Topic: Return to Ring Valley


Date: 2007-07-07 20:51 EST
The dragon glided around the Inn, landing out front as she waited patiently for her friend Rook, wings folding against her sides as she let her gaze wander.

She was keeping watch with one eye, and ear swivelling now and then as the wind blew lightly across her scales. The cool breeze a welcoming respute from the warm air inside.


Date: 2007-07-07 20:58 EST
He was not long in the coming. He had washed and had his garments laundered so when he did step out of the inn, he was clean. Point of fact, his red hair still hung in damp strings around his freckled face. When he noted Icer had arrived, he smiled and lifted his hand in greeting. Coming down the stairs with his typical clomping stomp, he strode toward her.

Rook bowed at the waist, eyes down cast for his mother would berate him for years if she thought he was not using his proper manners. "Good day to you and greetings, honorable Icer." He straightened, his smile still in place. "I must thank you again for taking the time to do this for me. How far off is this Ring Valley that you speak of? How long will it take for us to arrive there?"

With the breeze blowing as it did, his hair would be dry in no time at all. He had great curiosity for this place they were going. In his scouring of the region, he knew he had but just begun to uncover the secrets and delights that were Rhy-Din. By possessing his own home, he could feel more a part of it and appease a more private part of his person. The inn was nice, but having a place to stretch out would be even nicer.


Date: 2007-07-07 21:19 EST
Morning my friend, and there is no need to thank me, smiling to Rook as she lowered her neck to the ground before him.

The journey takes about half a days flight, but it is no problem, I should be getting out more anyway, chuckling softly as she patiently waited for her friend to climb on.

And do not worry, I've not lost a rider yet, giving a wink to Rook.


Date: 2007-07-07 21:39 EST
He hesitated when she lowered her neck. She was a grand affair but he was ...a bit heavy. He considered sharing a little but decided to see how it went instead. He stepped forward and, with a smile on his face from her comment about not losing a rider yet, he carefully eased himself into place so he could be carried. If there were any indications that he was too heavy for her, he was ready to spring up so as not to injure her.

"I trust you, Icer." The words were spoken with utmost sincerity and respect. Situating himself carefully, he found himself quite comfortable even if it did feel strange to be passenger. "A half a day's flight, yes? This will be quite the journey, I think."


Date: 2007-07-08 12:04 EST
She didn't seem to mind the weight, rising to her feet and swivelling her neck back to her passenger.

I'm sure it will be, now hold on. Rearing onto her hind legs, both wings unfurled and her leg muscles twitched a moment before pushing off the ground.

Both wings beat to keep her in a hover before she straightened herself out, and started gliding over the nearby forest.


Date: 2007-07-08 12:09 EST
It was a strange sensation to be in flight in this particular manner. He held on tight when she launched herself and kept a good hold during the initial moments of flight. He glanced over and down, brows lifting. Yes. It was very strange to be flying in this manner.

"You said it has been a while since you were at this place last. Why is that?" He had more than his share of curiosity and, for the time being, he decided not to quell it in any fashion. She seemed the sort that would welcome questions - so he asked.


Date: 2007-07-08 12:27 EST
Finding an updraft, she continued to flap her wings a moment, before letting them remain out at her sides, using the air currents to help carry them along as she swivelled her neck back so her head faced her rider.

I haven't done much lately though I should, and I've not returned to the Valley well.., since we had the hatchlings.


Date: 2007-07-08 12:43 EST
He knew little about her family life so he knew next to nothing about how long that had been. He found himself smiling, though, his red hair fluttering around chased by the wind. He closed his eyes and lifted his face to the sensation, the smile growing. He missed flight but this was different. Usually, he didn't feel the breeze in his hair or the kiss of wind on his cheeks. He found he enjoyed the sensations quite a bit.

"How long has that been, Icer?" The question came belatedly. "Since your hatchlings?" Might just as well pursue the curiosity until it met its end or she grew tired of answering.


Date: 2007-07-08 14:13 EST
Wings flapped again as the updraft started waining, and she smiled to Rook, being very careful to keep herself balanced out, no need to lose a rider, especially to the forest below.

Its been at least a year since I've been to the Valley. I've been meaning to return, as it is where I was first taught to hunt, but it's been so busy, I just hadn't found the time.

A nod below toward the tangled forest, tree limbs bent, and twisting toward the sky, giving the place a sinister look from above.


Date: 2007-07-08 14:29 EST
A year. He considered her words, that she'd first been taught to hunt and how she'd been busy. They were not things that required response. He simply held on, closed his eyes and enjoyed the ride. Time slipped by for him as the creepy trees below passed under them.

Eventually his eyes opened after a good long while to spy their location and take stock of the landscape below, the sky above. He was growing more and more eager to see this place.

Would it really hold a place that he could call home?


Date: 2007-07-09 12:18 EST
Finally passing the tangled forest, the ground below flattened into a meadow filled with flowers, and a herd of unicorns grazing below.

Grinning, she nodded for Rook to glance below as they glided overhead.

Soon the meadows met the base of three mountain peaks, and still being careful not to lose her companion in travel, she veered around the right side of the mountain, catching another updraft.


Date: 2007-07-11 20:02 EST
Although the forest held its own wonder, Rook grinned when the ground changed to less forest and more flatland. The grin only widened when he saw the unicorns. Impressive beasts! He leaned forward as she grinned and nodded, their flight still a smooth gliding affair. "Amazing!"

He continued to watch their path, eyes eating up the terrain below. When the meadows turned into mountains, his grin appeared once more. He hung on when her path changed but didn't really feel any fear of falling. The updraft made him laugh, head back once more as the wind played through his hair.

"I love flight!"


Date: 2007-07-12 14:30 EST
She swung her neck around and grinned, catching the joy her companion seemed to be feeling. Have you ever flown before my friend?

Halfway around the mountains, she spotted the familiar river then, and gliding towards it, she started following it's path, wings beating now and then to keep them aloft as the updraft dwindled down.

We're almost there.


Date: 2007-07-12 16:13 EST
He shook his head, hair still blowing free in the wind. He had to lift his voice to answer her question. "Never like this." Not free and open and unafraid. He leaned forward again, eyes following the path below searching for landmarks and other ways to identify where they were.

"I am very excited to be there." His heart was racing and it came from the excitement of maybe finally finding a home. "Thank you again, Icer!" He would have to find some way to show his thanks.


Date: 2007-07-13 04:45 EST
Never like this?, She canted her head back to him a moment, but wouldn't press the matter, simply nodding. Your welcome my friend.

Continuing on, she lowered herself enough so that her talons could touch the top of the river, following it's winding path until it opened into a valley, Ring Valley.

Regaining her height carefully, making sure still not to lose her companion, she glided past what remained of the old stone keep, it seemed time hadn't been to kind to the strcture, though it was nice to know that it still stood.

Soon below there could be seen pastures and flocks of sheep, along with a few houses, most were built of stone, though a few seemed to be of wooden nature, and a few children ran about, singing and waving.

A few other dragons glided overhead, though each seemed to be patrolling their own territory.

A silver brushed by, and she rumbled a greeting, it had been quite awhile since she'd seen those her mother had led.

Another, this one a gold was on the ground, acting as a guard to a few younglings, and she didn't seem to mind the people around, in fact, in the valley, the people and dragons got along with little to no trouble at all.


Date: 2007-07-13 16:54 EST
He simply held on and enjoyed the ride. When it became apparent that there were a number of dragons in the area, he lifted his voice to be heard over the wind. "With the dragons around, is there any land that is not claimed?" He watched those dragons who seemed to interact positively with the humans, finding a smile for the obviously positive relationship. "And, Icer, are there any beasts that the dragons do not interact with especially well?"


Date: 2007-07-13 17:48 EST
There is plenty of land thats not been claimed my friend, and as for anything they don't get along with, just our smaller cousins the wyverns.

She continued gliding until they came to a large open field, where she circled twice before landing, and crouching down so that Rook could dismount, she would continue on foot at his side, giving her wings a rest.

Passing by another Gold, she nodded, then was a bit startled when the female greeted her, using her title, afternoon princess. A blink, and a slight smile, having forgotten that they knew her mother.


Date: 2007-07-13 17:55 EST
He was quiet for a long moment then chanced to ask, "Why is it that the dragons do not get along with the wyvern?" He enjoyed the glide down and then dismounted, stretching out sore muscles. When she walked, so did he keeping is pace quick to keep up with her.

His eyes slide to Icer, head tipping in that 'you've got a secret' way. "Princess?"


Date: 2007-07-13 18:07 EST
Our smaller cousins have a habit of stealing our eggs and hatchlings, and they are rather poor tempered.

She kept her pace slow so that he could keep up as they walked, and then she blushed, light blue scales turning a deeper shade of blue, before resuming their normal shade, and she nodded.

I told you I was adopted my friend, did I not' She canted her head to the side a moment before continuing.

You've met my mother Moon Lyght, she is one of the Queens, she is the one that led the others here.


Date: 2007-07-13 23:21 EST
He considered her words about the wyvern and nodded to indicate he understood. His smile was a little vague. It grew at her change of color. "Yes, I do remember you mentioning that you were adopted but your royal lineage did not come up." He joked with her gently.

"This is a very nice area. I can understand why your mother would have led the dragons here."


Date: 2007-07-14 12:53 EST
She continued on, keeping a pace that her companion could easilly keep up with. My mother wanted to lead our kind to a place where they wouldn't be hunted.

The people already had gotten used to me, I used to help out with thinning the flocks, but only of the sheep that were sick, or wounded, and.., I truely care not for Titles, thats why not many actually know about my...royalty.

She smiled, nodding to one of the Shepards as they passed, moving past cottages and furthur into the Valley, toward the river.

Plus with our kind around, they have little to fear from bandits.


Date: 2007-07-14 12:58 EST
He nodded as they walked. Her words made sense, of course. Titles did little good in the day to day grind of living when it was just you and the land and trying to scrape for food. He kept his mouth shut for a while as they walked, considering all she'd said. When he opened his mouth again, it was (of course) to ask another question.

"Do the wyvern always cause a bother" Are there none that behave?"


Date: 2007-07-14 13:10 EST
She considered this a moment, then bit back another grin, well theres Zetzui, but he's still quite a young one yet.

Otherwise, most are rather troublesome, though.., I've not seen many around our lair, but then, we hunt them as well.

The wyvern are one of my main food sources, those, fish, and the occasional sheep or two.

If you ever come across our smaller cousins though, do be careful not to touch their tail, unlike us.., they have a poisonous barb at the tip, and it's not pleasant, in fact, my mate was out for a week after getting stung.


Date: 2007-07-14 13:15 EST
He chewed on his lip for a long time without saying anything about the wyvern. Food. Great. He looked ahead of them and inspected the landscape. "Were you taking me to a specific place then" Or are there a number of structures in this area available for a body to occupy?"

Suddenly, he just really didn't want to talk much about the wyvern.


Date: 2007-07-14 13:23 EST
No, I just thought you'd want to explore a little first. That smile remained as she continued her pace, not minding the walking as it gave her wings a chance to rest.

She noticed the silence about the wyvern, but again, she didn't want to upset her friend, so she'd not bring up the subject again unless it was asked.

Coming to a stop by the river's edge, she lowered her serpentine neck to the water a moment, catching a drink, before looking back to Rook.

Where would you like to start?


Date: 2007-07-14 13:34 EST
Where to start' He didn't know this valley although he was learning quick. He supposed he should know where neutral land was so he could start looking for a structure he could claim as his own.

"Is there a monarch in this area that the people hold fealty to' I suppose I should know where the nearest villages are and where larger structures are that stand empty that I could consider claiming as my own. I don't want to anger anyone or have someone or something think I am encroaching on their territory. Once a structure is settled upon, I should probably learn who the neighbors are to it so I can strike up positive alliances in order to avoid unnecessary stress."

He gave her a wan smile. There was going to be stress enough later.


Date: 2007-07-24 01:53 EST
The people here hold no fealty to an, there used to be an arogant nobleman, but.., we sort of scared him off long ago.

This, nodding to the stone houses would be the only village in this area, the people produce, and share their goods, and our kin help out by chasing game animals to where the villagers can hunt them, in return, the villagers granted our kin protection.

As for the larger buildings, the old keep is the largest, though it seems the weather hasn't proven to kind to the building, there are a few larger dwellings past Shepard Jon's pasture.


Date: 2007-07-26 07:58 EST
He considered her words. "What sort of damage does the keep have" I'd like to see it." He wasn't sure if the trouble was fixable but he was willing to give it a go and see. "If it's too far into disrepair, maybe we can go see the other places?"

He was growing excited at the thought of having his own place. The urge to stretch was a gnawing burn inside him and he would need to deal with it very soon. He just needed a little more time.


Date: 2007-07-29 16:46 EST
She crouched back down beside her friend, then, if you want, I can take you there. Unless of course, you wish to walk..., a smile to Rook, not showing her fangs, then a nod in the direction of the Keep.


Date: 2007-07-29 18:04 EST
He offered a grin and made no objection. He simply mounted Icer again and patted her neck. "Walking is nice but I find I am too eager to wait, my friend. Thank you."


Date: 2007-08-04 10:12 EST
Of course my friend, she waited until she was sure he was finished mounting her back, then wings unfurled, testing the breeze before she pushed off the ground, hovering for a few moments.

As soon as she reached the proper heighth, she started gliding, wings beating to keep them aloft until the large stone Keep came into view.

The building was a descent size, but time had worn away some of the stone, and vines crept up many of the walls.


Date: 2007-08-04 10:46 EST
It was about the size he had been hoping for. Time had not been too kind to the structure but he figured that he could effect some repairs to breathe new life into it. He didn't mind the vines. They seemed to just fit with the overall feel of the place.

"This is ...great." He grinned at Icer. "Who is the master of this place now?"


Date: 2007-08-04 10:58 EST
The master of the Keep was a mage friend of mine, Braxeus. He's the one that led me to this place, and taught me to hunt, but it seems he's become much to busy with his studies recently. I've not seen him around in ages it seems, so the Keep's been sitting here with no one to care for it.


Date: 2007-08-04 12:28 EST
He surveyed the keep again, the smile he'd been wearing faded a little. There was hope in his voice when he spoke, "So, do you think your friend would be of a mind to allow me the use of the Keep" Or perhaps payment would be acceptable to grant me ownership?"

Rook liked this place and was eager to find his own little niche. Lord knew he was not in any great hurry to return home.


Date: 2007-08-04 13:46 EST
He's not been around lately my friend, so I see no problem with you taking over the Keep. It's been at least a year and a half since last I saw of him, she landed beside the Keep, lowering herself so that Rook could dismount if he so wished.


Date: 2007-08-04 13:59 EST
He slid off Icer's back and took a step toward the keep, eyes roving over the structure. "But, what if he suddenly comes back and finds me here" Is he going to turn me into a toad or something?"

Rook desperately wanted to go inside and continued forward after asking his question about toads. He liked the feel of the place - it wasn't too close to other people, it wasn't too close to the dragons of the land, it wasn't too far from the city RhyDin itself. He could easily fly ....well, maybe he wouldn't. It would depend on a lot of things there.

He glanced back and asked a second question, "Do the dragons of the land attack the wyvern even if the wyvern in question isn't harming anyone?"


Date: 2007-08-07 01:09 EST
I'd not worry about him coming back my friend, I'm sure he has other more important things that he's moved onto. As for the wyvern.., we usually don't attack them unless they attack first, unless of course we have to eat, only then will we attack the wyvern unprovoked.

I've been keeping more to fish and wild game though. Wyvern have stingers that we need to be careful to avoid, otherwise, we could end up poisoned, I should know, my mate was out for at least a week once after being stung, I wasn't much better.


Date: 2007-08-17 06:33 EST
Rook gave a nod. There was that and as long as others did as she did, there wouldn't be any reason why he couldn't get back and forth.

"I really like it, Icer. I think it'll work just fine. It's big enough without being too huge and the repairs will give me something to do." He flashed a grin at her. "Let's go inside!" And with that he was off, his eager steps taking him to the massive door of the keep. It would require some work straight off. It didn't want to open too wide and he barely could squeeze through. Icer probably wouldn't have a problem either opening it or flying over the walls to land within the keep.

His footsteps disturbed years of dust and grime left in the wake of time. It would keep him busy for a while cleaning to get it relatively clean. He didn't mind. Hard work was a release in and of itself. And seeing the fruits of ones labors was always a reward too. There was a lot to see and he was eager to see it all.

He wondered if Dream would like the place. She seemed happy enough in RhyDin but maybe she would come visit him in this valley at this place.

A window distracted him. He climbed a grand set of stairs and poked his head out the window. As the wind tousled his red hair, he grinned.

Yes. It felt like home.


Date: 2007-08-17 09:24 EST
I'm glad you like it my friend. She slipped through the gate with ease, one of the advantages of being smaller than one should be, pausing, and blinking as she looked around.

Actually.., this is my first time in the Keep, a smile was given to Rook, as she was obviously studying a shelf with a few books, blowing dust from them.

She almost chuckled them, peering back to see him sticking his head out from a window, well, if you want, I probably could help you start cleaning..


Date: 2007-08-17 17:17 EST
He pulled his head back in and glanced down at her. "You don't mind?" He came down the stairs, one heavy thud after the other. At least the stairs were stone so they didn't rattle like the ones at the Red Dragon Inn. He grinned at her and glanced around. "I guess I need to find the well and see if we have water."


Date: 2007-08-26 23:49 EST
A quick inspection uncovered a well was indeed nearby just outside the keep but within the walls that surrounded the immediate area. He had to admit that the more he walked around the place, the more he liked it. Rummaging around uncovered a bucket that could carry some water and there were rags here and there for scrubbing.

"I suppose having magic would make cleaning a lot easier, huh, Icer?" He toted water back inside and glanced around. Some of the wood that made up the roof would have to be replaced but that could come later. There were plenty of places inside the main keep that could offer sanctuary in the event that it did begin raining. "How far would you say it is to the nearest place to buy supplies like food and cloth and things domestic?"


Date: 2007-08-27 11:13 EST
Well, theres a little shop just down the way, not far from Shepard Jon's pasture. Chuckling softly then, and of course I don't nind helping you clean up the place, its been quite awhile since I've last seen the Keep.

Taking wing then, she landed on a sturdier portion of the roof, peering down at the parts needing repairs.