Topic: Dunkin' Dragons, Time with friends.

Andu Kirost

Date: 2014-09-14 11:21 EST
Red Dragon Inn: 2014-9-13 21:00 EDITED Icer1978: :;Wings shuffled as the little dragon stirred from a long nap One eye lazilly drifting open.:;

Icer1978: ::Horned head canted, studying the newcomer, before serpentine neck, back, and wings unfurled in a lazy stretch.:;

Icer1978: ::Pushing herself to her feet, talons click clacked as the little dragoness moved for her water dish.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu lumbers up the street toward the Inn. The Naginata he carries twirled so the banner hanging fom the blade is easily read. "Andu 4 Gov 4 Big Things!"::

Icer1978: ::Snout buried deep into her dih as momma lapped at the frigid water there.::

Andu Kirost: ::Reaching the porch, he stomps his way up onto it, and across to "lightly" tap the door with the butt end of the Naginata and nock it open so he can lumber on in, Waving his Banner.::

Icer1978: :;A pause mid lap to stare at Andu and his banner. The tag on her collar jingling once more.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu grins over at Icer, and gives her a wave of his banner.::

Icer1978: Evening Andu. :;Rumbled. Still eying that banner.She'd never seen it before!:;

Andu Kirost: ::Of course not. He just brought it out today! Andu grins and lumbers to the bar, still waving the banner.::Evening Everyone. Vote 4 Andu for Governor.

Icer1978: ::Licking a bit of wwater from her jaw, soon momma slunk over to Andu's side.::

Andu Kirost: ::The grinning Andu leans his Naginata against the bar, even as he assumes his usual lean against it himself, after grabbing "his" coffee mug. When Icer reaches his side, scritchings and sipping soon begin.:: Evening, Icer. How are you tonight"

Icer1978: I am well enough. ::Purring contently.:;

Icer1978: ::Horned hed canted, studying Fin and Helena a moment, before the little dragon turned her attention back to Andu's banner.:;

Andu Kirost: That's good. ::Andu smiles, and chuckles at Icer's seeming obsession with his banner.::

Icer1978: ::It was new!::

Andu Kirost: Like my banner, Icer" ::Andu grins.::

Icer1978: It is fancy. ::Bobbing her horned head.:;

Andu Kirost: Well, I do need to attract attention if I'm going to get elected. ::Andu grins.::

Icer1978: I suppose so..

Andu Kirost: ::Andu grins, and makes sure hsis critching of Icer, and sipping of Coffee continue.::

Icer1978: ::The usual sniff of Andu's coffee given.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu chuckles softly at Icer's sniffing.:: It hasn't changed in either smell or taste sin you last smelled and tasted it.

Icer1978: It is still nasty then...:;Rumble.:;

Andu Kirost: ::Andu chuckles soflty.:: You would say that.

Andu Kirost: I was thining about running down to the Arena to wave my banner around a bit.

Icer1978: ::Soon peeking back toward the naginata, and the banner. Yet you still drink it...:;Rumble.::

Andu Kirost: Because "I" like it. There are things you eat that am sure I would not like.

Ravenna: Ravenna came through the back door, hand in her pokets, Jacket unzipped hair down, In black and a soft lavener toned tank top, under that leather jacket. She gave the rooma look over and a smile to all.

Icer1978: I don't know...There are usually crowds....Like wyvern" :Peeking back to the minotaur.:;

Andu Kirost: Oh, I don't mind wyvern. But things like the stew. Now that I won't toouch.

Icer1978: ::Tail waved to Ravenna then:;

Icer1978: Stew is nae that bad..

Ravenna: A wave to the dragoness. As sRavenna roudned the bar and went through the break in the bar.

Andu Kirost: True, but they usually aren't all that bad. If you like, you could always shrink and sit on my shoulder, up away from the crowds. ::Andu smiles and waves to Ravenna, with a glance to his Naginata and the banner it bears.::

Ravenna: A salute to Andu. "Theres the hopeful Gov. "A wink before she went to dig in the ice box.

Andu Kirost: A Vote 4 Andu is a Vote for Big Things!! ::Andu grins.::

Icer1978: ::A smile to Ravenna, no fangs shown, before bobbing her head to Andu, her tag jingling.::

Ravenna: A smirk as she popped the top off a lemon lime soda bottle. " You already got my vote." A wink and a little lean there behind the bar.

Andu Kirost: ::Andu grins.:: Thank you, Ravenna!

Palerous Rexton: ::The dragon hatch opened above then closed before the sound of a pair of boots was heard up in the rafters. Dark looked down from the upper most rafters to see who was down below.::

Ravenna: A nod. "Hey your by far the best looking Gov running."Another wink. "I know you'll do good for the city." That was her honest feeling.

Icer1978: :;A twitch of a sensitive ear, icy gaze soon lifting to the rafters.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu chuckles a sliglty embarresed chuckle. Being complimented on his looks is "not" something he is used to.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark lowered himself down onto the middle set of rafters then onto the lowest set before he sat on his heels and groomed his claws.::

Ravenna: She shook off the little twinge of the nexus and took another sip of her soda.

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark spotted two folks that he knew so he mentioned their names:: Iiiicerrrrrrrr....Annnduuuuu

Icer1978: :;A grin, and rumble to Dark, before nudging Andu's hand once more.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu glances down, and with a chuckle resumes his scritching. Then glances up into the rafters.:: Evening, Dark. Ravenna" Have you met Dark yet"

Icer1978: :;A contented rumble sounding.::

Ravenna: "I don't think so."A nod and smile.

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark lowered himself down then dropped down on a table near the bar. He landed in a crouch with a *THUD* before he slowly stood :: DaaaaarrrrrrrK ::Dark thumped his chest with his fist.::

Ravenna: A deep sip was gievn as her head had chanted up towards the rafters for that nod.

Andu Kirost: ::Andu pauses scritching Icer long enough to wave up at Dark.:: Ravenna, meet Dark, Dark, this is Ravenna, a friend.

Andu Kirost: ::okay, so it was "over at" Dark, with his move to the bartop.::

Ravenna: A dark brow rose but she smiled on. Still in that little lean there behind the back bar, looking well at home there to." Nice to meet ya."

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark hopped off of the table and made his way over to the bar, mostly to take in Ravenna's scent. Especially if she was going to be added to the friend list.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Soon he was up onto the bar and over to continue to sniff, low inquistive rumbles escaped him as he moved.::

Icer1978: ::Serpentine neck oon stretched to give Dark one of her playful licks.::

Ravenna: She watched him clsoely. She smelt of the sea, the ebach, maybe some sweat, likely blood too. As was her usual. Maybe slgihtyl of deep woods too. Tucking raven hair behind an elven ear she smirked.

Palerous Rexton: ::Yeah the fly by lick earned a louder rumble as if to say "Not yet!"::

Palerous Rexton: rrrrrrrrrravennnnA. ::Yep, she was added to the friend list.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu chuckles wryly.:: He doesn't speak much, usually leaving that to his Alternate....Personality, Rex.

Icer1978: :;Tail tip twitching as she gave her most innocent grin.:;

Ravenna: She was armed as she always was, for the night ahead. Dagger,blaster, other weapons perhpas unseen,data pad tucked in her back pocket. A smirk as she was done being sniffed. "Ah."A nod. "Hey I am good witht he non talkers."

Palerous Rexton: ::The blaster was noted::...loooud stiiiick.....Rrrrrrex has..

Andu Kirost: ::Andu nods and smiles.::

Palerous Rexton: DaaarrrrrK use claaaaws...::He waggled his claws a bit then sniffed over at the kitchen:: hunnngrrrrrry.

Palerous Rexton: ::any "r's" were growled out when Dark pronounced them, as were most of his words, but simply more prominent.::

Ravenna: She smirked softly. "Use it wisely then." Hers was for whens he was working on a very different sort fo mission. She was more inclinded to use the dagger or nothing. A nod then to the claws. "Nice."

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark peeked into the kitchen:: DarrrrrK to COOK if COOK hit DarrrrrrK again! ::This was shouted into the kitchen as a warning , just in case said cook had hid himself somewhere.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu chuckles softly.:: You in a mood to risk the kitchen, Dark" Or would you like some sushi or tuna salad instead"

Palerous Rexton: DarrrrrrK hunt....hunnngrrry...

Ravenna: A glance back at the kitchen. She ahd never met any cook, butt hen she didnt venture in the kitchen often. She took most of her meals else where, when she took them. Another slow sip of soda. Leaning a bit more to the bar side.

Icer1978: :;Another glance around the commons, before starting to preen. Ears twitching at the faint voice sounding in her mind. Her siter giving her the updates on the lair for the night.::

Palerous Rexton: ::he slipped into the kitchen to get the food he wanted. ::No want tuuuna.

Andu Kirost: ::Andu nods, and smiles. Then grins wryly at Revenna.:: He surprised a cook in there earlier this week and got clocked upside the head, with a cast iron frying pan, I believe it was. ::Continues his scritching of Icer, and the sipping of his coffee.::

Ravenna: "Ah...well yeah that would piss me off." A little smirk. "But then I don't much go sneaking in to the kitchen here."

Icer1978: ::Purring contently.:;

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark eventually emerged with two raw turkey legs and one raw chicken. this time it was on a large platter, which surprized Dark.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu chuckles.:: Yeah. It can be dangerous, sneaking anywhere. I startled Race myself once this week. ::grins.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark set the platter on the bar top and blinked a bit:: rrrrowrl"

Ravenna: She went to take another sip only to find the bottle in hand empty. Shaking her head she turned to raid the cooler again.

Palerous Rexton: ::Then jerked backwards when Ravenna beat him to the cooler. A low rumble escaped him but he settled quickly.::

Icer1978: ::Another ear twitch. Stormy spoke of how Aurthur was resting after a long day of tending the wyvern.::Tail waving to Lucy.:: Andu thinks I do nae eat enough.

Ravenna: This time she shook ice off a cola and popped the top off the bottle on the side of the bar. "You startled someone" Whatca do, wear a trench coat and cloaks cowl?" She smirked before taking a sip.

Andu Kirost: I entered silently through the back alley door as I usually do. He was standing to close, facing the otherway. Turned and kind of jumped, with me "right" there in his face.

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark reached into the cooler and snagged several chunks of ice, which were promptly munched on then snagged up two beers for himself. More ice was munched on.::

Ravenna: She leaned there behind the bar out of the way.If asked she could fetch a drink. And she didnt even get piad to do that.

Ravenna: She smirked and gave him a long look. "Yep, that would startle most people." Grinning. "Its more like face to mid chest...for the most of us..So stealthy for a big guy." A brow wiggle and a sip. She was just kidding with him, she knew anyone could be sneaky, and silent if they took enough time to try it.

Andu Kirost: ::Andu grins.:: True.

Palerous Rexton: ::After dark had his fill of the ice he hissed at the till snake and slipped around the bar to enjoy his food....tuuurky....chiiiicken...num.::

Ravenna: Bottle in hand she made the choice to flee the back bar and round tot he patrons side to graba free stool near Andu and Icer.

Palerous Rexton: ::The two bottles were set down on the bar in front of him and he used one claw to drag the platter over. It was best not to watch him eat. It's not pretty.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark did take his shirt off though. He didnt want to ruin it.::

Icer1978: ::Ice blue eyes did just that.::;

Palerous Rexton: ::The shirt was set down on the bar next to him before the chow down commenced. Dark must have been really hungry because he made short work of one of the raw turkey legs.::

Icer1978: :;He ate faster than she did!::

Palerous Rexton: ::Even the bone was eaten. *CRUNCHcrunchcrunchcrunchmunchmunch*::

Icer1978: :;When she ate of course.::

Ravenna: She focused on her soda and not the crunching of bone she could hear.

Andu Kirost: ::Andu scritches Icer, and sips at his coffee, carefully not looking toward Dark, though he isn't really bothered by the chosen eating style.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Yeaaah...Dark really didnt have much in the way of table manners. Heck he still had to figure out the art of using forks and spoons.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark was now half way the second turkey leg. It was if he swollowed a shredder.::

Icer1978: ::Purring contently still, though a taloned paw came up to itch her collar.::

Ravenna: She likely had seen worse. But she wasnt looking any how. Feeling a buzz in her pocket she sat her soda down and dug out her little blue data pad and flipped it open. She sighed, and rose to ehr feet. Just when she thought the night might be boring. "Well, duty calls."She tucked the data pad away and lifted up the soda botle as she leaned tot he bar side she made sure to pay her dues.

Andu Kirost: ::Andu smiles and waves to Ravenna.:: Take care out there, Ravenna, I'll need every vote I can get! ::Spoken teasingly even as he grins.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark rumbled his goodbye as he finished off the second turkey leg. He never actually said farewells as he always thought they were useless if he was going to see the person again. So a rumble it was.::

Ravenna: She zipped up her jacket then. She smirked sofly then. " I will spread the word. You'll have every pirate and pilot I know voting for you." She gave a smike and a salute back to Dark, thena good bye pet for Icer.

Andu Kirost: ::Andu chuckles.::

Ravenna: Off she went back for the back door.When her data pad buzzed aagin she had it out and up to her ear. " Hold tight I'm coming." Were the words she said in to it as she slipped out in to the night.

Icer1978: ::A purr to Ravenna then.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark watched the woman leave and looked to Andu::rrrrrwlr"

Andu Kirost: ::Andu shrugs to Dark.:: Don't really know what she does, just know she often gets calls like that when she is able to make it in.

Icer1978: ::Another itch, then a slight tug at the band.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Darl grunted and munched on the chicken before his eyes flicked to Icer and the band.::

Palerous Rexton: What is"

Palerous Rexton: :;Yup Dark was staring at that band now. No sense in trying to get him off the subject.::

Icer1978: ::The band wa clasped around her neck, and bore a small tag bearing her nme.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark's eyes narrowed a bit.::"

Icer1978: It is my...collar. :;Rumbled.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark's nose wrinkled up and his lip curled as a result. A low long growl escaped him. He did not like collars, he did not like....anything that proclaimed ownership. Period.::

Palerous Rexton: ::On a person or being that is.::

Icer1978: :;She was not very fond of it either, but tolerated it because it bore the green ribbon Jack had gifted to her.::

Palerous Rexton: DaaarrrrK no liiiike.

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark looked around at the rest of the people, the chicken forgotten for now. Unconciously he scratched near the tip of his left ear as he rumbled more to himself now.::

Icer1978: ::Icy gaze drifted to Lucy and company a moment, then back.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu sips his coffee and continues scritching Icer.::

Icer1978: It is nae that bad...::Murmurred to Dark.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Another growl as he snagged up one of the bottle of beers that he snagged. There wasnt any amount of words that could convince him that a collar on some one, let a lone a tag, was not that bad.::

Icer1978: ::Thrumming still. Ice blue eye half lidded.::

Palerous Rexton: ;:Dark drank more of his beer as he continued to try to relax. He slouched against the bar and looked at the people that were left. Which were not many.::

Icer1978: ::Peeking to Dark's ear curiously.:;

Palerous Rexton: ::Yet another sip of his beer his eyes flicked over to the ones talking at the time. Was he bored"yeah. Did he want to throw a chair in some random direction to make noise and end his boredom' Probably. Was he actually going to do it' Probably not.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Face twitch...scratch at the ear. A low rumble.::

Palerous Rexton: Daaaaaaaaaaaaarrrk go ....aarrrrena...

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark finished off the first bottle of beer and chucked it behind the bar before he slipped off the barstool. As he made his way to the door that lead downt othe arena the bottle crashed on the floor. Moments later he was through the door to the a rumble chuckle escaped him.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu raises an eyebrow at Dark, then grins wryly.:: We aren't that boring, are we Dark"

Andu Kirost: Well. I guesss we are. ::Andu chuckles and looks down at Icer.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu blinks, and sighs. Apparently there is no Icer. ::

Icer1978: :;Splot, Splash, and soon a tiny hiss sounded within Andu' coffee mug!:;

Andu Kirost: ::Andu hurriedly sets down the mug, fortunately that has the magical effect of making all the coffee inside disappear.:: Oh, my. Are you Okay Icer"!"

Andu Kirost: ::Even as he asks, Andu is leaning over to grab a serving bowl, and several bottles of cold water and some ice. The bowl is placed on the bar and quickly filled with ice and cold water.::

Icer1978: ::Nostrils twitched, then flared a bit a she peeked up at Andu. She really was not liking the Nexus at the moment!:;

Andu Kirost: ::Andu carefully sticks a couple fingers into the mug so Icer can use them to climb out.:: I fixed some cold water in a bowl if you need a soak and bath. I know that hot coffee must have hurt.

Icer1978: ::The tiny dragon squinted, though she curled up on Andu's fingers.::

Andu Kirost: ::carefully, Andu lifts his hand, and moves it over the bowl with the cold water, lowering it enough so Icer could easily lower herself into the water if she wanted.::

Icer1978: :;Slipping into the bowl to soak. Coffee even smelled nasty!::

Andu Kirost: You going to be okay, Icer"

Andu Kirost: ::Andu leans forward on the bar and watches the tiny dragoness carefully.::

Icer1978: As soon as I can get this scent off me. :;Sinking deeper into the icy water within the bowl. Until only the tip of her blue snout could be seen.:;

Andu Kirost: ::Andu smiles wryly.:: Yeah. I could offer to add something to the water to help....I am sure Gaia can locate it if you have any suggestions.

Icer1978: At least it is nae burning any more. ::Murmurred::

Andu Kirost: YEah. I thought that would be the most immediat concern. ::Andu nods.:: You can stay in there as long as you like, I'll keep adding ice as needed.

Icer1978: ::Horned head soon surfaced to rest on an ice cube as the dragon's gaze drifted.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu carefully reaches down to give her a scritch.:: I don't know if you noticed or not, Dark took of to visit the Arena.

Icer1978: He did nae look happy..

Andu Kirost: Eh. He seemed mainly just bored.

Andu Kirost: Want to go visit' I can carry the bowl and that should keep you well clear of any crowds.

Icer1978: He was nae happy when I told him about my collar. ::Purring.::

Andu Kirost: Yeah. He's one of very strong opinions.

Icer1978: I am nae sure....::Peeking back around as she floated.:;

Andu Kirost: ::Andu shrugs.:: I'll leave it up to you.

Icer1978: I suppose it would nae hurt....::Peeking back to Andu's flag, then submerging herself once more.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu chuckles, and takes up his Naginata to stick it down the back of his duster, where something apparently is ready to receive and hold it. Then he carefully picks up the bowl with Icer in it and lumbers with equal care for the door down into the Arena.::

Andu Kirost: ::Reaching the door, he carefully nudges it open, and goes through to descend to the Arena.::

The Arena: 2014-9-14 01:00 EDITED

Andu Kirost: ::Andu steps out onto the balcony above the Arena carrying a large serving bowl obviously holding something real cold. And with a large naginata stuck down the back of his duster, the banner hanging from it's blade limp as he moves carefully to descend the stairs.::

Palerous Rexton: ::yeah he was giving them all a chance to be judgemental of him...but he didnt want them to be surprized at what he was and what he could do.::

Elaine Aqua: "M'Mom's thrown people into the walls upstairs a few times. So." She shrugged and waggled fingers to Andu.

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark offered a grunt to Elaine, he had done that a few times too. And had been thrown through walls when fighting reapers. He liked throwing rather than having been thrown. Less pain being a thrower.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu smiles and upnods to Elaine, and everyone, obviously being VERY VERY careful with the bowl. When he reaches the bottom of the stairs, it may be easier to see that it contains water with ice and a tiny blue dragon.::

Ebon Ilnaren: "Oh, I've done that, Lainey....hands-free, too."

Icer1978: ::Water sloshed slightly, though soon a tiny snout poked over the side of the bowl.:;

Palerous Rexton: Darrrk like to thrrrow thugssss

Elaine Aqua: She eyed the bowl with ice and mini-Icer in it. "Need more ice for that?" And she grinned at her uncle. "Show off."

Palerous Rexton: Daarrrk make sure claws are clean after too.

Ebon Ilnaren: He grinned at Lainey, then at Dark. "It's fun, isn't it?""

Mairead Harker: Maggie waved to Andu. "Not afraid of him either. Now, that Horam guy, he's not as friendly as Mr. Andu is."

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark grinned at Ebon:: yessss..

Andu Kirost: Ebon isn't a show off.....He just has a certain....Flair, with doing what needs to be done. ::Andu grins, and sets the bowl on the bar.:: Horam is less friendly, though he has mellowed since he started hanging around the Helstons. But Vorshk....

Rhiannon D Harker: "Horam is what we call a curmudgeon."

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark rumblepurred, happy to be around people that did not fear him or judge him for what he was...and he was ...for the most tonight.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Kablink...he looked to Rhiannon:: what is"

Icer1978: ::Ice blue eyes peeked between Ebon and company as she floated again. Horned head resting on an ice cube.::

Elaine Aqua: "Kinda like Lou being a prickly butt?"

Rhiannon D Harker: "A moody person, Dark."

Rhiannon D Harker: "That, exactly." She grinned at Elaine.

Icer1978: I do nae remember Vorshk...

Rhiannon D Harker: She peered at Icer. "When did you shrink?"

Elaine Aqua: "Not so much, though. Not since he and Saffy had Raven Thornpaw. Mom likes spoiling her, too."

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark tilted his head::...iiisss like Darrrrrk when daarrrrrk angrrrry....

Andu Kirost: Be glad, Icer. ::Andu grins wryly.:: Dark, some one that is like you were when you got your head hit, but pretty much all the time.

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark wrinkled his nose and looked at Andu::...iiiiis whiney butt..

Mairead Harker: Maggie giggled. "I get along ok with Lou, but kids either help people not be cranky or make then reaaaaaaaaaally cranky!"

Andu Kirost: ::Andu grins and nods.::

Palerous Rexton: peeeoplessss make darrrrk crrranky.

Andu Kirost: ::Andu grins wryly.:: Kids make life.....Interesting, I'm told.

Icer1978: Just recently. :;Rumbled to Rhiannon, then a blink hearing Dark::

Elaine Aqua: She nodded in agreement with Maggie. "Danny's a trial to get up in the mornings for school, but once he gets going, he's okay."

Palerous Rexton: RRrrrhaat no like wake up eitherrrrr.

Mairead Harker: She adjusted her fedora as she looked to Andu. "You gotta ask Lainey's Mom and my Gran about that, they have lotsa kids and grandkids and way out past that, too!"

Andu Kirost: ::Andu chuckles.:: Naw, I can just wait till Lalen gives birth, and find out for myself.

Ebon Ilnaren: Blink.

Ebon Ilnaren: Blink.

Elaine Aqua: She looked confused.

Mairead Harker: She did a double take. "You're getting a baby?"

Ebon Ilnaren: "I knew you were subjected to an insta-marriage, Andu, but I didn't know that she drank the water as well."

Icer1978: :;Soon pulling herself onto one of the ice cubes, and splash! There she went...again!::

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark looked confused as well::

Andu Kirost: Got the wife, though we are waiting on Lene to return for the Full rigged out ceremony and party. According to Lalen, the water wasn't needed, it's just part of her being a Twilight Imp.

Palerous Rexton: ::he tried to imagine a child between Lalen and Andu....his mind came up with a little hairy child with bull horns...and...yeah his ears drooped.::

Elaine Aqua: She snickered at Dark's expression.

Icer1978: ::It might have still scared her!::

Palerous Rexton: ::he was going to need brain bleach.::

Mairead Harker: Leave it to a curious child to speak. "Wait a minute, aren't Imps tiny little people?"

Icer1978: ::Dark better share!::

Palerous Rexton: ::dark's brain broke.:: hrrrrrrrr.

Ebon Ilnaren: "Depends on the type of imp, Maggie."

Ebon Ilnaren: "Some of them are blue and fond of thrusting."

Icer1978: ::Lalen broke her's the first time she heard!::

Elaine Aqua: "Mom calls some of the grandkids imps, but she's not meaning the real kind. Maybe."

Rhiannon D Harker: Rhiannon let Ebon and Andu field those questions for now.

Palerous Rexton: ::ears drooped further. Dark's thoughts simply overwhelmed Rex..and Ebon's remark didnt help matter's much.::

Mairead Harker: "But Impy's still not as big as a minotaur!"

Icer1978: They better nae pull my tail. :;Rumbled.::

Elaine Aqua: She eyed Dark, and offered him a one armed hug.

Andu Kirost: Some are. But as there are different breeds of Minotaurs, there are different breeds of Imp. Lalen's breed is able to change their size and shape at will, as dark should recall from when she took the form of a very large wolf to fight him.

Ebon Ilnaren: "Neither is Lalen, if she's who I'm thinking of."

Palerous Rexton: ::Kablink, he stiffened at the hug. So not used to those.::

Elaine Aqua: "You looked like you could use one."

Palerous Rexton: ::the only person he allowed contact like that was Joy, and maybe Rhat.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark settled a bit::...darrrrk no used to. Joy hugs Darrrk now...and Rrrhat hugs....Darrrrk no touch others unless Darrrk kill.

Icer1978: ::Once again trying to crawl onto an ice cube. This time, keeping her balance.:;

Mairead Harker: Maggie sat there with her arms crossed, her head tilted to one side, her mouth was partway open, and her brows were furrowed. She was quiet for a few minutes.

Andu Kirost: You might want to get used to it, Dark. Hugs are actually quite common between family and even friends around here.

Elaine Aqua: "But from people you trust."

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark offered a rumble but he didnt return the hug.::.....daarrrk no hug.....

Andu Kirost: ::Andu nods.:: Good point, Elaine.

Palerous Rexton: ::he looked down at his claws, which made hugs kinda awkward unless people knew how to work around them.::

Icer1978: :;The cube soon bobbed near the side of the bowl as she peeked back over the edge.:;

Elaine Aqua: "Can you pull those in, kinda like a cat?"

Ebon Ilnaren: He watched Maggie with a quirk of amusement in his lips.

Mairead Harker: Finally, she said, "And I thought bein' a human, fairy, Greek demi-goddess mix up was a crazy thing! They're gonna need a midwife with lotsa experience for this new kid!"

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark shook his head:: no...

Rhiannon D Harker: She couldn't help herself, she almost choked on her juice when she laughed. It half spewed.

Andu Kirost: ::Andu chuckles and shrugs.:: I have no idea. I'm just gonna weedle her into visiting Sean, and stay out of it.

Elaine Aqua: "Yeah, Raven's a mix kinda like that, Shortstuff. Huh, okay. Maybe just be careful with them, then."

Palerous Rexton: Darrk careful...

Palerous Rexton: no want hurrrtings people...thugsss get hurrrrtings. Big ones.

Icer1978: You think she'd visit the vet"

Andu Kirost: Well, if I have my say about it, she'll visit some sort of a medical proffesional. I don't take chances that can be avoided with those I care about.

Elaine Aqua: "Maybe Doc V or someone at Riverview could help."

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark wrinkled his nose:: ssssparks, stiiiinks, noisy like.

Icer1978: ::Peeking between Dark, Elaine and company. Still bobbing on the ice cube.:: I do nae even like visiting the vet. :;Giving a snout wriggle.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu nods to Elaine.:: I'll keep them in mind, any options to help convince her will be helpful. ::Then glances at Dark.:: Then you should visit Sean, Dark. I know for a fact he doesn't have any of those. Working on animals that are sometimes even more skittish than you, he has taken advantage of the tech available in Star's End to make it so.

Palerous Rexton: ::a pronounced growl escaped from Dark as his upper lip curled up::neeeedlesssssss

Elaine Aqua: "Doc V uses something that just presses on your arm for shots and stuff. No needles." Her nose scrunched up too at the thought of needles.

Palerous Rexton: ::ears dropped and snapped back a bit. It was evident that Dark hated needles.::

Mairead Harker: She frowned as she watched Dark's reaction. "I don't like them either."

Andu Kirost: Nope. No needles either. Nice high tech device that sounds like what Doc V apparently uses. High tech is nice, when you can find it.

Elaine Aqua: "She fixed me up good when I was real bad sick, remember when I had that bad cold, Shortstuff?"

Icer1978: :;Another snout wriggle.:: He does nae use needles on me. Of course she hated the things...Needles for dragons usually were much bigger.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark's mind was suddenly lost in memories that were associated with needles. Brows furrowed and his shoulders hunched a bit when he let a low growl out the rumble purring had anished.::

Andu Kirost: ::Others called dragon needles lethal weapons! Andu smiles down at the tiny dragoness, and carefully scritches her.::

Mairead Harker: "Yup, I know!" She nodded to Elaine. "The needle talk is scarin' Dark."

Andu Kirost: ::Andu frowns a bit at Dark, but sighs and shakes his head.:: I would sugggest a surprise of some sort to bring him out of it, but Dark is "not" the sort of person it is safe for most people to surprise.

Icer1978: ::They could be! :;Thrumming as she was scritched.::

Elaine Aqua: "You're okay here, Dark."

Rhiannon D Harker: She turned to Maggie. "How do you know he's scared?"

Mairead Harker: "Because he has that look on his face like Catie did when you told her if she didn't clean up her room you were gonna take away ALL her toys!"

Rhiannon D Harker: She looked to Andu. "Bring him out of what?"

Andu Kirost: ::Andu glances at Dark.:: His own mind, memories, I think. Seen him get like that a couple other times. He will come out of it.

Icer1978: ::Tiny wings fluttered a bit as she climbed up Andu's finger, partway. nout wriggling again as she sniffed a scale, though soon looking very disappointed.:;

Andu Kirost: ::Andu looks down at the tiny dragoness, and smiles wryly.:: Rhi" You have any suggestions for removing the smell of coffee from dragon scales"

Rhiannon D Harker: "Things happen in their own time. Forcing them is not always wise." She glanced to her daughter. "Maggie was helpful to my mother when her memory was fuzzy. Who knows, she might be able to Dark soon, too?"

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark soon went from a normal sitting position to a perch on top of the barstool but he stayed where he was. He serched the ceiling of the arena...the sudden urge to hide was strong.::

Elaine Aqua: Her brows furrowed up. "Got any baking soda?"

Rhiannon D Harker: "Baking soda works or lots of things." She nooded to Elaine.

Elaine Aqua: "Yeah, we keep a lot at the bakery for stuff other than baking, and I keep some at home, too."

Icer1978: Coffee smells nasty. :;Rumbled.:: A peek back to the bowl she'd been floating in.:;

Elaine Aqua: "Baking soda in water'll get the smell out, just gotta soak about a half hour or so."

Andu Kirost: hrmm...I can get some. I'm sure Gaia knows where to find some. ::Andu glances down at Icer. :: You want some fresh water in there" ::A glance at the others.:: The nexus dunked her in my coffee mug after shrinking her.

Mairead Harker: Maggie's voice was quiet and much calmer than her normal boisterous tone. "It's ok, Dark. Don't be afraid." She held out her hand. "You can hold on if you're scared. It can help."

Palerous Rexton: ::dark blinked a bit and looked down at hurrrrrtingsssss

Icer1978: ::Crawling a bit further from the bowl.::

Mairead Harker: "I won't hurt you."

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark tentatively reached out but pulled back a bit :: clawwssss...

Rhiannon D Harker: Maggie had always seemed wiser than her years. Her mother just observed for now. If her child was in over her head, Mama would know.

Andu Kirost: ::Andu smiles.:: Could some one replace the water and ice, please" I suspect it already smells of coffee, and Icer "really" hates that smell. I'll have Gaia track down some....baking soda(") for her. ::there is a deffinet question in his voice at the words "baking soda".::

Mairead Harker: "It's ok, cats have claws, so do dogs. You won't scratch me and even if you do, Mama can bandage it up."

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark offered at least one finger, afraid that if he offered more that his claws would hurt Maggie.::

Elaine Aqua: She nodded. "Baking soda. Just a couple of teaspoons in a bowl that big." She reached for the bowl to take it to the sink behind the bar.

Icer1978: :;Watching Maggie and Dark from Andu's hand.::

Palerous Rexton: ::but in his mind not so nice scenes played out. ::

Elaine Aqua: Once behind the bar, she dumped out the water and ice from the bowl into the sink, and rinsed it out a couple of times before she refilled the bowl with clean water. Fingers waggled over the surface to ice over portions of the water.

Mairead Harker: She slowly curled her fingers around the single one Dark had offered. "See, no hurt."

Andu Kirost: ::Andu smiles at Elaine.:: Thank you. ::Andu reaches up to tap at the gold band around his upper left arm.:: Gaia, could you track down some baking soda for Icer" ::Gaia is incredibly efficient. Soon a small column of blue light that quickly fills with golden firefly sparkles and fades, leaving a box of baking soda on the bartop.::

Elaine Aqua: "Do you mind the smell of lemons?" Over her shoulder, asking Icer. "You're welcome. I had to de-skunk five cats this week."

Palerous Rexton: ::a bit of a flinch at the curled fingers and slowly a second finger was offered. His rapid breathing also slowed.::

Icer1978: I do nae mind lemons.

Palerous Rexton: ::his ears slowly settled into more of a relaxed state as conversations about lemons and such started to filter in. Brows furrowed.::

Elaine Aqua: "Okay, I'll add a little lemon juice to the water, which'll also help with the smell." She found one of the lemons used for drinks and squeezed some into the iced water. The bowl was set out on the bar for Icer. "Oh good, baking soda." She opened the spout on the box and shook in about two teaspooons worth of baking soda into the water.

Andu Kirost: ::Andu smiles and lowers his hand with the tiny Icer clingling to it so Icer can ease herself into the water at her own pace and choice.:: Thank you, Elaine, very much.

Elaine Aqua: "Had to spray the cats with baking soda, peroxide and dish soap. Scrapper behaved the best of them all. You're welcome. This is easy peasy in comparison."

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark sniffed a bit, he could smell the lemon and baking soda. His growls shifted from threat and afraid to inquisitive.::...rrrrowrl"

Icer1978: :;A curious sniff to the water, before carefully sliding back in.::

Andu Kirost: Yeah. It always helps when the "patient" can understand what is being done, and why.

Mairead Harker: She smiled a little, her voice still soft, "See, no hurting. Friends do this, sometimes." She looked where Dark's attention had gone. "The lemon stuff is to take away a bad small."

Mairead Harker: smell^

Elaine Aqua: "Glad I was wearing m'bracers, otherwise Licorice would've made ribbons out of m'arms. I talked to them, but he hates with a capital hate getting wet."

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark offered a grunt, he understood. No attempt was made to pull his finger free though. Dark took in a deep breath then slowly let it out.::

Icer1978: I do nae mind getting wet. There is a waterfall, and frigid lake in front of our lair.

Elaine Aqua: She grinned at Icer. "Five cats being de-skunked."

Icer1978: ::A snout wriggle to Elaine.::

Rhiannon D Harker: She nodded in approval as she watched Maggie with Dark. She remembered how it was when her grandmother's memories were fractured.

Icer1978: Skunks smell worse than coffee.

Elaine Aqua: "Exactly. Pee-you stinky butt. Worse than when all five guys have chili with beans." She grinned.

Palerous Rexton: ::Brows furrowed::....daaaaaarrrrk ....sorrry.

Icer1978: Chili and beans"

Palerous Rexton: ::Pee you stinky butt....Dark quirked a brow::....iiiissss Farrrrt"

Elaine Aqua: She nodded. "Have to open the windows and light candles....yeah, that." She grinned at Dark.

Mairead Harker: "You didn't do anything wrong." Then she giggled. "Yup, that's it."

Palerous Rexton: ::dark leaned over to smell at icer to see if she smelled like fart.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu smiles as he watches Icer in the water, and chuckles when Blunt Dark, speaks bluntly.::

Icer1978: :;She didn't smell like farts, but like Andu's coffee!::

Palerous Rexton: Iiiicerrrrr no smell like farrrrrt.

Mairead Harker: Maggie just started giggling as she watched Dark sniffing the tiny dragon.

Elaine Aqua: "Nope, skunks smell worse than that. And the baking soda and lemon should help with the coffee smell."

Icer1978: ::Muffled giggling hearing Dark.:;

Icer1978: The little ones stay inside when there are skunks around

Andu Kirost: ::Andu grins, and nods.:: "I" stay inside when there are skunks around.

Elaine Aqua: "You should prob'ly keep the baking soda around, if'fn she gets into the coffee again, Andu. Patches and the others were out in the garden when a skunk came by. Shoulda left Licorice stinky cause he's the one who got the skunk to spray them all, but he likes to curl up on m'pillow."

Palerous Rexton: iiiicer smell....aaaaaanduuu drink.

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark scratched at his left ear then scratched at his right side before a rumbled yawn escaped him.::

Andu Kirost: ::Andu chuckles.:: Sometimes the lesson isn't worth the cost in collaterals. And, yeah. I shall make sure there is some baking soda around, and maybe pick up something to add in with it.

Icer1978: Uually sister is out with them when I am nae home. Aurthur does nae leave much aveto check on the wyverns.

Elaine Aqua: "Plain works for most stuff."

Andu Kirost: ::Andu smiles.:: Yeah, but we're talking about Little Trouble here. Being prepared for the worst is generally a good idea.

Rhiannon D Harker: "Maggie, we need to get going before Da sends out a search party."

Icer1978: :;A flick of her tongue out at Andu then!:;

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark gently pulled on his finger to free it, careful not to snag Maggie with his claw.::

Palerous Rexton: Maaaaaaggie go ssssleepsss.

Mairead Harker: She nodded to her mother then murmured to Dark. "I gotta go home now." She pointed to the ceiling where Dark had been looking earlier. "There's rafters up there, but be careful not to knock down any banners. Ok?"

Elaine Aqua: "Okay, you could make up a spray bottle with ten parts peroxide, one part baking soda, and some dish soap in water. That'd take care of skunk stink." She waggled fingers to her cousins.

Palerous Rexton: Yesssss

Palerous Rexton: Darrrrrk thank...

Palerous Rexton: ::He reached up and pulled one of the ear cuffs off of his right ear and held it out for Maggie::

Mairead Harker: She adjusted her fedora after she stood up. "You're welcome. Sleep good now!" Maggie waved. "Night everbody!"

Andu Kirost: ::Andu chuckles at Icer. Then turns his attention to Rhi and Maggi.:: Sweet Dreams & Restful Sleep, Rhi, Maggi. ::Then a nod for Elaine:: I shall see about that, thanks for the advice.

Mairead Harker: She took the ear cuff and smiled. "Thanks!"

Icer1978: Safe travels. ::Purring.::

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark smiled, yep fangs:: b......bye....

Elaine Aqua: "You're welcome, Andu. Mom taught me a lot of these tricks growing up."

Andu Kirost: ::Andu grins.::: Then give her my thanks as well, please.

Elaine Aqua: "I will. We're working on that list of specialty items for animal customers, that's m'department cause it's special items."

Rhiannon D Harker: "Was nice to meet you, Dark. Night everyone!" She waved as they headed up the stairs.

Elaine Aqua: She waggled fingers to her cousins again.

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark watched them leave then looked up at the rafters that Maggie pointed out, and the banners.::

Icer1978: :;A talon wiggle to Rhiananon and Maggie, then another peek to Elaine.:: Sometimes it is easier being small.

Andu Kirost: Ah, yes. My vehicle guy is working on the delivery vehicles. But unfortunatly he has to give precedence to the emergency vehicles.

Palerous Rexton: Darrrrk go sleeeeeeep...

Palerous Rexton: ::Dark slipped off of the barstool, looked at the finger that Maggie had held onto then looked at the others.::

Elaine Aqua: She nodded. "Yeah, I started at the bakery when I was seven. Making sugar crystal candy at first. Oh, okay. We can do limited runs until they're up." She waggled fingers to Dark and checked her watch. "Yeah, it is kinda late."

Andu Kirost: ::Andu nods, and smiles to Dark.:: Sweet Dreams & Restful Sleep, Dark, Elaine.

Palerous Rexton: ::He made his way over to the door and slipped out. It wouldnt be too much longer that he would be in bed fast asleep.::

Icer1978: Lalan made me a stall too, for when I do nae make it back to the lair.

Andu Kirost: ::then turns to Icer.:: You ready to go home, Icer"

Elaine Aqua: "Thanks, you too. M'gonna sleep good, long day." She waggled fingers to Icer and Andu before she ambled up the steps to go rescue a Makara from Rhydin. Or the reverse. Either option was possible, and equally likely.

Icer1978: ::A talon wriggle to Elaine, then a nod to Andu as she sunk deeper into the lemon, baking soda water.:;

Andu Kirost: ::Andu chuckles, and carefully picks up the bowl to carry it to the stairs, up, through the Inn's common room, and outside to his dune buggy. That has the smoothest ride.::

Icer1978: ::Watching as the scenery drifted by.::

Andu Kirost: ::Meanwhile, Andu tries to think of how to explain a tiny Icer in a lemon scented bowl of baking soda, ice and water.::

Icer1978: ::He would think of something!::

Icer1978: :;Momma would soon be soundly slumbering, horned head resting on an ice cube.::

Andu Kirost: ::Icer would be delivered safe and sound to her home, with explenation, and directions, and a box of baking soda.::