Topic: The Still Of The Night (AU)

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-05-31 07:31 EST
((Contains adult situations. Do not read if this offends.)) _____________

Exhaustion can creep up on a person in a few different ways. It can be physical, a simple matter of having pushed too far too fast for too long until your body cannot take it any longer. It can be mental, a case of your mind overworked until it can do nothing but shut down for a while. Or it can be emotional, when feelings overload the senses and the body simply gives in.

It was this last that had knocked Nim into slumber almost as soon as she lay down in her bed, wrapped around Dean where he had fallen beside her. It was her bed, purely because she knew for a fact it was bigger and more comfortable than any of the guest beds, and she wanted Dean to reinforce in his mind just how much she wanted him with her, even here in the only private space she had. With confessions over and sleep settling over them, the still of the night was silent, just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

He hadn't resisted when she'd led him to her room, quietly submitting, too exhausted to argue anymore if he hadn't wanted to be there. Nothing more was going to happen tonight, both of them too emotionally drained to do anything but sleep, but he was there to lend her comfort and vice versa. It was an odd feeling to share a bed with someone who wasn't going to leave with the morning light and who demanded nothing but simply wanting to be close. He hadn't felt such a feeling as this since he'd asked Cas to scrub Lisa's memory of his very existence. Too tired for words, he'd fallen asleep almost immediately - a rarity for him - wrapped in her embrace, for the first time in a long time, feeling safe and content.

When the disturbance came, it began quietly, fear to shake the pre-dawn darkness. Nim shifted in her sleep, a faint frown touching her face as she rolled away, holding his arm beneath her even as she unconsciously turned her back to him. The shadows of a town she did not know had returned to haunt her subconscious mind, the sense of something unseen but deadly stalking her through those deserted streets. A quiet hiss escaped her sleeping lips as her frown deepened, her body tensing in recognition of the danger in her dreams.

He was too lost in his own nocturnal wanderings to realize she was falling into the nightmare that was more memory than dream. He had tried to explain what had happened, albeit brokenly, when he'd first arrived, but understanding why she had the nightmares wasn't enough to put them to rest. As for himself, he understood only too well what it was to wake screaming in the night, heart pounding in terror, but had somehow learned to accept that nightmarish part of his existence, grateful for the peaceful nights when there were no dreams.

The frown deepened further, her sleeping face twisting into a grimace of terror as within her dreaming mind she turned and saw Dean, as clear as day, falling beneath the impact of those unseen creatures. Her legs moved against the covers, mimicking the stride of her dream self as she fired, putting herself directly into the danger for the sake of a man she knew now that she loved above and beyond any thought or wisdom.

He wasn't part of that dream, at least, not consciously, and yet he was - an integral part of her very being, of the reason she'd died, the how and why she'd found herself here, their lives, their souls inextricably bound together by some greater force neither knew anything about. He seemed to sense her disquiet, even in sleep, stirring in the bed beside her, slow to waken, having dreams of his own, not so very different from hers.

She rolled again, restless with movement as the terror of her nightmare reasserted itself, falling onto her back as within the dreamscape that filled her mind, she turned too late. The unseen body knocked her down, sulphur and scorching heat filling her senses, a terrifying growl warning her of what was to come. And as the claws ripped deep, the sleeping Nim arched in pain, her lips parting in a loud scream as the pain and fear erupted from her throat, her arms flailing as though the hell hound were there now, crouched over her as she slept.

Startled immediately to wakefulness at the sound of that scream, Dean's eyes flew open and he bolted upright in bed, turning to the screaming young woman beside him, reaching out to catch hold of her flailing arms and pull her into his arms. "Nim! Nim!" he called, trying to wake her, reverting to the name he had always known her by, the name of the girl she was in the dream. "Jo! It's me. It's Dean. It's alright. It's just a dream." No such thing as just a dream, he thought to himself. It wasn't just a dream, and they both knew it; it was a memory.

Perhaps it was strange that in the grip of that dream, she didn't answer to Nim, but to Jo. But despite her struggling, the harshness of her screaming as she flailed in his arms, the moment he called to her using the name she did not recall, brown eyes snapped open, staring into his with wild fear and unadulterated relief. Her hands moved to grip him tightly as she gasped for breath, twisting to press her face against his chest even as her palm fell to her left side, dragging her shirt high to make absolutely certain that those ugly scars were still just that ....closed, healed scars.

"It hurts," she whimpered softly, yet there were no tears as she clutched to him. "Don't go ....please don't go ..."

There was a gentle knock on the door, and Brian's voice called warily through the wood. "Everythin' all right in there?"

Dean wrapped her in his embrace, safe in his arms, heart pounding as if it had been him running from the hell hounds. He knew only too well what it felt like to be ripped apart by unseen teeth and claws, to feel yourself being torn to shreds, the hot sulphur stench of hell choking you to death. He felt himself shudder at the memory of it and pulled her closer, squeezing his own eyes shut, hating the fact that she had suffered what he'd suffered and because of him. "Shhh....It's alright. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." He stroked her hair in an attempt to soothe her, to calm her fears. He wished he could tell her there was nothing to be afraid of, that it was just a dream, but it would be a lie.

"It's okay!" Dean called, hearing Brian's voice at the door. "It's okay," he repeated, quieter, more to her than to Brian, pressing a protective kiss against her forehead.

"All right." Despite the gravity of Nim's nightmares, Brian sounded as though he was smiling as he answered, the creak of the floorboards betraying his return to his own room.

Shaking, Nim clung to Dean as he held her, letting the sense of him surround and calm her so much faster than Brian had ever been able to. Slowly, as the fear receded under the very real presence of the man wrapped around her, she lifted her head, returning the press of his lips in an open-mouthed kiss to his jaw as she looked up at Dean with eyes no longer gripped with terror and pain.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, the hand that had fallen to her side rising to curl against his cheek as she pressed another kiss to his cheek, a third to the corner of his mouth.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-05-31 07:34 EST
He frowned down at her, concerned, wondering how much longer the nightmares would go on, worrying she'd end up like him, unable to sleep half the time unless he drank himself into oblivion. He didn't want that same fate for her; wondering if there was a way he could take that pain from her. If only Cas was still around, he might be able to help. Even if she no longer remembered him at all, it would be better than this torment she suffered every time she closed her eyes, wouldn't it'

He arched a brow at her apology, thinking it should be him doing the apologizing, not her. He brushed a thumb against her cheek, fingers pushing her hair back from her face. "Don't. You've got nothing to apologize for. Was it that same dream?"

She nodded reluctantly, knowing he wouldn't like that answer. But she hadn't been apologizing for waking him, knowing too that it was impossible to avoid. Her eyes lifted to his, dark and trusting even as she clarified herself with another soft kiss to his lips.

"I know you don't want me to turn back and help you," she whispered in the darkness, her gaze burning into his, willing him to understand why she couldn't do any different, whether it was a dream or not. "But I can't leave you, Dean. Never."

He looked into her eyes, a haunted expression there, as haunted by his memories as she was, understanding what she was telling him. If the tables had been turned, would he have done the same" Had he sacrificed Jo for Sam' Was this some kind of weird karmic debt' How many times had he told Sammy that very same thing - denying him death, even going so far as to sell his own soul to hell to save his brother. There was irony there somewhere if he looked hard enough for it.

"I told you to go. I screamed for you to go." He closed his eyes at the memory of what had happened that for her was a nightmare. He held her against his chest as the memory played itself out in his mind, just as it had in hers.

"I know." Her acknowledgement of the truth was whispered gently into the darkness as he drew her close once again, and abruptly the comforted became the comforter. To her, it was a nightmare; to him, it was a memory that haunted him deep. She twisted, easing herself higher to let her arms wrap about his shoulders, cradling his head to her own shoulder as she pressed a kiss to his temple. "It's okay," she murmured against his ear. "I'm here."

"It's not okay, Nim." He drew in her comfort, comforting and comforted, but she had to understand. He pulled gently away from her, just far enough that he could look into her eyes and make her understand. "It really happened. Hell hounds are real. Those scars are real. I know it's real because I was there, and I know what it felt like because..." He broke off, unsure he should continue that thought. He shook his head.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that if this is what you want, what you really want, you have to understand that it could happen again, to you, to me, to Brian, to Bobby. I'm gonna do everything in my power to protect you, I swear. I tried to protect you once, and I failed. I failed to protect Sammy, I failed to protect you. You made a choice, I know that, but so did I. When that building blew up, when I lost you, something happened to me. I died inside."

She held his gaze in the darkness, accepting silently his need to protect her, but knowing in the same instance that he would have to, someday, accept that she shared the same need to protect him. Her hands rose to cradle his jaw, drawing his face close to hers as she fervently answered him.

"You didn't fail," she insisted. "I've dreamed that memory so many times ....You never failed me. I made the choice, and I'd make the same choice again." She crept closer to him, her breath caressing his lips in the enveloping gloom of the night as she whispered fiercely, "Because I love you."

He just kept talking, all of it coming out, unravelling, trying to put into words what he was feeling, what he'd felt. "It should have been me, not you, never you. Don't you get it' I should have died that day. Not you." He shook his head, as if to deny her the right to make that same kind of sacrifice, the one his father had made for him and that he had made for his brother. The one that she had, in essence, made for him, unwittingly sacrificing herself for him, allowing him to live.

"I told you I'd be with you soon, and..." He broke off, suddenly realizing that in some strange way, that promise had come true. She was so close, all he had to do was lean just a little bit closer to capture his lips, but he didn't. His throat tightened, eyes bright with tears again, and he wondered if he'd ever stop crying. She had said it again, and it seemed he should answer those words somehow, echo that heartfelt declaration of love. He felt his heart spasm at the thought that she really and truly loved him. "I know..." he replied softly, drawing her close again, just wanting to hold her close in the still of the night. "God, I hope this isn't just a dream."

She laughed very softly, drawn into the warm, protective curl of his arms without argument, her smaller frame molding to his easily in the tangle of the sheets. "Trust me, this isn't a dream," she promised him in a low murmur. "If it was, you definitely wouldn't be dressed." Her lips curved into a grin as she nestled close, touching another gentle, unthinking kiss to his skin, this time to the hollow of his throat.

"You've been trying to get into my pants since the first day I met you," he countered, teasing, his chin resting against the top of her head as he cradled her close. "And when I finally give in and make my move, you shut me down. Bet you don't dream about that." Though he was teasing, there was a hint of regret in his voice. "Anyway, we keep going the way we're going, and you'll get your wish soon enough."

Most likely sooner, rather than later, but he didn't want to take advantage of her vulnerable emotional state following their argument and the nightmare. When it did happen, it was going to be beautiful. He just knew it.

"Doesn't mean I don't want you to touch me right now," she replied, her voice a sweet purr in the darkness as her hand slid teasingly down to cup and squeeze his rear through his jeans. No, she didn't remember shutting him down at all, but perhaps it was just as well. She didn't like the idea that she might have slept with this incredible man and have no memory of it at all.

He laughed when he felt her give his rear a squeeze, pulling away to look down into her face, the threat of tears having passed once again. "You're looking for trouble, and trouble is my middle name." Actually, he had no middle name, but it might as well be Trouble.

She let her nose bump his, that naughty hand caressing possessively before retreating to curl no less intimately at his hip as she met his laughing look with a loving smirk of her own. "Are you threatening to spank me again, princess?" she asked teasingly. "Or are you saving that for the day I finally give in and dress like a naughty schoolgirl for you?"

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-05-31 07:38 EST
He brushed her hair back from her face, fingertips stroking her cheek, gazing into those warm, dark eyes of hers. Both brows arched in surprise at her suggestion, but he only laughed. "Naughty schoolgirls aren't really my thing. I'm more into playing doctor." He waggled his brows mischievously, having a hard time keeping his eyes focused on her face, now that they'd slipped into flirtation. What she was wearing didn't leave all that much to the imagination. Still in his jeans and t-shirt, he had at least left his boots on the floor beside the bed.

"Oh, really?" Her grin softened even as she giggled at the suggestive waggle of his brows, unable to tear her eyes from his even if she had wanted to as her body shifted against his unconsciously. "Maybe I should see the doctor, then. I have an itch that just won't go away." Her eyes twinkled playfully back at him. Usually she felt the need to get away from her bed in the wake of her nightmares; tonight, she didn't want to move away at all.

A single brow ticked upwards at her reply. "Oh' And just where does it itch?" he asked, as he relaxed a little, allowing his gaze to drift over her admiringly. One hand moved up her arm to flick her hair back behind a bare shoulder, and he leaned close to brush his lips against that same shoulder. "Is it here?"

"Mmm ....a little." Even that teasing brush of his mouth to her skin was enough to set her alight for him, glowing in his arms with the anticipation of more, though she suspected he wasn't truly going to go so very far. Her lips brushed his ear as she murmured to him in a quiet purr, "Of course, it moves every now and then. You're gonna have to chase it down."

He smiled at her, a genuine smile, the old Dean Winchester smile, before his whole life had gone south. "I have a pretty good idea where it itches the most." He pushed her gently back onto the bed, one hand resting at her side, fingers curling into the fabric of her shirt. He had waited so long for this moment. He'd dreamed about it, fantasized about it. So far, she had not disappointed, just the opposite, in fact.

His face hovering over her, close to hers, he hesitated. They'd arrived at yet another defining moment, a crossroads. There really would be no turning back from here. "Are you sure this is what you want?" he asked, green eyes solemnly gazing into hers.

His smile, so unexpectedly warm and carefree, brought an echoing expression to her own face, a brightness there shared with him without a second thought as he eased her onto her back, her laughter soft but rich in answer to his teasing comment on her itch. Laid back beneath him, she felt that burning, twisting need ignite beneath the curl of his fingers so close to her skin, a gentle undulation of her spine offering him everything without words.

She stared up into his eyes, lips parted with breathless anticipation even as he asked the question that would set them on this course or another, dependent on her answer. "Never been more sure," she promised in a low voice, so close she could taste his breath on the air. "Are you?"

He gazed into those warm, soft eyes of brown, as if he might find all the answers to everything his heart had ever desired there, holding his breath as he waited for her answer, pulse quickening with anticipation of what was to come."Never been more sure about anything in my life," he replied, softly, keeping his voice low, for her ears alone, unsure how thin the walls were here.

They were pretty insulated from anyone else hearing them. Nim's room was at the end of the hallway, and of course, the room that lay beside it had been claimed by Dean and thus lay empty. But the quiet was so intimate, so deeply touching, that she emulated it even as she arched up to him, drawing her palm with strangely tentative longing over his shoulder, fingers gripping his shirt. Her lips just touched his as she gazed into his green eyes, seeing herself in his gaze with tender affection. "So glad you said that."

He realized even as he said it how much he meant it. Somehow, deep inside, he'd known it had always been Jo, no one else, ever since they'd first met. Oh, he'd tried to move on, to forget her. He'd slept with other women, he'd even spent a year living a mostly normal life with Lisa, but he always ended up coming back to Jo, for some reason. It didn't matter what she called herself - deep down, she remembered him; deep down Nim was Jo. "I don't wanna lose you again. I'm not gonna lose you again," he told her, leaning close, brushing her hair back from her face, even as he lips grazed his, igniting a fire in his heart.

"I promise." She closed that distance between them - again, it was Nim who made that first move, who made a beginning in the midst of the heated agony of almost, where Jo had never so much as tried. Brown eyes fell closed as her lips melted into his, that first touch soft, chaste, undemanding of anything but what he could and would give. Her hands skimmed down over his sides, tentative, too restless to hold a single place, loving and nervous and eager.

Her touch, her kiss kindled the fire that was burning inside him, the yearning for more than just kisses. He felt as though he'd been waiting for this moment for so long, but he didn't want to rush her; he wanted to savor each and every moment, every tender caress, every languid kiss, now that they had found each other again. He kissed her slowly, demanding nothing in return, even as his fingers slid the strap of her shirt down her bare shoulder.

In the slow shock of feeling the floodgates opened with no foreseeable need to close, she gasped softly as Dean returned her kiss, her lips parting to offer more, inviting him to take what she offered with the merest suggestion of a moan that could have been his name on her breath. Electricity seemed to flash from his fingertips over her skin as the material at her shoulder shifted ....such a small step toward naked vulnerability, but so profound in the same moment.

This wasn't about comfort. It wasn't about sating that physical need, though that played its part. This was Nim making her promise, and making sure he knew it was going to stick, whatever came. And in the grip of that newfound confidence, she rose beneath him, fingers finding a single button to begin the longed for task of peeling away the layers he hid himself with.

Being with her was like the culmination of a dream, one he'd kept to himself for a long time, one he'd thought would never, could never come true. But here they were - the two of them - sharing their deepest secrets, fulfilling their deepest wish, unaware and uncaring how all of this had been orchestrated by forces beyond their reckoning. And would it have mattered if they knew" Probably not. Dean deepened the kiss as she rose against him, fingers sliding that strap all the way down her arm, his touch grazing her flesh, aware of her playing with the buttons of his jeans, pulse leaping with excitement.

It wasn't just about wanting to sleep with her. He'd slept with plenty of women before. If that was all it was, he could have had anyone. This was about something so much deeper, more profound. It was about discovering each other, it was giving themselves to each other, it was about possessing each other.

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-05-31 07:42 EST
As that first tenderly urgent satiation of their need for one another ebbed away in a delicious ripple of tension, Nim shivered in the afterglow of quiet delight, slow to relax from the flagrant arch she had taken up over the banding grasp of his arms at her back. Golden hair fell over his scarred shoulder, a caress in itself, as she drew her lips back to his in a last languid kiss, broken by a loud hammering on the door.

"That had better be sex and not some demon guttin' you, girl!"

Her lips broke from Dean's in a wild giggle as finally she realized how loud she had been - loud enough to wake Brian, and probably Bobby, too, and bring them to the hall outside the door, no doubt armed and ready for a fight. Blushing bright, she hid her laughing face against Dean's neck, way too embarrassed to answer that shout from her friend.

Pleasure ebbed and flowed, like an ocean wave rippling through him, warm and calming. Like the ocean waves at the beach just a few nights ago. Dean drew a deep breath, exhaling slowly to calm the hammering of his heart. She had simply taken his breath away, surpassing all his expectations and then some. The touch of her hair was like a caress, her body warm and safe in his arms, right where she belonged.

He sighed again, brushing his lips tenderly against hers when the spell was broken by the hammering on the door and a voice he recognized as Brian's. He smirked back at Nim when she giggled and turned his head toward the door to shout back an answer. "Go back to bed. Everything's fine." He turned his smirk to Nim, muttering, "Unless I'm a demon."

Bobby hadn't bothered to get up, knowing Dean well enough to know what was going on in Nim's room without having to check. There was a good chance he'd needle Brian about it in a few hours when their morning officially started. There was a loud harrumph from the other side of the door, and Brian could be heard walking back to his own room again, muttering to himself, "Damned kids and damned hormones ..."

Still giggling, Nim lifted her head, glancing toward the door with fond exasperation before her dark eyes returned to meet Dean's. Her fingertips stroked through his hair, down the back of his neck as she teasingly touched the tip of her nose to his. "If you are a demon, I'm never going to say no to being possessed."

Dean smiled back at her as she touched her nose to his, his own fingers combing through the long strands of gold that fell down her back. "If I was a demon, I wouldn't be wearing this tattoo," he pointed out, sliding his arms back around her to draw her to him as he settled back onto the bed.

He earned another soft laugh as they thumped back into the pillows, her smaller frame settling in a strangely protective lean over his as her hair slipped and cascaded to pool over his arm. Distracted by his allusion to the inked mark she had touched her lips to when their love-making began, she lowered her eyes to examine it properly, lifting one hand to trace the flame-like circle about the pentacle with a delicate fingertip. "I don't think I've ever seen a charm like this."

He watched her with eyes soft with contentment and heavy with sleep, fingers idly stroking her hair as he admired her profile in the dim light of early dawn. So beautiful, he thought to himself. I don't deserve you. He drew his gaze away temporarily to glance at the tattoo she was tracing on his chest. "Bobby gave us amulets after Sam..." He broke off, realizing she didn't remember any of her own history, much less his. "We thought tattoos would be better. More permanent."

She didn't need him to continue, assuming that Sam had been possessed at some time, but understanding that Dean barely wanted to even think of his brother, much less talk about him. Not yet. Her gaze lifted to his once again, the trace of her finger stopping as she covered the mark with her palm. "It's a good idea," she murmured softly, unable to hide the way her body seemed to purr as he stroked her hair. "Odd it's not somethin' everyone does."

"Not standard issue, I guess, but it makes sense." He wasn't quite sure why Bobby had never followed suit or why other hunters hadn't thought of it before, though maybe they had. "It seems to work, but I guess nothing's fool proof." Dean's memory drifted to all the people he loved who'd become possessed at one time or another. All but him, it seemed, and he'd often wondered why. "I assume that's why you wear that necklace. Did Brian give it to you?"

"Mmm?" She blinked, surprised by the question. The little silver amulet that hung from a leather cord about her neck had been a constant since the day the detective had handed her those personal effects she had arrived with. She shifted higher against Dean, leaning on her forearm as her other hand rose to touch the small charm, her finger tracing the pentagram and crescent moons like old friends.

"No, Brian didn't give this to me," she said thoughtfully, a small frown furrowing her brow as she looked down at Dean curiously. "I wasn't wearing this when ....the last time you saw me" I kind of assumed - everyone did - that it was mine already. I was wearing it when I got here."

Dean reached out to touch the pendant that hung from her neck, furrowing his brows thoughtfully. "No, I've never seen it before. I assumed Brian gave it to you." As strange as things were, up until now, things had at least made some sense. She had died in his world and had somehow been brought here, just as he had when Dick Roman had exploded into a pile of black goo, but he had arrived only with the clothes on his back. That meant one of two things - either she wasn't from his universe, or someone or something had given her that pendant without her knowing about it. "What else did you arrive here with?"

Intrigued by the mystery, Nim lifted her left hand, showing him the ring that encircled her second finger. "This." It shone in the promise of dawn light that just barely illuminated the room, a single cast piece of silver that bore the unmistakeable shape of an equal-armed cross. "And the clothes I was wearing, but they were ripped to shreds." She bit her lip thoughtfully. "You think something gave these to me?"

He rubbed a thumb against the pendant, letting go of it to turn his attention to the silver ring bearing a vertical cross. "A cross. Why a cross?" he asked, wondering if the symbol had any special meaning to her, other than the obvious religious meaning. A silver cross, no less. "I think someone's trying to protect you." If that was the case, was that why he was here?

Nim snorted faintly, rolling her eyes as she finally, reluctantly, settled onto her back beside him amidst the tangle of sheets, her shoulder tucked beneath his and her head tipped close. Her thumb rubbed over the ring on her finger for a moment before she lowered her hands to her stomach, staring up at the ceiling. "I'm nothing special. I don't get why I was brought here in the first place. It would have made more sense if it was you and your brother."

Jo Winchester

Date: 2012-05-31 07:46 EST
He slipped an arm around her shoulders as she sank down beside him, drawing her close, tilting his head to press his lips against the top of her head. "You're special to me," he told her in quiet contradiction of her statement. "I don't know why I was brought here either, unless..." Should he tell he what he suspected"

She smiled faintly as he kissed her hair, somehow knowing despite her lack of memory that this soft contradiction was about as effusive as Dean was likely to get on the subject of his feelings. Her hand rose to stroke her knuckles against his chest as he spoke, her head tilting back to let her look into his face. "Unless" You got a theory already?"

"I'm not sure I'd call it a theory, but I've got an idea." He rested his free hand against his chest while his other arm held her close, staring up at the ceiling in thought, sorting through what he already knew and trying to make sense of it all. "I think maybe I was brought here because of you, but I'm not sure why or by who." He turned his head toward her to meet her gaze, wondering if anything he was saying or about to say made any sense. "It seems to me that whatever or whoever brought you here wants to keep you safe. They saved you from..." He trailed off again, not really wanting to think about her dying again.

"They saved you, brought you here..." He reached over with his free hand to pluck up the pendant from around her neck between his thumb and forefinger. "Gave you the ring and this....I mean....Of all places to end up, you end up here, with a hunter, who knows how to keep you safe. Two years later and here I am. It's too coincidental to be chance. Someone orchestrated it. The question is who and why."

Her frown deepened as he spoke, obviously uncomfortable with the idea that their translocations were somehow entirely based around her, around something that made her special to an unknown benefactor. She shivered a little, unable to help the thought that they could be being watched right at that moment. "I don't like not knowing," she admitted quietly, rolling onto her side to curl close against him. "It's worse than not knowing who I am."

He mirrored her movement and rolled to his side to face her, letting go of the amulet to press the back of his hand against her cheek. "I know who you are, and I..." He frowned faintly as he came close to telling her he loved her, wondering why he didn't just say it. He hadn't said those words to anyone in years. Oh, he'd told people he cared, but love" He couldn't remember when he'd mentioned the word love, not even to his brother. It just wasn't something a Winchester said, not since him Mom had died anyway. He noticed her shiver and thought she was cold, reaching down to draw the blankets up over them both. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, Nim."

"I know." She nestled close, drawing her arms about his waist as her lips touched his skin once more. No matter the reason for their being there, no matter who or what had orchestrated this strange reunion, no matter even the identity of the benefactor who had kept her alive for unknown intent, Dean was there now, and Nim had no intention of ever letting him go.

He quieted, leaving the rest of what he was thinking unsaid for now, allowing her to drift off to restful sleep. He was tired, but the wheels in his head were turning now, going over clues, possibilities, and what to do about it all. It wasn't that he wanted to go home so much, as it was about needing to know what had happened and why.

It wasn't long before the young woman he knew as Jo, but was learning to know as Nim, was breathing softly and evenly, asleep at his side. He tucked the blankets up over her and himself, brushing a protective kiss against her forehead before setting himself beside her to wait for morning. He needed to talk to Bobby and Brian and sort some things out before he decided what to do next about this little mystery, but he had a feeling he was going to have to go back to the scene of the crime, as it were. Back to the beginning, back to Lawrence, Kansas, where it had all started over twenty-five years ago.

((Humungus thank yous to Dean's player!))