Topic: Midnight's Hourglass

Dark Trouble

Date: 2013-01-13 23:19 EST
The day had been a long one. After an encounter with an hourglass bearing figure, memories he had tried to forget had come rushing back to him. He saw things he never wanted to see again, felt emotions he had tried to lock away behind a mask of careless joy and cheerfulness, and saw what might of been had he not been around to play a part in things. Some of it would have gone better without him....Some of it would have been much worse.

As he laid back in his own room, for the first time in two years, he sighed quietly. Now that he was alone, he could let his pent up emotions free. He cried. He shook angrily. He laughed a bit. Then he sighed again. So many things could have gone differently. Many of them he wished had. What was his life for" Did the good outweigh the bad" Or did the bad overwhelm the good"

He sat up, running his hand through his hair before reaching over to his nightstand. He grabbed the empty journal and pencil he had purchased on his way home, the opened it up to the first page. There was a moment's pause, before he started writing.


Dear Journal,

Feels so weird writing that....Do I have to write that down everytime" He thought to himself, then realised he'd actually written it down. Shaking his head, he got back to writing.

Earlier today, I came across a...I don't know what it was, but it asked me what the world would be like without me. I had no idea how to answer that. I've never been good at that self analysis stuff. I didn't think I'd made any difference anywhere, so I told him everything would be the same. Then he gave me this hourglass. It showed me things. What everything would have been without me. Some things that I wish I didn't have to see again, and now I can't stop thinking about it. I feel like I have to tell someone about everything, but I don't know where to start

At this point, he wasn't so much writing as talking aloud, his hand following his words of it's own accord.

I've...Done many things I'm not proud of. Especially now that I've realised exactly what I've done. My only relationship ended....Very horribly. My boyfriend was a demon that wanted to enslave or kill my entire family, and I was the only one too blind not to see it until it was too late. My own sister died because of me, I was tricked into eating her.

He had to stop here, and take a deep breath to fight back the bile rising in his throat as he relived that memory once again. His eyes shut, pencil tapping on the book in a distracting rythm, before he resumed writing and talking aloud.

The hourglass showed me what would have happened if not for me. She would still be alive, he wouldn't have gotten so close to the family."

He paused, glancing to the door. He could have sworn he heard something, or someone. Growing just a bit paranoid, he glanced down at the book, realising he had been talking aloud while he wrote. Staring at the words he had written, his mind wandered off to other events that had occured during his time away.

(Will be continued)


Date: 2013-01-17 11:22 EST
Slow. That's how she moved, after she left her room. And it wasn't because she was sneaking out. No....She wasn't doing that. There were too many things that she didn't want happening that would if she snuck out. Instead she was making her way down the corridor to where her brother's room was. She....just had this strange...feeling that he needed her....She couldn't explain it...Not without feeling like a loon.

Finally, she came to a stop outside of the door to his bedroom, and started to nudge it open, then stopped. He was talking aloud....about everything that had happened....before she became Luna. A frown over came her features, as she continued to stand and listen to him, and the words he spoke.

Once his words came to a stop, she knocked lightly on the door, and pushed it open before slipping inside his room. The door was pulled shut after her. There was a brief pause from her, before she slunk forward, plopped down on the bed beside him, and wrapped her arms around her brother in a hug. No questions were asked....She just hugged.

Dark Trouble

Date: 2013-01-17 11:51 EST
He was deep in thought about certain events that had taken place in Kernier. A war. Friends dying around him, his own hand stopping the life of others. The words Mikial had spoken to him when they were on their way back home.

Then a sudden knock on the door startled him out of his thoughts. Somebody was there! He hastily closed the journal, turning around to the door.

"Star! Uhhh....How long were you there?"

He casually slid the journal out of sight, not really ready to share his experiences to anyone - Especially not right now, as distraught as he was.


Date: 2013-01-18 11:10 EST
She untangled herself from the hug she had him in, before she made a face. "I heard enough. Probably everything. I had a feeling that you needed me. And I think I was right. We can talk if you'd like to. If you'd rather not we don't have to..." she trailed off after a moment, and took a deep breath, and glanced up at the ceiling

"Also....I was part of it too..." she trailed off once more, and her mind drifted over the things that had happened to her, thanks to her brother's boyfriend. She shuddered involuntarily. "He pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. And we all fell for it. Star thought he was a good guy too. He sold her to some woman.....who's apparently some rival of the Shimmerscales.....And she was made into someone's Main course."

She took a deep breath, and dragged her gaze back down to him, unsure of what to say now.

Dark Trouble

Date: 2013-01-25 10:13 EST
He gave a nod, sighing quietly. So she'd heard most if not all of what he'd just said then. He didn't say a word about siblings being turned into food - The thought of that still made him sick.

"It's not just that that's bothering me." There was a pause, as he looked to his journal and the hourglass. After a moment, he turned back to his sister.

"You know how I've been gone the past few years" After Oz...I wanted to just leave. I felt like it was my fault everything happened. Sento's family were going to Kernier to visit their homeland, so I decided to go with. Tagged along with Mikial..."

He paused a moment, glancing to the door then back to his sister.

"You know the Shadowclaws and their family, right?"


Date: 2013-01-28 10:58 EST
"I can understand that. I really can. I guess I was lucky in a way....I didn't have to deal with the memories for a long long time." she muttered softly, before she paused at the mention of the ShadowClaws. She remembered them....and all the Drama that had happened so so long ago. She nodded several times.

"I do remember them....vaguely. Why do you ask?"

She frowned at her brother slightly, before she fiddled absently with the hem of her skirt.