Topic: Until nightfall, guarding the lair


Date: 2014-03-10 11:54 EST
She had been molting. Shedding her older scales, and waiting for them to harden.

While she waited, the little dragoness did her best to stay out of the sun. New scales didn't provide much protection from the rays until they set.

Days were spent wandering the tunnels within the lair. She'd feed the hatchlings, and check in on Tiamatus and Damean. The guards were healing up nicely.

Making sure the pair too had fresh water, and plenty of food. She would not deny those she called family, even if they weren't of blood kinship.

There would be visits to the library, and the indoor pond, where she'd watch the fish and turtles swim about. More visits to the indoor greenhouse the hatchlings and kin had surprised her with, and a smile as she watched over the flowers there.

And of course the soaking pools. She'd ease herself into the coldest of the pools, and rest there for a while.

Until the night would fall.

Once the sun dipped low beneath the horizon, and the moons rose to dance with the stars that twinkled in the sky, then she'd emerge.

She would slip from the caverns, and settle herself onto one of the ledges nearby. Watching over both the sky, and her father who had taken up guard duty with her dark sister.

Down below the gardens twinkled. Frosty faeries flitted from one ice flower to the next. Shadows danced amongst the trees, ghosts from long past.

Sometimes the winds would whistle, before bringing the sound of an old childish giggle. And the shadows flit amongst the ancient oaks. The twin silent sentinals that watched over the family graves.

It all brought a smile to her snout as she kept her guard. Joining in the ranks.

She'd take her turn, guarding the lair, and the dead.