Topic: Visitation

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2006-10-22 08:18 EST
::A chill wind blew through the kingdom of Alexandria, but Aurthur did not feel it in the least. Poised high atop the mountains overlooking the kingdom, Aurthur laid a rose on each of the two graves that were there. Tears slid down his cheeks as he began to speak::

"We may have had our differences......but i always respected you as a father figure, for i never had a father. You loved and you protected me, and my mate, and my family on more occasions than i could count. You will be sorely missed, father. But i swear to you that i will exact revenge on anyone who played a part in your demise.......starting with the wyverns." ::His voice was soft, yet fierce. He fell silent for a few moments before he moved to the other grave and knelt beside it.::

"Prince Drake.......little brother......i never got to know you, and i wish that i had. The times that we could have had together when you got older.......flying together, sparring, sharing laughs and swapping stories......I will miss you Drake. You were taken from this life far too soon.......i wish that i could have arrived to save you......::Aurthur's voice caught in his throat and he could no longer speak. Instead he roared out his anguish and his pain, a cry that echoed throughout the kingdom of Alexandria.::


Date: 2006-11-01 15:27 EST
Moving from the Inn, the dragon slid down the path that led toward Alexandria, the wind was chilly, though she didn't seem to mind as she walked the pathway, giving her wings a well needed break.

Blue eyes drifted around as she walked, the forest was rather peaceful, and she continued on her journey, pausing to take in the sights and sounds around her, she'd never taken this path before, though her curiousity was pushed aside for the moment, she had something she needed to do.

Talons reached out and wrapped gently around two blue wildflowers that grew near a pond she was passing, and very gently, she freed the flowers from the soil, then taking wing, she soared toward the mountains in the distance.

from overhead, she could see everything, the towns, villages, fields and forests, gliding on, she came to the site where her father's grave lay, and landing gently, she lay one of the two flowers there, the other rested atop the spot where her little brother would have been laid, and sighing, she shook her head.

Speaking softly then, she looked back to her father's grave. I'm sorry father, I miss you, a single tear fell, then she turned, making her way slowly back.