Topic: A Chilly Reception

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2007-02-08 21:40 EST
This ain't no night to be on your own You've got to know where you're coming from To know just where you're goin', lord You've got to know where you're coming from This ain't no night to be on your own Run away, run away tonight It aint no victory but I don't care, I don't care if its wrong or right

Live - Run Away

One did strange things in moments of panic. Tasha wasn't any different. When faced with her current dilemma she had fled. Taking off into the wilds of Carowyn and hoping in her wanderings she found an answer to the questions rattling around inside her head.

Her trouble was in the form of vampire clones. While she was sure no such thing actually existed, this crew seemed to try and prove her belief otherwise. They had called themselves "Winter Brood" which she had never heard of and had taken to stalking her every step. It was most unsettling and Tasha had felt them watching her, everywhere she went. It hadn't been a pleasant sensation either.

In truth, she really preferred to be the watcher and not the watched. She also felt far more at ease with a vampire that wanted to kill her then one that seemed to want her taken alive. Honestly! What self-respecting vampire wanted to keep a hunter alive anyway' While she wasn't totally sure any rules regarding that actually were written, Tasha was fairly sure the norm was to kill the pest and be done with it.

So why did she get to be lucky enough to find some freaky kindred rebel? It seemed almost unfair to her. What was worse, she hadn't been hunting them. Heck, she hadn't even known they existed, let alone took the time to kill any of them, well at the time, as she now had a few notches for them listed in her journal. But only after they started picking on her first.

Now, having spent a number of weeks with the Ama Ederoi, she was making her way back to more populated areas. Dale Alian, the elegant little town she had stayed at had been peaceful and a good place to settle in and study. She hadn't found much to explain her stalkers thoughts there, but had a few more effective spells under her belt. She had exchanged knowledge with the Mages to get it.

Coryil had requested a special dispensation so she could enter their magical tower. Riordian, the clan leader had been reluctant at first but after speaking with her for a while, he relented. She hadn't found the language a problem either as it was very near to her own birth tongue. She had thought Danny's claims they were related to her kind farfetched but having now spent time pouring over their library she was pretty sure they actually were distant kin to her own race.

Had any from Gharnholme or RhyDin had seen her they would have died laughing. Out of respect she had adopted their mode of clothing. Having a few dresses in her backpack now that would likely never again see the light of day. Typical Elven stuff with the whimsical flares Tasha just didn't think suited her at all. She had actually felt rather like a child playing dress up and as they kept referring to her as "Solia Thae" which meant simply, "Tiny Fae", it had only reinforced that idea in her head. Apparently her smaller size here was just as unusual as it was in the place she was born. Go figure.

Silvery-violet eyes gazed out at the gloomy landscape that passed slowly from the carriage window. She was returning to Gharnholme, perhaps a bit more armed, but still at a loss. Remembering the last conversation she had had with Coryil and just chuckled to her self.

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2007-02-08 21:43 EST
I know there's something out there I think I hear it move I've never felt like this before I wish you never told me I wish I never knew I wake up screaming It's all because of you

Three Days Grace - Scared

"Perhaps this creature fancies you Solia Thae?" The mages features wearing a very earnest expression, his silvery-blue gaze serious.

"Doubt that. If he was wanting to date me, I am sure he would have gone about it in a totally different manner." Tasha replied looking more then a little displeased at such a suggestion.

"If not that, then mayhaps he wants your magic?" Such an idea was not unknown to his people. Many had already sought to enslave them and use their special skills to their own ends after all. Something Tasha had learned in her recent forays into their vast library.

She considered that for a moment, but it didn't really make much sense. Had it been Vinnie the Vile again, she would have nodded, but her current stalker didn't seem to use magics of the same nature. "Maybe. Thing is, that would require my acceptance so it isn't likely he would have attacked me so viciously if he wanted that."

"Our people know little about such creatures Solia Thae. To us they are but stories to scare children into good behavior. Myth and fable and little more." A look of somber apology rested on the elegant features so much like Tasha's own kin. "I am sorry we couldn't help you more with your trouble."

"Oh, you have helped. You have given me more spells in which to combat this beast. That's more then I had when I arrived and for that I thank you. " She smiled at the elven mage with a twinkle in bright eyes. "Before I ever started to travel, I used to believe they were stories told to scare me too. Just I have learned over the years they really do exist."

"I hope I never need face such a beast." Coryil stated completely serious. "We have other monsters to fight and don't need more."

"Too true friend."

Jerked from her memory as the carriage hit a deep rut in the road and just sighed. It was true she now did have a few more handy spells to utilize. Some designed around the idea of vampire weakness such as wood and silver. They were hit or miss spells tho, as Tasha knew only to well that while some vamps did have those weakness, others didn't. Either way they would at least still hurt and do some ugly damage so in that regard, no matter the outcome she was still better off in the end.

Her gaze once more turned towards the fog, enshrouded world outside, noticing the trees bare of leaves and muttered. She could feel the temperature dropping, but had hoped to get back to the keep before an evil storm broke. Unfortunately, by the look of the sky her luck was working like normal. The air was still for the moment, almost eerily quiet, just the sound of the hitched horses and the rattle of wheels could be heard.

She had other means to get back there, but wasn't quick to use it, knowing it would set off alarms. So she was going to try to return through these more traditional means. It was slow, and boring and eventually the rocking of the carriage, being exceptionally hypnotic, lulled her into a drifting sleep.

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2007-02-09 01:55 EST
Turn me upside down I know it sounds a little bit lazy But I lost myself in a mystery Save me- some aggravation And tell me your wisest tale Sister Hazel - Save Me

She woke with a start, confused and looking around, but the darkness outside obscured her view. The carriage had stopped and she now heard shouts beyond the confines, many of them that brought a bit of tension to her small frame. Moving slowly, she drew the blade from her leather boot and again looked out the fogged up window, only to jerk back as the door beside it swung open, letting in a blast of cold air.

She blinked owlishly at the strange man peering inside and her fingers tightened on the blade. She knew the realm she was traveling in was in a state of chaos. Chaos she knew Lucius loved and was inspiring with his march of war.

The man stared right back with dark eyes, but she could see little else, as he was dressed to ward off the growing chill with most of his features covered by a scarf. "Please step out of the carriage Miss. You have reached a check point, and by decree of Lord DeAuster we need to search any before they seek to pass."

She nodded, pulling her cloak around her slight form tighter, and tucked her blade back out of sight before she allowed him to help her down. Soon enough she was standing by the coachman as they did indeed search the conveyance.

Tasha knew Luc could be paranoid, but this seemed almost excessive to her but she just stood waiting, shifting from one small boot to the other to ward off the cold now swirling around the hem of the heavy cloak she was swaddled in. Perhaps Luc or one of his family was nearby, as that might explain it. "Is Lord DeAuster near sir?" Tasha asked, figuring it couldn't hurt to ask after all.

For her effort she was given a look of suspicion and then another soldier stepped over. "Your travel papers Miss?" A hand encased in thick black gloves was extended and she fumbled around trying to find the small book Luc had given her before she had taken off some months before. Pulling it from her pouch she offered it over, hoping she didn't have to wait too much longer or she would turn into an Elf Popsicle.

More confusion as she watched the one with her papers turn to another soldier and handed them over. Only to frown as the even larger man stalked off, taking them along. "Hey! Those are mine!" She started to follow only to be pulled back by the coachman.

"Leave it be Lass. You don't want to be tangling it up with these men. It's said they be savages." Even though he spoke common well, Tasha heard the burr in his voice that made her aware the coachman was likely raised country folk and still listened to idle gossip.

She was willing enough for the moment, but her patience wouldn't last long. Tasha was tired, cold and getting hungry which meant she would start to get cranky and her lips started to take on a pouting moue.

A small boot started tapping, a sure sign of her growing impatience as the waiting continued, only to stop when the large man who had walked off with her papers reappeared, and was heading right for her.

"Come with me Miss." A hand caught her arm and started to pull her along and her jaw dropped in sudden and total shock.

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2007-02-09 09:20 EST
You want to feel a little warmth A little mercy You want to feel like this is real But it's so cold this time of year And everywhere you liked to go is a reminder Oh you can smell him in the air But this is just being unfair I don't care 'cause life was never meant to be painless Baby Animals - Painless

"What' Hey!" I didn't do anything! Leggo!" She tried to dig in her heels, but it didn't even slow her momentum as he just pulled her along like a rag doll. Tasha caught a look of pity from the coach man who was watching without protest as her few belongings were unloaded and she sighed.

"What ever is wrong I am sure Lord DeAuster will clear it right up. He knows me!" It felt as if the large hulking Northa wasn't even paying the least bit of attention to her as he hauled her towards a building that looked like some kind of town hall and for a brief moment, Tasha had visions of a witch trial, having read about such things, but she quickly shook it off.

"Don't panic girl. This could be nothing at all, just a minor misunderstanding. Maybe Luc gave me the wrong papers or forgot to sign it. I really should have looked at them better. Just well, didn't think much about it at the time. I ain't used to having to have anything like that to travel after all." It was a quick mental conversation as she prepared herself to deal with some unknown warlord. She felt sure she could fast-talk her way out of whatever misunderstanding had occurred. After all, in this instance she truly was innocent.

A sharp turn and the destination was no longer the looming dark building but the one beside it, but before she could even take stock or get a good look at it, she was jerked inside, just as the storm above broke and flakes of ice and snow started to fall.

Pensive silvery-violet eyes caught sight of darkened halls, the heavy scent of lemon polish and the realization she wasn't freezing anymore, mere seconds before she was pushed inside a large room.

"Here she is Commander." Her gruff escort stated releasing her finally then turned and stalked back out, the sound of the heavy door closing as he did so. She swallowed a bit nervously as she could see a few in the room, all were standing around a large table, but features were cast into shadows by the light from the fire in the large hearth. Was she going to be interrogated or something" The thought didn't cheer her up at all.

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2007-02-09 21:29 EST
Lately it's occurred to me That I've had enough of that And lately I've been satisfied by simple things Like breathing in and breathing out

Natalie Merchant - Not In This Life

"I was wondering when you would return Tasha." A familiar voice and she blinked, then the worry fell from her with a sudden darting movement and she pounced Lucius with a warm hug.

"Oh thank goodness! I ain't used to this cloak and dagger stuff and was about to lose it over getting dragged in here. What are you doing here Luc?" Tasha's words falling in a rush, and full of obvious relief as she continued. "I thought I was going freeze to death out there while they searched the carriage then they hauled me in here. I didn't know what was going on but boy am I glad to see you! "

Lucius returned her hug just as warmly, and then eased back to get a look at her with a battle callused hand tugging the hood of her cloak down. "You look well Tash. Hair's longer I see." Fingers ruffling the moon white locks with a smile, while he peered down at her. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

Her nose crinkled at the comment about her hair and she brushed the mussed strands from her brow with bright eyes lifting to meet his steely gray ones. "Kinda sorta. Didn't get much in the way of answers but have some new spells for my arsenal."

"Better then nothing." A tug and he led her towards a chair near the warm heath and she dropped down gladly, grinning up at him with obvious delight at finding him there.

"Well, why are you here anyway?" She asked again, darting a few curious looks towards men of his in the room still.

"Raiders hit this town earlier today. I came to handle the situation and will soon return home with a few prisoners." Luc replied as he folded his large frame down into the chair across from her own and stretched out his long legs. "It would be safer for you also to return with me Tasha. Torvien is growing more desperate and I don't want you to stumble over one of his raiding parties."

"Ah, well I don't want to meet up with them either, so going back with you suits me fine." Giggling impishly as she shifted, tucking one foot under her and leaned to peer at him with wide dancing eyes. "Besides, that keeps me from having to travel in the cold and you know how I feel about that."

"Indeed. I remember quite well your dislike for it." A smile broke over his whiskered face and he laughed quietly. "Well, lets get some food into you and once I am done here, we can return to the warmer confines of Gharnholm."

In no time at all, she was stuffed to the limit with good food and after being served warm honey mead, she was soon curled up back in the chair near the hearth and fell asleep while listening to the quiet drone of voices talking across the room.

A hand shook her awake gently and her eyes blinked open slowly with a yawn and she glanced up towards Lucius as he leaned over her. "Time to go Tash."

Sitting up slowly she stretched and yawned again, glancing around sleepily. The room was quiet with the fire now merely embers in the grating of the hearth. "What time is it?" "Nearly three." He replied quietly, holding out her gloves to her with one of those rare smiles.

Taking the leather from his hand, she pulled them on her fingers and blew some silvery hair from her eyes. "You get everything done then?" She asked, moving slowly to her feet, still feeling the lure of sleep tugging at her.

"I believe so. I may return with Daniel tomorrow if more raiders arrive." He stepped over and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, letting her lean against him as she muffled yet another yawn behind her covered fingers. "Lets get you home and into a proper bed Tash."

"Um, sounds like a good idea to me. Lead on Tall dark and Gruesome." Just as soon as the words left her lips, she was caught by the sensation of free falling. Aware of the darkness, the cold and the feeling of disorientation Luc's mode of travel always gave her and then found her violet eyes blinking minutes later, tired and trying to adjust to the sudden light as they arrived back at the keep.

"Off to bed with you Little One." He stated, then leaned and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.

"Oh yeah." She gave him a sleepy smile and was wandering off towards her room. One held just for her in his home. Once inside, she shed her boots and various weapons and then still fully clothed, crawled into bed and in minutes was once more caught up in the embrace of sleep.