeezed his eyes closed against the threat of tears, more from the feelings of guilt and desperation than from the physical pain. "I'm sorry, Lil," he said in a heartfelt voice that was full of unshed tears. "Yes, I trust you." Lil. That word, that endearment, it jarred her right down to her toes and right back up again. It was what her mother called her, and she could think of nothing else but to tell him so. "Ya' know....M'ma calls me tha'." Her smile, although soft, was very much genuine now. Her mind was made up; she knew what to do. Leaning back up and stepping away from the bed, Lilli's fingers began working at the laces running up along the front of her corset. Pick, pick, pick; one at a time, though with a practiced sort of pace to it all, she very quietly set the heavy bit of bone and brocade across a nearby chair. Her boots were next, then the impossibly layered skirts. As she worked, she continued to talk to him slowly. "I think ya'd like her, m'whole family really. There wouldn' be a place Sam could hide tha' we couldn' find him." The fantasy was cute; much cuter than the gravity around them now. He felt her pull away from him and he followed the sound of her voice, turning his head toward her, eyes widening when he saw her stripping her clothing away, misunderstanding what she was up to. And despite the pain, he felt his body responding to her sudden lack of proper clothing. "What....what are you doing" Do you really think this is the time for that?" His gaze wandered over her, even half drunk and woozy from blood loss, he found himself admiring the curves of her body, the fall of her hair, her smile soft and warm even in anger, the freckles that dotted her nose. With so many layers missing, it was indeed a bit startling; the bulk of her cover, oddly, wasn't the short sleeved blouse nor the pleasant ruffles of her high-legged bloomers, but the wildfire of her hair. Against so much pale, freckled skin and so much white, delicate cloth, the effect was truly magical; ethereal. Almost angelic. The smile she wore with an equal air of delicacy, though it broke in a moment of soft laughter as she digested his reply. "Oh darlin', I'm no' nearly so formal if i' were wha' ya' were thinkin'....I jus' need a bi' less o' m'layers t'do wha' needs t' be done." Vague, yes, but it was on purpose. She knew he'd refuse what she was about to do. Carefully, oh so carefully, she knelt back onto the bed at his side, and putting her bulk to good use, began to gently nudge him back against the bed so there'd be room enough for her. "Jus' be st'ill an' close yer eyes. Ly on yer side like tha'-aha, good boi'o, swee' lad." She cooed to him gently as she might a sick child; not exactly adult bedside chatter. He did as he was told, sliding as far over as he could without falling off the bed. Her voice seemed to have a calming effect on him and his eyes drooped closed again as he relaxed a little to the sound of her voice. He'd heard every word she'd said, everything about her family and Sam and something vague about what she was about to do, but not all of it registered in his head. "What are you going to do?" he asked, somewhat groggily.

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-04-12 23:50 EST
"M'goin' t't'ake a bi' o' the pain away. An' when ya' wake up, ya' should be fi' as a fiddle....Though I beg ya' no' t'wake me up t'oo early. M' a bi' grumpy somet'imes." She was just babbling now, and though it was little more than fluff and pleasantries, it would no doubt serve her purpose as a distraction for her befuddled companion. With the same care she took in ushering him aside she now took moving in behind him. Every inch of skin she could press, she pressed, and what of her was clothed, she pressed that too. Once she'd settled and lined her heart up with the gravest, deepest part of his wounded shoulder, Lilliana encircled him as best she could with her warm, goose-pimpled. He'd feel her breath at the back of his head, the airy bulk of her hair curtaining him as surely and completely as a shawl about the shoulders. There, settled at last, feeling the sickly seep of his back against her breast, she exhaled heavily. With that exhale came the first spark of magic. Though he'd never been touched by magic before, at least, nothing like this, he seemed to get a sense of what she was about to do and he felt alarmed, not wanting any harm to come to her. He tried to pull away, but lacked the strength. "Lilli, no," he muttered weakly. "Don't....not for me." He felt the tears coming, touched to the core of his being that she'd do this for him and he worried what it would cost her. "Shh-shh....Hush now. It'll all be righ' come the mornin'." Her arms applied a new level of pressure, bracing themselves against the impending struggle she knew he'd put up against her aide. It was only natural, and it made her desire to help him swell all the more, because she would have done the exact same thing. "...Ya' can jus' bring me breakfas' in bed aft'erward. All'll be righ', I promise." It has to be. Just enough, she'd take in just enough so his body could heal itself properly. Then she'd give. The idea was simple and intensely easy in theory; unfortunately at this age, Lilli was not practiced, hence the dire measures she was taking. Vowing now to better herself in the area of healer's study, the witch sucked in another deep, deep breath. As she sucked in, pain blossomed to her shoulder anew. Ripping, tearing, radiating with the heat of a budding fever. And then....Then she pushed. Breathe in, breathe out. Wound in, magic out. Siphon it, channel it, push it in; fill the gaps which needed filling, take away the fire of the sickness; swallow it down, let it filter away. Her element was fire after all, and fire purged all that it consumed. Didn't it' The world began to spin, and when that happened, she was holding onto Dean for a whole other reason. "No..." he pleaded, his voice barely a whisper, weak and weary, but despite his pleas for her to stop, something was happening. He felt a sense of warmth and calm wash over him and he could no longer fight it. He surrendered himself to her healing touch, letting the magic do what it would, the pain in his shoulder flaring like fire, enough to make him cry out, and then it died and faded slowly away, leaving him tired but no longer in pain. He felt her clinging to him, holding onto him tightly and he sensed something had changed and that perhaps now she needed him. While Lilli didn't cry out, she did feel her throat break in a whimper. It hurt, hells it hurt. She felt it. Every nuance of the creature's claws as they sank into his back and drug through the proud, powerful flesh beneath. The scrape of them so near the bone. And then, oh then the whir of infection. It oozed through her blood like a hungry parasite, attacking everything good and soft and vulnerable; eating, consuming. As a dry sob escaped her tight lips, Lilliana shut her eyes, still trying to focus. Her magic was reeling itself back in now, abandoning the world outside and retreating inwards to wash back in and over all the wrongs it's vessel had taken into itself. It would take a good chunk of time, but eventually, after much rest, Lilli knew she'd be okay. She could already feel the flesh starting to itch and burn less as they began to congeal and form tough little collections of scabs. "S-see?" Her voice crackled weakly, eyes still closed as she laid her cheek against his hair. The pain was completely gone, nothing left but a warm tingling sensation that wasn't really unpleasant so much as it was strange. And suddenly he was acutely aware of her closeness, of her breath soft against his neck, and her hair covering him like the softest of blankets, her warmth as she clung to him and held him close. He rolled over onto his other side to face her, startled to find his blood was all over the bed and all over her. Tears filled his eyes again when he saw how pale she was, how like an angel she looked lying there so still and frail, though he realized now there was nothing frail about her. "Lilli..." he whispered, pushing her hair back from her face and leaning down to brush a kiss against her cheek. "You shouldn't have done that." Talking was hard, why did he have to be doing that right now" Trying desperately to clear her throat, Lilli squeaked her eyes open a bit and offered Dean the smallest of smiles. It came out a bit more like a grimace, however. "I didn' much like the idea o' list'enin' t' a grown man cry....B'sides, m'insides'll t'ake i' jus' fine. The fire'll burn i' 'way." Her normally thick accent was a touch thicker now, though more from fatigue and mild delirium than anything. She was exhausted, she felt uncomfortably glazed with sweat, and she wanted very much to sleep. Listing the symptoms in her head like that though had her laughing. Laughing hurt too, and it immediately turned into a groan. "I wasn't crying," he denied. "I don't cry." It was a lie, but one he hoped she believed. He hadn't been crying because of the wound, but because he felt like he'd failed. For all his bravado, Sam was still missing, out there somewhere. He'd been foolish and had accomplished nothing but to get himself and now Lilli hurt. He laid down beside her, gently pulling her close and wrapping his arms around her. "You still shouldn't have done that, but....thank you." He sighed, feeling utterly exhausted, words failing him, unable to properly express the gratitude he was feeling, and something more that he didn't dare name. "Rest now. I'll be here when you wake up. I promise." He cradled her against him, his fingers stroking her hair, gently, soothingly. He didn't think he was very good at comforting someone, but he was doing his best. "Welcome." She mumbled tiredly, burying her face away somewhere nice and warm. It felt like a bit of her hair, a bit of skin, and a bit of pillow, but she didn't bother opening her eyes to look. The idea of sleep was too good and too close to miss this chance to claim it. Adjusting to his movement, Lilli kept her arms between them, allowing them just enough a sliver of space to crawl up the slow, rhythmic in and out of his chest. With her eyes closed like that, and her body processing the fever as it was, she could almost imagine her fingers on his chest like feet on a street. A fleshy, bumpy street, but a street none the less. But then his fingers were in her hair, and the ache of home began to swallow her up anew. Just as she began to drift off, she rumbled again, unable to drag her face from the crevice of body and bed it'd fallen into. "'ill makin' me breakfas'?" He smiled at her question, dipping his head to bury his face in her hair, breathing deeply to take her scent in, his heart aching with the bittersweet knowledge that it wasn't meant to be and it wasn't going to last. It never did. Even at twenty-two, he knew happy endings weren't for him. He was, like John Bon Jovi said, going to go down in a blaze of glory someday, but until then he intended to do all the living he possibly could, even if he only had a few weeks left. "Yeah..." he answered, quietly. "I'll make you breakfast." Hell, making her breakfast was the least he could do.

(Note: Dean and Lilli are approximately age 21 in this scene.)