Topic: In the Begining


Date: 2006-06-16 14:55 EST
The forest was quiet that day...the day she hatched. The tiny egg was the last to crack, and the tip of her blue snout poked through the shell as she struggled to free herself. Both parents, Her father, a large blue named Icewing{her son was named in his honor} kept guard as Her mother, a snow white dragoness named Snowstorm tended to her other hatchlings.

Wriggling free from the prison of the shell, she slid toward her mother, as father watched on, his gaze moved to his mate a moment, showing a sign of worry on his face as he saw how small one of his daughters had turned out, and his first thought was that they would lose the hatchling....turned out, they were mistaken.

His attention snapped upwards as he heard the snapping of a branch underfoot, Snowstorm lifted her neck as well, taking in the forest air, catching a faint scent and quickly jaws had slid around the tiny hatchling and she was taken to the nest, where her mother deposited her quickly and as gently as she could. Her hopes were to try and save at least one of her hatchlings if possible, and the runt would be the hardest to find.

Booted footfalls brought the slayers to the nest site and the battle began.


Date: 2006-06-18 20:43 EST
Helplessness.., the tiny dragon curled up in the nest watching helplessly as her family fought. Tooth and claw again sword and shields, and they were on the losing side.

A sword stroke from one of the slayers lay clean, her older sibling's head, the body falling limp and lifeless, as her parents fought on, enraged that a hatchling fell.

It of course wasn't the first, slayers picked off another hatchling, and crimson bled into the ground.

Both adults weren't having much luck either, the male had taken a deep wound to the neck, in defending his children, and the female bore a sword to the belly, the soft vulnerable spot opening ever slightly as crimson also bled from her.

In the end, bodies littered the ground, those of the slayers that had fallen under her parents, and those of her siblings...her parent's yet alive for now, though the grievious wounds would see that they wouldn't make it to another sunrise.


Date: 2006-06-21 03:47 EST
Crimson soaking into the ground, the female's neck was the first to fall, her mate, rumbling weakly and nudging his beloved Snowstorm, then Icewing to fell, his serpentine neck draping over his fallen mate's and blue eyes snuffed out as life ebbed away.

Booted footfalls then brought the remaining slayers to the nest, they would make sure that every dragon had been exterminated.

Hands reached down, brushing aside scattered remains of egg shells and leaves, then falling onto the tiny dragon, she just lay there.

Gloved hands wrapped around her tiny body, and she felt herself lifted from the nest, blue eyes falling onto the man that held her in his grasp. His gaze moved over the tiny dragon then shifted to those of his comrades, and it was agreed upon.

The tiny dragon would die anyway...words were heard as she remained still, looking up at the men fearfully.

I know of one that might want her....she's the runt, never amount to anything. why kill her now, sell her as a pet and she'll most likely perish in a few nights at best.

It was agreed upon, and soon the tiny dragon had a new home...and a new master....let the terror begin.


Date: 2006-06-30 20:52 EST
Perish she did not, but pain, torture, the dragon was kept under lock and key, receiving scraps hardly worth eatting, the man fed his horses better than she got. Many nights were spent huddled in the cage, staring at an empty dish, watching, waiting for something to come by.

It only got worse as she grew, no longer able to fit the cage, a tight collar, was clasped around her neck, and she'd be periodically whipped for no reason what so ever, your a beast..a dragon, the man snarled, cracking the whip across her scaled hide, her agony seemed his very pleasure. She'd snap back, only to get hit across the snout, the whip leaving crimson gashes.

If anything though, the saddle and reins were the worst, the dragon saddle, placed upon her back, he'd simply leave it there, the reins as well, and she would be left, a chain running from the collar to a nearby stake, he'd take no chances at losing his "prize".

One night though he was careless, she wasn't in the best shape thanks to her "master", and he'd forgotten to chain her after her "treatment", her back riddled with whip wounds, couldn't bear weight, and left her with a quiver that ran the length of her spine, yet, she took a chance and fled, that very night, moving from her "master's" home, she fled to the nearby forests, relief, if only for awhile.


Date: 2006-07-02 23:13 EST
Her "master" awoke the next morn, moving from his house to check on his "prize", but he'd found her missing, hand clenched in a fist, he silently cursed himself for being so careless. He would remedy the situation though, and hunters soon had been contacted. I am....missing a pet of mine, a small dragon that I am very worried about. He lied of course, but continued. She's not in the best of shape, I found her injured, and took her in, and my only wish is that you find her and bring her back to me safe. The hunters nodded, we'll do what we can, pausing momentarily. What does she look like? The man told the hunters of the little Ice dragon, light blue in color and how her hide was marred with wounds. The hunters then nodded to him, we'll find her for you, and bring her back.

Meanwhile, she'd taken to the forest, her wounds preventing her from flying, or even moving quickly, which meant, she'd have to stay grounded. Yet she continued on, her senses alert as she moved towards a field, the sounds of a battle catching her attention. Another young dragon was being attacked by a slayer, his blade had struck the young female's side, leaving a crimson wound, and without even a thought of her own safety, she snarled, moving into the path of the slayer's blade, taking a blinding wound to her left eye in order to help the other.

The battle lasted awhile, both dragons receiving wounds, She's taken a crippling hit to her right foreleg, but if it helped save another, she didn't care., The slayer received wounds as well, the green female doing the killing blow, but then collapsing from her wounds as well, the green perished, and she was alone again, crippled, half blind, and not having any idea that she also was being hunted, and would soon return to her worst nightmare...her "master."


Date: 2006-07-03 17:40 EST
The battle had taken it's tole on the young dragon, and unable to flee any further, she settled to the ground, resting for the moment, the fallen still laying nearby, but she'd drifted off to sleep, something she hadn't done for quite awhile, and a mistake on her part.

A wagon had been brought along for this hunt,pulled by a team of four horses, they had no idea how big or small their quarry was. The men needing a means to transport the quarry back to her "rightful" place, and leaving the wagon in a convenient place, the hunters slid through the forest, they'd keep their word to the man, the dragon would be found and returned. One of the men stopped by a print in the soft ground, tracing it with his finger, then nodding to his comrads. She went this way, and not to long ago it seems, the print is still fairly recent.

Onwards they moved, coming to the clearing and the sight of carnage, a fallen man they took to be a hunter, and a dead green dragon., but they bypassed the bodies, when they spotted the smaller dragon resting, the description her "master" had given them matching, they slid towards her, weighted net in hand.

Her right eye snapped open as she heard the men's approach, nostrils flared, still weakened from the fight, she rose to her feet, snarling and snapping at the nearest man in warning.

The men took note of her injuries, the wounds marring her hide, the crippled foreleg, the blinded eye and the quiver still seen as she stood before them, unfazed by the snap, and even feeling a twinge of regret, they had made a promise, and one that they would end up keeping. The net was thrown, landing over the dragon, her angered cries heard throughout the forest as she struggled to free herself, but it was of no use. She wore herself out.

One man knelt beside the captured dragon, removing the net only from her head, her wings and legs still entangled, and the weights keeping her grounded. He nodded to his companions. Another moved back to fetch the wagon, the sound of hooves beating against the ground, a shout of whoa, the horses stopped nearby, the man atop the wagon climbing down, and moving back to his comrad who still knelt by the dragon.

A length of chain was held between his hands, they'd take no chances, even one so young might still be inclined to attack, though they doubted it in her condition. But none the less, the chain was wound tightly around her jaws, binding them shut. She then was loaded onto the wagon, much to the displeasure of the horses, that caught the creature's scent, and whinnied loudly. Then climbing up themselves, one man drove the team, as the other two sat beside their quarry, making sure that the creature was as comfortable as was possible.

The wagon bumped along, and her journey back to her owner had begun.


Date: 2006-07-05 16:21 EST
The ride itself wasn't long, but to the dragon, it was painful. Every rut the wagon wheels hit made the net rub against her open wounds, and jar her crippled leg, had her jaws not been bound shut, she would have roared in pain, but all she could manage was a grunt.

Pulling up to her "master's" house, they were met by the man, a smile on his face as he looked to his "pet". I see you found her, I thank you for that. The men bowed and nodded, then set to work unloading the creature from the wagon, the net was removed as her owner clasped a chain onto her collar, but the chains around her snout were left, just incase as they saw fit.

Icer...she blinked as her owner used her name for the first time, but she knew better, it would only be used in the company of the hunters. I was worried about you.

The men watched as he ran his fingers over the dragon's wounds frowning. Then speaking to the hunters. It's alright now I'll take care of her.

Nodding, the men climbed back into the wagon and drove off, as soon as they were out of sight, and hearing range, the frown grew.

You thought you could escape from me beast, the whip biting harshly into her serpentine neck, leaving fresh crimson gashes.

She snarled, pulling away, but his grip was firmly on the chain attached to her collar. I'll show you what happens to disobedient "pets". the man's voice as harsh as his look as the whip snapped against her back this time, then yanking roughly, he led her to the stable out back and shoved her into the smallest stall there. The door was slammed shut leaving her cramped, wounded and bleeding again.

We'll see how you act when you're punishment is over, the man grinned as she coiled up in cramped area, and perhaps it will make you think twice about escaping again.

The dragon simply lay there, she was in to much pain to even respond, and watched as the man locked the stall from the outside, then walked off, back to the house, leaving her trapped again.


Date: 2006-07-08 01:04 EST
Her punishment lasted for two weeks, her "master" coming to the stable and leering at the coiled dragon. She still wasn't in the best of conditions, her leg untended, as were her many whip wounds, and she'd received many more.

Trapped, nowhere to go, she remained in the corner of her cramped stall, not daring to move. Her owner moved back towards her prison, once again glaring at his "prize" you don't deserve it, but here.

The dish was flung towards the creature, but thankfully it missed and hit the wall, the contents were the same as before, meer scraps that left little to satisfy the young dragon. She accepted though, having not been fed much throughout her punishment, but she didn't eat much, saving what little he'd given her as meals were few and far between.


Date: 2006-07-11 02:57 EST
The door to her stall was flung open upon her punishment's end, her "Owner" grabbing the chain attached to her collar and yanking roughly, come on beast.

She was broken, or so it seemed to the man as he grinned, moving outside, and letting the dragon settle, he knew that with wounds like her's she wouldn't dare escape, and so he left her unchained again.

The man was wrong. Upon his retiring, and under cover of darkness, she fled once more, shifting size to that of a hatchling.

She knew it could be dangerous, but anything was better than what she had, the tiny dragon stopped beside a stream and lowered her snout, taking in the cool refreshing water. Something her "master failed to provide, usually leaving her with water unfit for even horses to drink.

Her journey continued, still she wasn't in good condition. Her right foreleg crippled, and still blind in her left eye, she limped on, a quiver running down her back.

She didn't get very pain and weak from hunger, she collapsed in a forest clearing. She'd been out for a time, but ice blue eyes blinked open coming into focus. Still tiny and crippled, she found not a trace of the forest where she fell, but instead the dragon came about to find herself laying upon floorboards. Fear....she had no idea where she was, her only eye drifting around the room of a tavern it seemed. To weak to shift back, she was forced to stay as a hatchling, and she coiled up on the floor.

A woman came to the tiny dragon along with a few others, her wounds were treated, and she was given fresh food and water, the dragon looked up towards the people, she'd never been given such kindness before, but hunger soon overwelmed her and she ate. She was thankful for her good fortune and her journey at the Inn began.