Topic: The White One


Date: 2010-08-03 09:25 EST
The small white hatchling had stayed with Mama, until Serenity agreed to adopt it. She'd been asleep the whole time, and had no memory of the event, nor any of waking the previous night. The little one would have curled up in the crib, and slept through the night as a hatchling.

Binkie sucked on slowly, tail curled to chin, and blanket over white scales, really an endearing image. It happened slowly, that the hatchling became a little girl, aged about five or so. White hair splayed all over, binkie still sucked on, she still seemed to be asleep peacefully still. Fingers twitched, and her arm was pulled in, hugging the blankie and pillow. She was pale, small for her size. A white nightgown had formed over her, as she'd changed forms.

It would disappear as the girl became a young boy. The changes occurred slowly, subtly. Over the course of hours, it became, and settled into that young form.

Only about three, the dreamer slept on.