Topic: Visiting


Date: 2013-08-29 13:26 EST
It had been some time time, since the wizened woman had last seen her favorite customer.

Maybe the little dragon was not feeling well" "Malena, I am going for visit, do you think you can handle the shop?"

The younger woman was fiddling with some jars, obviously trying to sneak a few pieces of candy, not that her gram minded.

"Don't take too many now child, it'll give you a stomach ache."

The younger Malena soon had the look of one caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "I can manage. I've done so before while you gathered herbs."

"Good" She soon was moving around the shop, gathering things to settle into her bags. One bag would bear her personal belongs. Changes of clothes, and herbs and oils, should she wish to work upon her salves.

The other bag for gifts. She knew the little dragon had younglings. And inside would be packed some fresh cookies and cakes, a blackberry pie or two, and a honeycomb dripping. She's just received it that morn as a trade for a package of dried beef.

She knew the mother had a sweet tooth. A few cords of beef jerky, and smoked venison, and into a pocket, she slipped an assortment of salves and oils. Lavender and vanilla, honey almond, even a musky sandalwood for the male. She never had met the young female's mate, but it would not be nice to leave him out of the gifting.

Finally she tucked a few herbal teas, and a brightly colored plant within. She'd seen the little female eye up the plant a few times when she had last visited the storefront.

Malena soon helped her grandmother carry the packages to the wagon, and then gave her grandmother a kiss upon the cheek as she helped the older woman up into the wagon.

May the winds be at your back upon your journey." It was her grandchild's way of saying to travel safely.

Soon the reins were tugged and the mule started along the cobbled road. She had packed oats and straw and fresh water for the journey as well.

Soon Malena had disappeared back into the storefront once the wagon was out of sight.

Wheels creaked upon the pathways as the wagon soon turned off the main road, and up a trail leading through the forest. She would know the way.

It took four days by wagon to get to the clearing and the gardens that welcomed. Leading the mule to the banks of the lake, she'd remove his halter and let him drink.

He would not run away, even with the scent of dragons looming. Soon she had gathered her bags, and was picking her way carefully up the trail. Stopping just before the falls that stood between her and the cavern beyond.

"Is anybody home?"

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2013-08-31 03:34 EST
*Aurthur raised his head as he heard the voice calling from the entrance. His mate was sleeping, exhausted. He had only just roused from his sick bed and returned to his duties, while his mate had take over during his illness.

He gave his beloved a gentle nuzzle before he got up and padded to the lair entrance. Perhaps this one was someone looking to adopt a child" He gave a bow of his head as he strode out into the sunlight.*

"Welcome to the lair of the Shimmerscales. I am Aurthur Shimmerscale, mated to Icer Shimmerscale. Are you here seeking to adopt a little one for yourself?"


Date: 2013-08-31 22:03 EST
"Nae. I have my hands full with my grandchild. But I have come to visit." A lift of her bags and a kind of curtsey to the male. "Your mate speaks highly of you when she stops by."

The mule looked up for a moment, before returning to grazing along the banks.

"Your mate is one of our favorite customers, and we had not seen her about for some time."

"We thought she may have taken ill."

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2013-09-01 06:27 EST
*He shook his head.* No, my beloved is quite well, she is just a bit fatigued, is all. You see, I recently had an accident of sorts, and on top of the duties she already preforms, she took over mine as well. But I am sure she will be happy to see you. Please, come in, i'll lead you to our chambers. Can I take some of those bags for you? We'll have a room prepared for you while you are visiting.