Topic: Letters from Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2006-04-07 13:20 EST
Dear Prue, I arrived safely in town, and you may congratulate me. I got my old job back today. I didn't even have to do any begging. Mr. Simon actually appeared rather glad that I came in and asked him if it was still available and not the least bit upset about that I had to leave at the end of last summer. He even asked if I would be willing to visit the team arenas during the team dueling season. Of course I said yes. However, I did have to get a different apartment. I found one I can afford. It's fairly close to work, but not the best of neighborhoods. Actually, it's not really so much an apartment as a room. But it has all the necessary furniture in it and the mattress is fresh and soft. It'll do for now. There's even an ice cream shop just down the street. Did Sandy have her puppies yet' Give her a hug from me. Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2006-04-08 02:48 EST
Dear Prue, You won't believe what happened to me today. Rumors in this town must be traveling even faster than at home. One of my old regulars must have somehow heard of me having gotten the job back, and immediately sent some coins over as advance payment for at least a couple of months" worth of gum, candy and water. Isn't that just fabulous" I've not even been to work yet. Now I'm even more excited about getting to start on Monday and no matter how the first day goes, I'll have at least some coins to bring to Mr. Simon. Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2006-04-10 12:00 EST
Dear Prue, Your first letter arrived this morning. It is so good to hear from you. Don't worry about there only being three puppies and not enough to go around. It's probably for the best. The apartment is really too small for one of Sandy's pups to be happy. The first day back to work went well. I got to be on twilight isle, that's where the mages cast spells at another and goblins are underfoot everywhere, while a challenge match was going on. But it's tough making any sales there. Mages must not have much of a sweet tooth. Business was a lot better Outback where the wrestlers and boxers go to fight. They tip better there, too. Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2006-04-10 23:12 EST
Dear Prue, I'm in Love! No, not with a guy, but with this the most dreamy dress I've ever seen. I took a walk in the newer part of town by the stars end bar earlier today, and there it was in the store window. It is hot pink with dark blue edges, no sleeves, like it came out of a science fiction picture, only prettier, and totally unaffordable. There was an auction for charity at the arena last weekend. They auctioned off each other to be slave for a day and to make money for a tournament. From what I hear everyone that attended had a blast. I may have enjoyed that, too. But I didn't find out about it until last night. Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2006-04-11 09:36 EST
Dear Prue, Thank you so much for the cookies. They taste just like the ones Mom used to make. I got to work at the challenge match last evening. It was busy. There were even baby dragons around the ring. I guess they belonged to the immensely tall draconian who was one of the duelers in the ring. Their antics distracted me so much, I'm sure I missed out on a sale or two. Of course there was also the obligatory dolt. This one had his face painted in the Egyptian style and would have been handsome if he hadn't smirked so evilly most of the time. He tried to push me around and suggested I should be kneeling to him. The arrogance! But I did exactly what Mr. Braxx showed me a while back. You remember me showing you about lighting a cigar" It worked like a charm, too. The bloody bloke got nervous like " not really, but sort of " you know what I mean. I was so worried at first that he might upset the tray or send me off without paying, but he did neither and even gave me the promised tip. It's a good thing, too, I didn't have to resort to "plan b?. Mr. Simon might not have liked that. Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2006-04-12 12:39 EST
Dear Prue,

You may congratulate me. I found an extra job and already have a third of the money for that dress I told you about. Mr. Simon asked me to baby-sit his daughter while she is here. So far Sarah, that's the girl's name, has been a little darling. But she has that sort of cherubby face, you just know she's gonna wrap you around her little finger and then go find trouble behind your back. Tomorrow I am to take her to the zoo in the afternoon. Do you have any ideas I could use to keep her busy with' One can only tell so many stories to a little girl before she gets bored.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2006-04-13 10:41 EST
Dear Prue, I'm so sorry to hear about the barn and glad that no one was seriously hurt. Thank you for the advice. Sarah loves the little straw and corn dolls. It was a grand idea to let her make the faces. You should have seen how proud she was when she got to show them off. The postcard is from the Zoo. Sarah only enjoyed the animals for the first half hour or so. Then she was bored with the animals and plants and I think the apes scared her. She just wanted to go home after we saw them. Even cotton candy wasn't doing the trick to cheer her up or coax her into going to another exhibit after the gorilla flashed his yellow teeth at her. Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-06-23 19:17 EST
Dear Prue,

I'm sorry I'm just now getting to sit down to write. There was an ice cream social the day I returned and Mr. Simon wanted me to work right away. That turned out to have been a good thing. He just had me take flowers instead of the tray and the people there were pretty generous. I even got to keep some of those pretty roses for myself.

Anyway, I made it back into town all in one piece, safe and sound and Ms. Mill didn't rent my room out to anyone else while I was away. Everything is still right where I left it. And you were so worried.

While I was away a couple of new places opened up for business. I'm curious if I'm going to get to try to sell stuff there, too. One's a Tavern and the other place is a combination of a coffee shop and a book store. It looks to be a very cool place, but probably not so much one for selling chocolate and cigarettes. Maybe I can go there some time just for fun. I don't know yet when they're open.

How's Alfred doing" Is Cassy still giving him trouble" Write when you can.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-06-24 09:22 EST
Dear Prue,

You wouldn't believe just what I saw when my rounds took me by the Red Dragon Inn the other evening! A bull! Not just the kind we have on the field, but one that walked upright and had arms and legs instead of just legs. I wonder if he has feet or hooves. He certainly had hands and he was drinking something out of an ale mug. He was talking, too. Yelling actually or I'd not have heard him talk. The place was stuffed full of people. It was just the most amazing thing to see. This town has the oddest assortment of people, but that must be the strangest I saw so far.

But business was great! I almost sold out of all the fancy boxed chocolates that evening and a bunch of people were generous and gave tips. I sure could use a few more days like that. Except perhaps without the smart dressed lord that prefers his cigars lit. Those things are yucky! And it's so difficult not to cough. It does make for large tips, though, so it isn't all bad.

Last night did not go so well as far as work goes. I had the worst of luck and managed to get everywhere just as they were closing and people leaving. Mr. Simon is on vacation, so at least until he gets back I won't be able to make up for the slow days with baby sitting Sarah.

The postcard shows the market place when no vendors are set up there. Isn't it pretty' But I've yet to see it that way, it's always crowded when I have a chance to spend a little time there.

I hope to get a letter from you soon.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-03 10:41 EST
Dear Prue,

Hahahaha! You're so funny! No one is asking me out on a date, much less dozens of smart dressed lords. That's just too silly. When would I be going on a date anyway' Those things are in the evenings when I'm working.

Wow, that Cassy is bad! Poor Alfred. He should get rid of her. I'm sure there are plenty of nice girls that would love to go out with him that wouldn't pull such stunts on him. Let me know when he wisens up.

This morning I managed to squeeze out a little time to have a look at the books and coffee shop. What a place! Comfortable seating everywhere, and row upon row of books on two floors. There's even a little bakery inside. I wish you could see it.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-03 13:28 EST
Dear Prue,

What a night I had! You had better be sitting be sitting down with a cup of coffee, because this is going to be the longest letter ever!

The evening started out extra slow. There was absolutely no one Outback, which is bad because the brawlers are usually good customers. And when I first got to the Inn no one there seemed to want anything and I was starting to worry it was going to be like last week when two candy bars a night was about all the business I could get.

Then I had the oddest customer. The man war a bright red hooded cloak, the hood pulled so far forward I couldn't even see his face. Creepy! His voice was creepy, too, more like an entire choir talking at once. He even knew my name! But a customer is a customer and not to be ignored. And he could have heard my name and Mr. Simon's somewhere before, at the time though it just added to the weirdness. It turned out he just wanted some dark chocolate, though, and he tipped well. The lady he was with he told that he lusted for chocolate as much as she lusted for human blood. Eew. Can you imagine that' I was glad to get away from them again.

After that I got busy in a hurry. There was even a lady that wanted those candy cigarettes I told you about and she was so delighted to get them, too. And then the evening turned all weird on me again, but in a good way.

There was this man dressed like a gypsy and talking in the strangest accent that sounded like he was well into his cups. But he didn't act like a gypsy at all. At first he just wanted a pack of cigarettes, and he overpaid quite a bit with paper money. I'm just glad Mr. Simon told me about those papers a while back. I tried to tell him, too, that he way over tipped, but the man refused to take any of his papers back.

For the rest of the evening the customers were normal in comparison. Then, I was just about ready to call it a night; the gypsy man waved me over again. He wanted the lady that was sitting with him and his friend to pick anything she wanted, but she had gotten some chocolate from me earlier. He still talked her into a box of chocolates. And then he introduced me to his friend, Locke Carnelia. That's a funny name, isn't it' He was dressed all in steel, not something I get to see much of.

He was odd, too. At first he said he couldn't afford chocolate and a moment later he wanted to buy just about everything chocolate left in the tray. I think the gypsy man gave him those papers though to pay for all that chocolate. I was just about done pulling everything chocolate from the tray when he decided that three boxes were plenty. And they say women can't make up their minds! But he was nice and helped put the other stuff back into the tray. Then the gypsy man wanted to buy everything that was left, cigars and all. I certainly wasn't about to say no to that!

Then, get this, Locke Carnelia asked me what I would like to drink and he got me cola! I didn't quite know how to react I was so surprised. For a while I thought I was dreaming, all sold out and getting a cola from such a fine knight, that was just too good to be true, right' But it was actually happening. I was so excited I can't even remember what we talked about. He was really nice, too, and didn't pinch me even once.

You'd think that was plenty of excitement for one evening, but not so. When the cola was gone and I had said good night, I went to drop of the tray and an order for the next day along with the coins at the Outback for Mr. Simon like I always do before going home. I was just about half way home when it happened.

Now, don't you worry, I'm just fine.

So, anyway, there were these two thugs that thought to rob me. Get this, they thought I had jewels! What idiots. And you'll be so proud of me; I actually remembered to scream "fire" just like you told me to despite being ever so scared. Then I kicked one and bit the fingers of the other who put his hand over my mouth. That might not have been the smartest thing to do, because then they pulled out knives.

And wouldn't you know it, out of the darkness came the knight in shining armor just as one of those dolts threw me to the ground. Well, the armor was dull rather than shining, but I was mighty glad that he happened to be there. He was very knightly, too, and gave the thugs fair warning. Not they listened. Like I said earlier, idiots!

Anyway, he made short work of them and when I tried to thank him he just waved that off. Prue, you just have to think of something! It was the same knight that had invited me for a cola earlier. And he said he only happened along because he was looking for a spot to make camp. The poor thing didn't even have a room to stay at. So you see, I have to think of something. He definitely deserves some kind of reward for dealing with those thugs. Now I have to find a different way home, or maybe I'll ask Mr. Simon if I can drop off the tray and coins in the mornings instead.

Wow, this got long. I hope everyone at home is doing okay.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-04 13:01 EST
Dear Prue,

Mr. Simon is back from his vacation and he looks well rested. He seemed happy too with how I handled things while he was away, too, and with the list of things I had for him to re-order.

I think I have a new favorite customer, too. There was a darling young woman that bought one or two of everything sweet I had. She didn't eat it all herself, of course, or she'd be round as a ball. And she came back for more later in the evening.

Do you remember me telling you about a creepy customer in a red cloak" I ran into him again yesterday, and let me tell you, that one gives me the chills. I'm not even sure why, maybe it's those insanely long fingernails of his or maybe it's his excessive use of possessive pronouns. On logical reflection, he was actually rather nice. He had already heard that I was attacked the night before and he gave me a knife so that next time I would be able to protect myself. Before you go off again about not accepting gifts from strangers, I did mention that to him. He said I could trade the knife for a bar of chocolate and then it wouldn't be a gift.

I saw Locke again, too, the knight errant. He invited me for another cola again! Isn't that sweet' He even offered to teach me how to use that knife this afternoon. But I forgot to ask him where to meet him for that, silly me.

Alfred's just hopeless. I'd never stay with anyone that can't see me because he's hanging out with my girl friends. What's wrong with his friends anyway that they would hang out with his girl and he's not invited" He should start hanging out with Cassy's girl friends and get him some new best buddies, and you can tell him I said that, too.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-05 12:24 EST
Dear Prue,

Your brownies are the best! Thank you so much. Ms. Mill said to be sure and tell you how much she enjoyed them, too. She was happy that I thought to offer her one. And thank you for the box for Locke, too. I knew you'd think of something good. I'm sure he can find a good use for your quilt and he'll prefer the swords and helmets pattern over goslings, hats and flowers. I'll take his box to the inn the afternoon, that way someone can give it to him when he gets there and he'll have it even should I miss him. I have to deliver a message to him from Mr. Simon, too. He said for me tell Locke that he could have room and board at the Outback for as long as he wanted. Isn't that just nice of Mr. Simon?

I found Locke, too, yesterday afternoon for that knife handling lesson he had offered. That was ever so interesting. I may actually have learned something, too. But before you go telling everyone that I was on a date with a knight, he did point out that he was just doing his duty when I thanked him for the lesson. So you see, still no date. He did bring me another cola, though, while I was working at the inn last evening. But then he went back to the bar chatting with people.

There was a very nice lady there last evening, too, several actually. One invited me to sit down for a while as she was looking at the flowers in my basket. That was really considerate of her. I hope her violets still look as fresh and pretty as the ones I have left over. The other nice lady saved me from having to listen to anymore nonsense from a gent that wanted to have a dozen roses to give to his lady friend for free. The gall! He tried to tell me he hired the thugs that tried to rob me and threatened to hire more of the same if I wasn't giving him the flowers, right there with all those people around. Anyway, the lady, one of Locke's friends, called me away from him, and I was very glad for that. The rest of the evening was rather boring and very slow, apart from one nice man who bought 18 roses at once. But he left right after and I didn't get to see the lucky lady he got them for. Then Locke offered to walk with me when I was ready to leave. He hardly talked at all though on the way. I guess he was too busy keeping a look out for any thugs that may stumble too close. Nothing happened, though.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-06 13:47 EST
Dear Prue,

Locke loved your quilt and the brownies and he sends his appreciation. I got to meet up with just before work to give him your box. He also got to meet Mr. and Mrs. Simon yesterday. Mr. Simon was extra nice and they seemed to get on well. Mrs. Simon is going to have a new little one and they already asked me to baby-sit that one, too, once it comes around. That'll be so much fun.

Later in the evening I got to see Locke in regular clothes without his armor. So that he could get a hug rather than his armor, he said. He does look impressive with armor, but my, does he look ever so handsome without.

I had an exalted customer last evening. The King of Westridge got his Queen a dozen of roses. At least I think they were the King and Queen of Westridge. But I've seen them before tending the bar, so maybe them being king and queen was just part of their little game. Someone said that they were role playing their first date. Isn't that romantic?

On the way home something odd happened. I came across a woman with a fancy weapon that was hunting enormous rats. I didn't even know the beasties could be that big. I hope she catches all of them.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-07 11:05 EST
Dear Prue,

Ms. Mill, when she saw me this morning, invited me in to have a look at her brand new baby kittens. Her cat had four of them just last night. They are so adorable and so tiny; I wish you could see them, three gray ones and one with reddish stripes. She offered me to pick one of them to keep. I reminded her that she didn't allow pets in the rooms and that I wouldn't know where else to keep one. She must have liked that, because then she offered for me to pick one for her to keep and for me to name, and that I could come downstairs when I wasn't working to play with it. I think she's lonely for company. The other people she rents rooms to just say hello to her when they meet her as they come in or leave.

Locke asked me if I could take a day off to show him around town, so I'll be doing that today. I'll look for another postcard for you while we're walking all over town. I showed him the park yesterday already when he walked me home after work last night. He even carried that heavy tray for me. Wasn't that just sweet' I gave him a kiss, too, just as you suggested, and when he said good night he said that he'd like to have more of those. He's so adorable.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-08 11:02 EST
Dear Prue,

Locke and I walked around town all day yesterday. I don't think there's as much as a stone left that he didn't get to see. But I quite forgot to look for a postcard for you. I'll have to do later. We got so busy looking at everything that we didn't get around to seeing the kittens. He was going to help me think of a name for one. In the evening we sat at a pond in the glen. He put his arm around me when it got dark and said that when I got cold I could scoot closer. Of course I didn't wait until I got cold. The weather here right now is quite warm even after dark, and that may have never happened. Then I ran out of things to ask and tell and he did, too. But that was okay. Just sitting and being quiet together was nice, too. He said next week, should he not be too busy with saving damsels in distress, we could go swimming.

Love Prue

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-10 13:12 EST
Dear Prue,

Really, I wish you'd quit worrying so much. It's just a little knife and only for dire emergencies, and it's not likely I'll ever get to use it for anything besides slicing a tomato. Anyway, so far when anyone tried anything there always was someone around to see to it that nothing happened. And the gent that offered ?protection' for a fee didn't show up again, either. So, you see, there's no need for you to loose any sleep.

Locke must have found himself a quest. At least I've not seen him anywhere the last couple of days. I do miss him, too. But it was probably good that he wasn't there yesterday. I'd have felt so guilty had he been sitting there all evening just waiting for me to get done so he could escort me home. It turned out really busy, not at all like the evening before. The tips were really good, too, and everyone was super friendly. One of my repeat customers even introduced herself and her date, too, Tara and Mish. She told someone that she was a vampire, but vampires don't eat chocolate, do they' A few more extra good days like that and I can send you the rest I still owe you for the last fare home.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-13 09:21 EST
Dear Prue,

Nothing much worth mentioning happened the last couple of days. Thursday because my head hurt like it was about split and I stayed home and Friday, well, let's just say it was a very slow day. Yesterday was interesting though.

Do you remember me telling you about the Minotaur? And thank you for telling me what that species is properly called. Anyway, he got some violets from me yesterday, and he was as awkward about it as a young lad. I don't think he ever got flowers for anyone before.

Lady Tara, I'm sure I wrote to you about her before, was extra nice yesterday. She rescued me from too much unwelcome attention from her boy-friend. Mish usually is nice, though, but yesterday he must have had way too much too drink. Maybe that was because she was about to have her baby. I wonder if she had a boy or a girl.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-14 13:49 EST
Dear Prue,

Miss Tara, she doesn't want me calling her lady, didn't have the baby yet after all. That must have been a false alarm. She tried to give me sales tips yesterday. You should have heard the idea she came up with, they were hilarious, and one more wrong than the next. She certainly has no sense for business, but I'm sure she meant well. One of the lords there, he's quite the mage, but I get to that in a moment, thought to butt in, advising me that taking up her advise would be a bad idea, like I didn't already know that. Then later the mage lord dispensed his own advice on how I should make more sales. His advice was just as bad, just into a slightly different direction. Get this, he said I should look sexy, like I'd need any more drunkards mistaking me for one of the upstairs girls for rent. Some gent mistook his trying to help as bad manners and started a fight with him. For a moment I thought they'd kill each other, but the mage lord handled the situation well, in an abrasive sort of way. His girl friend is very nice, though. She even took the time to assure me that he wasn't about to let anyone die.

I was much more impressed with one of the other customers there, a young man that looks like a sloppy angel and is usually rather quiet. When all the hoopla was over he bought a rose and then started to take it apart, making a very pretty looking arrangement of leaves with the bloom floating in the center in a bowl. Then he gave the mage lord's girl friend, the bowl with the arrangement and placed the left over stem in front of the mage. Flowers do speak after all.

There was a wolf at the inn last evening, too. He was following me around the entire time. But I when I left he must have decided to stay rather than continue to follow me. I wonder how he got in there to begin with. He sure didn't seem to belong to anyone.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-15 15:35 EST
Dear Prue,

I decided to take last evening off, and what a good idea that turned out to be! Locke returned to town and thought to look for me at home first thing. He had not even stabled his horse yet or disposed of his armor! Maybe he missed me as much as I missed him, what do you think?

We decided to get something to eat and a couple of colas from the pastry shoppe just down the street and enjoy both in the park while he would tell me of his quest. Then he lifted me onto his horse and climbed up behind, shining armor and all. I felt like such a princess right out of the stories. He thought that was funny, though when I told him.

We didn't stay long in the park. He was tired and worn out from all that traveling and questing. But I'm sure I'll get to see him again this evening.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-17 11:21 EST
Dear Prue,

Sorry I didn't write yesterday. I was too upset for writing anything. Locke took a pretty woman around town all evening and didn't even say Hello when he walked right past me. Yesterday afternoon he told me ?it' was just a quest. Right! Conquest is more like it. Because yesterday evening he didn't show up at all and I heard that his afternoon quest was over in plenty of time for him to have made it to our date.

Anyway, I went to the inn for cola yesterday, and that that nice man that gave that knife a while back was there. He recognized me even though I didn't wear that silly ponytail and uniform, and he even remembered my name. I've yet to see what he looks like, though. He always wears this hooded cloak with the hood way up to where seeing his face is impossible. I wonder if he's hiding lots of scars.

Ms. Mill and I decided to name the kitten we're going to keep Draco. He's the liveliest of the four and when gets frustrated with playing he looks like he wants to spit fire.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-19 12:30 EST
Dear Prue,

Work was amazing last night! All the people were extra nice and I didn't have a single nasty customer. Life is good.

One lady really wanted bubbles though, and that's not something I have. Yet, anyway. She wanted bubbles so bad she tried to give a rock that looked a lot like an emerald. I had the hardest of times to convince her that pre-paying with something like that was a really bad idea. Eventually she agreed, though.

In the afternoon I happened across Dracht again. That's the name of the nice man that gave me the knife. I finally got up the nerve to ask him what his name was. And he pulled his hood down so I finally got a good look at him. He's BEAUTIFUL (!!!) like you wouldn't believe, like an angel. I'm surprised my hair didn't turn all white just from looking.

And then I got the oddest letter from a secret admirer. He says he'd been watching from afar for years and that he wants to meet me and is even sending a carriage to pick me up. Do you think I should go' I sure am curious.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-22 19:57 EST
Dear Prue,

Nothing overly exciting has happened the last few days, whatever makes you think so' I'd write if there was something to write about. People tell me that Locke is courting a titled lady these days. The bubbles did okay for one day, but no one wanted any since. Miss Tara wanted me sell a golden egg for her, but so far no one wanted either. I think I'll go into town this afternoon and see if one of the jewelers wants to pay a fair amount for it. Miss Tara is always so nice to me; I would hate to have to keep her waiting on proceeds from that.

What new and exciting things are happening at home? It's been a while since you wrote anything of what?s happening with Alfred.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-25 09:42 EST
Dear Prue,

I have a couple new favorite customers. There is this really pretty woman with the longest and whitest hair I've ever seen, she always gets all the dark chocolate I've left in my tray when she sees me and she's always very nice. The other one is a man that always wants a couple of the expensive cigars. He always pays with platinum coins and never wants change.

Someone told me that Miss Tara had her baby, a little boy. I've not seen her at all in days, though. I hope she's okay.

I finally found you another postcard. This one shows the Rhydin Museum Complex. Isn't it just huge? So far I just had time to look at the art gallery. They have the most gorgeous pictures there. I could just stand there for hours on end looking at them.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-26 11:33 EST
Dear Prue,

You'll never guess where I got to spend the night! I got to sleep in a real life honest-to-goodness castle! And what a castle it was, let me tell you, humongous! You could fit your entire farm in there and have room left over. Every room there was absolutely grand. I would have never guessed just how much stucco, gilding, murals, and whatnot you can fit into one room, and the rooms were all huge, too. Even the privy was bigger than my room at Ms. Mills, and as if the floors and walls and ceilings were not enough to keep one marveling at newly discovered details for weeks on end, there were also the most amazing carpets and collections of this and that. Even the dishes they served food on where all pieces of stunning art. I was afraid to look at them too hard, though, for fear I'd break one. I probably don't make enough in a year to pay for even one little cup like that. The Lord and Lady didn't give me just a room to sleep in either, but an entire suite. When I tried to thank them both for the invitation, saying that I was greatly honored to be invited, the Lord said that he was honored to have me stay.

Now you probably want to know how all this came about. Miss Tara, you remember me mentioning her before, was giving a grand masque ball, and I got to include the ball on my round that night. When I got there she asked me to make sure not to just work but to take a break in-between and have some fun, too. But I got pretty busy, not so much at the ball, but at the Inn. The bartender, a really nice guy, when he heard that I wasn't doing so well at the ball, bought roses for all the lady patrons at the inn, including myself, and even had me make a special delivery to a lady that was at the ball. Panther, the owner of the inn, was there, too, and he asked me to come by when I was ready to call it a night so he could get whatever roses I had left by then.

When I was all done, the ball was still going on, so I took Miss Tara up on her offer and went to have a better look at all those gorgeous costumes. I happened upon an abandoned walking stick, and just as I was trying to see who I may return it to, this ugly snake was hissing at me! I thought for sure my heart would stop. It was one of those black ones they only had a picture of at the zoo instead of the real thing, because it's so poisonous, and it was going right for my foot! The next thing I knew I was laying on the floor, coughing and tearing up from some noxious fumes. The nice Lady, Lady Cieara deAuster " that sounds as beautiful and gentle as she is " was letting me have her handkerchief and then helped me up. It turned out that the stick I had found was her husband's and he was mighty glad to have it back. Anyway, they were happy the snake didn't bite me, not nearly as happy as me but happy just the same, and offered that to-die-for invitation. They even had their carriage all costumed up for the ball. You should have seen it! I still wonder how they got the horses to look like skeletons.

Except for the snake that was the best evening ever! Even better than riding through the park with the shiny knight.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-07-27 14:27 EST
Dear Prue,

Men can be so strange! I had a late delivery to make last evening after I was already done with my rounds, and who should be sitting there at the bar but Locke. He looked all guilty and pale. When I decided to say hi, he turned all apologetic and looked at me like he expected me to tear his head off. Silly.

Then there was the girl one of the patrons at the inn always plays with that was bleeding a little from her head. The young angelic looking male asked Mish of all people for help for the girl. Of course he didn't lift a finger. It was such a small thing, too, just needed a little ointment on the spot where someone had torn out her hair. Mish did tear into a dealer of sorts, though, that was trying to give the little girl something addictive.

I'm glad to hear Alfred's finally rid of Cassy. It would have been better though had he told her off instead of her breaking up with him. Give him my best.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-08-02 17:41 EST
Dear Prue,

Thank you so much for those brownies. They were just what I needed to cheer me up a little. I miss you and everyone at home. This entire week was just horrible! The days that business wasn't totally horrible something happened that was just making me miserable.

It started with Mish trying to ask me out for a date. That was just scary! He's old, at least as old as Da was when? and he's always groping one or the other of the patrons. And he shoots people. The nice lady with the long white hair told me that he would kill whoever I was seeing to get me to agree to a date and then kill me so no one else can go out with me either. But then she distracted him and I got away.

Then someone wanted to give Skid, a really nice patron, who looks a lot like those cute stuffed devil dolls they had for prizes at the bow and arrow booth at the last fair, a bag of all red gum balls. But then it turned out that she just wanted to get him into trouble with one of his friends, and then he was all upset with me because the message the woman wanted me to pass along was all wrong.

I did get to see Miss Tara's baby, though. He's ever so adorable and very well behaved.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-08-04 08:11 EST
Dear Prue,

Skid is not in trouble and he cooked dinner for me. At first I wasn't so sure that he wouldn't just bite my head off but then he offered to grill a cheese sandwich for me and he even let me come into the kitchen with him to watch. I tried to share some of the cookies with him you sent as a little thank you, but he wasn't anywhere I was yesterday. It's probably just as well, because when I made it to my room again they were nothing but crumbs.

Draco, the little kitty, is growing fast. Ms. Mill already has promised away the other kittens. So we will not get to play with them much longer. Do you think Draco will be lonely when his brothers and sisters are gone? It is kind of odd to have them indoors, though. I think yours are much happier, getting to sleep in the barn and roaming as they please.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-08-06 09:55 EST
Dear Prue,

I've something new in my tray that I think is just the coolest. It's fancy chocolates, but with a picture on the box of the lady with the prettiest legs ever that decorates the bar now and then just by sitting on it. When one tilts the picture one can see her move from one position into another on the counter she's sitting on. Mr. Simon had the hardest time getting those boxes, because the first production was sold out in less than hour.

I found the cutest little thank you card to give to Skid. That turned out much more practical to take along and deliver while out working. I'm not sure if he liked it, though. He was all sorts of tired yesterday and sounded confused, mixing up asking to talk and wanting to go sleep. A friend of his, Stitch, kept distracting me, complaining about wanting a candy girl. But he didn't want any candy. Silly.

There was another snake to frighten me, too. But one of the nice patrons there got it something to eat to distract it and it left me alone. I didn't even know snakes liked sweet milk. Maybe that's because it was a temple snake and they spoil them there with all sorts of stuff they don't usually eat. How it may have gotten out of the temple to scare the patrons at the inn I've no idea, though.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-08-07 16:09 EST
Dear Prue,

I am going on a date! Yes, you read that right. I'm ever so excited, a real date with dinner and dancing and, if the splendiferous lady is correct, even a dip in a fountain. Do you think that dress I wore to the last fair will do for dancing as well as dinner? I wish I could just go out and buy something new, but I may already have to dip into the piggy to make rent, business wasn't going so well lately.

The way it came about was rather odd, too. I went to make a flower delivery, and there was this heap in the hallway I had to climb over to get to the right door. On the way back I thought to check it out. The heap turned out to be Skid. He must have really tired the night before to not even make it back to his room. Anyway, he woke up and we had a couple colas together, and Skid asked me when my days off were. The splendiferous lady was at the bar, too, trying to make Skid buy chocolate. But that was before work and I didn't have the tray with me. And then he asked me out for dinner, and if I could afterward, dancing. I hope I'll remember the steps you showed me. Now I can't wait for Saturday to come around.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-08-10 19:09 EST
Dear Prue,

One of my customers named their baby girl Mira. Now I have a little name sister. Isn't that just so marvelous?

I'm not so sure about that date anymore, though. Skid nearly ran me over a few times yesterday, but it was like he didn't see me at all. Maybe he forgot all about it already. I guess I'll find out this evening, if he comes to pick me up or not.

Draco took to playing with straws. Maybe he'll become a bird hunter. He sure looks like he might the way he tosses a straw up and then tries to jump it as it falls down.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-08-11 09:23 EST
Dear Prue,

Yesterday, on my way to work, I happened upon Dracht again. I wrote you of him before. He's the man that gave me a knife a while back and does that trick that frosts cola. He and his pretty girl friend are going to have a baby. I didn't even know they were together, but they were very cute with each other yesterday.

Mish was at the inn again, too, and particularly ill behaved. I had hoped moving the inn to earlier in my evenings would let me avoid that one, but not so. He smashed everyone's drinks at the bar, making a mess like you wouldn't believe. It's a good thing there are all the really nice patrons, like the lady that wanted me to carry bubbles. She's there almost every evening that I work, and she always takes the entire dozen of bottles I have in my tray.

This afternoon I'll get to take Sarah to the zoo again. I wonder of she's looking forward to that as much as I am.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-08-13 19:59 EST
Dear Prue,

Thank you for the cute little devil doll. You are just too silly, though! It's not quite a Skid doll, though. I ran into him earlier. He looked a fine mess and talked like someone clubbed him over the head. He didn't mention the date at all and said that he was bored and then left.

That pavilion on the post card from the zoo is much bigger than it looks on the card. They keep a lot different plants there I've never seen before. They even have geckos, salamanders, frogs and a few butterflies in there without being in cages. Sarah was very excited when one of those very red butterflies, just like the one in the bottom left corner of the card, landed on her hand and stayed for a bit.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-08-23 09:46 EST
Dear Prue,

The date was fabulous! Skid is such a gentleman, too. When he came to pick me up, he gave me presents. Such thoughtful presents they are, too. The most intricate flower imaginable, grey and black that makes people relax by it just being in the room. I could look at it forever, it's so pretty. And a dress like you wouldn't believe, silvery and light and it feels like water and a style just as I might have picked, just because he knew I don't really have anything to wear that matches that favorite club of his.

Skid looked very elegant all in black. And get this; his carriage is drawn by bulls. Yes, you read that right, not by oxen or horses, but bulls. They pulled the carriage a lot faster than horses could, too.

The places he took me to for dinner and dancing are simply beyond description. The restaurant was made up of lots of very picturesque pavilions, and little lights danced around that Skid explained were tiny souls. The food was superb, fresh bread, all kinds of salads and the best medallions ever and flamb?ed fruit in various sauces. I think the medallions may have been venison.

Then we had another long carriage ride to get to the dance club and we talked some more about this and that. Skid is really most interesting. The club looked to be made entirely out of amethysts and even though it nine floors, each with a different style of dancing, every floor of the place was crowded. I absolutely love dancing!!! It was fabulous even though I only got to see three of the nine floors. I didn't step on his feet either and the steps you showed me worked just fine.

Love Prue

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-08-23 09:47 EST
Dear Prue,

You didn't get a letter in a while because there just isn't anything new write about. I'm fine though. Work is pretty much the same as always. I did have an odd customer the other evening that wanted me to call him Bertie and tried to kiss me, even though he had a date sitting with him. Of course he didn't get to. Skid is still messed up. He seemed to be talking to a coconut yesterday. I wonder what happened to him. But I didn't have a chance yet to ask him.

Next month there is to be a harvest festival. I hope I can go to enjoy one or the other event rather than just work. What's new at home?

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-08-24 20:42 EST
Dear Prue,

The moment I tell you that nothing worth mentioning ever happens, something happens. Last night a few people nearly came to fighting at the inn. The sop that it appeared like few others were ganging up on thought to use that opportunity to get some cigarettes. He was rather rough about, though. I actually have a bruise on my arm from where he grabbed me. He left right after he got his cigarettes though and there wasn't a fight. One of the patrons invited me for a cola afterward. That was really nice. He introduced himself as Street Wolf and said I reminded him of his daughter. When someone else accused the sop of being a nasty demon, Mr. Street Wolf gave a little amulet that's supposed to protect me from demons and their magic. I guess it won't hurt anything keeping that in the tray while I'm working. It's a good thing though that most evenings are rather boring.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-08-26 12:36 EST
Dear Prue,

It's good that Alfred is going out again. I hope the new girl is nicer than the previous one. You should tell me a little about her.

Yesterday I got to see Skid again. He seems to be doing much better. He was in a really good mood, too, saying he was taking a day off from feeling ill. He may even come over for cookies some time.

I had a huge order for flowers last evening, too, for three different bouquets. In a little bit I'll have to go check if they came in, and if, go and deliver them. At least he wrote cards to go with them. Lately a few people refused to accept deliveries because people giving chocolates and flowers wanted to stay anonymous.

Love Prue

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-08-28 11:49 EST
Dear Prue,

It's been a while since I got to baby sit Sara. Mrs. Simon is going to have her baby any day now and so she's staying home most of the time.

Bertie was there again when my round took me to the inn, with the same date as last time, too, and just as unconcerned about her. I feel sad for the woman, dating such a flirt. She's very beautiful, too, with coal black hair. Bertie is so over the top, too. I had to try so hard not to giggle or laugh when he greeted me as "love of my life" and asked if he could just buy everything in the tray. He didn't appear half as serious about it as when Mish did that a few months ago. He even suggested that I call him "god". What a joker. Just before he left, with his date of course, he kissed me! On the lips, too, just like Da used to do for saying good night.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-03 11:33 EST
Dear Prue,

Mr. Simon took me to a doctor this morning. Don't worry though. I'm going to be fine. Nothing is broken. I just bruised a couple of ribs. That was the oddest way, too, how that came about. One of the patrons lay on the floor right at the front door of the inn, sleeping for all appearances. When I went to wake him up and to get him to move out of the way before he'd get trampled he grabbed me tray and all. No amount of yelling or even slapping would get him to wake up or to let me go. He made quite a mess, too. Just about everything that was in the tray went flying out. I didn't start really hurting until much later, though. This morning I went to meet Mr. Simon to tell him of the disaster. I was sure he'd take the losses out of my pay, but he didn't even mention that. He looked happy that nothing was broken and insisted that I take some time off. While that was really sweet of him, I hope that I can get back to working soon or I'll have a hard time making rent, even if Mr. Simon won't take the loss out of my pay.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-05 20:30 EST
Dear Prue,

This evening I absolutely have to get back to work. Wish me luck. I'll just be taking the flower basket, though. The tray would still be too much. The lady doctor didn't particularly like the idea, but three days off is already more than I can afford. I am still hoping to get to come for the Holidays. I just have to meet my new niece and maybe teach her how walk without holding onto your apron all the time.

Ms. Mill was such a dear, too, and brought me warm stew up for lunch the last two days and she said for me not to worry if I'll be a couple of days late with rent for next week. I'm glad she brought the stew, because I couldn't possibly have gotten even as far as the bakery and back on Wednesday. I'll have to do something extra nice for her once I feel a little better.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-07 13:44 EST
Dear Prue,

Work has been great the last couple of days. Yesterday was particularly busy. I hope that keeps up for a while longer. All the patrons were extra nice, even Mish. He didn't buy anything, of course, but I did have a delivery for him. It's odd though to be working with the doctor right there keeping an eye on me. More people are taking advantage of ordering flowers for delivery, too.

People here are starting to get excited about the harvest festival. There are to be horse races one day and a big ball on the last day. I wonder if all the ladies will be wearing fancy hats to the races. There are also to be a harvest king and queen and they have voting booths set up all over town. But there is no list to pick from. I wonder how that will go, and if they will end up with a two hundred way tie.

Love Prue

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-10 11:49 EST
Dear Prue,

I'm back to working with the tray. Finally. People seemed to be happy to again be able to get chocolate and everything else, too.

I started my route on the isle where the spell casters meet yesterday. They never buy anything, of course, with them being able to conjure what they want and those little goblins running around to fill every wish for refreshments, but I do like watching them and the climate on the isle is always balmy. A young man introduced himself. He seemed to already know that I'd be going from there to the inn and was waiting at the inn for me. He asked me out for a cup of tea sometime. After he had left the nice one-eyed woman that helped me a few times with distracting away some not so nice customers warned me that it might not be so good an idea to accept that invitation. Miss Tara was extra nice, too. But she seemed to suffer from the misconception that I had a heart attack rather than just some bruised ribs. The doctor set her straight, though.

That awful man was there again, too, that always acts like he's going to buy stuff but never wants to pay for anything. He was even worse yesterday. A couple of patrons had to say something to him and the doctor even threatened him with duct tape. The very nice bar tender that has been getting flowers for all the female patrons, his name is Antonio, waved me over just as I was about to ignore every rule about not ignoring any customers and not react to that dolt any more. Antonio wasn't tending the bar yesterday, though. He even offered to send me off with a delivery to somewhere away from the inn if that oaf wouldn't leave me be.

Something else super cool happened that I almost forgot to mention. That very nice lady with the gorgeous white hair offered to drive me home when I wasn't feeling so good. She actually did that every one of those days I was selling just the roses. Her and Antonio both being such very nice and observant people, they would make a nice couple. I've never even seen them talk with each other, though.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-11 12:50 EST
Dear Prue,

Do you remember me mentioning someone by the name of Bertie? He was there again yesterday and he invited me out for sconces for Friday morning. Then I can ask him about the woman he usually comes in with and he calls his driver rather than his date. She came to pick him up yesterday too.

I had a rather interesting new customer yesterday, too, a woman that looked a lot like an oversized purple-ish mushroom. She asked me about rotten chocolate, because she preferred her food to be spoiled.

I found out some more about the harvest festival. It is to start with a horse race and show on the first evening. The second evening is to be a Luau with an entire pig being roasted and a baking contest and hay-bale tossing. On Saturday evening is a largest pumkin contest, apple bobbing, hayrides, a big bon fire and fire works. On that Sunday there is to be a ball. While I can't enter any of the contests except for maybe the apple bobbing, all the events sound like they would at least be fun to watch. I hope the weather will be nice. A Luau in cold and rain might not be so entertaining.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-12 09:46 EST
Dear Prue,

Could you pretty please send me four tins of your most delicious brownies and chocolate raisin cookies? I need them ever so much to say thank you with to the doctor, the lady with the beautiful white hair, Miss Tara and a very helpful woman I just met last evening. Someone tried to poison me last evening with a coin used to pay for chocolate and they took good care of me. Don't worry, though, I'm just fine. I am ever so glad that the nice doctor frequents the inn as much as she does! I found out the doctor is also a magic doctor. She said I was just fine and I should wash everything with bleach and throw out everything that may have come in contact with the laced coin and can't be washed with bleach. The doctor figured out who paid with the coin, too, the man with the dark military uniform. No one knew his name, though. Miss Tara might know, because I've seen her talk with him before, but she was already gone by the time we figured out who the coin had to have come from. But she still should get some of those brownies and cookies because she is always nice to me and she invited me to sit with her for a break. And she told Mish how silly he was to be angry at me for following the rules.

Now I have to go and see if Mr. Simon is in his office. I left him note about the contaminated tray and money last night, but I forgot to ask if it was okay to ignore that man should he try to buy any more things from me. I should warn him that the doctor will send him another bill, too. I hope no one will be terribly upset that I won't be able to get to any deliveries until this afternoon.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-12 09:47 EST
Dear Mish?Cael

I'm very sorry to have upset you so last evening. I certainly didn't mean to do so. If you happened to pick up the money I put back on the table, please be very careful with it. The bills may have come in contact with a poisoned coin and I would hate to see you come to any harm.

With friendly regards, Mirabelle

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-13 11:42 EST
Dear Prue,

I'm going to the zoo Friday. I hope the weather will be great. Bertie suggested that we should get to enjoy the place without little ones along. Isn't that a marvelous idea? I asked him what he was doing and found out that he baby-sits, a little girl that's just two now and baby twins. Twins sound like a lot of hard work. So we talked about that a little and family and friends and home while enjoying scones at that bakery. His friend Danny had been teasing something awful about him asking me out for scones and even made sure he washed behind his ears before leaving the house. Bertie shouldn't tell him about the zoo. Bertie's from a place called London England. When we were all done at the bakery, Bertie walked back into town with me, not just part of the way, but all the way to work. And then he kissed me, not just a peck either, but warm and soft.

Mr. Simon had an all new uniform for me when I got to back to work, a new tray, too. Of course the new uniform looks just like the old one, but with a pale green cardigan to match the poodle skirt. I suspect that was Mrs. Simon's idea. I'll be needing it, too, the evenings are pretty chilly already. Work itself was a little crazy, but it turned out to have been a good evening, Miss Tara got everyone a box of fancy chocolates and later Antonio bought everything I had left in the tray.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-14 03:37 EST
Dear Prue,

Work appears to be back to normal, at least last evening was pretty normal. Except maybe for Mish, who made quite the spectacle of still being mad at me. He can't be all that mad though because I've seen what he does to people he's really mad at and in comparison he was still exceptionally friendly toward me. Maybe the entire episode of him insisting he's not getting Miss Tara any gifts from me was his version of joking back in kind like me telling the lady with the beautiful white her what it would take to by every pack of cigarettes and every cigar on the tray. He didn't keep her from buying anything, though, and he even helped her eat the gum drums she got. I've never seen him eat sweets before and he looked like he was enjoying those.

Just as I was ready to call it night Dee came in looking for chocolate. I was glad I still had some of the kind she likes. She offered to tell Bertie Hello from me.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-15 20:36 EST
Dear Prue,

Last evening was the absolutely best day at work. It started with a gentleman flagging me down as I was walking from the Outback to the inn. He bought every flower I had. Business in the annex with the duelers was okay, too. In the Inn later that evening, Antonio got chocolate for everyone that was there. During filling that request the Viking warrior lady introduced herself. I like her name, Shylah.

The postcard is from the museum. I had time to finally check out their aquarium reef. They actually let you touch the animals and plants there, not just look. Those star fish sure feel odd, nothing at all like I imagined from looking at them.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-16 11:07 EST
Dear Prue,

I get to come home for a week! Mr. Simon gave me extra vacation and he said that did not mean that I wouldn't get any for the Holidays, I could still have that. And not only did he give me all those extra days off, he told me to go book a shuttle for the ride there and back and that he would spring for the ticket. Isn't that absolutely marvelous of him' Now traveling won't take days off each way, but just a few hours. I don't even know why I'm writing you this; the letter can't possibly get to you before I will.

Miss Tara came looking for me at the Outback this evening. She was nearly in a panic about an emergency. It turned out that her emergency was a yard sale that she thought she should have refreshments for. But she's not even going to have the yard sale until tonight. Of course I'll be helping her.

Last evening was full of surprises. Mish was warning one of the not so nice patrons, one that tries to give me grief every time I see him, not to give one of the young ladies so much alcohol to drink. Like that wasn't odd all by itself, he was asking nicely, too, all smiles and with "please".

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-18 12:15 EST
Wire to Prudence Whitewood at the Cordi?e Farm

Arriving Saturday Noon With Shuttle Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-18 12:16 EST
Dear Prue,

Bertie was at the inn last evening while I was working and he called me his queen and asked me to the harvest ball. I'll get to ball for fun for instead of for work, and with such a wonderful guy. I need a dress. He even repeated that to Miss Tara when she talked with him. Miss Tara, and I'm really supposed to call her Tara now or Anna, was being extra wonderful last evening. It took me a while to catch on the way she asked for this and that from the tray at first, but she ended up buying absolutely everything, even the tray itself. And then, generous soul that she is, she gave Mish all the cigarettes and cigars and the lady doctor all the candy minus the few things she wanted to keep for herself so the children at the doctor's hospital would have sweets. I just had to hug her then. That's when she said I should drop the "Miss" because she felt more like I was one of her sisters. I hope you get to meet her some time, you'd like her.

Bertie reminded me that we're to go to the zoo tomorrow, like I could forget that! We decided to meet at the Outback and walk there together instead of meeting at the zoo somewhere. His friend Danny liked the idea so much he started to plan to take Maggie and the twins there tomorrow, too, but his wife told him no. While I'd love to meet Bertie's charges sometime, tomorrow and at the zoo would not be the best time for that.

Now I had better get to work to see if Mr. Simon has another tray in the storage room or if I need to go buy one right quick.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-21 11:12 EST
Dear Bertie, Did you ever get to take a shuttle to go anywhere" It's an amazing thing, so much smoother than even the best sprung coach. I didn't feel it moving and was rather surprised when the driver - or maybe it's called a flyer" - said that we've arrived and I could get off. He even stopped right on Prue's front lawn. You should have seen Prue's face when she saw me. She was surprised to see me and is happy to have me here for a week, but she sure gave that flyer quite an earful about parking on her lawn where Mark might have been playing if he had not been inside for lunch just then. The wire I sent her to let her know I'd come visit arrived this morning. Mark is fascinated with his fish. He named it Glo and he called me a big baby for taking mine to bed with me. He insisted that, him being a big boy now, he didn't take stuffies to bed with him anymore and falling asleep under the dinner table with it in his arm and dad carrying him to bed with it didn't count as such. Neither did his rainbow centipede count, because that was a neck roll. Anne, the baby, happily soaked her frog 'hello' and isn't about to surrender it, not even for bath time. She's absolutely adorable and has everyone here wrapped around her little fingers, me too.

This afternoon, once the littles are napping, Prue and I will go through mom's trunk and see if something can be found suitable for the harvest ball. I'm ever so looking forward to getting to go to that one with you. Prue says ?Hello' and that one of these days she has to meet you.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-21 11:22 EST
Dear Mrs. And Mr. Simon,

Thank you ever so much and most kindly for this vacation and the trip home. Prue is taking good care of me and stuffing me with one home cooked meal after another. My new niece is almost ready to take her first step without holding on to anything. I might actually get to see that while I'm here. Since they do not have postcards here I drew you a picture of the new Barn on the other side. Bernhard, Prue's husband, just finished it the day I arrived and he's ever so proud of it.

With friendly regards, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-09-30 11:45 EST
Dear Prue,

I made it back into town all in one piece. The first few days back have been crazy and way busy, too. Whatever time wasn't taken up with work I needed to get the gown ready for Sunday. It turned out ever so pretty with the ribbons on that we found. Bertie must have really liked it. He gave me all kinds of compliments all evening long. Oh, and he can dance! We danced for almost the entire time, except for when we went to say ?Hello' to Tara. He had a carriage for getting to and from the ball. I had no idea Rhydin could be that pretty as Bertie showed me from the carriage.

It wasn't until yesterday though that I got to give her the tin we filled for her. I still have to deliver a few of them. They're just too big to take more than one or two along with the tray, hoping to see the people they're to go to early on. I'll take the rest over to the inn this afternoon with tags on them and set them behind the bar. I should have thought of that sooner.

Give Mark and Anne some cuddles from me. I miss you all already.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-10-01 11:05 EST
Dear Prue,

The Doctor and Antonio enjoyed their tins of cookies and brownies. Now I just hope to get the other three tins delivered while they are still fresh. It's a good thing we decided on cookies and brownies that keep for several weeks.

I had a new customer yesterday, a knight or warrior; at least he was wearing some kind of armor, who asked me about things to do for fun. I sent him to the museum and to the zoo. I probably should have sent him to the basement or out back instead. But I didn't think of that until I got back to my room. Skid was there, too, and he finally said hello again, even though he was busy fighting with one of the patrons at the inn.

Draco grew a lot and doesn't look much like a kitten anymore. Ms. Mill sends her regards. Tara said she'd like to meet you some time.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-10-04 11:45 EST
Dear Prue

Bertie and I went to the art museum yesterday. He picked me up early in the day with a taxi cab. We had oodles of fun looking at the paintings and statues. Bertie can be ever so funny. I think I have a muscle ache from laughing so much. The postcard shows the painting the enjoyed the most. Can you just hear the ocean and feel the sea spray when looking at it' We sure thought we could, looking at the actual paining. After we were done looking at everything Bertie took me out for lunch to his favorite bakery. We even got to spend most of the afternoon together, strolling through the park. He told me that he'd been hiding the tin of goodies from everyone, he likes everything so much. The brownies are his favorite, though.

Work was busy and full of oddities, too. That knight or warrior I told you of in the last letter was there and when I asked him what he'd like that evening he said that he wanted for me to have dinner with him at his house on a lake. Poor man must be lonely. But I had to decline, of course.

Then, just about as I was ready to call it a night, Tara's uncle asked to speak with me. It turned out that he wanted to make an arrangement that would allow him to foot the bill for Tara and a boy in a wheel chair. Of course we came to an agreement. Then, to show his appreciation, he gave me a post it note for a favor without strings or restrictions. I was so surprised by the entire thing that I forgot to ask his name for the paper work. It'll look a little funny with entries stating his name to be "Tara's Uncle". Anyway, I've no idea what to do with that IOU.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-10-05 13:02 EST
Dear Prue

Yesterday turned out to be a marvelous day. Ms. Mill, when I came down to go post a letter to you, surprised me with asking me in for coffee and berry pancakes. As if that wasn't already the most wonderful thing for her to do, she had a present for me, too. I was ever so surprised when I unwrapped a pair of soft leather gloves all lined with fur. They'll be sure to keep my hands warm this winter. Just as I was about to leave a young boy came, looking for me. Bertie had sent him to bring me flowers, a dozen roses and they're ever so very red. Of course Ms. Mill wanted to know who was sending me those and then asked me loads of questions.

In the afternoon when I delivered flowers, I was asked to stay a little. The lady getting the flowers had a birthday party and when her mother overheard that it was my birthday too, she insisted that I at least get something off the grill, a cola or two and some cake before I leave again. That was ever so sweet of her.

I made to my evening route a little late, but no one seemed to mind. Tara asked me why I was smiling so much and suspected it had something to do with Bertie. Of course I was thinking of those beautiful roses now sitting on my desk, but I told her that it was my birthday. Tara promptly made a loud announcement of it and so many people wished me a happy day, I hardly knew who to thank first. One lady even used magic to throw confetti and shower balloons. That was quite a site. Someone else must have used magic, because when I did the paperwork later I had a platinum coin that I know no one had used to pay for anything that evening. I don't even know who to thank for it.

But that wasn't all. Sometime later Tara and Taneth gave me a present, the most beautiful porcelain doll I've ever seen. She is dressed in the most elegant gown, her hair is done up perfectly like she's going to a very fancy event, and she even has little leather boots. When I got home I set her next to the cute devil doll. I think I will name her Sissi, for the woman that was thought to be the most beautiful for decades where Bertie comes from.

The biggest surprise though was waiting for me when I came home after work. A tiny box all wrapped up with a ribbon around it sat on my bed. Inside was a golden locket on a chain to match with tiny pictures inside of Bertie and me. I wonder how he got those. Of course I put it on right away. I can hardly wait to get to thank Bertie for it and the beautiful roses.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-10-08 13:42 EST
Dear Prue

I just got a letter from you, the one telling me about Alfred's new girl friend. I'm so glad I got to meet her. She's really nice and I'm very happy for Alfred that he finally found someone who really cares for him. And yes Prue, of course Bertie gives me kisses like that all the time too, even when he happens to be there while I'm working. He didn't ask for another date, though. Maybe he'll do that like last week and he'll find me at work this evening.

I had something rather strange happen at work. A gentleman with an accent just like the female Viking, called me over. When I asked him what he would like he said that he didn't eat candy or cigarettes and that he didn't want anything, just to give me a coin and a half because I couldn't travel that far south to bring his sweetheart any gifts from him.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-10-12 14:26 EST
Dear Prue,

It's raining, and I hate it. Bertie and I were supposed to have a picnic at the lake in the zoo. Of course that is utterly impossible with rain pouring down. But he probably would have canceled our date anyway, because the card he sent along with a dozen roses nearly as beautiful as the ones he sent for my birthday last week, mentioned a family emergency. Now I can just hope to run into him somewhere, because the card didn't mention anything about meeting somewhere else on another day. The roses are really pretty to look at, but as nice as it is that he thought to send them rather than just a note, they are from as wonderful as getting to spend an afternoon with him. I wonder what that emergency is and hope no one there took ill.

Work has been ever so unexciting this week. Usually that's a good thing, but business has been slow, too. And that's a bad thing with the holidays coming up. This year I have a few extra people I'd love to give some presents to for Yule, or at least one of those ornaments we used to make for the Yule trees. I already started collecting materials and have a few ideas. What are you doing this year for holiday and Yule preparations and projects?

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-10-15 11:42 EST
Dear Prue,

I met the oddest creature the other day. She looks sort of like a cross between a bat and a bird. The closest thing to the race she must be of is a picture I saw of a velociraptor. She was very nice and even invited me to a cola and we exchanged stories. The Badsider ale spokes model was among my customers as well. She immediately thought of wanting her poster on my work tray. She seemed all excited to find out that Mr. Simon is my boss. I hope he got my note about how horrible an idea that would be and that he won't let the woman talk him into that.

Bertie I still haven't seen since last Wednesday, but he's thinking of me, or so the little cards say that come with the flowers. Yesterday it was pink rose, the day before it was a bundle of daisies, and the day before that he had sent over a cluster of mums. Isn't that just too sweet of him?

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-10-16 13:31 EST
Dear Prue,

Yesterday was one very odd evening. It started out normal enough with a huge warrior getting a couple of cigars and, just as I had been hoping for, Bertie did come in to the inn a little later. But he was fidgety and distracted somehow. He didn't react at all when I offered to take a break so we could talk a little, and about the picnic when I brought it up he just agreed that he still owed me one. Then his friends arrived and Danny was ever so mad at him. Rhi got some chocolate to distract her husband from beating up Bertie and took them both to the bar. Bertie just stayed there like he had forgotten all about me. I was so miserable I just wanted go home then, but it was still in the middle of work. Sometime later Bertie caught up with me and gave me a cola. I thought he may have remembered that he wanted to talk with me but when I asked what he did with his drink he went back to the bar and his friends. Tara got into a bit of a spat with a minotaur then she had been flirting with earlier and with it getting late I was about to call it night, when Bertie caught up with me again, this time with something to drink for himself. He got all fidgety again and said something about his mom coming to visit and that she was going to bug him about getting settled down, that he didn't want her to get any ideas because he wasn't about to. About then I wished he had just stayed at the bar with his friends instead of coming over only to break up with me and tried hard not to cry. Tara had gone to get a chainsaw to solve her differences with the minotaur and Bertie added something about not asking anything on a bended knee until we both were sure. Now, that didn't fit at all with him going to tell me off. Somehow we got around to sitting down for a spell then, but Bertie was all quiet. He didn't say a single word the entire time it took me to sip that cola, and when he did finally say something, it was to ask what I was thinking. So I told him and he got all upset about that. He told me that he'd been thinking about settling down with me, later, maybe, like he was talking about the weather, and that he was addle padded. Then he kissed me. He was ever so sweet then and even carried the tray over to the Outback for me and walked me home. Oh, and we're going to have that picnic today, even if it's raining. Right now it's just cloudy, though. I hope it stays that way.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-10-17 18:25 EST
Dear Prue,

We really did get to have that picnic and it didn't rain! And what a wonderful picnic it was, too. But that's not that best part. The best part was when just as we were ready to leave Bertie gave me a ring! It's beautiful and silver and has an emerald in it. He had just mentioned that he might try to pull one or the other stunt on me like he does all the time with Danny and his mom, but not until after we'd share a roof over our heads, and that I really should want him to do that because that would also mean sharing a house at some point in the future and anyway, if I didn't want that he couldn't give me "this", and he pulled out that little box and opened it. I was all kinds of surprised! Later, after he'd put it on my finger he said that now I had something to show off to everybody. But so far only Antonio noticed.

Bertie also explained about how nervous he was about his mom visiting and she would probably like me just fine. He said that he didn't mind her pestering but he sure would hate it if she were to pester me. Then he drove me home in his brand new Rover. A rover is an automobile and it's not really new, just new to him, because his friend Rhi gave it to him so Danny and he would quit fighting over the car. Isn't that just amazing? She just gave it to him.

I'm so glad you don't ever pester me about anything.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-10-24 22:11 EST
Dear Prue,

The opera was wonderful! Bertie didn't tell me that we were going until Wednesday evening, and the tickets were for yesterday's showing. I was so busy making sure I'd get to go and then getting ready to go, I just now found time to sit down to write. We got to see The Marriage of Figaro, and it was fantastic. You should have seen Bertie. He looked even better than he had at the harvest ball. When the opera was over we didn't go straight home. Bertie took me to a little party to meet the singers. He knows one of the singers really well, the one that played the countess. She gave him tickets for Madama Butterfly, that is, she made Gorgio, the one that sang Figaro, give Bertie the tickets. I was ever so tired by the time we left there. I think Bertie carried me up to my room. Would you believe it, when I woke up this morning I was still wearing my shoes and cloak? I hope I can get those wrinkles out of that dress.

Bertie asked if you are averse to visiting Rhydin.

Love Mira.

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-10-26 11:25 EST
Dear Prue,

The nice lady with the beautiful long white hair is back. I was so happy to see her among the patrons Friday evening. She asked me about the ring Bertie gave me. But she had never met Bertie before and she must have remembered people like Mish; either way, she promised to shoot him should he misbehave. I'm sure she'll like Bertie once she gets to meet him.

Work was crazy yesterday. It was busy, too, but mostly crazy. People of a race I've never seen before and who looked a lot like different color Jell-O-O creatures came to the inn. There were at least eight of them and they attacked the patrons. That was ever so stupid of them, of course, with so many of the patrons being mages or skilled fighters or both. But they sure left a sticky mess wherever they dissolved.

Like that wasn't enough excitement, one of my customers nearly died from eating chocolate with almonds in it. The woman just kept coughing and seemed unable to stop. It was very lucky that the lady doctor was there. She said it happened because the woman is allergic to nuts.

The rest of the evening went great; I ended up selling out of nearly everything. Now I can do a little Holiday shopping.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-10-31 11:34 EST
Dear Prue,

I've just returned from my morning deliveries. The town looks scarier today than the rest of the year. Most people have their yards decorated for Halloween and everyone seems excited about trick or treating or about going to costume parties. In a way I'm glad I'll not have to work this evening " it makes little sense to try and sell treats when the theme of the evening is blackmailing for them, all in good fun, of course - but what a waste of an evening off. Bertie will be taking his nieces and nephew trick or treating. His friends are keeping him awfully busy. He couldn't even come to the inn this Wednesday like he usually does and yesterday he only got to come into town to run a few errands. He didn't ask me on another date either, just said that maybe we could have coffee after the little ones are done trick or treating. Are Anne and Mark getting dressed up"

Love Prue

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-11-02 01:44 EST
Dear Prue,

I was Red Ridinghood for Halloween and ended up going out to the Inn. Bertie was still dressed up as Dracula from taking his nieces and nephew out trick-or-treating. We had a great time together, but we never got any coffee. Next week we're to go to an apple orchard together. He said we'd be picking apples. I hope they still have some on the trees for picking. It's rather late for that.

Work this evening was fun. The lady with the long white hair flagged me down the moment I got there and bought me out of a few things. She was really nice about me being so distracted I almost forgot to give her the roses she asked for along with the candy. The lady doctor looked all sad, though, and didn't want any chocolate this evening. I wonder why. It can't be anything with her beau, because I saw him with her later.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-11-08 20:25 EST
Dear Prue,

Have I been ever so busy all week! It's a good kind of busy, though. People are sending each other more flowers again and the inn has been a lot busier in the evenings than the last two months.

Bertie took me to pick apples this Thursday. Would you believe it, he actually tied apples to one of the trees in the orchard so we'd have some to pick. He's ever so romantic! Later we went to the inn's kitchen to bake a pie together with those apples. I can't say which was more fun, and the pie turned out very good, too, not just barely edible. It's too bad I don't have a kitchen here. I'd love to be able to invite Bertie for dinner some time.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-11-09 11:01 EST
Dear Prue,

Bertie surprised me yesterday by picking me up just before work to have a cola together before he would have to baby-sit. I was ever so happy to see him and now the time until Wednesday will not be quite so long. While we were out we saw the lady with the gorgeous white hair and I got to introduce them. Now I know her name, too: Frost. Bertie and she got along fine. Only, in-between Bertie telling her a little about himself and him thanking her for watching out for me she described gelding to him in every horrible detail. Poor Bertie turned all white for a little bit. When I came back later with the tray, after Bertie had to leave, she told me that she liked Bertie and is thinking well of him.

Later that evening, and it was a very busy evening, one of my good repeat customers wanted to get her friends some sweets. That didn't turn out quite like she had planned. One of her friends wanted roses instead of sweets and he insisted ever so very nicely that he'd be allowed to pay for them. One of her other friends got spooked by something and took off into the rafters. After a while, and me thinking that transaction complete, that angel look alike took all my roses I had left out of my basket and ran off with them. A bunch of people tried to stop him and Frost was about to shoot him when one of the other patrons, who is friends with the would be thief, offered to pay for the roses. She explained that her friend was new to town and had a thing about flowers and that he didn't mean to steal them. He just didn't understand yet how things are done.

Lady Cieara and Lord Veighn were at the inn last evening, too. It was good to see Lady Cieara again. I'm glad to know she's not sick or moved away.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-11-23 23:58 EST
Dear Prue,

I found Bertie's birthday present today! They are the most elegant cufflinks ever, with his monogram engraved into it. I even got to watch the jeweler engrave them. I hope he likes them. I don't even know for sure if he uses cufflinks on his shirts. At least he never mentioned him or Danny borrowing any from each other and they do borrow all kinds of clothing from each other all the time.

Tomorrow I'll get to check back with the owner of the store. They're looking for someone to wrap presents on the weekends between the holidays. I hope he'll let me do that. It would fit great with the vending job schedule and I'd love to have the extra coins, particular now that all of Rhydin seems to have gone on a diet before the holidays.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-11-23 23:58 EST
Dear Prue,

You are perfectly correct; I should not let so much time pass between letters. At first there was nothing new to write about, and then I got so busy, when I did get a quiet moment I didn't feel up doing anything but sit and rest. Ms. Mill fell off her step ladder and hurt her wrist, so I've been helping her between morning deliveries and evening work. I got the extra job to wrap presents, too. A week from tomorrow is to be my first day there, and it's just to Friday's and Saturday's.

I think Bertie got above average busy, too. I've not seen him at all since we met for colas an evening before work last week. Yesterday had started out so well and I was so sure I'd see him during work at least but that wasn't to be. At least this way I couldn't accidentally tell him what present I found for him.

It's odd that you should ask about Skid now. I just happened to run into him yesterday. He must have been in his cups, though, at least what little he did say didn't make much sense and he was rather rude. Maybe he just still feels awkward about the broken ribs.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-11-24 00:07 EST
Dear Prue,

Ms. Mill said I could use her kitchen Saturday morning to bake a birthday cake for Bertie. I know he'll like that even if he won't have any use for the cufflinks because he'll likely miss out on Danny's cake. I think I'll decorate it with some of those cute chocolate frogs. Maggie should get a kick out of that if Bertie takes a slice home for her with one of those frogs on top.

Rhydin's still on a diet, probably so they can eat all the Holiday goodies without having to feel guilty. Even when people like the lady doctor or her friend offer to get treats for everyone in their group a lot of people decline the offer. Quite a lot of my old regulars seem to have disappeared, too. Perhaps some new ones will frequent the inn.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-11-28 15:15 EST
Dear Prue,

Bertie liked the cake and the cufflinks. He couldn't wear them right away because he was wearing a different kind of shirt with his new suit but he wanted to. The new suit was a gift from Danny. After we enjoyed the cake, and he took a slice home with him to show to and share with Maggie, he took me dancing. He is so wonderful a dancer too, much better than Skid, I think.

Ms. Mill is starting to feel better, but she still can't do much. I'm enjoying getting to cook for her once a day. She's not even looking over my shoulder anymore. That she's not doing that says more than anything she could say that I'm doing okay with it.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-11-28 15:29 EST
Dear Prue,

Business is still bad but it picked up a little the other day, mostly because one woman wanted everything chocolate I happened to have on me last evening, even the chocolate cigarettes and the white chocolate. That made up for a couple of weeks all by itself. Then Doctor Valkonan turned in a standing order of bouquets with fancy chocolates for new mothers at her hospital. Isn't that just fantastic" The next year already looks much better for that.

Bertie's mom should come in today. I hope he can still come this evening like he usually does on Wednesdays. He did warn me that it may not be possible, though. Danny's mother is coming, too, and they'll be busy getting ready for tomorrow's feast. Do you think he'll tell his mom of me" I think Mom and Da would have liked Bertie. He has this wonderful way about him that makes everyone he talks to feel attractive and then he lets me know that he wants to be with me instead.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-11-28 15:44 EST
Dear Prue,

Bertie did manage to get away for a little bit. He even helped me telling the patrons at the inn to make a couple of purchases before he walked me home. He was wearing the cufflinks, too. I was so happy to see that. He also said that if he could manage to get away again while his and Danny's mom are visiting he'd come to find me at the inn. I hope they won't keep him too busy.

Ms. Mill will be gone tomorrow to celebrate the Holiday with an old friend and I'm having the day off. I won't even have deliveries to make in the morning. So I'll have the entire day to work on some more of the ornament presents. Do you have anyone over for a big feast or do you get to spend it with just Bernhard and the kids?

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-11-28 16:32 EST
Dear Prue,

Yesterday was very productive. I finished nearly all the ornaments I wanted to make. In the evening I went to the inn for a little bit just in case Bertie would manage to get away. It also gave me a chance for something warm to drink. Very few people were there and no bar tender of course with it being a Holiday, so I made coffee. It ended up being a fun evening even without Bertie showing up and I had a chance to talk with some of things other than the price of a candy bar.

Now I've to head out to start my new job. I hope everything goes well and it will be not be too busy or that I end up just standing around getting bored.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-11-30 02:49 EST
Dear Prue,

The new job is exhausting! I'm so glad it's only Fridays and Saturdays. I was also rather glad to see that no roses were delivered to the Outback this weekend. I don't know if I could have managed carrying the flower basket around too after wrapping presents all day. I'm sure Mr. Simon will have that straightened out in time for next weekend, though. Mrs. Poreni, the store manager, said I could sit down for wrapping, but the wrapping goes faster standing up and they were ever so busy both days this weekend that I kept falling behind. But being kept busy is good, too, because they pay me a percentage of the wrapping fee in addition to the hourly wages.

Antonio was bartending Friday evening and he greeted me by pressing a glass of hot cider into my hand. Isn't that just so very nice of him' I was rather frozen, too. If it keeps getting colder I'm going to wear my cloak when going out to work and I won't care that it doesn't match the uniform. At least it'll be warm.

This evening was ever so busy, too. People bought chocolate again and most everyone was very generous with tips. Amazingly, people also bought lots of cigars this evening. I may have upset one potential customer though by not getting to him quick enough. Mish was there too and looking rather well despite the state of his clothes. Maybe he was away for a health retreat; at least he wasn't coughing up a storm this evening and didn't act all grumpy like everything hurt. He even got some cigarettes from me. Of course I didn't remind him that he'd never buy anything from me ever again. The nice Cyclops lady I'd not seen in months seems to be back as well, but I didn't get to say hello to her yet.

I still have not seen Bertie. I hope I didn't miss Bertie by going to and leaving the inn a little earlier than usual. That would be terrible.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-12-01 12:22 EST
Dear Prue,

Bertie sent me the absolutely most useful present ever! It's one of those ultra modern gadgets, a mug that once it's plugged into an electric outlet will heat up a cup and keep hot a cup of cocoa or tea. I found that last night when I came home from work half frozen and just had to try it out right away. It works fabulously. He even sent cider and cocoa packets along. I'm enjoying hot cider as I write to you.

Work was fun, too. It didn't even feel like work for the most part. When I first got to the inn a very nice draconian gentleman insisted that I warm up with a cup of hot cocoa before I get him his cigars. He even talked with me a little, not just asking questions but telling me he is from and what he's doing in town. He's a knight of sorts with a court near the South Pole now doing military stuff forty miles out of town.

Doctor Valkonan placed another special order, a huge one for a total of seven deliveries over the next three and a half weeks. She saw those absolutely adorable chocolate Santa's and snowmen and just had to have them for the children at her hospital. They are each little pieces of art and just about everyone looks a little different. I've ordered a couple extra so Anne and Mark can each get one for Yule, and I want to send one to Maggie, too.

I saw a wooden train I think Mark would enjoy and a doll as soft as a teddy bear that comes with her own little crib that made me think of Anne. Do you think they would like those?

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-12-01 12:24 EST
Dear Bertie,

Thank you ever so very much! You're timing could not have been better. I found the little basket sitting in front of my door just as I made it home from work last night. Of course I was positively frozen. It was absolutely wonderful to get to warm up and relax with a cup of hot cocoa and without breaking any rules. It's almost like you're here to take away the chills, and you'll be doing that all winter long if I get to see you or not. I still miss you, though.

I've been dying to tell a few things that happened. Business at work has picked up a bit and people have been generous and thoughtful. Yesterday a draconian gentleman got me a cup of hot cocoa before I even had a chance to start my route and a couple of days ago Antonio greeted me with a glass of hot cider first thing. Mish was around this weekend, too, and on his absolutely best behavior in a very long time and downright charming. He even ordered cigarettes with the service of lighting one for him. I wonder if he just forgot that he was mad at me or if he decided to forgive my part in that little bit of clowning around months ago when Frost threatened to buy all the cigarettes I had in the tray before he could get any. Your sweet Doctor has given me a lot of extra business getting presents for patients at her hospital. I always particularly like making deliveries there. Even the nurses smile when the patients get treats and they see how surprised and happy they are. The extra job wrapping presents is fun, too. The people at the jewelry store are all very nice. But I'm glad it's only two days a week, because they're also ever so very busy.

How's the visit with the moms going? I'm sure Maggie's enjoying having her grandmas around to spoil her.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-12-06 15:43 EST
Dear Prue,

I got my ticket for the stage home for the Holidays. It'll be on the night stage and I'll be getting in way early on the twenty-fifth.

Khes, the nice draconian gentleman, has invited Bertie and me for dinner to his house in Rhydin and, if we'd like to go on a little trip, to visit him at court near the South Pole. I've not yet had a chance to tell Bertie of those invitations. Doctor Valkonan told me that the twins are sick with the flu. I hope Bertie won't catch it from them.

Ms. Mill is doing much better and she thanks you for your get well wishes and the tin of brownies you sent.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-12-09 12:38 EST
Dear Prue,

I still have not seen Bertie. That poor man must start feeling like the walls are closing in on him and I fear that Khes is starting to believe Bertie doesn't want to come to dinner. I just hope he is all right. The doctor didn't say anything other than that the babies were ill and nothing more on them.

The job wrapping presents is still fun, but it's also still busy as can be. I don't think I'll be much use the first day home. The vending job has picked up some again. I've had a few customers over the last few days that usually don't get anything from me. I hope they all enjoyed what they got enough to keep coming back. Tara mentioned again that she would love to meet you. I don't think she believes me all that much that it's nearly impossible for you to come into town.

Next week I'll start passing out the ornaments I made, just in case that one or the other will be going somewhere over the Holidays and start out on their trips early. Bertie's present I'll get to pick up this weekend.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-12-16 12:42 EST
Dear Prue,

I finally got to see Bertie again. Between the twins being sick and his and Danny's mom visiting and keeping him on his toes he looks ever so worn out. As if that wasn't enough, he also has a lot of work to do with end of the year accounting business. He didn't even know if he could get away again to come into town before Yule and sounded ever so broken up about it, I didn't have the heart to complain about it to him. I sure do miss him, though.

The patrons are all ever so nice and generous. Most evenings I get invited to hot cocoa or cider to warm up. That hasn't happened in previous years and I ever so appreciate it, probably more than any could guess from me just telling them thank you. The tips this last week have been astounding, too. I definitely will not have to worry about making enough for January's bills with having a few days off over the Holidays. Isn't that absolutely wonderful?

I got to pick up Bertie's present Saturday. It's ever so beautiful. Mr. Poreni picked stones for the tie pin exactly the same shade as he had in the cufflinks, and the Monogram letters are the same style as the letters of the engraving. If Bertie's anything like your Bernhard he'll treasure the ornaments more because I made those and someone else made the pin. I think I like the little tree with the tiny apples tied to the bottom branches the best. The empty aviary turned out rather well, too. For Maggie I made a little princess castle with shiny domes on the turrets. The ornaments I'm sending along for Rhi and Danny are a rover and a little car that really look a lot like the one Rhi gave to Bertie and the one Bertie borrowed from Danny.

Tara invited me to tea! Not just a cup of tea while I'm working, but on an evening off, for this Thursday. I can't even begin to tell you how surprised I was. She was ever so thoughtful about it, too, and suggested that we have that tea at the inn. I'm not so sure I'd be looking forward to this half as much as I am if I had to travel through a wall or a fire place to visit her at her home. I hope she likes that little family tree ornament I made for her. I'll take that with me to give to her Thursday.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2008-12-16 12:43 EST
Dear Prue,

What a morning I had! I just got back from my second trip to the furrier. He made me go get the tray for a fitting to make sure the cloak would fit with it and he asked if I could leave that poodle skirt with him until this evening. Oh, I should probably mention what I was doing at the furrier's place.

One of the customers, a very nice lady with pointy ears, gave me a coin purse yesterday and sent me to get a fur lined cloak, gloves and boots to wear to work so I'd not arrive at the inn shivering and frozen every evening all winter long. I told her that I had a perfectly good cloak, but since I can't make that one work with the tray she thought that didn't count. So I thanked her for her generous gift and promised her that I would see the furrier first thing this morning. When I told the furrier about needing such a cloak that matched the uniform and would work with the tray, he got all excited, so much so that he promised to hold off on his other projects and would work on that special cloak today so I could have it this evening already. To make it a perfect match and fit he'd need to have all the right measurements and something for matching the color. He even found a pair of boots with fur cuffs that fit me and a pair of gloves and he'll die both to match. I'll be looking like a pale Yule tree! That furrier, all excited of course, even promised to have a perfect copy of that poodle on the cloak. I hope Bertie never ever sees me wearing that! Oh well, at least I should be warm.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-01-11 22:22 EST
Dear Prue,

I did make it home all right despite the ice and snow. It was horribly cold, though. The hot bricks never stayed warm very long and with the stage running way behind schedule we didn't get to stay at the stopovers long enough to thaw out. At least we had no accidents along the way. Bertie was there to pick me up. He must have been waiting in the cold for hours but the hot cocoa he brought along was still steaming hot. He even brought the rover and turned the heat on high so I could thaw out on the rest of the way to Ms. Mill's.

Work was off to a slow start, so I had plenty of time to get back into the swing of things. Yesterday was the first blessedly busy day. Friday evening the current Overlord of Swords told me of a tournament for charity he'll be hosting and he promised he'd let me know once he has set a date for it so I can add the arena to my route that evening.

Next week I get to meet Maggie. She invited Bertie and me to watch her new favorite movie with her. I'm ever so looking forward to seeing where Bertie lives.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-01-18 15:09 EST
Dear Prue,

The date turned out rather different than I thought it might. Maggie is a rather shy girl, not at all like I thought she would be from what Bertie had told me of her. She didn't even touch the gummy bears I brought her. Bertie at first was nearly as quiet as Maggie once we got there. I didn't get to see much of the house Bertie lives in, just the kitchen and the basement, because that's where they have things set up for watching a movie. Sometime during the movie Maggie insisted that Bertie give me a kiss. I guess that was her way of letting us know it was okay with her that we're dating. I was a little afraid she might be jealous. After the movie was over Bertie took Maggie to bed and when he returned from that he showed me his office. It's a very calm, neat and efficient place, not at all like I thought Bertie's office would look like. I thought he might have drawings there from Maggie, a few pictures, maybe even a memento from one of our dates. But the only thing not exactly work related I could see was a dart board. Somehow with him explaining that the office looked impersonal because it was also the place they used for meeting clients, and that he worked as much in the basement with an eye on a movie watching Maggie and in Danny's office as in his office, Bertie mention that he wanted to wait having a family of his own until Maggie and the Twins no longer need watching over. I'm not at all sure what to think about that. That's likely four or five years away, maybe longer. On one hand it shows he's responsible and has been thinking about things. But it feels a lot like he doesn't like me as much as I thought he did and less than Maggie and the twins, even with him saying he wants to do what?s best for me, to be able to provide for me and any children we may have and a house without a mortgage. I've not missed mom and being able to talk with her this much since the first couple of months of coming into town.

I got to talk with Mish a little of that yesterday. The one thing he said, and more than just once, that made the most sense to me was that when two people love each other there should be nothing to keep them from being happy together and if they live in a tiny rented apartment or a big house shouldn't make a difference. I don't even know when I'll see Bertie again so I could talk with him and maybe bring that up. He didn't mention another date.

Are Mark and Anne still as enchanted with the train and the doll as they were when they first got them' Give them both hugs from me and tell them I miss them.

Love, Mira.

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-01-19 14:07 EST
Dear Prue,

Work turned out ever so interesting yesterday. Rhi's mom, that also makes her Maggie's grandmother, asked about the possibility of me carrying her fudge and for me to talk with Mr. Simon about it. I think that's a great idea. She'll even make two different packages, one to be a fancy box and one to be snack size. I think Mr. Simon will go for it, provided they come to an agreement over the price. I just hope she hasn't miscalculated how fast they'll be selling. She expects me to sell an entire gross in a week or so.

Tara was there, too, and rather early for her. I don't think she saw me, though. She went straight into the kitchen and baked blue berry muffins for everyone. I suspect Mish helped her, because they they turned out great. Then again, maybe she's just a lot better at baking than at making tea. I wonder if anyone can just go and make use of that kitchen. I should find someone who knows and ask.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-01-20 13:31 EST
Dear Prue,

Mr. Simon did like the suggestion of me taking Colleen's fudge into my inventory. I even had few chances yesterday to mention that to one or the other customer yesterday. Collie was there again, too. That's a little odd because she's usually not at the inn every evening. She asked me if I needed to talk. That surprised me a little, not just because she asked, but she asked while she was ever so busy greeting a whole bunch of people. I'm not all that sure that I want to. Seems to me that the one person I really need to talk with is Bertie. I hope he'll be there this evening,

Ms. Mill asked me to send greetings. I finally got to ask her about the big picture Skid gave me for Yule and she remembered an old easel she had tucked away in the attic she was willing to let me have the use off. Now that easel's in my room holding that picture. That is quite an improvement from just having it sit on the floor and propped against the wall.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-01-21 21:58 EST
Dear Prue,

I worried for nothing, Maggie's grandma wasn't there at all yesterday. Bertie wasn't there either, which I'm of course not happy about. But he didn't mention when I'd see him again, so I can't be upset about that either. But I did have a few very nice customers. One gentleman with a huge cowboy hat wanted just one cigar but was so happy to get one at all he gave me enough coins for half a dozen. The man who has his words all mixed up was there again, too, and I got to ask him to take his diamond back. He didn't do that but he suggested that Mr. Simon accept it as an ahead payment for several purchases. I'm sure that'll be okay.

Tomorrow I'm having off if Bertie comes into town or not. It's been a while since I went to museum. If nothing better comes up I'll check if they've any new exhibits. What are Anne and Mark up to' Did they already turn all the crayons to little pieces?

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-01-22 11:27 EST
Dear Prue,

Thank you so much for your letter and please tell Mark thank you from me a couple of times for his drawing. I stuck it to the edge of the frame of the big picture so I will see it every day. You have to quit worrying about me. Work isn't anything near as slow as it was last winter. There a few very nice customers that are just as generous now as they were before the holidays. Just this evening one even fed me during my rounds, so I'm definitely not starving and when I get home in the evenings I now can warm up with a cup of cider or chocolate. That heating cup Bertie sent me is really the most useful thing. Colleen, and it still feels wrong to call Maggie's grandmother by her first name but I don't know her last name, was at the inn last evening, too. She invited me again to talk with her. At first I didn't want to, thinking I just wanted to talk with Bertie. I still think that. But then something slipped out and that by itself would have made her think all the wrong things, so we ended up talking for quite a while. I think I'm little clearer on a few things now, at least enough so that I can concentrate on other things again like I ought to instead of being quite as distracted as I have been the last few days. The charity tournament hasn't happened yet but I'll be sure to tell you about it once it did.

Now I'm off to the museum. See, I'm even taking care of food for the soul; you really do not need to worry about me quite so much. It's a nice feeling to know that you do, though. Give everyone hugs from me.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-01-22 11:29 EST
Dear Bertie,

I hope my letter finds you well and all the busy you are is a good kind of busy. A lot has happened since I saw you last I'd love to share with you, I just had to write to you. Not all of it lends itself to be put to paper, very little really, and those that do not will just have to wait intil we get to meet again, but a few things do. Perhaps you already know, but in case you do not, I am getting to sell Rhi's mom's fudge starting Friday. She just asked me about it and for me to talk with Mr. Simon about it a couple of days ago. They did come to an agreement quickly. I am rather excited about it and a little worried, too. I'd feel very bad for Rhi's mom should I not be able to sell as much of the fudge for her as she expects. Mark sent me nice drawing of what I think is the new stable and his pony. I know I just got back from a nice long visit with everyone, but I miss them already nearly as much as I miss you. Anne isn't all that interested in drawing yet. Her just having been a year old I wonder if she'll even remember me the next time I get to visit. Mr. Simon insisted that I take today off, morning deliveries included. So I decided to take the time to go to the museum and check if they're having a new exhibit. They should since I've not been back since you and I went there together. Besides, Prue was wondering how come I've not sent her any postcards since I got back.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-01-23 08:43 EST
Dear Prue,

I ended up having a look at the aquarium of the museum. The poster they had up at the entrance showing their newest arrivals looked ever so interesting. They have a lot of fish there I didn't see at the zoo. The postcard shows a fairy fish. The ones in the tank were even brighter colored. Isn't it just gorgeous? The also had lots of different sea horses and fish that look like rocks until they move. I even got to watch a diver have a bat fish eat out of her hand.

Later I went out to socialize a little. Tara invited me to sit with her and she wanted to hear everything about the aquarium. She sounded like she had never been to one or even heard of one. One of the regular patrons, another very nice lady, invited me to dinner, those where the very best vegetables and berries ever. There was steak, too, but I didn't feel up to having any of that. A couple of people recognized me even with me not wearing the uniform and they seemed sad I didn't have the tray with me.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-01-24 13:16 EST
Dear Prue,

I had quite a day yesterday. The morning was pretty busy with deliveries and setting things up for evening rounds. Every delivery seemed to be at another end of town, too. In the afternoon I stopped by the little book and coffee shop I told you about before. They had a bunch of new postcards and an entire shelf full of new books. This postcard shows the market square the way it looks just after a snow fall. I think it looks much prettier on the card than it really is. I sent Bertie one, too, with just my name signed on the back. I wonder if he ever read the book and knows what all that means.

The evening started out not so busy despite all the places I went to being fairly crowded. But it turned out rather well in the end. Eventually Antonio, he was tending bar yesterday, called me over. He had run out of glasses to serve drinks in, so I offered to wash some up for him. He seemed really glad for the offer, so much so that he gave me a handful of coins for helping. He didn't have to do that, of course, but that was ever so sweet of him. Somehow, after I was done with that, everyone seemed to have recovered their sweet tooth and for a while I had all the business I could handle. I had been so worried I'd have bad news for Rhi's mom until then and am ever so glad the worry turned out to have been for naught.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-01-25 13:43 EST
Dear Prue,

Last evening I had two customers asking about roses, one at the arena and one at the inn. So his morning when I checked on the delivery orders and then the roses the flower shop had sent over and found two thirds of them unfit, I grabbed the ugly ones and went to the flower shop to return them. I hope Mr. Simon won't be all that mad about it, but the decent ones were not even enough to cover all the orders. It might just be four degrees out there, but I can't do business like this. Mrs. Reed was properly apologetic and seemed to be surprised, insisting they had left her shop looking perfectly fine. She promised to take two thirds of this month's bill off when she'll send it to Mr. Simon and gave me a generous replacement for today's delivery. Now I have plenty of pretty roses, even some of the gorgeous confetti variety, so that this evening I'll just take the flower basket on my rounds.

On a different note, would you have guessed that bears can cook? One of my regulars insisted I take home with me of the bear's cooking. Of course I've no way to warm it up again, but it was good cold, too. Mish ever so surprised me too. He said something like beauty can't be rushed after he had to wait a little before I could react to his waving me over and he sounded ever so sincere instead of sarcastic or put out, and asked about Bertie, too. Then he invited me for lunch at the inn totally without any strings attached before he sent me on my way again. Isn't that just ever so sweet of him' I'm still marveling about all that. He didn't even let anyone else hear.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-01-26 13:04 EST
Dear Prue,

Just a quick note today to let you know Alfred arrived safely. I've to hurry today as I'm to meet up with him after morning deliveries. I just about died, too, seeing him standing there in the inn. For a moment I feared something terrible happened back home for him to be here. You really worry too much. Alfred still calls you my sister, isn't that just so adorable? Thank you for the goodies and please also Mama thank you for the pickled little sausages she sent along. I'm so surprised she remembered they're one of my favorites. I'll write more later or after Alfred's left again.

Love, Mira

PS: It's really great that Alfred's here, he even smells of home.

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-01-31 16:56 EST
Dear Bertie,

It is ever so wonderful and heart-warming a feeling to come home to find a note and flowers from you. The carnations are ever so beautiful. Thank you ever so very much for both. You were being such a ruddy fool, too, but adorable just the same. Of course I forgive you. Now you'll just have to miss me a little more until your next chance for some time off. I hope you got rid of all those giants with the spiked boots and didn't let them bother you all that much. I'm curious; did you ever get the post card I sent?

Your Mirabelle

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-01-31 16:57 EST
Dear Prue,

Thank you! I can't even begin to tell you how much it means to me that you sent Alfred and all those goodies. I hate to have worried you all that much, though, and I'm sorry. Alfred did put my head back on straight in that sweet, loving way of his, and we had loads of fun while he was here. I'm sure he already told you what all we found time for. You can tell Mama she can retire that rolling pin, too. At least she's not likely to have any more use for it with Alfred. Before Alfred left he gave me a big teddy to hug. That was ever so sweet of him, what he said along with it, too. But I'd still rather hug Bertie, the bear doesn't hug back.

This afternoon I was at a children's hospital. It's Maranya's hospital. When I mentioned to her that I missed those visits I got to make in December with the deliveries, she invited to just stop by anytime I wanted, so I did take her up on that offer. I got to tell the story with the miller and the little ones just loved it so much one of them, a little girl by the name of Tina, got permission from the nurse to come to the cafeteria with me for a little snack. Up until then she'd refused to walk around, so that made the nurse happy, too.

Hug Mark and Anne for me, Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-02 12:57 EST
Dear Prue,

Yesterday must have been a special day. At least it turned out to be ever so very special for me. Oddly, Bertie had nothing to do with it. I had the best workday since at least last summer, perhaps even better. It started with the deliveries being plenty and all being to places fairly close and all the streets I had to go were clear of snow and ice. That hasn't happened since the first snow. The evening started out ever so good, too, with the first customer waving me over just as soon as I put the cloak on the rack. Then someone bought cigars for everyone to celebrate the news of a pregnancy. The moment there was a little lull, Antonio called me to the bar to give me a glass of warm cider and just as soon as I was done with that a really nice lady called me over to get some chocolate. She reminds me of Ms. Nancy, do you remember her" She has a smile and a way about her that with one look from her you just know she already took you into her heart, just like Ms. Nancy did. And then the wolf from last summer was there with the mittens I must have dropped at some point. I was so surprised to see him, believing him gone forever. He still knew me, too, and he decided to stay with me for the rest of the evening. He was ever so adorable, like he was helping me with my route. At some point he got me to follow him only to push me up against a patron. It turned out to be one of those ever so very handsome elves. I thought for sure he'd get all upset but the total opposite happened, he seemed ever so happy about me bumping into him and ending up in his lap and had the sweetest compliments. I like him. He's related to Taneth somehow I found out later when he Taneth bought two of just about everything in my tray. Like that wasn't enough he also ordered chocolate pops for all the ladies present. Did I tell you yet that Taneth and the nice Overlord got engaged" They seem ever so very much like they were made for each other. I even had some very nice customers while I was still passing out the chocolate pops. When I was just about ready to call it a night, Maranya called me over. At first I thought it was just for some candy, but then she introduced me to the very nice gentleman mage that sat with her and Colleen, a Sir Xy. When Maranya made the introductions he bowed ever so deeply for a moment I was afraid he might lose his balance. He didn't, of course. I have seen Sir Xy around before, mostly in the basement where they do the sword fighting competitions. He has a cute accent and his compliments were many and he even got Maranya to blush with them. The entire time I was standing with them he acted like I was wearing a pretty gown instead of the uniform and tray. That was ever so awesome a feeling. Later he asked what our favorite colors were and then made roses in those colors with magic. I've never seen roses in those colors before, emerald green, a very vibrant blue and sea green-blue one. When it was time for me to go finish up and do the paperwork, the wolf came with me. He even stayed while I finished up and then walked beside me all the way to Ms. Mills.

I almost don't want to go to work today, because there can't possibly be two days like that. But, I'll go, of course.

Love, Mira.

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-03 15:28 EST
Dear Prue,

Yesterday I was asked to participate in a charity event. I was surprised and all kinds of complimented to have been asked, and I don't even have to do much of anything to help the orphanage that the charity event is for besides just showing up for the event and again for an evening out. The ever so very handsome relative of Taneth was there again with her yesterday, too, and just as sweet as the day before and ordered a bunch of daisies I'm to deliver this evening. He made me blush a couple of times and think of Bertie. Bertie I've not heard from again since the cute little note and carnations he sent last week and we didn't get to really visit the last time I saw him either. It is ever so frustrating that Bertie isn't available to share anything with.

When I was all done with the paperwork and left the Outback to go home, the wolf was there at the door, just like he had been waiting for me, and he walked with me again all the from there to Ms. Mill's. I wonder what made him decide to do that. It's not like I could give him any treats.

Lady Elessaria, you may tell Mama this, asked about Alfred yesterday and when he would be back in town.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-04 03:22 EST
Dear Bertie,

Wherever did you find forget-me-nots in the middle of winter" Between those pretty little blooms and your short yet eloquent note the headache that threatened to settle in flew right out again. Isn't that just amazing" Thank you ever so very much.

Of course I "forget you not." I think of you all the time. This evening the wolf was there again after I had the paperwork all done and he walked me home, that made me think of you. Yesterday when True made me blush with compliments I was thinking of you. When I was asked to participate in a charity auction I was thinking of you. When I get to deliver flowers in the mornings I think of you and when Lady Gem or Antonio has a cup of cider for me I think of you. When I see Maggie's grandmother at the Inn I think of you and when I see couples together I think of you. When I got to pass out cigars to celebrate Gem's good news I thought of you and I thought of you when Sir Xy magicked a rose for me the same color as the stone in the ring you slipped on my finger. When I visit with the little ones at the hospital I think of you and I think of you whenever I see any of the Valentine events posters. And sometimes I think of you for no particular reason at all. Not all are happy thoughts. How could they be when you are so far away' But forgotten you are most definitely not. And it is ever so very nice to know that you have not forgotten me.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-04 21:16 EST
Dear Prue,

I am moving! I am so excited about it; I can hardly sit still long enough to pen this note. Mish offered me an apartment in the West End district for less than what I am paying for the room here. I will have a kitchen for cooking and a bathroom all to myself! Isn't it absolutely fabulous? I still have a hard time believing this turn of fortune. I'll send you the new address just as soon as I have it.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-05 16:14 EST
Dear Prue,

The extra piece of paper is the mailing address for the new apartment. I'm moving this afternoon already. Tru offered to help me with the moving when I ran into him at the inn yesterday. The next time I get to visit I'll want to take what I can of mom and dad's things out of your attic and with me. It'll be a little like having them here. At times I miss them so much.

I got to tell Taneth about moving, too. She was almost as excited about the news as I was. We're going to have a sleep over with ice cream and trying on each others" dresses. That sounds like tons of fun.

Bertie sent a little note and forget-me-nots. Finding those in the middle of winter must have taken quite some effort and time. I like the flowers and knowing he took the time, but I'd rather see him. Maybe Alfred was right. But it hurts to think that.

Ms. Mill is letting me keep the easel. Isn't that sweet of her" I forgot to ask Mish if he allowed pets. But Ms. Mill said that I could come visit her and Draco any time. Draco's a big cat now, too. It's hard to believe looking at him now that he ever fit into my hand.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-05 16:18 EST
Dear Bertie,

I had hoped to see you yesterday so I could give you the news in person: I'm moving and doing so this afternoon already. The new address is on the envelope.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-06 19:06 EST
Dear Prue,

I'm all moved and unpacked and sitting on a new chair at a new dining table to write today. There wasn't all that much to move, but in order to make it to work on time yesterday, most of the unpacking had to wait. There is much room, even with everything unpacked and set out and all the ever so pretty furniture my new landlord picked the rooms look pretty empty. The furniture all looks so very new, I had to tell myself for at least an hour that he didn't put that soft blue couch there for me to just marvel at and that it was okay for me to sit on it. But before I do anything about the empty look I'll have to hunt for some things for the kitchen. Having a stove is rather useless without a pot. Shopping for my very own real place and not just a room is going to be exciting.

Tru gave me ride home yesterday after work on his motor bike. That was even more fun than riding on a horse, a little cold though in the middle of winter. But it was also a lot faster than walking or taking a carriage. Mostly I was glad for not having to walk all that way in the dark by myself, not yet being familiar with the way. I don't think I'll be walking all that often during the winter, though. My new landlord " I write landlord because when I picked up the keys he said he didn't want people to know about it. Could you maybe forget I ever told you the landlord's name" - showed me where to find a carriage that only charges a copper each way. Tips would have to be really lousy for me not to take advantage of that great deal.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-07 16:01 EST
Dear Prue,

I've a new kitty! Her name is Bear because she purrs loud enough to wake neighbors, if I had any. So far the other apartments are without tenants. Bear is all brown and still very tiny, too small really to be without her mom. Tru found her and gave her to me yesterday evening. He even thought to pick up supplies. I'm so glad I asked about pets. I wanted to have Draco with me, but he'll be much happier staying with Ms. Mill. She agrees and seemed rather relieved to hear that I wasn't picking up Draco. I visited her earlier to find out how she manages all the time to get her cats to behave and she told me a few tricks. She offered to see if her Mama cat would like to mommy Bear for a few days, at least the days I'm working and can't feed her every time she's hungry. Of course I'm taking her up on the offer. Right now though Bear's distracting me and I have to keep rescuing the box of stationary from her curious tongue.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-07 20:48 EST

I need to talk with you.



Date: 2009-02-08 13:44 EST
Delete, please

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-08 16:24 EST
Dear Prue,

Had I known how quick a short note would get results, I'd have sent one to Bertie a month ago. Not that it would have made much of a difference. We did finally get to talk. The short of it is that our ideas of what makes the ideal relationship are too different. We did agree though that the best thing we could do for each other was to part ways. It's still sad. I'm glad Alfred was here when he was. Without his visit it may have taken me a lot longer to figure all that out.

Tru cheered me up with talking and Chinese food after work. Earlier, when a customer acted suspicious, he told him to stay away from his family and me. It was a little scary. That he'd include me with his family is very warm feeling. He told me later that the man had threatened on of his family members before.

This evening is the charity auction. Of course I got the evening off so I can go. I wonder what it'll be like. Bear seems to really like her new circumstances and I swear I can see her grow just looking at her for a minute. Mama cat is amazing, box training Bear. It's the cutest thing to watch. She picks up Bear and drops her in her box, bear's box - not her own, and won't let her come out until she's done. I had no idea cats would do anything like that. Maybe Mama cat is just special.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-09 16:03 EST
Dear Prue,

The charity auction turned out to be much bigger an event than I had guessed it would be. I get to have dinner with Tru. He hasn't said yet when, but I am looking forward to it. He's very good company. They had a few people there that bid outrageously and then forgot to pay up, but most people were sensible and all in all the auctioneers got quite a bit of money together for the orphanage. Antonio looked the most prepared. He even had a pretty necklace to give to whoever won the dinner with him.

In a little bit I'm going to the market place to turn what I've left over from paying rent into kitchen ware. Tru is going to help me find the best deals. I hope he remembers to bring Taneth along. I forgot to remind him that she wanted to help pick out things when we talked about that a couple days ago.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-10 14:29 EST
Dear Prue,

I now own a book! And not just any book either, but Desiree and signed by the author with a movie disk. Tru gave it to me yesterday evening after work with the excuse that he missed my last birthday. I nearly cried when I opened the carefully wrapped bundle and saw the book inside. And he invited me to come bring the movie and we'll watch it together. I am ever so looking forward to getting to see Desiree and Bernadotte together and the Emperor and everyone else.

I found out why Tru hasn't mentioned the dance at all, too. He doesn't know how. He'd like to learn, though. So I'm going to try to show him how. That'll be so much fun. Maybe even this evening already. Mr. Simon said I didn't have to work so I could go enjoy the dance, but I'm not going. If not this evening, then I'll read my book.

I think Maranya is ill. She hasn't really looked or acted like she used to in at least a week. She said she was missing Antonio yesterday and was busy thinking about one of her patients, but I don't think that's the lot of it.

Now I'm going to unpack all the treasures we found at the market square. There was no time for that yesterday because I made it back with not really enough time to get ready for work. I managed to get everything I figured I need to start with, even a bright red pot.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-11 12:47 EST
Dear Prue,

I love you! If I could hug you know you'd not be able to pry me lose for at least half an hour. But you're also absolutely insane. Sending that trunk must have cost a fortune and you wrapped everything so very well that must have taken you a few nights. Not a single piece so much as took a chip. Mom's china is even prettier than I remember and just looking at those delicate cups brings so many memories alive. I can still smell her, too, in that stack of table cloths. Thank you also for those beautiful pillows. I'll hug them a few times instead of you and hope you can feel it. That dark blue and brocade looks so elegant on that soft blue couch. Dad's carvings I spread out over the book shelve. Now I have something really neat for Tasha and Taneth to look at when we have the sleepover and the next time Tru comes over to learn dancing it'll be a little like dad gets to have a look at him. Thank you so much, Prue, and please tell Bernhard thank you from me, too, for his part in getting that trunk shipped.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-12 12:51 EST
Dear Prue,

Did I ever tell you how glad I am that you went through all the frustrations and bruises teaching me how to dance? Well, I am. Tru allowed me to pass on to him what you taught me and he's turning out to be a natural at it. Even though he's just learning he is pleasure to watch dancing. I'm sure he'll be close to perfect at it by the time of his sister's engagement party.

At the inn last evening someone had set up a hamburger buffet. We enjoyed that very much and got to meet a very nice blind lady by the name of Shay, after I was done working for the evening, of course. She ended up sitting with us and we had a nice time together. Too bad Taneth and Tormay missed all that.

This morning was a little scary. I thought someone was following me around as I made the deliveries. At least I kept seeing the same black carriage with a dent in the door every time I turned around, no matter if I hurried or slowed down. That carriage even seemed to follow me back to the office. So I stopped at the inn for a cup of coffee before going home. Lord Travanix came in shortly after and I thought perhaps that was his carriage. But Lord Travanix was surprisingly pleasant and even invited me to add his inn to my route. Maybe he took Tara's speech to heart and was trying to make up for our previous meeting. And when I left the inn the carriage was no where to be seen.

Now I'm looking forward to another dance lesson with Tru, if he can make it. He didn't know if he was working this afternoon or if he'd be free to come over.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-14 14:06 EST
Dear Prue,

It's a good thing Friday the thirteenths end at midnight just like every day. The day started innocent enough, good even, with lots of deliveries to make and good tips. The deliveries kept me busy well into the afternoon. In the evening was the charity tournament Overlord Tormay organized. That started out well, too, until Tru fell down the basement stairs. Somehow after that everything that could go wrong, did. Taneth was telling Tormay of an accident she had that afternoon while Tru was asking me out for dinner tonight and n the worry over Taneth and being upset the driver that nearly ran her over didn't even stop to see if she was hurt the joy over a Valentines date got lost. By the time I realized he hadn't even gotten around to name a time for it I had customers. Before I could ask when to be ready, Tru got roses and in guessing who from for a moment he sounds like he was fabricating " which of course he wasn't " but I, like a complete idiot, had to open my mouth before thinking and made a total mess of things and everyone quite mad at me. Later I found out that Tru sold his bike to a broker because of that charity auction and that he's related to Governor Kitty. She wasn't happy about him having to walk. It must have been after midnight by then, because after that set of revelations Tru and I managed to make up and we went to a tea shop to warm up a bit and talk some more. This morning he helped me with the Valentine deliveries and we actually managed to get done with all of them in time to have lunch together. Now I'm waiting for my hair to dry and trying to decide what to wear. I really want to wear that gorgeous dress Skid gave me last summer, but it's just about freezing outside.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-16 22:58 EST
Dear Prue,

I had the most wonderful Valentine dinner ever. Tru cooked himself and he is the best cook. Do you remember me telling you about all the fancy dishes from the truly delightful dinner Skid took me to all those months ago' The chicken Tru came up with was even beyond that. As wonderful as the food was, it was the smallest wonder - except perhaps for the Tru-berries. The setting Tru had prepared was out of a story book. He had me close my eyes as he led me along a path to get to it. Then I got to open my eyes. You should have seen it, because my writing about it can't possibly capture all there was to see. Lots of lanterns in the trees around a small area of luscious grass, magic lanterns, too, that made the area feel almost like summer in temperature, glowworms flying, fairy music chiming, something like northern lights overhead, the thickest picnic blanket I've ever seen, glasses and wine sitting out already making it look ever so inviting and roses! Lots of roses! All very red and about forty of them, they were fragrant, too.

We had a wonderful time and talked about everything and then some. For desert Tru had found a way to improve the already ever so perfect strawberries. They had an unbelievable amount of flavor and chocolate on the inside. We had champagne with those and they were positively divine.

Later, because it was still early, we went to inn for a little while to close out the evening. That was a lot of fun too. We met Taneth and Tormay there and generally had fun.

Yesterday afternoon we got to watch Desiree together. Desiree and Bernadotte are even more beautiful and handsome in the movie than I had imagined them. Tru was wonderful too and didn't tease me at all about the sad parts. I even got to talk with him about the farm being gone. But that was later, after work. Today after work he'll come over for another dance lesson and dinner.

When Bernhard kissed you the first few times, did something odd and extraordinary happen you forgot to tell me about' And don't you dare show this part of this letter to anyone! I know where you live.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-17 20:02 EST
Dear Prue,

Tomorrow is the sleep over. I hope I see Taneth and Tasha this evening so I can remind them. My fridge now has all kinds of things in it I hope they both will like. Tru and I will meet for lunch so we'll not totally miss out on seeing each other. While I was out shopping for the sleep over I came across the cutest little tea play set. It made me think of the kids at River View and I just had to get it. It came with a doll size basket and has absolutely everything with it one could possibly wish for. Work has been ever so fantastic yesterday! Just about everyone I saw got something. Taneth's big engagement party isn't until next month, too, so I'll definitely be able to save up enough to get a pretty dress for it.

Tru was over for dinner yesterday. I managed to make something he turned out liking despite there being so little time for it. He said he needs a longer favorites list now to put that potato casserole on it. Bear behaved while we ate but she kept getting between our feet when it came time for the dancing lesson. Maybe she wants to learn dancing, too.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-18 13:16 EST
Dear Prue,

Mrs. and Mr. Simon were at the inn yesterday when I got there from the tournament. Everything went way above average and I made a lot of sales, even after they left. Tara surprised me. She set a tiara on my tray and without buying anything, just because she appreciates me working. She told me I should sell it and buy something nice with it, like the tiara wasn't already the nicest thing. It looks perhaps a little on the gaudy side but it has a very nice sparkle and it's not likely I get to use it very often. But one doesn't sell presents and the next time I've a lousy day at work I can look at it to cheer up.

I met a little sprite, too. He didn't have coins to buy anything with and looked ever so sad about it, too. I'm glad I keep a few of the broken things for just such moments. You should have seen how delighted he was with a bag of chocolate crumbs that used to be chocolate hearts.

Tru had to work ever so late yesterday. But we made up for that by going to the book store. We had a lot of fun, getting one of the books with lots of pictures in it and making up stories for them. Today I won't see him because of the sleep over. Even our times off during the day won't match today. This evening he's going to help out at the south side homeless shelter. Isn't that just ever so nice of him?

Now I'm off to River View with the new doll tea set to see how the kids there will like a tea party. I'm bringing Elisabeth along, too. That's the doll Taneth and Tara got me for my birthday, if you forgot.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-20 12:05 EST
Dear Prue,

Please let Mark know I have his newest artwork on my refrigerator. I'm delighted to know he thinks of me. To answer your questions, I'm fine and of course I'm taking care of myself. It's ever so much easier to do that now, too, with rent being so much less. I even have juice in the fridge and nothing worse to deal with than a sore throat. Work has been going very well, too. Between some larger and well tipped for delivery orders, the extra pay for going to Lord Travanix's inn and business generally being up, I even have coins left over to put aside for a new dress and maybe even a radio.

The sleep over was wonderful. Tasha couldn't make it, but Taneth and I had fun enough for three people. Bear liked Taneth at once and spent a lot of time getting carried by her. We played with everything and felt like princesses in each other's clothes. I hope we get to do that again some time.

True works too hard. Or, maybe, it's him having all those lessons set up in addition to work. He seems to be tired even when I see him for lunch. He said him having the bike again makes a difference, but I'm not seeing that yet. I suggested that we don't stay out quite so late in the evenings so he can get more sleep that way, but he didn't like that idea any more than I did.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-02-26 16:07 EST
Dear Prue,

I'm back home after half a week of staying in a room at the inn. It turned out that sore throat was strep. But don't you worry, it's already gone again. Maranya and Eva - Eva is a healer, too, I found out ? made it go away, and all I had to do for a few days was recover. Tru is an excellent nurse and he took good care of me. He managed to check in on me every few hours despite work and lessons and even cooked special foods for me that Maranya said I could have. He even brought Bear over when she complained too much about me not being home to pet on her. I had lots of people visiting, too. Mason, Eva's boyfriend, brought Banana pudding a couple of times and Lang smuggled cola upstairs until Maranya added it to the list of permitted food and drink. Last evening Tru even took my tray around. He had talked with Mr. Simon first, of course. He did pretty well and when he was done with his rounds he spoiled me with a feast. Lady Elessaria made some bath salts for me with medicinal benefits.

This morning I finally got to go home. Bear seems to be as happy as me about that. It's nice being able to walk into the kitchen whenever I fill like it and to actually do stuff when I feel energetic. This evening, Maranya said, I'll have to make to make do with the flower basket for work. I hope people are up for roses without it being the weekend.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-03-01 16:47 EST
Dear Prue,

Do you remember me telling you about a carriage that seemed to be following me around" It turns out that it really was following me. The man driving it looks rather creepy, too, and scared me ever so much a few times. It turns out all he wanted was to buy a cigar and some chocolate, but he's always busy with work while I'm doing my rounds. I had to laugh when I found out.

Yesterday I got to spoil Tru a little instead of him spoiling me all the time. I think he enjoyed it. He even let me put some small braids in his ever so beautiful long blond hair with some wooden beads and brown feathers. We also went to the aquarium in the afternoon and picked up a stack of postcards to give to Tara, because she never gets to go there. I got a couple for you, too. The trunk fishes were funny to watch. The other postcard shows one of the frog fishes. Doesn't it just look ever so odd and not like a fish at all"

In the evening, just as I was about to finish work and Tru had returned from painting the Riverview clinic, Tara introduced Tru to her husband as Baron von Blood. He was ever so excited about Tara's revelation of his title that I think Tara may actually do something to make the title stick. We're to go shopping with Taneth later for Tru's new more baronial outfits. Work turned out rather busy, too. Lady Elessaria decided to gift a rose to each of the female patrons. The inn was so crowded it took me the better part of two hours to deliver them all. It was great fun, too. The lady with Mish that evening gave her rose to him and he played around with it, taking it between his teeth for some poses. It was good seeing him so relaxed.

Much later but before it was time to go home, Tru said we were sweethearts. I'm ever so very happy.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-03-04 22:51 EST
Dear Prue,

Friday I'm going to Governor Kitty's and Tass's wedding. I'm so excited. I wonder if it's going to be anything like yours. Tru didn't tell me until last evening that the invitation he got was for the both of us together. I spent nearly all afternoon looking at dresses before I found one suitable enough. It's not the red, black and white I've been looking for, but a shiny sea green with a flaring skirt to just above the ankles, a tight crinkle top (the crinkles make the shiny material sparkle in the light) and spaghetti straps. The best thing about it was that I had enough money left over to get some shoes to match. I hope I thought Tru well enough so he'll do all right when he gets to dance with Governor Kitty. She asked Tru to walk her down the isle if Luce (I don't know his real name) can't make it on time.

Works has been absolutely great. People are generous again with each other and with tips, and I've only had friendly and smiling customers. Even at Lord Travanix's Inn people were smiling this week. Mish got a sprig of orchids for Maranya yesterday. I never saw him buy flowers for anyone before.

In a few minutes Tru will pick me up for us to go to the Riverview clinic together to cheer up the children there together. He has some ever so neat ideas for a play to do with some of the kids that have to stay for longer, and to make it a charity event. I know he can hardly wait to tell the kids about the play.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-03-11 22:30 EST
Dear Prue,

The wedding was ever so very elegant and so much fun. Governor Kitty looked every bit as happy and glowing and beautiful as I remember you looking at your wedding, though her gown was blue instead of white. I even got to dance with the groom once. Tru is getting really good at dancing, too. He looked ever so dashing when he waltzed the bride over the dance floor.

Tru and I met a girl at the clinic that is breaking our hearts. She has a disease that is ever so resistant to everything various doctors and healers have tried in order to heal her. And yet, the little girl seems more concerned about other people being okay than with her dying.

Taneth and Tormay invited us to their engagement party. That is to be a week from tomorrow. The week after that is to be the big sleep over Taneth and Fio are organizing. That's the first month I think that I had to take of three Fridays.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-03-13 20:42 EST
Dear Prue,

Tru absolutely loves mom's cheese cake. I baked one yesterday and it turned out perfect. When he drove me home last evening he got to try some. He thinks like the cheese cake transports him into heaven just like we always say it does. How is Alfred doing?

His boss came with us to the inn last evening when I picked up Tru from work. Dr. Dyannan volunteered to help out Maranya while she's experiencing so many troubles at the Riverview clinic. Now the orc's lawyers even asked that her license be suspended and that idiot of a judge approved the request. Maybe Maranya's lawyer isn't as good as she thinks. I don't understand why a license should be all that important anyway.

As soon as the weather is nice enough to do so Tru and I will spring Sarah from the hospital for an afternoon and take her to the zoo to see the animals and to have a picnic. Maybe her getting to have some fun will help where the doctors can't help. And if not, at least she'll have had a fun afternoon.

Bear is growing fast now and she's turning into a very well behaved kitty-cat. She doesn't even fuss anymore when I get from work after having to leave her alone for hours on end.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-03-27 20:31 EST
Dear Prue,

Tru and I have been ever so very busy, spending just about every free minute at the Riverview clinic to help the children that are there with the painting of murals. Some of the patients are very talented. Perhaps some of at least the outside murals will eventually be available on a postcard. I'd love for you to be able to see them.

Tormay's and Taneth's engagement party was a lot of fun. Tru pointed out that he was dancing only with me that evening. He's getting ever so good at it, too. Before long I'll run out of steps and moves to teach him. He's just as quick with his other lessons. I'm so very proud of him. His cooking is definitely divine and we now read books together.

The patron who keeps paying for her candy purchases with pretty rocks is back in town. The last time I saw her she not only paid with a pretty green rock but also gave me a colorless one to keep. Mr. Simon and Maranya both think it's a diamond. Mr. Simon will exchange the green rock and pay me out the coins along with my next paycheck just like he has done with the other rocks last year. The clear rock, if the jeweler agrees with him that it is a diamond, he offered to buy from me directly, and he promised that he'd give me a better deal than what the jeweler will offer.

Tonight is supposed to be Taneth's sleep over. But I've not seen her or her fianc?e around all week. I asked for the evening off just the same and will go prepared when I'm leaving the house later. If the sleepover doesn't happen, I'm sure I'll find takers for the mini cheese cakes I baked this afternoon at the inn.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-03 20:26 EST
Dear Prue,

Maranya and Sivanna really love the comforter you sent along for the Riverview benefit auction and they charged me to give you both their thanks and to let you know they admire your work and artistry.

Tru has been very busy with work this week. For me work was above average busy, too. Sivanna ordered a lot of gift baskets. I ever so enjoy putting them together. This weekend we get to help Maranya putting together Easter baskets for the children at her clinic. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun.

Mr. Simon had an enormously high amount of coins for me when we got back from exchanging those rocks I told you about. It's a nice feeling to have those stashed away for emergencies and rainy days.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-03 20:27 EST
Greetings Sivanna,

I received your order and it is of course my pleasure to fill it. Thank you very much for the payment included with your order. So far I've only been able to deliver three of the baskets. Whoever of the other recipients I do not happen across this evening will receive theirs tomorrow morning.

Thank you again for all your orders.

Sincerely, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-05 12:13 EST
Dear Prue,

Yesterday had been an ever so busy and all around wonderful a day. Morning deliveries have been the most satisfying. People are always delighted when their days start with flowers and sometimes with a box of chocolates, but this morning I got to deliver a bunch of gift baskets and the delight of the people getting them was enormous. I got one, too. I put pixie sticks in mine for sharing with Tru. He did say they may be his favorite for the time being. In the afternoon we got to help Maranya making Easter baskets for the children at the hospital. We had a lot of fun together. I hope they will like those adorable chocolate Easter bunnies as much as we all enjoyed looking at and handling them. The chocolatier hand paints all of them and each one looks different. In the evening during rounds Tru helped me locate customers and it turned into one of the best evenings for work. Sivanna came looking for me while I was working to give me present. She made a potpourri sachet and ensembled the fragrances inside it just for me. I hardly knew how to thank her I was so touched. After work Tru and I decided to go cheer for Taneth in the basement where they have rings set up for sports dueling. Tru picked me up and carried me down the stairs. That was a very odd and ever so wonderful feeling. Taneth wasn't dueling after we got there, though. I think Tru liked that better than if she had. Poor Tormay officiated the contests until almost dawn. A lot of people and a lot of our friends were there, and Tru's mom and cousin. He, ever so generously, offered to share his large family with me.

In a little while I'm to meet Tru in the park. We're having a picnic lunch to enjoy the nice weather. Afterwards I think we'll see if more Easter baskets need to be put together.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-06 14:18 EST
Dear Prue,

I am learning elven! Lots of it. When I went to the inn last evening to meet up again with Tru, he had to go into work after we got back from packing Easter baskets, Aja, Maranya, and Sivanna were all at the bar. Their conversation was about the charity auction and all the donations they already got for it. One of the items donated wasn't a thing at all but a wine tasting. That gave me an idea and I suggested to Sivanna that a lesson of elven would be a wonderful thing and I'd be interesting in putting in a bid for that. I'm not sure if she liked the idea, but she offered to teach me some elven on the spot. It is so pretty a language, like music almost. I can hardly wait to surprise Tru with it. He had to work terribly late and never made it back to the inn. I'm sad of course that I didn't get to see him again before going home and I'm not at all sure working all that much is all that good for him, but I'm also very proud of him " he must really be good at what he does or his boss wouldn't count on him like that " and if he had been there I'd have missed out on the chance to learn all those wonderful elven phrases. Sivanna even taught me a phrase for my elven customers.

At some point the woman came up to Sivanna and Maranya offering to donate an iffy substance in a vial. I had nearly forgotten that evening, but when she approached with the careful question if "anyone could help" and seeing that vial, brought back all the ugly stuff that happened then. It's really rare that Mish gets so furious with anyone for so long as he did evening when he saw the woman offer Bluebell one of those vials. He said the most terrible things then to the woman. I asked if it was the same stuff in the vial as what she had tried to give to Bluebell because I didn't want Maranya and the clinic to get into any more trouble with the auction that's supposed to help the clinic. My question started a terrible scene and the woman appeared more unhappy than angry. Later Maranya told me that the new concoctions are not addictive but that some people didn't understand and it's because of that not understanding that she declined the donation. Now I'm not at all sure if I should apologize to the woman or if she didn't change and all from last summer is still accurate. Then again, Mish was at the inn for a little while last evening, too, and the woman only came with her offer after he had left.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-08 19:31 EST
Dear Sivanna,

Thank you ever so very much gorgeous kerchief. It is the most beautiful of its kind I've ever seen and I adore that it has my name on it. Thank you most kindly also for your continued business. It makes me happy to know that you're satisfied and to see the positively surprised and happy smiles on the recpients' of your baskets faces. A three course meal for two indeed sounds ever so lovely.

I too hope to see you again soon so I may give you my thanks in person for the language lesson.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-09 12:52 EST
Dear Prue,

I got a chance already to try out my new knowledge of the elven language and surprise Tru with it. I hope I'll get another chance for another lesson. Sivanna has been so very sweet. Yesterday, along with another order for deliveries, she sent me another present. It's the most delicate and beautiful kerchief I've ever seen, and it even has my name in a corner. When I'm out shopping for a birthday card for Antonio I'm going to see if I can find something she might smile for getting. Tru told me he can't remember ever having had a birthday or a party or even a date for it. I told Aja and Maranya about that when Maranya told us about Antonio's birthday. They both had the same idea had when Tru first told me: a surprise birthday party for him. But as much as I'd love to dive right in to planning that party for him that'll have to wait for a bit. There is no way I could pull that off without help and right now people are busy planning other events. Besides the birthday party for Antonio the talk is all about the charity auction for the clinic.

Aja invited Tru and me to join her new club. I'm not sure yet what the club is for besides for sitting together when meeting more or less by chance, but it's ever so very nice being asked and I like all the other people in it.

The postcard shows three different views of the city park. Tru and I've been meeting there a few times since the weather turned more spring like for lunch. Doesn't it look ever so romantic with the trees in spring bloom and the flowerbeds bursting with all those soft colors?

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-11 13:14 EST
Dear Sivanna,

Thank you so much for the violets and thank you for the new order and wonderful words. Your letters never fail to make me smile. Please, do not apologize for conducting business in writing. Doing so is very acceptable and you are by far not the only person leaving orders for me to fill at the Outback. You're the only one though who leaves such wonderful notes along with the orders for me to find. I'll make sure everyone gets their basket just as soon as possible.

Until soon, love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-17 17:19 EST
Dear Prue,

Spring fever seems to have broken out in earnest. The nice major I told you about before was at the Outback this morning when I arrived for work. When he placed an order for spring flowers he pulled out a bunch of embroidery silks and asked me to match the colors of the flowers to the silks and to include the silks into the bouquet. I can't remember him ever ordering only one bouquet before. He usually sends all his friends something when he leaves an order. I've altogether more delivery orders this week, even without the beautiful baskets Sivanna has been asking for. The sale for the seasonal items went excellent, too, I had not a single piece of bunny candy left by the end of business on Sunday.

Tru and I had the most wonderful time ever decorating wooden boxes and turning them into treasure boxes. The one I made to hold incense for Sivanna turned out ever so very pretty that I just had to make a couple more. Tru's turned out ever so very lovely, too. I should have guessed he'd be talented at crafts by how pretty all the dishes he prepares look.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-17 17:20 EST
Dear Prue,

Work has been absolutely perfect yesterday; the right kind of busy all evening long. The only sad part about that was that I didn't get to sit down for a chat with Sivanna and the other members of BCU. By the time I was done with the paperwork I was too tired to return to the inn. This evening I have off. I can hardly wait to see if Sivanna likes her new treasure box. I found the most delicious smelling incense to fill it with, too.

Rhydin is going to have a new magazine. The posters up in town announcing it claim that their articles will contain less gossip and more facts. I'm curious to see their first issue. I also a poster for a Beltane celebration to happen at the inn on the last Thursday of the month and another for a tournament on Twilight Isle coupled with a show off of spring hats. I'd love to see all those hats and go to the celebration with Tru. We don't have our schedules yet for those weeks, though, so we'll have to wait to find out if we may go to one or the other or both.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-21 14:06 EST
Dear Prue,

You won't believe what happened to me yesterday. Work was pretty busy and it was a challenge to even find a moment to greet Tru properly when he arrived at the inn, when another customer wanted to talk to me in private. It was the lawyer that handles that Orc mess for Maranya. It turned out he didn't want to place an order, but was there on his business. Like it wasn't bad enough that this woman that wanted to donate a questionable substance to the hospital charity auction has been harassing me at work the last week or so, but she hired that lawyer and accused me of slander. The gall of some people! But that wasn't the worst. The lawyer told me that Maranya supported that woman's claims. Of course, as soon as possible after talking with Mish, I went and checked with Maranya, hoping that it turned out that lawyer twisted facts just like that woman had. But Maranya repeated just what the lawyer had said to my face. That would have been bad enough under any circumstances, but to hear that from the woman who I was concerned would risk her job, her license she's so concerned about, and her hospital, and asked that question about that stupid vial of that woman to start with, was just too much. Now I have to find a new doctor and find something else as meaningful as volunteering at the clinic to do on free afternoons. Mish, for all his faults, is much better a friend. He right away promised that of course he'd give the court his proof should that woman get a judge to let things go that far. Before I could even ask him anything he assured me that if he ever said any cuss words to me he did not mean them. That he said that surprised me to no end. Later, when Tru walked me home, I found out that this was brought on by an argument Tru and Mish had while the lawyer was talking to me. When Tru told me what happened during their argument I was ever so glad I had already seen Mish and Tru get along just fine after, or I'd have been all kinds of worried. It's an awesome feeling to know Tru stands up to anyone who says something bad to me, even if that someone is someone who's one of the best friends one could have.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-21 14:07 EST
Dear Prue,

Everything is okay again. Of course it all happened again while I was working and this time under the watchful eyes of not only my boss but also his lovely wife. I had the Outback as the last stop on my evening route. At some point she called me over to get some chocolate. Along with her order she told me that she had been in error and apologized and that she'd still like to be friends. It still hurts that she could have thought so badly of me, but I accepted her apology and now I'll just have to try really hard not to let the memory overshadow things.

Work was absolutely great. I've hardly even to call out what?s available all evening. People just have been waving me over without. Tru's been absolutely adorable, too. When I got of work he surprised me. We had already planned to watch a movie. When I asked which one, he said we could watch Desiree again. I really have to find out what other movies exist so he won't get disgustingly bored with watching this one over and over. But he also had dinner made and ready to eat, the best lasagna ever and salad, too. He is such a fine cook. I am puzzled where he finds the energy to come up with such divine food after working all day.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-29 20:16 EST
Dear Tru,

Mark is missing since yesterday. Alfred sent a telegram. I have to leave right away.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-29 20:17 EST
Dear Tru,

I've never before been quite so glad to have a little money aside to spend. The taxi to get here was terribly expensive but worth every penny. Prue is just beside herself with worry and ever so glad that I am here now. I think the poor girl got a bunch of grey hair over night. Bernhard is worried, too, but he hides it better and he is really too busy searching and organizing the search.

Despite everyone searching, Mark still hasn't been found. He wound up missing yesterday afternoon and now it's getting dark again. Lady is missing, too. She's Mark's dog. Hopefully the two are together. Not that I think Lady would be very helpful to Mark, but she'd be company. At least, if Mark's to spend another night outside it's not freezing cold any more. Anne misses her brother, too. Besides asking for Mark a lot she's being a good girl and on her best behavior.

I'm sorry I can't be there to help you with working on the car as I wanted to this weekend. I told Prue and Bernhard of how cool the car looks already. They'd both like to see it and Bernhard asked if you knew anything about tractors, too.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-04-29 20:18 EST
To Tru von Blood

Mark found " back tomorrow " Love, Mira.

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-05-01 18:53 EST

I arrived back in town all in one piece. Tru met me at the inn and after saying hello to everyone gave me a ride the rest of the way home. Even with all the catching up we managed to have a look at the Beltane celebration here. They had two bon fires, food and drink, but no rides, shooting booths or gypsies. There was music but I didn't see anyone dancing, and they didn't have a May pole either. I like out May festival much better. We ended up staying just long enough to satisfy our curiosity.

This morning I started a new project. I'm making a box picture for Tru of the fairy glen picnic. I didn't have the heart yet to ask him if he saw the announcement that Gem passed away. He'll sure need cheering up when he hears of that. The pansy planting at the children's" wing at Riverview will have to be put off a little, too.

The girls " they're Sivanna, Aja and Maranya " were talking dresses for the gala yesterday. Sivanna was showing Aja pictures for her to pick a dress from to wear. None of them looked all that pretty and two of them looked downright indecent. Sivanna asked me about them, and not realizing that they were her clothes I told her in all honesty what I thought of them. Oh, the embarrassment! Tao caught the tale end of the dress talk and as kind he is distracted from my remarks.

How are Mark and Lady recovering from their adventure"

Love, Mira

(Edited due to wrong information)

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-05-03 14:55 EST
Dear Prue,

What a day I had! Just before the last delivery yesterday morning and already looking forward to lunch I was mugged. Of course there wasn't a watchman around, not even around the corner or the next one. But that was rather minor in comparison to what followed. When I finally made it to the watch station, the sergeant there seemed ever so annoyed that I wanted to report the crime. He asked me the same questions over and over and didn't even want to interrupt long enough for me to get something to drink. That I had another delivery to make and a boss to report to didn't make a difference either. Later, after letting Mr. Simon know why I didn't get around to that delivery " he gave me the rest of the evening off - getting cleaned up and realizing just how lucky I was that the mugger didn't do any real harm and that he only stole a couple of silvers, I went to inn to celebrate that nothing worse happened. All my friends were there, of course. When I got around to telling Tru and those about my day, Tru got all upset with the watchman and Maranya and he insisted that I go to the clinic and let a doctor verify that nothing serious was wrong. Which he did, of course, so don't you worry. Maranya called ahead to let the doctor there know we were coming in so we'd not have to sit in the waiting room. That was ever so very sweet of her. Tru also wanted to talk to the watchman, so we went back to the watch after we were done at the clinic. It started out friendly enough but when the watchman was giving Tru the tour he requested Tru asked me to fetch him a piece of paper and then punched the watchman. The watchman promptly locked Tru up and was quite irate. Me telling him what exactly I thought of the way he discharged his duty, arresting decent citizens instead of apprehending muggers didn't exactly help. Of course there was also no superior around to complain to. Then he said something about five thousand gold bail and if I didn't leave he'd look me up too. That man was just horrible. I can't imagine how he ever got hired and how he got promoted that far up.

Tru and I do have the most wonderful friends. When I told them that the watchman arrested Tru and how high the bail was, they all emptied their pockets. Governor Kitty, too, and she even asked her husband Tass to go back to the watch with me to deliver bail and get Tru released. When we had enough together, some even mentioned ten percent ought to be enough for a release, everyone decided to come along. Once we got there to deliver the bail I was so glad they did, too. That watchman refused to accept the bail and even threatened to throw Tass in jail, and Tass is a foreign diplomat. It got a little crazy with so many people in the watch station and was still crazy when Governor Kitty came in. That watchman just wasn't going to listen to reason. Even when Governor Kitty talked to him he refused to budge at first, only gave meaningless apology for his "rude? behavior in the afternoon. Only after Governor Kitty talked to him in private did the watchman release Tru. Then he even let us have the bail back. That past was nice. Now Antonio doesn't have to get Anya a new ring and everyone got their coins and gems back.

When we were back at the inn and after everyone got to relax a little, Governor Kitty came over to talk with Tru. She is the kindest and wisest mom anyone could wish for. She reminded me so very much of mom and dad and everything she said to Tru sounded so very much like they may have said in a similar situation. I miss them.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-05-04 14:46 EST
Dear Prue,

It's great to hear that Lady is doing fine and once again traipsing about without a cast. I'm sure she's enjoying that. Is anyone doing anything with the cave Mark discovered to where one could go have a look at it safely"

This morning while making deliveries I came by a boutique that's usually too far out of the way for me to go to and I saw THE dress. It'll be ever so very perfect and sophisticated for the auction gala and, it being black, for the time of year and it fits as if it was made for me. The skirt is ankle length in three tiers; the top is molded, with spaghetti straps and a very summery v-neckline. It feels more comfortable, soft and cool, than anything I've ever worn, and that includes the absolutely magical dress I got from Skid last year. I think I asked the sales lady a hundred times if I read the price tag correctly. I still can't believe I got such a fine dress for just silvers. With those lessons from Lady Kairee that Tao suggested I should take, I wonder if anyone will recognize me.

Tru had something ever so very wonderful happen to him last evening. A man with lots of papers rolled up under his arm took him aside from the BCU meeting to discuss some business. After it was all done, Tru looked absolutely stunned. He told me that Lady Bel had sent the man to him for Tru to give his input and approval of the work order. His family is putting in a barbeque pit by the beach, and not just any but with all the amenities one could possibly think of then some. But the part that had him so very stunned and elated to the point of him getting sick from joy was that he was consulted.

Before Tru got to the BCU meeting, we managed to talk about a surprise birthday party for Tru. Aja, who usually doesn't shop, will come with me to the party store and to the bakery to pick out things for decorating and a birthday cake. I should probably call it un-birthday cake and un-birthday party, because Tru can't remember a birth date.

You should get a Styrofoam box on Saturday. Be careful when you open it. The flower shop will have put something in there to keep the flowers fresh. Would you please take the purple and yellow arrangement to mom for me" Between taking off from work for Mark's disappearance and again with the mugger I can't possibly take the days off to come home for mother's day. The pink flowers are for you. Happy Mother's Day, Prue.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-05-05 13:40 EST
Dear Sivanna,

I delivered the last of the baskets this morning. As always, people were ever so happy to receive them. For the bouquets I managed to get a hold of very lovely looking sprays of orchids. In my opinion they are more elegant looking in the small bowls than three stems of other flowers could.

Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au', y aa' menealle nauva calen ar' malta.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-05-05 14:30 EST
Dear Prue,

I've had a fun time yesterday just before work. Lady Kairee did give me those lessons Sage Tao suggested that I take. At first I thought I'd be doomed for failure when Lady Kairee pointed out that all black was a no-no unless one attended a funeral, and that neither mom's pearl necklace or Tara's tiara wouldn't do either. But then she changed the black high heels into drop-dead red ones and Mora offered the loan of her purse when she saw the color of the shoes and heard me say that I only had a pink one. And like just offering wasn't already ever so generous of here, she left to fetch it and was back while Lady Kairee was still instructing me on what to do with my hair so it would match the outfit and occasion. When all that was settled I got to learn how to walk with the big guest ledger balanced on my head. When Lady Kairee thought I did passably enough with that, she had me walk up and down the stairs, still with the ledger on my head. Of course her, the admirer of Lady Kairee that was there and Mora made jokes and funny remarks to distract me and to keep me from feeling totally embarrassed over trying to keep my and the ledger's balance. I must not have made a total fool of myself, because when Lady Kairee later on advised me to practice all I could between now and the gala event, her admirer gave me a piece of paper with his number and said I'm to call him if I needed an escort. That was sweet of the man, but me not having a phone and not even knowing his name, having that number isn't all that useful.

Tru met up with me just as I was about to finish up with work and we went to the Outback together to watch our friends brawl in the rings there. Rhi was there and she had Maggie with her. It was wonderful seeing the little princess again. She and Tru hit it off right away, too. He told her how princess's smiles are very powerful and Maggie got to try it out right away on a rather grumpy that evening friend of her mom. It worked like a charm, too.

When I got home and unpacked the bag I had the shoes and purse in, I found another surprise: a chignon pin just like Lady Kairee had talked of earlier, only prettier and with lots of ruby looking stones in it instead of just one. I wonder how it got into not only the bag but inside one of the shoes. When I didn't have the bag with me I had it locked up at the office. I shall have to ask Lady Kairee about it. Maybe she saw something and if it was her, I want to at least tell her thank you.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-05-07 20:12 EST
Dear Prue,

Time seems to go by these days at twice the normal speed. The last couple of days have been ever so very busy, even with not everything that happened being the kind of things one would want to repeat it has been a wonderful couple of days. Tru showed me two Batman movies. Do you remember Alfred showing us one of those magazines with all the little drawings that told a story and us teasing him about the picture book? It's the very same Batman these movies were about. The people in the movie put me in mind of Siegfried of the old folk tales.

Work has been so-so really with more to do in the mornings than in the evenings and I got to take off earlier than usual the last couple of days. That way I got to meet up with friends. I even made a few new ones. One of them isn't even people but an android. That's a machine that looks like a person, sort of, but with lots of metal instead of skin. Its name is Mig and it's very friendly and cute. Gilly has been around again, too, and I was ever so very glad she was the other evening. A beautiful but pasty faced woman came and interrupted out BCU meeting on the isle. She started out all compliments, but even then she made my skin crawl. I'm not sure exactly what she said or did, but Alec found it necessary to shoot her. Gilly picked me up right away before I even figured out what was going on and got me out of harms way. The next little was very chaotic. The woman used magic and didn't get hurt at all and just ate whatever magic the other mages got ready to have available, Alec told us later after she had left.

Yesterday evening was much more fun. We found out that it was Sivanna's birthday and promptly put a little party together. At first Sivanna appeared a little embarrassed, but then she had a lot of fun, we all did. Tru told us the funniest and silliest jokes and later, after a friendly water balloon fight, we played a little truth and dare. I learned that Alec thinks Sivanna is the most important person to him, that I would rather not just have one thing to eat for the rest of my life, that Gilly knows how to kiss and loves giant lobster and a few other things. Tru had to leave sometime during the water balloon battle and missed the fun game.

Somehow I managed to find time to practice as I promised Lady Kairee that I would. I can't wait to show you.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-05-09 19:13 EST
Dear Prue,

I am ever so very excited; I can hardly sit still long enough to write you. I wish you were here so you could tell me to stop fidgeting and help me with that stubborn ruby chignon pin. I re-did my hair five times so far and I'll have to again. That pin just doesn't want to stay put. Mom's pearls that I thought would go ever so very well with the dress look all wrong now with the red shoes and purse, so the hair pin will have to be it for jewelry.

I invited Mish to lunch for Sunday and he accepted. It's a good feeling to finally be able to repay him a little for all the wonderful things he's done for me over time. Tru didn't look all that happy about it when I told him, but I think he tries very hard to understand. And then Tru surprised me to no end. Like it was talked of before he asked if we were still going to visit mom. I couldn't even answer him right away or thank him I was so surprised. I thought for sure he'd want to spend this Sunday with his moms. So it may be late and with us really only having time for going to the grave yard, but Tru will take me there and back with his bike. It's a good thing I decided not to wear any of the "war-paints", they'd get all smudged with me thinking of mom and Tru being ever so very thoughtful and generous.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-05-11 13:07 EST
Dear Prue,

The auction gala was a huge success. Everyone attending looked absolutely beautiful, the food was fantastic and even the cider tasted better than usual. The items up for bid made a lot of money for the clinic. The quilt you donated went for a thousand gold, can you imagine that' Tru got there so late, I worried something must have happened to him. He missed half of the auction at least. The look on his face when he saw me was worth every bit of effort. He said I looked wow and a half. That is as good as beautiful, right' But all in all I don't think it was all that good of an idea. I rather have Tru hug me than be all impressed. And Aja thought getting knocked over the head last week had some late effects on me. How she got that idea though, I don't know because I had the dress up idea before that and the doc at the clinic said I was fine.

In comparison, Sunday was much quieter and calmer, even with the huge order to fill from the Rhydin Populous Office. They wanted to get as many Mothers" Day bouquets out and delivered as I could possibly manage. Lunch with Mish was pleasant. I made teriyaki steak and mushroom toasts and salad to go with it and baked a cheese cake. I decided on cheese cake because I knew that if Mish didn't like it, Tru would appreciate a slice when he'd pick me up after lunch.

Tru and I really only stayed at the graveyard for a very short visit because I had to back in town for evening work. There was really no time at all to come over. I saw that you had already brought mom the flowers I had sent. Thank you very much. I hope you had a most wonderful Mothers" Day.

Now I have to run. I promised Aja I'd help her clean up her office at the ship yard. She offered that I could do that instead of paying her money for a dinner cruise when I asked her how much that cost to see how long I'd have to save up in order to get one for Tru as a present. With her wonderful offer I can make that one of his birthday presents.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-05-15 14:35 EST
Dear Prue,

Today is Tru's birthday party. I'm about to head out to meet up with Aja to decorate a little and to pick up the cake and ice cream. We found some fun paper garlands to string in the rafters, crepe streamers to add to them and of course balloons. They even had paper plates, cups and paper napkins that say Happy Birthday. The best thing we found though has to be the Happy Birthday banner. It looks like confetti flying in the background and came with big sticky letters to personalize it. I hope the party will turn out all right and nothing strange will happen to cut it short. This week had enough of that happen already. When I had a chance to mention the birthday party to Skid yesterday, I looked like he hadn't heard of it before. I was so sure someone had invited him already and am wondering who else none of us may have gotten a hold of to let know and invite.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-05-27 22:02 EST
Dear Prue,

Life has gotten so busy the last couple of weeks; I didn't even find time to pick up a pen to write. I'm sorry you had to wait so long to hear from me.

Tru is planning a carrier change. He is going to open his own shop to build and repair cars and bikes, anything with a motor. Working on engines and the bodies that house them is something Tru gets a lot of satisfaction from. I'm sure he'll be much happier doing that than being an assistant.

BCU is having a get together almost every evening. I had to miss last evening's though. My head was killing me and I could barely keep my eyes open walking home after afternoon deliveries. Deliveries have turned into a much bigger part of my job the last month or so, ever since the Riverview benefit auction. It's a lot of fun, but also a lot of walking. I love seeing the joy on the faces of the people getting the deliveries and I enjoy putting together the bouquets and gift baskets. This summer I will also get an ice cream tray. That I am looking forward to.

Bear, my cat, has managed to sneak out of the apartment twice. It took me forever to find him again and bring him home. Now I'm being extra careful when I get home, setting anything down I might be carrying so I can catch the girl when she thinks to use the opportunity of the door opening for another escape.

Taneth's and Tormay's wedding is quickly approaching. I still do not have a good idea for a wedding present for the two. I would like to think of something they are not likely to get from their multitude of relatives. Do you have any ideas?

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-05-30 14:04 EST
Dear Prue,

How is everyone at home" It's good to know that Lady is running around again as if she never broke her leg. What are you doing with the hole Mark and her fell into' Are you just boarding it up really good or are Bernhard and Alfred really going to make it into a usable entrance to the cave" It might be fun to have a look around there the next time I get to come to stay for a few days.

I had another busy and fun filled week. Tru I didn't get to see much of, though. He must be busy with getting everything organized to set up his new shop. I wonder if he forgot about the dinner cruise over all the exciting distractions.

Thursday I had another defense lesson. It didn't start out so well, but then Alec told me about Tau, which is the energy in everything and everyone, and then the rest of the lesson turned out rather fun. Maranya must know about that energy, too, because she understood everything I said when she arrived and even had some helpful suggestions. This morning as I was watching Bear playing with his ball I think I may have managed to see what Alec wanted me to look for. But only for a second. Then I got too excited about it and couldn't see the purplish flicker any more. Now I can hardly wait to check with him if that really was it.

Last evening, after work, something rather odd happened. It was rather late, and after I had a wonderfully interesting conversation with Sierra and Annika. They ever so very generously shared some of their secret information with me they got in their line of work. I have to tell you about that some time. Anyway, Maranya was behind the bar as the acting bartender. I happened to be back there putting up some empties when she was a little distracted by her lawyer not feeling so good and someone ordered wine. So I filled the drink order of the handsome looking gentleman. He was so happy to get something to drink he grabbed my hand and kissed it to say thank you. I was just getting over that surprise, when he got really weird and talked about stealing kisses. While I was still thinking about how to discourage him he suggested 'to jump over the counter to French and ravage'. What a creepy thing to say and the way he said that I don't think he meant talking French or cussing. I stood next to the hot tea water pot then, just in case. Later I heard him talking to someone about his daughter and grandchildren and he even mentioned being a demon. He looked too young to have grand children, but I sure believe the demon part of his claims. I waited a good while after he left and went back to the office to get the charm against demons Fleet gave me a while back out of my tray before I walked home.

Now I'm about to go visit Ms. Mill. She's not been doing so well and I'm bringing her some chicken soup and her grocery shopping. Maybe I can cheer up some.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-06-16 04:04 EST
Dear Prue,

I'm very sorry it has been so long since you last got mail from me. But you may stop worrying now. I had a little incident, broke some bones and had to stay at the hospital for a little while to have those breaks healed. I'll have to tell you the details I next time I come visit. Everyone here has been absolutely wonderful. I don't feel only well taken care of but positively spoiled. Aja, Anya and Sivanna even put a party together for me already, and I'm not getting to go home until Wednesday. They had the inn decorated with what must have been every item the party store ever had in any of their shelves and set up a buffet with nothing but special treats on it. Like I wasn't already overwhelmed seeing all that, they had presents for me, too. Let me tell you of just a few of them. Aja gve me a candy pin with sparkling red stones. She said it would go well with the candy stripe outfit for volunteering at the clinic. From Anya and Antonio I got the prettiest dresses ever. Both are for the summer and made of silk, one all greens and the other all blues. I'm sure the spa certificate was all Anya's idea, though. Now I just need an opportunity to wear those pretty dresses. Sivanna got me a beflowered blanket that feels so fluffy and soft, it's like having a cloud on my lap. The wonderful chocolate filled cookies from Guillermus are already gone, and so are the muffins from Peach and the goodies from Duci. But the potted daisies Duci brought me before the party are still here for me to enjoy. There are aslo flowers here from friends that didn't visit. I'll be ever so pleasantly busy writing thank you notes for a while.

Maranya, that now again is Dr. Valkonan " she won her law suit and got reinstated " gave permission for me to go visit with friends in the evenings, so I wouldn't get all bored and depressed over having to stay at the clinic. I even got to enjoy a very entertaining evening talking about fairy princesses and princes with Stitch and Skid and Lerida. Lots of people have been visiting me here, too. Bear is getting to stay here as well. Aja fetched her from my apartment and the children here got to adopt her temporarily. This way I get to see her every day and she's getting spoiled with attention from all the little ones.

The entire week has been nothing but good news. It started with the court proceedings ending so very well for Maranya and Tara has returned from a lengthy absence. Then Maranya got engaged just a couple of days ago and Sivanna and Alec moved in together. Taneth and Tormay have all the details for their wedding planned out. I know lots of people thought they'd never manage that, but they did, and it is still almost two weeks before the set date. I'm very happy for them all.

How is everyone doing at home? Of course I've not had a chance to check the mailbox for letters from you in a while either. I'm looking forward to reading them just as soon as I get to the apartment again. Give everyone hugs from me.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-06-17 13:39 EST
Dear Prue,

I'm still at the clinic and all packed up to go home. I'm just waiting for the nurse to give me the release paperwork and then take me to the exit. It's policy to not let me go there by myself. Bear looks like she knows and she's looking forward to going home again. Maybe she needs a rest from all the attention she got while we were here. I'll have to come back for check up and therapist appointments, though, and the doc didn't at all agree with me that I could get right back to work. Perhaps if I keep doing all the prescribed exercises I can surprise everyone at the next appointment into getting the okay to at least work half days until the doc is completely happy with my recovery. Meanwhile I'll just have to keep busy with chores and maybe make a few visits. I'm sure Ms. Mill is wondering why I haven't been by to see her in almost two weeks.

Here is the nurse, and Dr. Valkonan (!), too. I'll write more just as soon as I get settled in at home.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-06-18 14:02 EST
Dear Prue,

I'm home. The driver was very nice and carried in my bags for me, and he agreed to knock at the door when he'll return in the evening to give me a ride to Sivanna's and Alec's house warming party. I spent some time getting re-acquainted with my place and unpacking and now I'm reading your letters.

The plans for Solstice sound wonderful. Mark especially should enjoy the festivities. I hope you'll have the perfect weather for that day, too. I'll have to miss it, though. I'm not up to traveling by coach just yet and there will not be any more short visits traveling by bike. Before you wonder what?s wrong with Tru's bike, as far as I know nothing's wrong with it. I'm just not seeing him any more. But I am planning to be there for the Equinox festival, and not just one day either but if at all possible for an entire week. I already missed the last four.

Prue! A baby! Congratulations! December isn't all that far away either. I'm so happy for you and Bernhard. Of course I'll ask Mr. Simon if I can have some time off then. Holiday season or not, I can't imagine him saying no when hears my reason for asking. Do you have names picked out already?

Take extra good care of yourself and please tell Mark I'm proud of him for him helping out like he does.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-06-23 13:58 EST
Dear Alfred,

Thank you ever so very much!!! The gown is gorgeous and it fits perfectly. You're absolutely crazy and the best, ever so thoughtful, sweet, amazing, caring Dear for sending it. And a bit sneaky, too, because if you had waited until my next visit and given the gown to me then, you'd be in danger of suffocating from all the thank you hugs you're now missing out on now. I just love everything about it from the lacy top to the shiny skirt, and it even has pockets. And the jewelry to go with " yes, you're definitely nuts to spend so much money and I love you bunches " is stunning. The settings look just like the lace on the dress and the pieces are positively fabulous. Of course I had to try on all of it right away. I still can't believe that you'd go shopping in a boutique. You better be prepared to get all those hugs and kisses the next time I see you. I'm sorry to have worried you, though. I thought I was being extra careful in my letters to Prue to not worry any of you overly.

I couldn't wait for Taneth's and Tormay's wedding either to wear it. Lilliana had a big party with dancing for Solstice, and I just had to wear the dress to it. Just the dress, though, the necklace and earrings I'll wear with the dress for the wedding. I got lots of compliments and I even got dance a set with a nice gentleman who didn't mind to take it easy.

Of course I'll bring it with me to wear to the Equinox fair dance. I still owe you a few dances too, me having had to miss the New Years party and a couple of the fair dances. By then I won't have to ask you to take it easy either.

Thank you again, Alfred. You are the absolutely sweetest and most thoughtful.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-06-23 13:58 EST
Dear Lilliana,

Thank you ever so much for your letter. Hearing from you and that you enjoy the purse I beaded for you brightens my day. Your outfit was absolutely wonderful, and so very fitting for Solstice. Your Midsummer Night Gathering was wonderful and it was an honor and a joy to be there. I particularly appreciated finding cola among the offerings at the drink table. Thank you so much for having thought to include those among the offerings. The music was lovely, too.

I have indeed enjoyed the black eyed Susies and been wondering who might have sent them. While the cheery arrangement did not get lost, the card with them must have gotten shuffled out. Thank you very much for sending them and know that they had a part in sending me on the road to recovery.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-07-04 12:34 EST
Dear Prue,

The wedding was wonderful. Taneth looked absolutely breath-taking and Tormay was dressed up very handsome, and once they stood together before Chryrie " Chryrie performed the ceremony " they looked the happiest that I have ever seen anyone. The ceremony was very short and not the least bit somber like so many of the longer ceremonies get but happy and sprightly just like Taneth and Tormay nearly always are. The party afterward was delightful, too. I now know what fairy cakes taste like and I even got to dance once.

Putting the flower arrangements together made me realize just how much I miss working and made me more resolved to work on harder on getting there. Rena is helping me with that ever so very much, and probably without her even being aware of just how much she is helping me. Others are, too, but what she did is allowing me rest and distance. The evening before the wedding she gave me the key to her tower and invited me to stay there. And like that wasn't already so very generous and thoughtful of her, she also told one of her air spirits to watch over me. I can't see that air spirit of course, but somehow I know it's there. Now I don't have to walk home in the dark, because the tower is on Twilight Isle and it never gets dark there.

Skid has been all kinds of marvelous, too. I got to visit Chryrie and him one evening and another evening he came to visit me, and we had long chats both times. Between the presents from him and all the rest I've been getting I started doing morning deliveries again last week. This afternoon I'm going to take out the brand new refrigerated tray for the novelty ice cream bars. I hope that will do well.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-07-25 21:20 EST
Dear Prue,

Accepting your sound advice I've been taking things slow. That seems to be working out much better than just trying to get back to work as fast as possible. Now I think I'm ready to return the key to Rena and thank her again for her gift of time.

A few days ago I met up with Alec and we had a nice long chat. He encouraged me to take up the Tau-training again. I'm not sure if it's doing any good in regards to those defense lessons he originally wanted to give me, but practicing with it is fun and relaxing.

Life in general has been rather quiet. Taneth and Tormay are very much enjoying married life. Skid and Chryrie moved in together and I've not seen them around much since then either. Mr. Duncan invited me to come tour his ranch sometime, but I've not seen him again since he offered the invitation. If working a ranch is anything like working a farm he's likely just too busy to make it into town and hasn't forgotten.

The ice cream tray has been a moderate success so far. But people in general seem to be happier when they see me do rounds with the regular tray. One of my new lady customers asked me about blood filled chocolates. I can't imagine her wanting them for herself, though. Her complexion isn't nearly pale enough.

How is everyone at home" Is Mark getting excited already about getting to go to school this fall" I found everything on the list you sent me and packed it all in a box yesterday.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-07-28 10:55 EST
Dear Prue,

The last couple of days were wonderful and I'm enjoying being at the apartment again. The evening routes are even more fun than I remember them being. I've had some more new customers, one of the gentlemen bought my entire stock of black leaf cigars the other evening, and the tips have been ever so very generous. A couple even left orders with me for deliveries.

But it wasn't just the sales that made work be great the last few days. I also got to enjoy some meaningful conversations. Governor Kitty's sister Fio surprised me the most, probably because never got to chat at length before. She had some wonderful advice for me and she reminded me of the really important things; not at all unlike what you and Alfred wrote but in different words. From Icer I heard that Darcy was turned into a dragon by an accident with magic. But Icer wasn't able to tell me if Darcy was enjoying the hopefully temporary results or if she hated them, so I don't know if to be concerned or happy for Darcy. Light found me for a short conversation, too, and he invited me for coffee to the Teas"n Tomes so I could hear all about his travels without me having to pay attention to patrons. Lady Elessaria and Rena both had time for chats, too, and I got to return the key to Rena. I still have no really good idea of how to show Rena just how much I appreciate her having let me stay at her tower all this time.

Last evening I had an opportunity to be glad for mom letting us help in her vegetable garden. I can almost hear you laughing at my choice of phrase here. Seeker had slugs eat up her salad plants and lilies because no one ever told her about the use of chives. I hope she'll far much better with her garden next year.

A new lady I met, and I forgot to ask her name, asked me to let Mr. Duncan know that she is interested in purchasing two cows from him or perhaps a cow and a bull. She asked me to pass on the message because on my evening off, quite by accident, I met Mr. Duncan at the inn. It so happened that Johan the bard was there, too, and Mr. Duncan " he asked me to call him Jake ? requested a tune and then asked me for a dance.

It's good to hear Mark and Anne, both, are enjoying the bubbles I sent along with the school supplies for Mark. But are you sure that Lady is blowing bubbles, too' It's difficult to imagine her doing that the way she always seems to have her tongue hanging out in the summer heat.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-08-10 00:51 EST
Dear Marc Franco,

Of course I've been reading and enjoying your publications. Thank you for all the work you put into each one of them and, too and ever so very much, thank you for your compliments and kind words in regard to my person.

I was especially happy to read your kind invitation for me to come help with your chalderns' foundation. I already miss entertaining the little ones or doing special projects with them as time permits and have already looked around some for a new opportunity to help where there is a need. I do not have any people to ask to talk with your people on my behalf, though. If that is not an insurmountable obstacle to my volunteering for your children's' foundation I would love to and I can start doing so immediately. I very much like your idea of carrying your pins on my tray. I will have to ask my boss, Mr. Simon, about it at the very next opportunity.

Thank you again, With respectful regards, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-08-13 22:35 EST
Dear Prue,

Mish is back in town. Finally. Somehow that makes me feel better about the way home after work. I ran into him on my evening off. He had a date though and we didn't have time to chat. Jake managed to find me, but he must have taken a long time to do so because when he did find me and said "Hello' he just had time to give me the loveliest bunch of wild flowers ever. He said when he saw them he thought of me and just had to find a way to get them to me. Isn't that just so sweet' He also invited me to dinner. Only he was in so much of a hurry that he forgot to tell me when and where.

Work has been absolutely wonderful of late. Besides quite a few loyal customers having returned I've gained a few new repeat customers and the inn has been crowded every evening last week that I have had it on my route. A couple of them have even asked for some special items to be added to the assortment for them. Most are easy enough to find in town. But I'm having difficulties locating any kind of treat with a mojo fruit flavor. I never even saw one. Might you know anything about that fruit that might help me locate some treats" The woman that asked for them is allergic to chocolate, poor thing.

Until soon, Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-08-21 13:26 EST
Dear Prue,

I have some wonderful news. I'll get to help at Mr. Franco's new school with all the little ones the same age as Mark. Isn't it fabulous" I miss getting to be around little ones since it's become impossible for me to volunteer at Riverview. What did Mark have to say about his first day of school and does he sound like he enjoyed it there" I also wonder how Anne took to having you to herself during the day but her brother being gone.

Work continues to be the best kind of busy. Yesterday I came across a sweet lady who had never before even heard of chocolate. I offered a couple suggestions but she would have none of that but purchased five of everything I still had five of and one of each of the fancier varieties. I saw her later in the evening enjoying some cordials. It was heart warming to observe. The evening has been one of the more crazy ones, but it turned out good despite some people fighting with jell-o. Why anyone would want to get all sticky like that I've no idea. Tara happened to be there for a while, too, and she brought her little boy with her. That wee one must be a wee devil. Tara looked to be having her hands full and watched the boy like a hawk. Someone gave the boy a flaming sword to play with. I suspect she used some kind of magic to keep him out of trouble, too, but he still managed to destroy a chair. At least he didn't set any customers on fire or, worse, the inn. Lord De Auster was there, too, and distracted the boy for a while. At least I think he is a lord. It's possible that he is royalty. He definitely has the bearing of a prince or even a king and the armor he wears looks magnificent. And he said "Milady' to me in way of greeting. It's not just that he said that but how " all sincere and like he had certain knowledge of that. It made me feel wonderful.

When I went for cola after work to rest up for the way home I happened across Sivanna and Alec. Sivanna is handling having her arm hurt remarkably well. She was even behind the bar mixing some drinks. Alec showed me a new lesson with Tau for me to practice on. I like this new approach to defense training. It turns everything pretty with a lavender hue. I wonder why all kinds of people keep telling him to make the best of the time he has left. He looked healthy as can be to me and not the least bit sickly.

Thank you for your ideas. I'm going to look for all of those but I'll have to guess on Rena's favorite colors. Maybe the colors won't be all that important, because I'm sure she'll be too busy reading to be looking at cover, light and bookmark much.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-08-21 13:27 EST
Dear Risa Jones,

I am ever so very happy that you accepted my application and am looking forward to the event. Of course, you are not responding too late. I already asked for the evening off, because I'd have wanted to come watch the talent show even if I couldn't be a judge officially. And the event isn't for a few days yet, so there's still plenty of time for me to prepare. Thank you so much for having me on the panel of judges.

With friendly regards, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-08-24 13:00 EST
Dear Prue,

I had the oddest thing happen to me at the beginning of my evening route the other day. Mason called me over and at first I was happy to see he got back into town safe and sound. But instead of getting anything he wanted information on a delivery I made weeks and weeks ago. I was so surprised by the question and his tone; it was anything but nice, that I actually told him what I remembered about it instead of just telling him that I couldn't give him any information on it since he wasn't the recipient or the sender. He was all angry and forbid me, yes you read that right, forbid me to deliver anything else whatsoever from anyone whomsoever, including even her very best friends, to Eva. Who does he think he is? He's not married or related to me and he isn't even married to Eva. And then he added his decree was for me own good. I so do not see how it could be of any benefit to me whatsoever for me to Not do my job. I told him that I would inform my boss of his 'request' and left it at that. Poor Eva.

Mason behaving like that makes Baker's behavior the other evening look even better. I did forget to tell you in the last letter that the other evening Baker was tending bar when I had time for a cola. He's generally of the opinion that the purpose of a bartender is to dispense alcoholic drinks, but he got me a cola anyway and he even was nice and polite about it. As if that and him doing a useful job to begin with wasn't enough of a miracle all by itself he even politely phrased his inquiry about those special cigars he seems so interested in. I wonder what happened to him to cause him to turn over a new leaf.

Light is back in town, too. He had to leave on a job and apologized for not having been able to let me know before he left. We didn't get to talk much though because he happened across me as I had to leave for work. Maybe he'll tell me some of it over coffee when we meet this afternoon.

Love Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-09-03 22:01 EST
Dear Prue,

This time in three weeks we'll have had dinner together and will be getting ready for the harvest dance. In town they'll be having an art week. I'm sure we'll be having ten times as much fun and I'm ever so looking forward to being home. We have so much to talk about.

My day off yesterday turned out to not be entirely off. I did have a few deliveries to make. But I still had time to meet with Alec in the afternoon for a lesson and to meet with Alicia in the evening for coffee. The evening deliveries to Rena I particularly enjoyed. I think they all were to congratulate her for winning the big tournament on the isle. She invited me to come see the big match tomorrow if my work schedule allows.

Give everyone hugs from me, Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-09-06 14:54 EST
Dear Prue,

I had a very odd kind of day at work yesterday. It started out normal enough, but than I came across someone who is just as bad as Baker used to be though perhaps a little more subtle. At first he sounded concerned about a lady that took ill and he wanted to order something for delivery. But he refused to pay for his purchase and after expressing delight over the low price reacted all pompous to my expectation that he actually leave the coins with me prior to me making the delivery. He was so insulting and even lewd about it that he even drew the attention of a few patrons. He did make an exit before anything happened, though. I thought I was well rid of him when he returned and he lamented toward me of his ill luck. I probably missed some of what all he said because by then Tara had come in, wearing the oddest ankle jewelry. It wasn't particularly pretty, shiny or even overly ornate but it made the oddest and rather nerve grinding beeping noise. The beeping was so distracting I didn't even notice if Mr. Pomp " his name is really Mr. Gilles " took my suggestion to get himself a drink at the bar or not.

But the evening got even stranger. A lot more fun, too, which was a good thing. Tara needed a job badly and before midnight or terrible things would happen. Of course Mish offered to hire her on the spot as soon as he heard of it, but Tara decided she wanted to be the new cigar girl instead of working for Mish. I feel for him. People, even his best friends, get all suspicious whenever he's trying to be helpful. I was glad for the opportunity to do a little something for her. She's so very self-sufficient and has so many powerful and very talented friends always jumping to her aid even when she wouldn't need help, I thought I'd never get to do anything in return for all the times she came to my aid over the years. Tara caught on quickly, too, to the business of selling candy and cigars. She attempted to sell Mish cigarettes since he was right there. But of course he wasn't so inclined just a minute after Tara had refused his help and job offer. I feared that would put an end to her career as cigar girl right there, but Tara surprised me. She was very polite and just moved on to the next customer. He asked for some chocolate candy for his child and for a cigar. Somehow, between asking me about the merchandise and talking with the customer, Tara managed to sell him every last cigar that was in the tray at the time along with a chocolate pop for his boy and the customer was so satisfied, he gave her a small fortune as a tip. A dozen gold coins Amazing! I was right there and watched, and I can't figure out how she did that. I had no idea that Tara knew that much about cigars. Just as the transaction was complete and Tara got me the paperwork to fill out stating that she has been working a police officer came in with a bunch of deputies to harass the patrons. But Tara's lawyer was there and he very smoothly took care of the situation.

This afternoon I'm going into town and to the library. I want to see if this Mr. Gilles really wrote a book or if he just made that up.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-09-11 13:12 EST
Dear Prue,

I had the most wonderful day. It started with finding a letter and a box from you. The box could have waited with me being home in less than two weeks, but you are also perfectly correct about the tastes from home making the waiting easier. Please let Mark know that I very impressed with his baking skills. I am so proud of his cookies, I let the coachman have one and he too was impressed. He told me that he has three boys, all older than Mark, and not a one of them ever even thought of baking anything.

The afternoon I spent making a cake. Rena had a big challenge match yesterday evening and it being my day off I planned to be there. She'd not gotten to celebrate any of her recent big achievements, so I wanted to make sure she'd get to celebrate at least a little last evening. Even if she didn't get to win, she'd still have to celebrate her long reign as Baroness. I got there a little late because it took me forever to get the fudge to have the right consistency for making the rosettes. It was worth all the effort, though, just to see the way Mason and Elessaria looked at the cake while Rena was in the ring when they weren't busy with cheering on Rena. That reminds me: I got to talk a little with Mason the other day about him not wanting me to deliver anything to Eva and I got to point out to him that this wasn't entirely fair to Eva and he promised to make up for the difference himself. Anyway, the arena was packed. I think everyone who is anybody was there, including Governor Kitty with her husband and even Skid. Mason really knows how to cheer. He and Elessaria had little flags and Mason even had a foam finger for cheering. A couple of times I got distracted watching the cheering instead of Rena dancing. Rena looked wonderful wielding her staff. Maranya, who had challenged Rena for the title, looked good, too, in a very pretty gown, but Rena's style is more elegant to watch. Jake was in the audience, too, and I was glad I had thought to dress up a little. Rena won, of course, and we had a nice little celebration once everyone got to hug and congratulate her. I think Rena really liked there being cake, but also that she loved her friends being there more. Jake came over to congratulate Rena, too. He stayed afterward and we sat together while enjoying cake and coffee. He repeated his invitation of me coming out to see his ranch and he'll come fetch me for dinner this Sunday. When Skid left he gave me a look like he had been listening to most of our conversation and like he wasn't entirely approving of all of it. I can't imagine what, though, because there wasn't anything improper about it. Perhaps I will get a chance to ask him about it this evening or tomorrow.

Love, Mira

PS: No one ever heard of any Mr. Gilles at the library. That wasn't a huge surprise, though.

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-11-20 02:06 EST
Dear Prue,

I hope you and Anne arrived home safely and all your worries about the storm having taken out a bridge or piece of road along the way were for naught. Even though we didn't get to visit much while you were in town I miss you already. Hospital stays and having to worry about Anne we all could have done without but that didn't keep me from appreciating having you this close for all those weeks. Bernhard and Mark must be ever so very happy to have you back.

I finally came across Lady Elessaria during my rounds and I was glad to see that she's doing well. She said that she missed me, too, or the chocolate. Later in the evening, just as sales were slowing down, Jake came in. He was actually looking for me to give me tickets to Sleeping Beauty. He's so very thoughtful, too. He put two tickets in the envelope, in case I wanted to go see it with someone other than him. Of course, with you and Anne no longer in town, I'd love his company above anyone else's.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-12-09 20:36 EST
Dear Prue,

Sleeping Beauty was wonderful. It was a little different from how I remember the story, but the costumes, set and dancing was all marvelous. Jake came to fetch me a little early, so we'd have enough time to grab a bite to eat on the way to the ballet. I was glad he did, too, because it turned out to be quite a bit longer than I had guessed. This weekend we got to watch a little of the warlord tournament together and yesterday Jake met me after work for a little bit of shopping. He's ever so very thoughtful and guessed that I'd have to get all of my shopping done after dark and that I'd be more comfortable with some company. And he's so much fun to walk around the stores with. He even thought to ask the sales clerk at the toy store about their gift shipping, and it turned out that they do have such a thing, even with a Santa stamp to put on the box. I just know Mark and Anne will be ever so excited about getting a box from the North Pole. There'll be another box, too, that I sent off today. The absolute best thing happened after that tournament, though. Jake offered to walk me home. We walked really slowly, but the way seemed short anyway. When we said good night he kissed me, not just on the cheek either but on the lips and not like I was his little sister, but for real. Heavenly! Sweet and spicy and hot and just heavenly. I think I floated up to the apartment.

Mr. Simon was happy to let me have Thursday evening off when I asked. So now I will get to go to Jake's ranch to trim the tree there with him, Rena and Elessaria. Jake invited all of us and I think he may have invited Rico, too, at least that what Mr. Franco wrote in his paper. Jake asked for each of us to bring an ornament for the tree that represents our heritage. I've strung up a few bags of picture candy. I can't think of anything that would be more fitting.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-12-12 22:37 EST
Dear Prue,

The tree trimming party was even more fun than I imagined it would be. Jake was well prepared. There were so many goodies I'm sure I didn't get around to trying a little of each. The tree looks very festive now and the very different ornaments all look like they've always been together on a tree.

Work has been more busy again and more fun. People in general are more ready to smile this week. Even Amber, who is always all smiles, looked twice as happy as usual when I saw her yesterday. It hasn't been so busy though that I didn't get to stop and talk a little with Icer. She's getting to go on a vacation with Arthur and since it's just the two of them going she's calling it a honeymoon even though they've been married for years. Even the arguing that so often turns into a brawl throughout the year was more of a fun thing when it occurred last evening. Several of the men took offense at a newspaper article about who is more handsome than the others. I think Mason took his shirt off to prove a point in the argument. At least the lawyer wasn't there. Tara's suggestions regarding him were bad enough without him disrobing at the inn.

How did Mark's play turn out' The children at Mr. Franco's School are performing a play next week, but that doesn't half as fun or exciting as the one Mark is in. Perhaps I am just hopelessly biased.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-12-21 02:59 EST
Dear Prue,

Jake invited me to stay at the ranch over night at Yule. I accepted, but now that I am trying to think of what exactly to put into the overnight bag I'm not so sure that I was thinking clearly at the time. Trying to make my way from the ranch to the apartment after dark with it being this cold out and quite possibly through another snowstorm still doesn't sound at all appealing, though, and it should make for much more of a Holiday feeling to wake up to dear company than alone at home. I just still don't quite know what to pack.

The other evening when we met up for something warm to drink at the inn Jake told me that he organized Mr. and Mrs. Claus outfits and that he thought it would be his best gift if I were to come with him to take presents to children in Westend and Dockside dressed up as the pair. He also has a sleigh and, as I mentioned already, it's been snowing quite a bit. Of course I said yes. I am ever so looking forward to seeing all those young shiny faces and also to the sleigh ride. It also feels a wee bit wicked, posing as Mr. and Mrs. I told Jake that much when the thought occurred to me and he used the opportunity to ask me if I had ever thought about getting married and having a family. Of course I have. It's been rather unavoidable with friends getting married all the time. But it didn't feel so right admitting that at the time, with so many people to listen.

Work is absolutely wonderful of late. Mr. Simon is letting me get away with working fewer hours than last year and I am having more sales and tips, almost twice as many as last year December.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2009-12-29 12:47 EST
Dear Prue,

You'd never guess where I am writing from right this moment: from the desk in my room at the Rocking D Ranch. Jake had the doorway to it taped up with wrapping paper and a bow for me to open it like a box. He made the room up just for me, so I'd feel more at home and less a guest and so that I'd be more comfortable with staying over night when the way home is just too long to travel after dark. Isn't that just the sweetest, most thoughtful thing ever" Besides the beautiful writing desk there is a soft comfy chair just perfect for flopping into, a vanity, a chest of drawers and a day bed with my favorite shade of green gingham bedding. He even thought of putting a couple of d"cor pillows on it. I wish you could see it; words just don't do it justice. He also gave me a green stones and pink pearls necklace. It looks just like candy which is why he just had to get it for me, he said.

Yesterday evening was all around wonderful, not just because of presents. - Jake liked his presents, too. It's nice to think that right now he should be snuggled up under his new fluffy blanket and that in an absent sort of way I'm keeping him warm. " We sat by the fire and the tree and got to rehash the afternoon a little. There was quite a bit of remarks and reactions from the children that he or I missed while handing out presents even with us both being right there. Whenever there was a danger of me getting even just a little sad because of missing you, Jake took my hand in his and then I was okay again. I am still amazed how he always knew. I think the most wonderful reaction we had from a little boy that couldn't talk. His face was ever so expressive as he watched Santa Jake eat his cookie and drink his milk and the awed and absolutely happy hugs were unforgettable.

I hope your Yule was as wonderful and filled with new fond memories as mine was. Did the clothes I send all fit and what did Anne and Mark think of the chocolate ornaments"

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2010-01-03 12:58 EST
Happy New Year Prue,

It was so strange to celebrate the New Year in town instead of with you, but it was also wonderful. Jake took me to a fancy party. They served dinner there and they had a band that played music until just before midnight for people to dance on the little dance floor. Jake had warned me that he wasn't all that good with the ball room kind of dancing, but I think he did just fine. When the band stopped playing the waiters made sure everyone had champagne in time for midnight. After a little while to wish everyone a Happy New Year we were invited to step outside for a bit to welcome the year with some fire works. It was very pretty and just long enough for no one to freeze. When we came back in a snack tray set on every table and they had a deejay play music for dancing. We didn't stay all that much later, though. Both of us were pretty tired by then.

New Years day Jake showed me what football was. It's a game college students play and that he traditionally watches on a television set every new year's day. He tried explaining all the rules of the game to me but I'm afraid they made little sense to me. I had fun watching Jake get all excited at times or all frowny depending on if the game developed the way he wanted it to or not. Later in the evening when he took me home we stopped at the inn in town for coffee. We got to wish some of our friends a happy new year that way, too.

At some point Jake mentioned that he thinks it would be awesome if you all could come to spend the next Holidays at our place. It took me a moment to catch the "our". I got to talk a little with Elessaria after work last evening, but I really want to hear your thoughts.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2010-01-14 13:19 EST
Dear Prue,

When I found out that Mr. Franco's school would be closed over the Holidays and for a bit after so the children could all enjoy a nice long winter vacation I thought for sure I'd be bored on my afternoons off and you'd be getting a lot of letters. But Jake made wonderfully sure that I didn't have time for feeling bored and I ended up spending precious little time at the apartment. So now you get one long letter instead of all the short ones.

One of those afternoons we went window shopping together. I can't remember window shopping ever being this much fun and we came across a few things we didn't even know existed before, much less be for sale anywhere. I also found out what colors he really likes. He may say his favorite color is blue, but without fail it was all the browns and beiges that grabbed his interest for a closer look in all the windows and stores. When we got properly chilled we stopped at a caf" to rest our legs and warm up with some cocoa and we had the silliest conversation about metals used in jewelry making.

Another afternoon Jake had invited me to spend at the ranch with him because he couldn't take off. I got to see and help with all the thousand things and more he usually has to get done all by himself. Some of the chores on his ranch are the same as what we're used to. Jake even has couple cows he keeps close to the house for milking. It was almost like being home. Just his cattle are mostly purple just like the ones on the fancy chocolate bars and ever so very beautiful to look at. Jake let me name them, too. Isn't it wonderful" The cows seemed to enjoy having names and to listen for them. Sadly they are the ones that wanted nothing to do with their calves. Perhaps the extra attention will have them do better with the next calves they'll have. Pia is the nicest of them. She held absolutely still for me during the milking and she mooed farewell to me when we were all done. I wonder if she'll remember me the next time I get to help Jake.

I also got to spend another night at the ranch and make use of that wonderful room Jake set up just for me. It feels positively sinful and ever so very nice to sleep on sheets and a pillow, and under blankets Jake put there and his hands touched. That, and to think he's sleeping under the same roof just a few rooms away. The way he set up the room and the style of furniture reminds me a lot of the room Miss Ella allowed us into when we were particularly well behaved to play with those huge dolls of hers. Do you remember that' Of course Jake didn't put any of those huge d"cor dolls on the day bed, the desk is prettier and there are no dried flowers on it. How is Miss Ella doing these days"

A couple evenings ago, when I was off work but Jake couldn't come into town, I didn't have time to be bored either. Shane wanted to interview me for his paper. That was a little odd. Just as I was starting to get comfortable answering all the question Shane came up with and before I could say too much Shane, super subtle, reminded me that everyone could read that paper. That was really sweet of him considering that he's supposed to get people to tell things not everyone knows already.

Yesterday afternoon I got to catch up with Papa Skid for a bit. For some reason he decided that I needed to have a diary and he took me to a book and stationary store to fix my lack of having one. I tried to tell him that I'd not have time to use it if even I had an idea of what to write into it. But he wasn't having any of that and insisted I should hold onto it to make use of eventually. More importantly, I now know that he's doing just fine and it wasn't anything bad that had kept him from being out and about as he usually is.

Lady Tara asked for me to send you greetings from her. The last time I saw her at the inn while I was working and there was a temporary lull she invited me to sit with her. She didn't even get distracted by anyone, at least not for more than a few seconds here and there. Tara told me a little of her new home, she didn't sound like she enjoyed all that much, and she asked for my advise with her making amends to someone she had unintentionally scared the evening before. At first she just wanted to send an apology but then she came up with a very sensible idea to make amends.

How's everyone at home? Do you have to deal with all this excess snow, too' It's not all that bad downtown, but the lesser traveled streets are still a mess.

Love, Mira.

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2010-01-18 20:36 EST
Dear Prue,

The last day and a half has been so eventful I don't quite know how to start. "At the beginning", I can almost hear you say that, but you already know the beginning and that all happened almost a year ago. I've been wondering for a while now if the man who hired that drow female existed or not and if, when he may be asking for whatever it was the drow had said he was looking for. On the positive side, we can stop waiting for it.

Before you worry yourself sick, I'm fine. I'm right now sitting at the beautiful desk in the room Jake made for me at the Rocking D to write to you.

The evening before last, when I was nearly home after work, something looked off. I'm not sure exactly how I knew but I was using the Tau Alec's been teaching me like I try to do every time I'm out alone. Anyway, I just knew that someone was in my apartment and that it wasn't good. So I turned around and headed back into town to get someone from the watch to check it out. I'm starting to wonder why anyone ever bothers going to the watch with anything. The officer gave me distinct impression that he thought me crazy and paranoid over nothing. He actually told me to go home and wait for something to actually happen before making a report and generally acted like he hadn't a word I told him. His general reaction gave me the idea to look for Alec. That turned out to have been easy. I found him and Sivanna at the inn. Both at once upon hearing why I was looking for Alec offered to check out the apartment. A good thing that was, because the thief was still there laying in wait on the balcony and he attacked Alec!

Of course Alec was ready for just such an eventuality and he overpowered the thief. Only it turned out the thief wasn't just any run of the mill thief. It was the very same one that hired that drow last year. Alec managed to extract a lot of information from the man. I'm still not quite sure what to think of all of it. It all sounds ever so very fantastic and unreal.

The thief thinks mom and dad are some sort of spies and that them being farmers was just a cover, that the accident that took their lives was him covering up having murdered them, and that the watch didn't investigate the staged accident because he bribed them. I can't yet wrap my mind around that and if it had been the man just talking I'd not believe any of it, but Alec got all that directly from the man's mind. The thief also is convinced that whatever mom and dad had on him and the people he worked for is still somewhere in their things. Can you imagine that' He was so very convinced that I have what he's been looking for that he really touched and searched everything in the apartment, even floorboards and wall paper.

Sivanna and Alec took me home with them after Alec was done with the thief and the next morning Sivanna reminded me of Antonio's and Alper's wedding and that it was to be that very evening. I had forgotten all about it over the thief. Sivanna decided there wasn't enough time to launder the pretty dress from Alfred and took me on an emergency shopping trip. That was very sweet of her what will all the last minute things she had to do as their wedding planner. It also kept from brooding over that thief and all of what Alec had learned from him.

Jake made it to the wedding a little late, but he was there. When I got to telling him just the first sentence of what had happened he right away insisted that I stay at the ranch for a few days, until the traces the thief left behind are washed off. And we left as soon as it was polite to do so. I think he was disappointed that I looked for Alec instead of for him for help even though he didn't breathe a word of it. The inn was so much closer than the ranch and the watchman so easily believed me crazy for mentioning Tau, I didn't want to risk Jake thinking like the officer from the watch. It was probably stupid of me to even for a moment consider that. Jake's a much more open minded person than that, better mannered and the kindest I know. He's been ever so very wonderful and let me talk or be quiet for hours last evening after we left the wedding.

A couple of nice things happened at the wedding. Duci was there, looking happy, healthy, and her old self, and when I went to wish Antonio well, I also got to wish Alper well and Anya offered a hug.

Now I had better go and come out of my room. Jake already checked on my once to make sure I didn't crawl into a hole, which I won't, just so you know.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2010-03-26 22:09 EST
Dear Prue,

We got engaged! You were so right. Jake asked the very next evening after we got back into town. The ring is gorgeous, but I'd have said yes if it was a washer from the hardware store.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2010-04-04 00:42 EST
Dear Prue,

Spring finally arrived in town and it is everywhere. All the trees and bushes are blooming and flowers are coming up everywhere. The cattle on Jake's ranch all look happy to once again have all the grass and herbs they could possibly want growing at their feet. Of course spring also comes with a lot of work for Jake and we do not get to spend near as much time together as we would like. But this morning Jake made some time for us to enjoy a leisurely breakfast together. He knew that I didn't have to be anywhere until after lunch and surprised me with an outdoor breakfast.

We took the table and a couple of chairs outside to enjoy the scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy he made in the fresh morning air. Quite possibly they were the best biscuits, gravy and eggs I ever had. Then again, it could just be Jake's company, the fresh air and sunshine, and getting to watch the birds and squirrels that made it seem like such a treat. Even a bunny rabbit hoppled by the table at some point, but he didn't leave any colored eggs in his wake.

This evening I was working so late there was no chance for meeting up with Jake. Instead I'm getting to enjoy my apartment and to write a short letter. Work has been going great and I have lots of new very nice customers.

How did the nest hunt go and did Mark or Anne find the most of them' Have you heard from Alfred of late? I've not heard from him at all since Jake and I came out to visit. Give everyone my best.

Love, Mira

Mira Cigargirl

Date: 2010-07-17 02:13 EST
Dear Jake,

I had a longer than expected lunchbreak and stopped by. Sadly I didn't get to spend it with you. I left you some peach pie in the ice box. The tomatoes on the table are from the garden. They're a little small but otherwise just perfect. Did you see, the pepper plants are finally blooming? I'm ever so curious to find out what color they will be. Now we've only ten more weeks to wait for that answer. This evening I'll be a couple hours later to arrive than I had thought. But I'll definitely come here after work. I hope your day is going smoothly.

Love, Mira

Jake Duncan

Date: 2010-08-06 09:57 EST
Dear Mirabelle, I hope this letter finds you well, and in good spirits. Driving the cattle north through the mountains took a bit longer than I expected, I guess I should have hired an extra hand to help me.

Jenli is a beautiful place, yet it seems empty and hollow without you here to share it with me. The people here were amazed to see our Rhydinian Purple cattle. I had to offer one for free, so they could sample the meat before they seemed ready to buy. Once they tried it they loved it, and I had no trouble selling the entire stock.

You are ever in my thoughts Mirabelle. Perhaps that, more than anything was the reason for my slow progress. It seems that everything reminds me of you, and sets my mind to wandering with sweet daydreams. I have no doubt that spurred on by these visions, and a longing to see your face, and to kiss your lips shall lend wings to my return.

With love I remain as always faithfully yours,
