Topic: A hanging note

Drakkor Windblade

Date: 2009-11-07 08:06 EST
::A massive sign had been posted outside the Shimmerscale orphanage, one that read as follows.:: "Shimmerscales, Aurthur is gone, and he's not coming back. He was my brother, but he turned his back on me. Look not for him, for he is in my grasp, and pray not for him, for he shall die a traitors death, traitor to his family, to the one that cared for him. Don't try to look for us, you'll only killl him that much sooner.

-a family member

Sunset Hatchling

Date: 2009-11-07 11:15 EST
Blink. Blink. Stare. That was all the hatchling did for now. She didn't know what the sign read, but it looked important. What did it say' What was it there? And where did it come from' After a moment of thought, she turned and moved to go towards Mama's room. Scamper Scamper, then There!

There was a glance to Mama, then a confused blink, Where was daddy' Maybe he was out Hunting. After a moment of standing there, she moved towards mama, and gave a soft whine.


Date: 2009-11-07 18:00 EST
Looking to her daughter as the little one scampered in, nostrils quivered a moment, as she touched her snout to the little one, talons clicking as she slid through the tunnels, through the lair, and out the front entrance.

There hanging there was a sign, a sign from a family member, and one that made her snarl, nostrils flaring, she would nae heed the sign's warning, no, her mate was in danger and she would hunt down whom ever had taken him.

Momma.., was in a bad mood.

Heaven help the one that took her mate.

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2009-11-07 18:12 EST
::Aurthur was blinded, lost in a world of darkness. He knew he was chained down. He could feel the cold of the steel against his scales, and hear the occasional rattle as he shifted positions. His wings were spread out wide, and the membrane had been pierced by something, keeping him from flapping his wings to avoid further damage. He was muzzled as well, to keep him from using his flames.

He still wasn't sure what had happened. One moment, he was out exploring the land around the lair, west of the abandoned temple. The next, another dragon approached, said he was his nest-mate, his brother, and then......." He couldn't remember. He felt sore all over, so he could only assume he had been attacked. First his mother, and now his brother" What had he done that was so wrong? He knew that his mate would come looking for him, and he felt sorry for this dragon, whomever he was.

He was cold, hungry, and had lost spirit, but not hope. His mate would come, and more than likely with an army of dragons at her back.::

Drakkor Windblade

Date: 2009-11-07 18:20 EST
::The Dragon watched from a corner at the sniveling dragon that was his brother. His eyes narrowed, and he glared at him in hatred.:: "You've taken everything away from me, 'brother', even my mother. She was never yours, YOU were supposed to die! And do you know why, Aurthur" I'll tell you why.......Who do you think it was that planted the idea to leave your egg behind" It wasn't mother or father's idea, but mine. I'm the one who planted that idea in their heads, and from such a young age too. I found out nearly from the egg that I could make others think or do whatever I want."

::He laughed as Aurthur thrashed for a moment in his bindings, only to fall back with a whimper when he pulled his wings, tearing the membrane a little more.:: "Please, by all means, try to escape, its just that much more fun for me to watch you struggle. I eliminated not only you, but our entire clutch, because i wanted to have mother and father to myself, and for a long time, I did. But then YOU came back, and you killed my father! After that, mother couldn't even look at me, and she left ME, her devoted son, to come after you! I should have been happy, and I would have been, had she succeeded in killing you. But YOU stole her away somehow! She lives with you now!"

::He stalked over and kicked his defenseless sibling several times, leaving him in a heap on the floor.:: "Let your mate and family come for you.......I'll use my abilities to turn them against each other.........And if I like her enough, I might even make your mate my own......And watch with glee while she cuts your throat out!"


Date: 2009-11-07 18:57 EST
Without another word to anyone, the dragoness shielded her mind and pushed off the ledge, wings snapping out to catch an updraft.

Nostrils flaring, she was searching for her mate's scent, and the scent of the one that took him.

She could've gathered the rest of her kin, but no, the traitor of a family member would be hers, and hers alone to deal with.

Her anger, and rage fueling her search, she would not rest until she came to the place her mate was held.

That though was still quite a distance away.

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2009-11-08 07:24 EST
::Aurthur suffered the beating given to him by the other male, coughing and spitting blood as best he could from his muzzled mouth. How could this have happened" Had he truely been THAT careless" Why was his entire family, or what would have been his family, blaming all of their woes on him, the egg that had been left to die. He would have spoken, and defended himself if he could. Now all he could do was wait, and pray that his mate made it to him in time.::

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-11-08 07:27 EST
::Matthew had sensed something was wrong from the moment that his mother left the lair. When he followed and saw the sign, he felt his blood begin to boil, and immediately launched himself after his mother, though he hung back a discreet distance, making sure to keep her in sight. Whether she wanted his help or not, she was going to get it. That was his father who had been kidnapped and was in danger, and he could finally prove his worth to his father. He'd rather die than see his father hurt, and if something happened to him, it would devestate his mother, something he would never let happen, so long as he breathed.::


Date: 2009-11-08 19:19 EST
Anger and rage, boiled within, ears perked, she thought she'd heard wingbeats off in the distance behind, but she'd not turn around. Time was of the essence, she knew this.

A wyvern got into her way, young and inexperienced, it had tried to lunge at the dragoness, but she was faster, jaws clamping around the creature's neck.

Avoiding the tail as it thrashed about, she held the writhing, squirming creature until there was no life left.

Tearing a few chunks of flesh from the corpse, she swallowed her meal, and dove.

Landing only to bury the rest, she would come back for it later.

Pushing back off the ground, she winged her way toward a mountainous area, her mate's scent seemed stronger there, and so did the stink of his captor.

Nostrils flaring, taking in the scent, eyes narrowed, once ice blue, her eyes were now tinged a crimson hue. Drakkor.., she'd not heard from or seen the seemingly soft spoken white male since he'd been mated to her sister Julie.

That was a long time ago, and now, that was the scent flooding her nostrils.

Drakkor, would pay dearly for his treachery.

Drakkor, was going to die.

Drakkor Windblade

Date: 2009-11-09 06:02 EST
::Drakkor took to torturing his captive.:: "Can you feel her, getting closer?" ::He slashed at Aurthur's flank, peeling away scales and cutting flesh, only deep enough so that a little blood flowed.:: "Tell me, dear brother......Have you ever heard of the thousand slash torture" Quite ingenious, really......" ::All while he spoke, he was cutting Aurthur in different places on his body, relishing in the muffled cries of pain. Oh yes, he was taking great pleasure in all of this.::

"I'll just keep cutting you, and let your blood-scent fly on the winds. She'll come, we both know that she will. My mateship may have went down the gutter, but your life is about to join it! And guess what.....?" ::Another dozen cuts were applied.:: "Once your gone, dealing with her will be a simple task. But I want to watch, and see when her spirit breaks. It will be that much easier to manipulate her that way."

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2009-11-09 06:06 EST
::Even in his current bound state, the darkness threatened to overwhelm him. But he was bound tight, and probably reinforced with magic. All the strength in the world wouldnt set him free. It was when the cuts started being applied to his flesh that the darkness fled. As his blood flowed, so too did his strength, and Drakkor was unrelenting in his torture. He wanted to fight, to protect himself, but he couldn't even see. He was getting desperate. Even though the wounds were small, so many of them could cause him to bleed to death.

With all the strength he could muster, he cried out mentally for help, that he was going to die. Aurthur, who had been through countless battles and witnessed many horrible things and was abused and raped and tortured before, was more scared now than he had ever been in his life. This dragon could kill him with ease, and the worst part was knowing that he couldn't do a single thing to stop him.::


Date: 2009-11-09 08:32 EST
A roar was bellowed as she wheeled around the corner, a roar that could have shaken the very mountains themselves. Crimson hued eyes scanned the precipices, the ledges, and nostrils flared until she caught the traitor's stink again.

Wheeling, she dove into a cavern and snarled, lunging at the white male too close to her bound mate.She may not be the largest dragon, but her bulk slammed into Drakkor with such ferosity, and her anger only continued to build spotting what he'd done to Aurthur.

Her tail snapped out, aiming a blow at the white's right foreleg, at the knee, she knew it wouldn't kill him, but it could cripple.He wanted blood, Drakkor would get blood.., his own.


Date: 2009-11-09 08:43 EST
Another heard the mental call from Aurthur, one of the darkness, one that normally was antisocial.

Leaving Vendrek'kal's side as he still slept, she disappeared out of their lair, black and purple wings stretched out as she tested the wind, and the air currents.

She normally wouldn't leave her mate's side, but she was doing this for her sister, her kin.

Finding the right air current, dark wings thrust downward as she pushed herself off the ledge.

Soaring through the morning chill, her course was set, mountainwards she would go.

Drakkor Windblade

Date: 2009-11-09 08:48 EST
::Aurthur's mate came through so fast he had no time to react. He slammed against the back wall with a grunt, and his eyes narrowed. He did, however, have time to react to her tailstrike, and avoided it just barely.:: "There there, calm yourself, my dear. I am alright......" ::He used his magic to make it appear as though he were Aurthur, at the same time, using his will over her mind to make her see what he wanted her to see, hear what he wanted her to hear.:: "It's over now, i've chained the betrayer, see? All we have to do is kill him, and we can go home, my love."


Date: 2009-11-09 09:14 EST
You are not my love, snarled out at the betrayer, her mind was shielded and she knew he'd try his tricks on her.

She had him cornered against the wall, and she lunged at the fake Aurthur, jaws snapping, threatening to sink into Drakkor's throat.

Drakkor Windblade

Date: 2009-11-09 09:23 EST
::He lunged at the same moment that she did, and he would strike her across her muzzle with all his might, pinning her to the ground. He was stronger than she, and though she may have shielded herself from his mind tricks, she couldn't stop his physical attacks. He grabbed her by the back of her neck as though she were a hatchling, and picked her up, baring his fangs.:: "You have one choice........Be my mate, or die. One way or the other, your mate is finished." ::He snapped his fingers together, and something akin to a guillitine was above Aurthur's head.:: "Strike me again, and that falls.......Kill me, and it falls. I don't care about him one bit, but you do, so I have the advantage. So, what is it going to be?"


Date: 2009-11-09 09:42 EST
She snarled, though pretended to be limp in Drakkor's jaws, already, concentrating, weaving her own magic as that guillitine appeared above her mate, though Drakkor wouldn't sense or feel anything from the dragoness.

Her main focus on that blade above her mate's head, was it inching away?, Soon her tail snaked around Drakkor's legs, tightening, constricting, till it threatened to cut off circulation.

You are pitiful Drakkor, :;finally hissed out as the blade had moved far enough away, and she herself made it drop, missing Aurthur's head by inches, but cutting through the binds that held.

Drakkor Windblade

Date: 2009-11-09 09:49 EST
::He grinned at her, letting her have her way. He watched the blade drop......and an earth shattering roar came from her mate. He had even managed to break the muzzle in doing so.:: "Ooooh, now I bet that hurt quite a bit." ::He had anticipated her tricks, he knew both her and Aurthur well enough from being around them while he was still mated. He had used his illusions to make it seem like the blade was floating away from beheading Aurthur, and it had........But in the opposite direction. When the blade fell, it severed through almost half of his tail, leaving a bloody stub, the detached tail writhing on the floor.:: "I warned you, Icer.......And look what you have done. Don't listen to me if you like........" ::Sharp spike erupted from the ceiling of the cave, all the way across except where they he was holding her in his grip.:: "This time, no magic will save him......Convert yourself now, and become the Queen of the Windblade clan, or watch him die."


Date: 2009-11-09 09:54 EST
Time would be of the essence, she followed her sister's scent, landing just off the opening of the cavern.

Fading from view, the black slid through the shadows, and behind the male holding her sister. Green eyes narrowed, and without a thought, black dark jaws parted, and fangs sunk deeply into the white's neck.

There was no hesitation there, it was because of him that she'd been roused from slumber, because of the white that she had left her mate behind, and now, he was going to pay dearly.

Drakkor Windblade

Date: 2009-11-09 09:59 EST
::He hadn't even seen the attack coming, but when the jaws latched into his neck, he roared out in pain and fury, and with just as little hesitation, he slammed his claws, talons first, both into Icer and his unseen attacker growling in satisfaction as he felt their hot blood coursing over his paws, and now the sharp spikes protruded down everywhere, making escape possible. With an unsounded command, the ceiling began to drop slowly, and he pushed his talons deeper into both of them.:: "Shall we all die together, then? That sounds like a fabulous idea.......At least I wont go alone."


Date: 2009-11-09 10:00 EST
Like hell I will, she snarled though one eye swivelled behind and a grin played upon her snout. She knew her mate was still alive, she could feel their bond, though he was in pain.

Her own tail tightened again around the traitor's ankles, threatening once more to cut of circulation.

I'd suggest you release me this instant.


Date: 2009-11-09 10:27 EST
Snarling as his talons dug into her side, naturally her fangs sunk deeper into the male's neck, drawing a pool of crimson around her jaws.

I'd ssssuggesssst you releassse my sssisssster, hissed out through her clamped jaws. Even as the spiked ceiling started to slowly lurch their way, she'd not release her grip.

I've been there already, crooned now to the male as she started to slowly jerk her neck to the side, twisting his neck a little at a time as she did so.

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-11-10 04:26 EST
::Matthew came from practically nowhere. He roared his fury, and he leapt on the back of the dragon that was hurting his mother, the traitor that had kidnapped his father. He snarled and dug all of his talon into the dragon's flesh, biting anywhere he could reach.:: "Let my mother GO! NOW!!!!!"

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2009-11-10 04:29 EST
::The pain and loss of half his tail had his head spinning. The tail would grow back, he knew that, but the pain was near to unbearable. His body began shaking from blood loss. He couldn't see what was going on, but he knew from the sounds that his mate, his son, and Storm were all going to town on his brother. He almost felt sorry for him........Almost. He had brought this upon himself, after all, and from the sounds, all three of them were in full fury.::

Drakkor Windblade

Date: 2009-11-10 04:36 EST
Get off of me you little wretch!" ::Drakkor dug his talons deeper into both of the females, but he couldn't reach the one on his back, nor could he cast a spell. But there was one thing he could do........He roared, and he arched his back, and heard the satisfying roar as the spikes from the ceiling struck the young one, effectively knocking him off:: "Thats what you get, when you mess with me! Now I can take down a portion of your family in one shot!"


Date: 2009-11-10 09:03 EST
Matthew!, she'd check to see if her son was alright in a moment, there was something to do first.

As Drakkor's talons sunk deeper into her flesh, she tightened her tail as much as she could around the traitor's legs, and tugged.

She was aimming to send Drakkor sprawling upon the cavern floor, and if she were lucky, perhaps break a few of his legs in the process.

Snarling and hissing, serpentine neck finally twisted around to the traitor and she spat into his face.

Drakkor Windblade

Date: 2009-11-10 12:49 EST
::Ironically enough, it was when she spit in his face that his legs finally gave out. He had been trying, straining to keep his footing for so long, but with his forelegs occupied in the females' flesh, it was only a matter of time, and now he did fall, crashing and sliding across the floor. But he flicked his tail out, and the heavy end crashed across Icer's good eye. He pushed himself up on his forelegs, and he spat out blood, unable to feel his hindlegs. Broken" Probably not, just numb from having the circulation cut off for so long. He growled softly, and the spikes in the ceiling vanished.:: "Are you going to kill me" Not a very good idea, i'm afraid. You see, I had a feeling you Shimmerscales couldn't fight a fair one on one fight, and I was right. So, in order to even the odds, i've directly linked Aurthur's life with my own. Kill me, and he goes too. Not only that, i'm the only one that can free him from his bonds." ::He grinned maliciously.:: "So go ahead.......Do your worst."


Date: 2009-11-10 13:13 EST
She snarled as Drakkor's tail crashed into her good eye, temporarily blinding it. Her left eye blinking as she heard Drakkor's threat, though she turned to check on her son, giving him a nudge to his feet.

Serpentine neck twisted a moment, giving a loud audible crack as she stalked the traitor's direction, a paw raising and slamming into Drakkor's snout, talons leaving a few gashes, she was in no mood for his games.


Date: 2009-11-10 13:22 EST
The black just stood and watched her sister, snarling as the white managed to get away, though she held a chunk of flesh still from where her fangs had caught the male's neck.

A grin somewhat toothy, she'd back out of the battle for now, though she'd not leave.

Moving toward Matthew then, she looked over the young male for wounds, he was family after all, though one eye remained on the battle.

Her little sister was angry.

Drakkor Windblade

Date: 2009-11-10 13:41 EST
::He roared out in fury as he was struck, spitting out a few fangs and rubbing his sore jaw:: "Your not very smart, are you, you little witch?! Go ahead, pound away at me, kill me, skin me, do whatever you want to me. Just remember that your mate and I are physically linked, a link that can only be severed by myself. Keep it up, beat on me some more.......Maybe i'll just make our bond a little stronger, so that he can feel every blow as though you were beating him too!"


Date: 2009-11-10 16:12 EST
Ice blue eyes still held that crimson color as she stalked over now to her mate, giving him a tender nuzzle, and sinking her jaws into the chains binding him.

Tugging with most of her strength, her right eye still swollen from Drakkor's tail crashing into it. She could now once again see out of it though.

A snarl given as those chains did not break, though now through gritted fangs, she was uttering a spell.

A feral grin forming upon her snout as she released the chains, turning back toward Drakkor, softly chanted words to the spell starting to echo around the prison of a cavern.


Date: 2009-11-10 16:19 EST
Ears perked, and that snarl on her snout was replaced with a smirk. She recognized the chant from her younger sister, two voices now echoing throughout the cavern as her voice added to the spell.

Their voices almost seeming to twist and entwine through parts of the spell, two voices, soon sounding as one to the traitor's ears.

Dark and light, social and antisocial, sisters, kin, family.

Green eyed gaze turned as well toward the white male, the traitor to kin.

Still the song of the spell danced around the cavern, aiming for Drakkor.

Drakkor Windblade

Date: 2009-11-11 04:27 EST
::Drakkor couldn't move, there was no way that he could even defend himself. The song resonated through his being, and he felt himself begin to shrink.:: "Curse you, Shimmerscales! Turn me to a hatchling, but the bond remains! If anything happens to me, Aurthur dies!" ::And those were his last words, for a small white hatchling stood where the large male once had.::


Date: 2009-11-12 00:35 EST
You brought it upon yourself Drakkor, a snort given, though she grinned to the little white hatchling.

Soon she stalked his way, picking up the little one by the scruff of his serpentine neck, turning to carry the little white male over to where her mate still lay.

Wrapping her tail around Drakkor as she set him down so he'd not dart off, she went back to tugging on the chains binding her mate, this time hearing a satisfying clunk as they started to loosen.

The magic behind them gone, sealled away in the now little white hatchling, he would never harm another again, she would see to that.

Crooning then softly to her mate, she snuggled close, and rumbled to their son Matthew. Even a nod of thanks to her dark sister.

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2009-11-12 06:49 EST
::When the chains began to loosen, he found new strength and growled, pulling and tugging until he was free. He worked at the muzzle frantically, and it may have been humorous, if not for the situation. Finally removing it, his energy was already spent, and he collapsed, panting, removing the blindfold with a swipe of his claw::

"Get him away from me........When I regain my strength, he's dead." ::There was such conviction in his voice, it was clear that he wasn't bluffing. Hatchling or no, Aurthur WOULD kill Drakkor.::

Sir Matthew Spade

Date: 2009-11-12 06:52 EST
::He was wounded, but not nearly as bad as his father had been. He could feel blood flowing over his back and he inspected the damage. Indeed, nothing too severe, and his wings were undamaged.::

"Dad, your safe now, it's over, there is no reason to kill anyone." ::Was he trying to be the voice of reason for once? Perhaps this was not the best time for him to do so, as his father growled at him, and he shrank back, falling silent. He wanted to prove to his father that he loved him, and he thought that he had, but maybe he had been wrong.::

Sunset Hatchling

Date: 2009-11-12 08:01 EST
The little hatchling was pacing back and forth beside the sign, looking for, no waiting for mama to come back. And hopefully daddy was there with her. After a moment she gave a soft whine, and looked up at the sky, whining once more. Where were they' And why had momma taken off like that?


Date: 2009-11-12 20:57 EST
Now love, crooning to her mate as she nuzzled him gently. I do believe I've a better idea, still clutching the white hatchling, she turned and gave her son a nuzzle as well, showing she'd not forgotten about him.

There are a few waiting to adopt my love, looking back to her mate perhaps with a bit of mischief gleeming in her eyes.

We should be getting back to our own lair love, shaking her horned head again as she peered back to Matthew, moving to gently nuzzle him, you did well my son, come lets go home.