Topic: Nesting


Date: 2015-06-27 11:10 EST
A wing lifted as the little gold stirred. Green eyes peering at the speckled egg within. Already, instincts were building as she gently used her snout to turn the egg.

Softly crooning the song she's sung to it while it grew within her.

You are our sunshine, our only make us happy, when skies are grey.

A smile to her slumbering mate next to her, gently bumping him with her golden muzzle.

It's beautiful, isn't it?

The egg was perfect. A cream colored shell speckled softly. She could feel the life within. Their son, their child still gaining strength.


Date: 2015-06-27 11:21 EST
*He was resting, but not sleeping, though he very much looked so. Like his mate, his instincts were taking hold, the instinct to protect his mate and their egg very, very powerful. He had coiled his body around the nest, so no one could get near without his approval.

He awoke when his mate bumped him, lifting his head to peer into the nest, smiling and crooning softly to the egg himself.*

Yes, it is the perfect egg, and he shall be the perfect hatchling. So long as I live and breath, he shall want for nothing. Nor shall you, my perfect mate.


Date: 2015-06-27 11:27 EST
She had retreated once the gold had fallen asleep, taking the damp towel with her the night before.

Making her rounds, the elven woman smiled softly as she peeked in to check on the newest proud parents. She'd not approach, but speak softly to them both.

Congratulations, May he be healthy, strong and wise.


Date: 2015-07-01 09:36 EST
She heard the wish, and smiled to Gladys. Never once leaving her post. Each hour she checked the egg with her snout, then turned it so the other side would find warmth.

Green eyes on her mate as he remained coiled around them both.


Date: 2015-07-04 09:08 EST
*While his mate slept, he took it upon himself to turn the egg, should it need to be turned, but that wasn't very often. Her mothering instinct was in full drive, and she rarely went to sleep without turning it.

His own fathering instincts were kicking in too. Anyone who ventured to near the nest would get a warning growl. If that warning wasn't heeded, a snap of his jaws was issued. That usually worked. The only one who didn't receive this treatment, was Gladys.*