Topic: New life, new purpose

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2009-03-04 09:01 EST
::Just when everything seemed to at their worst, and Aurthur was on a path to his own destruction, something miraculous happened to pull him back from the brink. Near to fourty hatchlings were dropped off at his orphanage with a promise that more would be coming soon. Aurthur had new life in him as he tended to the young ones, and his despair disappeared. He could often be found smiling and laughing again these days.

Of course, he could not handle the task alone. His son Tiamatus, daughter Snowpearl, and even his father-in-law Alexander were helping with them. Most recently, Shadow had offered her assistance as well. It could be seen that he was indeed happy beyond words to have hatchlings to look after again, and any would think that all of them were his by blood the way he brooded over them.

One hatchling in particular had grown fond of him, and could often be seen on her father's head, a little blue that he had named Wistala.