Topic: A mother's worries and frustrations.


Date: 2013-02-17 00:07 EST
She was quick in darting through the waterfall that hid the entrance to the lair, thought, when she came out on the other side, wet with cold water she was grinning. She had Mama's taste for the cold. Regardless, she shook her hair out, and surveyed the area around her, bright blue hues curious. comes.

A soft pitter-patter of feet signaled the potential for an incoming collision with Star in the form of a small girl only just over half her Hume size. Brushing out the kinks in her dress, she'd amble over to where Star was and attempt to hug her about the waist.

Star blinked several times at the sounds of feet, and turned around, just as the small one wrapped her arms around her. She blinked several times, and peered down at her. "I ah. Hey." Then she frowned....She had....seen this girl before....once. Chryst was involved too. Give her a moment....she's sifting through memories.

The tiny youth was quick to acknowledge her feelings, able to sense subtle traces of doubt and recollection as she hugged her tightly. After a moment, her arms loosened around her, though her hands remained firmly gripped about whatever clothing she might be wearing. "It's Jewel....I'm their little sister," the violet-clad girl would manage to speak in spite of her shy, blushing demeanor. She'd missed her, even though she'd only recently returned to the lair herself to see her brothers.

Jewel. That's when it clicked. There was a brief pause, before she scooped her up into a big hug. Then, she glanced about, studying the glen, before frowning. She....almost didn't want to talk about this stuff with others around. "I remember now. Come on. Lets head inside." she murmured softly, before she started for the enterance to the lair. She chose the path that took her around and under the torrent of water, getting them inside, nice and dry. Once inside, she shifted and moved to set Jewel down, though one of her hands was claimed by Star's. Then she began to lead her down the hall, quiet until they neared her room. "I saw Shard a while ago. He was a mess. I wish...I could help him. I really do, and I was trying to with the help of someone, but my own mama, said it was a trap, and a bunch of stuff like that...She....grounded me." Here she paused to bite at her lip, and stop at a door, the one that more than likely belonged to her room.

After a moment, it was nudged open, and while she waited for Jewel to move forward and inside, she began to talk again. "With....Shard it's so hard to help him. It's hard to get him to open up long enough to get much of what?s bothering him out. And...Chryst. He's the exact opposite. He's happy, bubbly, and really easy to love. I don't have to worry so much about him." She blinked after this was said, before she frowned, and sighed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be burdening you about all this. It's not your Job to help me figure out my problems. I just..." she trailed off, and took a deep breath. "I ah. Enough of my problems. How are you?" she asked softly, focusing her attention on her. As for star's emotions....They were becoming a jumbled mess. Doubt, anxiety, fear, worry, and When she spoke of Chryst, there was a brief spike of happiness. Then followed frustration tinged with regret.

((This first post is possible, thanks to Jewel/Chryst/Shard-Mun. <3))

The Avatar of Hatred

Date: 2013-02-17 00:21 EST
The violet girl would take care to sit down next to her mother and lean into and cuddle with her, all being a mix between trying to recover previous ties with empathic magic and siphoning any emotional keys she could tie to Shard's disappearance. Of course, as soon as she mentioned the 'someone' her head began to hurt a little bit. She was quick to clutch it outright, as the person involved was strong enough to coat his very image with a veil of pain and misery. "Ow....S-sorry, I just saw something I didn't want to." Jewel would take a deep breath before responding to the young wyrm she latched onto once more. "Shard is....gone. I think he's hurting right now. I don't really know how or why, but I can't feel his presence....It's more....another's, now." What did she mean by that' It was enough to cause tears wot begin welling up in her eyes, that was for certain.


Date: 2013-02-17 00:40 EST
The violet girl would take care to sit down next to her mother and lean into and cuddle with her, all being a mix between trying to recover previous ties with empathic magic and siphoning any emotional keys she could tie to Shard's disappearance. Of course, as soon as she mentioned the 'someone' her head began to hurt a little bit. She was quick to clutch it outright, as the person involved was strong enough to coat his very image with a veil of pain and misery. "Ow....S-sorry, I just saw something I didn't want to." Jewel would take a deep breath before responding to the young wyrm she latched onto once more. "Shard is....gone. I think he's hurting right now. I don't really know how or why, but I can't feel his presence....It's more....another's, now." What did she mean by that' It was enough to cause tears wot begin welling up in her eyes, that was for certain.


Date: 2013-02-17 08:48 EST
Star's fingers began to run through her hair, as she cuddled her, untangling any tangles that she may encounter. She listened quietly, before a frown over came her features. "I....I'm going to have to find him, because it's more than likely my fault....he's in what he's in right now." she mumbled softly, scowling. She should have just listened to Mama. Pause. "More another's?" she asked softly, a brow arched in question.


Date: 2013-02-17 14:14 EST
"Mhmm....His disposition has changed, and the dragon within him lies dormant." She frowned, burying her face into her mother's bosom for comfort. "Shard is becoming less and less like use and more like his original self every time I try to reach out to him with my magicks," she admitted, not being all that good at the abilities she was more gifted with than learned.


Date: 2013-02-19 10:39 EST
"Mmh." she sounded softly, before her head bobbed a few times in a nod. There was more stroking to her hair, when she snuggled closer. "His original self?" she asked softly, before she leaned back to peer down at her. "As in....he used to be really angry, before?" she asked softly, before she leaned down and pressed a light kiss to her forehead. She closed her eyes after, and sighed softly. "I...I hope I can help him."