Topic: Contract Negotiations


Date: 2014-02-01 01:44 EST
Icer parted her jaw into a yawn as she began to wake from her slumber. Her right wing still extended on the floor from stretching out before bed the night before. She looked up, noticing Travanix sitting at the bar, hunched over paperwork. He seemed oblivious to the world. The wyvernling that had started the night with her had left. After getting him to scratch her yesterday, she decided that the inn was empty enough to try again. She began her way padding over to him. From him came a dark response "If you enjoy sucking in air, I would advise you not to come any closer." He picked up a few pieces of paper and bounced them on the bar, straightening them.

She knew that it was always hard to be sneaky when moving along the ancient floorboards. Her tail tip twitched as she canted her horned head. He reached out for his mug of ale sitting on the bar top, sitting next to his paperwork. His other hand set down the straightened paperwork. He downed a portion of his ale and then returned the mug to the bar.

She twitched her tail and released another rumble. "Is there something you need, icer, or are you breathing just to annoy me more than usual?" He had begun to trace a line on the report he was reviewing. She came closer, attempting to nudge his hand with her snout.

A bundled up figure tromped into the inn and proceeded to begin unwrapping the many layers of outer clothing to hang up on the hook by the door. The young red haired boy appeared to be in a good mood, a book under arm as he headed towards the bar to fetch some juice. The young man beamed at Icer and gave a little wave but skirted around the man. Serpentine neck twisted a moment as Icer had heard the door, and a tail wave was given to Flaive, before she'd settle on the floor nearby Travanix's side.

"icer, I have no qualm with de-scaling you right here, right now. And you know full well I am more than capable and willing to do so." Travanix looked up, waving a hand over a circular device that brought to life a small holographic computer display with figures and reports. His head bobbing back and forth from the paper to the display. Icer's tail tip twitched, then thumped the floor and another sound rumbled forth. "Furthermore, I know you can talk. Why you refuse to talk to me as you do everyone else is beyond even my reasoning capabilities." Paper was picked up from the stack and dropped to the floor with a small green flame burning at its edge. Before it hit the ground, the ashes were even gone.

Icer, hope in her voice, watching as the paper falls in flames, "Scrinches?"

Travanix waved his hand over the device again and a light-based keyboard appeared and he typed something in and then it was gone. He pulled out another sheet of paper and reviewed it as he did the others. "And what do I get in return?"

The young man had frowned a bit, his attention on Travanix as discreetly as he could when he started threatening Icer. The boy stayed quiet though as he poured his juice and began worrying his lower lip.j "What do you want?" Icer inquired, her head canted as she thought about it.

The black uniformed man chuckled. "You have known me for how long, and you ask that question?" He shook his head in disbelief.

Icer fired a quick grin to the young man, then another nudge to Travanix's hand. "I promise nae to tell anyone."

The boy seemed concerned about Icer being so close to the seemingly cranky gentleman but when he heard the chuckle and saw Icer grin, he returned the grin with a small one of his own. Perhaps this man was a friend of Icer's and not any sort of threat' Not that he could do anything to assist her even if Travanix was. Deciding he was of little use, Flaive headed over to a comfy looking chair, removed his boots and curled up to begin reading.

"This from the beast that hates me for what I have done, what I have demonstrated I have no issue in doing," Travanix retorted.

Icer's head canted again, and another rumble. Travanix stopped what he was working on and turned to face her. "You have something to say?" The question was punctuated with an arched brow. She thrummbed, "I give you my word."

"Your *word*"..." Travanix chuckled. "I have laid waste to this city, kidnapped, tortured and tormented over your own family, raped and violated countless girls and turned them into slaves. And you can overlook all these things," he makes a motion before him as he talks, "Just for a 'scrinch?""

A twitch of Icer's ear. "You did mess up my sister." Another rumble given. Flaive blinked a few times, it was hard not to eavesdrop when there was only one conversation going on. He sank into his seat a little more as if to hide even though no one was paying attention to him. Why would Icer be friends with this guy"

Deciding now that Flaive was there, Icer dismissed herself from Travanix, moving to the young man. Flaive smiled widely at her and placed his hand on her head when she sat down beside him. Icer began purring contently, ice blue eyes half lidded. There were just certain spots that were impossible for her to reach herself.

Meanwhile, Travanix spun himself back around, returning to his work. He lifted up the mug and drained the contents into his mouth. Flaive on the other hand, sank down into his chair and his hand stilled on Icer's head for a brief moment before continuing. Flaive liked her thrumming purr-like happy noises.

After a few moments, Travanix offered up: "Did I ever tell you why I did it' Did she" Because she asked as she was in that cavern, screaming her head off from the pain I was inflicting on her." He didn't seem at all phased by what he was saying, only concentrating on his work. The boy winced at the thought and looked down to Icer, murmuring quietly to her.

"Nae, you did not, but it was nae pleasant." Icer Rumbled. "I felt some of it through our link." A twitch of an ear, and a nod to her son, thrumming once more.

Travanix smirked as he picked up another sheet of the report. "I did it because I wanted to. Because I enjoyed it." He looked over his shoulder to the two. "And I would completely do it again."

Flaive wrinkled his nose in disgust and if he was a braver sort, perhaps would have said something. Instead, the teen kept his mouth shut and eyes downcast to either Icer, his lap or his book that held little interest at that particular moment.

"I am sure you would," Icer commented as though she was talking about the weather.

Travanix turned his head once more back to his work, flipping through the stack of papers and looking up at the holographic display. "So, tell me - is all that worth 'scrinches?" I would think you would have a harder time explaining to wyhree why you wanted me to scratch your back."

She nuzzled her son once more. "I suppose nae." Though, soon her tail may have launched a peanut in Travanix's direction. Flaive murmured to Icer again and gave a slight grin at the peanut launching. Another reassuring purr, and nuzzle to her son. "Did you want anything, Flaive?"

The peanut had stopped in midair, just before hitting him, falling to the ground. "icer"In less than 60-hours, I will have an elite commando unit landing planet side. They would love to raid a dragon's lair to get their feet wet. Should I send them to yours" Where I know every guard, every turn and twist' Where your hatchery is?"

Ice blue eyes soon narrowed to Travanix. "I would kill ye." She made it a promise.

The boy looked over to Travanix, blinking a few times and looking dumfounded then hurt, "W-why would y-you do that?" Came the words before he managed to stop his brain from reacting.

"Really' And how would you do that' Please, tell me. I am very interested in how *you* would succeed where 120 other attempts have failed." Travanix looked over his shoulder to answer Flaive. "Because I can. I could just as well walk into that cavern right now, and leave it a burning husk and turn in later tonight and think of all the fun I had."

"There are ways," Icer retorted.

The red haired teen blinked a few times, shrinking when he was looked at. His eyebrows bunched together a bit and he commented, "Y-you're awful..."

Tail coiled around her haunches as she peeked to the book her son was looking at. As usual, it was a fantasy book of knights in shining armor, wizards, magic and princesses. Flaive read them for fun when he wasn't reading school work or educational books.

Travanix stood up, pulling the latches to his tunic open. "Really..," shaking his head. "There is only one man who has managed to get even close to it, and even *he* will not." He pulled open the tunic and pulled the silver undershirt up a bit to show the hot red scars that littered his chest. "Each one of these times is a kill." Several of the marks intersect over his heart, a few just below his head. "What are you going to do that is any different?"

Looking back towards the slaver, Icer's horned head canting as she studied those scars closely.

"I have been stabbed, shot, poisoned, beheaded, spaced, burned, dropped..." Shaking his head again. "I have had every bone broken, organs crushed. Once, I had my heart cut out of my chest - and I still live!" As he spoke, it seemed to suck the life from the room slowly. He pulled down and tucked back in his undershirt then closed up his tunic. "You have everything to lose. If you failed to actually kill me, you do realize what I would do next." His arms fold behind him. She arched an eye ridge as he spoke.

As much as Travanix seemed to frighten him, the boy did seem curious to how someone could survive all those assaults. Especially beheading and his heart being cut out. The teen decided it was bravado and lies, however disturbing and returned to scritching Icer if for no other reason than to comfort himself with the contact.

"Say it. What would happen?" The dark auburn eyes were locked on hers. His posture betrayed his military training but his eyes gave away something far worse.

"Say what?" Perhaps she was a bit defiantly. The thrumming trying to help sooth her son beside.

Travanix moved closer towards her. "You know full what I would do, but I want you to say it. By saying it, you acknowledge it. You then completely understand what kind of hell I would unleash on you."

Seeing as Icer was sitting beside Flaive, when Travanix moved closer to her, he stepped closer to the skitish teen who sank deeper into his seat and made a small noise in his throat akin to a quiet whine.

She retorted, "Descale me" Ye've promised before." Thrumming still.

"No, I will let you live...make you watch as I hunt down everyone you care about. Your friends, your family. But you, you my dear sweet icer, I will leave completely unharmed." His eyes flashed a blood red glow.

"Of course ye would." Tail tip twitching, and thumping the floor a bit.

"And if that does not worry you in the least, perhaps then I should just order the Abyss to open fire on your caverns right now." Travanix unfolded one arm to reach into a pocket, pulling out his communicator. "Since you do not care." He activated it as he turned around from her. "Abyss, this is Travanix. Fire control commander." He waited for the commander's image to appear. "Mark following coordinates for firing, leave a smoldering crater, with a two-kilometer diameter firing range."

Icer's nostrils flared, then she would lunge, jaws snapping at the figure before her. Nothing riled up momma like the threat to her kin and lair.

Flaive's frightened grey eyes stayed on Travanix but he flinched when Icer lunched at the soldier man, covering his head with his skinny arms. He let out a small yelp.

Travanix's chilled fingers press down on the dragon's head as he pauses in his orders. "You see, you do have too much to lose." He smirked as his fingers became like a vice around her snout. "Listen to me and listen very, very carefully, my dear sweet icer." His eyes flashed blood red once more, staring into hers. "Get in my way, interfere in any of my operations, and I will obliterate everything, everyone, you ever cared about. And I will record it all, play it back on a loops.

"I will capture you, lock you in a cage and let you rot for the remainder of your natural existence. Do I make myself perfectly clear" Nod that noggin of yours if you understand." His fingers were not going to allow her mouth to move at all.

A growl welled up in the throat of Icer as those fingers kept their grip.

"I am waiting, as is my fire commander " what is it going to be, icer"This is the last choice you get to make with me," the black form concluded.

A rumble, though horned head nodded. It was for the hatchlings after all. They meant more to her than she herself. The scrawny teen stayed curled in a ball in his chair.

Travanix looked up at Flaive, winked at him, then back at Icer. "Good. Good! Commander, disregard. Return to station keeping." The holographic image of the commander vanishes. "You get one warning, icer. Break this deal with me, and I will not call off my fleet. Nod if you understand."

Icer's tail twitched and thumped again, though there was a nod, nostrils flaring. Travanix's hand was not comfortable.

Travanix nodded in response. "This contract extends to all members of your family. If one of them gets in my way, I will carry this out. So you had better warn them. Make them understand I am not to be trifled with, that if they break the deal we have agreed to, I will carry out my end without hesitation. Nod in agreement if you understand."

Ice blue eyes flicked to her son as he was curled up in the chair there, and another rumble.

"Nod, icer. I am not in a mood right now." Travanix's voice was harsh, but not yelling. It was good he wasn't yelling, that would probably make the kid even more of a mess. As it was, he remained curled in a tight ball making himself as small as humanly possible. A grunt, though horned head bobbed once more was her response.

It was good he wasn't yelling, that would probably make the kid even more of a mess. As it was, he remained curled in a tight ball making himself as small as humanly possible.

Travanix smirked. "There is no place on this planet that I cannot find you, no place where you can run. There is no place where you can hide from me, or hide your hatchlings. I own mages that can take me to other planes, I have hunters that you can try to evade. You are a slave without having a collar. If I call on you, you obey. And," He chuckles at this part. "If anything were to actually pull me away - I am sure lani would be more than happy to give the order."

Icer's ice blue eyes still locked with Travanix.

The man smirked as a thought formed. "Come here, boy." He motioned him over, still holding Icer's mouth closed. "I will not hurt you...for the moment. Come here."

Flaive realized the commander was speaking with him and rapidly shook his head, still covering it. Not a friggin' chance!

"Tell him, icer, to come here." He looked down at her, then back to the boy.

A muffled rumble to her son. It was hard to speak when your jaws were locked together.

The teen peeked over to Icer, looking clearly frightened and concerned for the little blue dragon that had adopted him. He flicked his grey eyes to Travanix then back to her and slowly uncurled stiffly. He made a small whine in his throat and got up, reluctantly taking a few steps closer towards them.

When the boy was in reach, Travanix's other hand reached out, taking the boy by the shoulder. "What is your name, son?"His eyes still a blood red as he looked at the teen.

The boy swallowed hard, flinching a bit when Trav rested his hand on his shoulder, "F-flaive, s-sir." The teen squeaked out in a stutter. "Flaive, my name is Travanix. But that is not really important right now. I want you to look at her. Look right into her eyes, and I want you to say to her "Please do not let him kill me." Go ahead. Say "I do not want to die.?"

Icer's blue eyes narrowng on Travanix, though she wouldn't struggle, not while the man had her son.

Flaive licked his lips and gave a small whimper, his eyes wide and flicking across his face quickly as if searching for some sign it was some sort of twisted joke. Quickly realizing it was not, he looked to Icer, "I-Icer..." Flaive gulped, "Nnn...P-please don't l~et him k-kill me." Travanix could feel him tremble a little, "I d-don't w~anna d-die." Sometimes his words stuck in his throat and at other times they simply stuttered but eventually he got the commanded plea out.

Icer offered soothing rumble to her son.

"Oh, I know you can do better than that, Flaive..Make her really believe that I would kill you, and that you do not wish to die. Put some emotion into it." Travanix squeezed the boy's shoulder just a moment, to encourage him!

Flaive pulled in a shaky breath though it felt like his chest was being squeezed with panic rising to a peak in him rather quickly, "P-please." The frightened teen whimpered though he couldn't get the rest of the words out due to the fear choking him.

He looked back at Icer. "I want this to be a reminder of our deal. That I had your son in the palm of my hand, and you heard his begging. That for the moment, he will live, that he will have nightmares about this incident. A reminder, I own you. All of you, your entire family." He began to apply pressure to Flaive's shoulder, trapping it in in a vice and then his voice darkened, the tone itself seemed to be blood stained. "Stay. Out. Of. My. Way."

That tail of hers soon curled around her son, protectively.

Flaive began panting breathes of panic puffed from him as pressure was applied to his shoulder. He gave a small whimper and frustrated and frightened tears started to come to his eyes. Flaive was not brave and most likely never would be. He made another small noise wanting very much to run and hide.

Ripper comes to slowly unspool behind the big dark form of Travanix, just like in the movies, silent and right there. "Excuse me. Is there a problem?" He was hanging upside down from the rafters by his tail.

Icer's blue eyes soon flicked to Ripper as he appeared.

He smirks. "I would not advise you do that, xeno. And I am sure that icer would not like the outcome, since we have just struck a deal. Is that not right, icer" Nod for the creature, so that he also understands."

Snorting, though bobbing her horned head.

The boy's shoulder in a vice of his grip, the dragoness' snout in that same vice.

"I would advise you release her before something bad happens to you. You're not god, and I'm sure you know what my kind is capable of."

Flaive yelped at hearing the new voice and looked over to see the upside down alien. His watery grey eyes widened at seeing the creature and his mouth worked without sound. He squeaked and gave a small whine, starting to squirm to get away from Travanix and the creature from horror movies. What he was saying wasn't registering with him yet, he didn't realize the xeno was a friend.

"I am worse than a god-ling, and you do not know what I am capable of. So, stand down." He released his grip from Icer's snout. "Tell him, icer. Tell him what I will do. Tell him what I am." The boy was still gripped. Icer gave a quick shake of her horned head as her snout was finally released. "He threatened the lair, Ripper." Rumbled. Tail still coiled protectively around her son.

"Tell him the deal, icer. Make him understand." And he squeezed the shoulder of the boy.

She would not leave his side of course. "No kin will stand in his way."

Ripper offered a snort.

"Flesh and blood. Your body is full of it. Some godling you are. Going about threatening peaceful families with annihilation' At least my kind gives species a chance to join us and become better." Sorry, Icer, he is really not listening. A threat is a threat, and to his friends, he doesn't take it lightly. "You're nothing more than a bully and a tyrant."

Flaive let out another yelp, one of his own hands going to hold Travanix's wrist and the other to attempt to pry his fingers off his shoulder. The kid was running on instinct of fear and was no longer still. Struggling and squirming.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, alien. And you may be able to stop me now, but what will happen to them when I wake up" Who would she blame for your actions: Me"....Or you?" Travanix responded. He kept his fingers tight around the shoulder, it wasn't going anywhere, not right now anyway."icer, I do not think he understands...Perhaps you had better get his attention. I do not know how much longer Flaive's shoulder is going to withstand the pressure before it breaks...And this will be your only warning."

"Ripper?"Rumbled, though soon Icer's tail tip was snaking toward Travanix;s hand. It could try to release some of the pressure upon her son's shoulder.

"My hands and soul are tainted already. What's one more corpse?" Now, thin lips start to peel apart in the tell-tale sign of a second jaw snap. "But out of courtesy for the lady, I'll not a make a mess....if you let the youngling go now."

Travanix looked over his shoulder to the alien, there was no fear, only cool collection. "Your move. Who dies first?"

She wouldn't stand in his way, but momma could take more pressure herself, then her son.

I have no problem dying. It will not be the first time, but are you prepared for what will happen after?" He arched a brow to the xeno, then back to Icer. "Do you think she is prepared" If you kill me, right here, right now, I will take the boy, And you will not stop me, you cannot stop me. After that?" He shrugged.

Ripper responded, "Later. Release him, and I'll let you see me first." The red headed teen was regretting his obedience currently for having gotten up in the first place. He whimpered and pleaded quietly to Travanix, probably feeding whatever sadistic enjoyment he got out of tormenting the group, "P-please, please l-lemme go. I d-don't wanna g-go with you. P-please."

He raised his free hand, waving a finger like a parent chastising their child. "That is not the deal, alien. The deal is, icer, her friends, her family stay out of my way. Or else." For being "intelligent" everyone was being rather dumb. "And I am sure I do not need to explain "or else? again, do I, icer" Or would a demonstration be of more value?" At that, he there was a wet snap, as his fingers crushed the bone, and the pressure was still there. Nostrils twitched, then flared a bit, though Icer may have flinched slightly, letting the tip of her tail take more of the crushing blow than her son's shoulder.

Flaive let out a strangled cry and his legs buckled a bit from the pain that lanced through his shoulder, his hands clenching hard in reaction around the man's wrist. Blotches of white and black dotted his vision for a moment as part of his shoulder broke. The kid let out a small sob of 'please'.

At first, it was just words. Ripper had no problem with just that. It's what was keeping him on the leash. But now it's turned into action, and Icer just might get an instant of thought from the alien dictating he was about to spin down like a big black buzz saw and slice off the assailing arm. Will she react in time to have him stop"!

She couldn't completely save her son's shoulder from being crushed, nor could she the tip of her own tail. Ice blue eyes soon flicking back to the Xeno and a rumble sounding.

"Who is it going to be, icer - the boy and me, or the xeno?" He arched a brow - now was the time to decide where she was going to fall.

Ah, crap. He stops mid-hook, hissing in displeasure. Ripper's battle blood is brewing!

"Let him go Travanix!" Rumbled Icer. Tail tip still crushed between the man's hand and her son's damaged shoulder.

The teen had dealt with broken bones before but it didn't mean it got easier or less painful. He panted and whimpered but no longer struggled, struggling tended to make it worse anyway.

"Call off the xeno, and I will release the boy. Keep the xeno away from me, my operations - everything. He is just as much involved with this as anyone else is. Do you understand?" His voice was again harsh, but not yelling.

"Stand down Ripper!" Icer rumbled again Travanix looked over his shoulder, icer having made her decision, he now waited on the last chess piece.

Flaive gave a shuddering breath of pain hoping the aptly named Ripper would listen to the firm request of his adoptive and protective parental unit.

Ripper let out a growl. He hated being cowed like this! It reminded him entirely too much of Earth. Teeth way too human and silvery part....and the shooting jaw graces just to the right of Travanix's face. He's furious, and that was simply an expression. "Thisss....isn't....over." Then he'll disappear into the rafters to think.

She'd not show any pain herself. Instead soon nuzzling Flaive with her snout.

"It is more over than you imagine." As he heard it move into the rafters, the boy's shoulder was released. "Never forget, icer. I spared your boy, spared your family because you kept our agreement." He turned and moved back to the bar. He still had other work to do. Icer let out a rumble, though soon her snout lowered to gently nudge her son's damaged shoulder.

When he was release, Flaive sank to his knees and pressed his forehead to the floor, his hand of his uninjured arm going to press against the wounded shoulder. The teen gave a whimper and trembled with fear and pain.