Topic: Au Revoir isn't Good-bye

Connar Valdor

Date: 2016-10-06 02:42 EST
Au revoir isn't good-bye.

The French have a word they say at parting that Anglophones often translate as "good-bye." However, like many French words, the meaning runs deeper and holds more sentiment than the translation. Au revoir literally means "to seeing again? or simply, "until we see each other again." For those who hate the finality of good-bye, au revoir is a great substitute.

Connar passed a milestone recently: 10 years as a character in Rhy'din. I wondered, as many do, where the time went, and what, if anything, did he accomplish of note during that decade. He made friends, some fleeting, others long-lasting. He laughed, loved, fought, and struggled to make sense of a world he wasn't quite equipped to live in. Like many characters, he helped the writer behind the veil work out struggles and uncertainties in the real world. He has many of Rhy'din's residents to thank for helping him through dark, lonely, and uncertain times.

As is often the case, the real world exacts a toll in multiple realms and has a penchant for messing up story lines. So it is for Connar - his story line has reached its final chapter, at least in this volume. As demands on my time pull me in one direction, Connar is left in the void of blank pages yet to be written, where promises are unfulfilled, and the music from our muses slowly fades away.

We win at the games we choose to play; even losing is a victory if we truly love the game. Thank you for playing with me.

