Topic: All roads lead home


Date: 2013-03-24 15:16 EST
"They need you." Her mother's voice sounded in her head as she slept. She had not seen her adopted mother since the battle with the demon.

"They need you." It echoed again. Waking groggilly from her slumber she had slipped through the cavern. The biting cold of the waterfall not bothering her, but it did wake her fully.

Soon she had taken to the air. finding an air current, she spread her wings wide and glided as far as it would take her before she'd have to beat her wings again.

The voice almost seemed as if it was calling her. Beconing. She was gliding straight for her adopted mother's lair. Descending upon a hilltop, she would walk the rest of the way.

Moon Lyght's lair was shrouded in fog. Approaching slowly, she called out for her mother. But the lair was silent, save the echoing of her voice.

That was strange. Her mother didn't usually go anywhere unless she was hunting. especially now that she had the twins.

Moving slowly inside the lair, she would wait until her eyes adjusted to the darkness...

She was not ready for what she found next.

The silver lay unmoving. Still as stone. The closer she drew. She could see that the silver's chest rose and fell no more. Just how long had it been?

Her mind was looking for answers when the voice sounded again. The twins..

Her brother and sister. Harrow and Solieil. She had to find them.

Shuffling through her mother's cavern, she peered into every crevace. Though she found nothing.

Just when she thought she'd never find them, a shuffle sounded beneath one of those silvery gray wings. Peeking beneath. The twins lay huddled there.

She needed to find a way to draw them out. surely they were hungry. Both dragonlings peered out at their older sister shivering.

But neither would leave the confines of their mother's wing. She could not leave them behind.

Moving back into the darkness of the lair, she followed her nose, a half eatten carcass lay forgotten. It was still somewhat fresh. Tearing off a bit of the meat, she would slip back toward her deceased mother.

Lowering her head so the twins could see and smell the meat. they shivered, before finally inching closer. Backing away from the body, she lead Harrow and Solieil to the entrance of the cavern.

It was there that she'd let the hatchlings eat. Moving herself between them and the dead.

Looking back at the body, she gave a sad smile. She hadn't been able to say goodbye. But had it not been for her mother's voice, she never would have known.

Finished with their meal. The pair looked up to their elder sister then. She could see the sadness in their eyes. and the fear. But she gave both a nuzzle, and without turning back. she would lead the twins...Home.