Topic: Defending The Lands of Birth and Blood.

Wylde Blood

Date: 2006-05-17 02:38 EST
Fantasize exploding hands Archaic science Master plan Hear the war cry Watch the crow fly When your body's set It never fails Then you hear the tale of tales

Reign of Fire by Armored Saint

A bitter cold wind was sweeping down over the camps and the tall form strode through the tent city towards his own, where warmth and protection from the cutting wind awaited him. He was furious and any that saw him pass could easily read the rage on the hard scared visage. Mab was playing her usual tricks and now he had to see about diverting her from tinkering in matters she had no business being part of.

The talks had broken down rapidly for it was apparent the family had never wanted a marriage. His daughter would have likely ended up dead within a short time after the rituals, from all he had learned in recent days. His father had mistakenly assumed they wished to ally with the family, but in fact, they had been seeking the mines her dowry offered. They had wanted the lands and nothing more. He was coldly pleased Tegan had gutted that snake of a son.

Below the step they were camped upon, he could see the fires of his enemy below and it only brought another low furious growl rising from deep within. The beast was stirring and it would soon be fed. Rivers of blood would flow come dawn and nothing he could do to still the tide. All efforts had been stopped before even starting. They wanted to see the ruin of the Wyldefrome's and sought now to simply take what they wanted. He could only defend what was his and would do it to the last man if need be.

The hard scared features of his younger half brother Jona came into sight and he gave him a sharp nod. Reinforcements had arrived from his side and even Lucius's. For the first time in well over a hundred years, round ears were in his realm, but as none were from the World, he wasn't as irritated by their presence. Even now mingled in with the Elven tunes played around their own fires, the slow almost morose beat of a drum sang in the distance.

"By my count, we look to outnumber them, but I suspect they have not discovered that brother." The low rasped words cutting through his racing thoughts and he turned with a single molten silver eye narrowing.

"Are ye sure of that, Jonathin?" He stopped shortly, the wind dragging the edges of his cloak against the glistening mithril armor that adorned his long lanky frame. His own tone carried a chilling tightness that could send many cringing, but not the mountain of a half elf before him. It only drew a cruel smile in return.

"Aye. I made sure to keep then well out of sight. They are camped behind us. About 20 yards back and with this ledge, they would have to get past our forces here to find them." Brawny arms folding over his plate armored chest with the visible flexing of large lean muscle.

He had started walking again and was soon entering the Command tent, where the warming fire held back the chill and motioned his brother to follow. In less then a minute he was sinking into a large chair and the sharp silver eye pierced Jona. "How many are ye holding back?"

"Only about 800 in total. Half are mine and the other half belongs to DeAuster. His Elite forces by what he said. He's with them now, as he will be commanding them come marrow." He was helping himself to some of the thick black coffee that DeAuster had brought along and dropping into another seat near the fire basin set in the center of the large canvas chamber.

"That leaves us about 2000 for the first attack. I suspect they have near that many as well." He was frowning, for already he had seen the signs of a rising mist, and felt in his bones that Mab was near and meddling. "Dal has nae yet arrived, but I did get word she will be here sometime during the night."

"Aye. I will be keeping watch for her arrival Trev. She may have the power to push back at Mab's tricks." The Elven woman they were speaking of was actually one of the few Jona could tolerate and did respect. Most others females had only one use to him, but Dallamariea had proven herself time and time again, even having assisted Jona with his own land disputes on the field of battle and even in the high courts of the Council.

"I thank ye Jonathin." His hard cut features were gray with weariness and it was apparent to himself and to his half sibling that he would need to get sleep before the next day, or he would be useless as a commander or even as a warrior.

"You need sleep Trev. It's best ye get to it, for the morning will come soon." He was already rising, a large male who moved with surprising grace for one of his massive size and just smirked at the elder sibling. "It would not do if I would take more lives tomorrow then the Heir."

"Oh shut up ye imprudent puppy. I shall rest and we shall see who garners to most scalps tomorrow." He gave a low harsh laugh and rose as well. "Ye will alert me when Indigo arrives?"

"I can Trev, but I do think you should get a decent rest. You have not done such since this all began and it's starting to show. That means to me that you will make more mistakes then usual."

"Aye, again ye be showing more wisdom then I am used to Little Brother. Can ye leave word with my steward to wake me around 4 then" " He was already shedding the heavy weight of weapons from his lean hips and placing them down on the floor near his cot.

"That I can do. Sleep true Trev." Out Jona then moved with a shout for "Harock!? The rest was little more then a muffled drone to the exhausted elf that dropped back and was asleep in minutes.

Indigo Wynd

Date: 2006-05-17 16:25 EST
Reigning in the mount, she paused, letting her crystalline gaze roam over the array of fires below, and then above and just gave a quiet nod. Around her the air carried an unnatural feeling. She could sense the prickle moving over her exposed skin and just smiled lightly. Mab. The Ancient was cavorting about and meddling with the weather, for her scent was easily caught in the wind, the musty taint of age and madness. High above not a star shown nor even a hint of a moon to show it�s face for clouds were thick and threatening, but if the old witch thought she would unleash a storm of ice and snow, she would be sadly mistaken.

A shift in the saddle and the slim woman was soon moving upwards, taking the staggered steps towards the plateau where she could see the dotting of canvas and more warming fires that littered the darkness there. Where she passed the chill started to abate. Shields rising silently at her mental commands and she and the black mere picked their way across, reaching the last fire before she circled back.

A pause and she caught the flickers of more fires below, down in the valley on the opposite side of the rigid peak and just gave a soft melodic laugh. She knew instantly they were the surprise. Yet, she still took the paths downwards, enfolding even them within the invisible bubble. It wouldn�t dispel the cold, for this time of year it came naturally, but she could protect them from the magery at work and Mab�s touch if only for the night.

In the distance she could see the towering of the vast Wyldefrome forest that stretched to the clear blue river and even past that, the peaks of the barren mountains capped with ice and snow rose casting a faint glow in the darkness. Having seen the beauty of this land many times in the past, she wasn't surprised that others might come to covet it and that had finally come to pass. Of course she doubted they would succeed. Trevinor was not one to lie down willingly and he had yet lost any battle as far as she knew. With perhaps the only exception being his wife.

"I suspected you had arrived Dal." The low gruff words catching her attention and she shifted to look over a shoulder at the man coming towards her.

"Greetings to you as well Jonathin." She let him help her down from the tall perch in the saddle and her leather-clad form was soon standing upon the earth with a glance up at him. " I see Mab's been rather busy this evening as well. She won't even notice that her cold wind is having no effect. Those below will think you and yours have had a very uncomfortable night. Should be something of an advantage."

"It's early yet, only just gone on 8. I sent Trev off to rest, before he's of no use to any of us." Smirking Jona started to lead the willowy woman towards a waiting tent.

"Stressed is he?"At his curt nod she couldn't help the faint smile that pulled on her lips. "All as is as expected, but I am sure the battle will be short lived with us as victor."

"Aye, but there is a cost to it. At present we are outnumbered but I am confident we will still win, for our troops are veterans to such conflicts." The gruff tone holding that typical arrogance so commonly noticed with the two brothers.

Slipping inside the warmth of the waiting tent she paused to gaze about for a moment. Surprised to find it far more comfortable then she had expected. Unlike earlier times, this one had an actual bed and heater. "Camp gear seems to have become a bit more upscale these days I see."

A rasped snort at her words while the large man flicked a derisive glance over the place and then replied. "Such things make some soft but Trev insisted you be provided with such comforts."

"I shall make a point to thank him tomorrow then.?" Laying the heavy blue velvet cloak over the back of a chair found inside the confines of her tent she then turned and gave Jona a serene smile. "Now, off with you. I just expended quite a bit of energy and need to recharge for the morning activities."

A short bow at her request and he was turning to leave. "I will wake you before sunrise Dal. Rest if you can."

"Oh I shall Jona." She called out to his departing form before settling down on the small but plush bed and was soon falling into a recuperative sleep.

Wylde Blood

Date: 2006-05-17 17:50 EST
He woke with a start, finding Captain Morean beside his cot. Sitting up with the creaking of wood under him. "What is it Captain?" He asked, tone still rough with the lingering effects of sleep.

"Sorry to disturb ye Milord, but ye brother requested we come to collect ye." Stepping back, having thought for a moment he might end up on the floor at the swift waking or Lord Wyldfrome.

Rising with a stretching of his long form, Wylde nodded to the soldier. "I will be right there Morean." In minutes he had donned the heavy armor. The sound of the sheathing of his sword followed and echoed in the quiet predawn when he stepped out into the chilling darkness.

The heavy fall of his steps rang with the jangle of spurs and metal as he strode towards a tight circle of commanders. Something was going on as they stood there with heads huddled close and speaking in quiet voices. "Greetings Commanders."

Their conversation ceased instantly and all attention shifted to the tall form approaching. "Milord, we have some news for ye." One of the Senior leaders stated. Commander Rierd was one of his Father's most trusted Allies and he now stood at attention with a hint of a smug turn of lips on the elegantly aged visage.

"I see. Would ye care to share it then Milord?" Stepping into the circle with a arching of a brow over his one good eye. He was well aware they would have a unbalanced battle come the light of dawn. So any news at this juncture was of great importance to him.

"Just a short while ago, one of the allies ye had contacted has finally replied to ye bid for assistance." Came the response.

"Tis" a little late I feel, but please continue Milord Rierd." He didn't know how this would help now, for they were on the very edge of war. An answer to his request while polite, didn't help for the here and now.

"At the moment Milord Wyldefrome their forces are settling in near those of Lord DeAuster's." The wise gaze watched the expression of momentary surprise cross the younger man's features.

"Ye mean to say the answer was to send forces?" Hands moved to rest on his sword belt with a slow lifting of his head and the molten silver eye lighted upon Jona.

"Aye Brother, and we needed this boost. Under the light of the moon, more troops have arrived to aid our enemy as well. Lines are being drawn Trev, and looks like the field starts here." The words ringing with the understanding that even when this conflict was ended, the battle would likely continue within the Council. This land dispute would become a political weapon. Those still under Mab's control would support their own, while those against that chaos and madness would back the Wyldefrome's.

"Comes down to this One Eye, I may not care for you personally, but I hate Mab more." The chilly words bringing Wylde around with a low growl, for he knew that voice and his piercing gaze lighted upon the newest arrival. Lord Kauldron stood approximately eight feet away. The arrogant young elf wearing the blue and silver of his house and around him stood his most trusted officers. That one had broke with Tradition, having a number of Halfies as his commanders. Something that Wylde couldn't even comment about considering he had Round Ears as support already.

At one time Kauldron had been a trusted member of the Bloods of Bordertown, but his views over the years had changed. Still connected to the organization, even when he had been called back to assume to lands of his family, Wylde hadn't expected this one to come to his aid, in fact he had fully expected the Elf to gloat over it instead. Rocket was known for taking risky and impulsive actions and years back the two had come to a mutual understanding to dislike each other.

Now wasn't the time for animosity however. In consideration of the coming conflict, Wylde just stepped towards the other Lord with a hand extended. "Then ye help is welcome Milord."

Rocket paused for a space of time before he took the offer, wrist clasped in a firm grip. "Call this a case of my enemy's enemy is my friend Wyldefrome."

"Aye, the same can be said for me." The silver eye narrowing slightly as he regarded the other man. "In any case ye troops will be of great assistance to us.?

Wylde Blood

Date: 2006-05-19 15:47 EST
Take these chains away Free my hands from bondage Can't explain away Avarice will kill you in time

Violent upheaval Cities drenched in flame Wickedness we know we can contain

Who will we murder now See what we are becoming An onyx veil that filters out the light I'll savor this anger My hate makes me stronger Disturbed - "Avarice"

It was a weak dawn that broke the edge of the mountains. The murky light struggling past the thick heavy clouds and gray mist while preparations on both sides continued with a eerie silence that to some might find to be disconcerting. Sound was muffled while supplies were moved and forces adjusted and easing into place.

Tension was high and easily felt as many of the commanders convened for one last meeting. This may be disguised as a battle to defend lands, but all that surrounded the long table now, were more then aware the coming conflict was only the beginning. Wylde suspected Mab's madness was feeding this. She was the puppet master in this game. Rather like a petulant and spoiled child she was building up allies against Corwyn and his own for what ever insults real or perceived he had inflicted upon her.

It was his duty to defend the lands of his birth and where some might be ready to die at the effort, the feeling he carried was that of rage and far from fear. Insults to him and his noble line would not be tolerated. This realm had been earned on the blood of many centuries before. That very blood coursed in his veins and he would not shame their memory by losing it to the weak greed of others.

Most that stood in support were aware that this madness was not rational. Mab had the ability to feed upon the most basic emotions. Greed, jealousy and vanity being only a few she often used. Her antics of late have become more noticeable. As peace and reason had started to bloom within the realms of the True Blood, small pockets of those still loyal to her ways had started to send rumblings of dissention outwards. Branches made to feed the decay of the ages and start the rotting yet again.

Wylde's confidence was not mere show. His instincts, honed over the years, and the beast within was stirring, laying a cold calm upon his features. What ever might come of his battle, he knew all he had done up to this point had been for his people. If it meant he would die with his own life force fading into the very ground he defended, it was the price he was willing to pay.

His one eyed gaze swung towards the heavily armored forms moving towards him. In this gloomy light they were an impressive sight the three that drew closer. DeAuster moving with ease even though the gear he wore had to weight a ton. The two others on each side of them moved with the same curious grace, and any practiced eye could simply tell these men lived for the battle.

Wrists clasped in the usual warriors greeting and Wylde offered a deferential nod to DeAuster and his cadre. "Greetings to ye Lucius."

"And to you also Wylde." Returning the greeting smoothly, the Daemon lord managed to encompass the others nearby as well. "My apologies for being late, but our healers have just arrived and I wanted to be sure they were in place."

"Their aid is appreciated." The molten eye moving beyond DeAuster to the two men standing a step behind him and a brow rose under the thick patch on Wylde's hard features.

Noting the look, Lucius glanced over at the pair. "Two of my legion Commanders. Terrak and Jerrak." Both lowered their heads stiffly and in unison while the matched sets of dark blue eyes glittered in the helms.

Two he knew and while he wouldn't admit it, he was relieved that Lucius had not brought any of the Undead Commanders. He had personally fought with them on a number of occasions and respected them all, but with the allies of the Lands around, he wasn't as confident they would be as comfortable around such creatures.

Once all introductions were completed, the conversation quickly turned to battle tactics. Suggestions and plans discussed and agreed upon.

"Thareld's forces I suspect will be in the second wave. His mounted calvary will have the advantage then." Jonathin stated with a blunt finger pointing down at the map spread out upon the long camp table.

"Aye. Tactically speaking that would be the most likely." Hand resting against his chin as he inspected the array then gave a short nod. "Ye think ye can handle those Lucius?"

"Indeed." A faintly dangerous gleam radiated from steel gray eyes.

Lord Herlune, an old family friend and ally of the Wyldefrome's, stood silently, listening with a faint rocking movement. When he finally spoke all eyes moved towards him. "I recommend keeping at least one thousand men to the rear. Nae good to play your hand fully in conflict, Lad, for tis" sure they will be holding some back for a last push. A common practice of Veygwen and has worked in his favor."

"Aye, ye be right." Another flick of one eye over the plans and he turned to look at Lord Kauldron. "Ye mind taking rear Rocket?"

"Not at all. I rather like the idea of charging in to rescue the rest of your hides." The younger Elf smirked and crackled his knuckles at the request.

Mere moments after confirming the plans, a young messenger arrived, moving to speak quietly with Captain Morean. He in turn stepped towards the brothers with a frown lining his distinguished visage. "Our scouts just reported in. There is a large contingent of troops heading this way Milord. Coming up behind us."

That brought a dark growl from the taller brother. Wylde shooting a look back over the hills towards the line of dense forest and then his gaze swung towards Morean. "Did they see any colors displayed?"

"We nae have that information yet Milord. This is just the preliminary report for they were only recently spotted." Came the reply.

"A rear attack perhaps?" Commander Rierd asked, while leaning against the table to review what had already been laid out.

"Unlikely." Herlune replied with his own gaze following those of the others now. Squinting into the mists. "They would be spreading themselves a bit thin trying to fight us on two fronts."

"Desperation doesn't always breed intelligence Milord." Jonathin muttered, with tense lines marking scared features.

"I want a report Morean. We are losing time and that is something we nae have the luxury of wasting at this juncture." In fact, this entire situation had blown up out of control so fast he was secretly surprised as the ease in which things where coming together.

"I will see to it personally Milord.? The older man bowed and then strode off, shouting orders as he moved.

Indigo Wynd

Date: 2006-06-16 15:29 EST
It was a murky cold light she stepped out into from her tent with the chill permeating. The air floated in a fog at the touch of breath and slowly her eyes rose upwards, staring intently at the thick cover of clouds on high. Around her the dull murmers of voices could be heard but not their meaning but the tension felt was a living thing.

With her willowy frame encased in subtle rust toned leather, she was protected from the elemental display. Her magic of the evening before had staved off the worst of the enhancements Mab had created, but nature all on it's own could be a bitter thing. In the distance she watched the tall forms gathering around the table and just gave a faint smile, but didn't approach. Many seemed to become nervous around her and she didn't wish for that to occur. Instead, she went in search of some hot coffee.

Her gait was smooth and near silent as she glided over dew and frost-laden ground and soon had what she wished. Taking a seat at a camp table to appreciate the quiet before the storms that would follow soon.

It was simple goals with hopefully monumental results. Mab wasn't fond of being thwarted in her efforts but that was Indi's intentions. She would direct the other mages to what methods and means they needed to achieve while she worked her own talents upon the Ancient's as those were delivered.

They were all chess pieces upon this board. A fact that Indigo knew as she gazed across the wide stretch of lands spread out before her and high atop the steps she was aware of more. Distraction, was that what Lord Corwyn had requested" It was an uncertain game being played, but somehow Trev had managed to grant his lordship that. By accident or design it had effectively done the job.

Fingers floated light in an elegant sweep, drawing back the drifting silk of blue tipped hair from her brow as she continued to gaze forth, having arisen from her seat and move to stand on the every edge of the stony rise. Eyes of crystalline blue shone with the light as the power was slowly consumed, taken right from the very land beneath her feet and building to a crescendo within.

Soon the earth would be replenished with the spilling of blood. The blood of magical pawns, all dancing to the tune of one or another, mere marionettes upon this stage of something greater then any knew. She did understand that. It was her duty to be aware of such things.

The green scented wind floated past, caught and drawn up high as the sun finally broke past the snow capped mountains to the north and her head lifted. Another tune was starting to build. The song was soft and mingling in perfect harmony of the first, and left to flow in the wind but easily to heard if one took the moment to try. It was the melody of mourning. Of sorrow yet fulfilled, and of fools whose senses were masked to what fate awaited them.

She didn't have the ability to see beyond into the future, for her talents were directed from other sources but she could sense the coming end of days for some. The one solace they might find was the gift of the lullabies that would sing them sweetly to the final draw of breath. Some even now might hear the soft alluring voices already drifting, enticing whispers over their thoughts. The Banshees of the realm already gathering to bear witness to the coming conflict and but for the small few, unseen until the moment of death. Unlike those, Indigo did see them. Shadows of gray mists hovering nearby and already those soothing tones of their song rising in unison to any that might listen.

"Are those yours Indi?" It was a voice she knew and a turning of her head brought Lucius into view. Her unearthly blue eyes glowing from the effects of building power, and the light touches of her kin hovering so near.

"Nae. They come now for duty and not by my call. It's the way it is here Lucius. They are the guides for those of our kind that fall. The way it always has been and likely always will be."

There was no surprise at the understanding that he did see what most could not. He wasn't born of this place, but the powers the Chaos Lord carried, blended in without disturbing the natural order. Trev had picked his allies well she believed or perhaps this one had been chosen by another. One who used such somber shadows to cloud the vision of another that sought to reign down destruction like a spoiled godchild let loose upon the earth.

Her luminous eyes remained for a moment upon Lucius. Aware that his thoughts were also upon the more introspective as he examined the field that would soon be taken, but she didn't pry, for over time, she had discovered there was much to be garnered if the chess board of battle was known and the moves planned far in advance.

Behind them, the low rolling drum grew louder and more joined, heralding the commencing of the march towards battle and she turned, wind swirling around her, a maelstrom of energy soon to be unleashed. "It is time."

A sharp look from the hard gray eyes and he nodded. "Let the dance begin."

A dance it was Indi thought and a melancholy smile formed upon the elegance of her finely crafted face. Steps taken for power, for family, while all the while a dark blanket was thrown over the watching eyes of one insane Ancient while another sought the means to wrap her within chains of containment. Indeed, a Dance that carried the very destiny of her home in the intricate movements and light feet of the unaware puppets that floated unwary of the deceptive tune and the song being played.

Wylde Blood

Date: 2006-06-22 16:32 EST
Generals gathered in their masses just like witches at black masses evil minds that plot destruction sorcerers of death?s construction in the fields the bodies burning as the war machine keeps turning death and hatred to mankind poisoning their brainwashed minds

"Luke's Wall/War Pigs" - Black Sabbath

And so the drums began the slow droning beat with the movement of troops into line. Steps in perfect unison, battering down the reeds of grass into a muddy ground. Tension was thick, worn on the vary air like the banners that drifted in the cool morning breezes.

Wylde gazed outwards, that silver eye hard and flinty. To the field that vision sought and across the rolling lands that was the chosen arena of death and devastation. The tall form swung up smoothly and settled in deep to the gilded saddle. Controlling the prancing stallion that quickly picked up the mood of its rider with practiced hands.

It had been a great many years since he had faced such a fight in the Lands. Bordertown's minor street wars never had compared to the sight he was witness to now. The weak light playing upon the glistening helms easily marked in the distance. Rows upon rows of lives thrown down for the madness of others, it made him growl low. Wasteful it was, and as he believed he would win, the effort was fruitless.

A shout brought his attention around and the molten eye narrowed, looking at the scout running towards the front line, breath rasping sharply from young lungs and cheeks bright with the bite of cold.

"Milord! Tis' Lord Bedlam's troops that have come! Three thousand or more!" A brow rose sharply under the patch, the scars borne of times long past and yet damage that could never been repaired.

Sharp ears caught the murmurs of many. Surprise mingled with relief perhaps, for the numbers had been close to equal had now taken a mighty boost. Tyriol's forces brought Calvary and riders of Ancient Lore. Dragons would once more fly across the Elvin Lands in what might become a great reckoning.

Reining his mount, he spurred it towards the arriving sentinels. The representatives of Bedlam, was the direction he headed, with grass and mud flying at the pace. Little time to rethink plans, but inner senses already working with the ticking of thought. It was unlikely that Tyr was with them, for it was rumored his lady was ill, but in a sign of unity, he still had sent support. Their presence also would be a flag about what side the King of the Lands had finally stepped.

Along with Lord Kauldron, the Beldlam force would wait while their Dragon Legion took the skies. Such a sight alone would be a distraction. Even those that might remember such times in the past, the return of those old legends would shake the enemy.

Back over the battered ground he moved, the mount fleet of foot and swift, carrying him past the front line and outwards where the canopy awaited. He would give no quarter to their coming demands. He was the defender of what was his by rite of blood and family and by the Gods he fully planned on keeping it.

He arrived and dropped light footed from the back of his horse. Eye already resting upon his younger brother with a speaking gaze and with the smirk firmly in place he entered.

Wylde Blood

Date: 2006-06-22 16:35 EST
Still you expect pity And you shall recieve none Why did death come hard for you You gave it to some You joined the War Party Your purpose was clear You did your job with skill, you raped and you killed Why so surprised that you finally got billed"

"War Party"- GWAR

"I think not Lord Aneldor. It is ye that has started this insane campaign. It was "your" son that assaulted "my" daughter and got what he asked for." His voice was a low rasped growl of fury and that singular eye just smoldered with barely restrained rage.

"In other words. Nae, I will NOT surrender. I shall nae back down. Tis' a war ye wish, then it be a war ye get." The words were spoken quietly, but the anger was easy to read upon each clipped syllable.

Aneldor sniffed and rose up from the elegant chair at the table they now faced each other across. "I am only giving ye the chance to leave this with ye life intact Lord Wyldfrome. It is a fact ye are outnumbered. I will grant safe passage to ye allies here and now if ye just see reason. What be a few plots of land when faced with the loss of the lives of those few allies ye can claim?"

It was apparent that Aneldor's scouts had failed in their duty, but again, Indigo's magic may have done more then send the chill of Mab's sorcery back from his forces. The cover of those troops had been done with attention using the very land to mask them in the darkness and it was quite likely his foes truly believed they had him with his back to the wall.

"Those plots of Land ye so covet, belong to my family Lord Aneldor. Land that was claimed by rite of blood older then ye ilk and ye can nae claim that which has not been earned." A cold, deadly smile coming with his words and filled with intent. "I again decline ye offer. Of course, I nae care if ye agree or not, but once the field is claimed by victory. If it be me, I will nae seek to kill those of ye that survive. They will be taken as criminals of war and held accordingly. If I am successful, it will be ye lands that fall to my control. All ye hold so dear will be mine to do as I will."

The Elvin lord laughed, finding the words unbelievable, likely because that witch Mab was feeding him fables fed from her own demented mind. "Then I shall state the same. It is apparent ye are as mad and unstable as I was warned. Tis' certain ye daughter be the same. When I claim victory by right, I will have her killed to ensure she can never bear more tainted seeds such as ye."

There was tension there, but confidence won over the urge to pound that noble's face into the hard wood table. His time would come and he would face it with a Wyldfrome glaring down at him as his heart was ripped out of his body. Beside him, he could feel his sibling's demon clawing up from bonds made deep within. Jona had few weaknesses, but his niece was but a small chink in his cold exterior.

War etiquette came to abrupt and complete end. Neither side giving much, and the contract of victor was set. Aneldor so confident he had the upper hand, and Wylde unwilling to relent in the face of it.

Muttering darkly as he caught up the reins of his mount and glanced over at his brother. "If I fall here this day, I ask only one thing of ye. Get Teagan away to safekeeping. Take her to Lord Corwyn."

"Aye, I will Trev." He didn't offer words to the contrary. It wasn't his way, for Jona was a warrior and knew only to well that each battle could be the last one.

"Damn fools. They listen to an insane witch and believe her with the devotion of puppies." He snarled after a nimble swing up into the waiting saddle.

"It is to their own folly Trev." Again the younger seemed almost unnaturally calm, but Wylde knew only to well it was but a fa?ade. Emotions were simmering just below the surface and simply waiting to be unleashed upon the unfortunates that cross his path in the near coming bloodshed.

Wylde Blood

Date: 2006-06-28 16:02 EST
"Hollow laughter in marble halls Steps have been taken, a silent uproar Has unleashed the dogs of war You can't stop what has begun Signed, sealed, they deliver oblivion We all have a dark side, to say the least And dealing in death is the nature of the beast One world, it's a battleground One world, and we will smash it down."

The Dogs Of War- Pink Floyd

He could taste the blood of his enemy with every pass of the sword. The sound of thunder caught in the air, wasn't only from the building storm above but from the clashing of weapons, the blocking of shields and the heavy falling of armored bodies around him.

War. All on it's own required certain skills, tactics, logistics, manpower, and more. It required a certain grace. A sharp mind, and the knowledge that lives would be lost. Friends buried and rage fed. However, once on the field, in the thick of death, choked by the oily smoke and ducking under the rain of arrows, one lost their finesse. Here it was brutal and red with the flowing of blood under the boots. It was only by determination, battle ability and luck that one might survive within the crush of bodies and fury.

His thoughts were centered, plowing his way through the near constant wave of armor. Shouts ringing upwards into the sky and small comets screaming above, with the mage forces working their own magics on both sides.

Sword slamming home into the gut of one, forcing it's way through the armor protection with the unrelenting power of his attack, blade twisted, before ripping it free, the scream fading to an echo with the rising blood lust. The beast was clawing free and rational thought becoming clouded in that haze of hunger.

The ground shook, knocking many off their feet, but he held his, crouching low with a hand braced deep into the swirling crimson mud. A sharp turning of his head and he caught the scent. Air electric and carrying the sting of sour spells in the essence. "Mab."

Realization she was near, brought a low growl from deep within him, one worthy of Sid and he sprang to life, lunging over the ever widening rip in the earth's core. The mad Ancient, when all was said and done, was a true coward. She caught sight of him and turned and fled. Her robes fluttering with the splattering of browning vitae and into the fog she darted. Yet, there was an unearthly scream with a flash of flame nearby that last location.

He snarled with the narrowed flashing of a blazing eye. The rage nearly consuming him now and releasing the uncontrolled pyromancy from the blocks that usually confined it. Around him bodies fell heavily and some tumbled into the fissures in the land and their screams of anguish filling the ears of the living and burning into memory.

The swarming push of his forces managed to register, but the dance continued. The steps less elegant now, the act far more barbaric as no quarter was given. Here, amidst that field mercy was a lost commodity and Death controlled the waltz.

He heard the shout, registering from a distance the sound of his own name being bellowed and it yanked him out of the energy seeking to consume. Spinning with another head flying in an arc, blood coloring the sky in that brief flash and strode back, the path a meandering thing as corpse's of both side were scattered about like broken toys. Later this sight would return to haunt him, but now every thought was centered upon the job at hand.

The mud and gore covered form of his younger brother was caught, along with the still growing pile of limbs that surrounded. The Stone Beast was throwing them aside with the shattering of bone and shrieks. Blazing crimson eyes met and locked upon the Elder and he smiled in satisfaction just as his massive hands snapped the neck of an enemy and cast it aside carelessly. His own features were just as masked, his various wounds covered with the muck and blending in a macabre abstract on the once pristine armor.

They had pushed Aneldor's forces back and their remaining troops were reforming. DeAuster's men surged forward, with the rattling of small carts and soon siege plants were falling like cards down over the chasm, the sound magnified by the eerie silence and he turned, gazing outwards with searching look. Orders came barking out, the bellowing tone in stark contrast with his normally quiet tone. "Bring in the Healers to aid those still breathing! Call for the Mages to move closer!"

Victory was close, so close he could taste it, but until he held Aneldor's head in his sword scored hand, it wasn't his to claim yet. Another push was required. They had gained ground, but the foe may still have tricks yet un-played and he was only too aware that confidence was good, but overconfidence could cause death.

Another turn and he regarded the various commanders now standing in a semi-circle, having joined him as he had inspected the next phase and a cold, vicious smile touched his scarred visage. "We have nae won yet, but it be a certainly they are feeling the sting."

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-06-30 11:28 EST
The elves had advanced first. Thier lands, thier war, thier glory. Which was fine by him. Watching from his vantage point, slightly left of the center, Lucius observed the two lines as they met, the rumbling growing in strength as more poured into the fray. The wind carried on it the smell of blood, and the Chaos Lord smiled slowly,as he turned Dante toward the assembled behind him.

"Northras!" He roared, standing in the stirrups as he looked over the battle-lines. "Today, we fight on a field far from our homes. This is not our fight!, Yet, these are our enemies!" An armored arm waved vaguely toward the battle, as he was looking the stolid barbarian ranks. "Today, we fight in aid of those who are our allies. Thier glory is our own! Thier victory is our victory!"

He could see that his words were firing up the Northras, given the bellowing cries that came after each pause of his demagogery. "Brethren, we march!"

"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" The roar erupted from the assembled barbarians, and as Lucius reigned the nightmare around and spurred him into line with Sir Herzog and the undead knights the low thud of drums picked up, setting a heavy marching beat as the lines started forward.

Wylde's regiment was heavily engaged, and another troop was trying to move around to his right. Perfect. having already briefed his commanders on thier march earlier that morning, he watched the lines of humans drop behind a sheltered outlook, hidden from sight of the surging elves.

The elven commander, seeing that Wylde had left his flank open, was making for that same redoubt, looking to use it as a mask while his troops moved in behind the one-eyed elf's forces. caught between the hammer and the anvil, they would make quick work of this challenger to Mab's dominion, an example to be heralded throughout Elfhame. Leading his men at the double-quick, he crested the redoubt, and almond-shaped eyes widened in shocked surprise at the sight of the fur-wearing monkey's already crouched there.

The human commander, rising as soon as he saw the tip of the brilliant plume crest of his elven counterpart, screamed something in his native tongue, and the Northras surged upward and over the lip of the redoubt, slamming into the elven force with all the fury of a Dawnsbreak blizzard. Not prepared for a sudden onslaught the first rank fell quickly, the second barely getting thier weapons to the ready to counter the attack.

Unlike the elves, who seemed to prefer fighting in orderly, albiet flexible ranks, the barbarians raged in an unruly mass, almost akin to a drunk in a barroom brawl. Lashing out with sword and axe, and with fist and teeth should they be close enough, the humans turned the flank of the battle into a unregimented melee. And into the midst of the melee, deeper into the elven ranks trying to rally for a counter-change, rode the black-armored skeletal warriors and thier leader. Ancient weapons hacked to either side, carving a path through the ranks that quickly filled with the swarthy humans taking advantage.

The fighting was fierce, neither side giving quarter, and it looked as though the humans were about to break out when the temblor hit, sending most to thier knees or scrambling away as cracks opened in the very earth. Lucius and two of the knights were sent sprawling as the nightmares reared up, and the elves backed off, moving with preternatural grace and speed toward thier reforming lines. "My lord, do we pursue?"

Lucius glanced to the heavy-set commander of the warband as he rose to his feet, Drachmel held in his right hand. The possessed greataxe gleamed a dull red, and hissed softly with the want of more blood. "No, let the dogs go. Consolodate our position here." The Chaos Lord looked around the bloody field, growling softly at the lack of real cover. "Be prepared to move at a moments notice. And have the men drink and eat."

"Aye, milord." The commander brought an armored hand to his chest in salute, then turned to start directing the barbarians into new ranks. Sir Herzog and the knights waited silently on thier steeds, awaiting the next round of this chessboard.

"Herzog, remain here, and bolster our line. I'm going to find Wylde."