Topic: The lost one


Date: 2009-07-10 09:54 EST
Mismatched eyes started blinking back tears, she was still lost, with no sign of her "father". Silver wings huddled close to her form, she was, lost, frightened and alone, she was young yet, and she'd never been separated before.

Ears perked for his voice, but it was never heard, just the voices of the winds whispering through the trees, was he alright"

Many things came to mind, he could be hurt, or worse, or maybe she was just deeper in the woods than she thought, still, he should have been looking for her, right"

She should have heard his voice, but there was nothing, and she continued on, silvery neck held low, though she cried out again for her" father" Mathias.

Hearing no responce, her heart sank, and the small silver dragoness slumped against a rock near the waterfall, whimpering to herself, tears trickling down her muzzle and into the lake nearby.

Mathias Arcole

Date: 2009-07-10 10:09 EST
He was alive. But barely so. Though he had escaped the battle with little harm, which he suspected was due to the dragons recognizing his efforts to stop Matthew, he didnt escape the wrath of Jack Wolfe. No, he had indeed gone to search for the dragon that called him father, only to hear something loud and suddenly know nothing but pain. But, he could hear words being spoken by a voice that seemed filled with hatred.

'You made a bad mistake when you killed my sister...I dont care if it was you or that other bastard that made the blow, you are both responsible. I'll let you bleed out...Now to find that other slayer. Matthew was his name I believe..'

The footsteps moved away, Mathias wasnt able to really see anything as his eyes were closed in the pain. He was in the forest, perhaps near Starseeker, perhaps far off.