Topic: Ce n'?tait qu'un r?ve ou un cauchmar.


Date: 2016-08-22 19:28 EST
Take a peek at The Empath's dreamscape... Ce N'etait Qu'un Reve

Dans un grand jardin enchante Tout a coup je me suis retrouvee Une harpe des violons jouaient Des anges au ciel me souriaient Le vent faisait chanter l'ete

(In a large enchanted garden Suddenly I found myself A harp and violins were playing Angels in the sky were smiling to me The wind was making sing the summer)

Je marchais d'un pas si leger Sur un tapis aux petales de roses Une colombe sur mon epaule Dans chaque main une hirondelle Des papillons couleurs pastel

(I was walking with a so light tread On a roses' petals carpet A dove on my shoulder A swallow in each hand Pastel colors butterflies)

Ce n'etait qu'un reve Ce n'etait qu'un reve Mais si beau qu'il etait vrai Comme un jour qui se leve Ce n'etait qu'un reve Un sourire sur mes levres Un sourire que j'ai garde Au-dela de mon reve

(It was only a dream It was only a dream But so beautiful that it was true Like a day which is rising It was only a dream A smile on my lips A smile that I have kept After my dream is over)

Le soleil et ses rayons d'or Les fleurs dansaient sur un meme accord Des chevaux blancs avec des ailes Semblaient vouloir toucher le ciel Vraiment j'etais au pays des fees

(The sun and it's golden rays Flowers were dancing at the same rhythm White horses with wings Were wanting to touch the sky I was truly in fairyland)

Ce n'etait qu'un reve Ce n'etait qu'un reve Mais si beau qu'il etait vrai Comme un jour qui se leve Ce n'etait qu'un reve Un sourire sur mes levres Un sourire que j'ai garde Au-dela de mon reve

(It was only a dream It was only a dream But so beautiful that it was true Like a day which is rising It was only a dream A smile on my lips A smile that I have kept After my dream is over)

Ce n'etait qu'un reve

(It was only a dream) — C?line Dion

Snippets to come...


Date: 2016-09-07 11:19 EST
There had been sudden danger in a place where she normally felt safe and suddenly she was snatched up and plunged into darkness.

I hate when I "wake" into a dream and it has already started.

The only thing that kept The Empath's fear and anxiety from paralyzing her was the familiar hand guiding her through the shadows — larger and stronger than hers, comforting. It felt reminiscent of portal magic, but not exactly the same. However it was very disconcerting and it threw off the other senses Eless normally relied on due to her night-blindness. Where are we"

She could sense the growing panic seeping through her shielding, but she could not rein it in. She was rapidly losing her center and the harder she tried to smother her emotions, the more they surged. They bled like small wounds. She could feel their effect on her savior and bit her lip in frustration; the tiny drop of blood she drew from her instinctual reaction only caused more distress to both of them. Oh by all the gods and goddesses, I am an idiot!

Just as Eless was about to succumb to complete panic, the pair broke free into the light and she gasped for air in a plaintive whimper. She was off balance physically as well as emotionally because of their escape method. Blinking and swaying, she tried to ascertain where they were and she saw her confusion mirrored. When her vision focused, she yelped as fear took control again.

I did not see that! It could not be! No!

"Eless! Eless! Stop!" he pleaded, "Elessaria! You are only making it worse!" The voice was familiar albeit a bit rougher than she was used to and his aura was definitely one with which she was familiar even if it seemed a bit shadowy. She could feel him move closer and with her thoughts so muddled, she could feel the urges "to flee or to fight' warring inside of her. "Eless," he offered less raspy and more soothingly as he was winning his own internal struggle. He knew her very well and remembered her need for tactile comfort, slowly extending a hand to rest on her shoulder. When she didn't jump nor punch him, he drew her closer and enveloped her in his strong arms. "Ssshhh?"

His warmth, the gentling of his tone and his familiar scent all worked together to help her settle and begin to ground herself. She whispered against his chest, "I am so very sorry. Please forgive me. I should have known better."

Why do men have to wear armor of any type" It really is not very comfortable for hugging.

Eless felt the gentle warmth of lips pressed to the crown of her head. "It's okay. You're safe. We're safe," he murmured against her golden strands. She dared to lift her chin to peek up timidly, her remorse for her reactions evident in the blue flames which flickered and flared erratically in her gaze. She could still feel her pulse skittering beneath her skin, but whether it was due to her earlier fear or now his proximity, she wasn't sure.

Oh, this is even more dangerous than what we escaped, I think!

Eless could sense the tangle of heat and emotions radiating from him as easily as breathing, although her breathing seemed to have hitched when she felt his hand cup her cheek gently. "Stop that look, please. It's killing me, " he whispered as his eyes met hers. Reflexively her eyes closed, so she wouldn't cause him any more strain. She could feel his head lowering as hers lifted and the heat was so deliciously intense. She managed to sigh out on a whisper, "If we" we will forever be changed?"

Savior or Sinner"

The sudden clap of thunder yanked her from her shadowy, sultry dreamscape . She sat up startled in her bed with Lyavain shifting to put his enormous head on his mistress" lap to comfort her.

—- ~I'm so into you, I can barely breathe And all I wanna do is to fall in deep But close ain't close enough 'til we cross the line, hey yeah So name a game to play, and I'll roll a dice, hey

Oh, baby, look what you started The temperature's rising in here Is this gonna happen? Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move (woo, oh, oh, oh) Before I make a move (woo, oh, oh, oh)

So, baby, come light me up, and maybe I'll let you on it A little bit dangerous, but, baby, that's how I want it A little less conversation and a little more "touch my body" 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you Got everyone watchin' us, so, baby, let's keep it secret A little bit scandalous, but, baby, don't let them see it A little less conversation and a little more "touch my body" 'Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you, oh yeah~ (Ariana Grande's Into You)


Date: 2016-09-20 16:22 EST
Elessaria turned her attention from the meal she was setting out beneath the shade of a cluster of palm trees when the chorus of laughter rang above the song of the ocean's waves lapping at the sandy shore. She stopped her humming and smiled. The little boy with tousled curls, bleached blond by the sun's rays, caf" au lait skin also a gift from the sun and hazel eyes that mirrored his father's, but leaned more green, was darting in and out along the water's edge to collect even more shells to add to his ever expanding collection. Connar, tanned, relaxed and laughing while he helped and as the waves splashed the pair. She stopped her contented humming and watched for a few moments, breathing in deeply of the fresh breeze that had been slowly and steadily building. It teased the golden tendrils of her hair and fluttered the hem of her floral printed skirt while it heralded the arrival of a late afternoon storm. The diminutive elfess wondered if she should move their picnic indoors; however, since they all seemed to prefer the outdoors, she simply weighed down the corners of the large, brightly coloured blankets with some rocks from the toddler's other collection. Some of the stones were chosen for their unusual shapes, others for the way crystals sparkled from within, and the ones Eless had chosen, were ones that had been painted in rainbow hues by a chubby, enthusiastic, little hand.

The pair radiated happiness, although the little lad's was broadcast loud and clear due to his empathic gifts which he had yet to learn to shield very well. She shook her head and chuckled, returning to set the casual table. There were an assortment of succulent fruits, thinly sliced cured meats, fresh bread and a variety of cheeses to fill bellies that were hungry from a day of play. Hopefully, all the activity would wear him out and he'd fall asleep at a decent time. To finish the meal, there were delicate madeleines which they had baked together this morning, their delicate shapes a bit askew because the tiny hands were not yet skilled, but they would taste all the more delicious for the effort put into making them. As Eless placed her dainty hand to her brow and lifted her gaze to the sky to check on the clouds that were beginning to block out large swaths of blue, she was startled by a panicked yelp and quickly shifted her gaze to the shoreline while beginning to take a few hasty steps that way. Lyavain was a blur of white, stirred from his shady spot, and before she had traveled a couple yards, he was with father and son. Everyone moved faster than The Empath these days.

She clamped down on her concern, but bit hard on the inside of her cheek until she saw Connar deftly pluck the child, who coughed, laughed and spit out salt water with his treasured shells still clasped tightly in his hands. The waves had been growing steadily stronger and rougher as the storm built faster over the sea. One unexpected surge had caught the little, sturdy adventurer unaware when he had bent over to pick up another shell. Once Connar had set him securely on his own two little feet, he crowed triumphantly, "Papa, that was fun!" Eless groaned both audibly and wearily, shaking her head. "Go wash up," father instructed son while he attempted to hide his own grin, "it's time to eat." He added more quietly, "And before you make Maman faint or something." "I heard that!" She scolded and shook her head once more as the trio approached, trying to affect a stern demeanor and keep the corners of her lips from twitching and betraying her laughter. The toddler paused in his skipping to dump his pile of treasure by one corner of the blanket before he placed a small, sandy hand on the gentle swelling of his mother's abdomen. "Do not fret! Tout va bien!" he chirped confidently, then Lyavain padded forward to herd his charge inside to clean up.

Connar's hazel gaze met her eyes of blue flames as he slipped his strong arms about her. The flames danced brightly in the gaze she tilted up to his as she quipped, "He is just like?"

"his maman!" "his papa!"

They both retorted simultaneously with merry laughter. "He is fearless and dare I say, reckless at times?" She added softly with a sigh as she rested her cheek against his chest to hear his heart beat. "Like his mother." Connar teased. "And this one?" he added more gently as he tenderly placed a palm on her abdomen just like their son had done only moments earlier. "We can only hope she doth have a bit more restraint, n"est-ce pas?" The only thing the elfess knew for certain was she knew exactly what eyes this baby would have " eyes of blue flame, like her mother and her half-brother whom they had never met. When she lifted her gaze once more, he could easily read the concern that simmered amidst her expressive eyes. He always could and he wasn't even empathic. He cupped her cheek and placed a reassuring kiss to her forehead, "Du calme, cher. You should listen to our son. Tout va bien."

When she felt the warm wetness upon her cheeks, she wasn't sure if was her tears or the clouds finally releasing big, fat drops of rain.

———- ((This piece was inspired by Saturday night's play and this song: "Je Nous Veux""list=PL7FB9F60BC3FAD833))