Topic: Scarred - Rediscovery

Elemental Reincarnation

Date: 2010-10-23 22:46 EST
The steely black dragon had fled from the Inn, hearing from his adopted brother of the fate of the one he'd come to call Mother.

A slave. Chattel. Servant.

Of the darkest of the dark.

It's enough to make him nauseated...or would be, if he were in his human form.

More and more, he'd come to enjoy the shape of the dragon. There is more power, more ability, more strength in this form. And in it, he can feel so much more.

As if the mind of the beast had greater depth of connection to the power, to the world, as he perceives it.

And now, more than ever, he can feel he needs it. Needs to learn how to use it more effectively, how to truly utilize it for something useful, instead of the cheap tricks he's been conjuring forth so far.

He'd heard - from someone, though he can't remember who now, likely one of his kin - of the old dragon that lived high in the mountains near the Glen. He'd done his own research into the dragon, mostly as a matter of his own curiosity, and had discovered that this dragon was ancient indeed, even for a species as long-lived as theirs.

Ancient...and powerful...and filled with knowledge.

If there is anyone that can help him, it is the one known as Twilight Olimer Ulrahixen.

Higher he soars, ignoring the bite of cold into his scales, the golden draconic eyes seeing easily through the mist, that other sense that he still know so little about guiding him up the tallest peak...until that nebulous feeling explodes into realization that he's found what he seeks.

He can see the lair before him, below him, the dark entrance shrouded by mist.

Gliding in to settle down at the cavernous entrance, he folds his wings and sits, looking into the darkness.

From within, he thinks he can - just barely - see the hint of amthystine light in the depths of that blackness.

Whether the dragon is there to see him or not, he bows his head deeply in that direction, speaking in his most formal voice.

"My lord Ulrahixen, my name is Alexander Orion Shimmerscale. I come seeking your wisdom so that I might discover my full potential."