Topic: To make a landing pad!


Date: 2007-03-05 17:32 EST
As promised, though a few days later, Sha'uri showed up to make that landing pad for the teleporting spell item.

In dragon form, she flew over the area and gave a roar of hello to the Schimmerscale's place below. She dipped her wing and circled slowly descending through the clouds in search of a landing spot. The light of the day danced off her opalescent red and silver scales and the black tips added an almost descieving depth to her form, almost made it seem as if it shifted out of place and back in like a cloak of displacement would act upon her form. She landed softly outside of the home and shifted form once again, calling out to her friend.

"Hey Icer! Are you home" Arthur" You here?"


Date: 2007-03-05 18:56 EST
The black dragon circled round the lair, nodding toward the gathered group behind her, before spotting the one on the ground.

Wings eased up, as she landed, dipping her neck, then she spoke softly.

My sssissster isss not here, and mossst likely will not be for sssome time, ssshe and her young are in danger...and right now, ssshe is ssstaying at the sssanctuary.., sshe doesssn't want visssitorss.

Shaking her head, she nodded toward the large gathering of dragons behind her, green eyes glowing somewhat, perhapsss, they all would be sssafer at the sschool.., I heard my ssisster speak of before..


Date: 2007-03-06 14:55 EST
She watched the black land, guarding her eyes as the dirt was kicked up a little from the landing. Something in the dragon's demeanor and voice kept her at ease. She took in the news with a frown, though offered a polite nod of greeting to the other dragons as the black motioned to them.

"I thank you for letting me know. I did not know this. Icer knows she is welcome to stay at the school anytime she feels the need, her and her family. I would not and wouldn't allow someone in need to be turned away. It's fortunate that the Headmaster feels the same."

Sha'uri allowed herself a wry smile, mostly because Bri wouldn't have a choice regardless. She'd do it anyway and it wasn't something she would hide from her open thoughts.

"I don't think we've ever met. I'm Sha'uri, one of the teachers at the school. I knew there were some troubles with wyverns and had offered to make a teleporting item for Icer and her family to use between their home and the school. It's why I'm here, to find the spot they would teleport from/to so I could make the item for them. But since this place is apparently not safe for them..."

The pause was so abrupt one might hear a pin drop.

"I've got an idea though. Perhaps a particular planet near my home would help give sanctuary from the wyverns for all of you. I'll need to get with Knite, he was supposed to go exploring with my son. That is, if you want me to pursue this for you?"


Date: 2007-03-06 16:05 EST
She studied Shauri a moment, dipping her neck.:: I am SStorm, Icer'sss sssisster.., and it isss not the wyvernsss thisss time.

If I sssee her, I'll tell her you came by.

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2007-03-06 21:51 EST
::he yawned loudly at the sound of voices outside his home and stood up to stretch, gritting his teeth as his bones cricked and cracked.:: We certainly are having a lot of visitors these days.......

::Walking outside, he blinked to let his eyes adjust to the light before he gave a call of greeting to Storm.:: Seems we are quite the popular family these days......wouldn't you agree?


Date: 2007-03-07 17:54 EST
She gave a gracious nod. "Thank you, Storm. I do appreciate that." She didn't want to wear out the welcome matt. It seemed that Storm didn't want her help. So, she didn't waste time of it, respectfully. Turning away, her form vanished from view as she teleported back to the school. Though she didn't see him, she thought she heard Aurthur as she left.