Topic: Houdini Acts

Luella Vale

Date: 2017-01-17 08:01 EST

Lue had tried to stay in New York like she'd promised Kokabiel. She really did. But as the months pushed on and her nails had been bitten nearly to stumps over and over again, she knew it was time to find her. She'd done her job, worked the nights at the Burlesque club while picking up contracts on the side. But like a puppy left in her crate, her pout just kept growing bigger and bigger.

Where was she now" Kokabiel's doorstep in some city she'd tracked her to, Rhy"Din. She'd nearly gotten distracted by every single thing along the way, and she'd surely neglect to tell K just how long she'd been there until finally finding her.

She stood there, staring at the metallic number on the wooden door for a good twenty minutes, chewing on her thumb nail until she finally lifted a petite hand and gave a swift knock knock to the door with her knuckles. She winced as she bit a little too hard, drawing blood on the soft flesh beside the nail. Her bottom lip poked out as she looked at it, popping it into her mouth to suck the blood away. "Mhn, ow." Growing impatient, she lifted her other hand to give another swift knock to the door, nearly bouncing there as she waited for the woman to open up. She knew she was in there, dammit. She could feel it.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Hold on! Dammit, where are my pants?" The woman's voice could be heard easily by the fey, making her bounce even more impatiently as she popped a healed thumb out of her mouth and started rapping a bit more quickly on the door" and consistently. "Alright, alright, alright. What"" The door swung wide open, revealing a disheveled woman that didn't stand much taller than the fey standing on the other side. There was a look of irritation on her face as she raked blonde hair out of her eyes until she backpedaled and looked surprised. "Lue" What the hell are you doing here" Why aren't you in New York" Wait, how'd you find me?" Her eyes narrowed slightly until they grew softer immediately. "It's not like I'm hiding from you, hun. Don't read into that. I just didn't expect you to show up at my door. What happened" Is everything okay' What's going on?" K's rambling was something Lue was well accustomed to, even the sudden look of concern once she'd reached the end of her fired questions.

Lue simply waited for her to finish until she fired off her answers, unphased by the irritation or the faint glare she'd received. Her own eyes were wide, staring. "Looking for you? looking for you? the bracelet I gave you before you left. Y"know, the little silver one" Yeah, that one." Pointing as Kokabiel lifted her arm to look at the single, thin and plain silver bracelet Lue had given her before she'd left for Rhy"Din. "I know you weren't hiding, if you were" you didn't do it very well. Nothing happened, everything's fine, and I already answered that." Her brows finally furrowed, not liking to repeat herself much. The look diminished almost immediately as she bounced in her spot and ducked under K's arm to enter the apartment. "Do you have any snacks" I'm hungry." Standing in the apartment, she gave a brief scan of her dark eyes. The apartment was decently sized, but still smaller than what she was used to, at least for Kokabiel's standards. But the kitchen was still just as easy to find. "Mhn, snacks." Skipping across the linoleum, she went straight to the cupboards and started rifling through them.

K, on the other hand, only blinked and looked over her shoulder at the fey who'd made herself at home. "Of course I have snacks. You know I always have snacks. What do you mean my bracelet' If everything is fine, why are you here" Again, I'm not sorry to see you, hun. Just' mind clearing a few things up?" She was just waking up, really. She needed a minute to process the energetic fey being in her kitchen, scrounging for snacks. Closing the front door, she followed her into the kitchen to get a pot of coffee started.

"You always have the best snacks," she sighed dreamily. "Well, maybe not the best snacks. That angel dude has a lot of snacks." Snapping her fingers as she pushed aside a few bags like she was looking for something specific. "What's his name" Ball" Bail?"

"Bael," Kokabiel offered, yawning around the word as she poured water into the pot. "His name is Bael."

"Yeah, that one." Nodding, she scrunched her face like she was growing impatient. "Not there," she muttered, slapping the cabinet closed. Going back to answering Kokabiel's questions, "I'm here because I missed you. New York isn't the same. I mean, there's the other girls to hang out with, but?" She looked over her shoulder at K, resembling something like a lost puppy with those wide eyes and soft pout. "They're not you."

That brought a smile to Kokabiel's face, Lucifer's influence getting the best of her as she giggled. "I am pretty awesome," swiping a few locks of blonde over her shoulder. And resisted making the sound of a goat after realizing what she did. Inside joke, ahem. "Okay, and what about the bracelet?" Pushing the button to get the coffee maker settled, she made her way to the edge of the rounded counter that Lue was currently leaned against on her tip-toes to scrounge through the cupboards. "And what are you looking for?" Picking up her pack of cigarettes, she plucked one out and lit it with a simple Bic.

"You are awesome," with a short nod of her head as she pawed through the cabinet. "Oh! Yeah. The bracelet. I told you it was enchanted for good luck. I mean, it is. It heightens your statistical chances of lu-....There it is!" She chirped, tugging down a bag of mint Milano cookies. Her tongue dragged across her upper lip as she eyed it like it was gold. "Come to Lue," before cracking it open and pawing inside. "Oh, right. Bracelet," turning, she leaned her hip against the counter while looking at K. "I enchanted it to be able to track it just in case I needed to find you. And I did. So I found you." As if it was a simple, understandable reason. And sure enough, she was cramming a cookie into her mouth.

"....You put a tracking device on me?" Her brows furrowed, looking down at the gift she'd received on her wrist. "....I should've seen that coming." Ever since she found Lue, the girl had grown attached. More than most of her girls, save for maybe Haku. "Okay, so you're here," deciding it best not to argue. It was too late to tell her to go home now. Pausing to inhale a drag of her cigarette. "Now what?" Her brows lifted, waiting to see what Lue's next game plan would be. "Are you staying here, or just visiting?"

"Mhm!" Bobbing her head to the question of the bracelet, she was ingesting the cookies like they were going out of style. Nodding more, she mumbled around the food. "Mhn, you should've." If the woman hadn't, that was her own fault. When asked what now", she paused mid-chew and stared at Kokabiel until her jaw started to slowly worked around the cookie that was poking out her cheeks. She gave a look around, finishing her cookie and licking the remnants off her fingers before she shrugged. Her gaze looped back to K. "I dunno, I'll see how it goes I guess."

Lifting her chin to breathe out a train of smoke, her multi-toned eyes fell on Lue and she watched her for a moment. Finally, she sighed and nodded her head toward the living room. "Alright, we'll say visiting for now unless you decide to stay. C"mon, you can stay with me until you figure out what you wanna do. " Did you bring anything with you?"

The way Lue got excited and started bouncing in place, you'd think the woman promised her Atlantis the way she was beaming. She might've been a little worried that Kokabiel would've told her to go back to New York. She wouldn't have listened, of course. But getting told to go home wouldn't have settled well with the fey. The bouncing slowed and ceased when asked if she brought anything. Blinking, she slowly shook her head. "Nope. Nothin". Except myself." Then in went another cookie.

"....I'll give you my credit card later to get some stuff." She snickered, having a feeling the girl just woke up one day, decided to come find her and walked out the door without any other thought. And that's exactly what happened. "Did you at least tell the others you were leaving" Or did you just disappear and leave them to freak out about you?" With cigarette in hand, she returned to the coffee pot that was now making that bubbling hiss to tell her it was almost done.

Bringing another cookie to her lips, she'd just tucked it between them and was nibbling on the end when she turned her wide eyes toward Kokabiel and didn't answer. There was just a smile on her face that squeezed her eyes shut as" the answer was pretty clear at that point.

K rolled her eyes shut and tilted her head back. "....I'll call them and let them know you're here then?" Sighing, she shook her head and readied herself a cup of black coffee. But when she looked over her shoulder, Lue was nowhere to be found in the kitchen. Blinking, she leaned a bit to try to see if she was in the living room, but she wasn't there either. Lowering her head, she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Lue?" to the Houdini that couldn't stay in one spot for too long.

Luella Vale

Date: 2017-01-17 12:55 EST

It wasn't until the next day that she returned to Kokabiel after her sudden disappearance. Having already announced her presence in town, she fully expected her boss to be aware of her or expect her sudden "pop ins". But there was only so much preparation that one could make when it came to Lue. Her timing couldn't be any more impeccable.

This time, it was while Kokabiel was taking a shower. It wasn't as if Lue was trying to be a creep. She simply...Tracked the bracelet. This time, she fizzled into view directly behind the woman, and in the shower. "Hi, K!" She chirped, only to start sputtering with one eye squinted shut against the assault of water hitting her in the face from bouncing off the woman in front of her. "Mhn, you're taking a shower.." Voicing the obvious at that point.

Kokabiel let out a yelp, spinning around and instantly covering her chest at the surprise of someone standing behind her. Seeing who it was, she rolled her eyes shut and hissed out the name. "Lue"." Opening her eyes, she made the infamous Asmodai "bitchface", which was a firm pressing of her lips that rounded the upper and lower part of her mouth. "Yes. I am. You mind getting out, Lue" What are even doing in the shower with me" And?" She lifted one hand from her chest to gesture to the girl. "You're getting soaked. Where have you been" You poofed on me yesterday out of nowhere" again." Tucking her arm back to her chest, she didn't seem all that bothered or simply forgot about being naked below the waist as well. She was clearly flustered.

Lue still had one eye squeezed shut at the mist pelting her in the face, her tongue flicking against water-soaked lips as she squinted the opened eye too. "I tracked the bracelet. It lead me here.." As if that explained everything. "Yes, I am getting soaked. That's what happens when you're in water. You get wet." Her technical reasoning came out to play then as she didn't seem all that phased by it. "I finished the bag of cookies and went to get more.."

"...And it took you all day to do that?" She raised a brow at Lue. She'd known her for a few years now, and she still made little sense to her. She didn't comment on the technicalities that got tossed back to her.

"I meant to," she started, puffing out her cheeks and making raspberries against the water still assaulting her. Her shoes were soaked, her clothing was getting drenched. But the only part that bothered her was that it was hitting her in the face. "But I got distracted. I smelled fruit pastries and followed it. I was on my way there when I found a pet shop. I went inside and...Did you know this place has a lot of strange creatures" It kind of reminds me of home. Well, I got done there and forgot where I was going to do before I found it. So I walked around for awhile...Then I found.."

Kokabiel held up her hand to silence the girl, shaking her head. "You get distracted. I get it, Lue."

"Yes." Lue firmly nodded her head.

Keeping her lips pressed together, Kokabiel's brows were creeping up her forehead as she slowly nodded her head. "Okay' and did you get your cookies?" She pushed a lock of wet hair away from her cheek from where it was stuck.

It was that moment that she furrowed her brows and lowered her gaze to the floor. After a second of thought, she lifted her head and shook it from side to side. "....No.." There was a soft pout on her lips. Briefly, however, she bounced and splashed the water collected on the bottom of the tub. "I'm going to get more cookies!"

And before Kokabiel could get another word in, she fizzled out once again. Leaving Kokabiel to face-palm herself and get back to her shower.

Luella Vale

Date: 2017-01-17 13:30 EST
1.10.17 Five Hours Later

Tiny Houdini was at it again. There was a crackle in the air until the fizzling hiss like electricity had her materializing in Kokabiel's living room. This time, there were about fifteen grocery bags in her hands, looped up her arms and even cradled between them. Grunting, the small fey bent at the waist to drop them onto the floor.

K, who was sitting on the couch enjoying a glass of Jameson and a rerun of some show she hadn't quite caught the name of, paused mid-sip to the fey who had appeared in her living room. Eyeing the bags, she could make out the word "Milano' through the almost-see-through grey plastic. Raising one brow, she eyed and counted them. "Jesus, Lue" do you need that many cookies?"

Still dressed the exact same way as when she'd showed up in the shower earlier, she perked up once her arms were free from the bags. Frankly, she'd had to fight a few of them off. Looking at the woman like the answer was obvious, she simply blinked. "...Yes." Shaking out her arms as if to get feeling back in them, she collected a couple of the bags and started walking to the kitchen. Her shoes were still wet from the shower incident earlier, squeaking and making a squishing sound every time she took a bouncing step.

Palming at her face again, she kept her hand over her eyes as she spoke to the girl. "You never changed, did you? And?" Lowering her hand, she looked in the direction of the kitchen. "You did pay for those, right?" Lifting the cup to take another heavy sip of the liquor, her eyes danced between the kitchen and the television.

Bouncing around the kitchen, she opened the cupboards and eyed what little room there was. "You need bigger cupboards!" She chirped, pushing boxes and bags out of the way to make room, stretching on tippy toes until she had to lean on one foot with the other stuck out like a ballerina. "No, I forgot to change," she admitted, settling her stance until she started to pull bag after bag of cookies out and put them away in the cupboards. "I" Well, no. I just went to the machine where you can' Whatsit?" Snapping her fingers for a moment with furrowed brows, trying to think of the name. "Where you do it yourself...Self?"

"My cupboards are big enough. You just buy too many cookies," she claimed, sighing against her cup until she let out a groan to Lue saying she hadn't paid for them. "You're suppose to pay for them. When you go to a store...." Pause. "They're called Self Check Outs, Lue.." Returning to the topic, "when you go to a store, you have to buy the product. It's not just a free for all. You stole the cookies?"

Furrowing her brows, she leaned across the counter to peer around the corner to give Kokabiel a squinted look. "You can never have too many cookies." Before she disappeared around the corner to resume putting away groceries. "Yeah, that's it," she confirmed to the name. "Oh," she frowned. "I stole them' Oh well." Considering what she did for work, the sound of thievery didn't sound too bad. "They're mine now." With the shopping bags empty of the goods, she balled them up with a crinkle of plastic before tossing them in the trash and returned to the living room to grab more. Her shoes still sloshing away across the carpet.

Sighing, Kokabiel shook her head. Reasoning with the fey was difficult sometimes. She was intelligent, more so than many entities she knew. But there some concepts she had difficulty with. When the woman had found the fey, she knew nothing of Earth's realm or know how. A lost Mazikeen in a world of humans (among other races). She'd taken the girl in, taught her the ways of Earth and their technologies which didn't take long at all, surprisingly. She already learned English for herself by listening to the humans around her while she was lost. But some things still didn't click. The fey was used to taking what she needed to survive, and ever since she'd gotten a hold of those damned cookies, it had made that list. Cookies are like air. I need them. And when she made that pitiful puppy dog look, there was no arguing with the girl.

Instead of chewing the girl out, she simply stood from the couch and moved to help her. "Let's find more space for these, then." Before you end up throwing everything in the cupboards away to make more room"

Knowing she'd won, there was a small curl of a smile that was similar to the Grinch. Impish, mischievous. Nodding once, there was a bit more of a bounce in her step as she took the trips back and forth.

"And take your shoes off! You're getting my carpet soaked.?

Pursing her lips, Lue shrugged and kicked the wet shoes off her feet, right into the trashcan. She had rather impeccable aim.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, K shook her head. "That's not what I meant..."