Topic: The Sound of Silence (AU)

Jo Winchester

Date: 2013-08-06 07:40 EST
((Takes place a few days after The Sorrow of Joy.))

August, 2012

It took a couple of days for the excitement of the wedding to cool off. Not simply the fact that there had been a wedding at all, though that would have been enough - so much had happened that it took everyone in the now crowded Singer house a few days to get their heads around it all. A pitched battle; the death of a friend; the announcement that Dean and Nim were expecting their first child; and perhaps most important of all, the arrival of said first child and his younger sister, fully grown, and with a bone of their own to chew on. With wounds healing and words to be spoken, the atmosphere had been more than a little awkward since the fire had taken Bill Harvelle beyond the reach of demons, gods, and any other evil thing out there. Brian had returned to Chicago, unable to leave the Landing for too long, and though she had yet to move on, Ayden was getting a little antsy to return to Stanford and her education.

The days were stretching out, Bobby and Ellen doing their best to keep things on the level, but between a newly wed couple and their fully grown offspring from the future, not to mention the lingering guilt felt by everyone for Bill's death, tensions had been running high. So high, in fact, that Hope had taken to sitting out on the porch in the evenings, avoiding her parents as much as possible. She didn't trust herself to say the right things, not the way Sam did, and though she was glad to see both of them, the ache of knowing that they weren't there in the year she had come from was only getting worse the more she saw of them.

Dean had spent the last few days in his own private hell, tormented by the guilt he felt at Bill's death. It didn't matter that he hardly knew the man or that he wasn't Jo's father in this reality. Whether it was his fault or not, Dean blamed himself for every mistake, every failure, every loss, every death. He had brooded for days, inconsolable, before Ellen had finally knocked some sense into him, reminding him that while the dead were to be grieved and honored, it was those who'd survived that really needed him, and that included two children from the future whom no one was quite sure of the reason for their arrival.

Despite his inner turmoil, Dean had not been completely blind to what was going on around him. He'd noticed that of the two of them, it was the girl who tended to keep to herself and give in to long periods of silence, not unlike himself. It was almost as if she was avoiding him, avoiding them all, but if that was the case, why had she and her brother come here in the first place" He found her one night, at Nim and Ellen's urging, taking his place on the porch, where he liked to sit in silence and think. He knew if she was anything like him, she went out there to be alone, but once Nim and Ellen got something in their heads, there was no point in arguing. And so, a few nights after Bill's funeral, he found himself seeking out his daughter - a daughter he and Nim had yet to conceive.

"Hey," he said, the screen door creaking as he stepped out onto the porch. "This is usually my haunt. Mind if I join you?" he asked, with a strained smile.

She was so deep in thought, she jumped when he spoke, having not heard the door opening, nor the sound of his boots against the porch decking. Hope raised hauntingly familiar green eyes to her father - the man who would be her father - fresh guilt flashing through her expression. "Oh, I ....I didn't realise I was takin' your place," she mumbled awkwardly, already halfway to rising onto her feet from where she had been sat on the porch steps. "I can go someplace else, I don't wanna put you out or anythin'."

"Don't I do that back home....In your time?" he asked curiously, knowing very little of what their lives were like in the future, other than what he'd been told already, which wasn't much. He waved her back down and took a seat beside her, handing her one of two mugs of coffee he'd poured before joining her. "Relax. I don't mind the company if you don't."

For a moment, she was conflicted, torn between avoiding putting herself in a situation where her mouth might run away with the truth in a less than tactful manner, and spending time with her dad for the first time in ten years. Ultimately the longing for a little time with Dean won out, and she thumped back down onto the step, wrapping her hands around the mug he handed her. His question made her hesitate for a moment before she answered, looking down into her coffee uncomfortably. "You did when I was little," she told him quietly. "You used to read to me on the swing we had on our porch." An unconscious smile flickered onto her face at the hazy memory before it faded in the face of the reality. "I don't mind the company. Sometimes bein' on my own isn't really what I want, you know?"

"Yeah," he smiled again, understanding better than she could possibly know. "I know." He blew into his mug of coffee before taking a sip, sensing an awkward silence descending upon them. He didn't have a shy bone in his body, and yet, he wasn't quite sure what to say to this future daughter of his. He didn't think he was very good at nurturing. Hell, he'd screwed that up pretty good when he was taking care of Sam, but he didn't want to think about that now. Thinking of his brother only made him sad. He didn't miss how Hope had referred to himself in the past tense, as if he was no longer part of her life. Had he left' Had he and Nim gone their separate ways or was he dead" And suddenly, he had a pretty good idea why she and her brother were here, but he wanted to hear it from her. "So, you wanna tell me why you and Sam are here, or do you want me to guess?" No, he didn't beat around the bush and never had. He didn't see much point in it.

Surprisingly, Hope snorted, the laughter without much actual mirth but a strange release of the tension she'd been carrying around for days. "Aw, man, you had to just come right out and ask, didn't you?" she groaned through a half smile. "I told Sam I'd fold at the first hand if I got left alone with you, and he said it didn't matter, but ..." She shrugged, sighing softly. "You want it all, or the cliff notes?"

Dean cracked that half grin of his that tended to come out when he was seeing the irony in something. He shrugged as he lifted his mug for another sip. "Gonna have to hear it all at some point, right' You can tell me now, or we can have a family conference. Your choice, kiddo." He wasn't sure why he was calling her that; it just seemed to fit her somehow, though she was no child. She was as pretty as her mom and probably just as smart. He sipped at his coffee. Ball was in her court.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2013-08-06 07:41 EST
Her smile this time was more genuine, the expression softer as he pegged her with the endearing pet name his older self had slapped on her when she was a child. She glanced at him, her eyes hungry for every detail of the face she hadn't seen for a long time, a face her little brother barely even recalled for himself without the help of photographs and other people's memories. Yet when she started to speak, it didn't seem as though she was telling him what he wanted to know. Not yet, anyway.

"You know dad was a great man," she said quietly, her gaze wandering out over the scrapped cars and junk piles that littered the yard in front of them. "He wasn't a hero, not like a lot of people said. He worried too much, and he took on a lot of crap he should have let go. Mom never could get him to stop swearing in front of us." She chuckled at that memory - one of her first words had been a garbled version of "son of a bitch". "But he was my dad, you know" I don't remember the worries, or the upsets. I remember the guy who spent, like, a month trying to convince me I should be playing with dolls instead of cars, because I was a girl. I remember the man who read to me, every day, from really inappropriate books but I didn't care. It was time I spent with my dad. And then I remember the day he didn't come home, and he didn't read to me, or look in on me when I went to bed, or hold me when I had nightmares, not ever again. It's been ten years, and I still miss him, every damn day. Just like I miss my mom, and my Aunt Ellen, and my Uncles Bobby and Brian. How do I tell you what happened" If it wasn't for Ayden, we wouldn't know either."

It was, after all, a pet name Ellen had slapped on him from time to time and was probably where he'd picked it up from, even though he was clearly no longer a child. He sipped at his coffee for a moment, lowering the mug to study her in return as she turned her profile toward the heap of junkers in the yard. He saw something of his mother in her, along with the obvious similarities to Nimue, and that realization unexpectedly and secretly tugged at his heartstrings. He listened as she told him what she wanted him or maybe needed him to hear, and he realized his gut feeling had been right. He wasn't alive in her time, nor was Nim or anyone else they considered family, except for Ayden. That was a good thing. At least, his sister had survived. "I'm not dead yet, Hope. Not in this time. I'm still your dad, even if you haven't been born yet." Even if I don't know you yet, I still love you. I can't help it.

It took a long moment before Hope could speak again, her throat tightening as he said her name, as he reassured her that he was right there. Despite the swimming tears in her eyes, though, she knew she had to keep going. "I, uh, I only know what Ayden told us, what we read in the journals, and what Rufus told us," she explained quietly, her voice thick with unexpressed grief. "Hades is gonna make a deal with the Fates. A few years after he goes down and his mess gets cleaned up, they're gonna go after a few of Poseidon's pets - the minions he's most fond of - and they'll pin it on Zeus. So Poseidon'll take revenge, and he'll go after you, and Mom, and everyone who means anything to you." Hope swallowed hard, rubbing her knuckles against her eyes. "The only reason he didn't take us and Ayden out was because he needed Ares on his side for when he started up the war again."

"Sons of bitches," he muttered in his usual way. That's what they were, after all. There was no prettier way to put it. Dean clenched his jaw, only understanding some of what Hope was telling him, but knowing enough to know he was starting to hate the old gods almost as much as he hated demons. Maybe more. He had a plan and knew what he had to do, but they had yet to put it into motion. Making a deal with Crowley wasn't at the top of his list, but they might not have much choice. At least, he understood demons. These gods were a whole new ball-game and he sensed they were far more dangerous than anything he'd ever faced before. A small smile touched his lips, however, as he realized they had a few wild cards up their sleeves, and Hope and Sam were two of them. "You and Sam are gonna have to tell us everything you know, everything you can remember about what happened. Can you do that?" he asked, sensing her grief, but needing an answer to his question.

"No." She shook her head, meeting his gaze with complete solemnity. "Because you don't need to know it. We're here to be a distraction while you go after the scythe with Mom - we figure we'll take on the Fates, keep everyone guessing about what we're here to change. Oh, and ....Dad?" She bit her lip, not entirely sure how he would react to being called that. After all, he was the father to a foetus right now. "You'll never get a better chance to go up against an Olympian than while Mom's pregnant. Demeter's supposedly on their side, but she has a compulsion to protect pregnant women and new mothers. I mean, really protect. She'll take out another Olympian to keep Mom safe while there's a baby to think about."

He arched a brow when she denied him his request, clearly surprised and not all together happy about it, but he let her continue, giving her a chance to explain before he freaked out about it. It felt a little weird to be called Dad by a daughter he'd never met before, but then, this Dean had seen an alternate future, which was different and even more dismal from the time his daughter had come from. "A distraction..." he repeated, frowning unhappily. "I don't think so. Too risky. There has to be another way." If she was stubborn, he was stubborner. Like father, like daughter.

"It's this, or we go back to a time where you don't exist," Hope told him, suddenly vehement, her voice once again thick with grief as she turned slightly wild eyes onto him. She didn't care if he was stern or stubborn; all Hope really wanted from this little trip into the past before she was born was to have her parents back. "You know I got a little brother who doesn't remember either of you? And it's all because Hades took out insurance, because he knew you and Mom were a threat. I want my little brother to know our parents. I want my Dad back. This is how we do it. You got your own battles to fight, you can't fight this one, too." By the time she ran out of words, tears were dripping off her chin, the aching grief and lingering pain of not having the parents she obviously adored by her side in the time she had come from pouring from her as she glared at Dean. I love you. We love you. So let us do this, and have you there to love when we go back!

Jo Winchester

Date: 2013-08-06 07:42 EST
He sighed. What was he supposed to say to that' To a daughter who was as stubborn as he was, as smart and beautiful as her mother, and as brave as a hunter. As brave as his mother and Ellen and Ayden and Nim. He softened at the sight of her tears, her grief and her sorrow so like his own, and he recognized a determination in her that he couldn't help but admire, even if he didn't agree with the plan. No, he didn't know she had a little brother. How could he know" He didn't know anything about the future except that he knew they had to change it somehow, to give their children hope. "Come here," he said, lifting one arm to wrap around her shoulders and draw her close. "Did I ever tell you why we gave you that name?" he asked, not really knowing the answer to that question, but able to make a pretty good guess.

The invitation that outstretched arm offered made her tears flow harder, but Hope didn't deny herself the chance to curl close against her father as she sobbed. She could remember climbing into his lap when she was tiny, when a thunderstorm had frightened her, or when Sam was picking on her, and being held in this special way Dean probably didn't even realize he had. He was her shelter against the hurt and the heartache as she cried into his shoulder, letting the grief burst out before she began to settle once more. His question gave her pause, sniffing ruthlessly as she wiped at her eyes, shaking her head. "No," she admitted in a rough voice. "I know I'm named after Gramma Winchester and Ellen, but not the Hope bit."

Dean held his future daughter against his shoulder while she let go of some of the grief and the hurt she'd been carrying for only God knew how long. Ten years, had she said" He'd been dead ten years in her time, along with Nim and Ellen and Bobby and Brian. Only Ayden and their children had been spared, and he wasn't yet sure why. Very little of what she was telling him made sense - at least, to him - but what she needed right now was a little comfort and reassurance from the father she'd lost. Questions and explanations could come later. He held her patiently while she cried, until she seemed to be nearly cried out. He couldn't share memories of things that for him hadn't happened yet, but he could understand what she was feeling because he'd felt it himself. "I'm not sure either 'cause you haven't been born yet, but I can make a pretty good guess."

His honesty made her laugh, drawing back to wipe her nose and eyes on the cuffs of her shirt. "You gonna tell me the guess, or let me agonize over it?" she asked through a half smile. Despite the snuffling of her tears, she felt better for having cried a little, though she knew it was only because she had been able to cry on her father. If they returned to their time and nothing had changed, Hope didn't know how she would react to that. It had been hard enough before she'd seen how happy her parents were together.

He reached over to brush the tears from her face, as if she was still a little girl - his little girl - even though he didn't really know her. He didn't want her to be sad; he didn't like to see her tears. He didn't want her to cry because of him, but there was no denying she was Daddy's little girl, even all grown up. She had obviously loved him - still loved him. He wanted to take away all her hurt and pain, but he could make no promises. Life was uncertain at best, and even more so for them. "You're about as impatient as your mother," he remarked with a small smile, as he retracted his hand. He had no way of knowing how close they had been or how much he had meant to her, but if her tears were any indication, she must have missed him badly - and her mother, too. "Look, I....I'm not very good at comforting..." he started. "But I'm not dead yet, and I don't plan on dying."

"That's why we're here," she nodded, slowly bringing herself back under control as her tears ebbed away, a little disbelieving of his statement that he wasn't good at this. There was no way she could tell him how comforting it was just being with him again, being in a time when he was alive and well and loved. "We're gonna make sure it doesn't happen. I promise, Daddy, we're not gonna get the Fates get you in the crapper with Poseidon."

"Yeah, about that....You're gonna have to explain. I'm not sure what happens in the future, but as of right now, we're mostly worried about Hades. I'm not sure how the others fit in. I haven't heard any mention of Ares until now. He's uh....the God of War, isn't he?" He wasn't completely sure. He had to jog his memory for what he'd read about the Olympians. "So, you two came here to prevent our deaths then, is that it?"

Hope sniffed one more time, and picked up her mug, taking a gulp of the lukewarm coffee within, not even grimacing at the temperature. She had obviously drunk a lot of cold coffee in her time, however short that time had been. "Yeah, Ares is the God of War," she nodded, confirming Dean's grasping search for affirmation of his suspicion. "If it wasn't for him, we'd all be dead - Ayden, too. But Poseidon wanted him on side, so he let us live." She shrugged lightly, not entirely sure it was her place to keep going with Ares' place in their lives. She knew her father, after all. He might not take so well to hearing exactly what was going on there. "We're gonna break the Fates," she told him confidently. "That way, Hades and Poseidon and Zeus, they won't be able to use them anymore."

She was definitely her father's daughter, jumping around in the telling of her story so that he was more confused than ever. He furrowed his brows at her as she tried to explain to her father what hadn't even happened yet. "I'm not quite following. It sounds like we defeat Hades, but you lost me after that. What kinda deal does he make with the Fates?" He didn't bother to mention that he'd had a run-in with one of them back in his own world.

"He, uh ..." Hope frowned, realizing how badly she was explaining things. Sam was so much better at this than she was. "Okay." She twisted until she was almost facing her father, setting the mug down to let her hands get animated as she tried to set things out helpfully. "Hades, he knows you're a threat. He knows you and Mom are going after Death's Scythe, and that makes him nervous, because as soon as you get it, his time is limited. But he's the god of the Dead, right' So he knows death is inevitable, but he wanted to make sure that there was chaos when the last of his allies and his mess was dealt with. He did something with the Fates, set some time after his death when he wanted them to rekindle a war between the Olympians. Poseidon and Zeus, they're brothers, but it's real uneasy. Because Zeus brought you and Mom here, you're kinda considered to be on his side, so ....Wow, this is confusing."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2013-08-06 07:42 EST
"Okay..." He was following so far, and some of what she was telling him, he understood and knew already. They'd been told some of it already and he'd learned some from Nim's future journal, but it still didn't quite explain how the Fates or Ares had gotten involved. "So, Poseidon and Zeus get into a power struggle. I get that. And since we were brought here by Zeus, Poseidon wants us out of the picture, but that still doesn't explain how the Fates are involved or what all of this has to do with Ares. How does all of this benefit the Fates" What did Hades promise them?"

"Oh, Ares is sleeping with Ayden," Hope shook her head, throwing that out there as though it didn't matter much. "It doesn't really have anything to do with him, except that keeping us alive keeps him sweet." She shrugged, moving on toward the other questions brought up by her father's confusion. "Well, the Fates started the whole thing back up again by killing a couple of Poseidon's kids - they've got a Hind's Blood dagger, that works on Olympians, too - and pinning it on Zeus. It sounds like Hades promised them that if they did that, even after he was dead, then they'd get to change the future they've been implementing, rather than just standing back and making it happen. Something like that, anyway. I don't know, they're the Fates."

She continued her explanation, but Dean heard nothing after the Ares is sleeping with Ayden part, his eyes growing wide and then narrowing. "Wait-what? My sister is sleeping with..." He broke off momentarily as he vaguely realized it hadn't happened yet. "Will be sleeping with the God of War" How the hell does that happen?" Whatever else she said after that didn't quite sink in yet, until he sorted out this first part. To say Dean was protective of Ayden was a bit of an understatement, and the thought of her sleeping with anyone, much less some Olympic douchebag, was enough to set him off.

Hope blinked, startled by how easily sidetracked he was, but catching on fairly quickly. "Uh ..." she hesitated, glancing toward the house as though willing someone to come out and rescue her from having to explain this one. "Look, I don't know the details, okay' I just ..." She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Ares went native to keep an eye on you and Mom, and somehow ended up keeping an eye on Ayden instead - which, in hindsight, is probably because we're gonna need to borrow her to get to the Fates - anyway, he likes her. He really likes her. It's not like we call him uncle or anything, he's just ....hers."

Now that she'd explained, he didn't seem much happier about this little tidbit than he had a few minutes ago, but it hadn't happened yet and if he had anything to say about it, it wouldn't. And yet, having the God of War on your side was probably a good thing, and who better to protect his sister and children" "Awesome," he muttered sarcastically, backtracking to what she'd told him after he'd gotten sidetracked with his sister's future love life. He was starting to get it. "Okay, so you came here to stop the Fates from....doing what?" He understood that Hope and Sam had come here to stop the Fates from doing something, but he wasn't sure if Hades had even made the deal with them yet. How far gone were things already? What exactly was it that they were hoping to change"

"I ....I don't know." Hope shrugged again, looking a little lost in the details herself. "Personally, I just want to grind their faces into the ground until they can't get their heads back out without serious intervention. I figure that'd stop them trying to get you killed."

"I assume you two have a plan?" he asked, arching both brows quizzically and hoping to hear Sam and Hope hadn't hopped back in time without a clue was to what they were getting themselves into. "Sounds to me if we can get our hands on this Hind's Blood dagger, it might solve a few problems."

"Well, that's sort of the plan," she offered with a hopeful smile. "Look, Sam's the brains in this outfit, okay' He points and I shoot." Her shoulders rose and fell in another shrug. "And I know we're gonna need Ayden because she's the only one of us who can find the Fates, and if we've got her, then Hades and everyone else will be looking at us until you get your hands on the scythe, at which point you'll have a lot of company really fast and it'll confuse them even more if we've got a Hind's Blood dagger at the same time."

"Yeah, there's something else..." Dean replied, thoughtfully as his brain chewed on what she'd told him. He wasn't sure he wanted to talk about it there, where the walls might have ears. How did you hide from Fate" The Fates. Whatever. "I think I know someone who can help us." He didn't explain further, but his little brush with Atropos might work in their favor. He knew something they didn't and hopefully, it was something the Fates didn't know he knew.

She frowned faintly, not sure she was following where his thoughts were taking him. There was a lot Dean knew, a lot that he had never had the chance to share with his children before his time had ended prematurely, so she didn't really expect to be able to follow his train of thought anyway. "You should really talk to Sam about it," she told him quietly. "He's the intelligent one."

"Sam," Dean echoed his future son's name. It was a name that would forever remind him of his brother - a brother who had died in this reality, but was still very much alive back home in his own world. Dean frowned at the thought of that. This was his world now. This was his life, and though he missed his brother, this was where he was going to stay. The thought of names brought him back around to the question he'd asked her a few minutes ago and brought a small smile to his face. "You really don't know why we named you Hope?"

"Maybe 'cos you were hopin' for another boy?" she offered, grinning through the silly suggestion. It was pretty obvious that she'd never known for certain why she'd been named Hope, and had never queried it, not before he brought it into question. "I figured it was sort of a disappointment getting a girl when you were expecting another boy. You were pretty stoked when Johnny came along, I remember that."

The smile faded, and there was that look of astonishment on his face again. "Johnny?" He seemed to recall she'd mentioned a third child - a boy, so young he hardly remembered his parents. "John Winchester?" Dean queried, looking for confirmation that he and Nim had named a third child after his father in the future, though it seemed obvious. "Where is he" With Ayden?"

Jo Winchester

Date: 2013-08-06 07:44 EST
She nodded once again, smiling as she thought of her little brother. "John William Winchester," she clarified for his enjoyment. "He's just comin' up for fourteen, that's why he's not here. If he'd been closer to my age, we wouldn't have left him behind."

"Is he safe?" Dean asked - the only question that was really important, though theoretically, since the future hadn't happened yet, it didn't much matter. It was enough to make his head spin if he thought too much about it.

"As safe as he can get," Hope promised her father. "He's with Ayden, and where Ayden is, Ares isn't far." She considered this for a moment, and added, "And Rufus doesn't trust anyone but himself, so he's probably moved in for the duration. That man has serious issues, I'm telling you."

Dean snorted at the remark about Rufus. "You're telling me," he muttered, as he picked up his coffee for a sip. He scowled a little, but caffeine was caffeine whether it was cold or hot. He considered a moment again as he sipped, an easy-going silence settling between them, as if nothing really needed to be said. It had been that way with his brother. They could sit out under the stars and swig beer for hours without ever saying a word, just basking in an easy-going if quiet companionship. "If Sam had been a girl, he'd have been Hope."

She snorted with laughter, amused that he had even considered that. "Oh, c'mon," she drawled through that display of good humor, her tears forgotten in the comfortable stillness they had somehow cultivated between them. "You always knew Sam was gonna be Sam. I've read the journal, remember. You knew you were gonna have a boy way before you even thought about having kids."

He frowned as she called him out, though it wasn't a complete lie. "The future isn't set in stone, Hope. It's changeable. If it wasn't, you wouldn't be here. If Sam had been a girl, I'm sure he would have been Hope. I know that because you're Hope, and I'm guessing you're Hope because you're our hope for the future."

Touched though she was by that little comment, she couldn't help smirking a little. "Future's pretty damn bleak, then," she joked, dismissing her own importance easily. And it was easy to dismiss - she'd lived in her big brother's shadow all her life, and though her parents had always made her feel unique, as though she had a role to play, they had been gone before she was ten years old. It had always been Sam, throughout her teens, and she thought it always would be Sam. And she didn't mind that, happy to be her big brother's little sister and senior sidekick.

But Dean wasn't happy with that, and he got the feeling Sam knew exactly how he had felt growing up, having to be the adult before he was ready, having to take care of his younger siblings the way Dean had taken care of Sam. "Future hasn't happened yet, kiddo," Dean reminded her again. "There's an old saying - It ain't over 'til the Fat Lady sings. I'm not sure what that means exactly, but I can tell you this - she hasn't sung yet!" Dean grinned back at his daughter, the way he always did when he wanted to make someone else feel better. The burden was his, not hers, and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure there was hope for the future.

((We may or may not be returning to this for a while, haven't decided yet, but here's a little taste to prove we haven't completely forgotten them! Huge thanks to Dean's player!))