Topic: A Meeting of Hearts and Minds

Talomar Longden

Date: 2008-02-13 23:33 EST
Night had settled over the land, cold and silent; a young waxing moon already positioned itself to set behind the mountains in the west. The icy, leafless branches of an old oak began to suddenly sway, creaking in the silence of the night that hung over House Onyx. A dark shadow took form in the branches and the even darker eyes of Count Longden looked over the house of the family he had never visited. They were family through his marriage to Tara Rynieyn, yet in all the time they were married she had never brought him here. He thought how ironic it was that he should now be paying the home a visit after his wife had left the land. He had come to see the Lady Belial, and the thought of seeing her again excited him. Their introduction at the charity event had made a significant impression upon him.

Talomar looked at the house entrance and leap from his 60-foot perch in the oak. His shadow, darker than the night, moved through the air, and he landed at the steps with the sound of a heavy weight coming to the earth. He went down on one knee with the fingers of his left hand splayed and touching the step for balance. Talomar remained there for a moment and listened, and then he rose up to his full height and moved to the door. He was dressed in black, with a black cape over his shoulders. The deep purple lining of that cape shimmered in the pale light. He knocked firmly upon the door, and proceeded to slowly remove his leather gloves.

As he stood before the door and waited, he remembered how his wife called this "Bloodbath House" and how the Lady Belial was always "Aunt Bel" to his wife. He smiled and felt that twinge you get deep inside when you miss someone. The thoughts and feelings passed when he sensed someone approaching the door from the inside.

Many Bloods were wandering to and fro, from the main house to one of the various out buildings that rest on the large expanse of Blood owned property, yet none had stopped to question the stranger who had suddenly appeared, nor had any alarms triggered. Instead, the double doors opened and a young-looking elven girl smiled warmly to the Count. With a nod of her head she gestured for him to enter. "Count Longden, I presume" Bel is expecting you. If you would please come in, I shall take you to the parlor." The large foyer was tiled in majestic marble; marble not seen outside of the Lands, home of Corwyn and most of his Family Bloods. A wide staircase led to the upper chambers of the three-storied mansion. Currently, the balcony of the second floor was empty, yet the splendor of the d"cor spoke of vintage antiques. No expense had been spared and that was evident in every tiny detail. Hallways branched off both sides of the grand staircase, leading to the unknown, as this was the first time the Count had graced the premises. The young Elven girl smiled and turned, gesturing once more for the Count to follow. She was tall, an inch and a half over six-feet, and slender of build. Her hair was the color of the full moon at midnight, silver and so fine that it caught the subtle drafts of cool air that seemed to circulate throughout the house from some unseen force. For those with the talent to sense such, the manna here is thick and pure; it hummed with a frequency rarely found outside of the Lands.

He smiled to the greeting of the elven girl and gave the slightest bow of greeting. He walked inside House Onyx and looked upon the d"cor and the massive elegance of the home. As someone with cultural tastes refined over centuries of experience, he was duly impressed with all that he observed. Talomar followed her down the corridors, his black cape flowing behind him as they moved swiftly and effortlessly to the massive double oaken doors.

She led the Count down the left-hand corridor, pausing before a pair of double oaken doors; she granted him a nod as she pulled one side open. She stepped inside and spoke in a clear voice. "Bel, Count Longden has arrived. Want me to have them bring the refreshments?" "Of course, sweets, and let Corwyn know the papers are on their way, would you please?" Her voice was easy to recognize; it was as smooth as satin, yet warm like honey on a hot summer day. When the girl stepped aside, Talomar would be able to lay his eyes upon the Lady Bel. Perhaps she had dressed for this evening for she was not in her typical attire - jeans and her Blood red leather jacket. No, tonight she was resplendent in a velvet gown of deep forest green. It clinged to her body like a second skin, yet the cut was demure, a contradiction much like the lady herself. Only her pale throat and hands were left exposed, while ebony locks danced about her features as her steps brought her towards him. "Ah, Count, thank you for coming. Please, do make yourself comfortable?" A small seemingly-fragile hand was extended towards him as she offered him her most angelic of smiles. "This is our parlor. I thought it best to have our meeting here. It's far more comfortable than my office." The sound of Bel's voice was welcoming in itself. He took confident strides into the parlor and smiled warmly at Bel. "My Lady Bel, you look . . ." his mind grasped for the words his eyes were already proclaiming, ". . . absolutely stunning." He took her hand in his and placed a soft kiss upon the back of it, sensing her strongly and feeling his heartbeat quicken.

"This parlor is an excellent choice, m'lady. You're home is most impressive." Once his eyes came to rest upon Bel, the details of the home were completely lost in the background. His attention was totally upon the beautiful woman who stood before him in that magnificent gown that had a richness of color that was only exceeded by that of her eyes.

Talomar's touch was electric, and for a moment, Bel lost focus; unusual for her as she'd had decades, no centuries, to hone her skills. A catch of her breath as her heart began to race. It's in such moments that the truth of living becomes crystal clear, how a touch or a smile, a smell or a look can bring one's soul to the edge of bliss. A fascination really for the physical, for it isn't simply about the pleasure of the flesh; no, but the pleasure of one's heart. It's a lesson hard learned, and still, unfortunately, somewhat abstract for Bel. She gave herself a firm yet silent chastisement to remind herself that they had come together for business. Yet she couldn't keep herself from wondering what thoughts ran through his mind" "Does he feel the same attraction that tugs at me?" Green eyes as clear as a cat's seemed to search the unfathomable depths of the Count's, seeking an answer to the unasked. A canting of her head, his cool hand clasped in her fingers tugged her away from the reality, away from the business, and for a second her only response was to give him a light squeeze while she tried to recall what he'd just said. A gentle chuckle fell from parted lips. "Ah, my apologies, Count. It seems you've stolen by breath away." Her voice was teasing and light, but there was an edge of seriousness that couldn't be mistaken.

"Yes, our home is rather gracious; Corwyn takes great pride in such things." A half-shrug granted she had yet to pull free of his hold on her hand. "Perhaps you would care to sit' I have taken the liberty to order us some refreshments. Of course, if there is something else better to your liking, do feel free to ask." Bel pushed aside her wayward thoughts, striving instead to recall why the Count was here. There was business to be done, and it was time to get down to it. "I fear we may be too late to influence the Governor's election; however, there are other matters I wish to discuss with you tonight. Whenever you are ready, Count?" Such a professional tone she attempted to retain, yet her thoughts strayed to far more intimate contemplations.

Talomar slowly pulled his gaze away from her amazing green eyes. "I get the feeling that whatever refreshments arrive, I shall be very pleased." He meant that in more than one way as he gave her that smile and looked to where she had indicated to sit. He slowly walked over to the couch as he pressed his fingertips together and considered her words. "I think we're not quite too late to influence the Governor's election, M'lady. I have my means, and I'm sure you have yours. All we need this eve is a decision about who would best serve our purposes."

He turned and looked upon Bel, and then held out his hand to her and nodded for her to approach and sit first. "And then I would be very interested in exploring those . . . other matters." He could feel his heart race just looking upon Bel, and he wondered why it had taken him so long to meet this amazing woman.

Bel watched as Tal moved. He had the grace of a predator, lithe and yet finely honed. She could see his muscles cord with every step even under the thickness of his cape. His cape"! How could she have forgotten to take it"! A blush colored pale cheeks as she moved over to join him, a nod towards the garment. "Count, forgive my rudeness, please" Might I take your cloak?"

The interior of the parlor was warm, yet not pressing. He would likely be far more comfortable without it. As she waited for him to take it off, she continued. "Yes, you make a good point, Count. I confess the Bloods have some influence; however, it matters little who takes the honor of the title. If my plans should prove fruitful, we'll be working alongside any one of them." Those green eyes danced with a wicked light, her smile turned somewhat secretive. "And I believe we can make this happen easily - you, me and a handful of others specifically handpicked. But first, before we go into that, will you please share your thoughts concerning the candidates?"

The Count removed the clasp that was holding the cloak about his shoulders. Bel would notice that it had more weight than one might think from the way it flowed about him. "Thank you, M'lady," he replied softly as he handed his cloak to her, "but no apology is necessary. I seem to have completely forgotten that I was wearing it." He smiled seductively, "See what you do to me" I even forget what I'm wearing." -= to be continued =-

Talomar Longden

Date: 2008-02-13 23:37 EST
A quiet rap at the parlor door introduced the arrival of their 'refreshments". Bel called out for the girl to enter. The same girl who had led Talomar to the parlor stepped inside, carrying an ornate silver tray. She didn't bother speaking, but just nodded to Belial before sitting the tray to the low table positioned before the sofa. Another exchange of nods, and Talomar might have gotten the sense that perhaps they shared a mental conversation by the exchange of looks between the two ladies. Bel took the Count's cloak and handed it off to the girl. She smiled between Bel and the Count before turning and leaving with the same silence in which she'd arrived. Talomar listened attentively as Bel spoke of plans that would work with any of those running for the governor office. "Lady Belial, you have me most intrigued." As if she didn't from the moment his eyes first saw her. He was about to speak of the candidates when the talk elven girl came in with the refreshments. He was silent and simply watched the interaction between the two, which to him, seemed perfectly natural. Any of his servants would have behaved the same and it pleased him that their two houses were so similar.

"Ahh, I look most forward to your opinion of our fine wine." Again that secretive smile wreathed full red lips as Bel poured the Count a glass of the Blood wine. Thick and viscous, it was obviously not a typical wine. Bel lifted the crystal goblet and offered it to him. "Please, my roomy Sun swears by the stuff. It's made of Elven blood. It's rich with the manna of the Lands."

He could sense the wine even before she described it. "You honor me with such fine wine, M'lady. I'm indeed humbled by your graciousness." He sniffed the wine and held it up to examine it, then brought it to his lips in a taste. "Mmm . . . that is excellent. I thank you. I haven't had anything so delicious in quite some time."

Bel smiled as she watched him sip the Bloods special stock. She was hoping he'd enjoy it. With the feral grace of a cat, she slid down into the sofa; green eyes never strayed from dark, dreamy depths. "I'm glad you appreciate it, Count," she purred and then let the words trail away as a small hand patted the sofa cushion. "Please sit, make yourself comfortable. We have much to talk about yes?" There was about her the air of confidence and yet an odd vulnerability, as if she too was enticed by the smell. Yet it wasn't the wine that enchanted, but rather the male. "Let me state for the record, if you will," the hint of an amused chuckle, "it's one of our specialties" - the wine. We have our hands in many . . . ventures, Count. Some of which I feel might benefit you." Mysterious words which she let hang between them.

Talomar sat with much grace upon the couch and lifted his free arm to the back of the couch behind Bel, not touching her, but bringing them close together. ?"Appreciate it' is an understatement, M'lady. There is nothing about this night that I haven't found to be totally desirable."

He crossed one leg over the other, facing into Bel and spoke in a deep, silky voice. "I'm sure we're going to discover many areas that we have in common and that will bring benefits to us both." He paused and took another sip of the delightful wine.

Talomar then moved at bit closer so that even if they spoke in whispers they would easily hear the other. "Regarding the candidate for governor, I've vacillated back and forth. My first inclination was to support G"nort, the one who ran against me last year. From what I hear, he has a considerable lead at this point. Karen Wilder, I believe she cannot be elected even with our aid. Admiral Wolvinator is ambitious, but the crowd he plays to is not of my liking. That leaves the one known as Matthew Algiers Simon. I've had him under scrutiny, and I'm beginning to think that he has much more credibility than G"nort and could provide a more . . . mature foundation to the office."

He took another sip, his dark eyes never leaving her beautiful greens. "I'm very interested in your feelings on this."

The Count's nearness had an incredible effect upon Bel. She could feel the warmth spreading through her with the desire to reach out and touch him. Fighting back the urge, she allowed herself to lean in close, to catch his scent without drawing too much attention. It was committed to memory with ease and distinct pleasure. Yes, he was a delectable treat indeed, she was already finding him difficult to resist. His voice, his eyes, they held her as close as any embrace could have. Such thoughts, although not foreign to her, had not assailed her in many, many years. There was something unsettling about it, but she already understood the hesitation. Her personal weakness; alas, this was not the time for pleasure, for business must come first. A muted sigh, little more than an exhale of breath, as she attempted to focus her thoughts to the more pressing matters at hand. Matthew Simon' Yes, she was familiar with the gentleman, yet she had not had the honor of meeting him . . . yet. But she knew many who spoke highly of the man.

Bel granted Talomar a nod, her expression contemplative as she answered him in earnest. "Yes, Lord Simon may be the perfect choice; however, I must wonder what skeletons he has in his closet' We have been unable to unearth anything so far. Of course . . . no dirt, there is little to use to control him. G"nort on the other hand . . . well . . . he seems to find himself in some interesting situations; situations that could easily be exploited against him. "We might prefer someone easily malleable, Count. The stronger and more moral the candidate, the harder I fear they will be to . . . let's call it "influence", yes?" Bel had cut to the chase and taken a direct route. She saw no reason to play cat and mouse with the Count' at least' not concerning this matter. Of course . . . later perhaps . . . there might be a time such play could prove . . . entertaining indeed.

The closeness of Bel had him wanting to throw away all plans to do business and to just immerse himself in her in every way, yet self-control was something he had always prided himself in and this night it was truly being tested. "What you say is true, I certainly acknowledge that. Still, G"nort seems to take pride in his deficiencies and the multitude of skeletons that are so tightly packed into his closet. He might just find that the public display of his skeletons only serves to enhance his reputation as some loose rapscallion and gigolo. On the other hand, Matthew Simon, even if he has one skeleton in his closet, would likely do anything to keep it well hidden from public view."

Talomar stopped just to inhale Bel's fragrance and appreciate her beauty. The hand that was on the back of the couch nonchalantly touched her shoulder.

Talomar's touch sent an exhilarating chill dancing over Bel's flesh. Her smile never faltered, yet did she lean in closer to the contact' It was a barely perceptible movement, easily lost to mortal senses, yet the Count would notice effortlessly because of his "nature". The spicy scent of her rose enticingly, a trait of her days spent Below. It was heavy with delightful promise, thick with pheromones meant to seduce. Bel had to admit his reasoning concerning Matthew Simon was solid. She nodded thoughtfully, nibbling lightly on her lower lip, a human trait to say the least and a habit picked up during her time in the physical. Again, Talomar may have gotten the impression that she was having a silent communication with another" someone obviously not in the room with them. Another slow nod, this had the air of acceptance or perhaps agreement' "Yes, of course, you make an excellent point, Count."

Bel's own thoughts were spiraling away with every breath and for a brief moment she struggled to pull them back to the task at hand. The Count was more than a mild temptation, hard and harder to resist. But Bel must remain steadfast, at least until she closed the deal" and there was a lot more to it than simply a chat about who they should support in the Governor's race. "Alright, yes. We shall throw our support behind Lord Simon' but in the meantime, we shall continue looking for the gentleman's skeleton. As you and I both know, Count, every soul has one. He must also. We have but to look in the right place, yes?" Her smile warmed as she canted her head, ebon curls brushed the back of his hand" intentionally. "Ahh, were that all we would be free to our own . . . pleasures. Alas, there is yet more . . .

Count Longden nodded his agreement. I'll send word to my people and we'll soon have a good proportion of those who are going to vote for G"nort suddenly see the amazing attributes of our Lord Simon." He gave Bel a wink and sipped his wine, feeling the manna of the lands within it " intoxicating, yet far less so than the presence of Lady Belial.

Bel changed the subject, "Milord Corwyn wishes to seek a nonaggression treaty with you and your House, Count. He feels that our close "familial" ties should grant us both the safety and protection that such a bond should offer. If you agree, he wishes me to impart to you that we would enjoy taking your . . . ah' How shall I put this, eh' I don't wish to say this indelicately and we're well aware that you strive to keep this aspect of your . . . business dealings ever so quiet. Yet, your "commodities" have a market, and we have the ability to reach that market, Count. In return for your agreement to the treaty, we would be happy to make sure your "commodities" get the best price available." The last thing on Belial's mind was slaves or slave trading, but it was a primary ingredient . . . or so Corwyn had insisted. So there it was" laid before Talomar. She waited patiently for his response, hoping it wouldn't be explosive because of the secretive nature of the topic. She'd hate for their meeting to come to such an abrupt end, especially when she'd not even gotten a taste of him yet.

Talomar just smiled and softly stroked Bel's hair as he listened to her speak of the treaty and his commodities. His eyes had moved to her lips and he watched the way they moved as she spoke. Finally he responded as if the answers were obvious. "Dearest lady, if there is one family in all this land I would wish no aggression with, it would be Lord Corwyn's. I have no family other than what I have through my past marriage to Tara, and therefore the notion of family has become particularly important to me. I would be delighted to formalize those feelings with a treaty that would bring myself and the resources of S.E.C.T.O.R. in a blood alliance with your family.

He set his emptied glass of wine down upon the low table in front of the couch. "My commodities are traded on many worlds, but I'm always looking to trade where the most profit can be made. I look forward to such further business discussions."

The "commodities" traded by the Space Equipment and Commodity Trading Organization ran the gamut from the mundane and quite legal products to the more esoteric ones which included "Pharmaceuticals" (drugs), "Security' (state-of-the-art weapons), and "Personnel" (slaves). He did not take, train, or in any other way deal with the daily matters of slavery. He left that business to others. His wealth was made by the simple, safe, and secure delivery of such "personnel" to those who placed orders at an acceptable price.


Date: 2008-02-20 19:36 EST
Bel didn't shy away from Talomar's caress of her hair. Rather she enjoyed the soothing comfort it offered. Her smile turned approving as she nodded to his kind words about their shared Family. Yet it dawned on her that to be fair she should perhaps pursue what commodities" he had to offer. Those green eyes watched as he sat the wine glass aside, his comment about "many worlds" already as his market also piqued her interest. "Hmm, it begs me to question, Count, if you trade on such a large scale" might you willingly share how you accomplish it?" Bel's voice was a soft purr of sound; she was not interrogating but sincerely intrigued and her tone insinuated as much. "We have managed to find many ways to move merchandise" one is through the use of Stars End. Another is through a minor manipulation of the Nexus?" She left off intentionally, not wishing to share unless he wanted to know more. Count Talomar Longden was relaxed and greatly enjoying being in House Onyx with the Lady Belial; in fact, he would enjoy being just about anywhere if she were with him. His eyes never ceased their overt appreciation of the beautiful pasture of her face. When she mentioned the Stars End he had to smirk and shrug just a little. "I'm a bit embarrassed to say that I'm a very wanted man on the Star's End. I wouldn't be surprised if there were still posters of my face hung in the offices of the local law enforcement, probably with schedules and sticky notes tacked all over the top of them. Alas, it's but the result of my days when I showed a little less discretion and patience."

He paused and watched as his hand moved down her arm. "I avoid both the Stars End and the Nexus, but do have a substantial fleet of ships and hyperspace transports that are quite reliable. S.E.C.T.O.R. is quite well known amongst the trading planets. Truthfully, I tend to keep away from the day to day operations; I've come to find it a bit boring these days."

Bel didn't seem in the least phased by the Count's confession that he may be a wanted man in Stars End. Nor did it change anything; perhaps instead it added an air to the mystery of the man behind the title" However a delicate brow did arch at the mention of S.E.C.T.O.R. The "organization' was known by the Family, although truth be told" the Bloods had not suspected the Count behind it. "Hmm, you seem to be a constant source of surprise, Count' We've heard of S.E.C.T.O.R. However our sources did not reveal you at its helm?" Bel did her best to ignore the sensation brought on by Talomar's touch, for to do otherwise would certainly derail any further business. "Ahh, look at me! Such a rude hostess! Would you care for more wine, Count?" Was it a calculated distraction' Of course! Bel was finding it harder than ever not to focus on the pursuit of pleasure. He smiled a soft, seductive smile that was totally sincere - he liked her far too much. "I would be most pleased to have more wine, if you would have some with me." He stood for a moment and walked slowly about the room, inspecting the antiques and admiring the artwork. "That you've heard of S.E.C.T.O.R. is not surprising. We promote ourselves quite well as a leader in interstellar commerce. I am surprised that I have kept that well hidden behind the scenes, very pleasantly surprised. That means my selection of this planet has done me well; besides, of course, the allotting me the unexpected opportunity to meet a most extraordinary and brilliant woman." He had returned to the couch and knelt down at her feet. "Please, allow me to pour." He left no doubt that he was referring to Bel.

What a temptation the male was proving to be? he practically begged with those black eyes and silken voice, that handsome face and charming smile for her to drink deeply of him. And what a difficult task it was not to! Had Bel not learned her lesson from Yhaull"! Obviously' for here she sat wanting to dive right into this delectable treat! She took in a deep, steadying breath, willing her heart to slow, her blood to quiet, her desire to diminish. Futile efforts all, for his nearness merely inflamed, making him an enticement she became ever the more determined to taste! And him on his knees"! "Pity and a shame I can't take advantage!" the thought silently tickled at her. A blush stained pale cheeks from the wending path her thoughts had taken. She brushed stray ebon curls from her face; an all too human gesture that spoke volumes of her current state of growing turmoil; a direct result of their shared chemistry. It had been years since Belial has been swept away like this, waves of undeniable want and unquenchable craving.

"Yes, of course, I shall enjoy a glass with you, Count' however" Do not think that I am such an easy conquest. I fear I am not what might meet the eye and for your own safety, it behooves me to mention the danger I could pose....In short, twould be wiser of you to get to know more about me better before you allow me any such intimacies." Her words cut to the point, for Bel knew full well the consequences of any kind of relationship with her. "Perhaps" We should conclude our business, yes?"

Without waiting for him to respond, papers appeared suddenly, clasped in her small, seemingly fragile hands. Stapled together in a neat sheaf, they looked of a legal nature and held titles to infer such. "Although law in Rhy"Din is sketchy at best, Count, we in the Bloods prefer to keep our transactions as official as possible. I'm sure you understand, yes?" She offered the document to him. "Please feel free to have your people look them over" take your time. If you wish to negotiate any of the options, please do let me know" We will be happy to work with you in everyway to secure our alliance. It is of the utmost importance to Milord Corwyn?" although, Bel didn't bother to say why. Talomar nonchalantly continued to pour the wine. He had deliberately given her the opportunity, but she resisted. He wasn't sure if he was disappointed or relieved. No, he was sure - it was definitely disappointment. He smiled and sat on the couch and received the papers from her hand. "I understand completely. I also prefer that alliances be quite official. It's just another way our houses are quite similar. Of course, I'll have my people look them over, but I don't anticipate any problems." He set the papers aside to retrieve when he leaves, and he picked up his glass of wine and held it up to Bel. "To new commitments."

His hair, it begged to be fondled" it begged for her fingers to roam through the lush waves and entwine in the soft tendrils. And his lips" pleaded for her taking. To press against the supple fullness, to taste of his wine-scented breath. Belial was close to the edge" it would take very little to shove her over it"

Were she not tainted.

"And not just by what you are, little bird"" the voice inside her head reminded coldly, alien and no longer foreign to her great dismay. "You are tainted in many ways, and your enemies would not hesitate to use him against you as they would any you love. You cannot protect them all, Belial. Careful where you allow this to go' or count him next on the list of those you've destroyed!"

So lost to her own thoughts, she'd not yet noticed the change in his demeanor, or the distance it has introduced between them.

Belial did her best to hide her inner agitation, although her smile had turned somewhat polished and empty. A nod as she reached for the wine glass. "Yes" to new commitments, and to strength in our growing family, yes?" "Yes," he agreed, "to strength in our growing family." He sipped his wine without taking his eyes off her, and didn't stop until the wine was fully consumed. He felt something different. It was her heartbeat - it slowed. The desire had subsided. Yet his had not. He wanted her, perhaps more than he had wanted any woman. He wanted to take her and feed on her at the same time and let her feed on him. There was something building in him that went far beyond whatever would or would not take place this night.

She sampled her wine while watching him as he drank his. Those green eyes unable, no, untrue, unwilling to move away from him. It was as if he were the only thing in her world. And as she watched him her thoughts ran down dark corridors inside her mind. To places she'd fought to keep It from reaching. In fact, she barred It from following, shutting it tightly away, no matter how its fury grew. There was a time when Bel yearned for the Embrace, burned for the Kiss. Not so long ago, (considering her true age?), she'd learned the foolhardy facet of this addiction and has hence attempted to gain control over the compulsion. She would have preferred to think her attraction to Talomar was based on this odd urge of hers....she knew well enough of his nature. But alas, she was, of late, as honest with herself as she would insist to be with others. His magnetism called to her on many levels. His appeal cut far deeper than simply the promise of his blood-taking and the delight such submergence would have granted her.

He set his once again empty glass down and reached for her glass, taking it and placing it down next to his. He moved in close, and he voice was like a whisper spoken directly into one's ears. "As you said, we should conclude our business."


Date: 2008-02-20 19:39 EST
Talomar was too close to allow Bel to retain hold on her convictions. Cohesion began to fail as once again she was swept up by the sheer strength of his charisma. His words washed over her as intimate as any caress and Bel found she was leaning in towards him, so close" closer and closest still. Her lips a mere hair's breathe away from his. Just a taste" It was what she promised herself, so small and insignificant, surely in the grand scheme of things it would mean little less than nothing" But offer up such satisfaction as to encourage her to take that next tiny step. Her breath was warm and scented by the wine and her own special nuances; spicy with a hint of cinnamon. He felt it just before her lips claimed his in a lingering, if stolen, kiss. He felt her breath against his mouth, and it was far more intoxicating than any beverage could hope to be. His own fragrance was as vanilla mixed with a manly scent that was fresh and seductive, demanding to be immersed in. His eyes closed and his lips moved against hers, feeling their softness as his hand moved behind her head, feeling her soft, raven hair slide through his fingers as he held her into the kiss. It was not a deep kiss, but rather the soft exploring that had his heart pounding with excitement and desire.

So far" Bel had kept her hands to herself; however the impulse to touch him overwhelmed. Hands lifted, cupping his face, fingertips brushed feather light over his cheeks. Her warm lips moved coaxingly against his, as if drinking him down. It was a moment that hinted of forever in a second. Yes, the kiss was gentle, a discovery rather than a demand, but hungry nevertheless. And as she shifted her body nearer to him all reason flew away on the wings of mounting desire. If Bel wasn't very careful she could easily get carried away' lost in Talomar. Yet the threat she'd hinted she posed, was as ever dangerous and growing more so with each passing second. She should have made herself stop" she should have forced herself to think" she should have pushed away and forced him to see how unwise this choice could be. Instead, he felt the heat of her passion rising as she pressed ever so lightly against him. It was in the fevered racing of her heart, the tumultuous flood of her blood and in those quivering lips parting. From the moment he had seen Bel at Jewell's charity ball, Talomar had felt himself inescapably falling for her, plunging headfirst into an amazing free fall of desire, and perhaps something even deeper and more unexpected " love. She was magnificent in every way. Without breaking the soft and tender kiss, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and leaned her back in the couch, nestled in his embrace.

Tal felt Belial's passion intensifying and her quivering lips begin to part. His lips moved sensuously over her parting lips until passion demanded her mouth totally. His mouth opened over hers and he kissed her deeply, his mouth making love with hers in a slow, deep dance of desire; breathing her in, drawing her breath from her lungs, sinking into wonderful delight of their first kiss.

Engrossed in Talomar, Belial's reservations were erased by the feel of him pressed against her, in the wrap of his strong arms. She lifted herself up, fingers wending their way through the silken strands of his lush hair, lips moving to lips as if the contact was in and of itself a banquet. Belial was Seraph, a creature of energy, her body little more than a construct created to enjoy the physical realms with. She fed on energy; her preference had always been energy of a sexual nature for it offers the most benefits and rewards " besides tasting delicious. As her arms snaked around him, drawing him ever nearer, she did open herself for the feasting. Supping on the sexual tension escalating between them, Belial felt her exhilaration intensifying. "Yes," she thought "I could get used to this" Bel shivered from the power he emanated, such a strong aura, the sensation was sharp yet rich. It tasted much as he smelled, and lingered on every one of her senses. Cradled as she was in his arms, she allowed him to take the lead" this time; although, it wasn't typical of her nature, to say the least. Somehow, someway she felt a surprising trust of him that surpassed her suspicious temperament, cutting through the fa"ade she tended to wear. A satin smooth sigh escaped her, flowing into him as she fell ever deeper into the allure of him. A hand moved up her arm, slid over her shoulder and then caressed her cheek as they kissed. Talomar tilted his head to explore Bel's mouth in new ways, and at the same time his large, strong hand felt her soft flesh as his hand moved down her jaw and settled upon her neck to caress it tenderly.

Talomar could feel the power rising within the Lady Belial, and he realized at that moment that he was with a woman unlike any other who was known to him - except perhaps Sid. There was a wonderful, formidable power within her and he found that excited him all the more. She was attracting him on every level; there was nothing about her that he didn't find fascinating and irresistible.

The kiss slowly broke and he moved his face back just enough to gaze upon her face. His fingers moved over her lips and then followed her cheekbone back to her ear. His voice was deep and amazingly soft, almost as if coming from all around her. "My dearest lady . . ." he swallowed, feeling the tingling sensations that were assaulting his lips, ". . . I'm afraid that you have so easily captured this heart of mine. I want you . . ." There was something in his eyes that might have her realize that his was no trite male line, but that it was spoken in sincerity, making himself totally vulnerable to her. If she didn't recognize it now, she would soon; for love finds ways to express itself in unambiguous terms.

Talomar's words were like a chilling breeze, for indeed Bel took them seriously and to heart. Belial could not have explained how little she understood the concept of "love". It was an abstract, something that beckoned her towards impulsive behaviors, something that could destroy her with little more than a whisper. And yet' inexplicably, she did not mentally withdraw from him, nor physically pull away. No, instead she lay calmly staring up into the pools of infinite black eyes. Perhaps for the second time in her existence on the physical plane, she tossed aside her uncertainties", and allowed his vulnerability to touch the very depths of her. A smile curled those full, full lips, already bruised by the sumptuousness of their shared kiss, green eyes bright and lit with the force of his essence. (Talomar was more than a healthy meal for one of her nature and she fairly brimmed with the thrum of their mutual attraction.) A small, seemingly fragile hand floated from his silken locks to cup his face with tender intent, fingers stroked ethereally against his flesh. "Count Talomar" who could have known that such a sensitive soul would linger beneath that devastatingly handsome visage...?" her words were whispered, low, intimate, for him alone, "To offer me such a reward" Twould be unseemly for me to take such advantage, until you know what it is I am' Perchance we should savor this moment, cherish the innocence of our time" When you know all there is to know about me" then decide. Choose not this moment for declarations you may regret. I am not what I seem to be? and fear I can never go back to what I once was." Perhaps her words were a mystery' that was not her goal, but alas Bel does not easily open up about all that has happened. For they were the darkest of secrets and had to be kept in order to keep her Family safe, or so she believed even in this most candid of moments. Her hand lingered on his cheek, a velveteen caress, her eyes pleaded with him to understand" she needed time to adjust' She didn't trust the impulse to jump in headlong; for such behavior was nearly her undoing in the past' He smiled and his eyes moved over her face with such appreciation for so pleasant an assignment. "Lady Belial," he whispered, "I've expressed to you the desire of my heart in wanting you. I cannot hide that desire from you, for even if my lips didn't speak it; I've no doubt that eyes would be proclaiming the news unabashedly." His finger moved over her lower lip. "I've deliberately left the 'when' up to you." He slowly moved his face close to Bel's until their lips were but a breath away. His words were but the softest whisper, "Getting to know you will be a most delightful experience; I have no doubt. And I promise to attend every class." He gave her a wink and smiled against her lips. The kisses that followed were beyond anything that could be imagined.

((Authors" Note: Co-written by the players of Belial and Talomar.))

Talomar Longden

Date: 2008-03-11 19:38 EST
They could feel the mounting desire that was so tenuously contained within each other's souls, and therefore the precise moment to either cease their intimacy or abandon all restraint was a mutual realization that led to the slow breaking of the kiss. Talomar's face remained close, looking into Bel's eyes as his fingers continued to comb through her soft, raven hair. "I should take my leave now, dearest lady," he said with a deep voice that was little more than a whisper.

The Count stood up from the couch, smoothed his clothes and reached for the packet of stapled papers that contained the contract. "I'll have this in my lawyer's hands by tomorrow morning, and I'm sure there will be no problem. It's only a formality."

Their walk to the door was one that took every effort of the will, for his desire to stay far outweighed his concession to go. Nevertheless, Bel was right. It was needful for them to get to know each other better " much better. At the door he turned and looked down into those captivating green eyes, and he gave her a warm smile that could easily draw a person in. "I would like to propose that we meet a week from tonight at my castle. It's not nearly as magnificent as House Onyx; but still, it does manage to have its own unique charm.? He had to grin at that understatement.

Talomar leaned down and placed a soft kiss upon Bel's lips. He then turned, left the doorway and headed straight for the shadows of the winter night with its crisp cold air that was as still and silent as one could imagine. In moments all signs of the Count's presence had faded.