Topic: A visit to Alexandria


Date: 2006-11-17 20:15 EST
Having awoken early, and still a bit stiff, the dragon slid out the door and down the stairs of the Inn, her destination was Alexandria, she had something she needed to do.

Walking calmly through the forests, she followed the pathway that led toward the lands, her father's lands, or what had been when he still lived.

Pausing at the nearby pond, she gently plucked another blue flower, and paused as she came to her father's resting place, very gently laying her offering on his grave.

Onwards she then went, until she came upon the Elders, and dipping her serpentine neck to them, she started to speak, I am turning over the Kingdom to you at the moment, for my family means more than anything to me right now. One of the Elders stepped foreward and nodded before speaking softly, are you sure this is what you wish to do'

A smile and a nod was then returned, at least for the moment, but I do have a request if you shall grant it.

The elder studied the small female for a moment, what is it you wish?

Blue eyes remained calmly on the Elder as she spoke, one of my friends are being held for a crime she didn't commit, I wish to take a few with me and patrol the nearby areas to see if we can find anything that may have been missed, or at least who is setting her up.

Pausing a moment to think, the Elder then agreed, you may take whomever you wish.

Nodding, she glanced back around and nodded toward a silver male, and a green female, those two will do.

Safe travels to you all and be safe.

Another nod, and she took wing, joining the two she'd chosen, all three dragons leaving Alexandria.