Topic: Spirited visitation


Date: 2013-03-16 09:13 EST
Momma had been catching up. Spending more and more time with her grand child. They had lots of catching up to do.

A game of tag in the lake was just one of those ways. It never mattered who had won, just that she was with Pestilence.

She had even gotten a smile. She would meet back up with her at the lair. For there was something important to do.

Gathering up ice flowers, she moved toward the graves of her great grand children. There she would sit for a time, before leaving the flowers with a croon.

Later that night....She had been slumbering soundly, when something cold pressed against her. Her mate was warmer then she, and one eye opened to peek down near her side.

Nothing was there...Or was it' She could feel the chill as if someone was snuggled against her.

Looking closer, soon she had her answer. One of her great grand babies, ghostly pale and transparent peeked up at her. It should have been unnerving, but instead, it was comforting. A whisper to the spirit and soon they both were on the move.

Making their way down the tunnels until they reached Dominique's room. She peeked inside.

Pestilence was resting. And at her side where a few more ghostly dragonlings. A few stirred and peered out at their great grandmother. But They stayed at their mother's side.

A few more tumbled across the floor as they batted and pounced each other. Chasing brothers and sisters as if they still had life. Or not knowing they were dead.