Topic: While mother is Ill....

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2012-08-21 18:40 EST
*With his mate having a cold, and the hatchlings still so young, Aurthur had decided to take the hatchlings to a different section of the lair so that they wouldn't catch their mother's pesky cold. He assured them that they would see mamma again soon, but they still missed her terribly, and it broke his heart to hear their cries and see the sadness in their eyes when he told them they couldn't see her just yet.

Through a mixture of games, and exploration, the hatchlings eventually began to tire themselves out, and returned to his side and he began to hum and sing to the children. His little princesses, Alexandria and Icillia, and his strong sons, Aurthurius, Avalanche, and Shenron.

When at last, all of them were asleep, he draped his wing over them all, and curled his body around them. He knew that even as heartbroken as the hatchlings were now to be away from their mother while she was ill, she was even more so to be separated from her babies so soon after their hatching. He sent his strength to his beloved through their unbreakable bond of love, hoping that it would help her recover all the faster.*


Date: 2012-08-24 01:30 EST
She had watched from a distance as her mate took the hatchlings further from her. Horned head resting on the blanket in their chamber.

The cold was stubborn. Just as stubborn as she could be, and only rest would be its undoing.

A rumbled call sounded within. Sounding to let the little ones know that mother was still there.