Topic: Old Hero, New Town- The Tales of Chiros


Date: 2009-08-14 14:07 EST
Taking the Path, thats how Chiros travelled from place to place, World to World. Walk a Road, Sail on a Ship, and let the Fates decide next where to send him. Chiros left upon a trail, in the Mountains of a Land upon another World. Nuranis, on his mission to find Worlds that worshipped His family. His Family was just not any family, mind you, it was the Gods of Mount Olypmus. Better known as the Olympian or Greek Gods, he was the Son of Ares, the God of War and Aphrodite, Goddess of Love.

He was seen as a Bastard child by Hephestus, the God of the Forge, who was Aphrodite's true husband. But as the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus are what they are, Trysts and Infidelity are somewhat rampant. The Child, born of Love and War, mixed in with the Fires of Passion, is also the Blood Grandson of Mighty Zeus, King of the Gods, and his Wife, Hera, Queen of the Gods. Beloved by both and his mother, Aphrodite, Chiros has a certain leeway. A troublemaker and a reveler, Chiros loves a good party and enjoys playing pranks.

Tolerated by Hephestus, bemoaned by his Uncles Poseidon and Hades, who find the young God, to be troublsome. Though they respect him, as Chiros when the occassion calls for it, Chiros fights for Family, doing so with bravery. He has done many things in the name of His Family's Honor and to aid in their continued existance. Not as famous or as strong as his Cousin, Heracles, in whom Chiros as found a kindred spirit.

Chiros has found a certain respect with his fellow Olympians. When not on some mission or out of bordem he will goto Dionysus's Realm for a good party, with lots of wine, Nymphs, Sirens and Neirids to bed with. As well as Centaurs and Satyrs to wrestle, run with, hunt with and have archery contests with. Or its off to find his Uncle Hermes and the two of them play pranks and steal things from the other Gods for fun.

The young Chiros with a great weight on his shoulders, after some 3,800 years is still finding his place in the World. And now he has come to Rhydin, as is the Will of the Fates whose whims affect both Gods and Men.


Date: 2009-08-14 14:58 EST
Chiros had found his way to the Red Dragon Inn the night before, after walking the Road as he does. And found himself on a strange world indeed. But Chiros who was one for new adventures found himself a new one here. And in unlikely way, through a Dragon, Icer was her name. Having seemingly impressed her, showing off a bit of skill and asking what there was to hunt on Rhydin found a new task.

Wyvern hunting, Chiros never hunted Wyvern before, and with the offer of free room and board, he accepted. Though of course he would want compenstation, after all he had to pay for the Wine he drank and the Brothel Girls he bedded. Those can both be expensive excesses of Vice. Though as Icer told him, Wyverns keep treasure. So all was good, he would hunt dangerous beasts, have a place to stay until he got his own and gain treasure for it.

So off he went in the next day, before Sunrise and went on his first Hunt. Tracking by leavings and by smell and destoryed landscape he found the brutish and not so smart Wyverns. Much like Cyclopses, he snuck his way in and taking on his brutal dark form, he attacked. With sword drawn and shield raised and warcry given he lept into the lair of Wyverns four in all. With a quick strike to the tail, cutting off the stinger of one and then through the head a deadly thrust to the neck. First one a guard, a fairly large one was dead.

That caught the attention of two more, males both young, who came out with their deadly poison stingers trying to strike Chiros. Shield blocking and spinning, acrobatics of an Athlete of the Games, the Hero gutted one of the Males, with his deadly sword the Fang of Hades, a gift from Hades to his Nephew for a past act of Bravery. Its hot blood and entrails spilling out, down the beast went. The other Wyvern, a brood brother roaring scream bringing its head in to knock down Chiros, succeeded. Losing sword and shield, Chiros withdrew his Double-Spear, forged by Hephestus and presented to Chiros by his Grandfather Zeus upon Chiros' 800th Birthday. Brandishing the burnished, magical steel Double-Spear, known and Fire and Ice. One end burned with Flame, the other tip was sheathed in Ice.

With this weapon Chiros struck first the Wyvern's left wing with the freezing side, causing the beast a good amount of pain. In with its tail nearly hitting Chiros in the leg, he pulled out his Double-spear, tearing a sizable hole in the Wvyern's left wing. Then came arround Chiros, twirling Fire and Ice in his hands fast and struck again the beast in its right leg with the Fire tip, burning its foul flesh. As he did the Wyvern snapped with its maw and bit deep into Chiros's right leg. This caused the Hero to become very angry, the pain like hot Iron through flesh, his divine Blood flowing. But quickly the Wyvern pulled off its attack, its mouth burning and it was heaving and screaming in pain.

Chiros noted this and as the beast was writhing in pain, he recovered his sword, smeared his own blood on the blade and then a quick deep thrust into the Wyvern's neck, twisting the sword, and brought down the third one. On to the last, he could hear it, smell it and only wished one thing for it, to die under his his sword and spear. Placing his shield on his back, still bleeding his red-golden blood, Chiros went deeper into the Lair. And at the deepest end he found the large Alpha Female, in a much bigger cave. Big enough for the Female to take flight and go into a dive attack. Quickly Chiros dropped his sword and double-spear, bringing out his great, black oak Composite bow, and smeared two arrows with his one blood from the leg wound.

Firing both arrows one into the Female's gut, the other into is tail. This enraged the beast still roaring and flying in to rip Chiros apart. Again two more arrows smeared with blood, one to the neck, the other cutting through the right wing membrane. That brought down the Alpha, but it was still going, lunging towards Chiros with a double attack of Stinger and fanged mouth. The stinger struck home and buried into Chiros' chest, then pulled out from his chest. The Wyvern thought she had the young God. And though in great pain, the poison burning through his body, bleeding from his chest. He grabbed the Wyvern by its neck, choking it, and smeared his own blood, poisonous to Wyverns it seemed onto his other hand and reached down its throat and ripped out the Wyvern's tongue and then once that was done he snapped its neck.

But no he was not done yet, Chiros, poisoned and bleeding, took up his double-spear back in its holster, and grabbing his sword. It still smeared in his blood, he cut off the heads of all four wyverns, and with hooks and rope he had in his magic bag, a gift from Hermes. Chiros drug all four Wyverns, through the dense brush, the long trek back to Icer's lair and tossed all four heads out onto the ground, infront of the waterfall and yelled trimuphently..


He then collapsed and was whisked away by one of Icer's guards into the Lair for Healing. He said all he needed was Ambrosia, which was then sought out for. Quickly a Silver Dragon brought back the desired drink, and with a quick, deep swig he downed the Golden-honey looking wine. Within moments he started to heal. Though he had scars one on his chest, and the teeth marks on his leg. Exhausted he returned to his Handsome form, the scars still there, though they were marks that showed his bravery. After some rest, Chiros returned to the cave and found himself a sizable fortune of gold, silver and gems. He buried most in a hidden place nearby, a private stash. The rest he took, back to his chambers in Icer's den, and put it in a large iron chest with a large iron lock. And he with the only key, which was in his magic bag.

Chiros' first task on Rhydin was now complete.


Date: 2009-08-16 15:12 EST
Chiros left the Lair this morning, hunting for Wvyern once more. It was his task to look for the Beasts, his job. Going deeper into the Wilderness, prehaps he would find a larger nest of the foul creatures. Treking slowly through the Woods, he did find a Cave in the side of the FootHills. All about him were bones and skulls, of animals and humanoids. A good sign of Monster activity, with a word spoken"Luminos" one end of his Double-spear lit up with Eldritch Flames. And in he went, cautious and steady, focused for any sound. The dripping of the water along the cave enterance walls, the whispering breeze of wind. There was a foulness to the air, a smell of Death, rotted flesh. Expected with all the bones outside the cave.

Yet something else lingered in the air, the faint hint of Sulfur. Chiros thought nothing really of it, perhaps some underground Lava river or deep Volcanic fissure spewing Sulfuric gas. But if something could live down here, then he could make it down here. It helped of course the Chiros was not as severly affected by Poisonous gases. He did however check the walls, cold, no heat. With some twists and turns, caves branching off left and right. He was about 400 down, and came upon a fairly big cavern with some stalagmites and stalactites. And it was here he found a surprise, three large, foul, green-grey and warty Trolls. Big ones too, each at least ten feet tall. The trio of Trolls reacted to the light and infact one of the Trolls in a gutteral voice spoke.."Luunnchh boysss!"

Chiros sprung into action shifting into his Dark form and gave a shout.."Not today you Troll bastards!"As one of the massive Trolls lunged forward with its wicked clawed hands ready to rend Chiros to shreads, he braced his double spear and set for the lunge. Within moments the huge Troll screamed in pain as it skewered itself on the fiery end of Double-spear. It fell back tossing and turning, trashing about, it got a taste of Fire and Lightning. The brave Hero jumped onto the Troll and ripped out the double-spear from the beast's chest. But as he did so, another Troll swiped Chiros from the back and sent Chiros into the wall, hard. The impact caused some of the ceiling to collapse onto Chiros. As first the Trolls, two still standing, one badly injured were happy. Thinking he was dead, the largest Troll went to collect their newest meal.

They were wrong..the rocks shifted and Chiros in his fearsome form bursted from the rock pile, grabbed a large stone and bashed the largest Troll in the head with it. There was a loud crunch, the large Troll staggering back, bleeding from its head and snarled.."Kill ittss!While it stood back to regenerate from the nasty head wound, the remaining Troll lept to grab with both its clawed hands and snap with its hidious mouth. Chiros quickly pulled out his Sword and as he swung the blade for the neck of the Troll he yelled out.."DIE!"Swipe and cut, cutting through the Troll's neck, through flesh and bone. He took off the head of the Troll, green blood and organs splattered on the ground.

Chiros with sword in right hand, double-spear in left, he turned back to the Leader Troll, who was really pissed. It gave a deep growl and charged Chiros, he however did a quick spin and then was behind the Troll. With one fast mve he drove the sword blade and the fiery tip of the Double-spear into the monster's back. The Troll reared in terrible pain, screaming and yelling, Chiros holding on to the sword and double-spear riding on the Troll's back. The Troll trying to throw off Chiros, but to no avail, the coursing Fire, Lightning and the deadly poison of the Sword seeped in deep. After such excruciating pain, the leader Troll collapsed. Chiros yanked out the sword and the double-spear, a large amount of green Troll blood flowing onto the cave floor from the two nasty wounds. To be sure it was dead, he cut off the head of the Leader Troll.

As he was about to deal with the first Troll he attacked, Chiros noted that it had fled at some point during the fight. Bleeding some from his own head and right arm. The dark armor scuffed a bit, some minor dents and claw marks across the back of the armor. No worse for ware, Chiros ripped off some of the claws and teeth of the Trolls. They would make a nice necklace he mused to himself. Placing the claws and teeth in his magic bag, Chiros found a small pool of water, not to drink, but to clean the troll blood off. Once he was done with that, he took out his wineskin and drank some down. Keeping the Double-spear out as his light source, he went on, down one of the side tunnels.

Going down, something was coming up the tunnel from the opposite end, as it came into view, a big hulking grey beast with chitonious plates, massive arms, and vicious claws. It had a pair of antennae on its no-necked head and two sets of eyes, one tiny set and one set of big bug like eyes. Its mouth with its wicked, sharp fang-like teeth, were flanked with pincers, drooling foul saliva the monster, which Chiros had never seen before started to charge towards Chiros as it roared. Standing in a battle stance he just grinned at it, with his eyes ablaze with Red hate and spoke..his voice dark and cold.."Lets play!"


Date: 2009-08-17 22:27 EST
The beast, hulking along, charging with horrid claws and pincered teeh, nowhere to turn or run. Not that Chiros ran from a fight he just gave a yell as the Monster swiped with its wicked claws. One missed as Chiros hit the deck, coming up with a summersault ready to spear the beast in the guts. The other clawed hand struck the Hero in the left forcing Chiros to drop his weapon. He recovered with an uppercut into the Monster's hard chitinous stomach. Reeling back the large beast fell down onto its back, moving to get back. Chiros took the advantage and bringing both hands together he swung down to hit the beast in the head.

A wrong move on the Hero's part as the grey monster snagged Chiros' left with its jagged pincers. It gripped on hard and sawed into his muscled arm, Chiros let out a yell, bleeding, and with his right fist started to pummel the grey monster in the face. Pounding on it several times and yelling..."Let go you ugly son of a bitch!" and then a very good hit striking the monster in one of its large bug-like eyes. It let go finally and when it did, Chiros with both hands free grabbed those pincers and ripped them right off. The Grey beast reacted and raked its claws on Chiros' face and was reared off of the monster hard onto his back.

Ooof, Chiros went, spitting out some of his blood, snarled.."You are so going to pay for that!" As he said that, the Grey beast charged again, this time now by his Doublespear, setting for the charge, he brought up the fiery end of the Doublespear and with a strong thrust he jabbed it in and through the back of the Grey beast. Screaming and writhing arround, grapsing at the Doublspear, its foul purple ichor spewing from the wound. The feel of fire and lightning spreading through its body, Chiros just laughed at tore the Doublespear, making the Grey beast double over in pain. Chiros brought down the Ice end of the Doublespear and rammed it through the beast's head, staking the mosnter's head into the ground. Gore and ichor spewing forth, the Grey beast's flailing arround, a twist given and it stopped moving.

Foot on the thing's back and out came the Doublespear a sickining sucking sound was made. Spear end dripping with purple goo, just to make sure, Chiros kicked the Grey Beast in the side. No movement, it was dead for certain, Chiros wiped off his Doublespear as best he could and walked down the tunnel. And arrived at a very large, dome-like cave, with a underground river running near the center. In a lazy sort of diagonal course, fast moving too, and about 30 feet wide. However he had ended up at the head of a sort of switchback trail that snaked long side along on of the cavern walls. That dropped down a good hundred feet. And that was not all, these cavern had large and small patches of Luminescent Moss and groves of Giant Mushrooms.

A forest of large Mushrooms of all kinds of odd colored caps, blanketed the whole caverned. With the eerie blue and green glowing Moss patches, and his own eyesight, aided by the torch effect of his Doublespear, the cavern stretched a good 500 to 600 yards across North-South. It must have measured about a thousand yards, East-West and Chiros was on the what seemed to be the South-East corner. He sighed and took some of his Ambrosia, and rested for about and hour.."This is going to be a long trek." He thought to himself as he got up and started down the switchback trail to the cavern floor. If he only knew what was lurking in that Forest of Mushrooms...He would find out soon enough.