Topic: Quarantine


Date: 2015-06-16 09:52 EST
Nostrils flared in and out as the little dragon rested upon the small hoard within her stall in Dragontopia. A vaporizer set nearby letting off a cooling mist, and a medication that entered through her scaly hide, keeping her calm, and partially sedated.

Ice blue eyes finally would open. Wings shuffling as she arched her back, neck and wings in a stretch. A rumble sounded, then she would lower her snout to where Sean had left a few more ginger cookies.

A flick of her tongue, and soon nostrils twitched, seeking out the sweet source of the gingery scent.

Nipping up a cookie, she soon would wander toward a dish of water, peering inside.

Illness had been taking it's toll, and she was thinner than she had been, but she slowly was getting better. The special mixture in the vaporizer even helping to stop her from suppressing her appetite. Her stomach soon reminded her that it was time to eat with a low, grumble.

Ice blue eyes turned to the door of her stall, then back to the walls around her. A snort sounding, before talons scraped lightly at the ground as she moved. Another few cookies soon were nipped up, and wings soon fluttered as she wandered back toward the pile of shiny things. Using her snout, and the horn a top her nose, she dug through the gold and silver, gems and jewels, soon finding a small blue ball.

Horned head tilted, the tags on the pale green band around her neck jingling as she studied the toy for a time. Nostrils twitching again, and flaring out with a whuff.

A light nudge with a foreclaw soon sending the ball rolling. and like herself, it would not escape her sick chamber. Another jingle, this time from the rolling ball held attention, and she crept after the toy, sniffing it curiously. It stopped, bumping into her scaled foot.

Once curiousity was sated, she'd wander closer to the door of her stall, propping her head up on the edge to watch the other dragons further away.

Most were resting or eating, though she was starting to get a bit restless again.


Date: 2015-06-19 10:00 EST
She'd been moved, along with her father to a more secured stall, far away from the other dragons. A precaution.

A barrier separating her stall, from the great red's. A barrier, that now protected them both from each other. The madness had descended, leaving her mind clouded, and the little blue dragoness feral. Her father was in no better condition.

Wings unfurled and stretched, beating once, twice, as she eyed the red on the other side. He was larger, much larger than she. Nostrils twitching, flaring. scenting.

A mixture of meat, water, dust, and the scents of the male flooding her nostrils.

Scents that soon flooded her mind, telling her things. Trapped. Growls and snarls were shared by the imprisoned pair, and occasionally the barrier would rattle as they tried to break through. Though the barrier remained firm.

Trapped...A growl as she started pacing, snout lowering to where the door of her reinforced stall met the floor. Dust kicked up on the other side as she snorted. Tail lashing.

Alexander Lasair

Date: 2015-06-22 05:20 EST
*Alex lay curled small upon himself in the adjoining stall. He had started off in ferocious temper, beating at the divider in an attempt to get to his daughter. That rage having worn off, he fell into a deep depression.

He did not move, he did not make a sound. He just lay there, staring, unblinking. He hadn't eaten in days. Even Andu's temptation of rare, exotic meats went untouched, unsniffed, even. The dragon was miles away, lost in his own mind.*


Date: 2015-06-22 09:37 EST
There were moments as if the fog lifted from her mind. Stopping her pacing, nostrils twitched as her head rested on the divider, her snout unable to completely fit through the bars.

She was afraid. Not just for herself, but for her father. She'd not seen him eat, nor move from where he had coiled himself. Trying to make himself small as if hiding.

She'd never seen him this despondent before.



Date: 2015-06-24 09:27 EST
Darkness, rage, feral. Dangerous. Was she dangerous" The sign posted outside her stall seemed to warn those who'd visit. The same sign posted on the door of her father's stall.

Inside, the little dragon paced. Seeming lost in her own mind. Blood coated her talons and muzzle from the wyvern she'd killed the night before. Tearing into the beast savagely. Her father finally doing the same.

Her father...The great red lay coiled in a corner of his stall, seeming to sleep. She'd rake her talons against the barrier dividing them, before pacing toward the door.

Blood slick snout lowering to the bottom. Nostrils flared as she raked her talons against the ground. Sending puffs of dust flying up on the other side.

Their stalls had been checked, and rechecked, making sure this time, that the locks were triple checked. That neither dragon would be able to break loose. The door wouldn't budge..

Backing up, giving a shriek, soon she'd throw her weight against the stable door. It rattled....but held firm.

Nostrils flared again, and soon back to pacing.

Trapped. Wings spread to test the weight, the muscles. If you didn't use them almost every day, they would atrophy. Leaving you grounded. She knew this, deep down inside. Wings pumping and soon she'd go up. but only in a hover. The stall wasn't built for flying space.

Thump. She'd land with a thud, and shake out her appendages. Folding the sails back against her sides. Her muzzle soon bumping, then finding the remains of her meal. Bones snapped between her jaws, and blood soaked into her muzzle, coating the tip red. Rivulets trickled down her jaws, and serpentine neck. Pooling at her feet. Crimson soaking into the floor of her stall. Nostrils twitched, then flared again as icy eyes fell to her father.

How could he sleep, when they couldn't escape" A hiss sounded, before finally she'd she made her way to the small hoard the minotaur left for her.

Glittering quartz crystals and coins had been piled up in a far corner. Nostrils flared again as she settled a top the pile. Wings spreading, and tail coiling around the hoard. Ice blue eyes focusing on the other stall. Icy eyes glittering. One thing soon running through her head.



Date: 2015-06-25 20:36 EST
The night before..

She slept fitfully on her hoard in the corner of her stall. Dreams plagued with visions of needles and pain.

Two piercing her neck, leaving her paralyzed, immobile, and groggy.


Waking, she lay hissing upon the hoard. Wings unfurled on the ground at her sides. Pain...It soon eased into a dull ache.

Ice blue eyes focusing upon her father in the neighboring stall. The larger red still lay asleep, but there was something different...

Something not there before. A red, numbered tag pierced her father's ear.

56764. A squint, trying to understand the tag. Pressure on her own right ear set the fan like crest twitching, and soon she drew her gaze into the nearby bowl of water.

Her face, blue, snout, icy eyes...and a red tag. 56765.

Muscles twitched as a dull ache worked it's way out, just between her shoulders.

Serpentine neck twisting to eye the spot. There was a missing blue scale, and stitches.

Looking closer toward her father, he too matched. A ruby scale missing in the same spot.

Horned head soon lowering to the pile of shiny crystals, and gold. Her mind still a bit fuzzy.


Date: 2015-06-29 09:18 EST
Two days ago..

She'd woken within her stall, to the sight of her father in his. The feral look on his face was gone, replaced by a more calculating one as he eyed the lock.

Need out..Fly...Atrophy soon. The last was frightening. She could see the fear in her father's eyes.

A grounded dragon, no matter how strong...Didn't usually live long.

Easy prey for a pack of wyverns, or even slayers. Hunters that would want their fangs, bone, and scaly hides.

She couldn't let that happen. Focusing upon her own lock, she reached a foreclaw through the bars. Once feeling the lock, she'd push it until it clicked. The door soon swinging open with a helpful nudge of her snout.

Her father's was a bit more complex, being that he was the more dangerous of the pair. But they both needed to fly.

Her unclouded mind telling her that.

Hearing another click, she'd back out of the way as the great red moved foreward, unfurling his wings in a pained stretch.

She'd not leave his side the whole afternoon..


Date: 2015-06-29 09:39 EST
Once the pair managed to make it out of the quarantined area, They'd walk through the main stalls, paying little attention to the other dragons there.

Those dragons were free to come and go.

Finding themselves in a field once the stables were left behind, Alexander unfurled his great wings and stretched again, giving a pure cry of freedom, before springing aloft, wings beating to gain altitude.

His near atrophied wings nearly sent him crashing to the ground, but he perservered. Circling up a little ways.

She'd spread her wings to follow his lead, beating them, and pushing herself with her hind legs..

And giving a slightly panicked look when she failed to leave the ground.

Seeing her distress, her father wheeled around, dropping down to gently pick her up as if she were a hatchling{Compared to him, she was one.}

Gently he'd place her between his wings, and carefully climb again.

Once high enough, he twisted his head around.

Jump, ride the thermals.

Clinging to her father's back, legs trembled as he told her to jump.

Trusting him, she did so. Her father soon dropping below her should she need help.

She'd fall a short ways, wings beating, then stretching out until finally catching a thermal.

It would lift her higher, and soon she'd even out her wings. Her father watching proudly.

It was like the first flight for both of them.

Your strength returns, so does mine. Alexander lifted his face to the sun, a pleased smile seen, the first in a long time.

{Based off live play with Alexander Lasair.}


Date: 2015-06-29 10:42 EST
They flew on, over the fields of dragontopia. following his daughter, Alexander gazed wistfully at the roaming animals below.

Surely they are someone elses"

Falling back, soon she'd fly beside her father. I'm sure they are Lalan's, this is her land. We are safe here.

Well I'm eating first, asking questions later. Soon the red dove, landing on the back of a buffalo, killing it instantly. His tail soon dispatching another for his daughter. She would follow, tumbling a bit as she landed. Tail dangling in her face, Snort. He snickered softly as he watched her tumble. Another snort as she heard her father snicker!, Shaking herself, before creeping toward the dead buffalo. A sniff, before nipping off little pieces You must eat, to restore your strength. Fresh, hot blood is what you need. It will strengthen your wings, and your flight. *He ate with great gusto, making no complaints of his own very sore wings. She was still nipping at the carcass, swallowing bite sized pieces. He made the best example he could, devouring the buffalo down to the hooves, spitting some fur out occasionally.* Meanwhile...she was more interested in playing Haunches wiggling as she watched her father's tail tip. The other buffalo wouldn't go to waste. He seared the hair off and cooked it with his breath, meanwhile teasing and tempting his daughter with the tail tip, one crimson eye on her at all times. Wings flapped, and fluttered as she soon pounced! Chirruping as if she was a fledgling again.

He rumbled softly in amusement as she played, chewing medatively on a mouthful of meat. It wouldn't be long till she wore herself down. Snuggling close to her father. peeking up at him. Tuckered out already, my little one" This is why you need to eat..... I hunted yesterday, daddy. when Andu took me out.

Yes, but you ate little more than I did while confined. Your belly is concave, and you need more muscle. Peeking up, then nipping a bit of meat from her father's own jaws. Hey! That was mine! It was only mock indignation, and a rumble and a nuzzle proved that. Soon licking her father's snout again, keeping close by. Her body snuggled against his. He could probably feel her heart beating.

You're getting stronger....We both are. We will be able to leave soon. And go home.

Yes......Home. There was longing in his voice. A longing in hers as well.They miss us. As much or more than we miss them. I don't.....I don't want to be here anymore. His eyes shimmered, tears kept in check. He had to be strong for his daughter's sake, as much as his own. I like to visit here...but not stay so long. I don't like it here....... Snuggling close. Usually we can come and go.

It was just enough for us to get out of our stalls. One day soon we will be free to go home... I have no doubts of that. None at all....Maybe as early as tomorrow, if Andu shows up tonight.

Maybe... Have faith, my daughter. Look at us. Were speaking, were eating, were flying.....Why should we not be allowed to go home" We are, daddy. The clouds in my mind are not there. Nor in mine. Not any longer.

Did not like being clouded. it confused, and hurt... And blinded.....I attacked you, I remember, and am ashamed. It was not your fault, they healed me, but that was why we had two separate stalls.

Nodding It makes sense. I'm still sorry, though....... Snuggling closer. I forgive you daddy. You came to check on me...

Of course I did, why should that be such a surprise" I am your father, and I care for you, and worry..... You came looking for me. Softly. Peeking up with a smile. How could I not' Your mother and I were worried.

I didn't mean to worry you both, daddy...I didn't feel good, so they kept me here. It's a good thing I came looking. I wasn't aware how badly in shape I was.....What if I had gone berserk like that at home, with your mother, or the children" A shudder coursed through his body, it was a thought too terrible to think about.

Icer1978: It is why they kept me here too, daddy...But I... You what, dear one"

I took three of Ammy's fingers.

Alexander Lasair

Date: 2015-07-01 04:14 EST
*The Inn room of 309 opened, and the large red dragon and his daughter emerged. The little blue was yet asleep upon his back, and he paced carefully, not wanting to wake her. The last night had passed......It was time for them to go home, as promised.*