Topic: Hate & The White Dragon

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2006-07-05 05:47 EST
Gravity is a factor Feel it pulling you in It gets under your skin And you just sink in

When the past is an anchor It's just holding you back When you can't walk away Something makes you stay.

What makes you turn around and do it all again Your highs and lows, they are both one and the same There is no difference in your pleasure and your pain It's time to face the music.

Face the Music- Conjur one

It was a frustrating thing, to realize you hate something, but can't do a damn thing about it. The small elf sat slumped on the steps of Onyx and just brooded over that. The scene she had witnessed just the other evening, was picking at her brain. Needling her in a way that she hadn't felt in quite a while.

Last time she felt such a feeling of pure, unadulterated revulsion had been towards Vincent Russat. She had taken care of him. It had taken her three long years of planning, plotting and tracking, but she had eventually found him and dusted him. Hardcore and without an ounce of remorse or guilt, in fact she had been pleased at the stunned look on his face and the screams he had emitted as the ball of sunlight had engulfed him. He had nearly killed her, and even now she bore the scars of it, well hidden. The backlash and the sheer energy she had unleashed had nearly been her undoing but she had survived it in the end.

Next on her list of hate, was her stepfather, Khorathil. He was still around, but she knew one day, somehow, someway she would have to confront him. Tasha felt in her gut that was a destiny she had not yet fulfilled but unlike Vinnie the Vile, Khor frightened her, that deep down in your bones freezing kind of paralyzing fear. He was another one that had terrorized her both mentally and physically when she had been way to small and young to understand or even fight back. Scars of that time she again hid under clothing and with glamour. He still haunted her nightmares, the boogyman of her childhood that truly was the Ogre of Hellish memories. The eater of souls, and the Death Bringer, perhaps the one that would eventually be her end, so she avoided that one.

Another one on her surprisingly short list of intense hatred was Simon Helston. Just thinking about that one hurt and angered her all at the same time. The line of love and hate was said to be thin and both felt with the same sort of passion. In his case, it was true. She had adored him, loved him, and even attempted to become what she thought he wanted. She had worn dresses, tried to act like a true lady, but none of that had mattered. Tasha had loved him from the start. She had only just arrived in RhyDin and shortly after met him. Oh back then he hadn't really noticed her as anything but a lost kid.

Tina's worship of Luse brought that to mind for her often enough, but she knew Luse would never wound the young girl the way she had been in the end of it all. Years of unrequited love, and then he noticed her, toss in five more before her happy bubble had exploded into painful ruin. She didn't even remember why, as it been something rather innocuous. A petty problem that had escalated to his attempt to kill her in a brutal and unforgiving way that she hadn't deserved.

Shivering as wind caught the silken silver hair and tossed it about where she sat on those stone steps. A curse that would lead to her death, cast off with a creature thrown inside that would eat its way out. Yeah, scars inside on both the heart and body had been the end result. Ill prepared for that sort of appalling treatment, but suspected most others wouldn't have planned for that either. Before she could avenge herself, another hand killed him instead. His own brother had robbed her of that moment.

It had been Daug that had saved her from that fate. The family mages couldn't, and they had tried with the result being the death of two. Daugie had risked his own destruction in his effort to save her. He had taken her to the place of his birth, where his power was at it's fullest and fought against his own siblings so he could remove that death sentence left to her by Simon. Many didn't understand her relationship with the Lich, but in a strange odd way, she did care about the old crazy ancient bone Dragon.

Oh it had changed her. Before, she used to delight in tweaking the tall, dark and moody sorts. Now, she avoided them, often kept her distance, because few actually ever changed. It's always about inflicting harm and pain on others and she had been working very hard to no longer be a victim for anyone. She had survived this far, but when the foe was something you couldn't really see, couldn't physically touch, it was galling.

She hid her history well, or at least believed she did. Few outside the family knew and even those she was close to, tended to forget because her behavior enforced the idea that she hadn't a care in the world. She wore a comfortable mask and didn't let to many see under it. It was safer that way, because Tasha had learned at an early age that old wounds, emotional or physical, could be used against one to their determent.

Tasha Oberon

Date: 2006-07-05 05:50 EST
Then I look in the mirror The dragon has many forms I wonder if he's coming for me Because I have been forewarned

Well I'm watching the dragons As they slither out of sight

Dragons - Edwin McCain

It was one of those old mental wounds starting to fester now. Remembering a time when she had believed Khor was her true father and had other siblings too. Those memories were hazy for her, but bits and pieces of faces flickered over her minds eye. Three much older brothers and two sisters, with Fuchsia being the only one she could claim to have known. When Fuch had fled, Tasha had been to young to take along. Sometimes Tasha wished she had risked it, but the trip from where they lived to anywhere was a difficult one. In fact, the small elf hadn't been able to run away until she had been sent off to school, a few years later.

She had escaped in the end. Fleeing towards the magical place spoke about in hushed whispers and disapproving looks from Elders. Border Town. It was where all the misfits went, and since Tasha was one of those, she ran there. At the time she had thought it luck having found her sister so quickly, but she knew now it had been Corwyn's hand at work. Free from the horrors of home and protected by the colors she was given. Fuchsia had taught her how to survive on the streets of B-town. Her sister coddled her, cared for her, loved her and took care of her until she was sent to RhyDin.

It wasn't long after that Tasha was also shipped there. Her mishap at the "Day of the Dead" Celebration had got her into some serious trouble with Pack Johnny and even a few of the Bloods too, so Lankyn had decreed she was to join her sister, where she would be safer and out of the reach of several wanting revenge. They had been pretty upset over all their old long gone kills rising up from the grave and coming to hunt them down with retribution in mind. It had been an honest accident, a small spell that had gone wonky in the typical B-town way.

By the time she had reached RhyDin, there was a new enemy. That unseen, insidious reptile of the mind, had already lured her sister in with the sweet song of empty promises. Tasha didn't know what it offered, but she found she hated it. Fuchsia would stay for days in her room, drifting on that cloud of addiction. Pecca, The White Dragon, Dragon's Milk, it had many names, but watching it's effect on one she loved, she called it evil.

Nothing she said could pull her sister back. She took to stealing it from her sister's room, but Fuch always found more. She begged, pleaded, and wept bitter tears while seeking to anchor her sister to her and failed. One night, when the moon was dark and the air still, Fuchsia, in the hazed realm of that White Dragon had walked off into the Path's of the Dead. Like Tasha, she had the same magic, the same gifts, so she was still alive, but under the influence of that perilous song, she was lost in the gray void. A living thing wandering the mazes of lives long gone. Since that night Tasha never saw her sister again, even though she had spent months searching. She had found nothing, only the faint sense of her and nothing else. Eventually, she had given up.

The hate for that poison on grew, building with every passing day to where it was a living thing she carried. She knew it's power, it's energy, but she couldn't touch it. She couldn't kill it. It was an elusive enemy. It trapped others in a black maw and she could only watch. It was destruction it was death and it's grip was formidable.

One thing she had learned over the years was that its allure was all encompassing. Few could pull away from the embrace and even fewer were willing to try. It stole life, clouded the mind and ate memories. Leaving those on the outside feeling helpless. Until the one welcoming it's song was willing to turn away, there was no cure for it. It was a disease that offered empty promises and dreams of waste until death finally claimed them.

Rubbing her eyes with balled fists, she sighed deeply. Tasha felt so sorry for Scotty now. He would try and fight this vapor enemy and maybe he would be lucky, where others were not. In all her own efforts to combat it, she had learned all she could about it. Discovering it was a daunting foe to face. She knew only a small few that had survived its enfolding effects but they had no answers to offer. Most still heard the melody, the alluring tune that always tried to call them back.

Tasha had never touched the stuff. Never planned to, not now or ever. It wasn't a Monkey she wanted riding her back. She had enough trouble now with her own flawed memory, even wished some things she didn't remember, but nothing would ever drive her to embrace that poison. She didn't want it to sink its claws into her and never let go. She had plenty enough of that and sure as hell didn't need another to torment her dreams.

She now could only hope Sid was stronger then her sister had been. She didn't want to lose another loved one to the darkness. A deep sigh escaped her as she lifted her dark somber eyes and gazed off into the distance. No battle plan to make, no weapon to load. It was a fight that would take place between The Ancient and the Pale Dragon alone, and set upon a field where no one else could travel.