Topic: Memorial for a barely known hatchling


Date: 2009-08-27 10:04 EST
Quietly the dragoness walked just past the lair, solomnly toward the twin sentinel trees.The chill in the air, hanging in a light mist. She had just met the hatchling last evening in the Glen, when it fluttered around her head, asking if she knew where there were any cookies.

She should have followed the little one. It had gone off on its own in search of cookies, while she was still near the lake with Lang, the demon having dropped in.

Soon, she and the demon both had been in the lake, when a voice familiar spoke to only her.

Hurrying toward the Inn, she'd arrived too late, slipping inside as the hatchling died, then the tentacle, munching, crunching, and anger.

She hadn't even learned the little one's name.

Arriving at the sentinels, she mounded up a little soil, leaves, and twigs, there was no body left to bury. Still yet ,she mourned, even though it wasn't one of hers. It deserved better.

A single iceflower was plucked carefully from nearby, and set a top the makeshift grave, which she then settled in front of, a guardian of one so young, who's name she still did not know.